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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 25, 2024 2:35am-3:21am MSK

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and this decision is bold, i don’t know, i just understood differently that well, it’s like i just can’t breathe, well, i really physically just can’t, and accordingly , i’m suppressing my first husband too, well, because i understood that that’s exactly where i was, very well, so strong, in a negative sense, strong, yeah, at the beginning you said that your request was that you were...
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you could count on your spouse and give him the opportunity to care about you care what you can do differently? i just don’t really understand it yet, well, here it is, apparently, that’s why there’s a way to say, it ’s like an imbalance, and it’s like there’s some kind of instability and uncertainty, what are you saying, as if you can’t control this force.
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if it exists, then it is total, then you begin to suppress your husband, you begin to dominate, lead him, and as if now, if you turn it on, then the scenario will unfold in the same way so that this does not happen, you then you take this position, i don’t take responsibility, i let’s take care of everything here ourselves somehow, i ’ll wait out such a diametrically opposite position, role, there’s a balance between these. it turns out, yes, it’s clear that you are frightened by what the first 25 years of marriage led you to, well, in the sense of your first marriage, and you are here, now you cannot allow this, and you fall into this position of a child, what should you start doing now, yul, if you decided to destroy your relationship with your husband now, with your second, yes, follow this scenario that you followed with your first husband, with your second husband... my situation is a little different,
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we have a big age difference, it’s unlikely, even if i really want to, i will be able to defeat him, yes, but answering tatyana’s question, would you try to somehow suppress him, i don’t see it in myself now, well, no, tatyana asked you another question, she said what would you do if you wanted to ruin your relationship with him, from what you answer, i conclude that if you could , you would suppress it, that’s how you would...
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in order to destroy it, in order to understand what well, i’m interested in understanding what can be done for then it’s worth doing in order to save, that is , there is a certain idea, but about what destroys relationships, it’s clear now that it’s not worth doing, then what’s worth doing, the most important thing is that... it seems to me that it’s worth talking, well, that is communicate a lot, talk , explain, check in with each other, well, at every moment in time, when some situations arise, for example, or some simply, as they say, dialogue, yes, that is, i need to find some kind of balance between destructive actions and absolutely creative actions, yes, we need to find some kind of golden mean, yes, i will give a hint such that as...
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a man, that the value of a conversation in a couple is greatly overestimated, by a large number of psychologists who today broadcast in various channels there, because... in my opinion look, just the opposite, the ability to feel each other without talking, it is higher, when it’s just good for the two of you to be silent, this is also important, well, after all, your marriage is just beginning, in this sense, you have been married to him not so long ago , but what is definitely worth talking about is about roles, this is what you start in fact, we started, because on the one hand, of course, in this relationship you can now be in the role of a little girl, for whom the man is significantly responsible.
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that is, right now the fact that i wasn’t there alone for a long time, well, my daughter tells me that it seems that you can’t be alone, but i can’t say that, well, i threw myself into this marriage right there, yes, that i it’s just simple for me, well, it happened, but
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at the moment i still have more of a request for myself, that is, i understand that marriage it also depends, well, naturally on that...
