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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  May 24, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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share your new stage with you, wait, i hope he agrees, this is a proposal, this is an offer, that’s enough, what are you, alina, yes, yes, alina, we applaud your new image, the work of our stylists, all three sets, we , of course, we are giving you a fashionable sentence from the program, wear it with pleasure, be happy, but if you, like our today’s heroine alina, want to take part in the program, then fill out the form on the website of the first channel using the link that you see on screen, or point the camera of your mobile device to the qr code. see you at the first one, see you soon.
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channel one presents these are non-road signs, these are 52 steps to happiness. every week we take just one step towards a correct, healthy lifestyle. which we will tell in our program, and as always, all the details about food, about medicine, about home and about life, in the program live, healthy, so, friends, a mathematical calculation and nothing more, i am standing next to this amazing model of an obese person, with general obesity, with cardiac obesity, in general, this is
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a drama, a special project of our program it's called get your body back. we cut off everything unnecessary so that you can start living normally. let me remind you again. since obesity is recognized as a disease, now this disease is recorded in the international classification icd-10, has its own code e-66, so this diagnosis is made today, obesity is a disease of increased consumption of energy resources, increased nutrition, overeating, but fortunately we are doctors, i i mean not only myself, doctors all over the world, we realized that people often do not...
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57 kg, absolute norm, minus, minus, minus 110 kg, vera maintained the weight for 4 years, this is a very long time, she was the leader of the group.
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oliver is like this, weighing 57 kg, a man who lost 110 kg through proper nutrition and exercise. verochka, come to us, my dear and beloved. what is your weight now? 125 kg, 125 kg. let me remind you again, the revolution is that obesity is now recognized as a disease, the revolution is that we have drugs, exact copies of the main molecule in the body that controls our eating
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behavior, and of course, i could not help but invite faith in our new project , which it's called bring back your body, this project is serious, because its... participants are examined and lose weight only with the help of endocrinologists, only with the help of revolutionary drugs, but before we talk about the revolutionary drugs that vera is already using, applying, i want come up to this man with you: you are smaller now than he is, but then, when you came to us in the fourteenth year, you were probably about the same, that ’s what... changes in the understanding of excess weight. for a long time we thought that excess weight was excess fat. and there are even such famous pictures: the percentage of fat in people of different weights. for example, men, more and more fat, or women. there is more and
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more fat, from 15 to 45%. almost half of the last woman's body is fat. we thought that we needed to limit fat and everything would be fine. it turned out that it was all a glitch. it is the excess glucose that will be converted into fat, and this is globally controlled by the hormone insulin, then it turned out that there is a hormone glucagon, which competes with insulin, and then it turned out that that there is a substance glucagon-like peptide that guides our head and prevents us from overeating, before we talk about these glucagon-like peptides, answer me one question: yours...
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finished 127 kg, because after fasting a person will eat until you lose consciousness, because the brain will want to eat, look, what has become known, it has become known that our main source of fat is glucose, these are carbohydrates, not fats, when we eat carbohydrates, the body stores some of the carbohydrates in liver and muscles, if they exist, for the average person. average muscle mass without obesity needs approximately 300 g of glucose storage, part of it will be stored in the liver, part in the muscles, a person cannot store more, the only form in which the body must convert glucose to store is fat, and fat cells have no
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restrictions, they can grow as much as you like, we know that there are people 200 and 300 kg, these cells grow, grow and grow, so... is this a lot or not 300 glucose, net carbohydrates, this is not much, this is about 150 g of grapes, about 100 g of oatmeal, approximately 200 g of buckwheat, about two small potatoes and two pieces of bread, after this the storage will begin, if you are not an athlete, if you have no muscles, then the glucose will turn into fat and be deposited, so it turned out... it is very important to find the molecule , which will lead this, we examine all our participants, if you want to join us, we invite everyone to the health program website zdoро, and after the examination, the doctor decides what to do. i
