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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 24, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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name three points, like the fact that there’s always something to eat at home, well, she’s trying, i know, i see that she’s trying to clean up, she just really doesn’t have enough time, she takes the child to bed by 8 o’clock, and what does she do to you? i like it, that’s how a woman is, why do you choose her, well, i don’t know, it’s just like... well , for now we’re just living, but i just got it, that means several theses, that means thesis number one: how to help get rid of this woman from children, because that her happiness is not at all in children, in something else, it takes three testimony, you don’t have to go to court, well , you can come to a notary, write a statement that i testify, i am a neighbor, i testify about this and that, i am a friend , i testify about this, i am the father of this woman who. .. in this way i raise these children, i
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understand that these are already lost children, the only thing that can still be saved is the girl, secondly, that means i’m even scared not for the children, but for the parents, for you, i’m scared because you... then, i see a merciful person, just like you, but this person is not at all like she is unchristened, i have a feeling that this is, you know, a demon in the guise of a woman, and so we are talking about the fact that you must write a second statement to the court, and the eviction of this woman, your daughter, in connection with unworthy treatment of the owners of this house and... with the parents, you it’s clear what i ’m talking about, well, you would kick your child out of the house, and i’m even more worried about you than she is, because uh, as for your roommate, the third thesis, i deeply sympathize with you, on the one hand, i bow down, that you are such a merciful person, you help your children too relatives, and complete strangers, you are trying to insist this woman on the path of truth, but understand, you will earn 15.00, 150.000, it will not be enough for her, because this is not what will corrupt her even more, she... needs a tough lesson in life,
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which she does not passed, and you should turn away from her, help him, i think that the most correct thing was said by alexander: kick her out of the house, and she will have to do at least something in this life, at least something, only her work will really save her. good evening, live broadcast of the big game and me, vyacheslav nikonov. there is only one official church-state holiday in the russian federation, and it is today. this is the day of slavic writing and culture. the day we celebrate in memory of the saints, equal to the apostles.
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vladimir putin also congratulated moskovsky, and we, on behalf of all our television viewers, on behalf of channel one, your holiness , congratulate you with all our hearts on your title and wish you many good summers, today we have another important day, africa day. and russian president vladimir putin i congratulated all leaders, all african states on this day, congratulated them on the occasion of the holiday, which symbolizes the victory of the peoples of your continent over colonialism and the desire for freedom, peace and prosperity. african countries have achieved generally recognized success; the economic and social sphere is playing an increasingly significant role in addressing pressing issues on the international agenda.
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day, well, today it has already begun, or rather last night, the official visit of russian president vladimir putin to... to belarus began. yesterday the negotiations first took place in the building airport, they walked at night, well, they continued in the morning, the official part began with putin laying a wreath at the moment, at the victory monument in minsk. well, and then negotiations began in a narrow format, that’s what our president said. in general , i think our work is progressing at a good level, if we talk about the economy, and the results of economic development speak for themselves, i want to congratulate you on this too, belarus feels confident, stands confidently on
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its feet, the economy is developing, now i’m talking about the city, i really just drove through it, i looked, the city is in very good condition, beautiful. these are security issues, the president also spoke about this today, another area that is extremely important in modern conditions is ensuring defense and security, but... these are always issues that are in the field of view of the president of belarus and mine, we are always with colleagues on both sides are doing this, especially recently, this is all relevant, bearing in mind the direction
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that has been chosen in the western community in relation to both belarus and russia, unconditionally attempts to contain hostility. at this meeting about security issues. the republic of belarus has been and remains our closest neighbor, a loyal ally, and a reliable partner. today, more than ever, we
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need close cooperation in order to promptly respond to changes in the military-political situation in the world and take additional measures to ensure security. union state, beloosov said at a meeting with his belarusian colleague, but it must be said that president zelensky was at his limit today, he held an important meeting, i can’t guess on what issue, you know, the agenda of zelensky’s meeting in kharkov, discussion of issues related to heating kharkov in the winter season. i think this is the most pressing question facing us right now. well , in general , an air raid alert has now been declared throughout the entire territory of ukraine, well, if heating kharkov is the most important task at
