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tv   Igrai garmon lyubimaya  1TV  May 26, 2024 6:55am-7:41am MSK

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about what is the absolute leader in end products of glycation, this is bacon, and there are only 13 gm and you won’t believe it, there are 91 thousand of these end products of glycation, 13 g is a standard portion, yes, these are two small pieces of bacon, which, as we see in american films, are usually fried for breakfast, how many, how many daily allowances for one person, well, almost four, four, four daily? norms, yes, yes, and these are just two pieces, it doesn’t occur to anyone what kind of bomb is coming here with these two pieces, the bomb, this is aging, yes, aging, increased oxidative stress, and cancer risks and in general all the worst things you can imagine, it’s also probably important to say that we have started to touch a little on products that prevent the formation of end products, glycation, that's not it.
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marinades, vinegar or lemon, these are all the things that most people really love, these are spices, these are cloves, this is moiran, sage, tarragon, rosemary, these are all very tasty and make food tastier, but the most most importantly, it also prevents the formation of these final products of glacuration, here is a double-edged sword, on the one hand these products make the food healthier, on the other hand they make it more tasty, and you want... to eat more of this food, so always stop yourself, every person knows approximately what the portion is that does not cause heaviness, you have eaten, you are full, you are full, but you don’t have this burden, you get up not only with a light stomach, but with self-respect, but here in reality , zukhra, the answer to the question is whether shish kebab is harmful, shish kebab actually turns out to be a perfectly balanced dish,
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the medium and naturally the bacteria will immediately join and multiply on this nutrient medium, so that they do not multiply there and even if they appeared there they died, they are added there these nitrates, that is, these are preservatives, but these same preservatives contribute to this nutritional environment, including meat and protein, that’s where glycation end products begin to form and that’s why sausages in general, semi-finished meat products are dangerous for this reason. without nitrites, they can kill a person due to all sorts of infectious agents, with them we produce advanced glycation end products, so semi-finished meat products are not something that promotes health, but there are semi-finished products that are labeled without nitrites or nitrates, as is correct , without nitrites, yes, this is such a big trick, yes - it’s called organic sausage without nitrites, yeah, but bacteria are added to it. which perfectly synthesize these
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nitrites do not allow various infections to multiply, but in the same way they produce the end products of glycation, therefore, unfortunately, no matter how convenient it is, cutting off the sausage and having a quick snack is not about that, i immediately remember the movie formula of love, with a knife and fork we are digging our own grave, there is no need to do this, by the way, there is an excellent substitute for sausage - it is sous vide, not in the sense that... souvite is the same sausage, in the sense that it can be cooked a lot and used as here's some snacks, what is suvit, this is meat that is cooked in a vacuum, that is, the meat is sealed in a vacuum bag and boiled in hot water, and the water can be 98°, or 60°, or 50°, but it continues throughout enough.
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it’s true, if ordinary eggs are left in suvit for an hour - at a temperature, in my opinion, or 50° at a very low level, then the result is simply something divine, so let’s go back to the meat, let’s say that this is the duration preparation, it helps to cope with the infection, because well, yes, but in general , we don’t recommend that anyone eat raw meat, because after all, meat can contain parasites. pathogens, and so on and so forth, so it is very important to cook meat correctly, this can be like quick cooking, charring at the stake, which we recognize incorrectly as harmful to health, and suvit does this for a long time, but relatively speaking 4-6 -8 hours even at
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a temperature of 60°, in general, does not give any chance that there is something there, that there is something there there will be something left that can harm us, in general it is very, very interesting. thing, that ’s what sous vide has to do with, there are, of course, devices for preparing sous vide, they are quite so, well, price sensitive, but i know that many people do it in a saucepan, i even saw videos on the internet of how they do it in a dishwasher, that is, yes, it’s funny, something is vacuum sealed, for a full cycle of a dishwasher, what’s 2 hours, 2 hours 30 minutes at high temperature, it turns out great.