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i always, well, often ask myself that it would be interesting for me to see myself through the eyes of my children, and to find out what they think about me, have you ever asked them? well , i asked, and even when i didn’t ask, they somehow don’t really hide their opinion on
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the matter, my daughter tells me that i underestimate myself, that i don’t believe in myself, and this daughter is 16, yes you say, daughter is 16, yes , my daughter tells me that... she is grateful to me for getting divorced, they highlight some your strengths, something that they like about you, something that impresses, well, yes, she often tells me what she likes, what kind of relationship we have, she is open with me, it happens that they sometimes my brother diagnoses me in their correspondence there, that i have some kind of adhd, that i’m some kind of advanced? depression, split personality, yes, now young people like to talk about it, well, just at some point, when i had mm, friends usually wished me a happy birthday, they very often told me that you are amazing mother, you are a great mother,
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somehow i don’t know such mothers, at some point it already became like bad advertising to me, but that’s because it’s just a small part of your personality, and what have you managed to create in a relationship? with them, what do you think, the most important thing is with children, yeah, it seems to me that i succeeded, i managed to keep them, well , realness, that is, they are like that, well, in my opinion, so am i... i know that they are loved ones so spoiled, so, well, such good children at home, yes, well, in a good sense, not in the greenhouse sense, they have grandmothers, grandfathers, mom, dad, well, how can you say that, in principle, the family is a full cup, yes, they had a good, happy childhood, that is, you know how to love, in fact, yes, well, that ’s great, look, this too... just give yourself now, your daughter is right when she tells you that you underestimate yourself, because in essence you now, here you are 47,
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have the opportunity to show them one more very important thing, that you are an adult, everything is for you you can, and you will do what you like, without looking back at them, at your parents, at your husbands there and so on, so they should see that 47 is just the beginning in this sense of life, when we begin to enjoy our life, when we can love ourselves, were you able to love them? that’s all, that’s all with them, and now it’s just for yourself, in the good sense of the word, you have your beloved man next to you and, in general, in the near future everything will only be wonderful, i think you need to find yourself, that is, the self you are you want to be, you know how, when the chumrashka asks the crocodile gene, he says what you do, he says a crocodile in the zoo, can you imagine how harmonious this is, well, you weren’t confused by this answer as a child, a crocodile in the zoo, he’s either an idiot, or cheburashka is an idiot, or we... who are reading this, but no, actually this is an absolutely harmonious emanation of your
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essence, your essence, your inner self, this i need to find, which you will work as a crocodile in the zoo, is also good, but you need to find this yourself, who wants to be realized through some position, through which -something profession, through some kind of activity, don’t look for a job, find yourself, who wants to realize themselves through this or that profession, there is a very simple coaching tool, you can take a piece of paper. when you leave here or in the notes on your phone, now you will be in a taxi, write what you want your day to look like, you woke up, where you woke up, what’s around you, where you went, what you started doing next, what you have a job, how do you feel about it, when did you arrive, what greets you in the evening, who greets you in the evening, what are you doing, through these simple steps you will little by little, little by little feel, i’ll try, no need to try, i have to do it, i’ll try, i’ll do it, good, good that you stopped yourself. thank you very much, you cry so interestingly, and at the same time , the past and
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the future are a little confused in your head, you look at your future, but see only your past there, well, yes, there’s probably this moment that i’m like as if i don’t see the future, and what the hell with it, you don’t need to look into the future, look at the present, how you want to realize yourself through your work and professional activities, thank you very much again, thank you, well, it was a labtreer podcast and we talked with yulia about how to find yourself in the ups and downs of life, relationships and professional activities, the hosts of this podcast, tatyana krasnovskaya, were with you and sergey nasebyan, and you, dear viewers, if you want to become a participant in the trigger podcast and be our guest in our studio and understand the issue that is interesting to you personally, fill out the form on the website
