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tv   Zdorove  1TV  May 26, 2024 8:10am-9:21am MSK

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eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller, jr., began to develop rapidly in the united states. she concentrated on the forced sterilization of disabled people and the social identities of poor people. adolf hitler referred to american eugenics back in meinkamf. in germany, the first priority was to cleanse the aryan race of ballast. eugenics. it didn’t go away after the war, it just changed its sign and methods. premiere, ordinary fascism. two, tomorrow on the first. i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains. my first combat mission. it is very difficult to fight in the mountains. you can't smoke the spirits out of the cave, they hit you. 100 km from...
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the main line, not a step back, on tuesday at the first. we are forced to blur the picture, hide landmarks, so that while watching this video, the enemy cannot calculate the positions of our fighters, the lives of the guys depend on it. we go into the house, no one fell here, these are cameras, people.
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from whom, from dima, from teska. it is immediately clear that these fighters are a real fighting family, and military discipline is at the highest level. it seems like we, or i myself am a young guy, but it’s clear that there is authority in the unit, our commander is good, commander, a lot depends on the commander in general, everything depends on the commander, without him you will go to death for everything else, this is what you should be like, a person you want to follow further, further. this is what a commander should
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be like, well, how does ilya gain authority, rather than by his example, than by his example in general, when you look at something you understand that he will also behave no more than all normal, worthy real men, accordingly you must already correspond to his commander and nothing less, do not let him down and it’s not easy, it’s amazing how much trust these grown men place in their young company commander, all because he protects the life of each of...
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conveniently, we can’t show you right now , we can’t put it on, and these are really very screens for obvious reasons, because so that the enemy does not see what areas the guys are watching, we go up from the basements, there is an air surveillance post there, tell the bird, now there is a bird, right? well, yes, well, most likely it’s great now, how are you, i saw you better, normal, that is, there are birds there , but now they have already arrived, there is an analyzer, air surveillance posts are equipped with anti-drone sensors, they
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show what is flying and where from, if it’s a mavik, then it’s flying, when there’s one like that, if it’s an autel , this is a mavic, but it will also come out at night, then it... will be such a large scale, thick, uh-huh, uh-huh, the whole difference, the distance is known, only the larger the scale, the closer, as far as anti-drone guns are just small arms there effective, well the most effective at the moment is small arms, yes, that is, it’s easier to shoot down this way, of course, because the guys opposite us are also smart and they constantly change frequencies, it happens that with antitron guns, that is, they plant a little, yes there the signal is lost, the pilot accordingly begins... to leave, and accordingly then they refine it with small arms, that is, their tactics are already so different, here is footage of the combat work of ilya’s company along the road, photos and videos of intercepted destroyed enemy drones, some fighters they manage to pick it up in the gray zone with the help
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of their uavs and drag it to them for spare parts and for the sake of intelligence data, they are very worried because of it, i understand, we are hiding again and notice.
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observers report drones in the air, but our drones are flying, destroying their uavs, ilya podoroga calls the airline bars, according to his own call sign. come on, come on, return the bird, now we’ll see where the enemy is, so we can work on it so that we don’t hit you, but it doesn’t hit you, that’s fine. yes, i understand you, now, as soon as your eyes fly away, here, accordingly, then we will come to you, ring, everyone in the shelter, german eyes in the area, call them germans, well, of course, there is great
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intensity in the air, here, there are a lot of air routes, different airlines meet, bars airline, meets with airlines, so to speak, competing organizations. the commander finds out whose quadrocopter is above the positions, someone else’s or his own, which is controlled from another place by our air ace with the call sign dispatcher, try to go to the left, we will understand whether you are or not, so accepted, the guys find out what kind of bird he sees, dispatcher, dispatcher, i've arrived, i'm working on the other side of the estuaries, you shouldn't hear me, on the other side of the estuaries. hitting a moving target in the air, even from a rifle with an optical sight, is the pinnacle
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of sniper art, it’s to the left, that’s to the left, i’m still watching it, that’s where they’re going. once i even tried it with a shotgun, and the shotgun, well, how good the cartridge is, it’s scary scary.
