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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 25, 2024 5:15am-6:01am MSK

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in my opinion, this is a combined genre, i am working in this combined genre for the first time, for me it is a musical, and an adventure, and a comedy, because there is a lot of funny stuff, and a drama in a sense, because there are places where, as it seems to me, they are very touching and they bring tears, this fabric, which is created from completely different caresses, make it... it is convincing, make it organic, because if we try to weave silk and, i don’t know, cotton or there's something else, this or the skin, it could it may turn out strange, but for me the cartoon itself was helpful, because it is a very clear guideline, because the cartoon gives me clear sensations, that is, i understand that this is a filler. i also wanted to say that in bremensky
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there is already, even in the music of gennady glodkov himself, this multi-genre, i deliberately included, that is, there is such a via, a vocal instrumental ensemble, and a song, there is nothing better in the world, there is , as they called it, a little bit of the robbers’ song, there is basanova, which is instrumental, which is now orchestras, we have serenadara, maybe.
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the night will pass and the clear morning will come, i know happiness awaits you and me, the night will pass, it will pass, it’s time, the blessed sun will rise, the sun will rise, all the songs lead to the light, amazing, simple. this is actually a continuation, this is in the footsteps of this continuation, yes, firstly, i wanted to mention another important person, without whom this cartoon would not have happened, this is oleg onofriev, who sings for almost everyone, well, this is amazing, then of course gennady glodkov himself sings along to songs about security, there is security, he is there as a teenager, because the vocal instrumental ensemble did not come for the recording, in general, think that they recorded at night, in my opinion, they recorded at night, yes.
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lurked in his heart, then everything has already been said, and why continue? we remind you that witnessstein’s podcast is on air, which i, stanislav didinsky and natalya ryabchikova are watching, and today our guest is director and screenwriter alexey nuzhny. you had filmography rooster, tell us about this film, i think it’s from 2015. i met
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a very interesting person , an amazing, wonderful author nikolai kulikov, and i already had the idea to make a film, i ’m losing weight, because i lost 28 kg, and for me this was a significant step in my life, i came to nikolai and said: “ kohl, i want to make this film." he says: “i also lost 20 kg, i’m also interested in this.” yes, i'm saying, that means we have to do something valuable, he says, but let's do it before we make a big film small, i say: great, do you have any ideas, maybe we can make a short film? i say, yes, go ahead, i have this idea, one of my comrades, artyom tsarigorodtsev, my friend and fellow countryman, he , mm, once told me this idea, he says, i want to make such a sketch, essentially where my husband died. a woman turns out
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to have a rooster in her house, the rooster just flies in, so she lives with him, it might be funny, and i call artyom, i say: artyom, i want to make a short film, can i have yours... here is kolya, there is you, there is me, we will do something together, we will connect second, and we connected, wrote, i thought about who i would like to make this short film with, at that time i really liked it, now i really like it, but then it was less known , artist valentina mozunina, i think i ’ll call val, i contacted her, we met with her in gorky park, i gave her a piece of paper to read, said: i’ll go get some ice cream, while you read it, there are eight pages here , she read, i came, she with burning eyes says: yes, i will, i i say, okay,
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now we need to find money to shoot a short film, because a short film is always a non-commercial project, and we found a person who was interested in it, kirill lyokhin, producer. and kirill lyokhin said: “i’ll find the money, i want to make a film with you guys.” and he found the money. and we shot a short film over five, i think, days of filming, and the goal was essentially accomplished, we cemented our relationship with a wonderful person, nikolai kulikov, with whom we later made the film “i’m losing weight.” here that was the story. let's watch an excerpt from the film rooster.
