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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 26, 2024 3:55am-4:41am MSK

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that is, you are all friends, you all always support each other, empathize with failures and rejoice in victories, it turns out that dmitry aliyev counted the olympic games as an asset, mark kondratyuk also succeeded, and this also probably puts a little pressure, yes, guys, and how to be happy for your friends, if you yourself didn’t succeed, you can calmly rejoice, if everything is in order with a person’s head, he perfectly understands where sports are, where life is, where friendship is, where wrestling is, and so on, he knows how to differentiate between these, then in general there is a place for joy, because i never had a moment of envy that dimka qualified there or mark got to the olympic games , he had a great time at them, there was annoyance at yourself because you couldn’t do what you needed to do on the ice when you needed to was. but at the same time you were happy for
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them that they were able to overcome themselves somewhere, coped better than you, this did not and does not affect friendship or communication in any way, i am very glad that at one time they were able to do something that was not i did it, it's cool. making a decision to end your sports career, did it come to you personally or maybe who did you consult with? just with the guys, with friends, and how long have you been thinking about this, thinking about it, i wouldn’t say that you directly consulted with the same thing, with dimka, well, somehow in something like that, roughly speaking , home communication, some of these topics were raised, but they weren’t really touched upon, because dima, again, has his own way there, i have my own, you just go out on the ice, compete and see that you’re already... a little
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short to the level that exists, even, well, in our country, take the championship russia this season is past, but this is already such a very high and worthy level, probably five years ago i was at the same level at which the guys now understand that you can’t cope with them a little, you have to simplify somewhere.
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well, you understand that you can’t cope with them a little, i’m very glad that last season i was able to take a medal at the national championship again, so to speak, to once again feel these warm, pleasant emotions, but this season i already understood, that i can’t cope, simplify the content and hope that somewhere others will make mistakes, also a little. it seems to me that this is an unsportsmanlike, non-competitive principle of struggle, so the time has come, and you watched the world championships, which took place this year in real life, yes, what do you think, our best guys, where they could be, in what place, and judging by the final results, our guys, i wouldn’t say it’s just calm, but being in the top five at the world championships... could, of course, so far the level
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to which world figure skating has now been raised by ilya malinin is something transcendental, it seems to me that he himself still can’t believe it, what he did, the number of even quadruple jumps from adam, xiaohimph or the japanese, yuma kagiyama, is still a little higher, it seems to me, the level. but nevertheless, in various circumstances, our guys could well force them to fight, and since you say thank you to your fans, i say thank you for coming to visit us in this cozy studio, now we will watch you in another capacity, coach, showman, or maybe there may be someone else, the main thing is that i wish you only success in everything, now all doors are open to you, go to any one and achieve it.
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invite me more often, i don’t refuse, it was a free program podcast, watch all episodes on the website hello, the program is on air. arkhangelskoe is ours, a new liberated settlement in the donetsk people's republic. our soldiers tell how they took the village. howl one step ahead to quickly adopt effective
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models into service. a task from the supreme commander-in-chief of enterprises of the military-industrial complex. and modern technology is in action. scout. drones see everything both day and night, we will show how drone operators find targets and adjust fire. to help victims of ukrainian shelling in the belgorod region, a large-scale action at the russia forum exhibition at vdnk. energy of sports all-russian parade on the 105th anniversary of the first procession of athletes on red square. revival - traditions. fashion plus ballet, brilliant svetlana zakharova in the image of the great coco chanel, as the production was accepted in china. the center group of troops took full control of arkhanel in the donetsk republic. the village
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is located between the settlements of ocheretina and kerami, which were liberated in early may. if you connect these three points on the map, a protrusion is formed about the strategic importance of arkhangelsk for... in exceptional cases, as a rule, equipment is left at distant evacuation points, then only on foot. small, but very important in strategic terms, the village of arkhangelskoye, a subdivision of the group of troops-center liberated 3 weeks after the complete clearing of the neighboring village of ochretina, it is located on a hill, and these heights...