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the moment, then god forbid, god forbid, the ukrainian leadership will cope with this task. if kharkov remains under their control until winter. boris alexandrovich rozhin, our military expert, is monitoring the progress of the military operation, how are you doing, looking at the map of military operations, do you think zelensky has more important problems than heating kharkov next winter. good afternoon, of course, if we take the situation in kharkov, then right now, literally during the broadcast , new strikes are already being launched on kharkov, there are several arrivals there, on the northern kharkov highway. the region remains in a difficult situation for the enemy, fierce battles are taking place in volchansk itself, there are battles on the outskirts of leptsy, leptsov, as well as the russian ministry of defense , today announced the complete liberation of the village of staritsa and the surrounding area, the offensive continues here, the enemy now continues to successfully transfer
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reserves here, including those withdrawn from the zaporozhye direction, that is, this is again an indicator of how strong this offensive is drawing down the enemy’s reserves, of course, of course, that’s it... this military situation is more alarming for ukraine than the issues of heating kharkov, well, as for other sections of the front line, the situation there for the enemy is also very difficult, in the rabotinsky ... direction , our troops continue to expand the zone of control around rabotina and continue to reduce the ledge to the north-west of verbovoy, that is, it is reduced by size, on the temporary ledge, our troops continue to successfully storm urovogo and staromayorskoe, somewhere already a third of staromayorskoe has already come under the control of our troops, and our troops are also fighting to advance from yum urogovogo to the central area, there are also small advances, here the ledge is also gradually shrinking, but in ugledarsky...
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about a kilometer in the disputed area, our troops have still moved near belogorovka without changes, also without changes in
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the krasnolimansky direction, well, in svatovo-kupyansky our troops continue to fight not far from the outskirts of stelemokhovka, there is progress in our favor in the makeevka area, there we also advanced to the village and fighting continues on the outskirts of ivanovka, in general, the initiative will also support our troops here, thank you very much, boris alexandrovich rozhen with the latest information from the fronts.
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that she could participate in this war. hungary opposes this. the government is doing quite a lot of work to determine how we can remain a member of nato without taking part in a war. brussels knows about this and even came up with a term: non-participant. this situation looks strange, since despite all the reservations, hungary intends to remain part of the north atlantic alliance. there have not been many situations in nato history where a member state has been so open would adhere to a special position, as hungary is doing now. therefore her role. should be reconsidered in a military alliance, our lawyers and our military are now working on this, this issue should be resolved
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by hungarian diplomacy, well, hungarian diplomacy could resolve the question in general, what should we do for nato, but it doesn’t matter, there are two important aspects of the statement, the first is that , that in his opinion, and hungary is a member of nato, nato is planning a war with russia, first and second, that hungary is going to make its status special, what can be discussed. the division that is now on the line of combat contact, the assistance that was urgently provided to the ukrainian troops, it does not
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cope, that is, it does not give tangible results, the second is the issue of creating a no-fly zone over western ukraine in order to protect repair zones, restoration of equipment and the zone where equipment from europe is unloaded and sent further across the territory of ukraine, in order to deal with its specialists if something happens. naturally, european ones in case of emergency, to present some rights to this piece of ukrainian land under the guise of maybe annexation, indemnity, whatever, that is, but all the risks are being calculated regarding how russia will react, although russia has already made it clear what its reaction will be, but apparently in western analytical circles there is no concept of a sense of danger, because they perceive all our statements, well, we will shout and not hit, we will say and not
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carry out, but this kind of analytics actually leads to the fact that this is...
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this crime was actually carried out, this is what yuri chintula, who shot prime minister fitz, is now saying. let's listen. answering the question about the motive, juraj chintula said that he does not agree with the policies of the current government, and most importantly, he wants military assistance to be provided to ukraine, he considers the current government to be similar to judas in relation to the european union. in this regard, he decided to take action. he decided to damage the prime minister's health.