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listen, well , directors usually tell everything about how difficult it is to work with dogs, cats, what kind of roosters? for me , working as a director is not difficult, that is, i do this business with great pleasure, i do it from the heart, so for me it seems like it’s just... pleasure is a bird of complex actors, of course, well, we just launched it into frame, as it will be, so it will be, there was no special training in this, the rooster was played alone the same actor or were they different, there was always the same bird, we didn’t have the money to have takes, well, you say that
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producers are not very interested in short films and what to do with them then, but there are festivals, yes, then we are talking about family movies that you want to watch on tv. about this material, because it’s their job, but the festival is probably not very good for the producer, because the festival actually gives the producer, well, an award, a diploma, or
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if you’re lucky, maybe financial award for a future film, and here, uh - it seems to me that - if we are talking in festival categories, then this is always a very fertile territory for the director, because the director’s career can probably develop, and if it develops along this path, then this amazing. well, regarding your festival career, how do you feel? and from the very beginning i made an internal decision not to think at all about whether i want to go to the festival or whether this festival is necessary or whether i want to promote my career in this way? i want to talk to viewer as much as possible, well, in a broad word,
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i really want the audience to rejoice as often as possible, the task is completed, people unite, so that
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the children of the future will rewrite the music from your films, your films in the same way as you rewrote the music of gennady glodkov with one cassette to another and also using improvised means like a pencil, although wait a minute, a cassette is a rarity, this is an excellent image that you can strive for in new technological conditions, you know, there is such a rebas on the internet, yes why do you need a pencil and how to use it? that’s about the same thing, but i have such an important question, what was the fate of the rooster from your film, he received new roles in other works, but in my opinion someone from the film crew took the rooster , but i don’t remember who exactly, someone lived in a private house took it for themselves, if today, today i was filming a rooster, i would take it for myself too, since i... live in a house and i have somewhere to keep this pet,
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but today it’s more difficult to work in cinema than 10 years ago, when you were just becoming a professional, that is, as if in many ways your creative career had not yet been fully determined, you knew nothing about the bremen town musicians, that you would have to work on such a film 20-30 years ago, but today you, as a director, had to pull yourself up or there the producer may have told you that this is not necessary, it’s complicated. let there be auteur cinema, it needs to be simpler there or it needs to be done in such a way as not to alienate the general audience, but my partner, producer, general producer of the studio, leonid emilevich trit verishchagin never interferes with creativity, he gives me personally complete freedom, for which i am immensely grateful to him. he and i never talk about how the film will be distributed and how much the film will earn in general. we never even touch on this topic, because for us the most important point is to make a quality
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movie, and it seems to me that it is much more valuable if the film remains there for decades in the hearts and minds of people, as let’s say, i am very proud of the film fire, its is shown on february 23rd, every year it is shown, and i understand that it... is important specifically on this day, that is , this film became a landmark event on this particular day, and of course, i have a dream, i really want some film that we created with our team to become a phenomenon 31 december, at 8 pm, so that russians sit on the sofa, turn on, watch and sing songs, suppose i really want to please people in this way, so that we connect and not separate. and this was a podcast of witnesses
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from einstein, where we, film historians, natalya ryabchikova and stanislav dyadinsky, tell about forgotten cult, little-known works of russian cinema and its heroes, in order to make it more interesting for you to watch them. today our guest was the director, screenwriter, alexey nuzhny. thank you guys, thank you, thank you. the time when our first satellite was launched, i naturally don’t remember, as for gagorin’s flight, i have a very vivid impression of it from childhood, of course it was complete delight, but then... very few realized that in general - this is space - it’s a kind of side
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the effect of the arms race and military rocket science, because without this, there would be no space. here it must be said, first of all, that a new era began in august of forty-five, the nuclear era, uh, the united states had a monopoly on the atomic bomb, and this of course made the world very unstable, and of course, no one in the united states. i didn’t expect that the soviet union would be able to create a nuclear bomb in 1949, go into space, but on october 4, 57, launching the first satellite, that’s how this race in space developed. we'll talk today. hello, this is a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history. pyotr romanov and sergey soloviev are with you. and today we’ll talk about how the space confrontation between the united states and the soviet union developed. in 1947 , the cold war had already flared up, but the first shadows
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between the allies in the anti-hitler coalition had, of course, fallen earlier. the us and uk feared the spread. the soviet union, which was really huge after the victory over germany, there is stalingrad, the battle of stalingrad, all this it was known that the soviet union wanted to ensure its security by creating such a belt of friendly states around it in order to prevent a repetition of the situation on june 22 , 1941, yes, when hostile germany was everywhere on the western borders of the ussr, either she or her allies. the nuclear project in the ussr was given a decree by the state defense committee in the year forty-two, but only in august of the forty-fifth year, after ihima and nagasaki, truly large funds began to be allocated for this, deputy chairman state defense committee, and here it is important to say that the state defense committee is the highest authority in the ussr during the war, that is, not the politburo, namely the state defense committee,
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the state defense committee. so the deputy chairman of the state defense committee, the chairman was stalin, the deputy of byriy, becomes the curator of the atomic project, scientifically its curator was, of course, kurchatov, in the forty-ninth year the soviet nuclear bomb, thanks to the efforts of intelligence, and thanks to the efforts of the amazing inhuman efforts of the soviet physicists, the nuclear bomb was tested and the united states monopoly on nuclear weapons ended, another problem arose, how to deliver nuclear charges to enemy territory using air defense aircraft. can cope with them either by high-altitude fighters or ground-based air defense systems. accordingly, other delivery methods are needed, especially to the soviet union, given that if american aircraft could be based on the borders of the soviet union, then purely geographically our aircraft are located on the borders of the united states they could not be based, we did not have nato, and
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there were no allies near the united states either. and here it must be said that the most advanced country that developed rocket technology. until 1945 there was germany, well, yes, of course, the famous fao, fao, yes, the first cruise missile fao-1, ​​the world's first ballistic missile, v-2, a long-range ballistic missile, moreover, the germans also created a controlled the vaserfall anti-aircraft missile that they developed was brought to the level of mass production, but to deploy this mass production production simply did not have time, because soviet troops had already arrived in germany, already at the end of the second... the united states and the soviet union were very interested in seizing these german developments, they knew about them, of course, in this story of the seizure of german of course, the americans were in the lead in development, they had a special program called the paperclip, to confiscate german scientists, german technologies, thousands of german scientists, engineers, technicians, through this operation they were
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transferred at different times, during the forties, early fifties to the usa, and of course. the main acquisition here was wernher von braun, who surrendered as an american, who deliberately surrendered as an american on may 2, 1945, the developer of fa 2 itself, the father of the american space program. the americans used both the wasserfall project and the v2 project, respectively, to develop their program. it seemed that they were in a much better position, they had much better starting conditions for the development of rocket technology, they only there was one thing they didn’t have...
