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tv   Esli mozhesh prosti  1TV  May 26, 2024 1:50pm-3:26pm MSK

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not to live on the same land with them, after vaina ranevskaya had an unsuccessful trip to moscow, she was not recognized as an actress, but she was recognized there, and her stuttering was some kind of barrier, by the way, this is kind of your personal idea, how now she stutters, because we didn’t hear, i read somewhere that hers was not classical... naturally, no one has any audio recording of this, but if you listen very meticulously to even her age-old conversation and so on, then you can hear echoes somewhere about this stuttering... she
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learned to hide it over the years of working with the speech apparatus , learned to use it in such a way that no one would notice, but during the filming process, uh, somewhere, probably in the second week of filming, mm, how- then this attempt of mine to authentically stutter precisely through vowels was abandoned, because it was not read as stuttering, it was read as some kind of nonsense.
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something seems to be in some places somewhere suddenly like this and somehow not very cool - of course the second moment, which in this series, well, at least i was somewhat surprised, but when the father says to his wife: you are that ugly, so you want to make the idiot there an actress? of course, looking at you, it’s very difficult to imagine that this, well, in general, well, firstly, i personally don’t really agree with you, and this is firstly, secondly, uh, the standards of beauty were categorically different back then , i’ll tell you more, uh, when i entered the institute in 2001, even then , when i came to vamhat with my face, they told me, well, where are you going, where are you going, by the way,
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there are certain canons of how a person should look, you just opened my eyes, i kept thinking, this is true, really so, yes, it’s true, really so, these canons that exist, in general, in any time, in any time, on the other hand it played just with faina georgievna, some kind of cruel joke, because after all, well, in the movies, at least, these comic old women without...
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i always have pleasure, ambulance, help, ambulance, uh, white, grief. this is this terrible power, this spectacular little thing, what is it? i think it's a hat like a hat, where did you get it from, little dear? yes, this was sent to me from the model house, tell me what, can i try it on, please, yes,
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beauty is a terrible power. “can i go in it, i’ll be back soon, i need to go to the tishinsky market to the cooperative, okay, captain, captain, smile, captain, captain, pull yourself up, only the brave obey, seas, arinushka, i ’ll take the idiot with me so that.. ." bored on the trolleybus, this is a podcast lab, i remind you that my guest is marietta tsagal polishchuk, who played the main role in the series ranevskaya, actually faina georgievna
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ranevskaya, we said that they didn’t let her, but why wasn’t she allowed to play someone other than such eccentric ones? well, as a rule, what is called the role of an old woman, precisely because these beauty standards do not correspond, i think that firstly, yes, and secondly, faina georgievna herself did not really strive for cinema , she didn’t treat him very respectfully at all, she loved the theater more and strived. the only thing that hurt him was that she had little work to do in the theater, and not in not a movie at all, well, forgive me, but you can’t escape the furious semitism in her face, just like that, yes, of course, it’s a well-known story
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that she didn’t play the old wisenstein, precisely because, oh, my god, i don’t remember who now , but it’s even known who said it... said that the tsar’s mother cannot be a jewish face, it’s clear, clear, clear, her life was filled with some also tragic, some inconsistencies with what was happening around, where everything on the wave of the socialist, victorious revolution and so further, they made a career and so on, and fain georgievna got the impression that she went into some kind of internal migration, lived alone all her life, she had, well... at the end of her life a dog, a boy, people didn’t understand, yes, this we know from documentaries, the same krymova, when she told me there was no one to leave the boy with whom she was talking about, but even before that it was obvious that she somehow did not
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correspond to the general jingoism of this bolshevik revolution, didn’t find anything positive, as far as i understand, but nevertheless... adopted someone there in order to torment these unfortunate children, so she played some kind of disgusting one there, no, in cinderella
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it’s still out of time, despite the fact that schwartz is schwartz, but nevertheless it it’s still out of time, here it’s like it’s quite concrete, well... not cheers for patriotism, but quite concrete, that is, these are bad, these are good, black and white, but in general, in principle, soviet cinema was very different from this , well, here is her famous episode from the production of the storm, where she played a speculator, manku, well, yes, he is obvious.
