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tv   Povara na kolesakh  1TV  May 26, 2024 11:05am-12:01pm MSK

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yes, saiga is very shy and does not allow humans to approach it. inspectors monitor animals in the steppe from towers. what is a bater, and an inspector who didn’t take water with him to the steppe, right? yes, this is our eternal inspector, we call him vasily. everything is very clearly visible, the distance is good, and there we can see tsaygak 5-6 km away. in saigas, the fire occurs in december, at the end of april, at the beginning of may, calving already occurs. here he appears... here the males fight off , on the contrary, leave, but why don’t they stay with the bulk of the animals? well, not i know, probably, the freaks probably don’t want to look, but why do you think they need such big noses, trunks, it ’s like a respirator for them, that is , these villi, hairs there retain the sand and it enters the lungs clean air, well, about 500. saigas are grazing here, these are those
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small, small white dots, yes, yes, yes, yes, these are saigas, the saiga, like a samurai, has no goal, the life credo of this ancient antelope is to run, run and run again, and they begin to run immediately a few hours after birth with... it’s impossible to keep up with them, but we’ll try, the music in the hills is the song of the free wind that walks across the steppes, here even the ancient melodies have different manners
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of performance depending on what part of the republic the singer is in, so it’s not surprising , that it was in kalmykia that this unusual style was born, we call ethno-electro punk, it is a mixture of ethnic motifs, instruments, their sounds of modern technologies, modern... rhythms, in principle , all folk music, it stands at the origins of everything modern, starting from raves, starting from some kind of club culture, thousands of years ago they danced around the fire, man during this time has not evolved in any way in terms of energy, only technology changes, but the inside, the present, remains with us.
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locals say that you need to come to the republic at least four times to see the unique beauty of each season. i fell in love with this region at first sight , i hope that i will return here soon. i believe the wealth of kalmykia is in its people, in its culture, we with camels, as it were... go out, create a kind of authenticity, i love it its beautiful endless steppes, for the floors, for the tulips, the most valuable thing that i think is people, here is my husband, as he stamps, as he says, so it will be, when necessary he will protect, when he will support, we cannot tolerate wrongness, but friendship is always respect.
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it seems to me that no one will say, this is not mine, i don’t need it, that is, kalmyks - i am part of kalmykia, so how can i not love my homeland, the symbol of the kalmyk people, the golden gate of altonbosk is considered magical, they say that if you walk under them, you can gain strength, energy, self-confidence, but if you happen to hear the ringing of a bell, then you need to immediately make a wish, and mine is very simple, to return to kalmykia again. times, you watched the program “life of your own”. my name is evgeny krivtsov, see you, as always, at the first.
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in order to live and enjoy life, you need to do what you like. why did you tatyana mikhailovna decide to become a teacher? because i love children very much. i am the master of ceremonies, who is this? the man who connects hearts? i work on a crane in black metallurgy, i go to work with joy, and leave work with pride. we studied to become a heating engineer. and you won't regret it. once i. became an artist, well, for example, with such a beautiful voice we can voice some grandfather, i wanted to be an artist, then a navigator, a sea captain, at the end of the tenth grade i decided to become a doctor, like my mother, in small steps you can
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move towards your goal, there is nothing impossible. dmitry galenin, my name is dmitry galenin, i am the chef of the sage restaurant and we are distributing st. petersburg vibe in the very center of moscow. he moved to st. petersburg and soon began working with the legendary dmitry blinov. their collaboration continues to this day to the delight of all gourmets. in sedge's kitchen i bring my ideas to life. i give preference to a live menu, i try to change it depending on seasonal products. one of
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the hits of our restaurant is the far eastern scallop with esrad sauce. the sage restaurant took eighth place in the country according to wea to eat twenty years ago and... sixth place according to where to it moscow. dmitry, speaker of the novikov space culinary school, academy stanfood, gastritis festival and international forum breakfast shepa. gorgeous. he recently became a teacher from the famous shf cooking school. i cook and experiment with vegetables, root vegetables and mushrooms very often. and using the example of these beets, i can prove it to you. an inexpensive product, it can be a dish in a chic restaurant. dmitry galenin, everything is ingenious, simple. my friend alexander kucherov and i are going on this trip around the samara region; i can’t wait to get behind the wheel.