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so that you don’t get hit from the second one, preferably from the third one too, while they’re aiming, while they’re adjusting this time, i’d like yours calm, enemy artillery is groping for our positions, we quickly get into the car and leave the area, it has become quite light on the street, but fortunately for us the sky is overcast with clouds, the weather is bad today but it’s getting good, something. i like her. why is the weather good today when it’s raining outside and
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the sky is gray and low? yes, because the weather becomes unflyable, and this is just a gift for the guys, if in simple life such weather is categorically not good, then here on the contrary, it’s happiness, because you can how to do more things in open space, equip positions, because they are not leading, the enemy is not leading. for reconnaissance, we are going to the local air base, in quotes, of course, there are operators of uavs, aerial reconnaissance aircraft and kamikaze drones working there, that’s a bird, this place is just minimal, it’s clear, because the crews of the military forces are such a yes, the main priority target, here you guys , at least we film the fans, if we blur anything, we hide it, but that’s just it. company commander ilya jokingly calls the place his airline, also a basement,
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you see, they cut everything out, prepared it for themselves, go through, yeah, i’m coming, i’m going, everything here is in holes, in cracks, in basements, oops, well , you have to duck, yes, boys, they built it for themselves too, they did everything here, here too everything, everything is also homely, the guys here have created a warm and cozy atmosphere. this is important, especially on the front line. ilya knows all his soldiers and maintains good, friendly relations with everyone, albeit as a commander. great, how are you? everything is fine, what are you doing? rask? for training, for classes? yes, what, how is it at home? everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is great. what activities? tactical training classes. it's amazing how the guys work.
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what a gift, this antenna amplifier remakes the remote control so that the connection is more stable and you can fly, that is, this is already an improvement of yours, and this is constantly being modernized every day, there is constant improvement, but the boys think, that is, they are constantly working in this direction, the company commander leads us to the aircraft workshop, this is the laboratory in which the work is carried out. over here guys, you can see a whole workshop and
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they are constantly working, that is, you do everything yourself and repair the gimbals now, the guys , that is, everyone is doing their task, so to speak, here are two apv drones , these are trophy ones, these are the ones we put them in fi we put them in, the guys re-flashed them assembling that is, they completely repair it and send it back to them. somewhere, even the coat of arms of ukraine , in my opinion, was on something here, most likely, but no, they’ve already sent dozens of drones and their captured ones, these are scouts and komikazes and those that they work with reset. it was we who shot down the germans, that is, it so happened that we hit right into the battery, and what we hit with riflemen, and this one hit it, it immediately burned down, and this is the control room, from here 24 hours a day, aerial reconnaissance officers are monitoring the enemy, ours unmanned aircraft constantly hover over
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enemy positions, some drones land, others take off, how effective are you ? the enemy cannot be safe, our soldiers, infantry, artillery, aviation, are hitting the enemy day and night, just waiting for orders, to go forward, you watched the hourly program, see you in a week,
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this morning before... i, i start at the center of moscow longevity, and it’s just with great joy that i meet here with this person, whom i’ve known for many years, 6 years ago we were at the very, very first meeting, when the issue was decided that it was necessary to create such centers in moscow for people who had retired, i remember well that we all said then, we will do it ourselves, now it’s for our parents, but then it’s for us, how many such centers are there in moscow now. here in sokolniki this center was one of the first to appear in 1919, and today there are more than 120 such centers throughout moscow, in almost all districts, and this program is the focus of sergei semyonovich’s attention, it will come to every district of moscow. what are you doing here, here i am, i lead drawing, and watercolor, and gouache, and acrylic and pencil, this is a group of artists here, well
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, i feel from your sports form that you play sports, i lead a health group and fashion theater. muscovites who are older come 55 years. life expectancy has increased in the 21st century; after retirement, people now live 20, 30, or 40 years, and of course, the question arises of how to live so that longevity is a joy. it seems to me that the creators of the moscow longevity project. have unraveled the secrets of longevity, no matter what you do in the moscow longevity centers, the main thing that happens to you is communication, you are no longer lonely, we still want to interrupt you, you are all like professional dancers, or why did you suddenly take up dancing ? no, of course there was interest in dancing, but before that we
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were doing something else, now the time has come, have you noticed how happy these people are? this is the joy of communication. loneliness is one of the main problems after retirement. the children have grown up and are working, but you are alone and no one needs you. the breakdown of social ties is not just a psychological problem. our brain lives as long as nerve cells have nerve connections with each other. when a cell dies, all processes break off. there are no nerve connections. in the same way, if you cut off social connections, the brain is human.