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internal, very serious, by the way, what roles do you like best
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? hers, what do you like best? i really like everything, her little episodes in the movie and all her roles, and i really like how different it all is, that is, i don’t, i can’t, i can’t choose just one piece or one film or something , because there are films that i have not seen at all.
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sees that she is retreating from the principles of stanislavsky, just this from this
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theater of experiences, more towards the theater performances gravitate towards actresses, so it seems to me, it seems to me, it’s just me , i don’t separate it, for me it’s really you think that this is some kind of synthesis, yes it seems to me, yes, it seems to me that the most wonderful artists just those who know how to combine it, when you know how... “having put on this new mask every time, you manage to fill it with living, living emotion, living feelings, a diary of the role, and know the name of the dog that lived there at the age of 5, well, so as not to deify it completely, but it seems to me that it was very characteristically,
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she just complemented, she did not leave the theater. that he didn’t worry, i mean that he didn’t feel, i agree with you, this, this is apparently some kind of organic connection with... if vacancies open, we will inform you. i go to auditions every morning, and then i cry until late in the evening. the roles already exist for you, you just need to try to find them. get. she wants shame on our entire family. remember that you are bright and unique. not foldable, stutterer. remaining on the tongue, the voice is like that of a longshoreman. need connections. i
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only have connections in the city laundry. and i will achieve everything myself. oh, it's an eye-catcher, but the character, i would try everyone, this is one actress. what is this disheveled beaver? will i invite you to star in my film about a prostitute? yes, but you will play an honest woman, an exceptionally selective bastard. petya, now you are a mule. mulya, don't make me nervous, i'm afraid of ghosts. beauty is scary strength, go to hell pioneers, it’s unbearable to work with her, the text was already written by her herself, she ’s already redone it 10 times, what will she sing with paper, no professionalism, but take your eyes off her, the engine, the camera, they started, you know, i sometimes it seems that i’m a bird, i’ll
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keep an eye on it, when i’m watching, ah... and this series, i think, well, what would i say about it, if i were to describe it, i would say that this is not a storybook, but this is a play, something like that, a play based on a motive, and of course, in no case can you say that you are actually playing there this particular person in these circumstances, if you look at it like this as a play about it, it turned out wonderful. in fact, this is very true and we will do this, i think that this is the only way it should be, sometimes people who do, well, art, something in art, some kind of energy may pass through them, they may not understand it themselves, therefore, they need to be explained in general, they need to be told that guys, well , you made a theatrical, well, cinematic play about this person, because you cast
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a beautiful actress for the role of an ugly one and so on further and so on, here... i’m not saying this at all as a compliment, in fact, this is the first thing that arises, like, well, fayenne dahlia is still a specific kind of woman, here in general - and i - well, okay, no, but - by the way, i also wanted to say, as i understand it, you also played akhmatova in another series, yes, yes, yes, well, not on such a large scale, not not from 18 to 86 years old, but literally there, well, that’s it it’s also interesting,
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in general i’m very similar to her, with ranevskaya, i don’t know, that is, you’re from some profile of ronevskaya from some akhmat, it looks like it’s the case, it seems like, yes, well, by the way, uh, when you’re thinking about how to play ranevskaya, you’re preparing, it takes some time, do you think about it, or are you doing this on a whim, or the director tells you: she was like, how is this happening, this is interesting. the first main task is to step over the hysterical in my head, this is who i am, who she is, and i inevitably had to step over this, that is, you intuitively still played in the play, yes, because otherwise i would fall into a stupor from horror, from responsibility and from
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all this and from the thought, the endless thought, that no one has this right and this cannot be done, this is bad, this is... wrong, impossible, impossible, impossible, screw it up, and the only thing that saved me was this here is the mantra, this is not, yes, our character’s name is faina georgievna ranevskaya, but this is not faina georgievna ranevskaya, this is a certain character, this was the first task to get over this, everything else, well, you are like in any other role, whether you are an actress or a doctor or anyone, you, i'm a bore, i'm like that, i'm for... i write down the roles in a notebook, i keep a diary of the roles, i have it all written down, on one side the text, on the other side the background, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s all is it true, 10 years, eh? from the beginning of the plan to its implementation, well , personally, for the first time i was at the audition for
