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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 25, 2024 10:00am-10:15am MSK

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first channel, therefore i express my gratitude to everyone who ensured the very existence of such a program, to those with whom i worked very friendly in subsequent years. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. an attack from an extremely low altitude, footage from the northern military district zone, our attack aircraft at work and the eyes of artillerymen. it is impossible to hide from them either day or night; the all-seeing eye of aerial reconnaissance leaves no chance even for a camouflaged enemy.
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spring exacerbation of stoltenberg. nato secretary general called on alliance allies to allow kiev to attack targets on russian territory with western weapons. with american flags against the georgian initiative, mass protests in tbilis demanding the repeal of the law on foreign agents. due to the heat and drought, special safety measures have been introduced in 47 regions under almost threat. a parasite that can cause severe diseases of the central nervous system. the fact that he didn't bite doesn't mean anything. the most dangerous regions for the spread of tick-borne encephalitis and which ones experts call the method of protection the main one. and at the beginning of the release, new data on the progress of the special operation and footage are published by our ministry of defense. attack aircraft. defeated
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the positions of the militants and supported the actions of the infantry in the zone of responsibility for the grouping of troops in the center. the strike was carried out by the crews of su-25 aircraft, flying at an extremely low altitude, and before launch they raised their noses to increase the firing range. as a result , enemy strongholds were destroyed. and in the sky over the kherson region, a russian fpv drone shot down babyag’s drone in an air battle. the operator noticed the enemy copter, quickly assessed the situation, entered a convenient trajectory and rammed the aircraft into the light. there is a lot of work in the nvo zone of reconnaissance drone operators, they correct artillery strikes, identify strong points, militant firing points, they are on duty around the clock, it is impossible to hide from them either day or night, about the eyes of russian units, without which modern military operations are impossible, report dmitry tolmachev. this is where artillery work now begins from a height of at least one and a half thousand meters within their area of ​​responsibility. observe
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at least two pairs of eyes, directly, directly, yes, one controls the side, the second its camera, attention to any movement on the front line behind it, what targets, the presence of enemy personnel, mortar detection needs to be further reconnaissance, if the outbreak repeats now, then we will fire artillery at it, a mortar crew has been detected, the commander is checking the coordinates, x08370, y 81240, the target has been accepted, they are working. it’s useless to hide in the next house, there’s only one shell firing on the target, the artillery is firing right at it, and we we have already aimed, accordingly, we are already looking, there is a gap, as you can see, there is a hit on the first try, the guys who work the artillery, the boys are experienced, that’s how you see, you see a hit, exactly yes, it is impossible to hide from them either during the day or at night, as soon as it begins to get dark, a second drone equipped with a thermal imager rises into the air, artillery reconnaissance... and
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they record possible targets, these are enemy guns, equipment, a concentration of personnel, and also adjust our attacks on them, so reconnaissance records a field shot guns, now you can’t escape the retribution of his crew, no matter how you disguise it, there is a shot, yes, you see, the target area, straight, straight, yes, how many such targets do you detect a day? always in different ways in different ways somewhere around fifty at the most, sometimes less, sometimes more. such work, of course, requires attention and perseverance; not everyone can control a drone for hours, constantly peering at the monitor. we work for 10 hours, during the day there is another shift, at night we start working the night shift, also until the morning, right under the cross, i hold it to the left, let go, that is we don’t have any holidays there, we don’t have any holidays there. offensive actions
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or active hostilities, neighbors, for example, from the right to the left, we also periodically work in their interests, the generated targets detected by aerial reconnaissance can no longer be counted. foreign -made artillery guns m37, 15 m, l-119, and foreign-made guns are often found. during the pre-reconnaissance period , enemy mortars and ammunition depots were hit, just recently. experienced pilots have learned to resist.
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with a statement, he proposed to the allies to allow ukraine to use western weapons to attack the territory of our country. lifting the restriction, he said, is especially important now, when russian troops are pushing back the enemy near kharkov. earlier, the same proposal was made in the us congress, where they even showed a map of russia with the expected damage zone of american missiles. but the ukrainian regime has long been beating its name on our territory, specifically targeting residential areas. at the same time, the effectiveness of us ammunition with satellite guidance.
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the ukrainian general staff announced a decision to reduce their number by 60%. the released personnel will be sent to combat units, including in leadership positions. and this is against the backdrop of the fact that criminal cases have been initiated against twenty-eight ukrainian commanders. according to local media, the state bureau of investigation suspects high-ranking military personnel of neglect of duty and desertion in connection with the retreat in the kharkov region. for this they face up to 10 years in prison. meanwhile the future reinforcement.
