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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 26, 2024 4:40am-5:15am MSK

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that is, some talismans that i always wear, this pendant, a couple of rings in my ears and one here, and sometimes, for example, today i was a little worried and i need, for example, obsidian, this is my favorite stone, i just barely i rub it a little like this when i’m worried, that is, i need it today, damn it, i need to wear this, for example, this is how it turns out, that’s how it all turns out, this is how it all turns out, there are also a lot of stones, a stone of love, a stone against, when, for example, a person wants some kind of anger or slanders something about you, if, for example, put on a black stone, an agate bead, then... everything that a person says bad, everything comes back to him, this, by the way, is also like that, you need to be more careful with people who have stones on them, yes, sterling silver is also very protective, sterling, and how is it different, i have a piece of jewelry, it’s just the same, someone thinks that it’s from the evil eye, sterling silver, it’s just very strong in energy, these are the dutch ones, the amsterdam ones, these different gothic ones brands, sterling silver is very protective energy, i read all this, i really like it, but do you have to wear this stone on yourself or do i just remember that there were stones that you just carry? somehow
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wear it, i heard a lot of stories from my friends about rose quartz, that it brings love, reveals femininity, uh, it really has something to do with this, i’m not asking if this is so, but for me, for i have one story with rose quartz, one friend just told me that i saw her bracelet made of rose quartz, she says it’s stone of love, i really want to find my love, i listened to something like that, and then i think, but somehow something doesn’t stick to me, and i was in kitay-gorod in the passage, there was a shop where a woman was selling stones, i bought this bracelet and just wore it, wore it, and as they explained to me, i need to put it on the bedside table at night so that it is charged with energy, then put it on again, that is, the stone should rest, i wore it then somehow i look and it became white, transparent, that is, it was just so pink, it became transparent, i i started googling and they told me that he gave you strength, gave you energy, and after some time i meet a person with whom i am still together to this day, how amazing.
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you shouldn’t believe, that is, for example, if you believe that in a black cat, then yes, you will always receive from this black cat, the same cat is just a different color, yes, well, i, for example, always, you know, it happens you’re driving on the road, and when a black cat crosses the road, all the drivers stop, and there’s a traffic jam. is it important to believe in it or does it work? autonomously with your sense of trust in this stone or why do you wear it if it has a purpose? well, i wasn’t skeptical, i didn’t put it on because well , at least something would help me, no, i just thought if it was like that, it would be cool, i ’ll put it on, it seems to me that they work on their own, because, well, when i was in
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vladikavkaz, there is a big mountain that you touch and you receive some kind of energy, every third person comes up, and a man stood with me, and he says: look at this mountain, it has been here for millions of years and millions years will be, can you imagine the strength and energy in her, he touched and left, it turns out that the stones themselves work, and the influence of your stones is reflected on olya, now it’s interesting, he protects everyone who is in mine and i feel very comfortable, i by the way, in general, before... well , i’m sensitive to the energy that comes from kavolba, i very often, well, for example, i start, the impression of a person, so we didn’t even have time to start a conversation with someone, but i understand, well as here is the energetic message, in principle the result of the meeting is predetermined as as if before you started talking, well, i feel comfortable, cool, in general i think it’s very, and i’m very interested in chatting to find out in general, maybe i need to rebuild, that... it’s really also
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an engagement ring, my favorite studs, which - well just super comfortable, and that’s all for today, but tell me about your stage jewelry wardrobe, it also has its own specifics, you also need nothing to cling to your clothes, otherwise it could all end badly, it’s true, for example, i really love earrings and i couldn’t live without them before large rings, like yours, for example, very bright earrings, but because juliana brought them to me today. very cool, thank you, super, thank you, but since i wear special ears, and when you put them on, it’s very inconvenient for others, anything else at all, accessories for the ears, it’s almost impossible, well , it’s inconvenient for me, yeah, but for the stage in basically everything, at one time i wore grills, i didn’t exist without them, what are grills, well , for jewelry on my teeth, that is, i had a real jewelry with real ones,