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the young ranevskaya, it was something then, i can’t say for sure, but it seems that there were either four actresses, or two actresses and four ages they were supposed to play this in 2013, but then it’s the same project, just remade before... well, in your opinion, this was done in order to gain more recognition, i think that i think yes, but again this is not a question for me, it’s more for the screenwriter... of course yes, although how about you on the set they were allowed
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to improvise and somehow add something of their own, well, somewhere, yes, but here there is such a very fine line, after all, a different time, a different language, different manners of communication between people, to completely go into a gag like would. that’s all it was, of course, no, well, there was no such task, that’s why no, something i probably i offered, but basically somehow i’m a fairly obedient artist, look, in recent years these life-pics have become very popular, we watched a lot of films about famous people, starting with yesenin, now a film about vertinsky has been released, a film about anna german has been released. about lyudmila gurchenko, in general, they go through almost everyone - celebrities, why do you think there was such a demand among
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viewers for series about such people, probably because of the scale of the personality, because of an interesting fate, because of the junction of eras times, ranevskaya certainly has an interesting fate, of course, well, as well... and i think that at some point, maybe they will make the same series about your mother, because in fact, her fate is also partly
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reminiscent of some ups and downs, acting, of course, in general these are certain roles, one role, and also one official once said a phrase about her, they said about her, she doesn’t have the face of a soviet woman. well, she wasn’t filmed, that’s right, she had the face of a hollywood woman, i always have a question for the children of such famous actors they are driven to become actors by the fate of their parents, you know, i kind of naturally thought a lot about this, i don’t think it’s some kind of thing, so i’ll follow in the footsteps, it’s just that you live in some certain conditions. and this kind of
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natural habitat has always been a theater in which i endlessly followed my mother, my nanny worked as a prop master in another theater, i grazed in this theater endlessly at rehearsals for other artists already and somehow the child teaches . for what he sees at home, it’s true, i can’t imagine what would have to happen for me to fall in love with, for example, physics or chemistry at school, but you could follow in your father’s footsteps there, if at least somehow... at least i liked doing it a little, i didn’t like drawing at all , unfortunately, why, unfortunately, it’s unclear, because the artist’s fate, as a rule, is even more certainly more complicated than that of an actor, because we see the actor, but you don't depend on anyone, you're on your own, it's
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truth. dad got up in the morning and went to the workshop, now he went on crutches, but he went, nevertheless, well, he broke his leg on january 1, went out for a walk with the dog, slipped, fell, broke his leg, that is, it’s like he goes to work as if he were going to work, well of course, but no one forces him, he does it because he wants it, and of course the actor has an addiction , especially in the state theater, especially in the repertory theater, in which i no longer work, i am obliged, please, according to the schedule. no longer working, why are you sometimes you throw out hooks that i can’t help but get caught in, and i’ve worked in the theater on a small armored unit since 2007 and i’m afraid to count it because i’m not very good at math, well, something like 15 years, 15, you see, you did the math very quickly it doesn’t work out for me so quickly at the end of last season i was fired from the staff and... left on
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a contract, but since the contract i am not obliged to come to play performances on the days when i have performances, and since i have several months in a row it coincided that i couldn't, well that is, i i i could choose, i can or i can’t, and i chose not to be able, which i really like, that i don’t owe anything to anyone else, officially yes, i have a work book , i have... in folders with folders in which there are folders with documents, if you are invited to the main roles, then to me yours is your career and your destiny, including the material one, which is more or less understandable, but if not, then you don’t work in the theater, then as a matter of fact, i work in the theater, i just work in an independent theater, and this it’s just that one person rents a room, other people come there
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and play there with... polishch, who played the main role in the series ranevskaya, all the best, i hope that we will see you again more than once, marietto, yes, this is god, until dates.
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without you, get on my tail again, i ’m no longer jealous, i’m no longer jealous, i ’m calling you, everything i want, everything i want, i see in the pour, everything i want, everything i want, or
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thanks a lot.
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tractor yasha will prepare it without you, here’s a woman without you, excuse me, you won’t pick it up, in in general, without talking, take your ticket and go, at the resorts, are there only brides, no,
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not just one, but many, and there is someone to choose from, or maybe i’d rather be here, here, how old are you? well, well, what to do, well, now, if you want to know, this is so for the future, a woman requires universally absorbing attention, when to go, go tomorrow, and i advise you to take music with you, just in case, an accordion, no, take .