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want to now invite a doctor to us who deals with the fate and faith of everyone else. this an excellent endocrinologist, an endocrinologist who personally. participated in clinical studies of our foreign, newest, revolutionary drugs for weight loss. yulia yurievna. churnosova. yulia yurievna, i am waiting for you to join us. come here. i believe! there is not just one drug, there are many of them. here they are standing here with us. but you need to understand that you are seeing trade names. all these drugs are copies of that same appetite control molecule, which is called what? the molecule is called glucagon-like pepsik. and two medicines
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that are made as practical copies of it, what are they called, liroglutide the second - semaglutide, liroglutide and semaglutide - these are international non-proprietary names, that's right, yuli yurina, yes, you see, just like these loops of all medicines are similar, i really love these words of the ancient philosopher sineki, he said: you can convince nature only by obeying it, and these medicines are just like that, right, yes, our faith is on semoglutide or liroglutide, our faith is on semoglutide, on semoglutide, and i want the doctor to tell us now, how do these drugs work, they act on the brain on the stomach, let's see please, so how does it work on the brain? and in our brain there are certain centers, nuclei, which are responsible for satiety and
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hunger. the nuclei are nerve cells, some say: eat, faith, come on, you were starving, come on, come on, others say: faith, that’s enough, you’ll overeat. so how do semoglutide and liroglutide act on these cells. so, drugs of this group, they increase the feeling of satiety and reduce it. the feeling of hunger, everything is in the brain, that’s right, that means the appetite decreases, the feeling of yasyt increases, but not only the brain, there is also the stomach, how do these drugs act on the stomach? these drugs slow down the emptying of the stomach, so the patient feels full for much longer than before using the drugs, and the stomach sends a signal to the brain that it is full. i want to show everyone yulia yurina, here she is an endocrinologist who deals with obesity, this is the ideal looking doctor for
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the problem she deals with. and now i want to approach these medicines with faith. and to say that these are not toys, these are syringes, pens, which means that both liroglutide and semoglutide have been released in russia, so we are not unarmed, look, i closed the name of the brand, this is small. it says lyroglutitis, it is registered both for the treatment of diabetes and for obesity, that’s right, absolutely correct, these are injections every day, there is another drug, i’m also closing the brand name, the drug is called semoglutit, it is so far registered only for the treatment of diabetes, but the doctor has the right appoint him as an offlable patient, that’s right, yulia, yes, but only in this case the patient... fills out a special informed consent, then
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we, together with the medical commission, consisting of me and the chief physician of our institution, approve the use of this drug and the need for its use in the patient. now our faith is these injections of a flock, which means once again, this is a syringe pen, hold the cap with an individual needle, and faith has already begun for us. it all starts with minimal doses, and now i just want to put 0.25 here, under the control of yuri yurina , look, i put a needle on, that’s how we have it the number is 0.25, you injected it into the stomach, press the button and wait until a zero appears, which means the drug is completely injected, give the cap, no, i won’t inject you, you know that yourself. vera, now, you started
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treatment, yes, vera, when you met me, when i said, vera, vera, she tells me, after this meeting, how much weight have you lost, 9.6 kg, tell me, you started treatment, what your appetite, you managed to feel that it was reduced, right? my appetite is reduced and i feel like i can’t eat a portion in the amount i’m used to, feeling full comes earlier. so you initially lost 9 kg over the last week, how much weight have you lost? 1.9, 1.9 kg, there is a struggle, i want to eat, but i endure, i endure, i endure, no, there is no such thing, this is the most important thing, i am also a fan of the consumer of these drugs
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since the summer of twenty-three, me too i can say that it is absolutely. we wish everyone good luck, whoever wants to, join us on the health program website, and i want to end with a picture where vera weighs 57 kg, this was her path, her victories, and i sincerely wish you to repeat this result, okay, i’ll strive, i have no doubt, really, evgenia, sit down,
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please join us, friends, on the health program website, and we ’ll pause for a minute, and then... let’s continue, leaf of youth, spinach, spinach follows choose flowers, take beautiful ones, ugly ones, exactly what you are asking for, eat me, the secrets of growing and preparing to preserve its wonderful properties. the service works more, the back hurts very much, it shoots in the leg, it’s impossible, it’s impossible to work, it’s very painful, don’t squat, don’t bend, don’t i can, no one can help, we will act, you will go straight, you will find happiness, is it possible to gain health around the house, or is it necessary to go to the park, why do you need to
