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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 26, 2024 6:10am-6:56am MSK

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grenade launchers, even the ability to control attack drones was taken into account, skills were tested in the fight against tanks, as well as during the assault on a forest belt, a trench building, shooting from awkward positions was separately assessed, among the twenty teams there was also a female one from the eastern military district, the victory was won by representatives of the main directorate of the general headquarters that's all for now, see you later. we continue the conversation about music and life with zhanna bichevskaya and gennady ponomarev. konstantin aleksandrovich mikhailov and alexander are still in the studio anatolyevich belonogov. can i tell? first time. tell us how you met bulat makudzhava? oh, this, this, this is a separate song, it was in the house of writers, and before that i sang bulatjava’s song, some songs of bards, too, and they let me down.
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they put the damask steel in front of him, i say, hello, it’s me, i’m singing your songs, he says, what am i saying, i’m zhanna bichevska, i sing your songs with a guitar, he says, yes, but it’s interesting to listen, and she was standing next to his wife olga, a wonderful person, generally a beauty, i i say, i can call you, he says, yes, of course, olya gave me a phone number from kudzhava, then time passed, i called him, we became friends, then we met many times, he gave me his collection of poems, when... then your prose.
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i also accepted him into myself, into my soul, so the horror didn’t have a single bad song, they are all, they are equal, regarding the travels, numerous, endless, probably joyful, both for you and for the public, in paris a certain lady came up to you and sang the novel sporuchek galits, was it so, was it listen to me carefully, first of all, i came up after one of the concerts in olympia, i don’t remember which one, yeah. at olympia in paris, a white guard officer approached, very old, with a cane, gray-haired, thin, uh, and that means a woman was standing with him, he said, here, here’s a song, this is a song of my youth, worse than the golitsa, a song, what a romance, here is a woman, he told me, she sang a melody to me, i have very good hearing, i remembered everything the first time and handed out the text, just like that, it was eighty- two, what year, i don’t remember anymore, yes, here i am was the first performer of this song, and then what happened to it, who did it, on the conscience of everyone
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who did something with it, but i didn’t imagine that this was your song, you brought it here because it got to to you first hand, you know that i have to tell you that when i sing it, this white guard, a white flock, stands before my eyes, don’t remember that officer, no, there was just something connected with the bell, that’s what i don’t remember, but what kind of audience was there in paris, it was immigration, you know?
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there they have three of our names, this is vysotsky, this bula takujava and bichevskaya, if the poles fell in love with someone, especially since she , one might say, never left poland, so i traveled with zhanna to poland and east to west and how she was received there, now if she came to poland, there would be full houses everywhere, let's listen to the song, not a romance, by poruchek goletsin in the original performance. four!
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guilt. we lead squadrons over the gloomy don, russia, the country, blesses us. lieutenant,
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galitsyn, distribute the cartridges, parnet. obalensky, saddle, horse. parnet, about allen's horse's saddle, arbak flashes, familiar faces, crazy, gypsy flashing through dreams, everything will be fine, lieutenant golitsyn for everything. the commissars will receive in full, the commissars will receive in full for everything, but somewhere nearby there are troikas rushing by, alas, but we don’t know
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what our faults are, lieutenant. makor from koraplya, parutchik galitsyn, maybe we’ll come back, why do we, my friend, need a foreign land? why do we, my friend, need a foreign land
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that’s been burning for four days. the village, sweating with rain, danish spring, everyone should equip themselves with cartridges, the border is coming soon, and all the officers should put on medals, throw ammunition to everyone, the border is coming soon,
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when you traveled around the world, a beautiful russian girl who sings beautifully, plays the guitar wonderfully, there were probably just hundreds, thousands of fans and no one proposed, there never was. even some thought about how vladimir semyonovich vysotsky married marina vladya? the fact is that in the eighty-third year i came to omsk and met this absolutely miracle, and he, gennady panomariov, he worked at the omsk philharmonic, he himself is from the city of tola, he was a fan since the seventy-four year, the first disc that went out, visited gennady, he came up to me, said that he sings songs to the silver of the century, and i...