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sometimes, you know what happens, maybe it was better then i was like, well, close the door, in general, don’t go, what are you talking about, i’m not talking about that, i i say, choose wisely, well, you have time, no one is rushing you, come on, come on, come on, i’m not jealous anymore, i’m not jealous anymore, i’m calling you. everything i want, everything i want, i see in the sky, everything i want, everything
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i want, i see in the sky, i’m no longer jealous , i’m no longer jealous, but i can do it for you.
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it's torn, what needs to be done, can i sew it up, have you bought a ticket? no, here you go, don’t leave it alone, be careful when entering the station territory. now it's a cockroach, how many times do you have to repeat it?
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hour, i got up, let me in, let me in, here he is, citizen, he broke up, he’s still mocking me, citizen, what do you want from this citizen, i ’m asking you, citizen, you’re a fool, and... citizen, dash, where, dasha, take it, dasha, let it go, you were mistaken, even, you were mistaken, womanizer, what, what’s the matter, here is my husband, comrade, comrade, he made a mistake, the documents are with you,
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with me, follow me. the gates of the caucasus, and a friend, a wife, well, if it ’s a wife, then like an ex, well, she didn’t recognize,
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she recognized, well, a wildebeest chair. dash, tell me what, how did you stop me, talk now. now, but i so i live alone, single, broke, i can guess, actually my mother wrote to me, but samazh never came, it’s not interesting,
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the contingent is not the same, but the contingent, society, that is, people. “well, yes, people are paying attention here, but you were with me, otherwise it’s not like that, then work, then friends, but you don’t need anyone, not a house, not a wife, oh well, well, i remember how you sang, especially this one, oh, curly rowan, white flowers, so i still sing in the officers’ house, with the soloist, your voice is good, good, when we arrive in a new unit, fedya immediately greets me. fedya is my husband, uh-huh, fedya is immediately in the do, in the officers' house, accept me, they say, you will have new pride, as if looking into the water,
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a month later he points his finger at me on the street, yes, why, they will know, famous? here on the earth's surface, the captain's girlfriends, or even majors, are such a fool that you can't come to the village to be dissatisfied, i was going to, i even bought some gifts,
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now i don’t know, at the last moment i changed my mind, because of you, between by the way, as soon as i saw it, i was not in the village. i'm here at the station, oh, yash, otherwise i don't know you, you now here at the station, and in a minute you will be running around the village, not giving anyone any life, otherwise i don’t know you, i won’t be there anymore, you won’t, so i talked and i won’t, yeah, i needed to talk, and that’s in the bag , i tore her stockings, i told you, you won’t be guessed, here you are, i’m like this in everything, in everything... you just get your head around it, i’ll get it, so i’ll get myself together and get it, right away without delay, you’re kidding, and i’m serious, and i’m serious, i’ll adopt a child, what are you eating,
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you, i thought, i thought he was joking, but he’s serious, what are you talking about, so many years have passed, this... there may be a lot of you, for me, well, you’re crazy, well, no, well, i ’m crazy to god, is it true that you live alone, you’re joking, you’re lying, probably, why, why joke, is it really so beautiful to joke? just everyone, nothing more.
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i’m a fool, i’m a fool, your ears are prickly, that’s all, we met, now who knows when we’ll have to again. place, no, in a sanatorium, fedya got tickets, the place says beautiful,
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and the name too, it’s called the gates of the caucasus, right there, right there, for the seventy-fifth anniversary of his birth. we learned that three scientists with whom kamnev was friends have left the cordon, which means someone must come to him, come to me, i can look at your passport, i remind you of someone, very strange, polite, modest, behaves with dignity , i now understand what a scout should look like, but where do you go all the time? and i’m worried, they’ve already figured me out a long time ago, just do everything cleanly, without the noise
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of dust, it seems to me that today there should be a denouement, i promised to tell you everything, who you are, the recruiter, today is the first one, gene sheaf. product of steller group, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, look after the program time, for the birthday of larisa guzeeva, i was born. i grew up at a time when all young people dreamed of something else, i dreamed of becoming an artist, one of your first roles was in this famous
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cult series, the meeting place cannot be changed, look, it was an extra, but everyone goes to the theater institute a little sick in the head, with delusions of grandeur, we all go there as folk artists , it was hard, but you would like yours the children followed in your footsteps, no, your daughter, for example, is objectively much more talented than me by many times, but she doesn’t like this profession, she. what wind, what fate brought you to television? i was already feeling so good over 40, suddenly i was invited to try out for this program, let’s get married, i looked, i thought, my god, what is he like, where am i and where is television, podcast lab, today on the first, well, go, and you now i can't stop talking, but i'll write, what do you mean? i’ll get ready and maybe go eat, take it, son, hello, gates of the caucasus!
