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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 26, 2024 5:15am-6:00am MSK

5:15 am
this is what glitters, we were convinced of this today, watch not lykomshity and the podcast lab on the first website, i love our country very much, i am very glad that i am a russian, i am proud of this and am loyal to my country, i recognize and admit that i love . “i love mother russia, because i am russian in spirit, because russia is my land, and we will save you russian speech, the great russian word, very, very much, i love you, russia, you are the only one we have, magnificent , the best in the world , only here is my homeland, my world, my family and my friends, everyone to the citizens of our dear homeland of unity, a peaceful sky of cohesion.
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hello, this is the podcast of mount with fire and me and its host denis gorelov with a story about the most important cinema and tv series domestic new releases of the season, and it’s coming. admit that this season we are seeing a clear decline in serial production, there are a lot of films, the quality is not very good, as expected, they gave their results, and the departure of producers with complex views to distant lands, the entry into the first roles of their former apprentices, who are not yet very clear feel the audience, the situation in general is not very good, but there is hope that...
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that at the end of the year in the fall, at the time of the season of serial premieres, things will improve, so far the situation seems to be not very good, but this is especially visible against the backdrop of a frank rise in theatrical distribution, again, as one would expect, 2 years after the start of the special operation , the money invested in film production yielded results, just a two-year varnish, today it is recouping...
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they won’t be looking for it, at least in the next 20 years. bullfinch already over the past 2 years in fact, he became the standard face of the stalinist period, performing brilliantly in chuk and gek for you and me, the period was, in general, the first film through the thirties, the second through the fifties. but the female type was then completely alone, of course, snow became its central card. just in case, she kept her fingers folded and said that for the role of margarita, she would be cast for absolutely everything, thank god, she was mistaken, there was not a single critic who said at least one bad word about her performance, and about the decision of the casting directors choose her for these roles, well... she has some special depth
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and a slightly demonic edge, so even such, well, in general, vulgar self-presentations as a muse and a witch, which the bulgakovs did not have, were invented by screenwriter roman hunter, even this in her mouth sounded wonderful, it has long been said that a great artist can turn even any script nonsense in his own mouth to his advantage, and as for tsyganov, then... his cosmic , simply innate, condescending pathegism is ideal for a master’s workshop role, he looks a little down and distantly at the dances of all the massalitovskaya and demonic evil spirits, which, in fact , is required of him by the role, and as for the couple, it worked out for the bullfinch long before the casting aspirations of the film crew, everything worked out here.
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texts, criticism admires it, oh, how sweet it is, very good, hollywood scale, the richness of the details, the richness of the details is as follows: ah, it seemed to the author that it wasn’t enough that the master was in a psychiatric hospital, he also arrested him under article fifty-eight, from the basements lubyanka, in the courtyard of the lubyanka you can see crucifixes with
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innocently writhing victims of stalin's tyranny, and the barred windows in the psychiatric hospital are made in the role of a cross - all this in general... is given as great, great taste, the taste of the production was noted by no less than a third of the reviewers, apparently we have different ideas about taste, but in general there is every reason to believe that the novel about the gift, a gift with a capital letter, a novel about the tricks of wickedness about the firmness of the christian imperative, was produced by an outright plebeian, in general, such a relative of all those lhodeevs, vorenukhs and latunskikh, whose troubles... pictures were so happy, roman the great, he clearly reveals, demonstrates the scale of the director, and most often not a very great scale, and lem klimov, who took on the production of the master of margarita, and
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yuri lyubimov, who did it on the taganka, and yuri kara, now lakshin feels like a fish in water when staging all sorts of adventures of evil spirits, but frankly. they stall when talking about the eternal, about galilee and judea, about the eternal dispute between yeshua and pilate. the only person who even tried to do something about this direction, was bordka, in his film the completely frank rhetorical duel of sergei bezrukiy in the role of yeshua, kirill lavrov in the role of pilate, actually balanced the adventures of the evil spirits. which, in fact, was bulgakov’s plan, the plan of all these excursions into distant jewish times. lakshin’s appointment of completely passable foreign performers, klaus bang and aaron
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the water carrier, to the roles of pilate and yeshua, first of all, spoke precisely of how uninteresting he is in these things, how much more pleasant it is for him to show how evil spirits are set in the city of moscow, in the house of the mushroom. for the role of woland, he took an artist of a more serious caliber, august dietl, however , here too the appointment had a very clear ideological lining, in fact , by appointing foreign artists to the roles of biblical characters, he made it clear that all sorts of talk about eternity, all sorts of theosophical disputes are not our dog case. we can only talk about sturgeon of the second freshness and be touched by the hippopotamus cat. the hippopotamus cat, by the way, was also unsuccessful, everyone said so. sturgeon of the second freshness, this one the phrase was also not heard in the film, because there was not enough space for it. accordingly, lakhshin, in order to fully express his feelings,
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openly trivializes the problems of the great novel, trying to cram into the picture absolutely all the claims to socialism that only ...