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by the way, i recently found out that there is a stone travelers. come on, yes, i recently entered into some kind of stupor, i had a fear of flying away, an acquaintance told me that you need to buy a traveler’s stone and you won’t be afraid. i listened to so much about it that i forgot about my aerophobia, it was as if i had already bought it, and it was as if i already had it in my touring backpack, somehow it... put me in the mood. hello everyone, this is a podcast from lymshity and i’m tatyana gevarkyan. diamonds are a girl's best friend. at least that's what marilyn munro sang in 1953 year. how has the attitude towards jewelry changed in our time? today our guests are singer olga seryabkina and jewelry stylist yuliana kotsoeva. here is ol, and you today. in minimalism and just completely practically, well, by the way, i’m not on purpose, how important this is for you, well, taking into account
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the fact that i’m also an artist, not just a person who can, can ignore this topic, yes, well, now, for example, i really like the generally minimal, light touch like this with decorations, but almost all costume jewelry moved out of my wardrobe, went to girlfriends, to friends and even to children of girlfriends, i practically don’t use it, so i like a minimum of jewelry, although i’m the one who just put on everything myself, i don’t know, i had... well it’s almost like african women, i understand perfectly well what you ’re talking about, i had a story, i hosted one big concert with my friend, who is quite a well-known tv presenter, but she’s cool, very good, a professional presenter, we don’t have neighboring dressing rooms, and i'm in in principle, at that time i adhered to minimalism, that is, i have some kind of evening
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dress and some minimal jewelry, she comes into my dressing room and says: well, how are you, you got ready there, and i see... what she has some kind of luxurious floor-length dress sparkling with stones and rhinestones, here she has a necklace, stones, everything sparkles, huge earrings, some beautiful clusters of stones, elbow-length bracelets, rings, and we are standing next to her, in we look in the mirror, i say, well, it’s clear, we’re like a princess and a maid, now let's go out on stage, she looks at me like that, says, listen, i'm missing something, i say, i mean, you're missing something, she says, well, yes, so... she reaches for her cosmetic bag, rummages through her jewelry, puts on a tiara and says: now everything is in order, and this is true, she felt organic in it, so i’m wondering how to choose the right jewelry wardrobe for yourself, where are these boundaries
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today at twenty fourth year, it seems to me that the main thing is for a person to feel comfortable, because i would also... such a day, i get up, i have only one wedding dress , and i put on at most a couple of small earrings, and i feel so good, calm, and i’m just comfortable, but there is a day like this, i can be nervous, i can go somewhere , this is also some kind of protection, well, it seems so to me, well, tell me about your maximum, oh, well, this is the maximum body kit you have, well, this is the layering in the neck, this is the jewelry i get from the choker like this , there is a decoration talisman, these are definitely some things that are never taken off, but you hide the talisman under your clothes, right? i accidentally came across this pendant and i took it, and now i don’t take it off, that is, there are some talismans that i always wear, this pendant, a couple of rings in my ears and one here, and sometimes, for example, today i was a little worried and i need, for example, obsidian, this is my favorite stone, i rub it a little like this when
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i’m worried, that is, i need it today, damn it, i need to wear it, for example, this is how it turns out, that’s how it goes ... this is how it all turns out, there are also a lot of stones, a stone of love, a stone against, when, for example, a person desires you, says some kind of anger or something about you, if, for example, you put on a black stone, an agate bead, then everything that the person says is bad, everything to him comes back, by the way, this is also like that, you need to be more careful with people who have stones on them, yes, sterling silver is also very protective, sterling, and how is it different from this i have a piece of jewelry, it’s just like that too, someone thinks that it is from the evil eye, sterling silver is just very strongly in terms of energy, this is dutch... amsterdam, these gothic different brands, sterling silver is very protective of energy, i read all this, i really like it, and this stone is a must-have, or i just remember that there were stones that you you just carry it with you in your purse, in your pocket, or in your pocket, which you can just put in your pocket, you can use it for decoration, you can put a hole on a bead somehow, i heard a lot of stories from my friends about rose quartz, that it brings love,
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reveals femininity, it really has something to do with it. i listened to something like that, and then i thought, damn, something’s not working for me, and i was on the passage in kitay-gorod, there was a shop where a woman was selling stones, i bought this bracelet and just wore it i wore it, and as they explained to me, i need to put it on the bedside table at night so that it is charged with energy, then put it on again, that is, the stone should rest, i wore it then somehow i looked and it became white, transparent, that is was just like that... well, it seems to me that it’s connected after all, i would like to believe, good things make sense to believe, but some bad omens, it seems to me, are not worth believing, that is, for example, if you believe that in a black cat, you’ll drown you
