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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 25, 2024 3:20am-4:06am MSK

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in general, it’s good if it’s a very large, very intrusive pearl, well, there are delicate pearls, like river pearls, yes, well, yes, a small thread, yes, but there are, for example, something like sea pearls, well, that is, large ones, maybe they’re boroch , no, pearls, there are river pearls, baroque ones, and the mallorcan one, in my opinion, these are fake , it seems like pearls, there are a lot of pearls and rings, earrings, pendants themselves and different sizes, up to such huge ones, and this is always always in for example, well, too, let’s say, i used to think that pearls - this is a story about a grandmother already there, hello, there’s a grandmother sitting in front of you, no, you’re fashionable, as if, i remembered, suddenly, i’m sitting in the abstract, and then i remember that she’s also for me now, by the way, here for some reason you don’t look like, even i, well, well, because this is fashion design, who is this, by the way, this is a turkish, turkish designer evren kayarna, it’s called, she’s a graduate, if i’m not mistaken, of the french school of design and her
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these are very beautiful shapes, she uses silver as these twigs and pearls, yeah, and she also has a lot of rings, it’s just a modern design, you can replay it, that is, you can just eventually unravel this string of pearls and sew a couple of bracelets from it that will go on your finger. and you know what i did, i remembered, several years ago i had many, many of these beads from my childhood, left over from different completely different colored stones, and i just asked, they made me a long, long one. thread in accordance with the artistic understanding of the person who reassembled it for me, and i i still wear it from time to time, it’s long , you can wrap it there, there’s a choker here, then i do it like this, it’s very fashionable now, and it’s like a handbag on the side, like a belt, you can tie it, that is, it also seems to me that they can be like that universal things, transformers, yes, there is such a theme in jewelry, but this is exactly what jewelry is about, a lot of brands are now doing this so that you can have earrings, for example, if it’s
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an evening, put some on top of the earring pebbles that are riveted, or remove them later if you are taking your child somewhere or you go to the store, that is, so that you can play, that this is just for people who don’t have time to walk around the store, so i have a question, for example, what about the morning one, well, how is there a dress code in the jewelry store ? and there is an evening one, is there a difference, okay, we are not talking about something so massive now, but in general, it seems to me yes, well, i would.
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once i was flying somewhere through singapore and stopped near a jewelry store, all these stones sparkled so much that i decided to simply spend the rest of my the money that i had, for some kind of these, well, some bracelets, some chokers, something like that, the point of what, is that probably 10 years have passed, this is exactly the same jewelry , which i still have, it seems to me that i could do everything else. throw it away, i don’t know, give it as a gift, somehow it could have broken, but that expensive, i just said, expensive jewelry, because it was of high quality, i still have it very often - it sparkles and shines at my concerts. jewelry theme for girls - this is a topic that we can talk about endlessly, i still have many, many questions and there is something to discuss, but unfortunately, apparently we will do this behind the scenes, because we are limited in time, we already have participants knocking on our door the following podcasts.
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thank you very much for coming, it was really very interesting, we discussed a very beautiful topic today, and there is something to think about, we’ll go through everything, we’ll go through everything, and by the way, we’ll leave it as an inheritance for the children, we won’t give it away, because it's vintage, not everything gold that glitters, we were convinced of this today, watch nekomshito and the podcast lab on the former’s website. hello, my name is dmitry bak, today we have another episode of a literary podcast, let them not talk, let them read, and today we are talking about a man who was born on may 21, 1924, that is, 100 years ago. this is boris lvovich vasiliev,
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a wonderful russian writer, author of many books about the war. based on one of his stories , a great film was made about zvrazda elements about... based on the play tank crews, a great film was made officers, today we will talk about boris vasiliev about his story, about the film based on this story with irina shevchuk, the performer of the role of rita osyanina, honored artist of the russian federation. hello, irina, it’s very nice to see you here and talk to you. and another one of my interlocutors is a critic, journalist, writer, author of many books about tolstoy and more, pavel basinsky, hello, pavel, let's talk about boris vasilievna, the war is moving further and further away from us, yes, the eightieth anniversary is coming soon victory, and from the beginning of the war, the great
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even more years separate us from the war, but how does the memory of the war live on? well, were there any stories or stories in your families?