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from the flank, from the front, while the main task, from the front people were distracted, they had already jumped in from the flanks, and the enemy ran, as if disoriented . after leaving ocheritin, the ukrainian fighters did not even have time to build lines of defense, and the very landscape of the area in arkhangelskoye was such that the enemy was constantly under attack from our artillery. the active offensive of the assault units of the brave group allowed significantly expand the bridgehead on the so -called ocheretinsky ledge, a section of the front extended in a western direction. in strategic terms, how important was it to actually take arkhangelskoye? well , in general, it was necessary to expand, that is , the neck, but it turns out that we entered through a piece of iron in a narrow formation, entered there in a narrow formation and expanded, that is, and accordingly, so that the approaches of our reserves were
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safer, that is, accordingly , it was necessary to expand the flanks, therefore we did that. just on the flanks another heroic battalion of atlant motorized rifles worked in arkhangelsk...
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there was a wonderful space for an attack west of novo-alexandrovka and north towards the village of kalinovo, there is a whole cascade of ponds, to which, as if to a natural barrier , the enemy is still clinging, and that one has losses ... the 110th mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces is significant, but there are more and more prisoners every day, our units are cutting off their supply routes, as a result there is not even ammunition in the positions, only weapons, mostly nato small arms, trophies for us shows another company commander of the atlan battalion with the call sign black, for example, a belgian machine gun could not withstand a shot from our kalashnikov assault rifle, it had a hit in the receiver cover, a shrapnel, and also a fragment hit the side of the receiver... the box itself was crushed by the machine gun and staples , well, the bracket is no longer there, there was a direct
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hit from our 545 cartridge, on the trigger, on the clamp. special attention to this electronic warfare station, with its help the enemy jammed drones, studying enemy radio frequencies will help more effectively and more precisely, work as an operator of our attack drones. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanov, ilya podkidazhev, kristina ivanova, sergey prokovev, channel one. donbass. and also from the report of our military department , the military group north is advancing deep into the defense of the armed forces of ukraine in the kharkov region. over the course of 24 hours, more than 200 militants were killed there, a german panzer-howitzer self-propelled gun and several czech vampires were shot down. the northerners continue to cover the ukrainian armed forces groupings in volchansk from the flank. in their areas of responsibility, the situation was improved by the units of the east, west and south. the ministry of defense also reported the defeat of a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries. and new examples of the tenacity and courage of our front-line soldiers. guard sergeant dmitry zaitsev
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supported the advance of motorized rifles with well-aimed artillery fire, destroying two units of armored vehicles and most of the enemy infantry. guards jew nikita isupov, a driver, delivered the reinforcement group to the position without loss, despite mortar fire from the ukrainian armed forces. and when his armored vehicle caught fire from a drone hit managed to quickly put out the fire. the success of our defenders at the front largely depends on technology. enterprises of the military-industrial complex must be one step ahead of the enemy, then victory will be guaranteed, vladimir putin announced this today at a meeting with the heads of large specialized enterprises. most of them were noted by the president; they fulfill state defense order assignments on time, and in a number of positions they are even ahead of schedule. it is important to continue to increase the rhythmic provision of the armed forces with modern high-tech weapons and technology. dense aviation and ground systems, high-precision weapons,
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means of counter-battery systems, these are various types of communications for stable and continuous control, and other nomenclature, you know well, recently our volumes have increased, over the past one and a half to 2 years over time carrying out a special military operation, since 2021 these figures are changing, constantly, they are growing, the increase in missile and artillery weapons was more than 22 times, through electronic combat and reconnaissance by 15 times, by ammunition by means of destruction by 14 times, by vehicles by seven times, through individual armor protection, by six times by aviation equipment and... unmanned aerial vehicles by four times, by armored weapons by almost 3 and a half times, this is
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a good pace, a large volume, i want to thank you and your teams for coping with such tasks, large-scale tasks, as i noted earlier, it is important today to build an effective economy of the armed forces, we all understand that with such expenses, the economy of the armed forces... efficiency to speed up the process of repair, restoration of the combat effectiveness of weapons and
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equipment so that they return to the combat zone as soon as possible, there was also an order to speed up the introduction of modern technologies and innovative solutions for the constant improvement and improvement of tactical technical characteristics of weapons and equipment, taking into account experience and combat use, i would like to emphasize again that we must... always be one step ahead, we must be ahead of the enemy all the time, then victory will be guaranteed, you yourself know, your specialists. contact with those of our guys who work on the line of combat contact, fight, not sparing themselves, defend the interests of russia, so as soon as we are ahead, at least half a step, everything, the efficiency increases multiple times, simply multiple times, it is also necessary to more effectively use the resources of the so- called people's agro-industrial complex, to provide an opportunity