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in fact, the nobel committee did not come up with a snout, precisely because of its insufficient anti-sovietism. bulgakov did not feel any kind of hatred towards...
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he did not understand the whole sinister essence of the question, which cost osip emilovich his life.
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thus it turns out that indeed, the only, the only great advantage of the production is the two main central characters; it would be nice for them, and in general for the director, who is certainly gifted in craftsmanship, to have serious producers who could stop the scriptwriting and directing from themselves. it will be hot, what where, when, summer series of games, tomorrow, after the program time, at 19 years old i was left alone, and why are you? here, she and her father are on the ship? oh yes, the theater. the reds
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will come, art will be banned. yes, this is a mule. tell me, are you ranevskaya? yes i ranevskaya. i haven’t experienced anything on my own skin. the war passed her by. look at this face. exceptional. there are many great directors. there may be one such meeting, i’ll make a call, you’ll come to me, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you ’re making faces, marital status, what do you say, you have a husband, no, i’m struggling, no family , no children, but to the grave devotees of art, yes, brilliant, dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it, ranevskaya from monday on the first, happy birthday,
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who? lev nikolaevich tolstoy. next the number of our program will be anegin’s production, sarik andrin’s production, also a cinematic one. the film came out in. day after the death of the previous director evgeniy negin, though on the stage of the vakhtangov theater, rimos tuminos. this topic is important because andriasyan borrowed.
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book, but are forced to take it at the final entrance exams. always focused on commercial success, andre asyan actually found a gold mine, and complaints about his production are even inappropriate, since he staged a novel in which the word boredom, boredom, repeated exactly 28 times, i even counted it, reading pushkin one more time is always a great pleasure. against the backdrop of this production, what was staged in vakhtangaya is distinguished by completely outright disgrace; in war and peace, pierre is shown as an excited fool, the elder of the balcony, driven out of his mind by red tape,
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the elder of rostov, an outright district dragonfly, which is doubly disgusting, because under nikolai...
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lie down, i'll go to bed soon, it sounded exactly like that, the hall again resounded with laughter, that in in general, it showed that vakhtangov’s audience today are the same petty plebeians as those whom andreasyan usually focused on in his productions, only andreasyan tried to lift them up at least a little, and tuminos looked for all the lowest and all the most disgusting in people. in dovichenkov, for example, he uttered the phrase: “they had russians at maslenitsa.”
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that this is not a big task for actors, here they actually, well, somehow atone for their sins, their participation in the outright abomination invented by tuminus. happened this way paradox, the theater director, whom many revered as some kind of serious interpreter of martial meanings, turned out to be an obvious
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ethnically offended character, on the contrary, a film director, whom we generally know from openly vulgar films about dyuzhev becoming pregnant, about marvel heroes on russian soil, about chekotila and so on, suddenly he made a very sensible production, carefully treating national feelings and national classical luminaries. there are some shortcomings, but they are generally forgivable. especially against the background of what is still going on on the stage of the vakhtangov theater, i think that alexander sergeevich, like lev nikolaevich, is simply for such things. would have shot, he missed for his wife, but for his own words, clearly turned inside out, he would have definitely hit, and andreasyan would have been his second, made tragic
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, he would have covered the deceased with all sorts of sackcloth, he would have said ah-ah-ah, which heart has stopped beating, vdovichenkov and the dobronravovs would stand in the distance with gorgeous dandies with canes, and they would also worry, yes, yes, yes, death carries better. the next issue, long awaited, of course, by channel one, the series union of salvation, here it turns out that the sky has fallen to earth, because the series, stretched out over 7 hours, turned out to be weighty, roughly visible, brighter, better than the theatrical version, this has never happened in human memory only one single time, when the author's director's assembly.
