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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 25, 2024 4:40am-5:16am MSK

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now ashgabat. russia is presiding over the commonwealth this year. rotation occurs annually. well, in 2024 our country replaced kyrgyzstan in this position, is this what united and unites our countries? here is just one example. i would like to draw your attention to the signs that are on the negotiating table. absolutely everything, without exception, is in russian. and needless to say, on the sidelines the heads of government of the cis countries also communicate with each other in russian. without translators. development of humanitarian ties in post-soviet space is now one of the priorities. our countries have a rich heritage and unique culture. we take great care in preserving our common history, traditions, spiritual and moral values. all this is the basis of our dialogue, but most importantly, our fraternal peoples are always interested in strengthening such interaction in launching new joint projects. right now, work is underway in the cis to create an international organization.
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the construction of russian schools abroad continues, in the near future nine more will appear in kyrgyzstan, in russian, there now teach in two hundred general educational institutions, three more will be built in kazakhstan in ashgabat, a new building of the joint turkmen-russian school named after pushkin will appear for junior grades. economic ties are also becoming stronger in the commonwealth. the cis countries are our key partners. despite opposition from ill-wishers , in 2023 the cis state grew by 5.8%. in
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january-march it added another 6.5%. in belarus, the future product of cis participants increased by 3.8% at the end of last year. and i’ll say right away, for example in the european union - this is approximately less than 2%. at the negotiating table, the new prime minister of kazakhstan, the heads of the cabinets of ministers of belarus, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan with the president of turkmenistan, who also heads. the cabinet of ministers of mikhail mishustin held a bilateral meeting today, plans for the development of the commonwealth are large-scale. we are faced with large-scale tasks of developing the transport complex, creating a payment architecture independent of external conditions, increasing the international authority of the commonwealths, we we will continue the dialogue with friendly states with immigration associations, of course this is the european union, this is the collective security treaty organization, the shanghai organization.
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insurance and translations of paperwork because it requires questions there and in electronic form, and so on and so forth. a total of 12 agreements were signed in vashkhabad today, which now have to be put into practice. anna kurbatova, mikhail boborev, vladimir bokarev, channel one. russian ambassador to armenia sergei kopyrkin called to moscow for consultations. this was reported by the official representative of our foreign ministry, maria zakharova. there are no details yet; yerevan does not comment on this news. today in
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the duma, at a meeting of the tax budget committee , recommendations based on the results of parliamentary hearings on improving tax legislation were approved. special attention to svo participants and large families. it is very important that when improving the tax system, the main advantage should be given to those who invest, when we talk about business, funds in the development of the country, increase. salaries, the main advantage should go to those who need it most, of course, these are large families, defenders of our country, participants in the svo should be excluded from any tax increase, changes that would increase the tax burden will not affect the vast majority of our people are aimed at... really solving the problem, when those
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who receive more paid more, and those who need support, the state received the means with which it can do this... support is provided, all recommendations, together with the recommendations of each faction of the state duma, all speakers at parliamentary hearings, are sent to the government. the recommendations reflect the position of large businesses and entrepreneurs who agree with proposals to balance the taxation system and make it fairer. i support the need to increase the income tax instead of one-time collections of turnover payments to increase the tax burden on wealthier citizens. question about change the tax system is overdue, and responsible business understands the need for a fairer redistribution of tax time. at the same time, it is important to ensure stability and predictability of the tax system, which will stimulate entrepreneurial initiative and investment.
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the day of slavic literature and culture was celebrated in russia. there are exhibitions, festivals and concerts all over the country. and in the church calendar - the day of memory of cyril and methodius. if compared with the entire russian history. secrets of the sea depths. russian geographical the society sent an expedition to the la perouse strait. the task is to find the soviet submarine l-19 that sank there in august 1945.
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report by maryana etskevich. for many decades , researchers have been trying to find the l-19 submarine, which sank during the great patriotic war. searches in the strait. the search continues and other sunken submarines are now being found in the area. 25 km to russian sakhalin and the same amount to japanese hakaida, we are in the very middle of the laprousa strait, the shores are clearly visible, right below us at a depth of 60 m lies an american submarine sunk by the japanese in 1943. in ahu at the time of its death, the most effective submarine in the us navy made seven combat cruises, during which it destroyed at least twenty enemy ships and vessels. on my last trip.