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will always receive from this black cat, just the same cat. a different color, yes, well , i, for example, you always know, sometimes you’re driving on the road, when a black cat crosses the road, all the drivers stop, there’s this accumulation, a traffic jam, because no one wants to pass first, i’m always the one the person who everyone it offends me, i think, why the hell with you idiots, and i always drive by and everything is fine, nothing bad happens to me either that day or the next day, is it important to believe in this or does it work autonomously with your sense of trust in this stone, or what you wear it for. if this has a purpose, well, i wasn’t skeptical, i didn’t put it on because, well, at least something will help me, no, i just thought, if this is so, it will be cool, i’ll put it on, i think they’re on their own and they work, because well, i when i was in vladikavkaz. there is a big mountain that you touch and you get some kind of energy, every third person comes up, and a man stood with me, and he says: look at this mountain, it has been here for millions of years and will be for millions of years, can you imagine
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what it’s like? there is strength and energy in it, i touched it and left, it turns out that the stones themselves work, the influence of your stones is reflected on olya, now it’s interesting, it protects everyone who is in mine and i feel very comfortable, by the way, i’m generally quite sensitive to this. .. which comes from kavolba, i very often , well, for example, i start, an impression of a person, so we didn’t even have time to start a conversation with someone, and i understand, well, this is the energy message, in principle, the result of the meeting is predetermined, as if before you started talking, well, i feel comfortable, cool, in general it seems to me that it’s very interesting for me to chat and find out in general, maybe i need to change my mind, because i really also have a wedding ring. my favorite studs, which are just super comfortable and that’s all for today. a tell me about your stage jewelry wardrobe, it also has its own specifics, you also
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need nothing to cling to your clothes, otherwise it could end badly, it’s true, it’s true, for example, i really love earrings, but before i couldn’t live without big rings, like yours, for example, very bright earrings, but because it was yuliana who brought me a thank you today. super, thank you, but since i wear - uh, special ears, when you put them on, it’s very uncomfortable, others, anything else, accessories for the ears, almost impossible, well, it’s inconvenient for me, yeah, but for the stage, in principle, that’s all, at one time i wore grills, i didn’t exist without them, what are grills, well, for jewelry on the teeth, that is, i had a real jewelry with real ones diamonds in teeth. i had several of them, i even have them, but they are removable, yes, this is a removable story, but how do orthodontists feel about this? that’s what i did there, that is, conventionally
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, i made casts and they cast them out of gold for me, just like i had real gold gypsy teeth, as if, wait, and gold teeth, it was the culture of rappers, when they inserted these gold teeth into themselves, apparently i ’ve seen enough of something and wanted to do the same, but i would have conditionally... there’s like a frame there , just, for example, so very delicate , very feminine, different, and it was very bright when you, for example, sing into a microphone, and if like us, from such a distance as you and i, then everyone is probably watching, yes, well, that’s a little bit -a little bit of a sticky moment, well, in general, it’s a bright accessory that, in principle, attracts attention and, by the way, this is an easy life hack for those who, it seems to me, want to, well, attract some attention to themselves. make interesting accessories with gold teeth, for example, it can even be just some kind of stone, they do the same thing, you can just like that, whoever has a small slit here, i often saw it in
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american singers, where there is a small slit, just like that here's a small diamond that 's attached to the other side of the jaw, here's everything on the teeth, and it's very beautiful, who has a gap in who, well, it's like recently for me one of my friends told me with delight about a new guy she met, he had a tattoo inside his lip. there is also, wow, yes, there is 04, 0403, this is the date of birth of my best friend, who lives in st. petersburg, everything is in numbers, right, this, this, by the way, i really like, numbers, i’m also into them i treat it like it’s interesting, i try not to get attached to numbers, dates, letters , and there are no tattoos, in fact, i always really liked tattoos on other people, well, naturally literate, beautiful, sometimes i have thoughts when i have some idea and i want to get this tattoo, because i think that this is also, well, this is a kind of accessory, well, it’s just an accessory that you cannot
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change, that is, you suddenly want i don’t know this cat there, not here , here, here, or somewhere else, i can tell you right away, they tell me this so often, how you don’t get tired of them, how well, you want something else, why are you here i did it, then a year later i don’t see her, you don’t notice.