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the same thing happened with the series union of salvation. perhaps this is not only the opinion of critics in the rating of the theatrical version,
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mainly based on jokes about the vice rzhevsky, therefore i followed mainly the top, practicing the classic set,
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wifey, red tape, the dawn of freedom, everything is very easy and superficial, at the premiere, which was timed to coincide with the day of the uprising on december 14, of course, on the eve of christmas, all guests were given an infantry christmas tree toy at the exit ordinary weapon.
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such deep roles are given, the full-length film was repeatedly canceled due to the external inconsistency of alexander, vitaly kishchenko
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resembled his hero. suffered the murder of his father, paul i, alexander’s father, was killed by alexander’s knowledge, and throughout the year 812, and the grandiose flood of the twenty-fourth year, just a year before the decembrist uprising, kishchenko played a rather serious tragedy of a man who is still considered, well,
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and finally, we concluded our program with the series “inside the killer,” directed by vladimir mirzoev, based on the novel by mike amer, the novel of the same name, which is in certain top sales. and the israeli graphomaniac mmer at some point decided, for the sake of money, to compose absolute nonsense about american life, about serial maniacs and about strong-willed girls from the fbi. and about
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maniacs from the usa, strong-willed girls from the fbi, he knew absolutely everything from the film the silence of the lambs, so it was easy to compose nonsense. since the rest of the world also saw the film the silence of the lambs and also knew absolutely everything about american psychopaths and fbi girls, then, in fact , the nonsense was also easy to watch and read and even knocked out the nonsense of stephen king and jhan rawlings from the amazon website. after which the rebellious director.
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money, small, daily, got acquainted with both nonsense and am ready to share my impressions with those who are at least somewhat interested in them, since frankly speaking, israeli-american graphomania remade in the russian way is entertainment for an amateur, and for those who are still interested, i will tell you, according to the plot, a profiler investigative committee zoya bentley, whom mirzoev superbly and very wittily
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renamed. in zoya volgin, played by anastasia vgrafova, she is looking for a maniac, lieutenant volokh, played by tikhon zhiznevsky, helps her in her long search, interferes - sexually supports, while lieutenant volokh, like all policemen, from american cripples, has a house with a swimming pool, has a grandfather with quirks performed by sergei shakurov, has a cat named freckles, whom thank you, god, mirzoev renamed prokhor , for the cat with freckles, all those involved, of course, should have lived at the stake, embalmed, and then been forced to show them a cartoon about little raccoon. and finally, a fish with a bad character named scoundrel. and zoya, at the time of her search, constantly remembers her earlier childhood in the city of troetsk, where she also had an apartment the size of a football field, where girls also disappeared and there was also a maniac whom she knew personally, was it not the same one?
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ah, well, accordingly, amer, who, in general, is clearly a fairly competent marketer, perfectly understood the all-american obsession with feminocentrism, the heroine’s name was. as i already said, zoe bentley is already beautiful, besides she had a cherry fiesta, she had a piercing hypnotic look of light green eyes and the speed of a man's soul, she constantly took a hot shower, she absorbed liters of aromatic coffee, always aromatic, she easily, in no time, simply brushed aside all the arguments of her male colleagues , disarmed the scoundrel maniac by undressing. no panties, in addition, she experienced genuine pleasure from any piece of food she absorbed, the cat, as i already said, was called freckles, yes, which already says a lot about the author about his entire circle
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of consumers, meanwhile, even for the sake of money, director mirzoev i couldn’t cope with my bad character and somehow eliminate these here are the internal rebels... otherwise the picture was just truly a success. merzoev, thank you so much for the little raccoon, for the destruction of the cat freckles, not the cat itself, but his name, for the fact that you can watch a feminist thriller even without
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shuddering, well, almost without shuddering. evgrafova, you pierced with your piercing eyes, and so did everyone else. zhiznevsky: you’re no worse off with straight hair than with... curly hair, frankly speaking, you can’t drink away the enthusiasm. thanks to everybody, you're free. it was a podcast of mount fire and me, its host denis gorelov with a story about the most serious cinema and tv series domestic releases of the season. thank you, good bye! you can watch all episodes of the podcast on the channel one website. hello, this is a podcast 20 years later and we are its hosts konstantin mikhailov and alexander anatolyevich. today we have a wonderful guest, whom we are so pleased to introduce, zhanna bichevskaya, legendary,