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allow for a boom in domestic tourism, what do people do when they come somewhere in nature and so on they start frying shish kebab, the simplest, most affordable tasty kebab is, of course, made from chicken, that’s how this pleasant thing happens here, well, thank god, because everything... after all , meat is associated with even greater cost, because buckwheat and chicken or meat costs very significantly. in different ways, therefore, when a person allows himself animal protein, meat, poultry, fish and so on, this is good, this is a better quality diet, a healthier body, where to get it from protein to maintain your muscles, to be physically active and so on, this is of course
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meat, it contains not only b-12 iron, this whole periodic table, it also contains very important amino acids, the same creatine, which really helps us recover. the volume of our muscle mass, and if we, and we hear everywhere now, this good propaganda of a healthy lifestyle, physical activity, but how to be physically active if you have weak muscle mass? in general, i heard such a maxim that red meat is the best remedy for treating the restoration of the human body, but if you don’t feel well, then maybe you’re a little undernourished with red meat, or maybe yes... but it’s already growing 13 kg per person per year, in china there are eight in total,
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13 kg per person per year, yes, this, this is in russia, you need 20, yeah, but if you looked at the statistics, maybe then you will find out that we are managing our production or are we... buying red meat somewhere? we export red meat, but we have started importing chicken, pork, and pork very quickly in general, it is growing with terrible force, and the funniest thing in this whole story is that we export what we ourselves do not eat, for example, what we supply from chickens, chicken skin, oh, what chicken feet, from pork, snouts, snouts, yes , yes, this is very, very in demand in asian countries.
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we have beef, thank god, we stick to chicken, yes, but where are you, our friend, our third friend, an amazing sense of taste, a sense of proportion. musician for a coin for a pill, it was a real miracle, you have some kind of intuitive immersion in the image, i myself i felt like a simple spectator who is sitting, okay, how in general, i love you, this is great, you are captivating, i just want to listen, watch and admire, you, you, you again, don’t say anything, just watch, three
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chords, new season, look after the evening news, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer. series of games. watch the time after the program. at the age of 19 i was left alone. why are you here and not with your father on the ship? oh yes, the theater. the reds will come, art will be banned. yes, this is a mule. tell me, are you ranevskaya? yes, i am ranevsky. that she hasn’t experienced it in her own skin, the war has passed her by, look at this face,
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she’s exceptional, there are many great directors, but there can only be one great meeting, i’ll make a challenge, if you come to me, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you you make faces, your marital status, you say, you have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, without a family, without de... people, but devoted to art to the grave, you are a brilliant, dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it, ranevskaya, tomorrow after the program it’s time, happy birthday to whom, leo nikolaevich tolstoy, and this is a deception of substances, we are talking about meat, my name is olesya. nosova, zukhra pavlova is with me. there is also a very important point when we talk about giving up
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red meat, it’s not just about the formation of b-12 or iron deficiency anemia. there are also medical statistics, where parallels are clearly drawn from these studies, that people with iron deficiency or b-12 deficiency anemia are more likely to develop such serious diseases as heart failure and cardiovascular diseases. diseases, coronary heart disease, yes, all sorts of scary words, rheumatic diseases, diseases of the endocrine system, including the thyroid gland, well, that is, these diseases create fertile ground for the development of even more dangerous conditions, so it’s somehow not very good to violate the principles of dietetics, now dietetics itself is developing very widely , because a person ... flirts a little with this story, violating these principles, harms not only
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his health, but also very often in our country the nutritional culture is formed in general in the family, which means that several people eat wrong, i would like people to understand more about the importance of these immutable laws of physiology and not violate them, zukhra, at the very beginning you very correctly said this story that a person who refuses meat wants to be ... to be honest, he plans to replace meat with fish or replace meat with beans, well, with a certain lifestyle, so to speak, if you monitor your health, follow tests, and so on, drink supplements, etc. in principle, well, it’s still possible to go back and forth, but in reality, life turns out to be much more prosaic; usually a person refuses meat. but he starts eating something, pasta, bread, light carbohydrates, fast food,
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fried potatoes, that is, everything that in general is not something that does not replace meat, but in fact greatly aggravates the condition of the person himself, so i know there are such cases that after such a diet, people begin to feel very bad, up to, you know, almost to the point of paralysis, so... there is a story described in the literature that a guy there is 25 years old, too he wanted to live without meat, he began to eat, that’s how i told him, at some point he felt that he... in the morning it was as if he had no arms, in general it all went on and on, he thought that it all went away, that it would all go away soon, but in general it didn’t go away, i had to go to the doctors, and the first thing the doctors prescribed, after they studied, so to speak, his medical history, they prescribed him ivs with vitamin b, and everything