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these are the ones that, by the way, what is the ideal size, it seems to me that these are the very, very average centimeters, probably three, they, i remember myself in the sixth grade, i remember from myself, now i always liked rings, but what also from earrings, and from everything in general, these are the ones, now in general i really like symmetry, i don’t wear the same earrings at all, i get one here, another here, in fact it was like asymmetry, there was a trend once, but i have completely different earrings, which are very common now practice... they sell straight mono earrings, mono, and you can already select them as designer ones, a lot of brands make designer collections, that is, these are just a couple of earrings, with another one attached to them, the one on your neck, yes, here this is an earring, this is a pendant, it is attached to the pendant, but then everything can be replaced, there are special fastenings that can be changed from the ear, to the neck, to a belt, to a bag, and it is very beautiful, this is what they call, blackened silver, blackened silver, very beautiful, but what about blackened silver is now becoming fashionable, it is one of
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the parts of dark fashion. that is, basically everything that goes into the dark fashion style is all silver with blackening, it is specially sprayed on top so that it looks even more aged, so gothic, that’s how it turned out so interesting that dark fashion and gothic fashion suddenly penetrated into popular culture and have become something so everyday, well, firstly, we believe that dark fashion is jewelry that has no gender, that is , both men and women can wear it, it’s very convenient, universal, that is, this jewelry can be worn by men too, right? well, that's it, a note for fashionable men, can this be included in a business wardrobe? of course, why not? on a shirt? yes, a bag, on a shirt, you can unbutton it from the back and put it on like a skirt with some kind of skirt, yeah, these are the decorations that, let’s say, but non-standard ones, not always generally accepted, for example, piercings, they’re in fashion now, it
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seems to me that piercing is out of fashion, out of fashion? in general , depending on what current is going on now, and what kind of current you are talking about piercing, i don’t know of some kind, on the tongue, on the pukka, there’s just a piercing that people accept visually, and there is one that is not accepted, that is, for some, it’s neat - for example, a small earring in the nose is ok, a small ring is ok, but when two eyebrows are pierced, well, what is it that happens, that is, it seems to me, it just immediately imitates, well, what we wear as cafs, they are all an imitation of piercing, yes i also put it here, well, yes, or just. to fill this, well, as often, we we often work with piercers, but here it’s inconvenient to pierce because the ear unfolds, the earring goes back, for this purpose cafés were invented to also fill this part of the ear. olya, did you have a piercing? no, no piercings, no tattoos, you are the perfect person, i never did, because it seemed to me that, well, it’s like a woman’s face, it’s very beautiful and without additional...
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so to speak, accessories, but all this can be done like since it was cafés, i wore fake ones very often, well, like cafés now, but on the lip there were cafes, i wore fake earrings everywhere, ears and nose, and well, but, most likely, since here in the middle, and here on the side, no, i still need to always keep in mind how old you are, in what is your status, emotional, first of all, yes, how do you feel, but...