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regularly walk in forests and parks, love? and there is no word late, misha and i met 4 years ago, we have such a young couple, one might say, it even gives me goosebumps, because really my beloved woman, once again, i want some kind of gentle comfort, a gentle loft , gentle loft, wow, how interesting, i didn’t plan a partition there, a partition is a must is installed, it should separate the source of degas from the residential area, you will think that this wood is an engineered board, but no, it is also from vandals, that is, here you can click on your heels and nothing will happen to him, let’s turn on the lights, about comfort, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, gin with... sheaf, a product of stellor
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group. kalmykia is called the birthplace of the wind. he is so strong here that many centuries ago he turned part of the land into a desert. in kalmykia it is said that the wind is only twice, half the year eastern and half the year western. how many arrows should a kalmyt be able to shoot? warrior in one minute. minimum 22 arrows. we will shoot at the kalmyk, that is, from the ring. let go, in every family there used to be a camel, where exactly the camel lay down, they tried to build huts and dig wells, because the camel feels the water, how it can show its dissatisfaction by spitting on the lives of its own. premiere on sunday on the first. at
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the age of 19 i was left alone. why are you here and not with your father on the ship? oh yes, the theater. the reds will come, art will be banned. yes, it's bullshit. tell me, are you ranevskaya? yes i ranevskaya. i haven’t experienced anything myself. the war passed her by. look at this face. exceptional. there are many great directors, but there can only be one great meeting. i ’ll make a challenge if you come to me, they love you, you’re a serious, smart man, but you ’re pretending, marital status, you say you have a husband? no, i’m a young lady, without a family, without children, but devoted to art to the grave, yes, a brilliant dramatic actress, and the whole
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world will know about it, ranevskaya, from monday on the first, happy birthday to whom, lev nikolaevich tolstoy, well, here they are, our pigeons are collecting ant grass, it’s planting time, dear friends, what have you collected there, what kind of grass, and spinach, spinach, spinach, spinach, today the main topic of our program, so, spinach, mikhail egorovich, what this grass-ant, well, spina, became famous. this is one of the most, i think, common herbs that are used for food, it must be said that china produces 85% of all spinach in
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the world, and the first greens that were sold on an industrial scale frozen in 1930 was spinach chinese. in short, they sold spinach to the world, i don’t like spinach, i’ll say right away, because of the high amount of uric acid and the risks of stone formation, if you don’t have these risks, then it’s a wonderful herb, and if you do, then those who do need to think hard urolithiasis, that's right, german shayach, somehow i've had it for a long time, but it came straight from the bad, it came from the bad, but nevertheless there is something good to say about spinach, we have eyes, we have blood vessels, we have , anti-cancer effect of spinach, dear doctors, do not stagnate with the models, mikhail egorevich, since you have already started, i want to start with the eyes, what substance is contained in
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spinach that is good for the eyes, spinach contains beta-carotene, these are zeaxanthin and lutein, these are two substances that have a beneficial effect on the state of our eye, this eye we see here. uh, and we see two lenses in the eye, this is the cornea, this is the lens, crystals, and transparent, transparent, normally it should be transparent, this is a doubly convex lens, so we looked, did a huge study, we looked at the concentration of this same interexanthin and lutein in the blood plasma and found out that people who have 640 microns per day receive this substance. the number of cataracts is 30% less than in people who have much less of this substance, cataracts are a cloudy lens, that is
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, zaxanthine, which is in spinach, protects us from cataracts, because they are the most powerful antioxidants, andrey petrovich, look, cancer, cancer, this is how it is formed, a substance, even a whole one. two very interesting and spinach can stop the proliferation of cancer, and in a way that no other such natural substances can stop, these are glycolipids, they prevent cancer cells from replicating, that is, multiplying their dna, that is, they block the reproduction of cancer cells, they are called abbreviated as mhd or the next dgd. very complex names, i won’t name them, but these glycolipids are now in clinical trials, have already been studied on models of cancer cells
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, and are now being transferred to animals, because this is really a very interesting product, everything is contained in spinach, herman schaich, finish in delight, and you go to the kitchen, spinach contains magnesium, magnesium is a substance that is necessary. dilation of the vessel, this is our vessel, if there is a sufficient amount of magnesium, the vessel is wide, accordingly, the chances of hypertension are reduced, pressure is reduced, podium of honor, axalates are contained in spinach, axalates, unfortunately, in many people lead to the formation of kidney stones, stones like this called axalates, in the form of steel honor, where is there a lot, where is there little? this is spinach 900, chavel 150, parsley 20 milligrams, that is,
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spinach has more of everything.