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yakov, you, well, i, baba polya, and who didn’t find out, or something, yes, my head was occupied with other things, hello, why are you here, home, siregu, and i’m also swallowing sour so that i can live longer, here it is, something is wrong, and semyon, you are at home, at home, and you sit down, sit down, tell us how it is there. everything’s fine, woman, sit down, it’s like you’re arriving, leaving and arriving, on vacation, going for a walk, like that, in
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the sanatorium of the gates of the caucasus, oh! i’m not married yet, i’m clinging to you, baba paul, yes, you’re still waiting, yes, no, i’m not waiting anymore, the wait is over, that’s right, how long can you wait for her, tailed one, but if you don’t wait, then why don’t you still get married, it’s more fun alone, that’s right, marinka is also at home, but both are at home, no, you tell me anyway, in this very thing there weren’t really any women in the sanatorium, right? yes, i wasn’t there, well , i’ll go, well, wait, wait, you ’re not interested in me, it’s like you’re not letting me in, yes, i’m not letting me in, they’re squabbling there, because of you, oh, i’m already, god forbid because of me, but i’m leaving, i won’t stay long, i’ll be gone for two weeks, my city is empty, my soul also hurts, well, i’ll go,
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granny yakov, don’t say that you saw me, walked past and didn’t notice, so to speak, didn’t pay attention. what's the matter, i need semyon, at home, at home, here you go, receive a guest, they've come to see you, maybe you'll have some fun, what do you want?
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walk while the game is going on here in the middle, so to speak, part, makes, the penalty area, kick, the ball goes for a corner, head, at the goal of the national team, well, the attack was not bad, of course it was only cherenkov, it was probably not easy to escape, the wingers were covered, but it's cool here, yes, some are cool, some are hot, you at the entrance.
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i'm sorry, but i had a great meal at the canteen. oh, did you wait? i'm asking you, did you wait or not? yash still smiles heavily, why are you? i do it myself sometimes. i’m sitting and thinking, why are we mad, we seem to have everything, we don’t need anything, we bought a colored box, our daughter is growing up, he also said she looks like me, that’s how they broke the chain, you know, maybe they burned out, maybe they burned out, nothing i understand, yashka, even if you scream, i don’t understand, where do you work,
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did mikha work for several years? remember, ksenia, let's forget everything, come on let's forget everything, well, everything, forget everything, well, let's start all over again, here, well, it's as if nothing happened, neither this fur coat, nor the tv, well, let's try, well , all over again, and first, yes, well, let's as if , well
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, first we’ll try, yes, yes, you, you can’t, all over again, why can’t i, why can’t i, why can’t i, i ’m asking you, she almost killed her own child when she scratched the tv why are you yelling, but i’m not yelling, i’m saying, send me to a boarding school.
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i guess i'll go, of course, of course, i understand you need nerves of iron, a bus, you know, because i loved him, i loved him, you know, i couldn’t imagine another husband, remember, when you came to the village for the first time , remember, when you came to the village for the first time, do you remember, i’m asking you, okay, let’s go, goodbye, goodbye, yes, you’ll see your mother downstairs, tell her you went up, she’ll stop breathing there, or maybe i should stay for a truce, no need, yash, you’re
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smaller there, call the village about what i saw.