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i want to say that there are a lot of assassination attempts in history, they were done in different ways, the reasons were different political, but very often one thread is visible, which we see in the attempt on the life of the fitz, everything was done so that if he remained alive or was in a difficult condition, so that he... would not receive medical assistance in a timely manner, here this is the second component of any assassination attempt, the first is so that the killer can come up and shoot, they did it, five shots, that’s the title of the article that we just quoted, even a blind man would get it, absolutely right, at point-blank range, no one bothers, the second is to do so, so that - not turned out to be an ambulance, and we think that for some reason it’s strange, at a distance of many
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tens of kilometers near the motorcade there is not a single ambulance, how can this be, but i’ll give an example from... history, 1934, an attempt on king alexander and the minister of foreign affairs of france, louis barthou, the king was killed immediately by a terrorist, someone hit the hand of the minister of foreign affairs of france, the wound was not serious, but for unknown reasons they bandaged the wound below him, and not above, that is, so that he would bleed , then, for some reason , the doctors didn’t turn up on time; it was unclear who did the bandaging and no one could say who did the bandaging. began to take him to hospitals, for some reason they all refused to accept him, as a result of this simple injury, the french foreign minister died, but it turns out that it was he who prevented hitler from moving towards what hitler eventually became, he was the main opponent of hitler’s reich , this is the reason for this assassination attempt, yes, so democratic principles in modern europe, they just
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assume this kind of murder, and more moreover, already now those who do not agree with the policy... the european union is simply openly threatened that you can share the fate of fitz. in general, diplomacy has already gone far into the background in the politics of western states, if it is still alive at all. and we see this now in many examples, and we will give them after the advertisement. to the centenary of boris vasiliev. it’s difficult, after all, for women at war. they all volunteer. shoot, rita! the target is caught, fire, hit, yes, girls, yes, you will distort, he will make a sieve out of you, so categorically i order you to lie down, okay, then
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there is no more war, i can’t take it anymore, now i’ll go and shoot, it’s impossible, suni, it’s impossible, the germans have only one way, between these lakes through the ridge, an eternal battle, such as we only dream of, and the dawns are here quiet, tomorrow at first, the enemy , armed to the teeth, is moving in our direction and we can’t expect help from anywhere, so i order all the soldiers and myself personally to hold the front. this week on may 20, roman kartsev would have turned 85 years old, well, the fish is fresh, alive, what, well, what is alive, what is alive, the parents of the comedian. 47 kg, i think together with the bed he weighed, he bought things in
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the children's world, viktor ilchenko lived with his wife tatyana for 33 years, and with me for 30 years, roman kartsev joked. katyana, admit it, when did you fall in love, well, for the first time, one day tatyana was introduced to you by ilchenko’s wife kartseva. tomodo was. misha zhvanetsky, he gave his friend a shirt for his wedding. our exclusive, family secrets of the famous humorous duo ilchenko and kartsov. he was so faithful, devoted, there was crazy love, just crazy. i can tell clearly, he didn’t cheat on me, i think he didn’t regret anything. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere, tomorrow on the first.
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so we met, on sunday at the first, at
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the age of 19 i was left alone, why are you here, you and your father are on the ship? oh yes, the theater. the reds will come, art will be banned, but that’s bullshit. tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, i have never experienced anything in my own skin, the war passed her by, look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, but there may be one great meeting, i will make a call, and you you come to me, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you make faces, marital status, what do you say, do you have a husband?
