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tv   Verbovshchik  1TV  May 26, 2024 3:25pm-5:05pm MSK

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hey, what are you doing, are you serious or what? fey, are you kidding me? come on, you made a joke, for example, and you immediately get offended, well, you can’t joke, or what? here’s your wife, your child, you hang around with them, and i’m still giving birth to my own, it’s not too late for me to have my own, momentary weakness, don’t pay attention. i don’t pay attention, sometimes men cry,
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sometimes, oh, sometimes it happens, so reboot, sets buckets, it’s all from nerves, that’s not the point, after all, why exactly did i come to you, i ’m not driving you away, i hope, and nevertheless, i come to you i just came, i understand, not quite. “i ’m ashamed, comrade, to go to her mother and ask her, as you can see, i’m not one of the last men, and my wife, bye bye, ran away, i’m ashamed, no, i understand, but what about us, when this happened to dasha, i never set foot in front of her mother.
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you served in the army, rank, private, general military, tankman, great, great, you can carry out the order, so now i’m on a tractor on a collective farm, it doesn’t matter, can you run away? but for courage, no, by the way, i don’t drink, i don’t advise you, it’s evil, i need to go to her mother, why, i should find out where her daughter is, that is, my wife and son, and if she doesn’t know, don’t waste time, go.
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who is this? i have no idea, should they come to you? i don't think so, who is it? how do i know? open, i'll be there, but i'm not there, who? open up, yash, it’s me, now, what are you doing? go, she came herself! who is she, talk to her, dasha, you’re joking, really, go, well, no, this is already interesting, let’s play the strategy on the sandbox, open it, but i’m still not here, open it, but where are you going to dress?
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ashtray, hey, can you please pass? they're all wet, nothing i drop will dry up, maybe i'm in the way, maybe you have a woman, a man? then it’s not scary, then i’m calm.
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do you know why i'm here? why? guess, on a visit, perhaps, let's say, to whom? to the mother, i probably didn’t guess. well, let's say something happened to your mother? did it happen that i missed you? are you kidding? what are you kidding?
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can't i miss you? maybe it’s possible, but it would be a complete surprise. what is this? probably a cat catching mice, where did you get it from? cat? i got lost, but it was a pity to drive, i left it until the rain passed. and if i check, check, we'll see. locked, yash, i know how much i love to dance, you can’t imagine how much i adore it, but at our resort it’s like evening and dancing, the music there is fine, i only have time to catch my breath, and
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there’s no end to men, don’t you believe it? , i swear, fedya is freaking out, but i’m having fun! oh, this is the most fashionable record we had at the resort, where did you get it from? yazh, wow, oh, not knowing grief, grief, grief. in the edge of magnoli, shoulders to sea, boys are sitting on the fence and make me sad, couples are dancing, couples, couples,
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the tune is familiar, even the old, sweet voice, the bass guitar, disturbs my memory, so be it, well be it,
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you guys will live, do you even know why i came here, why are you silent, smiling, batting your eyes and being silent, well , in the end, ask like a human being, dasha, why is there such a need, you are alone in the middle of the night, running into the rain, leaving everything, your husband, your son ... the resort and got stuck, are you really so invincible that nothing interests you, why did you come, and this is not your concern, as soon as i arrived, i’ll leave, i’ll sit for a while, i’ll leave
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, by the way, i not only have pride, i also have independence, there’s no need to leave, ah... no need, now to see or not it was necessary, but as soon as i crossed the threshold, well, pay attention, i couldn’t find a place at the resort. you know? if you feel sorry for fedya, i can
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tell you the address where to find him. fedya, i’m tired of him, i’m tired of his morals, i’m tired of his amateur performances. his trumpet, oh, i’m tired of everything, i want it... i want it to be like it used to be, so that it’s boring and not interesting, yes, if i had known that i would meet you at the station, i would never have gone in this direction, as the parasite charmed me, there is no need to leave, hmm, son, where is a safe place? i need to bring it, i’ll go and bring it tomorrow, but