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like diamonds in my teeth, i had, uh, several of them, i even have them, but they are removable, yes, such and such a removable story, but how do orthodontists feel about this? i did it there, but i understand. i made casts and they cast them out of gold for me and they cast them like this, i actually had real gold gypsy teeth, as if wait, but gold teeth were the culture of rappers, when they inserted these gold teeth into themselves, apparently i had seen enough of something i wanted also, but i had something like a simple frame there, for example, very delicate, very feminine, different, and it was very bright when you are in the microphone, for example, singing and... and if it’s like we are from such a distance as you and i, then everyone is probably watching, yes, well, it’s so slightly- a slightly sticky moment, well , in general, this is a bright accessory that, in principle, attracts attention, by the way, this is an easy life hack for those who want, it seems to me, to attract attention to themselves,
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to make some interesting gold teeth, for example, this maybe just some kind of stone, they do the same thing, you can do it like this, whoever has a small one here a slit, i’ve often seen it in american ones... where there’s a small slit, just a small diamond here that’s attached to the other side of the jaw, that’s where everything goes on the teeth, and it’s very beautiful, who has a gap in who, well, that’s what someone recently told me my friend was delighted about the new guy she met, he had a tattoo inside his lip, he also has one, wow, yes, there is 04, 04 03, this is the date of birth of my best friend, who lives in st. petersburg, you have everything in numbers directly, this is, by the way, very important to me like. numbers, i also treat them like they treat me, how interesting, i try not to get attached to numbers, to dates, to letters, and there are no tattoos, in fact, i always really liked tattoos on other people, well, naturally literate, beautiful, on myself
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, sometimes i have thoughts when i have some idea and i want to get this tattoo, because i think that this is also, well, this is a kind of accessory, well, it’s just an accessory that you cannot. change, that is, you suddenly want, i don’t know, there’s no this cat here, and here, or somewhere else, well , i can tell you this right away, they tell me this so often, how you don’t get tired of them, how well, you want something else, why did you do this, then a year later i don’t see her, you don’t notice, she’s like a mole, there’s some kind of birthmark there, it just is there, it’s there, it doesn’t get boring, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov palischuk, everyone dances, she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the hall always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone fans, everyone was going crazy, let me out, it’s me, vinka, i say, lyuba, aren’t you afraid of being ugly, she says, why be afraid,
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lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, do you even know what i came here for? , that you are silent, smile, blink your eyes and remain silent if you can, “i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they couldn’t live without each other, i saw, love polishchuk, last tango, they met, tomorrow on. first, where are you, our third friend, amazing sense of taste, sense of proportion, musician, it was a real miracle, you have some kind of intuitive immersion in the image, i
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felt like a simple spectator who was sitting, good, how he sat , i love you, this is great. you are captivating, simple, i want to listen, watch and admire, don’t say anything, just watch, three chords, new season, tomorrow after the evening news, this podcast is not slick, and we continue to talk about jewelry. worthwhile decorations of our studio: jewelry stylist yuliana katsoeva and singer olga seryabkina. julian, tell me what base a girl should have in order to comfortably and organically fit these jewelry into any of her
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wardrobe, everyday, business, holiday. these are definitely ring earrings, timeless, outside of any fashion trends, ordinary ring earrings, what kind of rings, like what you have now? yes, and what else about earrings, and in general about everything, these are the ones i really like now, in general , the symmetry, i don’t wear the same earrings at all, i get one here, here another thing, in fact, it was like asymmetry, there was a trend once, and i have completely different earrings, it’s now a very common practice to sell straight mono earrings, mono and you can already select them as designer ones, a lot of brands make them as designer ones collections, that is, these are a pair of earrings, the ones on your neck are also attached to them. this is an earring, this is a pendant, it is attached to the pendant, but then you can replace everything, there
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are special attachments that can be changed from the ear to the neck, to the belt, a bag, it’s very beautiful, that’s what blackened silver is called, blackened silver, very beautiful, and blackened silver is now becoming fashionable, it’s one of the parts of dark fashion, that is, basically everything that goes into the dark fashion style, it’s everything silver with blackening, it is specially sprayed on top so that it looks even more aged, so gothic, that’s how it turned out so interesting that yes... fashion and gothic fashion suddenly penetrated into pop culture and became something so everyday, well -firstly, we believe that dark fashion is decoration, which has no gender, that is, both men and women can wear it, it is very convenient, universal, that is, this jewelry can be worn by men, yes, well, that’s it, a note for fashionable men, you can fit this into a business wardrobe, of course, why not, on a shirt and a bag. on a shirt - you can unbutton it from the back and put it on like a belt from some kind of skirt, uh-huh, these are these