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alexander kucherov! friends, i'm alexander kucherov, brand chef of the restaurant 075 lis moscow. today we will get acquainted with the modern cuisine of the nordic countries. alexander spent his childhood in siberia. his style is russian nordic with proven french techniques and local products. we come from siberia, for more than 7 years, we have been researching the food base of the regions, transporting our finds to the modern gastran. alexander is the best chef in siberia according to the wear eat 2023 award, chef of the year in the category young star breakfast chef 2022. novikov school teacher, speaker and coach tavrida art, kitchen management pir. our
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guests know first-hand what the crunch of pancakes from a cast-iron frying pan is, they know what fresh currant leaves are, and we find these products and extend their life in the modern world. gastronomy. krasnoyarsk restaurant 0.75 was recognized several times as the best restaurant in siberia according to wte tours and entered the top ten. now he has a moscow version. remember, it's strawberry season when grandma makes strawberries with whipped cream. there is a dessert based on this theme. i find these tastes and integrate them into the menu, because food is not only taste, it is also memory. this is a definite journey through time for our guests. alexander kucherov from siberia with love. two famous chefs are traveling around russia on a futrac. they are in a great mood and they even sang a song about the city that awaits them. samara is a town, i’m restless,
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i’m restless, calm me down. the road was fast and we seemed to be approaching samara. you know, in good company. notice the distance, have you ever been to samara? never, have you decided that you will cook? no, of course, you need to come, look at the market and we’ll sort everything out on the spot. samara? one of the largest cities in russia, its kuibyshev square is considered the largest in europe. the city is an important center of industry, including space. but above all, this is a wonderful place on the banks of the volga. the great russian river determines its appearance, character, and cuisine. the chefs parked the food truck near the pedestrian zone, where there is a monument to uncle styopa, a real policeman who patrolled the city streets in the seventies. eh, samara-town, finally, finally
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, we’ve arrived, uncle styopa is there, it’s time for us to start doing good deeds, they’re waiting for us on an excursion. yes, a rich cultural program has already been prepared for the chefs. it was no coincidence that we met you in this place; this is an iconic place for samara. i managed to read that this is a monument to prince grigory zasekin. yes, indeed, this is a monument to prince grigory zasekin, who founded samara. year he built a fortress here, where our city began. there are many cities on the volga, why here? nomadic tribes lived here. we we are with you on the border with a wild field with the great steppe, these nomadic tribes were generally dissatisfied with some new government that was coming here, so the russian state set up such guard fortresses, including along the volga. and besides, in that part, about five kilometers from here, the samara river flows into the volga. which gave the name to our city, as i understand it, the city is named after a part of the river, but why was
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the river named that? there are many versions of how the word samara is generally translated, but perhaps the most reliable thing is this: from the turkic language, samara is translated as a river flowing in the steppe, so the name is fully justified, i believe, the same one that has been flowing from afar for a long time, the same volga river that determines the life of every person here, it all comes down we have to the river, and they also say that... that samara has the longest embankment in russia, but certainly the longest volzhskaya embankment, about 5 km. along all our embankments there are well-maintained beaches, that is, it turns out that within the city limits you can safely swim and the river is not dirty, it cleans it, watching it somehow quite correctly, in fact, the main enemy of the volga is too hot a summer, but if the water warms up to 25°, this is bad, but most often the summer is favorable to us, and as a rule, throughout the entire season from may to september inclusive... you can swim, we
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are now next to the samara drama theater, this is the oldest theater in the city, it appeared in the eighties of the 19th century, and in general by this time, at the turn of the 19th century -20th century samara was already a developed trade an economic, financial, including even a cultural center, that is, samara is still... a merchant city. samara merchants are, to a greater extent, those people whom we would now call entrepreneurs. they were always looking for something new to make money on, what kind of enterprise to open, they were interested in new technologies, that’s why samara kuban residents are entrepreneurs. an incredibly beautiful center, everything is vibrant, different architecture, both gothic and art nouveau. what is this connected with? samara merchants?