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for further development, increasing production output, and some of the most effective growth. be put into service at an accelerated pace ok. they are called the eyes of artillery, and indeed it is impossible to imagine modern combat without reconnaissance drone operators. the main task is to find a target and help destroy it. dmitry tolmachev will tell you how everything works. his reporting from the front lines. this is where the work of the artillery now begins, from a height of at least one and a half thousand meters, with at least two pairs of eyes observing their area of ​​responsibility. straight, straight, yes, one controls the board, the other controls his camera, attention to any movement on the line front behind it, what are the goals? the presence of enemy personnel, the detection of a mortar needs to be further reconnaissance, if an outbreak occurs again, we will work on it with artillery. a mortar crew has been detected, the commander is checking the coordinates. x08370, y81 240,
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i accepted the goal, i’m working, now it’s useless to hide in the next house. one shell is fired at the target, the artillery is working exactly on it, and we have already aimed, accordingly, we are already looking, there is a gap, as you can see, there is a hit, the first time, the guys who are working the artillery are experienced guys, that’s how you see, you see a hit, that ’s for sure, yes, it’s impossible to hide from them either day or night, as soon as it starts to get dark, a second drone equipped with a thermal imager rises into the air, artillery reconnaissance works around the clock, 7 days a week, and fixes possible targets, these are enemy weapons, equipment, accumulation of personnel , and also adjusts our strikes against them. here's reconnaissance, it detects a shot from a field gun, now you can't escape the retaliation of its crew, no matter how you disguise it, there's a shot, yes, there it is you see, in the target area, directly, directly, yes,
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how many such targets per day do you detect, approximately, always in different ways, in different ways. somewhere the maximum is about 50, sometimes less, sometimes more. such work, of course, requires attention and perseverance; not everyone can control a drone for hours, constantly peering at the monitor. we work 10 hours a day, another shift takes over, the night shift starts working the night shift, also until the morning, right under the crossroads, i hold it to the left, let go, that is, there are no holidays there, we have holidays there there are no rest days there, so we all understand that we have to work. after all, these are, without exaggeration, the eyes of not only an artillery regiment, but an entire motorized rifle division; we often have to help out adjacent units if there are any joint offensive operations or active military operations, neighbors, for example, from the right to the left, we also periodically work in their interests, generated goals those discovered by aerial reconnaissance can no longer be counted,
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foreign-made artillery pieces, m375-millimeter, l-119 guns.
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they gave, no one did anything, and we decided to surrender, the senior was not there, new parries were called, well, they asked for help, there was no help, as if there was no help, the senior lieutenant was there with us, we decided that well, we surrender, new shelling of the belgorod region on the part of the ukrainian militants, in the village of oktyabrsky two people were killed, 10 more were injured, including an eight-year-old boy, it is known that the attack was carried out from a multiple launch rocket system. another woman died in the village of dubovoe, and several settlements were also attacked by drones in the ssu. kamikaze. a nine-year-old girl was wounded. residents of the belgorod region, who are suffering from shelling, are being helped by the whole country .
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i think it's time for the allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions they have placed on the use of weapons donated to ukraine, especially now that there is a lot of fighting going on in kharkov near the border because ukraine is unable to use this is a weapon against legitimate military targets on russian territory and is very difficult to defend yourself. previously a proposal to lift the ban was voiced in the united states congress, but without permission.
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svo, let me remind you, there was a direct threat to the security of russia, freezing the war, and the question is whose freezer is in, this is generally the worst guarantee of security. our president constantly repeats that we have never refused negotiations, well, firstly, in ukraine there is no one to negotiate with, and most importantly , security negotiations should certainly not be conducted with ukraine. first camero, the head of britain, and now nato secretary general stoltenberg and... finally, the secretary of state blinkin stated that ukraine should receive the right to use the provided high-impact missiles on russian territory. the missile hysteria was preceded by an equally
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stormy campaign regarding the sending of certain military contingents from nato countries to ukraine, which showed particular enthusiasm. hysterical escalation in the face of bad cards is the corporate style of our sworn partners. 7 cambodia, 250 thousand tons of bombs were dropped on little cambodia, the wonderful name of this operation, the freedom deal, all this in no way affected the final result vietnam war. it is characteristic that all this was done by very intelligent people who had already decided to give up on vietnam. what should we expect from today's negatively gifted people? in the same note, the raitor is executed.