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from there i come to this or that philharmonic society, go to a rehearsal, there stands this miracle of mine, with huge roses, like a feather with a dandelion, standing like this , so modest, i say, oh, closer to this, he already gave me his cassette of his song, i listened to him overnight, then i took him to my concert in some city where the culture is novomoskovsky, in my opinion, genna sang his song here stage, i heard him, i realized that in front of me was a talented person, he needed help, and i gave him my phone number, and he was with me the next day right there, when i left tula, i immediately called, he was just waiting for me.
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and worse, especially, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, wonderful, and zhanna, he remembers when zhanna sang in general
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joint concerts, he always stood backstage, listened to her, yes, i understand him very much, yes, let’s sing a song, yesterday i saw you in a dream, yesterday i saw... you in a dream and enjoyed complete happiness, oh, if only i could, i would never wake up, trustingly on my chest, we bowed our head gently, and i... whispered , i love you, i love you
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you quietly, repeated, today i see in reality, alas, i am completely different from you, no, i will not deceive myself again, i am a self-willed dream. the evil gaze shines with mockery, and your speech prepares torment, as if it wants to separate us, to prepare us for separation, and i thought that i was not living, that my soul was in heaven. alas, she cannot strive, she will never, that
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wondrous dream will come true, your gaze is capable of blinding, everything in me is empty and insignificant, why am i destined to love? impossible to achieve. why is it destined to love, what is impossible to achieve, yesterday i saw you in a dream and full
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enjoyed happiness, oh if only i could'. kalmykia is called the birthplace of the wind; it is so strong here that many centuries ago it turned part of the land into a desert. in kalmykia they say that there is only two winds, six months east and six months west. how many arrows should a kalmyt warrior be able to shoot in one minute? minimum 22 arrows. we will
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shoot at the kalmyk, that is, from the ring. let go! every family used to have a camel, where exactly the camel lay down, they tried to build huts and dig wells, because the camel senses the water, as well as it can show your dissatisfaction, the life of your own, the premiere, today on the first, this is the liver, friends, this is where the gallbladder is located, something from the life of the gallbladder, important and...
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young performers, they are very different now, very different, please, on their behalf, please give them some advice, to those performers who think that a song is a product, that a recording is a track, that writing is a hit, not even a hit, this is what they need to understand and hear from you from firsthand, to become more interesting, more serious, better, you you know, let's continue the topic. love, many young people dream of beautiful, good love, not only on the emotional, spiritual, but on the mental level, but for this they themselves must work hard for this, so that the lord will unite them so that there is an equal union, you know, before you look for your match, you need to first of all think about what you are interested in,
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what interests you, what kind of music, what kind of poetry, are you as empty as a drum? yes, or there is something in you, take care of yourself, there is not a single righteous person here on earth, apostle pavel said, but you still need to be interested in yourself, take an interest in yourself from the side of art, culture, ours, our country of amazing culture, deepest, take an interest in classical music, listen to bards, read classical poetry, if you don’t do this, then you will - unhappy in your personal life, you will have bad children, because you will not have... i tried to make them laugh, even in childhood i made my friends laugh, i say, let me make them laugh , and you give me a treat, and i made them laugh, they i was treated to food, since childhood i learned to make people laugh people
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were laughing, not just for candy, but for cookies, because people’s lives were very hard. you still need to brighten it up somehow, if you joke with a person, it’s like he’ll smile somewhere, something has already thawed in him, you know, something has already come to life in him, people are dead now, they’re afraid to breathe in and exhale, they’re afraid of everything fear, fear rules the world now, and where fear is, yes, absolutely true, and fear suppresses a person’s free will, fear kills, so i try to be simpler with people. so i say, as zhanna vladimi calls me, i i say, no, he calls me simpler, i’m zhanna, i’m zhanochka for everyone, i can say what’s my favorite song performed by you, in the film of the seventy-sixth year in... the documentary , find your song, it’s called, yes, the film, if i remember , this is a concert that was filmed in ostanka during an interview with zhanna, by the way, i highly recommend watching it, it’s called, find your song, 1976, the song can’t