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you will never put on yourself, i don’t like everything connected with skulls, some bones, that is, you’re invested, this is not yours, but no, why, well , when vivien west is at the level of very elegant beautiful corsets or, well, just her unrealistic shapes, yes, she knows how to create, but i just understand what suits me, what is beautiful for me, what is harmonious for me, and what i don’t really like, well, let’s say, if we take
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some... jewelry in the same brand you you can find something ideal and something that doesn’t suit you, even just in size, by the way, in jewelry history, size is also very important, for example, we take a thread, and there is... i even, by the way, have i have another decoration that is not visible, just a red thread, that’s the difference in thickness the threads have a big impact on how comfortable it is to wear or how well it suits you, it seems like it’s just that i have a thin one, it’s not very comfortable now, but thin, but i’m better off with a thin one, can you imagine, it moves out of my head all the time, i wear it all the time i tighten it, it leaves, it’s tied, well , that’s it, it goes well, by the way, with any bracelets, yes, i had one thread that very... meant a lot to me, i tied it mm in bali, and this too in the store there was jewelry on there was a hieroglyph on the red thread, well, something meaning that at that moment it somehow resonated with me very much, and
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they tied this thread to me, it was a bracelet that was always with me, that is, when it is tied, it is already doesn’t come off like this one, i went with him for several years, and he somehow always fed me with energy, i felt comfortable with him. and once i was at a formula 1 race, and they put on these bracelets to enter the vip zone or somewhere, so i didn’t take it off, and something like one day or a couple of days later i came somewhere v company, he tells me that you are wearing this bracelet, i say, yes, you need scissors, there are no scissors at hand, it needs to be cut off somehow, let us cut it off for you, well, in general , they cut it off for me, as i later realized, together with this thread, and i didn’t notice at that moment, it was so uncomfortable, some kind of rod that was suddenly pulled out of you, well, yuliana said that she has such talismans that she wears, and you have them , i used to wear it, well, now where is the wedding ring, i used to wear it, i just had two rings made of different colors of gold, but they were practically the same and
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i just couldn’t if i was without these rings, well, i already had one, i just couldn’t sing or compose, in short, i also became attached to these rings and at some point... i took them off myself, i realized that that was it, i had to learn to live without them, but no, you know, it seemed to me that they seemed to have done everything for me, that it was as if their time is up, i had the same thing with the ring, which i also purchased during such difficult times for me moments, so i walked with it for a very long time, in principle i set some goals for myself, but it encouraged me, that is, it was hard for me, i also put it on and then for a wonderful moment i just felt somehow uncomfortable on my fingers, i started twist it like that, twist it at some point... i say, it gave me everything i needed, and i calmly sold it, but another ring quickly took its place, and what kind of ring is it? this is a ring for,
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oddly enough, this is a ring for divorce, and we often have such a practice that no, never in life, divorce rings, divorce rings, that is, there are engagement rings when this process is completed. a divorce ring, only a man gives it to a girl or exchanges these rings, in general you can buy it for yourself, this is my favorite designer tsugi, this is a russian brand, kintsugi is a japanese technique, there are cracks in porcelain vases, you probably know when a porcelain vase, the cracks are filled with gold to show that the cracks are our scars, this is our experience, this is exactly the brand i have a ring with obsidian, with a stone that also called the devil's koga, i gave this ring to myself for a divorce, roughly speaking, because this is also an event. when you get married again, do you have to take it off or can you wear it? no, it’s just like an event that i remembered, this is my experience that i lived, excellent, i’m grateful for everything, this ring is with me, well, you can’t tell them apart by appearance, but in fact they don’t exist at all as such, this just the name is a divorce ring, but i think
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that when you see this ring, you will understand that i want it now, because we have a very there are many russian and non-russian brands who started this trend and have picked up divorce rings, they come in either colored mallow, gold with diamonds, or they are just some kind of... strands of different threads with inscriptions, with some kind of support, with some kind of tonic inscriptions, i’m having a super discovery now, by the way, this ring helps me to be strong or somehow i don’t know, it supports me, it gives me some kind of energy, it seems to me that it supports me, because this is also an event, well after all, a wedding is a bright white event, but why is divorce so darkened, two people gave to each other and went their separate ways, why not remember, in principle , psychologically this is how it should be, of course, one person gave to the other. an expensive ring is doubly a holiday, all the more so, by the way, it would be more pleasant for everyone at least, well, in general ol, any event would be much more pleasant if we were given expensive rings or good jewelry every time, by the way, it seems
