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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  May 24, 2024 6:00pm-6:41pm MSK

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authorities of ukraine, and the answer to the question of the legitimacy of the authorities must be sought in the country’s constitution, a legal analysis is needed, but even if there is the most thorough legal analysis and we are convinced of the legitimacy of the ukrainian president, the united states, as we see, is now simply discarding diplomacy as unnecessary decoration, they will not allow negotiations until the goals of the war are achieved until the last ukrainian, well, our cause is just, victory will be defeated , we will give the floor to the news, everything good bye, see you next week, hello, evening news is on the air in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya, here are the main topics. security is the second main day
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of vladimir putin's official visit to minsk. the main statements of the leaders and the details of the negotiations. we liberated four settlements in a week and killed over 11 thousand militants. summary from the ministry of defense on the results of 7 days of intense combat work. and how on the front line the task is carried out by russian guard scouts. our film crew went with them on the raid. economy, transport, culture, large-scale joint projects of the cis countries are being discussed in ashgabat. mikhail mishustin at a meeting of the council of heads of government of the commonwealth, we will tell you the details. our history, in russia there is a day of slavic writing and culture. believers honor the memory of saints cyril and methodius, who created the first slavic alphabet. and it’s the patriarch ’s birthday day. congratulations from the president.
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trembling, excitement, anticipation of a new stage. in most schools in our country it's last call. culinary battles, master classes, fishing, concerts, and that’s not all. on vdnkh and thirty other venues in the capital, a large-scale festival moscow on the wave. fish week. and at the beginning minsk. today is the second, main day of vladimir putin's official visit. security issues began to be discussed with alexander lukashenko as soon as air force one landed, right at the airport. in fact, this is one of the central topics of the meeting. this week, our country began training with non-strategic nuclear weapons, in response to aggressive and provocative statements by some western politicians. there are only three stages and here we are on the second. will join
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military from belarus. defense minister andrei belousov is also part of our delegation in minsk; he held a meeting with his belarusian counterpart. more details about everything in the report by olga knyazeva. today it is believed that relations between belarus and russia are experiencing a renaissance, given the threats and changes from the western world, the union state is beginning to play a special role as a locomotive and example of unifying processes throughout eurasia. the visit has the status of official alexander lukashenko meets our president in his courtyard residences. here, by the way, such ceremonies take place in any weather, that’s the protocol. the delegation included ministers and new deputy prime ministers, people who are responsible for common projects of russia and belarus; alexander lukashenko welcomed our new minister of defense andrei belousov longer than others. joint nuclear exercises are ahead.
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just yesterday at the airport, putin and lukashenko began discussing issues of military cooperation, development of industry and trade. according to estimates of the belarusian ministry of finance, total trade turnover has reached historic maximum - $53 billion. economic development speaks for itself. i would like to congratulate you on this too; yesterday my colleagues and i were going to have a little trouble here before i left. what is happening in specific areas of work, in general, in my opinion, there are no unresolved issues, as i understood from the report, if something needs to be further agreed upon, we will do it today during the negotiations, for as if, how yesterday we agreed with you, we always have two parts, security and economic issues, we always economic issues were postponed for...
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to change the military-political situation in the world, to take additional measures to ensure the security of the union state, and i am certainly ready to discuss with you the most pressing issues of military and military-technical cooperation.
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belarusians have a strong industry, their experience is important to us, denis manturov said by 2026 : we will begin to assemble joint multi-purpose aircraft. we will implement a joint project, the name is worthy. we typed osvey, this fits right into our lineup regional aircraft, there is a ladaga with 44 seats, this is asvey, that is, it was based on the names of the lakes, so we expect that it should appear in the twenty-sixth at the end of the beginning of the twenty-seventh year. electronics, components for cars, agricultural machinery, everything that is being done today within the framework of the union state helps our countries live under sanctions, nuclear energy projects will definitely be discussed today, last fall lukashenko
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told rosatom general director alexei lekhachev: i don’t want you from belarus let go, it seems to me that our belarusian partners have gotten a good taste of nuclear electricity, it has grown sharply. consumption in belarus, according to the results of last year, and the share of nuclear electricity in the energy balance of the republic of belarus reached 28.5%, that is, they are now approximately in the first 15-20 countries on the planet in terms of the percentage of nuclear electricity in the country’s energy balance, and as i understand it, belarus is not going to stop moving in this direction, in general, it was not by chance that i asked to return, but well, i asked not to leave, i would even say so, but the visit program includes an extended meeting. consisting of the heads of russia and belarus, ministers and deputy prime ministers will discuss 28 union programs. despite everything, minsk and moscow remain committed to strengthening integration. we support each other and will continue to support each other in all areas, and our projects have already gone
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beyond the earth’s surface. returning to the ground, i will outline a number of other priority areas that require close attention. industry.
