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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 25, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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it turns out that there is such a duality everywhere, but it seems to me that i somehow believed in myself more now, i believed in some kind of feminine power of mine, well, because here you can feel it too, i finally felt at home. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. a howitzer strike on camouflaged positions of militants on the dnieper and an anti-aircraft missile system against aerial reconnaissance, a direct hit on a ukrainian copter. and why the ukrainian armed forces surrender in the kharkov direction, a first-person story. from
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transport capsule to all-terrain vehicles for evacuation, they were not afraid of anyone, no birds, no shelling, nothing, they flew up and took me right under the explosions, how does modern military medicine help save the wounded? exhibition in spite of, from photographs of evidence of the kiev attacks to fundraising for the victims, a large program at vdnkh is dedicated to belgorod. you can get sick even if you haven’t been bitten. in several regions there is a particularly dangerous season for the spread of tick-borne encephalitis, how to avoid infection? military personnel the black sea fleet destroyed camouflaged firing points of the ukrainian armed forces on the right bank of the dnieper. footage from the kherson region is published by the ministry of defense; the strike was carried out from d-30 howitzers from a distance of over 15 km. and in the zone of responsibility of the western group of forces, the thor complex shot down an enemy reconnaissance copter. it was used to guide
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artillery in the ssu. the air defense crew detected the device using a radar station and fired the missile right at the target. in the kharkov direction, our military captured several more militants. one of them spoke about attitude from their commanders. he was sent to a position in a populated area when he ran out of ammunition, and was essentially abandoned to his fate. then the right decision was made. four of us, well, we went as if to reinforce them. we were running out. we surrender amid the failures of the kiev regime on the battlefield, nato secretary general en stoltenberg made a loud statement, inviting the allies to allow ukraine to use western weapons for... he noted that lifting
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restrictions is especially important now when russian troops are pushing back the enemy near kharkov. earlier, the same proposal was made in the us congress, where they even showed a map with the estimated zone of destruction of russia by american missiles. but the ukrainian regime has long been beating its name on our territory, targeting residential areas, while the effectiveness of us satellite- guided ammunition is decreasing, as the washington post writes. all due to russian interference with gps signals. the pumping of weapons into ukraine, however, does not stop. washington will supply kiev with a new shipment worth 275 million dollars. the package will also include highmers missiles and artillery shells. and from germany the enemy has already received another air defense system (rst). the newest machines that help save military personnel were presented in moscow at the vishnevsky hospital. there was a conference dedicated to innovative methods of treating combat injuries. these advanced developments will soon appear in the zone.
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however, already now many wounded, thanks to the efforts of doctors, are able to return to duty. anna prokofieva with details. modern all-terrain vehicle evacuating a wounded man from the line of combat contact. the faster first aid is provided, the greater the chance of saving the soldier’s life. we went out with a group of attack aircraft, successfully completed the task, returned to our own and fell a little short and came under fire. it hit me in the arm, in the leg and a little bit. but the evacuation was quite fast, almost instantly, they were not afraid of anyone, no birds, no shelling, nothing, they flew up and took me right under the explosions, in fact i was very lucky, because despite the fact that i was rewound, it turned out that i still had a hole in my right side, and i could have leaked in just a few minutes, but they managed to deliver, military doctors managed to save yegor’s arm and leg, which they planned to amputate, samples of the equipment involved are presented here.
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at all stages of evacuation, first these are light vehicles or buggies, then in a safer place the fighter is taken away by a protected ambulance lens, this is a new modification. armor of a vehicle that is already operating in a combat zone. for special cases there is a transport capsule, which protects the patient from environmental influences, and doctors from possible infections and chemical contamination. this prototype has already passed state tests. if chemical weapons were used and the health worker needs to contact the patient, then this box is completely sealed and the health worker does not come into contact in any way. with a patient, these gloves are for giving injections, doing ultrasounds, ultrasounds are located there on the patient’s monitor, this is what it is, this is an oxygen cylinder that provides the person with a supply of oxygen with a ventilator. this entire system
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can work for 2 hours without power, but is connected to a 220 network and can be transported in mi8 helicopters and il-7 aircraft. in a car, modern approaches and technologies in military medicine help in the most important thing, saving the lives of the wounded. today, 98% of military personnel who are wounded return to duty, such results have never been seen in any previous war, the war in afghanistan and the great patriotic war, and the conflict in the north caucasus, all the wars that everyone fought army. world of recent decades, these developments should also soon appear in the northern military district zone, including mobile devices for ultrasound diagnostics, radiography and artificial ventilation of the lungs. anna prokofieva, mikhail kunitsin, igor kazachenko, mikhail vasiliev,
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channel one. belgorod - our hearts are with you. an action with this name began at the russian exhibition at vdnh; visitors can provide assistance to residents of the region who suffered from shelling by ukrainian militants. the funds will be used for treatment and rehabilitation of the wounded. all details at the region's stand. there is also an exhibition of photographs and other evidence of price attacks. despite everything, the residents are steadfastly and courageously resisting all attempts by the kiev regime to disrupt the peace, and therefore need the support of the entire country. mass protests in tbilisi, several hundred activists demanded that the authorities repeal the law on agents. in georgia it has already been adopted, the president vetoed it, but members of parliament can. invasion of us flags, where , paradoxically, such a law has been in effect for a long time, and in a more strict form, but in georgia, the american authorities have other plans; from the approved document, washington has already announced a review of relations with tbilisi, in addition, it is threatening sanctions, for example, about visa restrictions for those who,
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in the opinion of the state department, are allegedly responsible for undermining democracy. the vote to override the vet is expected to take place next week. now to the situation with natural fires in russian regions, rescuers have control over almost 25,000 settlements where there is a threat of fire spreading from forest areas, the head of the ministry of emergency situations announced this alexander kurenkov. in almost 50 regions there is a special fire regime, you cannot visit forests or light fires, because the cause of most fires is careless handling of fire or burning of grass, so rescuers clear areas of dry vegetation, renew mineralized strips, remove spontaneous dumps, monitor the situation from the air, the situation aggravates the heat... the weather, as the hydrometeorological center said, in the coming days high and extremely high fire classes will operate in many regions danger, this particularly applies to the irkutsk region, krasnoyarsk territory, and transbaikalia. the ministry of emergency situations is strengthening the group there; now there are almost two dozen outbreaks in the region, the area covered by fire is over 3000 hectares.