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muscovites, there is not only no loneliness here, russian longevity is half a million , here you can develop, study, acquire new professions or just do what you love, for example, this is a rehearsal for the club of 60 plus models, and this is one of the fashion shows for older women, the dresses for these shows are made by the best designers in moscow , and the women themselves also sew, everything is free. and this is a special tour of moscow for participants in moscow longevity. during the war of 1812, the city was so damaged by fire that even the ponds were filled with ash and
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i am saving up my needs, and that’s not all, in moscow longevity they pay special attention to preserving memory, these are real memory clinics, i repeat once again, everything is free, there is even more snow in the fields, but with spring they are noisy, running and there will be sleepy harm, running and screaming , good afternoon, excuse me, we came to visit you.
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a special exercise for memory, joint activities, communication with great benefits for the mind, free and interesting. now we ’ll pause for a minute, at the very end of the program we’ll tell you in detail what they do here, how here... there is real happiness, we need to take care of both strength and nerves while sailing through the waters, if
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we arrange our places, health will come first, health is with you again, dear friends, good morning! well, we started our morning at moscow longevity, to be honest, this is one of the best and most humane projects i have seen in my life, wait until the end, we will tell you about everything that happens there, i want to tell everyone who lives in moscow , comrades, if you are over 50 years old, then we are incredibly lucky, we have moscow longevity, everything is free, everything is free, if you want, dance for free. if you want, learn foreign languages ​​for free, if you want, train your memory, special neurocourses, if you want sports, if you want, go on free excursions around
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moscow, whatever you want, if you haven’t already taken advantage of it, go immediately, and if you are children of adult parents, join your parents to the nearest moscow longevity point, there are 120 of them in moscow, another life will begin, and we are starting the health program as always. i say with great joy that in our only the best doctors in russia and the world take part in the program. a blood test will tell you whether you are at risk of a stroke or heart attack. what is cholesterol and what to do if it is elevated. feel with your skin what skin immunity is and how to strengthen it. unexpected reasons - increased blood pressure, what those who take pills need to know. immunity, shield and sword of our body.
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together with you, we are mastering this great gift of nature step by step. today we will talk about skin immunity, and i can only talk about immunity with one person, who, thank god, is my friend, comrade, practically a brother, in fact, he is a professor and doctor of medicine.
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the intruders tried to infiltrate, there is no place for them here, they are nowhere, they bounce off, they are washed off, they leave, the skin is dry, then these intruders will remain there and even have a chance to get inside, accordingly, the defense will give a breech in the literal and figurative si understandable, that is, here they are, they were all inside, it’s clear if they were skin.
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should not be dry, by hook or by crook, you must achieve this, i think women, many people know that dry skin, then redness, then pimples, then problems, i don’t know what women know, but i know that no one drinks 2 liters of fluid a day, but skin immunity begins with the fluid you we drank, nothing good will happen in dry rooms without humidifiers, of course, let’s go back to our skin, because bacteria live there. bacteria are our good cells that recognize who came to us after all? so, here they are bacteria called the skin microbiome, this skin microbiome has an excellent role, it also protects.
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because enemies come, as the russian proverb says, a holy place is never empty, but if there are not enough of our good bacteria, then harmful ones come and sit there and grow, in which cases our bacteria can have a problem, this is again dry skin damage from the sun's rays , now the weather is sunny, unfortunately, it’s sunny.