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there was no need to go if there were front-line soldiers in the family. pavel, how is this matter going for you? i always had the feeling that war was very close somewhere. and you are from volgograd, well, i was already born in volgograd, although it is very interesting that my, my friend, almost the same age, has stalingrad in his passport, that is, he is literally a year earlier than me, i am sixty-one, he is sixty, and i have both grandfathers fought, my paternal grandfather, pavel grigorievich basinsky, whose name i found, he died in... crimea, he was a career officer, he also participated in the civil war, so he died a hero, died in the crimea, and the whole regiment died, i have a storage 14 letters from him to my grandmother, some written simply with a pencil and a trembling, jumping hand, because he writes during artillery shelling, so i
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just had a war in my house, oh well, let’s now move on to literature carefully, this year many anniversaries, yes pavel, i first of all address you as historian. this is how works were created that were written and published either directly during the war or after the war, this is a special group of texts, yes, when the impressions have not yet cooled down, the war continues, there is a poem by margarit alegerzoya, then the bakopa of stalingrad
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by viktor nikrasov, the first edition of the young guard , fodeev, they fought for the homeland of sholokhov, a story about a real man, boris polevoy. well, as far as possible everything was clear in the lyrics, but wait for me, i’ll come back, everything is clear, no comments are needed here, here as in prose, this group of works, does it represent something unified, or was it all different anyway, you know, these writers had very different experiences, from the galaxy that you named, only he fought, really fought viktor nekrasov, and others were military journalists, military correspondents yes... as they say now, on the other hand, sholokhov had the experience of the civil war, the experience of the quiet don, and, probably, the greatest work about the civil war, it is no coincidence that later the lieutenants said that everything we went out from the trenches of stalingrad by viktor nekrasov, because it was the first, actually, thing
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written by a man who fought, that is , a man who shot, and what else is very interesting about this nickname, it immediately turns to specific individuals whom... it finds, because if aleger had not found zoya, we would probably know nothing about her now, of course, of course, so she creates - well, this is not a good word, it should be a definite apocrypha, but this. girls, heroines, fodeev finds young guards and also writes, so do we perhaps, well, maybe someone knew, but such a literary legend, a historical legend, of course, would not exist, but the field finds an absolutely amazing thing that can be considered as a thing about war, or can be considered simply as an existential thing about how a person survives in incredible conditions, how he then achieves, of course, of course,
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heroism, and they said a lot later that maybe there is some attraction here or apocrypha or some kind of transformation of reality, but at its core it was real, real heroism, absolutely good, but i think that such an intermediate link between the prose of the first wave and the lieutenant’s prose is probably simonov, yes, the living and the dead, of course, this trilogy is also wonderful, simonov and a playwright, a poet and a prose writer,
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which talk to them, he saw all this, he
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had programs when, because he knew about the subcutaneous experience, of course, well, we continue our conversation about boris lvovich vasiliev and about the film "azori zdestikhia", which was filmed on story of the same name by vasiliev, we are talking today with irina shevchuk, who performed the role of rita osyanina in the film “the azorean destiny deserved.” artist of the russian federation and with pavel bosinsky, writer, journalist, literary critic. you were right in saying that the lieutenant’s prose, no offense to konstantin mikhailovich in any way, was created somehow in the form of an antithesis of some kind, well, lieutenant’s prose, let’s talk, but this does not mean that the previous prose was a general’s, no, but still this trilogy is great, great novels by simonov, although they were also built around, well , such...