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another consequence is the hot weather, the activity of ticks in novosibirsk alone since the beginning of the month, there are almost one and a half calls for barleos,
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for some scratch to leave their insidious mark. sergei ivanovich now has a long course of treatment ahead of him. in total , about twenty people are now in hospitals in novosibirsk after being bitten by ticks, and the dynamics are disappointing. recently, we have noted a predominance of severe forms with damage to the central nervous system; today they account for 70% of all cases of pleuritic encephalitis. the whole point is that the siberian type of tick-borne encephalitis virus is circulating in siberia, which
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is considered to be the most severe form of the disease. in irkutsk, people have to stand in line to have a tick tested. lyudmila tugarinova shows a tick on her daughter's neck. a schoolgirl was bitten in the park. i'm going to bed, here's something i have my neck is starting to hurt, i think, i probably lay down somehow uncomfortably, that’s it. and then i wake up and look. in the mirror, and i see something so unusual here. natalya’s son came to the diagnostic center to get the results, they believed that everything would work out, but the result was disappointing. boreliosis is marked positive, that is, yes. well, i don’t know, now we’ll wait to see what to do next. barolyosis is an infectious disease that can affect the central nervous system, blood vessels, heart and joints. the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics. but the tick-borne one encephalitis is difficult to treat. the disease affects the brain. this is what a map of the spread of tick-borne encephalitis looks like.
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17 regions are considered the most dangerous. among them are the leningrad, kirov, sverdlovsk, tomsk, kemerovo regions, the altai republic and the perm territory. the situation is difficult in the krasnodar region. every day, specialists from the center for hygiene and epidemiology conduct about 400 studies, which is 20% more than last year. the work takes place in several stages. stations. destruction occurs bacterial or viral cell to rna or dna, the next stage is directly we will isolate barolliosis and other infections. the most effective method of protection remains vaccination, for the whole family, including small children , we vaccinate everyone, a four- year-old child was bitten by a tick, and everything went well, so i think it’s only thanks to vaccination. in parks and squares with ticks. pour the prepared mixture, here comes the spraying method,
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it hits from 5 to 7 m, if the weather is windy, maybe more, we look at the situation so that there were no people nearby, but you still shouldn’t forget about precautions; you need to use special aerosols, wear closed clothes, and periodically examine yourself for ticks so that your outdoor recreation doesn’t end with a trip to the doctor. tatyana kozlova, anastasia slobodenyuk, liliya zorina and... graduates of the moscow presidential cadet school named after sholokhov of the national guard troops began their path to adulthood today, where the last bell and farewell ceremony to the banner took place. each of the guys broke ranks and knelt before him . the future elite of our troops. for 7 years they have mastered the necessary skills, learned discipline and responsibility, and are ahead of their studies at universities of the russian guard and other law enforcement agencies. you have come a long way, which was very interesting and intense, within the walls
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of a renowned school, you have gained knowledge not only within the framework of general education, but also special knowledge of general military training, which will definitely be useful to you in adult life, it is for you, dear cadets, only begins, there are many in front of you dear, i am sure that many of you... will connect your lives with military service in the national guard and become worthy defenders of our great motherland russia. the final chord was a solemn march to the farewell of the slavs and the applause of relatives and graduates. this concludes our release. right now i suggest going to pyatigorsk and sentuki. the program went on air.
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how wonderful it is that a soviet person has the right to rest, especially rest in his native union, because soviet means excellent, boss, right here... stop, hello, please! that is, you want to say that narzans, a large amount of minerals and healing mud are waiting for us, of course, all this is imbued with a real proletarian spirit, we are in essentuki, friends, citizen evgeniy pokrovsky and citizen maria osadnik are with you, and we are starting, let's go, let's go , oops!


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