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with new buildings, really during the war samara was not damaged, the city really, fortunately, was not damaged, then samara was called kuibyshev from thirty-five to ninety -two, and fortunately there was no front here, moreover, it was such a reliable and safe rear that kuiboshev was designated the second capital during the great patriotic war, that is , the highest authorities, all diplomatic missions, all embassies, leading creative groups of the country were evacuated here, therefore the historical center in... in its different styles was preserved. sash, thank you very much for this excursion. i feel like we can’t watch samara
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again. it’s good that we still have time left and come to our food truck, we will treat you with local, local products, but in our reading. we will be glad to see. but samara is not only about watching, not reviewing, it’s also about trying, not trying again. and it’s better to do this in the birocracy restaurant, where people will run away from the abundance of local dishes. eyes, i have prepared samara-style pike perch for you, we were told that pike perch is one of the calling cards of the city, like ready? fish marinated with a quick marinade, it’s a lot of vinegar essence, the tomatoes are grated, and we add sugar and a lot of vegetable oil, i advise you to also try hot bread, which we also bake in a russian oven, an excellent combination for this appetizer. chef, what is volga cuisine? all volga cuisine is based on fish, these are pike perch, sama, and setra, and of course girak. this is a discovery for me, because this is the first time i’m trying pike perch, it’s a little bit like it’s been scalded, it’s quite spicy,
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but it’s a cool dish, interesting, and since i’m a person who doesn’t like spicy food, this is just the thing for a starter, it’s absolutely great so that... your taste buds before the main courses, and very cool spices, grated tomatoes and peppers, a little salt, and the soul of herbs, i want to dip the bread directly, the next dish that i wanted to brag about in front of you, to really brag about, is shakhabalov’s fish soup, shakhobalov’s, what is it, yes, the shakhoballovs are the merchants of our city who made a great contribution to its development, prosperity and great great-granddaughter sofia polikarpovna, alive, healthy shared her recipes with us. their families , what is the peculiarity of fish soup on three types of fish - asitrina, pike perch and salmon, the most important interesting ingredient in this dish is pickled cucumbers marinated in currant leaves, a very cool rich broth and, strangely enough, cucumbers are the theme - very cool goes well with fish, you can immediately see it was prepared on the volga, very cool, for dessert i
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suggest you try our pie with besche cherry, sensational and legendary. i understand correctly, that’s right, this is the cherry we’re picking for the first part summer, so that it is sour, because we serve it with a very cool sauce, it’s bourbon boiled with slime and caramel, the chef, in addition to adding to the pie, cottage cheese from our farmers, shortbread dough, and of course , local tea, yes, meadow herbs , plus rose hips, everything is collected, dried, prepared and our bark is served, mm, buzz, some kind of texture, like something like nougat, some kind of, what is it, this is when... the cherry starts at when cooking , sink down, since we coat it in sugar in advance, the cherry begins to drown the wine, yes, like currants for five minutes, do you remember your currant jam, in which the spoon stands, well, i understand correctly, this is not a classic pie recipe, you developed it, for our restaurant, for our guests, for tourists, friends and just
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anyone visitors to our establishment, class, chef, we will be glad to see you at the food truck, look at what we have on the floor. thank you for the incredible, yes, thank you, thank you for the invitation, i will definitely be there, the hero of this video has a lot of chutzpah, i think this is the most arrogant move, i saw it, it worked solidarity, i’m a redhead, he’s a redhead, i think we should take him, once they left him with me, my daughter went on vacation, i ran from the theater, i said, i can’t feed my hamster right away, curtain, i have a hamster’s feeder,
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we learned that that three scientists with whom kamnev was friends had left the cordon. so, someone must find him, are you coming to me? may i have a look at your passport? do i remind you of someone? very strange, polite, modest, behaves with dignity. now i understand what a scout should look like. where have you been all this time? and i'm worried they have already figured me out a long time ago, just do everything cleanly, without the noise of dust, it seems to me that today there should be a denouement, i promised to tell you everything, who you are, recruiter, today on the first, for the birthday of larisa