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“we are great, like flowers, we choose like flowers, we store like flowers, drain with water, it is not recommended to store spinach at home for more than two days, if it’s a day or less, you can save it by wrapping it in paper napkins, put it in a container, in the refrigerator , the temperature was 2-4.
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the hole was made, and if the soil is slightly dry, it is better to water these holes well, children, i will water it, that’s enough, wait until the moisture will be absorbed, then take the seeds and sprinkle them, sprinkle them literally often in a row, so that after germination you can then leave the final density.
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yes, then we compacted everything slightly, spinach can be sown before winter, it can be sown in early spring, as soon as you can go out into the field, you can sow after the end of the summer heat, for optimal growth and development it needs 16-22°, at + 6-8° the shoots will already appear, that is, roughly speaking, at least they will sprout all summer, that’s right. we don’t have such heat, it’s in the krasnodar region, here in moscow it’s quite warm already in moscow there are two harvests, you can easily harvest a covenant, we return to the kitchen, our cook alexey kovba wants to treat us, let's go, so, look, here, naturally, a classic dish can be italian cuisine or even french, this is stewed spinach in
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cream with... with garlic, that is, such a magical paste is obtained from it, we first blanch it, scald it, let all the pods soften, it’s called how to make low-calorie spinach high-calorie, yes yulia yurievna, let’s do it with butter, with sour cream, that’s right, calorie content it was 15, it will be 120, but it’s delicious, well, by the way, it’s a good dish, i love it too, but i really like it when ceramic processing gives it color , saying we told you everything about spinach. everything is about food, it’s time for us to talk about medicine, in medicine, friends, as always, we have a whole project going on pain service, we help people who have severe pain, they cannot find help, they turn to us from all over the country, we as a rule, they showed you a video message, but it’s always just a plea: help, save, i want to show you right away the procedure that the doctor did. because
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it begins with the fact that the person who enters the doctor, he simply, in the literal sense of the word, can barely move his legs. “hello, doctor, it hurts a lot, my back shoots into my leg, it’s impossible to live, it’s impossible to work, it’s very painful, i can’t squat, i can’t bend over, i can’t, this is how exhausted our patient came to us, the doctor always shows the cause of the pain, look here, please , you see on the screen, there’s a hole, uh-huh, there ’s no uh-huh coming out here, which in your case, to. unfortunately, he is pinched and suffering, now my task is to put a needle there around the nerve to create a depot of a medicinal drug. this procedure is called interventional pain treatment, strictly under x-ray control, the doctor
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places the needle directly at the point of pain, then contrast is injected into the point of pain so that the doctor makes sure that it is in the right place, only after that if the needle is at the point of pain. the medicine is administered, the result is checked immediately, great relief, the pain is no longer there, of course, what it was, there is no pain at all, i don’t feel anything, i feel very good, normal i feel it, it seems to me that there are no side effects, we’ll go for a walk, yes, but i don’t even have that kind of limp, i love normally, it seems to me, without pain, without anything, thank you.