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from monday on the first one, happy birthday to lev nikolaevich tolstoy. art of the west, this is a swiss conference on peaceful regulation in ukraine without the participation of russia, how can this give
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any result? the answers are certain. no, but i noticed that today china and brazil took a joint initiative to hold a peace conference on ukraine with the participation of all interested parties, including russia and ukraine. let's wait to see what the reaction of that interested party will be. russia, for its part, has always said that it is ready for diplomatic negotiations. the west, on the contrary, diplomacy is something that is now clearly already... being scrapped, if not already scrapped, the famous american economist jeffrey sachs said this well. let's listen to him. the main example of the recklessness and stupidity of washington and biden is that he has not tried to communicate with putin even once since the end of 2021. with all the existing risks of the war escalating into a nuclear one, biden cannot even understand that there is no point at all. why am i only talking about biden? president putin has said many times that he is open to
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negotiations, but they don’t want it here.
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for americans, pushing exclusively their own interests, non-acceptance of any other points of view and uh, so to speak, pressure in any direction in order to get their own, this manifests itself differently for everyone, the most master, so to speak, of such behavior was, of course, when he was
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president, how... first he created conditions for whether sanctions are pushed through by the instrument of diplomacy? no, they certainly are not, this is not diplomacy, i think this is an element, well, as we always say now, this is unfair competition, but i would say more, in modern conditions this is such a new emerging element of protectionism. when we have always been accustomed to treating protectionism as protecting our own territory, introducing duties against exporters, protecting our own business, and so on, here the americans, with the help of their sanctions, they they say they are trying to beat the enemy on his territory, they are prohibiting certain operations, they are stopping certain financial transactions, but as we see on the surface of the phenomena, in essence we are talking about pushing through their economic interests, the most striking
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example is gas transactions.
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of course, this is not diplomacy at all, these are the same forceful actions, illegal, and forceful actions at that, but one could recommend that the new us administration after the elections return william burns to the post of secretary of state, he did it well, he was a leading and, probably, one of the few diplomats who was noted by our russian diplomacy as a professional, that ’s because in this new post... he may not be doing very well, but now he’s noticeably quieted down a little, his movement we don’t really notice, damn it anymore - this is still a professional, a diplomat, well, i won’t give them personnel advice, except for one thing,
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of course, to elect biden for the next term, this seems to guarantee the success of american policy, as for the director of the cia, on whether it’s in place or not, it’s not, we have special services that monitor this.
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addressed to the president, the late president of iran, a slogan, and the secretary of state of the united states of america, anthony blin, stated that the majority of iranians are, of course, happy that the president died, because they will live better when there is no such thing on earth butcher. this is literally what was said within the walls of the american congress.
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they can’t say it any other way, that’s what concerns the americans, they play along here to israel, they show that they are no better than israel, which is now pursuing such a blatant inhumane policy towards the arab people of palestine, here we are not talking about lack of professionalism, but there is a feeling that words are being heard more and more often, and now we have heard from the mouth american representative, that he is still an american, but bilinkin is not distinguished by his intelligence and intelligence, more and more in the international arena he looks funny, a laughing stock, which, even when received during
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his visits to different countries, is even is emphasized and shown in such a way that respect for him becomes less and less, well, it’s no coincidence that these 3 million people who gathered in mishkhedi shouted:
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there is no moral right to mention the term genocide in relation to germany, even for anything other than their monstrous crimes . the bostniks also behaved like angels during the second world war. but for serbia this is really a challenge, as for the serbian extreme. and president vucic sat with the flag yesterday. yugoslavia, was very worried about what was happening in the hall, that’s what he said: in the second world war, we were one of those rare people in southeastern europe who opposed nazism, paying the ultimate price. more than a million serbs were killed by either the german or croatian nazis. why didn't they start with such a resolution? because they needed this resolution at this particular moment. i'm not talking about the gas sector or others.
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question, let's just
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explain in more detail why this happened today, well, firstly, traditional pressure is being exerted on serbia, as country, well, if not an ally of russia, then almost an ally without 5 minutes, a potential ally, a country that treats russia with great love and warmth, this is the first thing, but look at the chronology, just recently, just the other day, sidzenpin flew to europe and one of the places where he came was serbia, they agree. regarding certain projects, chinese capital should connect hungary, which is also involved in this, and serbia, this is the center of europe. and the west, of course, wants to avoid the appearance china is in europe because it wants to squeeze out of europe not only russia, but also china. and from here it arises that, as they say, the serbs have this old, very dubious story, yes, indeed, reminiscent of a fresh provocation in bucha, which the same directors organized only now...