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except for yuri vasilyevich bondarev, who further had wonderful things, there was a shore, there was a choice, yes, many famous things, but there was also grigory boklanov, forever nineteen years old, they, by the way, were very friends, they both studied at the literary institute, were very friendly, then they went their separate ways there, we know, yes, then they were just friends,
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very close, the closest, konstantin vorobyov, konstantin vorobyov, vasil bykov, vasil bykov and ...for some reason they always forget my beloved viktor kurochkin, viktor kurochkin, of course, he was born a little early, he was twenty-three years old, but in war it’s absolutely like in war, a great book, yes, we haven’t forgotten anyone from this lieutenant’s work, but the main thing here , of course, is bogomolov, and vladimirich is absolutely a bolovnik stands apart, a man with such a mysterious biography who described the intelligence officers there. this is an important story, but the most important thing is that there was probably tolstoy’s tradition here, yes, so i’ll ask irina, you, pavel, tolstoy’s tradition, when war is not only victory one army over another, but this is not a bausteritz, yes, this is the scene of nikolai rostov’s first battle, when he realizes that
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a frenchman is galloping towards him, and the frenchman has the same mother as his, and for some reason he has to kill him, uh-huh , yes, that's it. there were a lot of rostotsky, the second director zoya dmitrievna kurdyumova traveled practically to slav rostotsky and zoya kurdyumova , let’s say their names, she traveled and visited a million moscow theaters there, rostotsky irina shepchuk and andrey martynov are legendary people, absolutely of course it’s difficult
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it was, but rostovsky had his own vision. he wanted the girls to be not already famous, hardened artists, i was in giko, yes, that’s why he was looking for faces and people who were still unknown, that is, he is such a pioneer, but the only thing we had was the famous olechka ostroumova, she starred with him in we'll live until monday, and he knew her, but here she is, although he... she herself came to rostotsky, and he didn’t see her in zhenya, didn’t see her at all, but then you can still see something like that bribed, i know that olya was repainted in a red color, as zhenya should have been, and we auditioned together, that is, she
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for zhenya, i for rita, uncle sasha bukhvalov, a pirate, was the first to talk to us. salt after we dreamed about the auditions, he shook our shoulders so much, kissed us on the cheeks, said you will play in this , that’s why he approved us, so i wanted to ask , maybe there were some khutsoviets there weren’t khutsoviets, but the first word was like such a statement from a front-line soldier and
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we received a blessing from uncle sasha bukhvalov, our paratechnician, how great it is. really there, well, this is rida osyanina, this is me, yes, a beautiful face, just a beautiful face, by the way, thanks to...
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the presenter, and i do one of three, either i read a poem, some kind of classical and i comment if necessary, either i show an old book from my library, or i quote prose, well, now i’ll read a poem by arseny aleksandrovich torkovsky, who fought, worked as a poet, it was written in his military service book that he was not a correspondent , and he was working at the front.
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resurrection to the psalms of david, a field hospital, the table was turned towards the light, i was lying upside down, like meat on a scale, my soul was pounding on a thread, and i saw myself from the outside, i was balanced without any appendages by the market, a fat weight, it was in the middle of a snow shield , shcherbatova along the western edge, in a circle of ice-free swamps. trees with broken legs and railway stops with split skulls, black with snow caps, sometimes double, sometimes triple, that day
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time stopped, the clock did not pass, and the souls of trains no longer flew along the embankments, without there were lanterns of gray whips of steam and unraven weddings, there were no snowstorms or thaws in that limba, where i lay in shame, in my nails, in my blood, outside the field of gravity of the future, but the shield of blinding snow moved on its axis and went in a circle, and low above my head, seven planes turned around, and the gauze, like tree bark on the body, hardened and ran alien. blood from the flask into my veins, and i breathed like a fish on the sand, swallowing the hard, mica, earthly, cold and blessed
