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tv   Chasovoi  1TV  May 26, 2024 7:40am-8:11am MSK

7:40 am
nearby, yes, the river is noisy, what else do you need, the river, by the way, is called chimal, chimal, so we have altai people here, and russians and cossacks, there are enough of them all, this is a guest from what region, saltonsky, saltonsky, this is the altai region, it turns out , how many kilometers are there, not very far, 300, 300, well, by our siberian standards, that’s all, in general, but by profession you are a teacher, yes, and what about the subject, oh, and you can see from you that you are such a strong, lean man, well, why are you pulling yourself up?
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we ask, ivan yakovich, it seems it’s time, it’s time, it’s time, give flowers more often for no reason, hello, my dear, little wife, wife, friend, no, come back, no, come back, when i’m in trouble, my head is spinning. you always saved me, i was never in trouble, my head was spinning and my wife always saved me, hello, my dear, little wife, you threw me away, but in life, when, if the jealousy of fire, my soul boils. you can easily extinguish
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the heat of the fire. hello, my dear, dear wife, i will always go strong, if suddenly the river of fate, the flooder loses its banks in flight.
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so that you become mine, but a pomchik, but a ring i’m spinning, trying to catch everything, merry people, look at this, they came out like on a hill, a madman was jumping and doing weird things, he’s clearly stuck in his head, he’s clearly samti. where is he getting married, you have to
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invent such a fool, boil everything at night , catch it, take pictures in the morning on a rural road , slowly found the night hero all shaggy. smiled and strive to catch everything.
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again you, don't say anything, just watch, three chords, new season, watch after the evening news, this is the liver, friends, that's where the gallbladder is, something about the life of the gallbladder, important and interesting, and not only this, it’s healthy to live in the program, you will learn the most important thing... about life and health, tomorrow on the first,
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hold on, hold on, this is it. puram mal.
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well, our program is coming to an end: marinsky festival, what is this for you, friends, friends, harmony, that’s just friends, songs and dances, right, creative new items,
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right, good mood, who else will say, new tunes, come on yes, unlearn, unlearn, well, like the mountains, the river. yes , and the river ugod, different nationalities, kazakhs, altaians, russians, that’s right, the marina festival - this is memory, and the founders of this beautiful place, harmony, gennady vasilyevich marin, right, well done, they remembered, this is a meeting of old friends and making new friends, wonderful, nikolai nikolaevich, friendship of peoples, right, the reunification of the beautiful, natural beauty of altai with the folk foundation , yes, let's sum it up. the marensky festival, our good, wonderful festival, is the strength of the spirit of altai, but always with a folk song, an ensemble party, confirm, start a little dance,
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and i’ll do a little dance, and a little sample i’m talking, come on, come on, come on, come on,
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come on, come on, and the wrist of my dance, my second dance, i’ll go, i’ll go out and dance a little, pretending to be my trick. and we sat on the bench of the porch and fell in love with such a fine fellow, he sings and lays and plays, my good one on your skirt , you have shalabols with shalabols.
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mountains, meadows, lakes, the aldar stands before me, forests, steppe expanses, this region is richly beautiful. former pasa to the rich people , wash the russian mornings, my land, for me this is my homeland, and my homeland is altai, moigray betar. homeland, and the homeland is an altar,
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i am the memory of yesterday’s floor, i remember at every step that i was nourished by the altai tower, and forever... and your land, for me it is the homeland, and the homeland
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is, hurray,
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hello country, welcomes you to new voronezh, i really love our small cities.
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i am from the incredible city of chelyabinsk, i love st. petersburg for its beauty and the beautiful neva river. i love my country very much and am proud of it. hello, the military information program chasovoy is on air on channel one, and i am
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its presenter, alexey rafaenko, watch this release. front line, river one day in an infantry company. we flew at targets, worked with drops, and worked, well, with artillery. field mail, children's letters find their recipients even on the front line. the guys asked to hand over their letters to everyone personally, it adds a lot of spirit, you understand what you are fighting for, why you are here. i am glad that we have such a younger generation. attention, air, our fighters are hitting the drone. everyone in the shelter german eyes in the area, hit a bird, got hit, we continue follow the special operation, right now the news for the past week.