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hear the noise of the city clay, a wonderful song, yes, but only this is a russian folk song, russian folk song, or no, music glinka, to the music of glinka, to the music of glinka, yes, it’s surprising that at this concert there were a lot of, if now, let’s put it this way... russian folk hits, but this song received the most applause, but i’m not looking for applause, because this is not the result of my work, applause, my result of my work is when a person follows the path that i show him with god’s help, this is not always good, you know, but it’s good when you you see burning eyes when they come up to you and say: you you know, your songs, he called me... one day the chief doctor from the oncology center on koshirka said: “zhana vladimirovna, you know, i brought songs, spiritual songs, songs of eromanakh romana, kanka to the patients,
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i carried half-and-half there so that people would listen, and some patients with the last stage of oncology were healed, and i asked, yes, everyone, he says, was healed a lot, but not all, because the evil ones were not healed, that’s right, because where there is evil, there is no god’s grace, but god’s grace heals , otherwise they are spiritual. spring, spring, yeah, let's listen, our guest is people's artist of russia, zhanna bichevskaya, who turns 80 this year , poet, composer, sound engineer and zhanna's husband, gennady ponomarev. thanks, this was a podcast 20 years later. its host is konstantin mikhailov, i am alexander anatolyevich,
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if you have suffered a setback, if you are unable to dispel it. longing, soft autumn, quiet autumn, come out quickly to my spring, soft autumn, quiet autumn, come out quickly to my spring, behind the spring.
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good, from a spring, splash it on your eyes, you can cry, cry calmly, who will figure out where the water is, where the tear is, you can cry, cry calmly, who will figure it out.
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i left it, you see, over there, the cranes flew by, near the horizon, i arranged them, and if you are sick, bedridden, then let you dream of a healing spring. and if you are sick and bedridden, may you dream of healing relatives. behind the spring there is a white temple,
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a cemetery, an old one, this forgotten land, rus left us.
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hello, this is a substance deception program, today we will talk about meat, my name is olesya nosova, i am the editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya truth and the famous endocrinologist doctor zukhra pavlova is with me. meat is... our favorite product by zukhra sharipovna, i have great news about meat, in preparation for this broadcast, i talked with our economics department, the komsomolskaya newspaper, however, with specialists who told us what we have absolutely amazing things are happening with meat now, russians have begun to eat more meat, for example, one person eats about 79 kg of meat per year, just 20 years ago this was almost
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half as much, 41 kg. in the whole world a person eats about 43 kg, and rich countries eat 83 kg, that is, we are close to rich countries, and this is very very good, we can afford it, yes, yes, zu, why eating meat is very good and right, well, i always i’m talking in this situation about the fact that we have teeth, not only incisors, yes, like herbivores, but fangs, like carnivores. and this is absolutely not in vain, we should eat meat, including red, because this is how our body works, physiology cannot be fooled, there are, of course, people who do not consume animal proteins at all, including meat, but man and the human body are designed in such a way that meat is its most important component of the diet, well, in fact , our digestive tract is not like that of herbivores, but something, well, not quite
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like that of predators. omnivores, yes, but we are just like that in the middle, yes, we can eat both and even should eat both in order for us to maintain health as long as possible. those people who refuse meat, in fact, they are making a mistake, in my opinion, yes, an evolutionary mistake, an evolutionary, physiological mistake, and we we live in such a time of ethics, we do not force anyone to do anything, but we must say how it should be, how it should be, how it really is. completely depends on adults; when they are deprived of meat, it always causes such, well, let’s say, regret. why is meat so important anyway? very often we hear arguments that there are a lot of other sources of protein, well, plant-based, yes, as such
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a replacement, or else... they often say that it is not necessary to eat red meat, the same thing can be obtained from fish and seafood , but this is how they try replace sources of protein, yes, these are also animal sources of protein, but not meat, it is very important to put everything in its place, why is there such a special emphasis on red meat, red meat gives us something that we cannot fully get from other sources, well, for example, yes, here ’s the first thing... that comes to mind, as a rule, no one ever stumbles in this regard, because they immediately say iron, yes iron, yes, but if you read the composition - some kind of plant sources, what the plants are made of, what we get when we we eat plant foods, then there is also iron, but iron is different, in plant sources it is such an ionic form of two or three-component iron, it is