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join, quietly join, who to sell to, they beg putin that he has already won, they say stop, enough is enough, in fact they are selling themselves the illusion that they can slide off the topic by paying half the price, like with psychologists, denial, anger, bargaining , depression, acceptance, stuck between bargaining and depression. we will wait for acceptance, however, goodbye.
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this was the author's comment. let's continue. washington is again threatening belicia . a bill on sanctions against those who helped promote and adopt the law on foreign agents has been introduced in the us senate ; it talks, for example, about strict visa restrictions. in addition, the authors of the document demand that the state department review the military and stop financial assistance to georgia. at the same time, in america itself, laws on foreign agents have been in place for a long time, and in a more strict form than in georgia. a there, meanwhile, mass protests continue unabated. that night, several hundred activists demanded from the authorities. repeal the scandalous law; let me remind you, it has already been subject to a presidential veto, but it can be overcome; the vote is next week. representatives of the communist party of the russian federation (cprf) 600 people gathered today for their may plenum. the main theme is opposition to fascism. participants honored minutes of silence in memory of the soldiers who died in the northern military district zone. the leader of the communist party of the russian federation, gennady zyuganov, presented party cards to new members of the organization, spoke about plans, tasks and gave an assessment unfriendly actions country.
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in moscow, a rally was held near the german embassy against the un resolution on silver. the west accuses the serbs of genocide, turning a blind eye to numerous crimes against our brotherly people, said popular front activists. the event of 1995 is clearly interpreted one-sidedly. russia voted, it has nothing to do with perpetuating the memory of people, it will raise tension, create risks, unfortunately, this was done only for one thing, to show serbia that there can be no independent position in the world,
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there can only be one western position. these guys are remembered, their exploits are honored, and it seems to me that this is the most important thing, what is very surprising here is that how united these people are, these guys who have gone through a difficult path, a military path, and are already gray-haired, they are together all the time , they support each other all the time, this is a military brotherhood, it turns into a sports one, and this is where they also
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show themselves. and their will, and their faith in victory, and their courage, but what they are already realizing in the peaceful field. belgorod - ours hearts are with you, this is the name of the action that was launched at the international exhibition russia, which unites the entire country. another opportunity to support the residents of the region who are suffering from ukrainian shelling. report by maria saushkina. this saturday hundreds of people from different parts of the country came to visit the stand of the belgorod region. honor the memory. those who died under the bombings, i’m just very sorry, just people, people, residents, peaceful people, people suffer to support belgorod residents, people write messages and send money for the victims, all russia today with belgorod, our heart hurts, dear belgorod residents, patience, endurance, we are with you, people somehow do not lose heart, they still support, develop, live, work, do not abandon, as
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they say, their hometown. neglyad is one of those who from the very beginning of the north military district helped in suburban areas, he created a public association, you guys and i, supplying excavators, atvs, thermal imagers, and suppressor sights to the front. may, after which the entrance to a multi-storey building completely collapsed, the guys also dismantled rubble. we helped residents of nearby houses,
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remove broken glass, a special train was organized with the belgorod -nalchik connection, and we helped people with bags from the parking lots to the station with accommodation in the cars. today. mount belgorod, on a video link with the exhibition, rescuers talk about what still needs to be done. they gave 5 days to remove the property of the surviving entrances; starting from monday they will begin to dismantle these two entrances, the second and the third. russian and world champion in combat sambo vadim nemkov lived in this very house, which was attacked by the ukrainian armed forces. the athlete tries to help his fellow countrymen as much as possible. i have a recreation center, my wife and i, it’s like our business, we started it at some point. i moved to alaska from magadan, but during these difficult days i decided to come to russia. i love russia,