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because in tsalkovsky’s house there was such a meeting, it took place in the year twenty-nine, there is a book where visits were recorded, and there is no mention of tsalkovsky’s meeting with korolev, nevertheless korolev himself repeatedly spoke about it , talked about this meeting, mentioned the famous, perhaps our best journalist in the field of science, yaroslav glavova. in his book, korolev facts and myths, gives a number of memories about this meeting; in one interview he says: one of the brightest memories in my life is meeting with konstantin eduardovich tsalkovsky, it was the twenty-ninth year, i was about 24 then, in fact, after the meeting with tsalkovsky that excited us,
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my friends and i began active actions and even some practical experiments in rocket technology, and in one of the official questionnaires of the fifty-second year, he also writes that from the twenty-ninth year, after meeting tsyalkovsky, he began to study. special equipment, the soviet missile program could theoretically not be inferior to the german one or lag behind it not much, if not repression. back in the thirty-third year , a rocket research institute was founded, the organization of which was helped by mikhail nikolaevich tukhachevsky, who understood that the country needed new technology, sometimes invested, by the way, in failed projects, but still he very actively supported the development of new technology , but he generally adored everything advanced, so in the military. yes, the institute was created, and not without bureaucratic resistance, that was also the case then, testing of missile projects began,
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and the people who created this the atmosphere of creativity in the early thirties, it was amazing, people literally forgot to eat when this soviet rocket program was launched, before the creation of rni, the rocket scientific and media institute, the group was called tsgirt, the central group for the study of jet propulsion, jets...
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legends there were royal scoldings, but always to the point, but some launches began to happen, the deputy director of rni was
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georgy langemak, this is also a well-known figure, this is one of the developers of the rocket katyusha, but longemak was arrested in 1938, after him the director of the institute kleimenov was arrested, sergei pavlovich korolev himself was arrested, and valentin petrovich glushko, the future designer of rocket engines, was arrested. and comrade korolev. glushko and korolev will then meet in sharashka. the queen from the maldyak gold mine in kolyma was sent there to a sharashka led by tupolev. and accordingly, he was thereby saved from death, because he had already reached there in kolyma. klimenov and langemag were shot, thanks to the creation the katyusha shell was attributed to engineer kostikov, who actually wrote one of the denunciations about them. they evaluate it differently and...
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number one and the same thing, when we talk about the space program, there is no way to get by without the name keldysh, but i will return a little to germany, the fact is that the first institutes
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that were involved in the development... rocket technology, they were created directly in germany, the rabe institute was organized in bleichord, which was in the soviet occupation zone, which was engaged in collecting and studying all the developments on rockets, and there is scattered technical documentation, fragments somewhere, we didn’t get a single complete fa2 rocket. in august 1945 , a special shot group was created to organize test launches of missiles, and for the first time it was headed by sergei korolev, who had previously worked in sharashka, in sharashki and a plant in kazan, he was brought to germany, he began to understand there , even while still a prisoner, and korolev came there for one missile test conducted by the germans, but in order to they didn’t recognize him, so that he was too competent a technical person, he came there under the guise of a driver, interesting, that is , they tried to deceive the americans a little, and so, when it became clear that we would not find the whole fa 2, they began to restore, restored, the minister of armaments ussr dmitry
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fedorovich ustinov. approved the creation of two institutes: northausen, ballistic missiles and berlin, all other missiles, they were staffed by german specialists, whom we managed to capture. while in germany, they agreed to work for the soviet union about 500 technicians and engineers even managed to lure some people from the american occupation zone, in particular specialists in automatic control systems helmut grettup, kurt, magnus, hans hoch, and a special nii, nii 88, was created, where.