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the question of independence from bosnia and herzegovina, have created another hot spot: diplomats. georgia, another wonderful example of american diplomacy: georgia decided to pass a law on foreign agents, they sent there as many european foreign ministers support street protests against the adoption of this law, blinken is already announcing visa restrictions. for everyone who voted for this
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bill, and the european commissioners have already threatened, and not just anyone, the prime minister of georgia kabakhidze with the fate of fitz, that is, in open text already, and this was said by the european commissioner varhelyi, who then made a statement that i was misunderstood , they took my words out of context, what kind of context was that, it was interesting, out of who was torn out?
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georgia wanted to pursue a more independent policy, because the agents who influence the situation in georgia, well, to put it mildly, apparently they were fed up, took the american law of foreign agents as a model, set themselves, no, this is a russian law, and not only that they say that the georgian leaders are threatened
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with reprisals, you will be next after the fitz, that is, we see that yes, this diplomacy is not there, no. there is simply this hegemonic power, to which he says, yes , i’ll kill everyone, i’ll be left alone, yes, but this speaks of that if such diplomacy goes away, if it goes away completely, then when diplomacy falls silent, the guns begin to talk, well, the guns are already talking, unfortunately, in many places on the globe, thanks to precisely this kind of diplomacy, but frankly speaking, it would be better if the americans paid attention to our own problems, today is friday, let me remind you, the trains are after the advertisement. i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission, it is very difficult to fight in the mountains, you cannot smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you, 100 km from
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state border, we must ensure security, teeth, ears, hair can shake in the hands of half, but not hands, what are you doing? 200 minutes rushed, the earth shook so much, we left a garrison in the liberated village area, they ensured order, went out to populated areas with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, they took it all apart with pleasure, residents of the border areas of both the soviet and afghan sides were protected , on the day of the border guard, the premiere, the main line is not a step away... may 28 on the first, the azori are quiet here, tomorrow on the first, premiere, i love my country, tomorrow on the first, kalmykia is called
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the birthplace of the wind, it is so strong here that many centuries ago it turned part of the earth into a desert, in kalmykia it is said that... the life of one’s own. premiere on sunday on the first. to the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk. everybody dance. she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her. lyuba, lyuba, lyuba. and
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everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy. let me out, it's me, alone. i say, lyuba, don’t be afraid to be ugly. she says sashka. what, what, what to be afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, do you even know what i came here for, you are silent for some reason, smile, blink your eyes and remain silent, if you can, forgive me, i tell you someone - then i remind you, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created each other for... sunday on the first,
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it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first , how old are you, how old am i, right? yes, i’ve already lost count of my god’s marital status, say, i have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, only the intelligentsia last until the contract , yes, 7 minutes of your play is a tremendous audience success, tell me what you want from me, maybe you’ll remember that you are the director of this production, and not ranevskaya, ranevskaya from monday on the first. you clearly want to be the main character in fayen
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gurdon's production. well, if necessary, for the sake of business, i can play worse. people have been dreaming about a new man for a long time. since 1905, eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller, jr., began to develop rapidly. usa, she was concentrating on forced sterilization of disabled people, and social personalities of poor people. adolf hitler referred to american eugenics back in meinkamf. in germany, the priority task was to cleanse the aryan race of ballast. eugenics. it didn’t go anywhere after the war, it just changed its sign and methods. ordinary fascism 2 on monday on the first,
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a big game live, as always, on fridays, american trains that leave the real world, northern tornava. rescue story, there was a car stuck on the rails, but the policeman was somehow able to way to pull him away at the last minute 6 seconds before the train appeared there, so that someone happily slept.
