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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 25, 2024 1:05am-1:51am MSK

1:05 am
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well done for not forgetting your father? what happened? not yet, but maybe your father was also a fan of waving a pistol. ivanovich, what happened to the last guard? it was torn, he ran away,
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he didn’t even return for his clothes, everything was unguarded here for 3 days, relatives managed to erect monuments on two graves, everything worked.
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kuku, he climbed over the fence, and what is this? and here, you always, when you were born, froze, relatives come to them, i don’t understand, well, they leave the hatch, and i remember the souls with respect. it comes to this almost every day, what do i need? what to do, i live nearby, look for another cemetery, half an hour so that i can check in on the way back, boss, every second for your health, young man, watchman!
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my grishka, where? what grishka? my husband will get glasses here. i saw him through the fence. husband, yes. well come here. let me go, i 'll call him now. i'd rather do it myself. i'll be quick. open up. after all, it’s a shame to get drunk in front of people, god bless you, knock-knock, i came to check in, i saw my wife, of course, i come here every day to visit, you don’t have much time at home, you're evil, she's 3 years old, how did she die? lies here,
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and who was it, who, i mean, did she leave without flowers? threw it over the fence, my niece picked up the jackdaw, i sympathize with you, commander, where is she selling, kuku, where is the bouquet, what did they cost you, what are you, where are the buckets from the cemetery?
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and i brought your flowers here, did you know my brother, or what? but no, i’m not, i’m keeping order here, and you cut through the fence, or something, through the fence, close the gate behind you. take these away, they've withered,
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hey, you freak, you raised a club against my mother, i 'll rip your head off for your mother, you know that you? i’ll do it to your mother, you’ll tear your head off, well , yes, very smart, you’re finished, you understand, and alyosha, come here, but it’s okay that she steals flowers from graves, and who feels bad about it, this is my area, i’m the boss here, i understand, yours, i understand, i tell you, cool down, “listen, dear, you’re stealing flowers from your brother’s grave, that means quiet, quiet, quiet, that’s not respect for
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the dead, you understand, that’s how you treat the dead, excuse me, i didn’t know that these were your graves?” i mean, i’m a complete democrat, it’s good here, mentally,
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well done, keep on working, uh-huh, no, thanks, i don’t need it, brother is behind the grave. follow it, yeah, and give the weapon to the guy , let's go.
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this means that someone is wandering around here at night, you are not afraid. what job? do you, well, know who this is? well, i’ll catch you, let’s meet. but why do you need to catch him? why do they need it? here to run, well , it’s night, there’s a cemetery, and you’re alone, that’s all, it’s become scary, well, you, well, ir, we’ve... passed the cemetery, now i, as an honest person, must go over
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to you, ok, come on, can i accompany you, it’s night after all, no, if you don’t leave your post. i'll be waiting for you.
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what are you doing here, i’m calling the queen of spades,
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i understand, why are you crying? not called, who taught you this? brother, he’s already called five times, your brother is a moron, i know. climbed over the fence, yes, through the hole, come on, go, go, i said, go, i’ll throw a cone now. shout after me if anything happens.
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next time you dig, you will choose the grave yourself. take the dog. you’re being unkind , uh, don’t shine your eyes there, the cemetery is closed, you meet, meat and a worm are also meat, this is not plant tissue, but animal, any animal tissue is meat, so to speak, if it’s muscle tissue, it will move like a worm or a mole, if you have a wash, you know meat, it’s just more tender, and what you’re limping is more tender than a bird, a bird is more tender
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than the restraints of the profession, if you refuse meat, what kind of then i chased the idiot half the night. i’m sure that idiots, smart people don’t wander around at night, a thief probably tried, tried for, about a maniac, i heard about eight corpses in a month, about which maniac, where were you running around here, in the old woman’s photo is that your father? died in service, yeah, it happens with us, it’s strange why he turned here, it ’s closer to the gate, and you shine the light, listen, or maybe he’s coming to his place, here you are with this toothpick, so he lets go, and you think he
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lives here, turn off the flashlight. here the basement is walled up, and there is a hole, uh-huh, makarov, uh-huh, modernized, yeah, 12 rounds, right? 12 yes, also makarov yes.
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what’s there, that you’ll break your leg, that’s what, it’s empty, homeless people’s beds and one kerosene stove, you’re like, okay. well, you’ll let us out, how can we write it down, no, write it down, what are you guys going to do in an ambush, well, that’s how it is
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the bosses decide whether to quit now, no, i can’t quit. why? well, so personally, that he got married, or what? well, this is not the place, of course, okay, in case of problems, call if you have time.
