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tv   Mechtallion  1TV  May 26, 2024 9:20am-9:40am MSK

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physical activity is necessary in old age for the joints of the heart and brain, but only a few people do it alone, in a company, with an instructor, and even for free, it’s great, but if a moscow pensioner doesn’t want to play sports, it’s not scary, walking is free for you in moscow with a guide, during the war of 1812 the city was so damaged by fire that even the ponds were filled with ash and construction debris from neighboring burnt buildings. all participants in moscow longevity believe that their quality of life has improved incredibly, nothing has changed just their attitude, they feel healthier and happier. computer literacy, school for bloggers, courses on mastering gadgets, learning foreign languages. moscow longevity has developed
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many training programs, all participants can go to lectures at the university for free to listen to famous russian scientists, learning, mastering new skills is another secret to healthy longevity, but i was absolutely amazed by the school of financial literacy, because we all want to save our savings, i have a certain there are a number of deposits, naturally i’m saving for some of my own needs... i’m saving, yeah, uh, i’m analyzing which deposit or percentage is greater, or rather the percentage in order to save up. arkady, who teaches these courses, is 66 years old, he is a pensioner, a financier by profession, he himself organized these courses for everyone who goes to moscow longevity. i think that thanks to him, there will be fewer victims of financial scammers. the lesson was so interesting that i decided to ask my question.
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how can i get rich without doing anything? you won't be able to get rich without doing anything. because maintaining this entire banking history is quite serious work, that is, you need to monitor it, you need to monitor it very well. laughing, here they learn the most serious things, here they make friends, communicate and live every day to the fullest. there are 120 such centers in moscow. finally, me and... the film crew were invited to a culinary club of serbian cuisine, this is serbian soup, well , the national sverska, yes, fish cherba, cherba means a thick opaque soup, oh delicious, you yourself invented this club , yes? yes yes, i came up with this club myself, i had a period of life when i lived in oxia serbia, i learned to cook there in serbia, and you just joined, right? an interesting
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fact is that vasily, the head of the falcon center, is a very young man, and he and our film crew were fed very tasty serbian cuisine. at what age can you go to the moscow longevity center ? right. well, it was so delicious, let’s add it, i didn’t want to leave, it was so warm and soulful here, i really want more people to come here and for all of russia to follow this example, like this, not with glasses, with plates in their hands, i want you i wish you good health, i want to invite everyone to the moscow longevity center, because the moscow longevity center is something amazing, they are absolutely free. your
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center is called moscow longevity and youth, you understand, so let’s get sick, we ’ll now eat serbian soup, to all of you, dear friends, health, come to the moscow longevity centers, everything is for you, everything is free, everything is amazing, health to everyone, we are waiting for you. wonderful program and thanks to lenochka that this program lives on, it seems to me that it is very, very necessary for tv viewers, because it is advice, it is moral support, well, the presenter is charming, a competent presenter, which is valuable. lenochka,
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i’m sorry that i’m sitting and you’re standing, this is how the shot was set, everything, everything, the very best, and most importantly, goodness and, of course, no health. yourself, your entire team, black pankratov, health program, watch regularly, these are not travel notes with dmitry krylov. hello. there was once a joke in tver that all roads lead to tver, and then who goes where? so today the saying is not outdated, today we will look into tver. and then, and then
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really, who goes where, in this where, an amazing discovery awaits us. the road from st. petersburg to moscow, and in the 19th centuries, passed through tver, so that’s it. travelers, nobles, government officials, diplomats, but most of all members of the imperial family, they all traveled this way called the sovereign's road, which is why this entire ideal and regular city, rebuilt by catherine ii, was subordinated to serving distinguished guests. what were the sonorous names of expensive hotels and taverns alone worth? venice, london, berlin, rome, and even with the granddaughter of catherine ii, catherine pavlovna. which was a joke called catherine ii will be called the small courtyard. it is then that tver will begin to adopt the customs and attributes of metropolitan life. tver is a small town in st. petersburg, as there was a saying. yes indeed, residents of tveret, and especially the residents of veretyanka tried not to lag behind
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the capital in any way. for example, tver socialites loved card playing salons. it happened that we lost fabulous sums. that is why the fabulist, and also the then vice-governor of tver, alexander efimovich izmailov, ridiculed the morals of the tver ladies in his fable, calling them playgirls. the ladies in tver are not nice to me, they trump them all day, damn them. so what do you think, these tigresses took revenge on the impudent scribe, filed a complaint against him, and the vice-governor was demoted went to serve in some wilderness. in general, as the unforgettable general said from the peculiarities of the national hunt and so on, all the evil comes from the women, well, i don’t know. in fairness , it must be said that there were legends about the gentleness, good nature, and easygoing nature of the tverite women, which is why these ideal tver angels from the ideal city were in great demand among visiting suitors, the volga embankment served as their main promenade and the main vanity fair, and
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not a single lady went out on a walk without such a miniature parasol umbrella. now let’s part with the beautiful tver and go on a trip to karelia, and we will do this without leaving the tver region, how is this possible, and at first i wondered this question, well, this happened to me due to ignorance and lack of knowledge of history, and if suddenly i’m not alone , i turned out to be so ignorant, let's together discover tver karelia, in which today there are more korelians living than in karelia itself. how amazingly beautiful the cantal sounds, it seems like a simple instrument, in what
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they take it away, right? so, chashkovo stan, the interpreters we visited, these are all korean villages. in his old family home in chashkova he meets the owner lech. teylya, armahad the guest, and armahat matkushta.