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guzeeva, i was born yarosla at that time , when all the young people dreamed of something else, i... over 40, suddenly i was invited to try out for this program, let's get married, i watched it, thought, my god, what the hell, where am i and where is television, the lab podcast. today on the first one, this is the liver, friends, that’s where it’s located gallbladder, something from the life
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of the gallbladder, important and interesting, and not only that, in the program it’s healthy to live, you will learn the most important things about life and health, tomorrow in the first class, how old are you, how old am i, right? god, i’ve already lost count of my marital status, what are you saying, i have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, they only stay until intermission with the intelligentsia, yes, 7 minutes of your play is a huge audience success, tell me what you want from me, maybe you’ll remember that you are the director of this production, and not ranevskaya, ranevskaya? tomorrow after the program time. you clearly want to be the main character in faingern's production. well, if necessary, for the sake of business, i can
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play worse. if you look at the map, you can see that samara is located near the southern borders of russia in the center of the great trade routes. always here. there was a mixture of cultures of peoples, which is why the samara ethnographic friendship park is the largest in our country, by the way, it was entirely built with money from patrons. dim, what kind of interesting device is this? this is a unique device, this is a bicycle bar, dear chefs, this is the kind of bicycle bar you you won’t find anywhere in the volga federal district, so it’s for you that i suggest today that you play this quiz at a bike bar and plunge into the traditions and way of life of the peoples of our beautiful country, i’m ready. cool, let's start, let's go, our first point is the kyrgyz
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yurt, the first question of our quiz, what do you think, chefs, what does the word yurt, house, windy valley mean in kyrgyz, or is it the native land, i think, native land, i i i agree, yes, my native land. a good start, dear friends, this is the correct answer. indeed so, native land, yurt in translation from the kyrgyz language. as i understand it, this is a mobile yurt. of course, dim, absolutely correct. the kirghiz are a nomadic people, so they had to assemble this yurt very quickly, in 3-4 hours, they put a wooden frame on top of which this felt dome is thrown, and it was preferably women who assembled it, because they gave their warmth during the construction of this beautiful . a traditional attribute of the dwellings of this people is the chain above the river,
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which is called rakhys. etiquette prohibited touching it or stealing it unless absolutely necessary. or throwing away the chain is a huge sin. when the last man in the family died, the woman put a chain around her neck as a sign that the male line had been broken. so, attention, question, chefs, what nation's home are we... the cup, what is it made of? this bowl is made of wood, this bowl is more than 5.00
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years old, like good kvass, what an interesting beautiful year, this bowl was presented only to the most honored guests, well, you had such a mission and honor to hold this sacred bowl in your hands, i am delighted with samara, being in assyasinov's house, beat your piece. pie is always given to the milkman, who sits at the table on the right side, and this is done so that god can see that the purest person, unburdened by any sins, begins this meal, it’s all about me, yes, three pies are three elements, the bottom pie - the element of earth, the middle pie is the element of water and the top pie is the element of the sun, and in no case should you turn these pies on the table, usually the person who cuts them turns, what is the filling for ossetian? the pie is like this traditional, ritual filling, always with cheese, mm, the dough itself is simply incredible, there is some peculiarity in preparing the correct dough for a setin pie, well
