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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 25, 2024 4:05am-4:40am MSK

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that the current training for the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons is the third after russia deployed them on the territory of belarus last year. yes, i actually have almost nothing to add. we treat the security of belarus in exactly the same way as we treat the security of the russian federation. and this is probably the key element of our interaction in this area. regarding compliance with norms and obligations. russia in this area, then we fully comply with all our obligations in the field of nuclear weapons, there is nothing here that we would violate, no nothing unusual compared to the work of the same nato bloc. aleksandrevich just said about this, the same exercises regularly take place there, in which nato countries are involved. territory of which
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tactical american nuclear weapons are located with the involvement of their military personnel, their combat aircraft and other delivery vehicles, so all this is happening as planned, and we are not forcing anything here, but as was said, everything must be worked out, this is such an area , where no failures.
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first of all, i think that from the position of parliament, the constitutional court, or some other government bodies, this... can be done on the basis of legal analysis, are these questions for the ukrainian political and legal system? i absolutely agree with what was just said by movich, as for the confluence of powers of vladimir aleksandrovich zelensky, there is no legal purity here and cannot be, because there is deep democracy there, you understand? everything is strangled there, anyway, neither the current president nor the future one, i think, will resolve these big issues, that are facing the state of ukraine, the people of ukraine, the presidents will not solve these issues, you know who will
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decide, overseas much has already been decided, what has not been decided, they will decide later. at the press conference , a question was asked about the future of russian-iranian relations. well, iranian statehood, they are quite stable, strong, reliable, i personally do not see any possible changes, serious, of any kind, but of course, i hope that continuity in the russian direction of iranian policy and in
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direction of our cooperation on key international issues, this will continue to be continued, allow me the second aspect, some strange trend is observed with all the leaders who do not agree with the collective west, recently the prime minister of georgia reported, said that one of the european commissioners threatened him the fate of the prime minister of slovakia, if the law on foreign agents passes, i cannot comment on what some european commissioner said, there are a lot of commissioners, they are constantly changing and bring all sorts of blizzards, well, except you can’t call it a political storm... you can’t, it’s just all disgrace, but unfortunately, the irresponsibility of middle -level officials, it is growing, especially in this direction, we often encounter this ourselves, it only causes regret, the same
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regret as no less irresponsible statement by us secretary of state blinken about the death of ibrahim raisiya, supposedly the people of iran became better off because of this. i think iran is the kind of country that will sort it out. what happened there, but as a person, and not as a president, i’ll say it’s a vile, disgusting position of the united states led to this, i mean, first of all, sanctions, these scoundrels did not have the right to impose sanctions against ships, against airplanes, helicopters and others on which people are transported, by the way, the accompanying persons flew on...
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does not remain one of according to versions, for almost 45 years iran has been living under us sanctions, the first of which were introduced back in 1979 and have only been increasing since then. anton vernitsky, svetlana barkova, alexander kovalev, channel one. vladimir putin arrived in minsk late last night and was today busy day. negotiations in different formats, details in the report by olga knyazeva. today it is believed that relations between belarus and russia are experiencing a renaissance, given the threats and betrayals.
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the delegation includes ministers and new deputy prime ministers, people who are responsible for common projects of russia and belarus. alexander lukashenko took longer than others to welcome our new minister of defense andrei belousov. joint nuclear weapons are ahead.
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security and economic issues, we have always postponed economic issues for consideration by our governments. today, more than ever, we need close
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cooperation in order to promptly respond to changes in the military-political situation in the world, take additional measures to ensure the security of the union state, and we are certainly ready to discuss with you the most pressing issues of military and military-technical cooperation. belarusians have a strong industry, their experience is important to us. first. deputy prime minister denis manturov said that by 2026 we will begin to assemble multi-purpose aircraft together. we will implement asvey chose a worthy name for a joint project, and here it fits right into the line of regional aircraft, we have a ladoga with 44 seats, this is asvey, that is, it went by the name.
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the heads of russia and belarus, ministers, and deputy prime ministers once again went over what has been done and what has not been done within the framework of 28 union
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programs; the format of relations between our country and belarus helps to develop without violating sovereignty. we have a union state, which represents the highest level of integration that we can see not only in the post-soviet space, but in other regions of the world. both electronics and components for agricultural vehicles - everything that is being done today within the framework of the union state. helps our countries live under sanctions, in connection with the so-called sanctions, and more of them were introduced against russia than against anyone else in the world, they create certain problems, of course, we see it, we feel it, but they and create for us certain opportunities for development, where we have lost previously existing competencies, we are quickly restoring them, and where they were not there, we need them, we create them and, of course, create them.
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i doubt that they will all be fulfilled, and my colleagues have certain instructions to finalize those issues that have so far been unfinished, these are really details, there is nothing significant there, the rhythmic work of the relevant enterprises in the field of technology will certainly be ensured. today russia supplies oil to belarus
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duty-free, special conditions have been fixed for the supply of russian gas until 2025, one from union projects.