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comrade, i guess what have i got to do with it, no, you, i, you want to go to the theater when now, so i'm with a suitcase with an accordion. “it’s okay, let’s go, i’ll explain everything to you, sit down, let me help you, is it our detour or from there, ours, ours, besides the premiere,
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yes, comrades, with things”? you can’t go into the theater, things need to be put in a storage room, this is not a train station, and i’m from a meeting of leading agricultural workers, they told us there we can use candles, who told you, the authorities? and what are you accompanying? yes, we'll leave the things on the hanger, well done, is that a great idea for you about the meeting? let's get acquainted, alena, yakov, it's very nice, yakov will be my gentleman today, why? how why? told you, will you look after
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me, how? how will you protect me from other men? do you think someone will attack? it is possible, in any case we need to be prepared for this. who can attack? husband, for example, are you married? married, are you already scared? i wasn’t scared, but you need to know. well, married, married? for whom? naturally, behind a man. and what?
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i’ll be waiting, keep in mind, you ’ll have to accompany me today, okay, comrade, can you, i’m on your ticket, everything’s right, moment, give me the ticket, i told my hands, what happened, everything is fine, everything is fine, prepare a place, please,
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yes, she chose a boyfriend from the small ones.
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shukaev, shugaev for a minute, a failure, a complete fiasco, sent, no, the audience there began to be indignant, i had to argue, maybe i should go, it’s not worth it. or maybe wait until the end of the performance, it’s very long, the performance is until 11 o’clock, and what can i not do, i have to be in the brigade at 6 in the morning, so you come, hello, where did i get the suitcase, what suitcase, what’s the humor - all of me after all, straight to the theater with a suitcase, with an accordion, i’m from a collective farm, a collective farmer, she took me straight.
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oh, my dear, unloving one, why do we live like this? we should live together, love, raise children, but we are like links, toiling alone, waiting for each other at night, oh, powerful, how i waited for you, how i waited, i waited
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as if i was running, and since i was running, i stumbled, you already... forgive me for some stumbles, it means that there were stumbles, there were, beloved ones, but only all the time with thoughts of you, day and night, and if i can’t forgive, the truth is on your side. well nothing, i lived for 25 years in the devil of happiness, somehow i’ll continue to survive, you can’t survive,
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i can’t give you up to such torment, to such injustice, you and i are free birds, where to? we’re going there and flying, so it’s just the right time to hug you and me, forget ourselves once and for all, tightly and deeply, thank you, thank you, fair, thank you, harsh, thank you, demanding! thank you, my real man and person, here, peek-a-boo, well, i wanted a performance, yeah, don’t mind, is
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it possible in the theater, from the premiere, champagne, it’s possible, it’s possible, a little bit, it’s possible, right?
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“nothing, woman, with character, a little, you have a family, no, why, well , tell you everything, we still have everything ahead, yes, stop, she reacts well, the viewer is good today, yeah, okay, for continuing the acquaintance , ah..." the woman, the spectators, who is sitting in the hall now, she is not my wife, just a woman with whom i am madly in love, that's how you run around the theaters, well , that's the profession, business, but what kind of profession
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runs around theaters, playwright, writer, so to speak, i write for the theater, last name podorov, like stepan? not stupid, a pseudonym, in the normal way, it sounds okay, we can sell another one, what about you?
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i will turn out to be a burden for her, and being a burden for someone, you know, is quite scary, she will not
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be able to leave me, in general , her life will end with me, she, my dear, is essentially a young woman, a young woman, i don’t agree, contracting. sit down, let’s sit down like artists, the set is like a house where the characters live, i ’ll bring alena, almost, god, don’t, sit down, what are you, firstly, this is the stage, you can’t come here, and secondly, i'm on my third day today active, and the gun, as you know, shoots the third active. i don’t understand, today i’ll try to decide my fate, will you shoot someone,
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no, i just need to honestly decide how to live further, i have yakov’s family, well, and i haven’t lived with them for almost a year, it’s all salty, no need. this is the fruit of my inflamed imagination, as
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for her love for me, it does not exist, did not exist and could not exist, what then? no, i saw her eyes and understood that she loves me, if only it were so, if it were so, by the way, today at the station i met my ex-wife, her eyes were very i understood a lot, whose wife, my own. we haven’t seen each other for 7 years, we met here by chance, i was packing up for a sanatorium and bam across the road, i saw the same as she was, as if they broke up yesterday, this is a delusion, unfortunately, yakov is all getting old, she’s not, love, honestly, why lie? ,