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but definitely mobile, but mobile, the tseduga is an x-ray, that’s right, it allows you to fine -tune, bring the x-ray to the right place for us, it will see the most important thing, there is a place where you need to inject, this is the place of pain, so i want to ask your doctor a little give freedom to the patient vyacheslav vitalievich, please get up, here is a man smiling. and my dear, how many days have passed after this injection, we have a camera there and they all see you there, how long are 2 weeks, 2 weeks, how do you feel, great, great, the pain is gone, come on, the first one is not
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limping, you saw how elmira barely entered, doctors, please come here, come here, elmirchika, where the pain came from, vitaly viktorovich, where the pain came from, here we see our spinal canal. if we turn it a little, here they are the nerves, here they are the roots, accordingly, the hernia pinches our nerve , the result is a hellish wild pain, a pain that radiates to the leg, that’s right, how much you they suffered, oh, for a very long time, more than two years, more than two years, they tried to find it somewhere, they tried, but they didn’t really help, you know, i want to say that in... in general this should be included in the training system for doctors - anesthesiologists, this is not the case, so every doctor who knows this interventional system for pain relief studies on his own, people go abroad to america, to spain, people go to special courses and study on their own. in
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this sense, doctors like vitaly viksich, they are, of course, geniuses, they are simply wonderful, but of course, on a national scale, this should be introduced into the standard of training for anesthesiologists, and this...
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i remind you, the man could barely drag his leg, so let’s go, look what we are doing, we lie on our backs, one leg. we throw it over to the second one, this is the leg on the side of pain or on the opposite side, there is no difference, because we will do it on one side, then on the other, okay, one hand goes through the knee like this, we take it, yes, we pull the knee towards ourselves with our hands and with our head we reach for the knee, which we are stretching, our task is to stretch the deepest muscles of the back, that is, those that are responsible for... extension, now let’s change it, yes,
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we pull the same principle by the knee, yeah, like that, you can get up, well, how did it happen, well done, this should be done at home, everyone understood that... great, get up, my dear, what do you say everyone, they believed that it was possible to get to us, well , i suffered for so long and could not help anywhere, but the doctor saved me, you are simply a miracle, just like everyone else, a video letter was written to us, a video letter and you can write to the program website health, there is a pain service section there and we will definitely invite you. look at these letters, and we will definitely
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try to help, it’s a miracle, where did you come to us from? from moscow, moskvichka, we are very glad that we helped you, thank you very much, thank you very much to vitaly viktorovich, we’ll take a break for a while and then continue. the ozori here are quiet, the enemy , armed to the teeth, is moving in our direction and we can’t expect help from anywhere. therefore, i order all the soldiers and myself personally to hold the front. tomorrow at the first seventy-fifth birthday of lyubov polishchuk everyone is dancing, she captivated the audience always, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy, let me out, it’s me, alone, i say, lyuba, aren’t you afraid to be ugly, she says, be afraid, lord, i have to work, i have to play, i have to play, do you
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even know what i came here for, that you are silent, smile, bat your eyes and remain silent if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they are without each other, that’s how i saw live. people have been dreaming about a new man for a long time. since 1905, eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller, jr., began to develop rapidly in the united states. she concentrated on forced sterilization.
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studying the history of my country, i understand how multifaceted and vast russia is, and i am from vologda pronishka, and from there greetings, all the best to you, health, happiness, a lot of laughter, many years to come, the city of gorodets is famous for gorodets gingerbread, golden.
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this program is about living healthy 52 weeks a year and 52 one step at a time.