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decorations that, so to speak, are non-standard, not always generally accepted, for example, piercings, they are in fashion now, it seems to me, piercings out of fashion, out of general depending on what current is going on, and now you are talking about some kind of piercing, i don’t know, in the tongue, in the pubic area, there is simply a piercing that people accept visually, and there is one that is not accepted, that is.. . for some , it’s neat - for example, a small earring in the nose is okay, a small ring is okay, but when two eyebrows are pierced, well, what does this happen, that is, it seems to me that it’s just imitating it right away. , well, what we wear in the cafe, they are all imitation piercings, they also put it here, well yes, or just to fill this one, well, as we often often work with piercers, but here it is inconvenient to pierce because the ear unfolds, the earring goes back, for this purpose cafés were invented to also fill this part. ear olya, did you have a piercing? no, no piercings, no tattoos, you
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are the perfect person, i never did, because it seemed to me that, well, it’s like a woman’s face, it’s very beautiful and without additional, so to speak, accessories, yes, all this can be done just right cafes, i wore fake ones very often, well, like cafes now, yes yes, well, there were also cafes in the lip, of course, i agree, the question now is not about the number, but rather about the fact that it’s still
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a woman at 20 and a woman, conditionally, at 40 - it’s still a different emotional status, and here it’s very important, well, to move harmoniously from one to another, i’m not saying to limit yourself in anything, but still, as you know, this story is about what it was like for people who were in the nineties? born for more than 30 years, this cannot happen, it’s true, it’s true, well, i don’t know, in general, in one word, if you, of course, feel yourself, you have to do it the way you feel, but still, but still you have to be somehow relevant, and you have some kind of jewelry taboos, that’s what you’ll never wear, i don’t like everything that’s connected with skulls, some bones, that is, vivien west, this is not yours, but no, why, well, when vivienne west... at the level of very elegant beautiful corsets, or well
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, she just has unrealistic shapes, but she knows how to create, but i just understand what suits me, what ’s beautiful to me, what’s harmonious for me and what i don’t really like, well, let’s say, if we take some jewelry, in one brand you can find something ideal and something that doesn’t suit you, even just in size, by the way, in jewelry history , size is also very important, for example, we take thread. i even have it there, by the way, i have another decoration that is not visible, just a red thread, the difference in the thickness of the thread makes a big difference in how much. it moves out of my head all the time, i constantly tighten it, it moves away, tied, well, yes, it goes well, by the way, with any bracelets, yes i had one thread, which meant very, very much to me, i tied it on
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the pain, it was also in the store with jewelry, on the red thread there was a hieroglyph, well... something meaning that at that time i was like - it resonated with me very much, and they tied this thread to me, it was a bracelet that was always with me, that is, it is tied, it does not come off, like this one, i walked with it for several years, and it made me feel... he always fed me energetically, i felt comfortable with him, and one day i was on formula 1 at the races, and there they put on such bracelets to enter the vip zone or somewhere, so... i didn’t take it off, and something like one day or a couple of days later i came to the company somewhere, he tells me that you are wearing this bracelet, i say, yes, you need scissors, there are no scissors at hand, you need to cut it off somehow, let us cut it off for you, well, in general, they cut it off for me, as i later realized along with this thread , and i didn’t notice at that moment, and it was so uncomfortable, some kind of rod that was suddenly pulled out of you, well, yuliana said that she has such
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talismans that she wears, and you have such ones that i used to wear, well, now where... their time is up, i had the same thing with a ring that i also purchased - in such difficult moments for me, so i walked with it for a very long time, in principle i set some goals for myself and it encouraged me, that is , it was hard for me, i also put it on and then took the order, the moment i just felt somehow uncomfortable on my finger, i started to twirl it like that, twirl it, at some point i say, i i’ll probably sell it, resell it, especially since it’s good to invest in jewelry, that’s