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for young people this is an opportunity to learn for the older generation to preserve a common historical memory; today vladimir putin laid flowers at the victory monument in minsk. olga knyazeva, sergey mukhin, alexey dushenkov, olga merkulova and alexander gornostaev. first channel. now about the progress
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of the special operation, the main thing for the week. the russian army carried out 49 group strikes against the military. and enemy infrastructure. in the kharkov direction , the north military group is developing success, and the village of staritsa has been taken under control. reflected 23 counterattacks by ukrainian attack aircraft, including in the volchansk area. the fighters of the south have made serious progress. one after another , three settlements were liberated: belogorovka, kleshcheevka, andreevka. and for the center group, the week turned out to be fruitful for nato equipment. four marder infantry fighting vehicles, five bradleys, three max armored personnel carriers were burned. the total losses of enemy personnel in all directions were more than 11 thousand killed and wounded, 67 people surrendered, here’s what else our ministry of defense reported: by aviation means air defense during the week , two mik-29 aircraft of the ukrainian air force were shot down, eight scalp cruise missiles made in
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france, 25 operational tactical attack missiles made in the usa and period, 18... drones that delivered water, food, food to our attack aircraft in kleshcheevka finally, they carry a copy of the victory banner and the russian tricolor. the soldiers carry them through the streets of the liberated village, where heavy fighting took place for more than a year, and deploy them in the very center opposite the intercession church. the defeat of the enemy is complete. unit of the sixth motorized rifle division the third army corps over the last 3
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days has probably done the incredible, our klecheevka, a populated area has been taken. a large village near artyomovsk, here kiev last year made a crazy attempt at a counteroffensive, which resulted in catastrophic losses for the ukrainian armed forces. our soldiers, entering positions recaptured from the enemy, see mountains of bodies of militants that their colleagues did not take. hit by everything american, by enemy ammunition. but our troops tried to protect their personnel and ousted the militants methodically. our filming chronicle of the battles for kleshcheevka the group led from the first days of the battles. the soldiers, showing heroism and courage, first withstood the attacks of nato equipment, which the enemy concentrated here in large quantities last summer. this is normal, come here, everything is fine, everything is fine, this is already closer to us, the advancing enemy units were exhausted around the clock, here in the south of
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artyomovsk our bird fighters are working, there are, ahead of the attack, for almost six months our fighters fought for this commanding height above the village, it changed hands several times , finally this spring the russian the stormtroopers began meter by meter to push the militants out of the very kleshcheevka, which the enemy... turned the area into a powerful fortification, a network of such firing points barely visible among the ruins, so our fighters get close and take enemy soldiers prisoner, they completely occupy the houses, all the basements , that is , all the houses have already been destroyed, and the difficulty arises, each basement had to be inspected, our drone operators did a lot of the work in the operation to liberate the tickworm, they notice where the enemy has set up a position and cover it with a drone kamikaze, there is a wild boar flying in, now our attack aircraft have very little time to occupy the dugout before the enemy sends a new group. pits that are up to a meter high, well, the development goes further underground, in the form of tunnels there
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are some rooms, for a maximum of two or three, well , five people, three, three, here you go, yes, yes, commanders coordinate the actions of attack aircraft during taking another fortified basement in kleshcheevka, they throw a grenade, ukrainian soldiers agree to lay down their arms, all three were recently mobilized into the fifth assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. which was updated several times during the battles in kleshcheevka. out of 800 people, only 50 people remained alive and wounded. so, infantry, how are you, there is shelling, infantry. and here is the decisive attack: the tank of the sixth division drives up to the last, not yet occupied houses of the klescheevka, to help the attack aircraft. komikaze drones fly into the vehicle, which is lined with additional armor, one after another, but the crew, despite this, continues to carry out the combat mission. less speed, more revolutions. having taken all the blows themselves, the crew distracted the enemy’s attention, retreating, releasing smoke to
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cover the advance of the infantry, the soldiers did not abandon the car, they held out, reached the crossing, after the liberation of the klescheevka the enemy’s defense line crumbled in neighboring areas, the russian ministry of defense announced the liberation the day before andreevka, the ukrainian armed forces have pulled back their artillery and are pressing against this canal. or the tanks catch the enemy on rotation or during the delivery of ammunition or food, now they are hitting the ravines around the clock, that’s all
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targeted, we know the points, if there is one point, we slightly missed it, we have the next point, we quickly transfer and are already waiting for them there, so the militants were lucky to slip along the targeted road to deliver ammunition, but at the unloading point they are overtaken by our tankers. aviation artillery is working powerfully in the chasofyar direction, clearing the way for attack aircraft and infantrymen. dmitry kulko, ilya repnin and andrey podgornov, channel one. in support of the fighters who are now storming the yar clock, our military correspondent dmitry kulko and the popular front opened a collection within the framework of the all for victory campaign. the funds will be used to purchase quadcopters. a very necessary thing at the front and at the same time a consumable material, so you can’t have too many of them.