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air, my lips were swept over, and they also fed me syllables, and i still couldn’t remember my name, but king david’s dictionary lived on my tongue, and then the snow melted, and early spring rose over... the tiptoes rose and enveloped the trees in its green cloak. here is a poem by arseny tarkovsky, which captures the unbearable military experience and memory in war. and it is very consonant with the lieutenant’s prose, because it was written in the same years when the lieutenant’s prose began to gain strength. and let’s pavel, let’s talk a little more about boris vasiliev. about his fate, about his books, maybe we’ll remember the drama, the play tankers, on which the film officers was based, much later, well, boris vasiliev, what
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can we say about him, after all, in a strange way, i had a little bit of a personal history with boris vasiliev, because well, not with him, i didn’t meet, but uh, me in the house, his house, he lived in solnechnogorsk, he lived in solnechnogorsk, here... the house, but he and his wife lived in solnechnogorsk, he died immediately after her death, there literally 2 months later he changed it for a short time, it was such, yes, because it was that this is a marriage in heaven, of course, of course, and sergei aleksandrovich felatov, the reign of heavenly, a wonderful person, an organizer, brought me there, so he was very friendly with vasiliev, and he brought me to this house, they were no longer there, but an ordinary house, so rustic, very, very cozy. all the time, that’s why i
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have such a warm memory of this house. and as for the film officers, it’s very interesting, here’s the moment, because vasiliev’s father was an officer in the imperial army, but this it is known, and even there the history can be traced from the civil war to the patriotic war and after the patriotic war, that is, there is a huge historical, historical panorama, and this is very interesting, because the officers of the red and white, well , the officers who served in the imperial armies before... before the revolution, yes, they were divided approximately in half, some went to fight with the reds, some went to the whites, in this tragedy, in this tragedy, they were career officers, i understand, this was their profession, generally speaking, so when this hero has become winged this phrase, yes, there is such a profession as defending the homeland, on the one hand it is very patriotic, on the other hand they are professional military men, for whom service is life, it’s simple and it’s very cool, it’s shown in the film, of course, very
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cool. these two future generals, they actually end up in camps there, then they removed it, well, of course, after all, this film came out in the seventies, and vasiliev was very angry about it, there is a moment there when they meet after war, two generals, and they meet, as if by chance, so they recognize each other, well, well, well, two generals are listening, they didn’t know each other, that is, well, it’s clear that they are there , of course there is this moment, but the film is amazing,
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an amazing film for the sake of... so by the way, it’s kind of scary a terrible tragedy, but still i ask pavel bosinsky as the author of many books about tolstoy, i won’t say a tolstoy scholar, because you are not
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a tolstoy scholar, you are an understanding of tolstoy. yes, not a knower, but an understander, here there is still tolstoy’s tradition, of course, it is in the prose about the civil war, this obviously lieutenants, yes, of course, well, but first of all, an appeal to a person, a person, this is prose about people, it is of course about war, but first of all about people, well, as i now also have a human face, socialism , yes, yes, that’s why there are petya rostov and nikolai rostov, of course. who dies in his enthusiasm, nikolai rostov, who relies on friendship, first of all, with denisov, irin, around the film or before the film, other events somehow concerned you, i mean the publication in the magazine youth stories by boris vasiliev, this is also a legendary magazine, youth, and in those decades, then my beloved had
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a performance at taganka.
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yes, tell me, that's how it is? well, it’s a trivial question, but it’s still important, i ’ve been teaching for many years, almost 20, at the mkhat studios school at the theater institute, so i understand how it happens, i see how my students change
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in the process of working on their diploma roles, of course, when there are no longer excerpts, no stage speech, when real roles come, this is how your communication with rita osyanina went, with her because it was a different experience, yes, it was... they looked at us, approved, we were filming some scenes, then he said, let’s film the scene where rita and zhenya, which means zhenya says there, let’s go now, i ’ll go and shoot all that, irita should
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be ordered by kamelkov’s fighter, so it was important for him to see me, so decisive, because i was.