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well, it is installed on the device, in short, the process itself looks like this, the device flies at a certain distance, according to a certain algorithm, and takes pictures, all materials about the wahoo submarine have already been included in the digital encyclopedia russia from sea to sea, where the interactive map shows the locations of many sunken ships, you can see which objects have already been found, described, and which are waiting in the wings, there is a lot of work ahead... it is necessary to explore the depths of the seas from kamchatka to kaliningrad, researchers will do it more than once will go to sea to continue the search from the sunken soviet submarine l19. this year we launched the maritime heritage project, this is a project that combines the knowledge of the russian geographical society, our numerous
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work with archival sources, with historians, in order to pay tribute to the memory of the people who fought together against nazi germany, this is what the remote-controlled ones look like up close. equipped with special video cameras, two main ones, here there are also auxiliary ones on the manipulator's claw, which will carry out the main work. in fact, these hands are like human hands, yes, that is, we replace divers under water, and we carry out all this work at depths of up to 3 km. soil and water were taken from a depth of 60 m, and they will use it to determine how much the american submarine moved from its original sinking site. this soil may later be transferred to the relatives of the sailors who died directly on this submarine, and will also help determine the nature of the soil, paying tribute to the memory of the eighty dead american sailors who once fought with us against fascism, who let off wine,
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as they say here , there are no dead people or others. they updated the commemorative plaque, because the one that the americans lowered in 2006 is already pretty much gone. damaged, new words are embossed, ships, like people, also need glory, respect and immortality, eternal memory to them, this has always been such a tradition, not only for sailors, but... also the industrial capital of siberia, the homeland of the outstanding russian scientist dmitry ivanovich mendeleev. after the ceremony, kirill
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and his mom and dad went for a walk around the exhibition. now she is especially beautiful, because the future in flowers festival started recently. a new stage in the life of russian schoolchildren. today was the last call for them. it's happy and a little sad at the same time event. new perspectives, opportunities, growth, but also saying goodbye to school friends and teachers. a special day for everyone. how do i sound? smoothed, the distance from the edge of the shoulder strap to the first badge should be 12 cm, if there is no
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ruler, then you can very easily navigate by the second button. the formation and anthem, the bearing of the cadets does not allow pain to give emotions, but the parents cannot hold back their tears. the whole family looks at the graduate with pride. folk wisdom. on this line, graduates pass the standard, and the director presents an award for participation in the parade on the red square. the guys have not yet realized that this last bell is not a bell for recess, it is a bell for a new lesson on one single subject called life. the last calls across the country have been ringing for a week now, there is no strict date for this holiday, each school is free to choose, schoolchildren are already far in the future with their thoughts and their worries are choosing a path, this path begins today, i want to become a surgeon, why? well, i’ve had this desire since childhood, i really love biology and chemistry, and i decided to connect my life. i want the ministry of internal affairs to be an investigator, but i want to work in production, i want to become a pediatrician, i
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really like this work, it is close to my heart, i really love children and want to help them. we teach the last bell today at school, we know where seriously ill children receive not only treatment, but education, double celebration, graduation from school, victory over themselves. i want to become an architect, when i got to the hospital here, i was, well, deviated from my schedule. successfully school, didn’t lag behind anyone by a day, made their dreams come true, became the people needed for our country, each in their own profession, continue to work. over the years, our graduates have all completed the tradition of holding the last bell. originally from krasnodar, school number 12 in 1948 celebrated this holiday for the first time, then they forgot about it for several decades, but since the late seventies, the school year ends exclusively with the last bell. on this day.
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i would like to wish parents that they worry, but not too much, about their children, because i am sure that everyone is ready to pass both the unified state exam and the unified state exam. the most beautiful part of walz to to learn such classical movements, you need several weeks of rehearsals, it’s hard to say how long it took the graduates of the donetsk school, a surprise for the parents, the parents are clearly impressed, just yesterday schoolchildren, today they are stepping into the adult world, everything is possible, everything is ahead. yana.