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, the most... the main feature is the love of the woman who prepares them for her loved ones, as with any baking, i noticed an incredible pie, yes, very tasty, we visited ossetia, literally arriving in samara, thank you for these incredible pies, your hospitality and such immersion in culture, we were glad to meet you, and of course, chefs, we can’t with you can't go into a russian hut, two most important, most sacred things: in a russian hut, what do you think? red corner, red corner, of course, the oven, absolutely right, sasha, i suggest you try how difficult it was for a russian woman to cook food, you just need to grab the cast iron pot with a grip, then go back and actually go into the oven, a common thing, in fact, i same village guy, i also remember bread baked in a real russian oven, now imagine also that there are 5 liters of russian cabbage soup, they were usually placed in a cooling
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bake overnight to let them simmer. they drowned it, and even more, then the next day they were very tasty. a traditional folk sport that existed in russia is jumping in bags. the task is absolutely simple: you need to get inside the bag, then jump to the well and go back. one, two, let's go! it’s immediately obvious that we have experts here in sleeping in bags, masters and also, well, is it really friendship again? handsome, because what, because the team, luxurious sandy beaches are another feature of samara. the townspeople associate beaches with both leisure and various sports, including completely non-beach ones. samarans adapted them to their tastes. this is the first time we’ve seen this
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sport honestly, you can tell us. what is the difference between beach tennis and table tennis? in tennis there is a rebound, you can play with a rebound, but here you can only play with a volley, the main thing is to hold the correct racket, in order for both sides to play, the grip should be like this, that is, you play from this side, you play from this side, stance optimally shoulder-width apart, bent, slightly bent, racket in front himself, his eyes look up , he combines the rackets... on this line, everything is clear, well, in words, you are ready, absolutely, of course, good, the ball was there, we lost again, i was close. almost,
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transition, and transition, that's it, we lost, yes we lost, if you take it, i shout, if i take it, i shout, always, ball, yes, play. well done, well done, well done, we lost, we lost a little, out!
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well, i think the game was left to tatyana, but i definitely hit one ball and it was victorious, but in theory it turned out to be much easier than... in practice, this is incredible physical strength, jumping in the sand is difficult, the ball, the wind, the sun, the whole world, friends, thank you, no, several innings were very good, thank you, no, no, because we tried, the chefs have a rematch ahead, a culinary battle to prepare for it , they go shopping for groceries, finally the samara market, dim,
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i thought of what you’re going to cook, yes, since it’s interesting to see how the suburbs live , look in this direction, well, what about samara, what they pick, what berries they dry, that samara specializes in fish, grandmothers will prepare it, some... with milk, it will be something in the form of a dessert, i think, in the direction of brownies, i wish you good luck, good luck in your search, yes, let's go see what they have in stock, wonderful pike perch, hello, this is a local pike perch, yes, in general, look what , when he was caught, everything was in the morning, everything was fresh, so, i think we will need a couple of pieces, it turned out to be 3,300, tell me, do you have that same local cherry, what condition is it in now, how much does it cost, can i try it, how much for such a box is 450 rubles, maybe 400, the first buyer can eat, thank you very much, there is pike ekra,
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otherwise i only see red ones, and the liver of the track is fresh for you, it is not frozen, not frozen, and the main thing is that it is local, oh. caviar to caviar, perfect, i’ll take a kilogram from you, but do you have local sour cream, farm-made, sweet so that it is, is, now we will try everything, it doesn’t fall off the spoon, just look, fantastic, can i please have a kilogram of sour cream , a liter of cream and half a kilogram of butter, a total of 2,650, that’s it, i see you have chavel, very beautiful, fresh, that’s just it, this one i’ll take a bunch, as well as 300 grams of spinach and radishes, a bunch, oh, what tails, this one