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harm, you tell us something else, something else, because those immune cells that live here and recognize everything that happens on the surface of the skin, unfortunately, suffer from excessive sunlight, exactly the same as our bacteria, so protecting the skin with sunscreen is necessary so that the activity of our immune cells is at
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its best, otherwise protection. will also fall, and about one more protective layer, i want it to arise precisely from this, that our protective immune cells die; our protective immune cells do not work well, melanoma, you know? in such cancer, therefore these cancer cells are formed in the skin and there is no one to protect us if the immune system is weak. this is the story, dear friends, with skin immunity, i also want to say about this layer, these are dead keratinized skin particles, they lie in five layers, they just lie there like a physical barrier, it’s difficult to get through, but they peel off, so... you must understand that you should exfoliate them from time to time, not with the help of medical procedures, with the help of the most ordinary washing, so that from these layers , the next layers rose, the next pieces of keratinized dead skin cells, and so that this
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barrier was also renewed for us. thank you, andrei petrolikich, thank you, please sit down, and we will take a short break and then continue. kalmykia called the birthplace of the wind, it is so strong here that many centuries ago it turned part of the earth into a desert. in kalmykia they say that only the wind is twice this, six months eastern and six months western. how many arrows should a kalmyt warrior be able to shoot in one minute? minimum 22 arrows. we will shoot at the kalmyk, that is, from the ring. let go, in every family there used to be a camel, where exactly the camel lay down, they tried to build huts and dig wells, because the camel senses the water, how it can manifest its dissatisfaction, the life of one's own. premiere, today
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on the first. the hero of this video has a lot of chutzpah. i think this is the most arrogant hot. i saw him, solidarity worked, i’m a redhead, he’s a redhead. one time they left him with me, my daughter left to rest, i ran from the theater, i said, i can’t feed my hamster, urgently, curtain, i have a hamster’s feeder, my man, you can grow out of me, how did you raise such a girl, it seems to me, everyone wants such a girl, now dad will tell her about mom’s character, you saw the video, watch with us, the premiere is on today first, i greet today with calm confidence. “i’m in harmony with myself, but quietly, i have the magic of the morning, ranevskaya doesn’t know that frankenbooks wasn’t legalized, without showing the picture, you call for an appointment, freekinbok is seriously passionate about carlson, this is a cartoon for children from three to 7 years old, i
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’m trying somehow justify your heroine, love for this fan makes a vulnerable woman out of an elderly sadist, head on..." together, they told me, you can’t watch tv from morning to night, here you go, ranevskaya, tomorrow after the program it’s time, my funeral is going on, the orchestra is playing, instead of my photo, a photo of frekin bok, hello, here we are people from siberia, i decided, i’ll fall on my knee when elena comes in, don’t, on my knee, oh, no, well, you are actually a hero, thank you, alexander vasilyevich, i am
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only happy because you did it so easily , please sit down, because not everyone can do this, even at 30 years old, and you are in great shape, 75, i just none of us hides our age. because any person opens wikipedia, looks at everything, we take three tests, test for sugar, cholesterol for blood pressure, you are sitting behind you, my blood pressure is fluctuating, and cholesterol, but i don’t know this, i haven’t checked it yet, we’ll see, now we’ll see everything and we’ll decide, that’s it, oh, don’t tell anyone, the pressure is up, yes, it all depends on the circumstances, on the circumstances, well, you’re filming, you have a great life. one of my favorite series, yes, the group is wonderful, the producers are wonderful, and you watch the air yourself sometimes in pieces, because
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i don’t have time, that’s it, but the most important thing that i like about my hero is that he takes care of children through all the episodes, yes. about the future generation, about the younger generation, and in general, he treats everyone so kindly to the heroes, he’s not a good hero, like i look after children, i look after svetlana petrovna. katechka kleymov, yes, and you know what alexandrevich, i’ll run now, because i come here during the commercial break, and then they will, we have to run, we have to run, yes, i’m waiting with the result, that’s it, see you, okay, see you again health, dear friends, our special topic, we read the analyses, today we will read this word in chorus: three, four, good. cholesterol, probably everyone knows what it
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is, but i love the story about cholesterol, that's why, because many people think that cholesterol - what is it, what is cholesterol? fat, fat? the answer is not correct, cholesterol is an alcohol, an alcohol that works as a transport molecule, so that's where we'll start. so, cholesterol is a car, a car can transport it. only fat, fat, what is it called in a blood test? triglycerides, so first, cholesterol - this is a car, please show us the norm of cholesterol, triglycerides are fat, cholesterol is a machine that transports fat, here is the norm of cholesterol, and now the norm of triglycerides, now the question arises, where will this car go? it has two ways: either patch the holes in the wall of the vessel that you
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made with high sugar, smoking and many, many others, or it will remove fat from the vessel, of course, which means that if you violated everything you could, the car will go into the vessel, but for this there must be a driver who knows the direction of movement, here he is, this driver sits, this driver is called lipoprotein low.