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was restored , therefore, our good intentions are one thing, but life in general happens completely different. very often they cite the indians as an example, they say, well, the indians can, i say, yes, you know, the body adapts, but it needs hundreds of years for this adaptation, the indians have not eaten red meat for hundreds of years, they have adaptation mechanisms were formed, but this did not happen right away, i once had a patient at an appointment, a very memorable case, and the girl had such a very, very beautiful face, at first i was struck by such an external... honeycomb, and then she came in, we started talking , she says, let me tell you right away i’ll show you, it will be easier this way, she began to undress her tattooed body from the neck down to her legs, only her feet and hands were free, i was so surprised, i think it’s so much more to go through, why so much, everything is so beautiful there, wings, angels and so on, she says, this is a necessary measure, when i
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came up and examined her skin, and the skin was all in microtears, such stretch marks in medicine are such a concept of stretch marks. stretch marks, yes, thank you, you can say that, because everyone will understand, and so it turned out that the girl was born with family of vegans, from even before birth, she no longer received this animal protein in the womb, then she grew up only on vegetables and fruits, so her body could not adapt so quickly, and this could not have happened, on the skin, on what -let’s say the basic priority needs of this protein were enough. although the muscle mass was poorly developed, there was not enough for the skin, for skin protein, for collagen, for elastin, when she began to grow in adolescence, she also grew quickly, this skin is just all in damage, sometimes it takes on such proportions, sometimes it can only be understood by some complaints, after seeing a person’s tests, and there is b-12 deficiency anemia and
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iron deficiency anemia, i must say here that when a person does not eat this very thing for a very long time. .. meat, then we have cells in the stomach that produce a substance capable of converting b-12 from its previous form into an active one, but if all this does not enter the human body for a long time, then these functions can be lost forever, then, even if a person makes up his mind, eat this red meat, some enzymatic processes will not be restored, and he will always have to take active forms of b vitamins to be absorbed, so if you took this , including iron, which may also not be a solution, consult a nutritionist, you at least they will tell you how to avoid some such consequences that are severe and irreversible for the body, but it’s one thing if this is what is called a person’s decision, so i won’t eat
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meat, and if a person cannot eat meat, then after covid the stories began. when it's easy can't stand meat. again, there are a lot of all sorts of tricks that are such useful tricks, these are the same spices, marinade, yes, yes, again our favorite marinate, yes, lemon, these spices give so much of this delicious smell that overpowers the smell , which irritates people, so i wouldn’t want people to add any sauce.
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on the fact that we leave, so something is always taken away from us, sad wisdom, sad wisdom, our teeth are taken away, but now dental practice is like this successful, that teeth can be put in, then enzymes are taken away from us, we cannot digest meat, very often older people say, such heaviness after meat, i don’t eat it anymore, it’s extremely difficult for me, this is also due to the fact that without consuming animal protein, a person cannot restore his muscle mass. and where there is no muscle mass, the bones are also weak, because the bone also has an organic matrix, and the person becomes physically weaker, he is less able to support his skeleton, his body. when these bones fall break because they become fragile, and this is another way to remove us from the scene, so when a person’s digestive system is disrupted,
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it becomes weaker, then for this there are wonderful gastroenterologists who, having understood what is happening , can help with the prescription of certain enzymes to help the digestive system work fully, well, let’s sum it up, shall we? you need to eat meat, can you say that meat made a person a person, because in principle, when the ancestor of man became eating meat, his brain began to develop, and therefore giving up meat is simply unreasonable, according to, the most important thing is to cook it correctly, and it can be boiled, stewed, steamed, or baked, but in a sleeve, in foil, or here this is the most wonderful sous vide, which makes it tasty and healthy, and a person will be much healthier if he eats in accordance with the laws of nature, and not his own. there was a substance deception program with you, my name is
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olesya nosova, i am the editor-in-chief of the komsomolskaya pravda newspaper, and zukhra was with me pavlova, a famous endocrinologist. let's start, oh, game of karmoehala, hello, hello, welcome, you've been waiting, oh, here it is, honey, green, with what? yeah, with fir, what kind do you have, i have a dark one,
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the most liquid, probably try it, like, come on, vanka, you try yours too, come on, here it is, the treasure of altai, i have the most delicious, oh , beauty!
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what else, well, what is impossible to refute, yes, the fact is that there is so much of all kinds of herbs here, first of all, then medicinal, then it means morals here, the strength of men in features, well, the beauty of women, yes, yes, the beauty of women comes from the air, look at the mountains, from pines, from birches, from mushrooms, from berries, from flowers, air, what is this... well, let’s move on to harmony, an accordion will sound , and it turns out that complete harmony of the soul will sound smoothly, please,
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i like your game and you are little tyndai tyn-danday tyn-dani tyndan yes tym dari tyndan dare tyndan dare tyndan dapayulyachaetstsa ne paluchaetstsa tin dare tindan dare tim yes.