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the future is definitely the most important thing for all of us, it is to look for priority areas in the field of these high technologies , to help each other develop these competencies, especially since in connection with the so-called sanctions, more of them were introduced against russia than against anyone else in world, they create certain problems, of course, we see and feel it, but they create for us certain opportunities for
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a common economy with an independent financial system, create new industries and united markets, providing for people income, there are in these cooperation programs in the humanitarian, cultural spheres, for young people it is an opportunity to study, for the older generation to preserve a common memory. today vladimir putin laid flowers at the victory monument in minsk. olga knyazeva, sergey mukhin, alexey dushenkov, olga mirkulova. first channel. at these moments , following the results of bilateral negotiations, the heads of state communicate with journalists. the conversation turned to ukraine and the possibility of resuming negotiations with the kiev regime. according to vladimir putin, they should be based in primarily on common sense. there are many questions about zelensky’s legitimacy, here’s what the russian said on this matter. we see now that they have resumed again - conversations
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about how we should return to negotiations, but let them return, but they return not based on what one side wants, but based on those agreements of a fundamental nature that were reached during ... simple negotiations in belarus and turkey and based on today's realities that have developed on earth. we are ready for this. and with who should negotiate? this, of course, is not an idle question, i agree with you, of course, we are aware of the fact that the legitimacy of the current head of state. it is over, i think that one of the goals
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of the conference that was announced, the conference in - in switzerland, is precisely for the western community, the sponsors of today's kiev regime, to confirm the legitimacy of the current head of state, or an inactive one, but these are pr ones. ..
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as for compliance with the norms and obligations
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of russia in this area, we are completely we comply with all our obligations in the field of nuclear weapons, we are preparing, we are training, we must be ready, the world is unstable, dangerous, we cannot miss this strike, as it happened in the middle of the last century, we will not allow this, they must... about know this, but we are not escalating the situation, we do not need war, today we spoke only about peaceful prospects. one of the questions concerned the economy and work to create a common energy market between russia and belarus. according to vladimir putin, our country has invested over 5 billion dollars to the neighboring republic. 2,500 russian companies operate there. joint projects are being implemented in strategically important industries, such as automobile production. from machine tools, mechanical engineering, microelectronics, civil aviation,
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cooperation in agriculture is actively developing, in november last year the largest joint project, the construction of a belarusian nuclear power plant, was successfully completed. now about the work of our military in the special operation zone for the week. during this period, as the ministry of defense said, russian forces liberated four populated areas point: the village of staritsa in the kharkov region, and also belogorovka. cheevka and andreevka in the dpr. in almost all directions, groups continue to advance into the depths of enemy defenses. the enemy suffers major losses in manpower per week, over 11 thousand militants. air defense aircraft shot down two ukrainian mig-29 aircraft, eight french scalp cruise missiles, 25 american atacoms ammunition, a neptune anti-ship missile, and dozens of nato hymers and vampire missiles. in addition, the units inflicted almost fifty group strikes. from may 18 to may 24,
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the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 49 group strikes with precision weapons. the indian militant, who came to our positions in a t-64 tank stolen from his own, informed in advance that he was going to go over to the side of the russian army and came up with a cunning plan, so as not to arouse suspicion, went in a heavy vehicle to protect himself from possible shooting, but it looked as if he had gone on a combat mission, according to information from the dpr security forces,
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a captured former soldier of the 110th brigade joined the ukrainian armed forces after returning from poland. national guard intelligence officers have special tasks in the special operation zone. their work is almost never noticeable, but the result is always there. detect enemy positions, enemy caches with weapons and ammunition, prevent sabotage - all this is within the power of a special forces detachment. the soldiers took our war correspondent alexei ivanov on one of the missions. and here is his report. we are searching wooded areas. the search for the frontier begins. original in raid with we are checking operational information with russian guard scouts, and although this area has been considered a rear area for a year now, local residents find ammunition here every now and then, we follow the battle formation, inspect the forest belt, these were once enemy positions, here, as we see now, everything is overgrown, the grass is tall , you need to look very carefully, so
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the group also includes sappers who must first detect it. upon visual inspection, elements of ammunition were visible, possibly made by assistants in height during the period when the combat line was here contact, a camouflaged cache was exactly what the russian guards were looking for, probably a prepared defensive line, the militants wanted to knock out our armored vehicles, which could move along the neighboring field road. the soldiers asked us not to come closer than a meter to this cache, it is clear that it has existed here for quite a long time, everything is covered with branches, earth, leaves, there are at least two dozen pieces of different