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hello, this is the witness podcast. cinema, and today we will talk about the wonderful composer of cartoons and films gennady glatkov, who, unfortunately, left us not so long ago. today we have a special guest, director, screenwriter, alexey nuzhny. hello. tell me, i was very surprised when i found out that this was the pseudonym i needed. how did it come about? i was born into
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a family of engineers and doctors. my dad's last name was chernomazov. in childhood, i was very teased, calling a black man, a black man, i approached my parents, i say, dad, mom, and what kind of name we have such a normal surname, they say, i say, but i don’t like it, and i started, why then i was very drawn there, i began to study where it came from, and it turned out that my great-grandfather lived somewhere. pass sheep spoke russian very poorly, and there was a population census, and during the population census, one of the village residents said that a man lives there, in the mountains, he will save the sheep, but no one knows what his last name is, and as we write it down, he had a black spot on
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his face, apparently a birthmark, and the person who rewritten wrote a black man. and i say: mom, well, that’s not our last name, but at that time, i worked on the radio, i had the right pseudonym, everyone called me that, and i took this last name for myself, i said: “mom, i i want to change my last name because that this surname is not really our family, she says: okay, i approve, you can change the surname, i agree with you, i changed the surname, but officially, yes, but that is, my children need a surname, but i started digging ". further, since the story did not end, and it turns out that just recently i found out the last name of this man, who is there in soviet, his real last name is zhuravlev, and my daughter tells me, dad, maybe we can change the last name to zhuravlev, since this is our real surname, i say daughter, well, surnames are so common you shouldn’t change, maybe you’ll grow up,
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when you’re 18 years old, you’ll change your last name, but we’ll know in our hearts that our real... here’s the story, let’s talk a little about who gennady glodkov is, what he’s like entered our lives, just as his songs entered our lives, and of course, our main example today is the bremen town musicians. alexey, did you have the record at home? no, there was no record, i didn’t have a gramophone, but the bremen town musicians were on my cassette tape, i was born in 1984, and i’m a child of the nineties, then there were cassettes. pencils, when it was possible to rewind, when we shared with each other a recording of what was on the cassette, two cassettes were inserted on a small tape recorder, and one cassette recorded the other, in this way we transmitted the bremen musicians, and of course, the temporary musicians are my childhood is a crystal pearl, as sergei burunov, the artist sergei burunov, said,
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while other children were rewriting the cinema group, and the cinema group, and the desh group. for example, have you watched cartoons on tv? well, of course, it’s very interesting that when gennady glotkov started, there were no cartoons actually shown on tv, these were cartoons that were made for film distribution, so in the mid-sixties, when glotkov generally starts working, he makes a small revolution together with his directors, because when the work begins over musical films, fairy tales, but... they don’t understand that on television they show fragments from cartoons, but the cartoons are not shown in their entirety yet, they need to make the same fragments that were shown on television, well, in fact, music videos, as everyone would say, well, in general, i want to say that soviet animation was very unlucky with distribution, as they would say today, because there were quite a few opportunities for cinemas to show it on the big screen, so
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it’s like this whole phenomenon the popularity of these very favorite domestic films, like cheburashka so... i said, yes, i watched, of course, remembering some fragments, probably closer to some student time, that is, this is an adult student's school time. time maybe maybe these were fragments, but i watched a full-fledged cartoon, it seems to me, somewhere in the late nineties already, it seems to me, mm,
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since my first trip to the cinema was actually in the nineties, and i’ll tell you now, in the ninety-second year, ninety, no, in ninety-four, i went to see terminator 2, i also went to see terminator 2, and it wasn’t a cinema, it was a video salon, that is, it’s an ordinary room, this is how you and i are sitting here, there’s just a tv, there is a video recorder, video recorder, then it was still called, a man comes out, inserts a video cassette, which means he presses the play button , the film begins to be shown on tv with, well , as if with such dubbing, with dubbing, right when they covered the nose with a clothespin, and there are 10 chairs. i think they also showed the bremen musicians back then, that is, we, for example, walked in the park, there is a stand in the park, well, like
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a stand, it’s simple, it’s just cardboard on which paper is stuck, on this paper it is written with a felt-tip pen, the time and the film an arrow that means pointing to the door, the entrance
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is filled with such beer-loving goodness, in fact, it is so sincerely filled with it, that when watching this cartoon, you are filled with joy, it’s like imagining that something happened to you, you are walking along the corridor and jumping, this happened to me, so i regularly turn on gennady’s music. in the car, when we go with the children to school or to the kindergarten, that is, we know all the songs by heart, we sing them, we are there, we sometimes come up with something for these songs,