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stomp your feet on the datandan and don’t smarvina tsarapalinarski and pay attention.
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you didn’t come to see you off, the train was tired of
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waiting for you, a feather familiar from childhood, but you weren’t on it. there will be a knock on the wheels, in the sky of dawn, a song of lost dreams, a song of love's hope, i will wander for a long time, i will meet a little guy like you, never again, i will be on the road again, i will
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remember you, who managed to love what ? the one that i managed to lose, the knock-on wheels, will sing to me at dawn, the song of lost dreams, the song of love’s hope. kalmykia is called the birthplace of the wind; it is so strong here that many centuries ago it turned part of the earth into desert. in kalmykia they say that
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there is only two winds, six months east and six months west. how many arrows should kalmyk warriors be able to shoot in one minute? minimum 22 arrows. we will shoot in kalmyk style, that is, with... let go, every family used to have a camel, where exactly the camel lay down, they tried to build huts and dig wells, because the camel senses water. how can she show her dissatisfaction, the life of her prime minister today on the first, mankatcher whiskey, a product of the stellar group, сnop gin, a product of the stellar group, montechoca cognac, product of stellar group, p'. castra product of stellar group. pechora vodka,
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a product of stetellar group. the hero of this video has a lot of chutzpah. i think this is the most arrogant move. i saw him , solidarity worked, i’m a redhead, he’s a redhead. i think we should take it. once they left him with me, my daughter went on vacation, i ran from the theater, saying, i can’t feed the hamster right away. zanovets, i have a hamster feeder. how to grow out of me, how did you raise such a girl, it seems to me that everyone wants such a girl, now dad will probably tell the character of the mother, you saw the video, watch with us, the premiere, today on the first, i greet today with calm confidence, i am in harmony with myself, yes quietly, i have the magic of the morning, on the birthday of larisa guzeeva, i was born i grew up at a time when everyone... young people dreamed of something else, i dreamed of becoming
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an artist, one of your first roles was in this famous cult series , change the meeting place, look, it was an extra, to a theater institute everyone arrives a little sick in the head with mania greatness, we all go there as folk artists, it was hard, but would you like your children to follow in your footsteps? no, my daughter, for example, is objectively much more talented than me, right at times, but she doesn’t like this profession, she is blown by the wind, what is your fate... what brought you to television, i was already so good at 40, suddenly i’m invited to try out for this program, let's get married, i watched it, i thought, my god, what the hell, where am i and where is television, podcast lab, today on the first.
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before visiting the altai bathhouse, famous bath verses, maestro, music, altai, visited, marine island, best of all who... won’t miss, will let you down, success, iraq, and
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two, will throw more blood, and two, and one, let’s fight now, and one and two, throw some more firewood, and two, and one, it’s steaming now, let’s go, dear kids, end up in altai and not visit the bathhouse. which is real, hot, travelling, it’s like i haven’t gone anywhere, everyone knows the bathhouse in white, here in black, a rare phenomenon in russia these days, oh , we’ll pour some garlic broth on the heater and
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drink the bathhouse and sing solbes in the black, and well let's! for our health, black smoke is very necessary for us, something penetrated me, i want to live, walk, hunt,
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and the traditional fire is our favorite, where we sing, communicate and enjoy life, i say everything correctly, exactly, the sun is close, keder,
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nearby, yes , the river is noisy, what else do you need, the river, by the way, is called chimal, chimal, so we have altai people here, and russians and cossacks, there are enough of them all, so... the guest is from what district of saltonsky, saltonsky, this is the altai region, it turns out, how many kilometers are there, not very far, 300, 300, well, by our standards siberian, that's all, but by profession you are a teacher, yes, what, culture, oh, and you can see that you are such a strong, lean man, why can you do pull-ups, or do you just force others, you know how to release strength, yes, but do you prefer lyrical songs or rollicking fun, there’s a song about your wife, yes... and your personal harmonica, yes, yes, yes, but you glued the electrical tape yourself, it’s still soviet , you couldn’t find the black one, yes, okay, what kind there is, but about the wife, about the wife, that you love her or what, a beloved wife, well, there are a lot of people here who have a beloved wife, yes, and screens and televisions, almost everything is correctly noted.


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