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okay by the way, i sold it for much more than i bought it and it’s like that, you wanted it so much, i say, it gave me everything i needed. i calmly sold it, but another ring quickly took its place, but what kind of ring is it? this is a ring for, oddly enough, this is a ring for divorce, and we often have such a practice that you have heard about this, no, never in your life, rings for divorce, that is, there are engagement rings when this process ends, a divorce ring, only a man gives it to a girl or exchanges these rings, in general you can buy it for yourself, this is my favorite designer, this is a russian brand, kintsugi is a japanese technique, here... cracks in porcelain vases, you probably know, when a porcelain vase, the cracks are filled with gold to show that the cracks are our scars, this is our experience, this is exactly the brand i have a ring with obsidian, with a stone, which is also called the devil’s koga, this is the ring i’m using for divorce to myself as a gift, roughly speaking, because this is also an event, when you get married again, you need to take it off or you can wear it, no, it’s
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just like an event that i remember, this is my experience that i lived, excellent, i’m grateful for everything , this ring is with me, well... you can’t tell the difference, but in fact there are no such rings at all, it’s just a name for a divorce ring, but i think that when you see this ring, you’ll understand that i want it now, because we have a lot of russian and non-russian brands, who started this the trend has been picked up by divorce rings, they are either colored mali, gold with diamonds, or they are just some kind of silver, with weaving different threads, with inscriptions with some kind of support with some kind of tonic inscriptions, i have a super discovery now, by the way, this ring ... helps, like being strong, or that somehow i don’t know, it supports, gives some kind of energy, it seems to me, it supports, because this is also an event, well, after all, a wedding is bright white event, why was the divorce so overshadowed, two people gave each other and separated, why not start? in principle , psychologically, this is how it should be, of course, but one person gave another an expensive ring, this is doubly a holiday,
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especially for everyone in general it would be more pleasant, at a minimum, well, in general ol, any event would be it would be much nicer if... we were given expensive rings or good jewelry every time, by the way, it seems to me the perfect gift, well, julian, i asked olga, what is some kind of taboo for you in jewelry, is there something... something that you would never wear yourself or recommend to someone, there is nothing that i won’t recommend, everyone has their own style, everyone does as they want, my favorite phrase is appropriate here, fashion, a matter of time, style, a question of individuality, so i won’t recommend anything to anyone here, i don’t wear gold, gold, but the yellow jewelry is large, they accumulate some kind of bad energy, somehow they don’t suit me, if we talk about jewelry, then in the case of
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the dress code black tie, white ty, which alloy is still worth choosing, white gold, yellow gold, pink, what stones, pink gold is very complex in terms of combinations, it is very difficult to choose something for it, unless it is some kind of ring with a stone, stones can already be combined further, i don’t know about yellow gold, so for some reason it turned out that i generally... . yellow gold, i categorically did not perceive it, i thought that it was with me it doesn’t fit in any way, and then, when these new modern ones appeared - jewelry that combines both white and yellow gold, well , let’s say, costume jewelry, and i suddenly realized that it was looking right at me. everything is great together, it’s just very difficult to combine yellow and white gold, technically, because they have different melting temperatures, so it’s hard to make them together, and rarely do any brands,
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if we’re talking about jewelry, combine it all together, but bijou very often who makes it, by the way, at one time i bought jewelry so that the decoration would have a combination white gold and yellow, i really liked it, it somehow lifted my spirits, moreover, my husband, on some... in general , some holidays, he always gives me jewelry, i have a lot of them, but this jewelry already, yes, yes, always, yes, in fact , i had it since childhood, my dad and very often went on business trips to africa , very often brought stones from there, i was brought up in such a way that the best gift for women is jewelry, yes , is still considered, yes, absolutely, i think there is no better gift, a small holiday, or even a sign zodiac, it seems to me that it’s still nice, i have a brother, and we once gave... to our mother for her birthday, we both have names that start with the letter o, and we gave the letter o from white and black diamonds together, and well
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, she always wears it, it was a very valuable gift for her, well, this seems like a big fantasy to me, but how do you feel about this modern trend of mixing gold and silver, because it was a long time, it was considered taboo, now it’s goes well together, but i’m really for it, you can do it all together i don’t understand anyone at all. who said that this is not possible with this, you can do more of everything, many still say how we have a lot of french designers who start there and end up with russians and japanese, as far as i understand, because white silver in white gold, in principle whether it is contained or not, i don’t know, white gold - it can be painted; gold does not add particles that make lemon gold, rose gold, silver, it is also included in gold, that is , all of these are considered precious metals, but i am in favor of to mix, because a lot of designers directly produce rings that are already made of gold and silver, but mostly this... kalmykia is called the birthplace of the wind, it is so strong here that many centuries ago it turned part of the earth into a desert. in kalmykia they say that