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should you have less than 2.6, and is high-density lipoprotein bad or good? good, it should be higher than 1.4, of course, this is the analysis, absolutely interesting, absolutely amazing, out of four tests, we have a woman with high cholesterol. come to us, please,
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show us, please, again on the screen the cholesterol norm, what cholesterol you have is 8.7, the norm is up to five, it was 9.2, our guests have 8.7, we allow up to six, but 8, 7 is for the line between good and evil, you have known about such cholesterol for a long time, unfortunately, for a very long time, for 18 years. well, i still monitor my health, i give tests every time, but all other indicators are normal, well, everything is fine, i think you don’t know what they are, well, now , of course, i’m so immersed in this topic for the last 2 years, but mine is still slightly elevated, where it’s 2.6, mine is 2.9, which means she has elevated low-density lipoproteins, come here, cholesterol is high, there are a lot of cars of sea drivers , where are they taking them? fat, in a vessel, keep
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machine, here you are in the vessel, you brought some fat, unload the fat, throw it away, you are forming a plaque, the analysis itself says that you are forming plaques, now she tells us, and i am watching and i am not doing anything, you can you can do this, this is your life, this is no one else’s life, which means that if you have a stroke, you will have it, if you have a heart attack, you will have it. no one else will have it, no one else will have it, this is your specific life, so only you are in control of your life, step, i already took it, i bought it pink statin, i have it in
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my answer: you can’t, the maximum you can reduce cholesterol is about 15%, 10.15, so there were nine there, she tried a little, 8.2, just by 10% at 0 ,8 you lowered cholesterol, why not, because this is our liver, here it is, look, 85% of cholesterol is produced in the liver, so i’ll turn it over, these are... cholesterol-producing bombs, and cholesterol is released at night, liver at night, it is free from everything, it begins to bomb us with cholesterol in the literal sense of the word, so of course we recommend, here we go, here we go, of course, what did you think, it all goes like this at night, to the refrigerator, it all goes at
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night, because at night the liver secretes cholesterol, that’s exactly how it is, clearly, there is one conclusion from here when should you drink? liver, while you look, first at the tests, then at the unopened box, this is the liver, from here there is one conclusion: you should take cholesterol pills when, in the evening, because cholesterol is released at night, this is an ideal method, whether you should take it or not, i have first part my medical destiny was spent on persuading everyone.
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they have already figured me out a long time ago, just do everything cleanly, without the noise of dust, it seems to me that today there should be a denouement, i promised to tell you everything, who you are, recruiter, today on the first, and where are you friend, our third friend, an amazing feeling taste, sense of proportion, musicianship,
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and nothing, just watch, three chords, new season, watch after the evening news, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, watch on... after the program time, health is with you again , dear friends, our special project my blood pressure. my responsibility, let's continue the conversation about our personal responsibility, and i want to say that i have a lot of sympathy for
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the people who are in this project, because all they did was download a free application called my pressure , once again, the application is free and you can all do it, then you began to take care of yourself, here is one of these people, i have already talked to this person many times on our project. give me my phone number too, please, so, let's show the application, wait, here is the application, which is called my pressure, here it is, here we click, and this is all about the life of our gennady evgenievich, gennady evgenevich came to us with hypertension, hypertension and the second stage, yes, but what now with us? look at this beauty, everything is green for him, not only is everything green for him,
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if it’s yellow, it’s the number 120, or the number 80, that is, he doesn’t even reach 90, he doesn’t reach 130, the norm is lower than 120 and lower than 80, like this, it knows, now all ours the heroes are wonderful, so this is an application, it can prescribe treatment. increase the dose, and stop the medicine, and so on and so forth, this is what medicine will be like in the next year or two, but our people already live like this, i just want to say that gennady evgenievich, you see, had a period, he had high blood pressure, what were gennady evgenievich’s numbers? 135 to 90, 145, it was 150, so i see, 94 was generally there all the time, that is, there was high blood pressure and i measured the pressure, well...
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they are called antacids, this is a medicine for heartburn, this is what soda is in everyday life, baking soda, he smiles, he knows everything, he tested it on himself, because he tested it on himself, the second is any preparations that contain sodium -containing substances, sodium alginate, sodium bicarbonate, whatever you like, sodium - this is salt, which means we have soda here, in soda you eat a spoon.