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and move north to the shores of ladaga, well , then, another story begins, the year was 1617, the war between russia and sweden ended with the stolbov peace treaty, according to which russia lost access to the baltic sea, and sweden got the northern coast of lake ladaga, populated mainly karelians. the swedish crown did not favor the karelians too much; it instilled lutheranism and imposed heavy taxes. then the drama began, which took more than one. decades , the history of the exodus of the karelians, now from the swedish lands, there were several waves of this
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exodus, for the russian state such a resettlement was beneficial, because the tver lands, after the pestilence that passed here, were sparsely populated, the villages were empty, the places seemed suitable for the korelians, there was a lot of land, forests, rivers, lakes too, they settled here, but the russian state in every possible way encouraged the settlers, populating and settling in these places, this is how a kind of second karelia emerged in the territory... of the region. according to some data, out of 200,000 karelians of the ladoga region , about 120,000 came to the tver land. oleg shows an art object called the karelian way. the creation of this intricate labyrinth was dedicated to the four-hundred-year history of the exodus of the karelian people. the karelian way art object won the all-russian cultural trace competition and was recognized as a new landmark of the tver region. moreover, this is not just a labyrinth, it is an interactive quest, by completing it you can learn a lot of new things about the original history and culture
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of the tver korels, such an educational, confusing labyrinth stands on the edge of the forest. the karelian village of stan, here, on the edge of the medveditsa river, has stood a wooden temple since 1777. we've seen so many of its stone brethren in ruins, but this one stands as good as new. which were local, that went to work in st. petersburg, in some incredible way they were delivered from the putilov quarries. the uniqueness of the temple is that it does not look like the churches of central russia that are familiar to us, but the temple was built by the karelians, which is why the traditions of the churches of the north pomerania and scandinavia can be discerned in it. it’s not that fate was merciful to this temple; it never closed and remained an active temple even
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in the godless and difficult times of the young soviet republic. there were no warehouses, stables, prisons, or clubs in it. all generations of the stan village have always taken care of the temple. true, in the daring nineties the temple was not saved from looting. many vintage the icons were stolen then, in the temple there was something for hunters of ancient icons to profit from, and so they profited. in the temple. place on likhoslav land. by the way, a traditional wooden korean house is also
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different from the design of a russian hut. it's a five-wall building, the house always has high windows, and instead of a porch there are boulders. and there is no foundation for the house; it stands on rocks. yes, this is how they built it in northern europe. another village where karelians, interpreters, have lived for four hundred years. we looked into a traditional house where an ordinary karelian family lives. usually this that means... hard-working, not knowing what laziness is, creative, and also very hospitable, preparations were in full swing in the house for the holiday, tomorrow's karelian pie festival, the gate, this very gate should become the main character of the holiday, so the hostess anna spent the whole night and continued in the morning to make wickets, 300 pies need to be baked, anna set this task for herself, i must say, this korelian pie is very different from our russian ones, there is absolutely no dough in it.
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an open pie is filled with a variety of fillings: after eating a whole plate of wickets. in potatoes, mushrooms, cabbage, cottage cheese, even porridge, and you can’t tear your ears away from the sweet wickets. no, you can, of course, show humanism and leave the eater alone with the pies. kalmykia is called the birthplace of the wind; it is so strong here that many centuries ago it turned part of the land into a desert. in kalmykia they say that twice is just the wind. six months eastern and six months western, how many arrows should a kalmyt warrior be able to shoot in one minute, at least 22 arrows, we will shoot at the kalmyk, that is, from the ring, let go, every family used to have a camel, where exactly the camel lay down, they tried to build huts and dig wells, because
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the camel senses the water, how can it show its dissatisfaction, life with... two prime ministers today on the first, the hero of this video has a lot of arrogance, it seems to me that this is the most arrogant move, i saw him, solidarity worked, i’m a redhead, he’s a redhead, i think we should take him, once they left him with me, my daughter went on vacation, i ran from the theater, i said i can’t feed the hamster urgently, curtain, i have a hamster feeder, man, man, i’m growing up, how did you raise such a girl, it seems to me that everyone wants such a girl. saw the video, watch with us, the premiere, today on the first, i greet today with calm confidence, i am in harmony with myself, yes quietly, i have the magic of the morning, i must say that the modern history
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of the karelians living on tver land was difficult, sometimes dramatic, before the start of the finnish war... we felt like a full-fledged nation within the ussr. in 1937 , karelian autonomy was even created with its capital in likhoslavl. at that time, books were published in the karilian language, there was a pedagogical school that trained teachers of the karilian language and it was taught in schools. alas, it all ended in february 1939, when the finnish war began. the karelian autonomous okrug was liquidated, and its leaders and representatives of the intelligentsia were repressed. training in the korean language.
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kushit, yes, everyone will be at this holiday. every year in the village of tolmachi a large festival of open koreli pie "kalitka". guests come from all over russia; this is a celebration of karelian culture, language and traditions. welcome to the seventh festival of kariv pie, kolitka. may this holiday be beautiful, tasty and very kind. modern circus.
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time and dramatic circumstances did not destroy such character traits as independence and love of freedom, because even the descendants of korean settlers who did not know serfdom and slavery... humiliation in their free character were very different from of the russian peasants of that time.


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