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recently i edited a film, i have studio at home, downstairs in the basement, and i go upstairs, and my children say: dad, sit down, and i sat down on a chair, they turn it off light, the house becomes dark, they turn on a song, they say, the people are hot, we are not afraid of the tenderness of calves, and with the light they show me a three-minute performance accompanied by a song and dance, that is, at the moment when i was making the film, they were doing their creativity, and this is a whole a dance, a whole performance, that means my two daughters, one six, the other 10, their neighbor, who is 9 years old, the three of them made me laugh a lot, let's watch the most famous song, as there is nothing better in the world, we will not forget our calling, laughter and joy we bring to people, to us creators, tempting
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arches that will never replace freedom, that will never replace freedom, amazing music. efforts, because here there is not only vasilina skovalevskaya, the director of this film, not only gennady gladkov, the author of the music, not only the author of the words yuri entin, but also the authors of the idea of ​​vasily livanov, who is a wonderful, outstanding cinematographer. i read that it was livanov who brought glotkov to the cinema, or rather to his character in the cartoon. and vasily livanov studied at the higher directing courses together with anskaya kovalevskaya, where they became friends, and glotkov , in general, might not have worked in cinema, because he was not a member of the composers' union, only
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thanks to... the persistent character of vasily livanov at pryatovo, everyone knows about his explosive temperament, probably maybe perhaps you also had a chance to communicate with him, just while working on your film, and he insisted that gennady kladkukov write the music for the first works, and then they actually decided to make a musical film for real, and such a breakthrough became the bremen town musicians. we remind you that the podcast of lisenstein's witnesses is on the air, which i host,
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that it's okay, we're flying, listen, you forgot the jam, no, i took it, i took it, i took it, you left the candy, hello belly, don't put pressure on your neck, don't put pressure on your neck. glazkov is already starting out as such a fabulous composer, he works in the theater, he also writes such light music, yes, but you need to remember that this is the sixties, the thaw, that ’s all it is, but entin is not here yet, there is no text yet, this is not here, this is how if we could hum a melody from
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gentleman of fortune there, for example. there shouldn’t be any text, everything should be clear from the plot based on the songs, that’s why the songs are plot-based, so there’s a very simple, actual plot, yes, why put songs on them, and then all this is developed, and the main thing is that they they need a plot that the audience already knows, so they took the bremen musicians, because there are musicians there, but there is practically nothing else there, there is one more
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time... but then, when enten comes, when glotkov writes this, when they put it all together, it’s simply amazing, something, there’s nothing better in the world than wandering around with friends in the world, those who are friends are not afraid of anxiety, there are any roads, roads, we have any roads,
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roads. e is very strong in general in any connection, in any connection, when people connect, something very significant is born, and for me, the song of friends, it is also one of the most significant for me, well, it just resonates the most, probably we we sing it most vividly, but this is the fact that entin was not in carlsone, mm... this is actually heard in
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the words, because if we just analyze the words of the bremen musicians, they are incredibly accurate.
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we received a blessing, yes, but it didn’t happen personally, unfortunately, and yuri entin participated in some way, yuri entin, since yuri entin is the author of the rights, yeah, i talked to yuri entin, my partner, our general producer lenit imilevich verishchagin , and leonit imilevich did a great job communicating with each of the authors of this music and these songs, i really wanted take off. this film because i wanted it, so i saw how my children sing it, and i saw how my children want to sing it again on the big screen, and it seemed to me that it was so important to sit in
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the cinema with the children today , after the film, discuss what you saw, because today it is in the cinema after watching it that this happens extremely harshly.
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that it’s interesting for me here, now, here, precisely in this zone, precisely in this genre, in this feeling together with the children , i feel good, i understand that there is a lot there is a lot of energy inside me now , it must be transformed into something, and this something is a new film, as a rule, a new film, but what genre is it, well, that is, we understand that this is a musical, but after all, if we talk purely about the genre, this is badimu.
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places where, it seems to me, are very touching and they bring tears, this fabric, which is created from completely different scraps, make it convincing, make it organic, because if we try to weave silk and i don’t know if it’s cotton or something else something, this or the skin, it might get weird. but for me , the cartoon itself was helpful, because it is a very clear reference point, because the cartoon gives me clear sensations, that is, i understand what kind of fabric it is.


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