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will do, it will increase the wall of the vessel, the wall of the vessel swells, and now there is more fluid in the bloodstream, the walls are swollen, the lumen is small, and the heart, under frantic pressure, is trying to bleed right here pump up at least somehow, at least somehow, so gennady evgenevich, everything that contains sodium is bad, the first bad thing is salt, but we also sell medicines, i’m here... i brought a drug called giviscon , the composition includes sodium alginate, sodium hydrogen carbonate,
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sodium hydrogen carbonate is soda, which means that we have approximately calculated how much is in such a bag, in such bags a are contained, if we talk in grams per substance, 213 and 325, two bags are recommended, this means immediately more than 1.00 mg you take per day. can be taken up to four times, that is, initially the volume of sodium that you drink will be huge, by the way, this is a generally strange drug, i don’t know who produces it, because there is also mint, mint, andrei petrovich, only , mint causes heartburn, a drug for heartburn, i'm wildly sorry if i offended anyone from the manufacturers, but you still need to understand the problem if you are making a drug for heartburn with mint, which causes heartburn, in parallel with sodium, which. .. will increase the pressure, that’s right, this must be understood, this must be understood, dear friends, therefore sodium- containing drugs that reduce acidity,
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but this is generally an outdated treatment.
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all people should not give money, look as if you are a surprise for everyone, all the way from head to toe. he was born into a family of exiled cossacks in altai. his difficult post-war rural childhood did not promise anything good. dad died early, mom was left alone with four children in her arms. the family was poor. mom dreamed of a military career for sasha, but the boy was drawn to performing, at first i wanted to become a clown, then an actor. after school. sasha secretly went to gorky and entered the gorky theater school, and a few years later he went to conquer moscow and became a student at ghika. you said no one needs jazz, what an intelligent audience, right, stepan? no, i always thought that jazz was a promising business. thank you. we are from jazz - this is the first star role of the young actor, and then there were many
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offers and dozens of film roles. for the last 9 years, alexander vasilyevich has been starring in the military-historical series according to the laws wartime, and in parallel in other films, despite his age, he has a tremendous capacity for work, which young people can envy. i want to say that this man, who is 75 years old, today easily and naturally got down on one knee, read poetry in front of me, and then... also jumped up and stood up, i just went dumb, because many people, the vast majority at that age they’ll still get down on one knee, then you have to lift ten men, here everything is just a jump, lizach, beauty, my dears, you you know, at 75 years old, when i’m next to lenochka, i’m 20, no more, yes, so the report
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means so, the pressure: by the way, 125.80, like that of an astronaut, this is actually good, especially for a person on the pill , although it’s still a little elevated, we think so, but in this case we don’t prescribe any medications, this is 75 years old - that’s straight up an a, sugar 5.8 is the norm, cholesterol 3.2, in general, in some then in perfect condition, like this, like this, no, our young people come worse, of course, because they are idle, yes, they work you have to work and work and work day and night, right? alexander vasilyevich, tell me, do you take any pills for cholesterol or blood pressure or not? rarely, but my wife, yulia, goes on tour with me, and she monitors and measures my blood pressure, because when there’s an emotional scene, my
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blood pressure jumps so much, she ’ll lower the pill for me, right? because he was in a hurry to meet elena vasilyevny, tell me, alexander vasilyevich, but heartburn doesn’t happen, heartburn happens, here, here, here, here it is our stomach, heartburn is acid, the stomach is protected from acid, the esophagus is not protected, oh, is that milk, no, it’s gastric juice being released, do you drink something for heartburn, and pills? i have ones that go under my tongue and my heartburn goes away, i forgot what they are called, but my wife gives it to me, but so we just give my wife an a for caring, but today we are talking about heartburn medications that increase blood pressure, that’s all medicines that are like soda, and medicines that contain sodium alginate, sodium bicarbonate and so on, so i don’t even give advice to everyone, alexander vasilyevich,
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because at 75 he is in great shape. table and so on and so on, but not for you, if you have heartburn, you need to exclude all this, this is red wine, wine, red, everything with caffeine, everything with caffeine, mint in any form, chewing gum, tea with mint and so on, because this is not possible, because all this provokes heartburn, this is a recommendation.