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very poorly absorbed in humans. body, that is, plant foods cannot be a complete source of iron, but meat, which contains heme iron, that is, as part of hemoglobin. these are animal sources, that is, this is red meat, here we absorb iron significantly, we absorb it many times more than from plant sources, therefore, by refusing red meat, we deprive ourselves of a source of well-absorbed iron, what is iron, to understand why we talk about it so much, iron is a taxi that carries oxygen to all organs and systems, and to explain how important it is ... oxygen is probably not needed, yes, because the heart can beat for a very, very long time, but if a person did not breathe for 5 minutes and did not receive this same oxygen, then the brain will die, and we can somehow , what is called functioning, but it is completely
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not life, so with such a simple example you can understand why we are talking about iron at all, eat red meat, eat white meat, that is, not every meat is equal to other meat, what is the difference? let's define what we classify as red meat in general: beef, pork, lamb, horse meat, venison, or venison, it's correct to say elk, goat, goose, duck, we'll also leave two points for chicken, just thighs, and turkey, there we’ll also include wings, these are the main sources of red meat, but if elk meat, or let’s say goat meat , is still not the most common meat that we eat, then beef, pork , lamb is what we eat quite often, most of us, this is red meat, they say very often oh
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bird, i say that in principle yes, that’s the basics, but what is the general difference between white and red, in red meat there is such a substance as meoglobin, this is exactly the number in red? meat is the most important thing . what else is so important about meat? it’s a great source of animal protein, after eggs. again, animal, plant, why do we
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distinguish animals so much from plant protein in terms of protein, because plant protein is very, very little available to us, the most accessible is soybean, but for russia it’s not very good. how much protein do you think we can absorb from beef? well, i know the answer, thank god, let everyone else find out, that is , it’s more than 90%, yes, 92-95 approximately, the highest absorption is in eggs, chicken eggs 98%, and from soybeans we assimilate in himself our body will work to the fullest, that is, he will spend the same amount of effort on assimilation of this protein from soybeans, exactly the same as the benefit, as you see, is almost half
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as much, yes, not only that, this is also something that we do not we eat very often, and people who refuse animal protein say that they can fully get protein from nuts, from mushrooms, from mushrooms in general 23. only accessible, very often i hear the following argument: look at a zebra or a cow, they are so muscular, where do they get so much protein, yes, to form such muscle mass, from grass, from grass, yes, so they have this grass, excuse me, practically all of it is absorbed, but we only have a very small amount, and our stomach is not a book, yes, like those same herbivores and intestines are not of such magnitude that while it’s all going on there, it’s all there.
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and we haven’t even mentioned that same b-12, which also cannot be obtained from anywhere except in its full form, except from... animal protein and, above all, from this very red meat, in just 100 g of this red meat that’s how much almost 40% of daily allowance norms b12, b12, and here it says vitamins of group b, and in red meat not only b12, but b-12 is a special representative of group b of group b vitamins, so you can get it from red meat, zuhra, but. .. many people believe that meat is not entirely
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healthy due to the fact that it may contain hormones, there are a lot of myths, and there is some truth, yes, indeed, but for producers, like producers of vegetables, yes, they are very important , how saturated these vegetables are with all the necessary macro and microelements, and nitrogen-containing fertilizers help to grow a large volume of products, but may not be of high quality, so do we... that animals get sick, not only bird flu exists, there are all kinds of diseases to which cattle or small livestock are susceptible, and of course they are used certain substances, and not only antibiotics, so that these animals do not die from infection, well, steroids, i don’t know how regulated the use of certain substances is in our agriculture, but there are such assumptions, let’s say. yes, that all this is not very useful, but
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most often we hear this more common scare: red meat stimulates an increase in the risk of cancer, that if you eat red meat, you will definitely die from some kind of cancer, in fact this is not true at all , unless you spoil the red meat and really increase the risks associated with eating this product, but how does this happen? red meat - it’s all called one size fits all, sausages will also be included there, sausages, any semi-finished products, fried red meat, smoked meats will be included there, well, now it’s probably time for our favorite tables of advanced glycation end products, but here we must say, before we dwell on any details, what happens in the living conditions of the body. ..