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will suit me, small, beautiful, chic, it’s good, it’s bird cherry, and how much does bird cherry cost? you have 10 rubles a glass, bird cherry is exactly the taste since childhood, you need to take it, can we have two glasses, the chefs will have lunch in an unusual place, the restaurant is called a kitchen, its building has a rich history, the first restaurant here was opened in 1903. tol, tell me what kind of place this is, whose building this is, who lived here or what it was? this there used to be a gastropa restaurant, this is the building of a man like von wakana, he did a lot for samara, he brought beer here. he brought food here, he brought an experience here, and we completely restored the building as it was, and conveyed the whole history, the architecture, we are trying to convey the austrian concept and a slightly local product together, cool, i want to introduce you to the
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butternut squash soup that we prepare under pressure with the addition of soda, then we add smoked sturgeon, pumpkin seeds and butter and shtirya, and do you add any spices? no, no, it’s purely the taste of pumpkin, it’s natural. i really love cooking vegetables, i’ve been studying them for a long time, i’ve cooked a lot of varieties of pumpkin, and i know that nutmeg is the sweetest, most aromatic, which means i cook under pressure, we cook pumpkin in pressure cookers, when the pressure cooker reaches 140°, pressure is formed in it three atmospheres, and the pumpkin turns completely into puree, softening, the creamy mass that we add there transforms into a nutty shade, and then we add soda, soda is exactly that confectionery an element that goes with the taste of the pie, the taste of the cookies. the taste of baking, yes, indeed such a confectionery theme, yes, it reminds me of pastries, some kind of autumn bun with good pumpkin, cool technique, very interesting, i have a wonderful dish for you, this is our volga pike perch, fried parey onion, root puree silder, which
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we also cook under pressure, and a sauce made from homemade sour cream, in which we simmer the log in order to give the aroma of the fire three types of caviar: pike, sturgeon caviar of trout, a very cool texture of pike perch. what about him you do it, the secret is that it is best to soak the pike perch in a saline solution with a bay leaf in order to remove the aroma of the cutina, it is saturated with this tasty water, and then we burn it with a burner, after baked and this is the nordic system, when we add a scandinavian motif of burntness, well , the sauce is very tasty, the onions are really cool, the texture of the puree and the smokiness suits everything very well, i want to introduce you to the dessert that... we came up with together with my pastry chef, this is melfey strudel, that is , we emphasized some kind of austrian theme , we took local apples, mixed them, and most importantly, we caramelized the apples with cider, this whole nougat that you will see now, this is exactly what was done made from cider, and
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what is ice cream made from? ice cream is a homemade version of plombir, local milk and nothing else, but what do you make the leaves themselves from? from phylla dough, such a classic combination, but... but in the new interpretation , the texture and spice play very cool, the directness is felt reduction, you can feel a lot of flavor, you know, for me the most important thing is that there is acidity in desserts, here you have a very strong... apples leave the acidity, so it is not cloying, there is such a good play of tastes, from sweet to sour, there are crunchy ones some ingredients, very cool, definitely very tasty, especially the pike perch really impressed me, but also how you prepare pumpkin was a new discovery for me, pressure cookers, interesting, chef, thank you very much, incredible dish, very interesting approach, apparently what are you looking for, you are trying, you are getting very confident results, and we would like to ask you to come to your kitchen so that you can help prepare for tomorrow, please, of course, my kitchen is yours. kitchen, cool, fresh pike perch,
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which came to the market today, and i’m sure that it will be an excellent base for my, probably, smorey brows, i found a cool bird cherry, now we will make flour from it, on the basis of which we will prepare brownies, let’s begin, all the fish is ready, cleaned of bones and scales, now i’ll add a little salt and smoke it. and hot smoking through a steamer, well , since there are cherry orchards here, we will take cherry wood chips and smoke our beautiful pike perch, meanwhile i am melting chocolate, i have exactly a kilogram of dark chocolate here, we will need a water bath, we add butter to it, let it melt , in the meantime, mix the already sifted bird cherry flour , regular cocoa powder, we have melted the chocolate and butter, now carefully, one by one, we send it into the hot pot. following the yolks