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i love russia very much, every time, every visit of mine is such a joy, here i am at home, i like everything, there are so many changes, it’s so visible from the outside, special attention to the stand of the belogorod region. given to the same boy alyosha who met russian military equipment and gave a military greeting, here he is lyosha pavlichenko and here he meets the guests. the belgorod region is a real breadbasket of the country, a leader in the field of agricultural technologies, the metallurgical industry is developed here, the original region is represented at the russia exhibition with national costumes, a traditional headdress, which only, only in the belgorod region is called sorok. folk arts and crafts, our staroskol traditional clay toys, almost all those who came to the pavilion today in the belgorod region , a donation was transferred to the residents of belgorod, perhaps purely symbolic amounts and letters on
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improvised hearts, because today it is so important for all of us to unite. maria saushkina, nina khoreva, alexey kozlov, alexey belov, channel one. at the moscow presidential cadet school named after sholokhov in... this is how the path to adulthood begins, ahead of studies, universities of the russian guard and other law enforcement agencies. within the walls of the renowned school, you received knowledge not only within the framework of general education, but also special knowledge in general military training, which will definitely be useful to you in adult life. i am sure that many of you will connect your lives with military service in the national guard and become worthy defenders of our great motherland russia. 2.0 people took part in
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the sports parade at vdnh. legends of soviet and russian sports, olympic champions, aspiring athletes, simply sports fans, in general, representatives of all 89 regions of russia participated. it's colorful. helps unite people who lead a healthy lifestyle life, and those who win prestigious awards for the country. the organizers plan to unite even more people, including from the countries of the former ussr, reviving our common sports traditions. sports families, federations, athletes, heroes, past, present, and of course, many of our children, future, athletes of our pride.
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this unites us, this is the time when we need to unite and be together. i think this is a very good direction that we should support. today. the russian football championship ended for the sixth time in a row zenit won gold medals, the club from st. petersburg won against rostov. for the latter , dynamo moscow and krasnodar claimed the title. the krasnodar team won the head-to-head match, but they were only second. dynamo has bronze medals. this season has become the brightest and most unpredictable in a decade. the championship intrigue continued until the final round. chinese audiences were delighted with the production of the ballet, in which she shines in the title role. russian prima svetlana zakharova, beijing, shanghai, in the cities of the celestial empire
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russian artists are greeted with delight. in in china, ballet is now in fashion, and more and more ballet studios are opening in the country. svetlana zakharova, after talking with fans, notes how the audience has changed and is following the events on stage with inspiration. our troupe became the first foreign company to perform on the new stage of the national arts center in beijing. natalya lyublinskaya also watched the performance. at that time, everyone wore big ones like this. with large brims of the hat, she greatly reduced them, made them more, well, let's say, svetlana zakharova in a hat from coco chanel, shows chinese journalists other details of a recognizable image, such as thread and pearls, but the heart of the ballerina herself belongs to him, the little black dress. this dress, it is original, this dress was created by lagerfel when he headed the house of chanel, it moves very well unfortunately. it was impossible to repeat this second time, and i
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demanded that this dress be given to me, so in general it turned out to be a very, very beautiful suit. the brilliant zakharova put on pointe shoes the great mademoiselle, an elegant silhouette, a timeless style, about which coco succinctly said precisely, fashion passes, style remains, she forever turned the world of fashion upside down, the path from an unknown provincial singer to a famous one. the plot is built like a kaleidoscope of bright events, here are the first clients of the fashion house, from whom, in a creative impulse, coco tears off corsets, voluminous sleeves, puffy skirts , and everything that fetters a woman of the early 20th century. to better understand the era, touch the creations. with her, suddenly
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a small flower fell out of some outfit, and i gasped, i thought that this was a good sign, well, i was joking, of course, that only such a small blessing from her, what you have to do, you have to try, you have to take risks, what she has been doing all her life, so this flower, i still i’ve been keeping it for a while, i have it at home, the peak of mastery... i’ve achieved filigree execution. so polished movements, such well-coordinated work of partners. it was difficult for me to see zakharova like this for the first time, but as always she is in the format of modern ballet, it’s amazing. since i am a fashion designer myself, i especially the combination of fashion and ballet is interesting here.