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i love, i remembered, it’s getting dark in my eyes, i can’t go at such moments, i sit down, honestly, i feel uneasy, as if i’m thinking that we’ll never be together again, fear of, you know, death. ruined her life, lived, loved each other, but then once, comrades, i give third call, let's start the second act, just by the way, i still love you, so yakov, um, i think i've swum. from champagne, and it’s also okay, it’s fizz, banter, banter, look, people, comrades, why
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are you... during your intermission, that’s over, that ’s great, stop, well, you’re looking, because there’s a performance going on, the sixth row, me, sixth row, well, you're disturbing the public, i beg you, i beg you, i do the same to you, well, okay, go, go, i ask you, here, here, please, here, here, quietly, like that , i used to wake up at night, my eyes were bursting with melancholy,
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nearby, let's go out, what do you need, let's go out, there is a conversation, someone else's happiness. they love from the very beginning it was clear that they love, everything in life is not like that, what are you, are you out of your mind, be quiet, here she is, alena, and there he is behind the stage stepan, they also love each other, and i can’t remain silent , i can’t help but interfere, i can’t, because two wonderful people are tormented and suffering, again, without
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warning, i’m tired, i’ll go to the puppet room, they’re taking an actor, we don’t have a word. beautiful, what else do you need, kuzmich, show yourself, come out, don’t be shy, you’re already here they are waiting, your comrades will support you, kuzmich, yasha,
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hold on, baby, i’m going, i’m holding on, well, yakov, i should tell you that we got off well, everything could have ended much sadder, did we go to prison or something? why go to prison, i still understand, how not as a writer, they just could have treated it more strictly, well, now come to me some tea, coffee, aren’t you in the brigade, you should be, but i forgot where she was going, so this
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i mean, they left something in the theater, huh? well done, alyonka, don’t mind, boys. thank you, thank you, i will not forget you, hang in there, thank you yakov, goodbye.
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today i feel so much pain, tears in my eyes... my gentle friend,
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who? does yakov shugaev live here?
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your former wife, our current one, she ’s not there, no, but if you check, check,
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okay, guy, the joke, the first one didn’t work. i move on to the second, she ran away from me, dasha, daria nikolaevna, as they say, in the middle of a white southern day, straight from the resort, and there were no traces. and the son, and the son, of course, with her, so that the buttons would hold tightly, not sparing the threads, she didn’t appear at all, but at the mother’s, but in my opinion, no, perhaps, but perhaps she. there
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incognito, i have calculated all the options, there is no alternative, except for my mother, i have nowhere to go, but to me, to you, you are a broken figure, and women, by the way, walk along those lying down in a marching order and, as a rule, do not look at their feet, women. the most ruthless infantry, why are you smiling, are you happy about my situation, i like it, as you say, will you have dinner? thank you, i'm full, and if you don't mind spending the night with me, i don't mind, the bed is in that room.
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good night, mutually. you shouldn’t be offended by me, but i’m not offended, and you’re doing the right thing, i love you very much this woman, me too, that i love her too.
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comrade, well, why did you say that you love her? how else could i say? everyone dances, she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba. everyone was a fan, everyone was going crazy, zhen, zhen, let me out, it’s me, zinka, i say, anyone isn’t afraid of being ugly, she says, sashka, what, what, what to be afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play , she was a woman, she was amazing, i always admired her, i wanted so that she gives birth, let's wait a little more, now we'll stand up for now, he says, here...
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bye, bye, bye, bye, 9 years, very tasty, two people whom god probably created for each other, they are without each other, so i saw, they couldn’t live, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk, today on the first, monte shococa cognac, a product of the stetellar group.
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tomorrow after the program, the time where the light turns on here, the door is over there. repeat, yes, i love her, i’ll kill her, yes, what, i’ll kill her, good, grateful, yes i’ll beat you, what,
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dear service, what other maneuvers did you perform, let me go, if you are a man, let me go, it hurts me. it hurts, we, comrade musician, people of manual labor, turn the handle near the tractor, and so that tomorrow your spirit will not be here. by the way, i’m standing with the roosters, despite the weather.
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hey, what are you doing? are you serious, or what? fey, are you kidding me? come on, you made a joke, for example, and you immediately get offended? here’s your wife, your child, you and they are struggling, and i’m still giving birth to my own, it’s not too late for me to have my own.


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