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there the main thing clicked, because not everything worked out, yes, as far as we know, well, as far as i know, it was a real story, when the germans were the last, yes, well, that’s how the work went, that they really landed troops, and they were caught there for a long time, they caught everyone, well, they killed someone, they caught someone there, yes, but they weren’t girls, they weren’t girls, and vasiliev seemed to be starting to write this one already. story, but it didn’t work out, when he came up with the girls, then he came up with this great thing, as if it were fiction, yes, they weren’t girls, that’s very, yes, it’s interesting, it’s about the truth about the war, after all, the truth is not necessarily a description of what literally
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happened, there is another, human truth true, and he found it, he found this plot, he found these faces, then it turned out great, like a babel, elena bogorelskaya, a babel specialist, told me that the babel said:
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poetry, yes, amazing, i’m not even saying there are so many beautiful scenes there, how sonya reads , i don’t have the strength to remember about the deaths, about how the girls die and how they died, you know, because sonya was the first one to die, yes, the whole group was crying, although we all understood that this is, well, this is a stage, this is a movie.
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that this era, this time, these people, this the great war, has found its life in art forever, it is next to us, and today we had a conversation with wonderful interlocutors, this is irina shevchuk, honored artist of the russian federation, performer of the role of rita osyanina, thank you very much, irina, i am sure that we will i'll see you on our podcast, and my other interlocutor,
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hello, the vremya program is on the air, in the studio of quiz andreeva, the main event of the day. economy and security. vladimir putin's visit to minsk, details of negotiations with alexander lukashenko, one of moreover, the second phase of exercises with non-strategic nuclear. weapons. protection of the western borders
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of the union state and peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine. who to negotiate with? statement by the leaders of russia and belarus at a joint press conference. how klescheevka took the banner of victory over the liberated village, which ukrainian militants turned into a powerful fortified area. footage of the decisive attack. and a weekly summary of the progress of the special operation. find destroy soldiers of the russian guard neutralize caches left by ukrainian militants, subtleties of the work of sappers. investments, trade, science, humanitarian ties, meeting of the council of heads of the cis countries in ashgabat, statement by mikhail mishustin. the day of slavic literature and culture throughout russia remembers saints cyril and methodius, thanks to whom our alphabet appeared.
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expedition of the russian geographical society in the la perouse strait. the task is to find the submarine. 19 that sank in august '45. saying goodbye to teachers is the beginning of a new stage in life. in many russian schools today is the last bell, a special day for both graduates and parents. we are starting a program of statements by vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko at a joint press conference after the talks in minsk. protection issues. union state, prospects for peace negotiations in ukraine, key statements of the presidents were collected by anton vernitsky. as agreed the day before, when vladimir putin arrived in minsk, the president discussed not only russian-belarusian economic cooperation, but the political situation in the world. our countries, putin and
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lukashenko, especially emphasized this, according to most global and regional problems are addressed jointly, especially since the situation at the borders of our union state is now tense. taking into account the tense situation on the external borders of the union state, during the negotiations we discussed in detail the issues of forming a single defense space, reviewed the progress of the implementation of our instructions with alexander grigorievich on the synchronous holding of exercises in russia and belarus to develop skills in the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, about which, about which the public was informed on may 9, further issues were touched upon today: coordination of actions in the international arena. now a joint group of troops equipped with tactical nuclear weapons has been deployed on the territory of belarus, including ground-based missile systems capable of carrying nuclear warheads. all this , according to vladimir putin, reliably covers the western borders of both the union state and the countries included in the collective
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security treaty. according to the president of belarus we have to, figuratively speaking, keep our powder dry with the concentration of foreign troops at our borders. and this is about 9000. a machine gunner, we still understand this, and what is the machine gun for? in order for attackers to defend themselves, we have no desire to attack anyone, to defend ourselves, how to defend, must be able to use these weapons, that’s why we are amirs, but we keep our gunpowder dry, nothing
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special. lukashenko admitted that the current training on the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons is already the third, after russia deployed them in... belarus we treat the security of the russian federation in exactly the same way, and this is probably the key element of our interaction in this area. as for compliance with the norms and obligations of russia in this area, we fully comply with all our obligations. in the field of nuclear weapons, there is nothing here that we would violate, there is nothing unusual compared to the work of the same nato bloc, aleksandrevich just said about this, the same exercises are regularly held there, at which...


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