1:25 am
wait here, let's start with it, yeah, we're working, right? five guards over the past 2 weeks have fled in horror from this ominous ancient cemetery and our program has only one question: why, what is behind this and how? stop, what's going on? hello , hey guys, who are you? television, we
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literally have two questions, what is your name? kolya, nikolai, nikolai, nikolai, we will very quickly, literally in a nutshell, describe the horror that you are experiencing. horrible? well, how does the fact that you constantly feel the presence of some strange energy affect your life? does not affect in any way, okay, right now you have a unique opportunity, you can turn through our program to that ominous otherworldly energy that is preventing you from living, tell it everything you wanted, please start, nikolai! well, you have seen everything yourself, this situation does not require explanation, it is obvious something not from this world is involved, shoot,
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perhaps there is otherworldly energy living in this guy’s body, now it has taken over his body, we want to say with an evil spirit, leave this guy’s body. excuse me, is anyone alive? oh, are you having problems here? anything can happen, what about you? uh, you see, i have a son here, and i would like to put a tombstone. you can't, the administration doesn't allow it. they have such prices, i don’t have that much, but my son doesn’t, they’ll fire me if i allow it, i’ll artificially age them,
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no one will notice anything, listen, well, this is funny, yes, it’s true, it’s funny, when sasha died in the line of duty, such... loud words were spoken, they showed it on television, and sasha has been buried like a dog for a year, just a mound of earth, i ’ll try quickly, yeah.
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so what's going on there? where are the umisaki around the corner, and they help me at night, they chase the zhmurov away so that i don’t see this anymore, i understand, i understand, what is he doing there? what kind of journalist, they want to film about your father, because he came with a journalist, with whom they are not allowed to make a monument, your division, and well... this journalist left, he saw that i wasn’t bothering him and left, but said that he would come, check, keep an eye on him, okay, let him poke around, my son
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was a hero, and you did well, you tried. go home, let me help, uh-huh, i’ve already helped, jackdaw, but leave me alone, what do you need a family of guys, well , yesterday yarsa said to bring flowers, yesterday, he sensed something, or something, those, grandma twins, it’s not in vain that they say what did vasil ivanny smell? why did you smell your death? we’re preparing a grave for him next to his brother, a kamaz hit his forehead in the oncoming traffic, he’s in his the car was as if alive, only... blue,
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jackdaw, why are you standing, let's roll the cart back, we don't owe him anything anymore, why are you standing, i say, roll back, come on , come on, go, bye, jackdaw! listen, you poop, i ’ll come to you tonight with the boys, so hang yourself with a string!
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come on, let's go, village, huh?
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eh, guys, where are you going, there is a second gate, to hell with you, i’ll go myself.
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oh, you lace! stop there maniac! don't run there, you'll break your leg.
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who did you see? the dialed number does not exist, give me your hand, give your hand, that means you are not a relative, which i say you are not relative, no, friend, acquaintance, okay, acquaintance, here, what is this, and i called it, that’s the law, clearly,
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they made some noise, whoever it happens to, he almost burned down my cemetery, will you write a statement, but no, in , this is right, but well, you need it, then they will drag you through the courts, you will smear your biographies, the main thing for me is that the maniac is caught, yes, comrade sergeant, when our people come for an ambush, what are our people? and what is it? kolya, okay, those two
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operatives who came, you looked at their id carefully, the photographs are there, i didn’t i know, it was dark, they quickly showed me, well , you see, maybe not from your department, they just gave me the left number. they cheated you like a boy? comrade sergeant, if i write a statement that there is a maniac in my crypt, a nail,
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he was a good man, you know what, write, we will raise people, we will set up an ambush, we will call a helicopter, the dogs will come. “we only have one dog, it’s me, well, you write, there’s a bed in the crypt, a kerosene stove, oh, it’s been there for a long time, he was hiding alone, evading criminal prosecution, yartsev, konstantin, brother, he almost half the city was searched. and he was buried here, and why? nothing, they found it later, dead, a broken heart, and a face as if the devil had seen it, since then there has been a bed,
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like, a thing, a doc, edification for posterity, comrade sergeant, vasily ivanovich, scared.
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the best people. people are leaving, so dima and artsev, after their brother, after kostya, left us, brother to brother, ashes to ashes, dimka and kostya, they never retreated when everything was against them, they stuck to their line, won, and where now these guys? who is not afraid, who does not
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bend, who listens only to himself, i know, from the bottom of my heart, well done ivanoch, he organized himself well, with dignity, you know, for the sake of konstantin and dmitry, god, you’re giving up for dimon, and what, it’s you, and i brought flowers, also stolen from the cemetery, you shouldn’t think that everyone is like that , my brother called me from the hospital, you can do it, otherwise i’m
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uncomfortable, why is this happening, my conscience is tormenting me, i don’t know, actually i don’t look like him, let me tell you. korya, i'm watching you, quietly, quietly, quietly.
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hey, security, i'm going to die here, oh, listen, great, this is mine, my backpack is still there, and you ran away because of a maniac, who the hell knows, they are like that, and you think i would run away from one, well, i went out the window, you get the hell out of here. maybe you’ll leave it, but you need it? i love music,
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i’ll leave it, there will be music for you here. so what do you think, who they are, the unknown, what’s the point of closing the gate for you, they’re through the fence, and you’re here alone? we need to place the dogs along the fence, but whatever the dogs do, we need something more serious here, you know how many people there are from here. i went to get you out of here, by the way, vasily ivanovich, well, are we fighting again?
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kohl, ira, hello, hello, hello! yesterday you did you come? no, it was a day off, everything was simple, and you were waiting for me, waiting, maniac, but i didn’t hear,
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but i saw, he was herding you, me, yes, you’re the only one who walks here, carefully. a pistol like this , a modernized makarov, it has 12 rounds, kolya, if it’s him, who? well, a maniac? what are you doing here, dog, let him go.
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behind, how many of you are there, are you the third, or what? first, this is konstantin, run, run to the stairs,


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