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ideal to me a gift, well, julian, i asked olga, what is some kind of taboo for you in jewelry, is there something that you never i can’t wear myself and recommend it to someone, there is nothing that i won’t recommend to everyone. their own style, everyone does as they want, my favorite phrase is appropriate here: fashion is a matter of time, and style is a matter of individuality, so i won’t recommend anything to anyone here, i don’t wear gold, just some kind of yellow gold. large brass earrings for me, is it because you think that the color doesn’t suit you, or for some reason it seems to me that yellow metal, gold itself, exactly yellow, is not the material of gold, but yellow jewelry is large, they accumulate some kind of bad energy, somehow they don’t suit me, if we talk about jewelry, then in the case of the dress code black tie, white ty, what alloy should you choose, white gold, yellow gold, pink, what stones? rose gold is very complex in terms of combinations, it is very
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difficult to choose something for it, unless it is some kind of ring with a stone, stones can already be combined further, yellow gold, i don’t know, so for some reason it turned out that i i’m very categorical, i don’t really like it, for some reason it seems to me that it envy collects some kind of envy in itself, i had the same attitude towards yellow gold, i didn’t have a single thing made of yellow gold, i categorically did not perceive it, i thought that it didn’t fit with me in any way, but then when these... new modern jewelry appeared, where both white and yellow gold are combined, well , let’s say, costume jewelry, and i suddenly realized that it just looks cool together, it’s just very difficult to combine yellow and white gold technically, because it's different melting point, so it’s hard to make them together, and rarely do any brands, if we’re talking about jewelry, combine it all together, but bijou very often, who cares, by the way, at one time i bought jewelry so that in... the jewelry would have i really
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liked the combination of white gold and yellow, it somehow lifted my spirits, moreover, my husband always gives me jewelry for some important holidays, i have a lot of them, but these are jewelry decorations, yes always, yes, in fact, i had this since childhood, my dad very often went on business trips to africa, very often brought stones from there, i was raised in such a way that the best gift for women is jewelry. is still considered, yes, absolutely, i think there is no better gift, a small holiday, even a zodiac sign, it seems to me that it’s still nice, i have a brother, and we once gave it to our mother for her birthday, both of us the name starts with the letter o, and we gave the letter o from diamond white and black together, and well, she wears it all the time, it was very valuable to her a gift, well, this seems like a lot of fantasy to me, but how do you feel about this modern thing? the trend to mix gold and silver, because it was a long time, it was considered
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taboo, now it goes well together, i’m for everything together in general, who i don’t understand, who said that this can’t be done with this, you can do everything and more, many they still talk about how gold starts from french designers and ends there with russians and japanese, as far as i understand, because white gold contains white silver in principle or not, they don’t know, white gold is its own you can paint gold and don't add the particles that make lemon gold. rose gold, silver, it is also included in gold, that is, all of these are considered precious metals, but i am in favor of mixing, because a lot of designers directly produce rings that are already made of gold and silver, but mostly this is jewelry, and what are the trends in this year, the most relevant in the twenty-fourth, because after all, even jewelry in our time is an investment, it costs the same as jewelry used to cost, that’s what it costs, it makes sense invest in something that will live longer. everything, because it happens that you bought some kind of jewelry and don’t wear it afterwards, but there are some
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things that you suddenly realize that you haven’t taken them off for a whole year, because they fit into any of your looks, this is true by the way , there are some absolutely mediocre purchases, and there is something right through the years with you, now yuliana will explain to you and me, because olya and i, apparently, intuitively buy such things, we accidentally end up, so tell us how really do this kind of awareness. shopping for this fit into the wardrobe, for starters, i always collect a base, that is, what i will always wear is a couple of rings, so that, well, i just have a security ring that is worn on the little finger, it closes everything, it has a panic button for you , which receives a signal goes to the remote control, yes to my husband, and it turns out that he closes all his fingers, the last finger is the little finger, and i put a ring on it, that’s it, everything is closed, that is, i’m safe, wait, please tell me, that is let's say if i don't have one large quantities. accessories, i can , of course, put them on here, this, this will be in any