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ammunition here, this is for both a hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher and an easel anti-tank weapon ... with a pomegranate, there is also separate charges, now experts will examine all this, well, perhaps destroy it right on the spot, next to it is another find - an american assault rifle, 5.56 caliber, traces of rust are visible on the metal, before lifting the weapon from the ground, the sapper pulls it off with a special device with a grappling hook, this is the main danger, the soldiers found a so-called surprise in the cache itself, a grenade on a trip wire, so the sapper carefully probes the soil around it and cuts the cord again. probes only after that carefully removes a high-explosive grenade, it explodes, well, i while i’m holding it, no, it’s a trap using a hand grenade, the so-called one-on-one, that is , if an ignorant person pulled any of the ammunition, an explosion would occur. having made sure that there are no new surprises, the grenade launcher shots are transferred to cover for destruction,
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let them fall better, an explosion, you can see. smoke began to spread into the air, the first part of the chron flew in, about 10 shots for a grenade launcher, then the engineers of the russian guard were preparing several more explosions. we are leaving for a new roadstead, this is the industrial zone of mariupol, in these buildings in the spring 2022, militants from the thirty-sixth marine brigade of the ukrainian armed forces tried to defend themselves. most of them then surrendered, hid their weapons, and today the national guard found them. on the south side of the building, right next to fence 200 , an anti-tank complex was discovered. combat missiles, two units, as accepted, accepted. under the fence, covered with earth, there was a fagot anti-tank missile system; despite the contamination, it was in good condition. workers are a very powerful thing, they completely burn equipment, they lay there for a very long time time, and it is clear that they have already been disguised more than once, as the fighters noted, such
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finds are rare, usually small arms, cartridges and mines are discovered, all this is also destroyed in safe places, away from the city. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok, ilyapad kidyshev, ninakhorevo channel one, donbass. the russian guard pays special attention to social support for military personnel and their families, about this. today , the head of the department, viktor zolotov, said at an operational meeting. a lot has been done in 2 years, but the work to improve the level social protection of svo participants continues, including in close contact with regional authorities, foundations and charitable organizations. in particular , the russian guard actively cooperates with the state fund defenders of the fatherland. viktor zolotov presented its chairman anna tseveleva with a medal for her assistance. with the authorities of the constituent entity of the federation to expand regional measures, social support, personnel and members of their sime, special attention must be paid to solving social problems in the context of the northern military district, as well as
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get acquainted with the results of interaction with the state fund defenders of the fatherland. despite the presence of some positive results, the state of affairs in the field of social security indicates the need to take additional measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of military social work in the troops. ukrainian. the authorities and western countries are thwarting any international constructive initiatives for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. having no success on the battlefield, kiev switched to total terror. he announced this today in bishkka director of the fsb of russia alexander bortnikov. a meeting of the council of heads of security agencies and intelligence services of the cis countries was held in the capital of kyrgyzstan. the director of the foreign intelligence service, sergei naryshkin, also participated from our country. one of the main topics was the terrorist attack in crocus, the traces of which lead to ukraine. it was established that the preparatory actions, financing, attack and withdrawal of terrorists were coordinated via the internet by members
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of the velayat-khirasan group located in the afghan-pakistan zone. two of the four participants in the attack arrived in russia from turkey, shortly before the terrorist attack. upon completion of the capture, the terrorists received a clear command to move to the ukrainian border, where a window had been prepared on that side. the investigation continues, but it is already possible to say with confidence that ukrainian military intelligence is directly related to this attack. from the information that our service receives, it is clear that this is one of the links in the chain, the aspirations of our opponents, to destabilize the situation in the russian federation and somehow. way to violate interethnic harmony throughout the entire space commonwealth of independent states, i do
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n’t think our opponents will succeed. we'll be back in a few minutes after the commercial, so stay tuned. to the centenary of boris vasiliev. it’s difficult, after all, for women at war. they all volunteer. rita, the target is caught, fire, fallen, demons, i can’t go with them, comrade, send me to the front line, while you distort your little slaves, he will make a sieve out of you, so i categorically order you to lie down, okay, then how, there is no such war . "i can't take it anymore, now i'll go and be we can’t shoot, we can’t, we can’t, the germans have only one way, between these lakes through a ridge, eternal battle
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, we can only dream of peace, and the dawns here are quiet, tomorrow is first, the enemy, armed to the teeth, is moving in our direction, we can’t expect help from anywhere, so i order to all the fighters and to myself. this week, on may 20, roman kartsev would have turned 85 years old, well, the fish is fresh, alive, what, well, so alive, what alive, the parents of the humorist roman kartsev were categorically against his marriage to victoria kasinskaya, they were horrified that she was a dancer in kardeb. small, thin, 47 kg, in my opinion, he weighed including the bed, he bought things in the children's world, with his wife tatyana, viktor ilchenko lived for 33 years, and with me for 30 years, he joked about...