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including the countries of the persian gulf, latin america, asia, the fact that the resolution is mandatory, emphasized the organization’s secretary general antonio guterres, in israel itself the court’s decision expectedly caused a negative reaction, in a joint statement of the national security council and the foreign ministry it is stated that the actions were carried out in the gas sector does not contradict either international law or moral principles. allegedly, israel is not conducting a military operation in the rafhah area that could lead to the death of palestinians civilian population, although in the city, where many residents. they took refuge in search of refuge , carried out massive strikes, casualties were reported, in total, since the beginning of the israeli operation , almost 36,000 people have already died in the enclave, most of them women and children. mass protests in tbilis, several hundred activists demanded that the authorities repeal
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the law on foreign agents; it has already been adopted in georgia, the president vetoed it, but members of parliament can override it with a majority vote. invasion in the us flag, where else but paradoxically, such a law has been in force for a long time... and in a more strict form, but the american authorities have other plans for georgia: because of the approved document, washington has already announced a review of relations with tbilisi, in addition, it is threatening sanctions, speech, for example, about visa restrictions for those who, according to the state department, are allegedly responsible for undermining democracy. the vote to override the vet is expected to take place next week. now to the situation with natural fires in russian regions, almost 25,000 rescuers are under control populated. points where there is a threat of fire moving from forest areas, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, announced this. in almost fifty regions there is a special fire regime, you cannot visit forests or light fires, because most fires are caused by careless handling of fire or setting fire to grass, so rescuers clear the area
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of ​​dry vegetation, renew mineralized strips, remove spontaneous dumps, and control the situation from the air. the situation is aggravated by hot weather, as the hydrometeorological center said, in the coming days in many. in the regions there will be high and extremely high classes of fire danger, this particularly applies to the irkutsk region, krasnoyarsk territory, as well as transbaikalia, the ministry of emergency situations group is being strengthened there, now there are almost two dozen in the region. outbreaks, the area covered by fire is over 30,000 hectares. here is another consequence of the hot weather - the activity of ticks in novosibirsk alone, since the beginning of the month there have been almost one and a half calls, braliosis, encephalitis, parasites can be carriers of several serious diseases at once, and, doctors say, not even it is imperative that a tick bites a person, reminds that if you find a dangerous guest on yourself or a child, you need to contact a specialist, but the best way to protect yourself is vaccination, and of course it is important. the topic will be continued by tatyana kozlova. may in the capital of siberia this
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year turned out to be abnormally warm. the weather encourages people to spend more time in the fresh air in parks, squares or outside the city, but as a result, only since the beginning of this month , about one and a half thousand tick bites have been recorded in novosibirsk. three weeks ago i already i started going out to collect juice, and every day i took two or three, i took about 30 of them, not one bit me, not one, no. i thought everything was fine, but suddenly at some point the temperature began to rise. sergei ivanovich attributed his malaise to a cold. the logic was simple: there are no bite marks, there is no risk of tick-borne encephalitis, doctors proved the opposite when the man was hospitalized a few days later. as experts say, the fact that he did not bite does not mean anything; he could, being sick, tick, encephalitic, crawl. sergei ivanovich now has
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a long course of treatment ahead of him; in total, about 20 people are now in novosibirsk hospitals after tick bites, and the dynamics are disappointing. recently, we have noted the predominance of severe forms with damage to the central nervous system; today they account for 70% of all cases of pleba encephalitis. the thing is that it is on the territory of siberia. the siberian type of tick-borne encephalitis virus circulates, which is considered to be the most severe and causes forms of the disease. in irkutsk, to submit a tick test analysis, people have to stand in line. lyudmila tugarinova shows a tick on her daughter's neck. a schoolgirl was bitten in the park. i’m going to bed, my neck is starting to hurt, i think, i probably lay down somehow uncomfortably, that’s it. and then i wake up, look in the mirror, and i have something like this. unusual natalya, my son came to the diagnostic center to get the results, they believed that everything would be fine,
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but the result was disappointing, barilliosis was marked positive, that is, there is, well, i don’t know, now we’ll wait to see what to do next, bariliosis is an infectious disease that can affect the central nervous system, blood vessels, heart and joints, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics, but tick-borne encephalitis is difficult to treat, the disease affects the brain, this is what the distribution map of tick-borne encephalitis looks like: 17 regions are considered the most dangerous, including them leningrad, kirov, sverdlovsk, tomsk, kemerovo regions, the altai republic and the perm territory. difficult situation in the krasnodar region on the day center specialists hygiene and epidemiology conduct about 400 studies, which is 20% more than last year. the work takes place in several stages. in the station , bacterial or viral destruction occurs.
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there were no people nearby, but you still shouldn’t forget about precautions, you need to use special aerosols, wear closed clothes, periodically examine yourself for ticks so that your outdoor recreation does not end, and go to the doctor. tatyana kozlova, maybe more, we look at the situation so that anastasia slobodenyuk, liliya zorina and konstantin anisimov, channel one. that's all for now about the developments of events at noon, now on the first channel the program is our everything. the head
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coach of the russian football team, valery karpin, announced the final list of players called up for a friendly match against the belarus team. note that out of 27, four represent foreign clubs, this is the goalkeeper.


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