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, a mixture of dry ingredients is sent into the same warm chocolate, this cocoa and bird cherry flour. next, we move on to those same samara cherries, the locals dry them for the winter, and it is the dried cherries that go to our braunik. i'll take sweet tomatoes, chop them into cubes to give more freshness to my salsa, i'll take fresh leaves of schaville and spinach lettuce, here we add pepper to taste, as well as salt and... a lot of olive oil so that they infuse a little, all this is properly mixed, we leave it there literally for 30-20 minutes so that there is such a cool texture, i proceed to the mirenga, for this we use 20 proteins separated until, put into the bowl of a planetary mixer, add a pinch of salt, start beating the whites at high speed, the whites are beaten gradually, literally one spoon at a time, adding a kilogram of sugar, now my task is to combine. good mixture with meringue. i distribute the brownie mixture evenly among
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the containers before baking, i already have the oven preheated at 170° for 40-45 minutes without convection. i'll make a spread on my sandwich. for this we take soft cheese, but it is too thick, so i will dilute it with 22% cream. not i’ll add a lot of salt so that it’s rich and not so bland. i'll prepare the cream for our brownie. the base will be curd cheese, we add it to it. cream, 120 g of powdered sugar and 820 g of rich country sour cream are also sent there, in order for the sour cream to have an incredible aroma, i add bourbon vanilla paste to it and send it all to mix, well guys, you have time for everything, yes boss, in fact , i have everything ready, all i have to do is try the cream, let's try it, i'd love to, vanilla, she herself... vanilla, the most tenderness, i have everything ready, the lard is chopped, the spinach schavel
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is washed, i just have to wait for my pike perch to finish smoking and buy bread tomorrow at the bakery, i have excellent bread for you, we are preparing it at based on borodino bread with the addition of beer using austrian technologies, i think it will suit you, boss, sounds like an ideal plan, we agreed, the hero of this video should not have the arrogance, it seems to me that this is the most arrogant ring, i saw it, solidarity worked, i’m a redhead, he red, i think i should take, once he was left with...
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he had to work, play, play, she was a woman, she was amazing, i always admired her, i wanted her. let's wait a little more, now we'll get back on our feet, this is it, bye, bye, bye, 9 years, very tasty, two people whom god probably created for each other, they can't live without each other, so i saw could, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov
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polishchuk, today on the first, and where is terukh, our third friend, amazing! you again, don't say anything, just watch three chords, new season, watch after the evening news, it's going to be
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hot, what? where and when is the summer series of games? watch the time after the program. ranevskaya. there are people in whom god lives, and there are people in whom only worms live. tomorrow, after the program time. the evening before the battle, the chefs decided to take a bird's eye view of samara. french aircraft
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produced in 1992, 250 horsepower, maximum speed of almost 300 km/h. well, lemt, how are you feeling? well, it’s a little exciting, the weather isn’t particularly icy. it's okay, it's windy today along the runway, so i think we won’t have any problems, and where we will now fly as part of the sky samara educational program, we will fly opposite kurumych, we will fly over the zhigulevsky mountains, we will fly to usti-samarka, we will turn around along the samara embankment above the stadium and return back to krasny yaro. cool, well, unscrew, unscrew, ready, yes, four, let's go. sasha, how much does the plane weigh? the maximum load is 400 ton, that is, it turns out like a passenger car, practically yes. we are good athletes, so the three of us can do a ton 400. ladies and gentlemen, thank you for choosing our
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airline. yes, it throws you up, you can feel the yamki, but it’s beautiful, incredible, in fact, only from a height can you probably appreciate how wide the volga is.
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it’s clear why pilots love their job so much, because it’s incredibly beautiful.