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to prevent sabotage, and if for reconnaissance, then according to all the rules of military art, our correspondent alexey ivanov was convinced, we conduct a search, the beginning of the search, the line, the starting point, in a raid with scouts of the russian guard we check operational information, and although this area has been considered a rear area for a year already, the local residents find ammunition here every now and then. we follow the battle formation, inspect the forest belt, these were once enemy positions, here, as we see, now everything is overgrown, the grass is tall, you need to look very carefully, so the group also includes sappers who... first of all must detect explosive objects, signal, follow me, we move 20 m again
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report on the radio. let's go back, back, remove everyone by 50, upon visual inspection , elements of ammunition were visible, possibly made by accomplices in the armed forces of ukraine, during the period when the combat line was here contact, a camouflaged cache, just what the russian guards were looking for, probably this was a prepared defensive line, the militants wanted to knock out our armored vehicles, which could move along the neighboring field road, the soldiers asked... we should not come closer than a meter to this cache, it is clear that it has existed here for quite a long time, everything is sprinkled with branches, earth, leaves, there are at least two dozen pieces of different ammunition here, this is for a hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher and an easel anti-tank grenade launcher, here too there are separate charges, now experts will examine all this, well, it is possible to destroy it right on the spot, there is another
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find nearby, an american assault rifle... 556 traces of rust are visible on the metal, before lifting the weapon of the earth, the sapper pulls it off with a special device with a cat, here and the main danger, in the cache itself, the soldiers found a so-called surprise, a grenade on a trip wire, so the sapper carefully probes the soil around it, cuts the cord, probes again, only after that he carefully removes a high-explosive grenade, it explodes, well, i for now i'm holding no, a trap using a hand grenade. the so-called on one’s own, that is , an ignorant person would pull any of the ammunition, and an explosion would occur. having made sure that there are no new surprises, the grenade launcher shots are transferred to a shelter for destruction, let them fall better, an explosion, you can see smoke started, the first part of the cache flew into the air, about 10 shots for the grenade launcher, then the engineers of the russian guard are preparing several more explosions, we go to a new raid, this is
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the mariupol industrial zone in these buildings in the spring of 2022 years, militants from the thirty- sixth marine brigade of the ukrainian armed forces tried to defend themselves. most of them then surrendered. the weapons were hidden. today the national guard found him. the southern side of the building is directly fenced. an anti-tank complex with combat missiles was discovered. two units. how did you receive it? accepted. under the fence , covered with earth, there was a fagot anti-tank missile system, despite the contamination in its condition. it’s a fully functional, very powerful thing, it completely burns equipment, they’ve been sitting for a very long time, and it is clear that they have already been disguised more than once, as the fighters noted, such finds are rare, small arms, cartridges and mines are usually found, all this is also destroyed in safe places, away from the city. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok, ilya podkidyshev, ninakhorevo channel one. donbass. on social support for russian guards and
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members of the northern military district. as well as their families, the head of the department, viktor zolotov, said today. a lot has been done in 2 years, the work will continue in close contact with everyone who solves this problem. to the chairman of the defenders fund annie tseveleva was awarded a medal for her assistance today. active work has been organized with the authorities of the constituent entity of the federation to expand regional measures, social support, personnel and members of their seven. particular attention must be paid to solving social problems in the context of svo, as well as familiarize yourself with the results of interaction. defenders of the fatherland are being solved by the state fund. despite the presence of individual positive results, the state of affairs in the field of social security indicates the need to adopt additional measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of military social work in the troops. i did everything right. on the donetsk front, maxim likhachev from the fifty-ninth brigade of the ukrainian armed forces went over to the russian side in a stolen t-64 tank. approaching our positions, he raised the barrel high, which
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means “i surrender.”
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country a window was prepared. the investigation is ongoing, but it is already possible to say with confidence that ukrainian military intelligence is directly related to this attack. federation and somehow disrupt interethnic agreement throughout the entire space to destabilize the situation in the russian commonwealth of independent states. i do n’t think our opponents will succeed in any of this.
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created because of the crimes of nazi germany in order to prevent such crimes against humanity once and for all , serbian president aleksandar vucic also believes, given the fact that in bosnia itself 25,000 serbs died during the war. and
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the events in srebrrenica were largely provoked by raids and murders of serb civilians by bosnian muslims, whom srebrennitsa was covered by the dutch from the peacekeeping contingent, when they left, military clashes began. the proposal is expected to be submitted within a month. important negotiations in turkmenistan, with mikhail mishustin visiting there, this is his first foreign trip after being reappointed as prime minister. a meeting of the council of heads of government of the cis countries was held in pakhabad, and another meeting with the president of the republic was held, where economic issues of interaction were discussed. russia presides this year in the commonwealth, rotation occurs
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annually, well, in 2024 our country replaced kyrgyzstan in this post, well, this is what united and unites our countries, here is just one example, i want to draw your attention to the signs that are there. at the beginning of the negotiations, absolutely everything, without exception, is in russian; needless to say, on the sidelines the heads of government of the cis countries also communicate with each other in russian, without translators. the development of humanitarian ties in the post-soviet space is now one of the priorities. our countries have a rich heritage, a unique culture, and we take great care in preserving our common history, traditions, spiritual and moral values. all this is the basis of ours. dialogue, but most importantly, our fraternal peoples are always interested in strengthening such interaction in launching new joint projects. right now, work is underway in the cis to create an international organization.


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