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there is a system that blocks the formation of their excess, the body copes, it is healthy, it does not age faster than it should, and no bad events occur if... a person begins to eat poorly, if there are many foods in the diet with these advanced glycation end products, then our system can no longer cope, these advanced glycation end products accumulate in tissues, causing the development of diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, aging and cancer . that's what most of all carries with it advanced glycation end products, these are smoked foods, this...
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there will be more of these advanced glycation end products, why is grilled steak not an ideal cooking method for meat? because this general system, which is a reaction that leads to the formation of end products in glycation , is called the mayer reaction, it is also called a tasty reaction, because well, it’s stupid to argue that a steak is tastier than a steam cutlet, well, essentially, well, yes, of course, steak, yes, there is a difference, yes, because there are more receptors. is involved, the reaction will be stronger, and of course, the brain will remember that it
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tastes better, but it is more dangerous, let’s say, if you take a steamed cutlet, yes, and even with lemon juice, then there are just pennies of these final glucation products, if there are so many of them, the body will not even notice the loss of a fighter, this is not a situation that will cause an alarm. a logical question arises that all the largest numbers, the final glycation product, are the first ones, the first column with... this is the product that reduces the amount of final glycation products; any marinade, any, but if you marinate in vinegar, then of course there will be final glycation products less, but the load on the gastrointestinal tract will be greater, so not every marinade is for us suitable, and it’s better not vinegar, any vinegar, wine
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or some kind of apple, namely lemon juice, there will be few glycation end products. and many benefits for the body, taking into account that lemon is also such an alkali inside, then we will achieve even greater positive effects, here we present methods of preparation, but we began to say that these are scarecrows about oncology, red meat, they are associated not only with cooking methods, such as frying or over an open fire, grilling, but there is also smoking, there is also the preparation of... meat products, sausages, sausages and so on, and we all know that the more added or in general, if you add nitrites or, which then turn into other derivatives, here they are increase the amount of advanced glycation end products, the hero of this video has a lot of impudence, it seems to me that this is the most impudent hotshot, i saw him,
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solidarity worked, i’m a redhead, he’s a redhead, i think we should take him, once they left him with me, my daughter went on vacation, i ran from the theater, i said, i can’t, i have to... feed the hamster is urgently curtained, i have a hamster feeder, my man, the man is infatuated with me, how did you raise such a girl, it seems to me that everyone wants such a girl, now dad will tell you, probably the character of mom, you saw the video, watch the premiere with us, today on the first , i greet today with calm confidence, i am in harmony with myself, and quietly, i have the magic of the morning. for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk, everyone is dancing, she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone fans, everyone was going crazy, let me out, it’s me, i say, lyuba, aren’t you afraid of being
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ugly, she says, what to be afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play. do you even know why i came here, that you are silent, smile, bat your eyes and remain silent if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people , whom god probably created for each other, they could not live without each other, as i saw, love, polishchuk. the last tango, here it is we met, today at the first one, this is a substance deception program, we are talking about meat, my name is olesya nosova, i have zukhra pavlova with me. if you remember that the absolute
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leader in glycation end products is bacon, and it’s only 13 g, and you won’t believe it, there... it doesn’t occur to anyone what kind of bomb comes with these two pieces—the bomb is aging. yes, aging, increased oxidative stress, and cancer risks and in general all the worst things you can imagine, there’s probably it’s important to say that we started a little, touched on products that prevent the formation of advanced glycation end products, these are not only marinades, vinegar or lemon,
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this is everything else that...


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