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watch your programs, i watch with pleasure, you have a big rating, that’s why i came here, but before i want to exclaim, people, help me walk, that’s what mikhail zador said, you didn’t think the right thing, we just thought good, walk in parka. when i was working, there was no way to go out, right? now the opportunity has arisen, but the children have grown up, before, when they were little, i walked with them in the park, now the little grandson seems to have grown up, but he has his own worries, hangs out on the computer on the phone, alone again, but
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it’s somehow inconvenient to walk alone, but you have a wife, you have one, and why won’t you take a wife, well, it’s not the pain that wants, it’s not the pain that wants, oh, life, yes, but it’s not suitable for you to walk alone, well, there’s a friend around you’re spinning around, you seem to want fresh air, is it just possible to gain health around the house, or is it necessary to go to the park, well, the park, the park, getting out again, as they say, is far away, troublesome, well enough already, you’re so active, you’re shouting so much, people , help me walk, people, people, people, people, let's help me walk, so, look, really there is simply no habit, we need to form this... habit, that’s what we need to do, look, why are we talking about the habit of not just walking, but that we need to walk in the park, where there is green color, herman shaich, tell me, that is, what is a walk in the forest, here we live, we are in constant stress, in tension and our brain gets tired, when we
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enter a green environment, calm appears. there is still fresh air, our brain begins to calm down and give to the whole body, the order calms down, the parasympathetic system works, pulse slows down, cortisol levels decrease, the net effect is that blood pressure decreases, this is precisely walking in greenery, not just around the house. forests, moscow has a gigantic amount of russia has the largest number of parks in the world, so we have no problem taking a walk in a green place, here it is, our
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beautiful green moscow, first, walking in a green forest environment is useful, second, in fact, when you are walking in green. a walk activates the immune system, look, this is our lymphocyte, so he can see better enemies, you need to go for a walk, and so that he has more teeth, i prepared his teeth here, look, this can only be done if you effectively walk 30-40 minutes a day in the fresh air, your cells, in the park, your immune cells see better and cope better with the infection, it’s clear, they protect you, now you’re asking us how to learn to walk, this is a serious question, to
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learn to walk, you need to form a habit, a habit is formed when you start yourself every day. control, let's show you right away how many days you need you need to control yourself every day, after all , go for a walk in the party for this habit to form, look, you need to be under control for 90 days, with yourself, with your wife, with your grandson alone, for 3 months you need to go for a walk every day, and mikhail egorevich, what will this give , these are also steps, these are also steps, i would also like to ask about the tempo, huh? just 500 steps a day reduces mortality by 7%. 100 steps a day reduces mortality by 15%, and
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4,000 steps from two to four by 40%, that is, more than 200 steps - just walking for 15-20 minutes will reduce mortality by 40%. we were the ones who agitated you, but spend too much time on this habit, on self-control. very much so, then that’s it, there’s a company, there’s a company, what’s your wife’s name? venus, and by patronymic, venera subbukhovna, wow, a wife, venus, he, venera subukhovna, has a planet, a planet, a whole planet, not a wife, on the arm of her husband, don’t go for walks, without fail, thank you for coming they came to us, we are very happy. let's go for a walk, sit down, please, i also wanted to say, this is very important, today in moscow there is moscow
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longevity, where walks in parks are completely free in a huge company, that’s why my wife didn’t want to go to moscow longevity, there are 120 moscow longevity centers in moscow, so go for walks, go on excursions and walk in parks, that’s all for today, friends, we had a good time, may you live well. great, hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, time will tell this program, in the studio ruslan astashko and olesya loseva, this night in the ssu they hit the crimea, they died.
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there are a lot of surprises ahead, believe me, all the defense forces of the sbu will not let you down. well, yes, what other goals in life could terrorists have? fierce fighting continues along almost the entire front line, it became known that our troops liberated the village of andreevka on the territory of the donetsk people's republic, the village is located not far from kleshcheevka, which our forces took control of literally the day before. the battle continues. kharkov region, where the militants continue to transfer all their reserves in order to slow down our advance, information appeared in the media yesterday that our
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troops carried out a massive attack on railway junctions, through which the ukrainian armed forces supplied reinforcements to the front for the kharkov group, are also informed that as a result of an attack at the lyubotin station in kharkov, a train with ukrainian armed forces tanks was destroyed, about what is now happening on the front line , including in the north. what is happening in the north of the kharkov region, where we are moving forward, because you always have exclusives from this direction, and not only from this. colleagues, i welcome you, indeed, the team in an exclusive manner, especially for the first channel i passed through the very northern fronts of the northern military district, this includes the kursk region border, and of course, belogorodskaya. the direction where we are advancing on the kharkov region, we are recapturing populated areas there, there is a fight going on inside volchanskaya.


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