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jumping back there, into orbit, uh, it was a husky, november 3, 1957, the descent module - this was the next stage in the development, so to speak, of astronautics, so it played a crucial role, but nevertheless, returning it to earth there was no opportunity then, but everyone remembers squirrel and arrow, but they forget about the husky, and even more so everyone forgets about dezik and the gypsy,
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on july 22, 1951, just like that, they were launched, they were the first living creatures to overcome the so-called karman line, this is the line in 100 km, the surface of the earth, they reached 110 km, that is, this is not space yet, but nevertheless this is already a big step towards it, and it was still the fifty-first year, both returned back, but at the next launch dezik died, and the gypsies after this korolev was very upset, the gypsy after that they didn’t let her go anywhere, but the dog was angry and even bit one general who treated her disrespectfully. when they were preparing to launch the satellite, then when they were discussing what would happen in space, then pyotr leonidovich kopitsa accordingly said, you know, i don’t know what will happen there, but if there is an opportunity to break into space, it must be done. this is a historical podcast, russia-west on the swing of history, we are talking about the space race
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led by the united states. r7 the famous royal seven, some write that and they wrote and said that it’s just a v-2, there are some kind of connected ones, this is complete nonsense, the design there is completely different, uh, of course, on the basis of the fu-2 , soviet technology developed, like american technology, yes, there was a common line here, but the seven was a huge step forward, it was the first continental missile, but the second one put into service, the first one was supplied by the americans, it was not suitable for military needs, it was too heavy, unbalanced.
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was simply fantastic and i most likely listened to his famous beep-beep signals probably the whole planet, because the impression was simply fantastic, they burst into space, and here i will refer to a memory, i will quote georgy mikhailovich grechka, who was first an engineer for korolev, and then became an astronaut, was one of the first civilian cosmonauts, so to speak, not from the air force, yes, exactly from so to speak, an engineer:
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we have no information that they want to launch a satellite on this day, but we have no information that they do not want to launch a satellite answer on this day, well, like the greek pythia, which gave answers that could be interpreted in any way, simply brilliant, and korolev took a risk, he postponed the launch of our rocket with a satellite, and the satellite was specially lightweight, there was only a radio transmitter, a scientific one, korolev decided that we did not have scientific equipment we will load there, there is no time... we have to be the first, moved from october 6 to the fourth and the launch was a success when werner von braunan was asked why, under the conditions that you had, with huge funding, more than in the soviet union, this is important to understand, many times more,
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given that you have experience, respectively, you were also in the military and so on, why didn’t you fail to be the first, he answered, i quote, i didn’t have so many highly qualified specialists, the next stage... was the sending of a person into space, in the spring of the sixtieth year , 20 people were enrolled in the first group of cosmonauts, then six of them were selected, including gagarin, german titov, andriin nikolaev, pavel popovich, grigory nelyubov and valery bykovsky, they accordingly had to pass the test, those who are now talking about man’s flight into space don’t really understand this either, well , it would seem, he flew into space for 108 minutes, well, think about it, he spun around there, that’s all. what was heroic in this, 50/50 was whether gagarin would survive or not, what kind of psychological stability a person should have who understood perfectly well that he was taking a risk in which 50/50 you would die or survive, and you would die in some completely inhuman way , 50% of luck includes,
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for example, doctors argued whether a person with whether he would lose his mind in weightlessness or not, it was unknown, during the flight one of the backup control systems did not work, again... it was necessary to hurry, because the americans tried to do everything so that the first person to go into space was an american , allen shepport - in the end he was supposed to fly, or rather at the beginning he was supposed to fly on march 6 of the sixty-first year, but due to weather conditions it was postponed to may 5, another thing is that it was a suborbital flight, that is, it did not enter orbit , but if if the flight had taken place, the first man in space would still have been an american, not ours, and of course, this was a question: not just of political prestige, although of course, the political prestige is gigantic, the first in space, but it was also a question of, of course , maintaining enthusiasm, you yourself said at the very beginning, but about the effect
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gagarin’s flight had on people, and what is interesting and important, gagarin did not become arrogant for a second, but the memories of many people about him show that this is a test copper pipes, but this is actually the coolest case, when possible...