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it was cool, there was no ground at all, thank you, thank you, the next morning the chefs must show a flight of fancy. this is all reflected in your history, in your products, and of course, we were inspired by your market, i found a gorgeous zander, pike
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caviar, found a local cool cheese, our friend, chef anatoly, helped me with the bread, i smoked the pike perch, just salted the pike chicken, chopped fresh tomatoes, radishes, sorrel, spinach, wrapped it all in such a samarabrd , called it samarabod, well i was inspired by the story of shiryaevsky pie, you are familiar with it, right? i was told that you have incredible cherry orchards, so cherries will be the basis of my dessert. i made brownies from dried bird cherry, ground it into flour, added dark chocolate and , of course, shiryaevskaya cherries. one of the cherries there will be a dried one, another prepared using the flombe method, and on top of the pie there will be cream from your incredible milk. i called this pie brownie, in shevyaevsky style. good service to us. bon appetit, hello guys,
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hello, hello, not too tired after training yesterday, oh, i slept like the dead, just honestly, a gift for you, thank you very much, this is for you, we also have gifts for you, the same brownie shiryaevsk, and samara brod for you, bon appetit, thank you very much. hi bosses, hi guys, first, clean, on wheels you rolled up to samara for us, cooked, cooked, surprised us all, bon appetit, guys, thank you, oh, boss, great, hello, how are you feeling, i’m looking forward to it, nice, thank you. samara brod is simply delightful, everything is tender, airy, organically selected products, incredibly
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tasty, the brownie is very tender, you can feel the chocolate, you can feel our samara cherries, samara brod seemed very tasty to me on rye bread, curd cheese with salsa, with tomatoes and radishes, with soft juicy pike perch, just goes together perfectly, oh hello! hi, sash, hi, hi, i hope you 're hungry, crazy, please, samara brod, thank you guys, hi, oh, chef, great, hi, tol, well, let's try everything we prepared yesterday in your kitchen, thank you it’s great that he let us in, i hope we will live up to your expectations, yes, guys, now we’ll try, let’s say everything, brownie, it’s rich, it’s bright, it’s so very catchy, the taste of cherry, it’s amazing, it’s the sweetest in the world.
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a cap of cream on top is also amazingly delicious, samara brod is so balanced, texture of pike perch, taste, at first you think that this is a heavy sandwich, but no, eat and generally enjoy it, cool, and our beshchevskaya cherry is like an ambassador, the combination with chocolate is amazing, simple, thank you, thank you, thank you very much, at the very heart, like a sincere samara resident, i of course liked samara bro, because it has everything: the samara sandy beach, the samara volozhsk fish, the volozhsk sunsets, that is , you caught the samara vibe straight to
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the point, and the beshchev cherry. zheriavskaya cherry she, too, to the very heart, because she opened up so brightly and i wanted to try this dessert again and again, thank you very much, guys, it was not in vain that samara trusted her vegetables, her products, look at the broth, everything is fine, the bread fits in very clearly, the bread with kustmesterskaya, the brownie is probably the best brownie i’ve ever eaten, because the texture of the brownie itself is usually dense, and this doughy one is delicious, plus it’s gluten-free, it’s very healthy. i thank you, firstly, for such delicious food, and in general it’s not food, it’s the mood, however, samara brood is zavolga, a fire, fishing and so on, but brownie is a cozy evening at the dacha, behind the samovar, under the cherry trees, thank you guys, thank you sasha, well, samara, time
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to vote. i’m for dessert, this is definitely beshchevskaya cherry, this is the very heart, yes , thank you, sorry, samara brod is my choice, thank you, thank you, thank you guys for the wonderful one. the dish, please, i really liked everything, but my choice is still samabrod, because samara is space and samabrad is also space, guys, i do my choice in favor of brownie, very vivid emotions, thank you, thank you, brauni
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19 for me. 21. samara, thank you very much for your warm welcome to your beautiful city, to the volga. i understand perfectly why they chose samara-brod. honestly, i will beg dima for it in moscow. it's time for us to move on. let's go. so, today the volga pike perch fought with the cherry brownie. the pike perch won. but alexander will have the opportunity to recoup on the shores of the zhiguli sea in talya, it was a great day, but the weather is starting to deteriorate, apparently samara is crying for us that we are leaving, yes, samara, samara, of course, i don’t want to, but it’s time to move on, choose where we will glue the coat of arms, come here, great, let’s leave our autographs forever, oh, samara is a town, we wouldn’t
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go anywhere, but it’s time to go to talya, it’s time , let's go! hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. buk complexes against western missiles, new personnel of the abolition of defense , the work of our anti-aircraft gunners and a combat sortie of army aviation. a group of three helicopters prevented the ukrainian armed forces from conducting a rotation.


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