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roman kartser, tatyana, admit it, when did you fall in love? well, the first time. one day tatyana was introduced as such, ilchenko’s wife kartseva. tomada was misha zhvanetsky, he gave his friend a shirt at the wedding. our exclusive, family secrets of the famous memoristic duo ilchenko and kartsev. he was so faithful, devoted, crazy the love was just crazy. i can say clearly that he did not cheat on me. i think he didn't regret anything. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere, tomorrow on the first. for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk, everyone is dancing. she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba. and everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy. jen, let
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me out! on sunday at the first one, yes, this is the first time i ’ve seen you, well, it’s the first time, you’ll be sold from three stations, sergey repnyu, very nice
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isolde, the only one. from monday on the first, this is the evening news and we continue, trade turnover in the cis is growing rapidly. over the past 4 years it has increased by 2/3, mikhail mishustin spoke about this in ashgabat, where a meeting of the council of the commonwealth is being held. economics is one of the central topics. according to the head of our cabinet of ministers, the commonwealth countries need to create a system of payments and settlements that will not depend on external conditions. all the details of the big negotiating day in anna's report kurbatova. ashgabat, white marble.
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governments of the cis countries. this is sochak, at the airport itself everything is ready for the meeting of the heads of homespun woolen cloth, on which bread and salt are served, welcoming the guests of honor. immediately after mikhail mishustin, for whom this foreign visit was the first after his reappointment to the post of prime minister, boarded the cortez and headed to the convention center. the last time the heads of government of the cis countries met at the end of last year in moscow, now. ashgabat russia chairs this year in the commonwealth, rotation occurs annually, well, in 2024 our country replaced kyrgyzstan in this position, this is what united and unites our countries, here is just one example, i would like to draw your attention to the signs that are on the negotiating table, absolutely everything without exception in russian, needless to say that on the sidelines the heads of government of the cis countries also communicate with
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each other in russian. without translators. the development of humanitarian ties in the post-soviet space is now one of the priorities. u our countries have a rich heritage and unique culture. we take great care in preserving our common history, traditions, spiritual and moral values. all this is the basis of our dialogue, but most importantly, our fraternal peoples are always interested in strengthening such interaction in the stock of new joint projects. right now in the cis, work is underway to create an international organization for...