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there is only two winds, six months east and six months west. how many arrows should a kalmyt warrior be able to shoot in one minute? minimum 22 arrows. we will shoot at the kalmyk, that is, from the ring. let go. i ran from the theater, i said, i can’t, i need to feed the hamster urgently, curtain, i have hamster feeder, let me grow into a man here, how did you raise such
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a girl, it seems to me that everyone wants such a girl, now dad will tell you, probably the character of mom, you saw the video, watch with us, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, i welcome today with calm confidence, i am in harmony with myself, and quietly. and what are the most relevant trends this year in the twenty-fourth, because after all, even costume jewelry in our time is an investment, it costs the same as jewelry used to cost, that’s what it costs, has it makes sense to invest in what will last the longest, because it happens that you bought some kind of jewelry and don’t wear it afterwards, but there are some things that you suddenly realize that you don’t take them off anymore. that we salt, apparently
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intuitively, we buy such things by accident , so tell us how to really make such conscious purchases so that it fits into the wardrobe. to begin with, i always collect a base, that is, what i will always wear is a couple of rings, so that i just have a security ring, which is worn on the little finger, it closes everything, it has an alarm button for you, which sends a signal to the remote control, and for my husband, it turns out that it closes all the fingers, the last finger is the little finger, i don’t put it on it like... that’s it, everything is closed, that is, i’m safe, wait, tell me, please, that is, let’s say, if i don’t have such a large number of accessories, i can, of course, put it on here, this, this will be in any case, what, what kind of ring security, well, i call it a finger, well, a security ring, that is, i get it, it’s like closing the door, you leave the house, lock the door , i leave the house, put on the security ring, that’s it, i feel comfortable, i can’t do this with my forgetfulness, i ’ll forget it, it’ll take me all day perekasa,
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we have reminder rings, rings. they make small knots, this ring is made into a knot, we have many russian brands, promises or reminders, it’s like before here we always drew a star with a pen so as not to forget something, you can also, by the way, this is a great option for a gift, for example, to a friend or someone you know well, for example, a forgetful person, you know how many rings like this i will have then, i think that on the next birthday everyone will come to me with i have a ring like this. i don’t have so many fingers, and the main thing is to tell everyone different sizes, yeah, yes, so that for different fingers, and also write in the technical specification that there must be a diamond there, otherwise i won’t remember anything, indeed, this is generally necessary, yes, what other trends are like this now? since the trend is towards silver lace, they make frames like this out of it , seemingly repeating the shape of the lace, and earrings are made from this, like a long ring in its entirety.
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made like lace - some chokers in the form of lace, bracelets, this is now becoming a trend again, and bows, butterfly bows, let's also talk about vintage, because i have such a fairly significant part in my jewelry collection that vintage is occupied, that's it vintage jewelry, for some reason they go with everything. vintage is more about individuality, because you will know for sure when you put on yourself, you will know for sure that you won’t find this in almost anyone, but it’s about... uniqueness, about some kind of memory, also about value, i just don’t have vintage in general, i have never been to any flea markets, but i dream of going, i like vintage jewelry, for example, there is a great, very amazing brand, this is a lady who makes vintage jewelry, that is, she really takes rock crystal, cuts it out, makes it inside drawing, fills it with paint and can add a detail from the 16th century, which was taken there from the diadem of some princess, she also does it
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on rings on a mala, like this... to warm and support some of your ideas and values, by the way, here you were just talking about all these different things, and i remembered that our brooches somehow completely disappeared from circulation, why don’t we wear them anymore, this is the first time i’ve heard that they don’t wear brooches anymore, we really have a lot of brooches, very different ones made of beads, which repeat the paintings of the renaissance, some handmade, because, well, for example, any jacket