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case, what kind of security ring, well, i call it a finger, well, a security ring, that is, i get it, it’s like closing the door, you leave the house, you lock the door , i leave the house, put on the security ring, that’s it, i feel comfortable, i can’t do this with my forgetfulness, i ’ll forget it, i’ll spend the whole day re-skating, we have reminder rings, promise rings, a lot of things, i need it, a reminder ring, by the way, i also need it, it comes with a knot, we have many russian brands, they make a small knot. this is a ring of promise or reminder, it’s like before , here we always drew a star with a pen so as not to forget something, it’s also possible, this is a great option for a gift, for example, to a friend or someone who feels good. you know, for a forgetful person, do you know how many such rings i will have then? i think that on my next birthday everyone will come to me with such a ring, i have no fingers there isn’t that much, but the main thing is that everyone has different sizes, say, yeah, yes, so that for different fingers, and also write in the technical specification that there must be a diamond there, otherwise i
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won’t remember anything, indeed, this is generally mandatory, yes, and what other trends are like this? well, now the trend is towards lace. they make frames like this from silver, seemingly repeating the shape of lace, and earrings are made from this, this long ring is also completely made like lace, some chokers in the form of lace, bracelets, this is now becoming a trend again. butterfly bows, let 's talk about vintage, because vintage jewelry takes up such a significant part of my jewelry collection, that's exactly vintage jewelry, for some reason they fit... everything vintage is more about individuality, because here you are you’ll know for sure when you put it on, you’ll know for sure that you won’t see anything like this on practically anyone, but it’s about uniqueness, about some kind of memory, it’s also about value, i just don’t have vintage at all, i’ve never been to any flea markets, but i dream of visiting, i like them vintage jewelry, for example, there is a great
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, very amazing brand, this is a lady who makes vintage jewelry, that is, she actually takes rock crystal, cuts it out inside and makes it. fills it with paint and maybe cuts out a small piece of rock crystal to add a detail from the 16th century, which was taken there from the diadem of some princess, she also makes it on the rings on mala, like this portraits of pets, elderly women who come and do all this from diamonds, gold with various sapphires, here so she makes these like sub-vintage ones, but they just collect everything in italy, they really like collecting there, they love vintage very much, she brought them to russia now, well, this is very cool, because after all... it turns out that in jewelry products, you can put much more ideas into a piece of jewelry, which will then warm you for a very long time and support some of your ideas and values. by the way, i was just talking about all these different things, and i remembered that we had disappeared
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somehow completely out of place brooches, why don’t we wear them anymore? for the first time i hear that they don’t wear brooches anymore, we really have a lot of brooches, very... different ones made of beads, which repeat the paintings of the renaissance, some handmade, because well, for example, any jacket, you can decorate the brooches with whatever how else to style it, that is, it is still relevant, still worn, no one has brooches, i have several, but you also stopped wearing them, yes, it turns out, we need to remember the good old one, i generally am now i think we need to somehow look into the box, just somehow carefully fall in love with the accessories again - it’s all the same. it’s true that you can completely change the mood of your image only through accessories, well , by the way, while we were just talking about vintage, you asked, i have a question about pearls, are they fashionable now or are they too, it just seems crazy to me, right now it’s generally good if it’s a very large, very intrusive pearl, well, there are
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delicate pearls, like river pearls, yes, well, yes, a small thin thread, yes, but there is, for example, something like this sort of marine, well, that is, large, maybe it’s? borochno no, pearls are river borochka and which majorca is, in my opinion, fake , it seems like pearls, there are a lot of pearls and rings of earrings themselves, pendants and different sizes, up to such huge ones, and pearls always always have this, for example , well, let’s also say that i used to think that zhemchik this is such a story about already there about grandma, hello, grandma is sitting in front of you, no, you’re fashionable, as if i remembered suddenly i’m sitting like a baby in the abstract and then i remember that she is also useful to me now, by the way, for some reason you don’t look like even me , well, well, because this is fashion design, who is this, by the way, this is a turkish turkish designer called evren kayarna, and she is a graduate, if not i’m mistaken, the french school of design, it has very beautiful shapes like these, it uses silver as these branches and pearls.


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