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the construction of russian schools abroad continues, in the near future nine more will appear in kyrgyzstan, in russian, they are now teaching in two hundred comprehensive schools institutions, three more will be built in kazakhstan . economic ties are also becoming stronger in the commonwealth. the cis countries are our key partners. despite opposition from ill-wishers, in 2023 our trade turnover with the cis countries increased by 5.8%. in january-march it added another 6.5%. molaroy is an internal product of cis participants based on the results of last year. at the negotiating table, the new belarus, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan with the prime minister of kazakhstan, the head of the cabinet of ministers of the president of turkmenistan, who
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simultaneously heads the cabinet of ministers, mikhail mishustin also held a bilateral meeting today. the plans for the development of the community are ambitious. we are faced with large-scale tasks of developing the transport complex and creating independent external ones. this is the organization of a collective security treaty, the shanghai brix cooperation organization, the asian theatre economic cooperation forum, this is also necessary for the implementation of the initiatives of russian president vladimirovich putin to form a large eurasian partnership, confidently. it will also be in the interests of all countries, region. we place special emphasis on the development of transport infrastructure; we work together with all our partners, because any roads always unite economies. our railways interact, the ministry of transport interacts,
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of course, financial authorities, because this requires questions and insurance and transfers, paperwork in electronic form, and so on and so forth. a total of 12 agreements were signed in ashgabat today, which now have to be closed. in life. anna kurbatova, mikhail boborev, vladimir bokarev, channel one. the russian ambassador to armenia has been summoned from yerevan to moscow. this is stated in the commentary of the official representative of our foreign ministry, maria zakharova. it is published on the department's website. it is clarified that sergei kopyrkin arrived in the capital for consultation. there are no other details yet. how to fight, and most importantly prevent, natural fires and floods were discussed today at the hydromedical center. due to high water, the most difficult situation remains in the tyumen and omsk regions. floods are actively developing in yakutia. a meeting on this topic was chaired by deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev. as for another element, according to the deputy prime minister
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, the fire is now actively advancing in transbaikalia. the fire situation there requires special control. to assess the situation with natural disasters, dmitry patrushev will travel to siberia and the far east. for now. the most difficult situation is in our transbaikalia region; if we speak in general for the russian federation, the number of forest fires, the area covered by fire, is now lower than on the same date last year, but we proceed from the fact that our forest fire forecast for the coming months is negative, and it carries very significant risks, so i consider it necessary
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to install this equipment in... the family budget, and for some households we completely 100% covered. today is the day of slavic literature and culture in russia. throughout the country there are events, exhibitions, festivals, concerts, the date is dedicated to the day of memory of cyril and methodius, christian preachers who created the first slavic alphabet. divine liturgies in churches across the country. home in the cathedral of christ the savior. it was conducted by patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia. and today is the day of the primate of the russian orthodox church, as it is customary to call the name day. the night before , the head of the russian orthodox church was congratulated by vladimir putin. he met with the patriarch before leaving for minsk. thank you very much
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for everything you do for the russian people, thank you for the level of cooperation that exists between the church and the state, as i’ve already said, it’s unprecedented when compared with all of russian history, god bless you, congratulations, thank you, a very special day when it’s both joyful and a little sad, and today is hundreds of thousands of russian school graduates... last call, the traditional date is may 25, but each educational institution can choose at its discretion when to celebrate. from kamchatka to kaliningrad, first-graders congratulate ceremonies, parting words from teachers and parents, and graduates. for high school students an important stage is coming to an end: the unified state examination, admission to universities and choice of profession lie ahead. the future belongs to the it sector, we needed more professionals in this field. i want to help my native country, i chose the profession
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of an architect in order to create aesthetics in our cities of russia, i am going to develop our market, i am going to develop our products, i am going to make our country much better, the main exhibition of the country, the russia forum at vdnkh , was visited today by the fourteen millionth guest, it was eight-year-old kirill from the kamchatka territory, take a walk and look around the pavilions, boy came with his parents, the lucky ones were given... a fiqat for a trip to the city of tobolsk, the tourist and industrial capital of siberia. exciting excursions and a rich program await them. and here are the first emotions from the solemn event of gifts. i came from kamchatka, and this is my first time at the rc exhibition. we played the lottery a long time ago, but nothing but 100 rubles. we didn't win. that's why it's very.
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and just at vdnkh and thirty other venues throughout moscow , a large-scale gastronomic festival opened today, a real holiday for seafood lovers, moscow is on the wave, fish week, this... we decided to feel like a tourist in our city, it’s wonderful, everything is very beautiful,
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decent, excellent cuisine, and people really like it, you can see it, you see, everyone is delighted, admiration, don’t stop with the photographs, our grandfathers taught us how to properly cook the root, so we pass on this knowledge to this day, we support everyone who is for the domestic product, i adore fish, when it’s good, then the fish is wonderful, that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right. now the human program is the law. the organizer of the second grand slam tennis tournament of the season, roland goros, held a draw. three russians are seeded in the men's draw. the country's first racket daniil medvedev, who received the fifth number, will start the match against dominik köpfer from germany. six of our tennis players were seeded in the women's bracket. the best of them at the moment is daria kasatkina. her opponent, number ten in the first round, was magdalena french from poland. let's remember ralan goros. starts on sunday.


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