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can be decorated. brooches, than how else to style it, that is, it is still relevant, still worn, no one, you don’t have brooches, i have several, but you also stopped wearing them, yes, it turns out, we need to remember the good old trend, i actually think now, you need to somehow look into the box, just somehow carefully, fall in love with accessories again - it ’s still true that you can completely change the mood of your image only through accessories, well, by the way, that’s for now we just now we were talking about vintage, you asked, i have a question about pearls, are they fashionable now or are they too, now it just seems crazy to me , yes right now they are generally included, if they are very large, very intrusive pearls, well, there are pearls as delicate as river pearls , yes , yes, yes, a small thin thread, but there is , for example, something like a sea one, well, that is , a large one, maybe it’s a baroque pearl, there’s a river baroque one and which is majorca, in my opinion it’s fake, it looks like pearls,
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there are a lot of pearls and rings. earrings themselves pendants and different sizes, up to such huge ones, and pearls always, always have this, for example, well, too, let’s say, i used to think that pearls are such a story about already there about grandma... grandma, hello , here your grandmother is sitting in front of you, no, you’re fashionable, as if, i remembered, suddenly, i ’m sitting like a pearl in the abstract, and then i remember that she’s also for me now, by the way, for some reason you don’t look like me, even i well, well, because this is fashion design, who is this, by the way, this is a turkish, turkish designer evren kayarna, called, she is a graduate, if i’m not mistaken, of the french school of design, she has very beautiful shapes like this, she uses silver as these branches and pearls, yeah, and rings... a lot too, it’s just a modern design like that, you can to replay, that is, you can simply eventually unravel this string of pearls and sew a couple of bracelets from it that will go on your finger. and you know what i did, i remembered, several years ago i had many, many of these beads from
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my childhood left over from different absolutely multi-colored stones, and i just asked, they made me a long, long thread in accordance with the artistic understanding of the person who reassembled it for me, and i ... i still wear it from time to time , it’s long, you can wrap it there, here in a choker, then i do it like this, it’s very fashionable now, yes, it’s like you can tie a handbag on the side, like a belt, that is , it also seems to me that such universal things can be, transformers, yes, there is such a theme in jewelry, yes just -well , there are a lot of brands about this, there are a lot of brands now they do this so that earrings can be worn, for example, if it’s some evening, put some pebbles on top of the earring that are riveted, or then remove it later. you are a store, that is, so that you can play, that this is just for people who do not have time to go to the store, so i have a question, for example, conditionally in the morning, well , somewhere and you take the child or go to what is there is a dress code in jewelry and there is an evening dress code, is there a difference, okay, we
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are not talking about something so massive, but in general, it seems to me yes, well i was like, if there is, let’s say you’re going to some kind of evening event where the dress code is stated, then of course. there must be expensive jewelry, well , everything in general, where is the black tie and wi ty, it seems to me that it’s local, yes, jewelry, probably, it’s just in the evening that it seems to me that now it’s costume jewelry, if previously it was believed that costume jewelry is something so everyday, no, there is serious costume jewelry, then today costume jewelry is, in principle, such a serious application, by the way, i can say, but regarding costume jewelry, once i was flying somewhere i stopped through singapore, near a jewelry store, all these stones sparkled so much that i decided to just spend the rest of all the money that i had on some of these, well, some bracelets, some chokers, what - that’s the point,
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what’s the point, that probably 10 years have passed, this is the same jewelry that i still have, it seems to me that everything is different, i could throw it away, i don’t know, give it away, how- then it could have broken, but that dear one, she just said. costume jewelry, because it was high quality, it was right there i still get sparkles and sparkles very often at my concerts. the jewelry theme for girls is a topic that we can talk about endlessly, i still have many, many questions and there is something to discuss, but unfortunately, apparently we will be doing this behind the scenes, because we are limited in time, we have the participants of the next podcasts are already knocking on the door, thank you very much for coming, it was really very interesting. we discussed a very beautiful topic today, and there is something to think about, we’ll go through everything, we’ll go through everything, yes, and by the way, we will leave it as an inheritance for the children, we will not give it away, yes, because it is vintage, not all that glitters is gold, we
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were convinced of this today, look not lykomshity and the podcast lab on the first website. “i love our country very much, i am very glad that i am russian, i am proud of this and am loyal to my country, i recognize and admit that i love my homeland, i love mother russia, because i am russian in spirit, because russia is my land , and we will preserve you, russian speech, the great russian word, very, very much, i love you, russia." i love you, we have only one, magnificent and the best in the world, only here is my homeland, my world, my family and my friends, to all citizens of our dear homeland.


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