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tell me about your family, we see you on the screen, there is a series on, you don’t leave the screen now, but your wife takes care of your family, and what about the children? well, well, a lot of people talk about me they care, stop, how old are you? 12, well, if my son is already forty-four years old, 3 months and a half ago i became a grandfather, my granddaughter was born. yes, tatyana vladimirovna, granddaughter, well, beautiful, yes, beautiful, yes, yes, yes, so i became a grandfather, we waited a long time, my son kept telling me, dad, i’ll earn money, okay, then grandchildren
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will appear, i i say, well, we gave birth to you when i was not earning anything at all, well, thank god, they gave us a granddaughter, well , it seems to me, she’s a beauty, all like me, and all the beauty, alexander vasilyevich. and you handsome, and the character is golden, yes, yes, yes, girls, look, ideal, from the back i look, you can’t take your eyes off, wish us all something good, well, what can we wish for, you know, that’s what i’m saying, that’s lenochka a ribbon that connects both soul and body, so be always in harmony. with soul and body, once again, we envy the physical form of alexander vasilyevich, we wish, to be honest, to work for a long, long, long time, to work and to be the same sincere and good
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person, we will pause for a while, and then we will continue, on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of birth of love polishchuk, dancing. she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy. let me out, it’s me, vinka, i say, lyuba, aren’t you afraid of being ugly, she says, sashka, what, why be afraid, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, do you even know what i came here for, what you you are silent, you smile, you blink your eyes and you are silent, if...
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she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they couldn’t live without each other, as i saw. lyubov polishchuk, the last tango, we met. today on the first one, this is the liver, friends, that is where the gallbladder is located, something from the life of the gallbladder, important and interesting, and not only this is in the program to live healthy, you will learn the most important thing about life and health, tomorrow on the first one, i i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains. my first combat mission, it’s very difficult to fight in the mountains, you can’t smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you, 100 km from the state border we have to
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to ensure safety, teeth, ears, hair, but not hands, can shake in the hands of half a half , they rushed for 1200 minutes, the earth shook so much, we left the village in the liberated area. they ensured order, went out to populated areas with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, they took it all apart with pleasure, the border residents were protected...
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we have a sola club and a choir singing their hearts out. every day , muscovites over 55 years old come to the moscow longevity center completely free of charge. life expectancy increased in the 20th century. after retirement they now live and 20, and 30, and 40 years. of course, the question arises of how to live in such a way that longevity is a joy. it seems to me that the creators of this project have unraveled the real secrets of longevity. whatever you do in the moscow longevity centers, the main thing that happens to you is communication, you are no longer lonely. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, we still want to interrupt you, are you all professional dancers, or why did you suddenly take up dancing? no, of course there was interest in dancing, but before we were doing something else, now. appeared, look how
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everyone is happy, this is the joy of communication, loneliness is one of the main problems after retirement. the children have grown up and are working, but you are alone and no one needs you. the breakdown of social ties is not just a psychological problem. our brain lives as long as nerve cells have nerve connections. when a nerve cell dies, nerve connections and processes are severed. in the same way if they break off. social connections, communication breaks off, the brain fades, returning communication to people means prolonging their lives. and you have a wife, no, so you are a groom, just for marriageable age, then yes, and also what a hot commodity, yes, i want to say that over the 6 years of the existence of the moscow longevity project, we met in the project, got to know each other, felt the spark, and formalized the relationship in the zaks. years, there is not only
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no loneliness here, here you can develop, study, acquire new professions or do what you love, for example, a rehearsal for the 50 plus models club. and this is a real fashion show, a dress for these shows. they sew, everything is free, everything is for fun, and these pictures were painted by people who pensions have never been drawn, this group is led by a pensioner like everyone else, the most important principle of moscow longevity, the best designers of moscow, and the women themselves are also self-organizing. if you want to lead a circle, lead it, they will provide you with a room and help you with everything. the level of these amateur artists simply shocked me. so you are now.
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picture, if you had time, and if you could, now you would leave the good bus of moscow longevity, there are 50 of them in moscow, they are equipped specifically for the older generation, you can travel to sergius pass, new jerusalem, dozens of full-day excursions in the company of your... peers who want to live an interesting life, and that’s not all. particular attention is paid here.
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these men and women have been playing tennis every day for over 400 days, they are record holders, and it is the most popular sport among men.
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science has recently shown that movement is life, physical activity is necessary in old age, for joints, heart and brain, but only a few people do it alone, in the company... with an instructor, and even for free, this is great, but if a moscow pensioner doesn’t want to play sports, it’s not scary, for you there are free walking tours around moscow with a guide. during the war of 1812 , the city was so damaged by fire that even the ponds were filled with ash and construction debris from neighboring burnt buildings, all participants in moscow longevity believe that their quality of life has improved incredibly, not only their worldview has changed. they feel healthier and happier. computer literacy. school of bloggers, courses on...


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