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that, well, in fact, if there is a debt that is clearly unsustainable, and which is clearly difficult to service, there are, well, what opportunities, you can cut expenses, the americans will cut expenses, they won’t, it’s impossible, it’s possible to restructure the debts, they won’t, well they won’t reduce emissions there either, but the strategy remains, which they themselves call kick the can. that is, kick the tin can further, and let it go, kick, go, kick, how long can you keep
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kicking this tin can, well, let me.
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more and more, this rests precisely on the significant volumes of us trade, that the dollar, even in countries that are not, so to speak, dollar consumers, well, let’s say so, yes, that is, this is not america, they trade with the united states, but trade between themselves, they still make 78% of payments in dollars, but the thing is that this system, it held very firmly until the last... time, but as a result of sanctions, in as a result of such an obvious transition, we talked to you about the conventions of american diplomacy, so to speak, yes, they cross the line beyond which actions begin that begin to shake this structure, and first of all they begin to shake it through trade, because sanctions force other countries to look for other partners, find new
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suppliers and manufacturers and... this affects the trade of the united states of america, the most important thing, like a nail in this system, is the dollar, which is also starting to waver, and they are starting to actively run away from american wear-and-tear obligations, especially now china recently, but i must say that the united states, nevertheless, is now thinking exclusively about elections, this is an important situation, but in my opinion , all in america. understands that elections in america are turning into some kind of farce, an interesting dialogue between tucker carlson and american political commentator patrick betdavid. let's listen: who will win the presidential election and why? if if the race ended right now, trump would win, but it won't end today. the number of gamifications that can happen between now and november 5th is simply endless.
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gamification, gamification, manipulation, call it what you want. there is still a lot that can be done. there is now a guy sitting on my left shoulder who believes in a bright future. he says: “everything will be cool, everything will be great, america will become the best country in the world , everything will be fine.” and there's a super paranoid guy sitting on my other shoulder, what if? well, they won’t release a virus created in a laboratory to the whole world. they will never do such a thing. they are noble. or will they allow racially motivated pogroms and burn your cities? why would they do this? they want to unite society, not divide it.
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well, here, as they say, tucker carlson’s forecast is based on the fact that today, today, he is considering two candidates, trump and biden, and based on the ratings of these two people, he says that trump is winning. but here the nuances begin, they are related to the features american legislation. i would like to remind you that the convention of the republican party, well, roughly speaking, those who should nominate trump, is a month earlier than the congress. who should nominate biden, and this is still july and august, in june, respectively , debates, and you and i, of course, are surprised at the determination of biden, who unexpectedly challenged himself, for him this is not like a final exam, it seems to me that this farewell, in other words, it seems to me, i believe there is every reason to believe that the democratic convention that will be held after the convention
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republicans, if they still don’t kill and imprison trump. women and children, have they collaborated with hamas, do you know anything about this, palestinian babies can women collude with hamas, we have seen small children in hospitals,
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we have talked to doctors who are 16-17 years old, i say about a four-year-old child, okay, okay, let's agree, but the question of this urban conflict, which the us itself has faced most recently in iraq, in elfalujah and masool, is... this: is israel persecuting legitimate military purposes, and does it take into account proportionate side effects? there is no prohibition on civilian casualties, otherwise there would be no urban conflict. and research conducted on american actions in elfalujah, mosul and other places in iraq and afghanistan showed a ratio of civilian to military casualties of 5 to one. according to hamas's own statistics in the gaza strip, the ratio is two to one. i think it's important to understand that when the hamas.
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because bolton, he has always been, so to speak, a stupid person, but what he is saying now, for this it seems to me that the person should be brought to the international court, because it is impossible to be so cynical and so hostile to the one the topics he talks about, especially since he also recalled the role of the united states in iraq, this is very important, yes, there are no shores, and the end of the conflict in gaza is not in sight, just as it is not in sight.
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diplomacy as an unnecessary decoration, will not allow negotiations until the goals of the war are achieved to the last ukrainian, well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, all the best, goodbye, see you next week. hello, the evening news is live in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics. allied security. the second, main
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day of vladimir putin's official visit.


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