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negotiations between the defense ministers of russia and belarus took place in minsk. andrei belousov emphasized that the republic of belarus is. account after receiving a combat mission, we carry out the necessary calculations to launch an air strike, we proceed to the aircraft, check the asp system. asp are aviation weapons, in this case fap-500 bombs with a universal planning and correction module. a few minutes in
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the sky, a strike of jewelry precision and from the support enemy point. no trace remains. another high-precision weapon that hits the enemy, located many kilometers from the line of combat contact. the iskander operational-tactical complex moves to the launch position. the target is the command post of the ukrainian armed forces. needle. target 23-221, launch immediately. they transmit from the front line. the sentinel's film crew is still working in the event area. in one of the infantry companies, which is commanded by a holder of two orders of courage, captain ilya
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podoroga. to see the combat work of the company elijah on the way, we had to go to him in the dark, because during daylight hours it is especially dangerous. we met ilya and his colleague, as well as his best friend, hero of russia oleg pivovarov, almost a year ago, and since then we have been regularly visiting their unit. the third comrade, daniil, with the call sign belgorod, was once subordinate to them, and now also a company commander. have you seen each other? we’ll go to this one now, we’ll still work on... with me, uh, and this, and then to you, yes, okay, uh, to belgorod we promise to come the next day, but for now we are moving to the location
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of ilya’s motorized rifle company, soon we turn off the asphalt onto a country road, towards the river, the company commander turns off the headlights, well, in such a topic, the enemy will definitely not see anything, because i don’t know how ilya is here he sees something, but apparently his eyes are already so used to it, but he ran into him. i don’t know here, there are no landmarks, we dive into the hole almost like a rabbit, oops, but
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here the guys have an underground fortification, they did everything themselves, they dug everything, we saw this when they were just being built, we didn’t look there we will, we won’t be filming here anymore, it’s probably not for prying eyes, yes, there is light, it’s back to normal, you ’re conferring here, so the tasks, each fighter’s knowledge of his position, firing sector, landmarks, each fighter’s knowledge of the task , working with personnel, the ability to manage a battle, knowledge, the tasks of your unit, organization, interaction, this is not for us now, that’s all, this is for the guys, they are doing it, i don’t know, here this is a task but it doesn’t work out there, no, this well, all the time. they should do all this simply as a reminder, that is, to control, so that for yourself, there is simply a board on which it is written by the company commander and
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his subordinates, what every soldier of the unit should know, this is the company command post, we were here when the guys were just rebuilding their positions after the flood, it was arranged by the ukrainian country a year back, blowing up the kokhovskaya hydroelectric station. and now the soldiers of the coastal defense brigade are reliably protecting the left side of the dnieper, dug into the ground, we saw this during construction six months ago, the guys were seriously prepared, that is at the top, you have to understand, nothing should give them away at all, at the top everything is hidden, camouflaged, no one appears again, because the eyes are constantly hanging over the positions, but below you can imagine... postcards, drawings, what the guys from crimea receive from children, the sky is turning purple, dawn, our
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path from the command post lies on the front line, in combat units, again we are driving without side lights, among rural houses destroyed by floods and broken by artillery, you are sitting on the shore, on the islands, yes, on the islands. the main task of the company is to intercept motor enemy boats and defense of the coastal zone from a possible landing. the enemy is becoming more active, now we are bringing mail, these letters that ilya brought from the mainland from vacation, the children at school handed over where
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he went to class to his husband. passed on to the soldiers here on the front line, and this is really very important, it is important for everyone, both for the guys who write them to our guys and for the guys themselves, who read them here, keep them in their combat ammunition, put them closer to their hearts, or hang them on the walls are where they spend the night, we stop by another inconspicuous village, a sentry jumps out from somewhere, immediately report to the commander: at the moment there is a slight lull in my area of ​​​​responsibility, and the military personnel are actively using kamikaze drones, uavs, they are also actively influencing with the help of artillery and tanks, they are also constantly conducting aerial surveillance, but we do the work with the help of turnips, anti-drone guns, small arms. the call sign of this fighter is samali, he is glad to meet you, but is clearly embarrassed; you don’t often see guests here on the front line. without a commander
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it wasn’t sad, it was, whatever one may say, but the commander is a father for all of us, well, that’s it, now confidence has returned, he’s with you again, now it’s positive, guys, everyone is cheerful, we’re waiting for the command, and this father commander is only 25, of which 2 years at the front, and he has already won great respect from his soldiers, two orders of courage say a lot: the guys are already equipped with everything here, they don’t let anyone through, the mine sign is here already , everything is the very front line of defense here , you can’t go fishing here anymore the guys also have equipped positions, we see that they also covered with a camouflaged net on top , this also once again protects.
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special grids, yes, to prevent resets, here are the fpv works, for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk. we learned that three scientists with whom kamnev was friends had left the cordon. so, someone must find him, are you coming to me? may i have a look at your passport? i remind you of someone. very s... strange, polite, modest, behaves with dignity, now i understand what a scout should look like, and where do you go all the time, and i’m worried, they figured me out a long time ago, just do everything cleanly, without the noise of dust, it seems to me that today should come the end, i promised to tell you everything, who you are, a recruiter.
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today on the first, veda vodka, a product of the stellar group, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group, steersman bourbon, a product of the stellar group, mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, watch after the program time, people have been dreaming about a new man for a long time, since 1905,
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eugenics, which is abundant.


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