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but in principle, well, he was not given the opportunity to visit the usa, but, well, to a large extent this was compensated by the absolutely fantastic success that gagarin met in the uk, the authorities there were also not very keen, but nevertheless the visit took place , was a huge success, it was greeted by huge crowds, and even queen elizabeth ii accepted it. and i don’t know if this is a historical joke or not
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, maybe it’s true, but they say that because the crowd was eager to touch gagarin and have something to do with it as a souvenir, after this story gagarin carried with him, when he went somewhere solemnly, a box of buttons for his uniform, because fans simply tore buttons out of his uniform. speaking about gagarin, it must be said that he did not want to be a wedding general, he wanted to fly again, and the tragedy associated with his death is largely connected with the fact that he continued to fly, and there was a violation of safety regulations, again there is conspiracy theory that he died there as a result of someone there who wanted to eliminate him and so on, this is not is confirmed by nothing, there was a multiple violation, as usually happens, a confluence of a number of factors with a violation of safety regulations, which led to his death, but... he certainly wanted to fly again,
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the top management opposed this, because they did not want to risk gagarin , gagarim understood, yes, if in soviet times everything, all these issues of the space race and so on, were covered in such darkness of severe secrecy, then in the united states , of course, everything was closed too naturally such questions. it wasn’t worth putting out in detail for public discussion, but some basic provisions were brought to the attention of people, say, press secretary esenhow, in my opinion, in 1955, for example, he announced the approximate launch date of the first satellite , in the fifty-ninth year they already presented, well... seven astronauts of the future, possible, they
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were called the magnificent, so to speak, seven, american magazines were happy to publish their biographies, reports from their lives and the like, that is, there were two different approaches, one open, the other closed, hermetically, and we continue, today the topic of our conversation is the space race, it is worth saying that the americans, having lost the start of this space race, then sharply raised the stakes, so to speak figuratively, that is, they stated.
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so it was said there that as a first step, the usa and the ussr could choose to land for scientific purposes, a small group of about three people on the moon, and then return them to earth, well, according to the version that i know, khrushchev is there, protecting what -that secrets, abandoned this, relied on ships like vostok, voskhod, and the lun program... was postponed; then it also began to be developed with a significant delay from the americans, so one of the reasons, perhaps, for our lag in this area is, that we have slowed down development, this is one of the versions, our wonderful scientific journalist, by the way,
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golovanov’s friend, vladimir stepanovich gubarev, unfortunately, recently passed away, also a great, absolutely journalist, of course, so guborev. regarding closure, firstly, yes, uh, i remembered that korolev wanted to launch journalists into space, there was such an idea, and that if it weren’t for korolev’s death, his early death as a result of an unsuccessful operation, when we operated, we discovered, in general, a sarcoma in the intestines, as a result they didn’t know whether the heart could withstand the anesthesia, the heart couldn’t withstand it, and there is one version, which the queen’s daughter later developed, that they couldn’t insert a breathing tube into him because of problems with the jaw, she wrote that it was because for beatings... during interrogations, well, unknown from is this why he died, but the fact is that his heart couldn’t stand it, he passed away at a very young age for a designer for a man of his stature, 50 years old, korolev wanted to open up space more to the public, sorry, i remembered an anecdote about flights journalists supposedly
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ask gagarin, is it possible to send it to a journalist? into space, and gagarin replies: of course, of course, only first, let them learn to write the truth about the earth, a good, good joke, so, one more thing about the lunar program, and korolev believed that, uh, judging by the series memories, which gubarev also wrote about, that the soviet union could not win the lunar race, the resources were incomparable, it is known that... we had a failure with the luna-8 spacecraft with a flyby of the moon, an initial failure, then they flew around successfully, but human thank god, they didn’t decide to send it, because it was on the ice, yes, because the risk was too high, they were too behind, the americans won the lunar race, although again there are conspiracy theories
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that the americans weren’t on the moon, uh, but there is not a single person in the space industry, this is simply a fact in itself, yes, i’m not even talking about... measurements, about the fact that transmissions from there were caught, that signal reflectors from there were recorded by ours, yes, who were not interested in the advantage of the americans, but not a single person in space there is no program, including among our modern people who are seriously involved in astronautics, who would deny the presence of americans on the moon, so after the defeat of the soviet union in the lunar race there were other projects, and the union project became a project for rapprochement in the era of détente apollo, the docking of ships, which was covered... in the press and which became a really very important factor in the détente of the cold war, if we talk about the queen, uh, what was his genius? again, as gubarev said, everyone was used to walking up steps, and he jumped over the steps, moreover, aware of the risk and aware of the possibilities, he had
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an amazing instinct.


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