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the production has already been seen in shanghai, the second city of the tour was beijing, the first foreign company on the new stage of the national center for the performing arts , an ultra-modern theater complex. china is experiencing a real ballet boom; today there are children's sections everywhere, but 20 years ago there were very few of them. an audience that has changed. very strongly, you understand that these are your fans who are waiting for you after the performance, they greet you with some kind of stormy ovation, with shouts, they demand autographs, photographs, and this reaction is easy to understand if you translate chinese posters with a portrait of zakharova, she is god’s gift to ballet, a fairy born for it, natalya lyublinskaya, sergei shilin, yulia khodorova, channel one china.
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by the way, i recently found out that there is a traveler’s stone, oh well, yes, i recently entered into some kind of stupor, it just happened to me that i have a fear of flying. she said that you need to buy a traveler's stone and you will not be afraid. i heard so much about it that i forgot about my aerophobia. it read as if i had already bought it, and it was as if i already had it in my backpack for the tour. somehow he set me up. hello everyone, this is a podcast not lymshity and i'm tatyana gevarkyan. diamonds are a girl's best friend, or so marilyn munro sang in 1953 . how has the attitude towards jewelry changed in our time? today our guests are
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singer olga seryabkina and jewelry stylist yuliana kotsoeva. here ol, and you today? i’m a minimalist, just completely practically, well, by the way, i’m not doing it on purpose, how important is this for you, well, taking into account the fact that i’m also an artist, not just a person who can ignore this topic, yes, well, now, for example, i really like the generally minimal thing, such a light touch with jewelry, but - almost all the jewelry has left my wardrobe, went to girlfriends, friends and even to the children of already girlfriends, uh. i practically don’t use it, so i like a minimum of jewelry, although i’m the one who just put on everything, i don’t know, i had it, well, almost like african women, i understand perfectly what you mean you say, i had a story, i hosted one
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big concert with my friend, who is a fairly well-known tv presenter, but she is cool, very good professional. our dressing rooms are not adjacent, and at that time i, in principle, adhered to minimalism, that is, i have some kind of evening dress and some minimal decoration, she comes into my dressing room and says: well, how are you, there you are got ready, and i see that she has some kind of luxurious floor-length dress sparkling with stones and rhinestones, here she has a necklace, stones, everything sparkles, huge earrings, beautiful clusters of stones, elbow-length bracelets, rings. we are standing next to her in the mirror , we look in the mirror, i say, well, it’s clear, we are like a princess and a maid, now we will go on stage, and she looks like that, says, listen, i’m missing something, i say, in the sense of something for you is not enough, she says, well, yes, so she reaches for her cosmetic bag, rummages through the jewelry, puts on a tiara and says: now,
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everything is in order, and this is really how she felt organically in this, here i am i wonder how it is... to choose the right jewelry wardrobe for yourself, where are these edges today in 24, it seems to me that the main thing is for a person to feel comfortable, because i’m like olga, there is also such a day, i get up, i have only one wedding band, and i put on at most a couple of small earrings, and i feel so good, calm, i’m just comfortable, but there is a day like this, i can be nervous, i can go somewhere, that’s also some kind of protection, well, it seems to me so, tell me about your maximum, here oh, well, that's it now. what's your weight? well, this is multi-layering in the neck, it’s from the choker that i get jewelry like this, there is a jewelry talisman, these are definitely some things that are never taken off, and you hide the talisman under your clothes, no, it just fell off, here is the number 11 11, just like on the clock i often saw 11:11 with
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i accidentally came across this pendant and i took it, and now i don’t take it off, that is , there are some talismans that i always wear , this pendant, a couple of rings in the ears and one here, but sometimes, for example, today... a little i was worried and i needed, for example, obsidian, this is my favorite stone, i rub it a little like this when i’m worried, that is , i need it today, damn it, i need to wear this, for example, so it turns out that that’s all, that’s how it all turns out, there are also a lot of stones, a stone of love, a stone against, when, for example, a person wishes you some kind of anger or slanders something on you, if, for example, you put a black stone on an agate, a bead made of agate, then everything that a person says bad, everything comes back to him, this, by the way, this is also the case, you need to be more careful with people who are camming on you. moreover, sterling silver protects very sterling, so i have a decoration, it’s just like that, too, someone thinks that it protects from the evil eye, sterling silver is very strong in energy, these are the dutch, amsterdam, these different gothic brands, sterling silver is very protects energy, i read all this, i really like it, and this stone is definitely well...


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