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magnificent, mysterious and famous, different, and gennady panomariov, husband, composer, author, nadezhda and opora, in general, your everything. the sound engineer is my everything, and by the way, zhanna bichevskaya performs bulat okudzhava’s songs, a whole album has been released of her performances, his songs, and bulat kudzhavi turns 100 years old this year, it seems to me that you were the most traveled artist, that is, until 30 i traveled to more countries, i was very popular, i received a prize in polish in 1980 - festivals, knowledge, the poles very rarely give this title to theirs, when i was in the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, yeah, poland, russia and belarus were united, my ancestors father's line they defended poland from the swedes, and for this
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they received, that means, noble titles, and then they came here, and my grandfather konstantin bichevsky, he served in the tsarist army, he served as cavalrymen, the life guards of the tsar's regiment. was, you and your father, i know, had a difficult relationship, your mother left, left when you were five, yes, when my mother took me away at the age of 5, my father took me away from my family, and i actually... was alone with with my father on the reservation, but then my mother, who was not my own, came into my life, she was very good, but she could not protect me from my father’s monster. however, your father gave you your first guitar, in which when i was 17 years old, he himself was a very, very singing person, and he wanted me to play and sing with the guitar, which means that i accompanied him to sing my songs, he had such a personal interest, then i already taught guitar at a music school in zagorsk, in general, with a guitar... in school they called zhanna gitarovna strad, because i did not let go of the guitar, that
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is, you graduated from music school, according to the class, a guitar, after all, a guitar, and you yourself let's go, i haven't finished, i don't teach finishing at all, i like to leave everywhere on time, zhanna is a sprinter in life, not a pack, this is a concert, her life, all the things she takes on, she fully concentrates also with the guitar, was with a large theater and she had her own
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studio, she stretched out the tesitura for me, now i have almost five octaves, she brought many to tears, she is known for her singing of romances, but what was it, is it some kind of special manners or the meaning of the romance, because romances they are plus or minus everything with some very bad in the end, the most difficult song genre is romance, yeah, yes, because on the verge of vulgarity, on... but to convey this
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deep feeling through romance, this is only possible with god’s help, god helped me, here i was standing near the church carriage, this is a romance or russian folk song, this is a russian song russian folk song, i recorded it somewhere a long time ago in the village of nikipelovo, at my grandmother’s she was 86 years old, baba pavlina, she sang this song to me, this song is from me went into life, those who don’t know, she traveled a lot not only around abroad, but throughout our country, in the outback, she collected russian folk songs, how did you get in touch, what did you use? on my own, i didn’t have money for tickets, i was a student at a similar school, and i see its composition with sand, with pebbles, i crawl under somewhere with a guitar, i didn’t know where i was going, i stopped at some point, in general , in short, i traveled a lot, even went as far as the urals. you know, everything was different, but everything was
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very interesting, and you know, i have to tell you, i thank the lord, that the lord in my life after my father, in general, such a monster, he sent me very good people, it consoled me so much, encouraged me in life and gave me meaning in my life, and i realized that there are a lot more good people in life, than bad ones, this is natural, and then i realized one more thing, this is purely philosophical, from life, i realized that the way you are with a person, the way he is with you, but the fact is that sometimes you come across, you come across such blackness that it’s even scary to enter, you want from this person to run away, probably the young bride felt the same blackness in her husband, well, the tragedy of the song was that the carriage wanted, but in the fact that her young woman was being passed off as an old man, let’s turn to this then.
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there was a carriage parked at the church, there was a magnificent... party , all the guests were smartly dressed, the bride was the most beautiful of all, all the guests were smartly dressed, the bride
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was the most beautiful of all, she would have... grown up, she was looking at the holy crucifix, she was looking at a white dress , the bego was joking through a rainbow of tears, the wedding candles were burning. the bride stood pale and swore oaths to the priest speech, she didn’t want to say, when the priest put a gold ring on her finger,
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bitter tears flowed from her eyes like a stream onto her face, i heard people say in the crowd. what an unsightly groom, they ruined the girl in vain, and i followed the crowd, there was a carriage at the church, there was
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a magnificent wedding... all the guests were smartly dressed, the bride was all beautiful, everyone was smartly dressed, the bride was beautiful.
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hello, there is news on air, in the studio sergei tugushev, briefly at the beginning of the episode. the main thing. the russian military has received improved new types of drones they immediately discovered the camouflaged positions of the militants. enemy targets have been eliminated. losing ground.


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