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if you bring it, so what? we’ll live together, and if i don’t agree, i’ll force him, oh, okay, you’ll force him, you won’t force him, but you have to bring your son, even though he’s from good people, but his soul is not in the right place, but are you really happy? that i came, you will never reproach me for anything, never for anything, never, honestly, honestly, lord, why do i need all this, it’s probably fate, well, i just can’t calm down, so we sang, that means. where is he from from the air, by landing, arranges, where is he from, he
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came for you, the cat means he’s stray, they played a prank, they played a prank, well done, well done! where is the son, oh, what good fellows, where is our son, oh scumbags, one or the other, both scumbags, i ask where is our son, where did you put him, no, there won’t be a son, forget about him, yes we weren't kidding you, keep quiet, you have to get up early. for now, i respectfully ask where our son is, and not respectfully when you start,
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don’t advise me to wait, don’t advise me to take me out of the framework, this is not for the faint of heart, leave her hands, please remove your hands, don’t touch, i’ll leave her, she doesn’t want to, because, dear, don’t worry, you promised not to interfere with me, we need to talk. “i’ll go out, okay, and you talk, you’re kind to him, yes, he ’s not bad, and he loves you, and i’ll go out, so, there’s nothing to talk about, we’ve already talked 100 times and kindly, and not very well, it’s better i’ll go out , and don’t run after me anymore, fedya.” ask him, if i’m leaving, it’ll be for a long time. so, there was a wife, and
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his wife is gone, she’s gone, and now you really can’t get your character back, but yakov?
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i am proud that i live in such a beautiful country, that we have so many regions, so many different cultures, i know a lot about our homeland and i want people to know about it too, this is very important. ulyanovsk is the birthplace of lenin, koramzin and goncharov, taganay is
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a whole adventure park, bears walk there and not only, fetr chaliapin. at one time, all his life he called himself a simple vyadsky peasant. white nights of leningrad, gray peaks of the caucasus, the blue lakes of karelia, the green sea of ​​the taiga, are as beautiful as our sunny komyka. no one returns from a trip the same person, so travel, develop yourself. on any highway, in any village, we are all one, big family.
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in general, everyone was happy. well, let's go take a steam bath, shall we? why are you sitting, let's go? come on, aren't you rich in money? well,
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i lost again. yes. not me, the horse. andryush. i’m tired, i want to relax, by the sea, no, near moscow, the marfina boarding house, join me, it’s a tempting idea, i should.
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brings us together, kamnev has world-class work on electro, vortex flows, after it we steam together, and the bathhouse, as you know, of practical application to mankind will be subject to tornado hurricanes, yes, he has been raving about this idea since the institute, we learned that three scientists , with whom kamnev was friends, left the cordon. two have submitted documents to leave, but the rest , including kamnev, are wondering whether the game is worth the candle? guess why i need you? i'm at your disposal, that's great. we haven't been on vacation for a long time, about two years. moscow region will it suit you? quite. as i understand it, i should be close to kamnev, absolutely right, he just offered me to keep him company,
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and we just found out about this by chance, so someone must get to him, exactly how they got there, without incident? i have prepared the money, prepared it, i will need more, come to my office, yes, i have one more request for you, that is, help me
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find one lady, who is novikov pavlovna, year of birth, either forty-seven, or forty eighth, okay. andrey, don’t you want to start a new life, brighter, brilliant, don’t hurt, you know very well that i never wanted to become a director, journalist, artist, i chose the most prosaic profession for myself, engineer, well, you’re not just an engineer, you’re a scientist, if you’re an applied scientist, you have a chance to break through, and if you are engaged in fundamental science, then your work is rubbish, and you are a fundamentalist, yeah. unfortunately, i work with electric vortex flows. i came up with a hypothesis that made it possible to decipher the most mysterious phenomenon in nature. it’s a tornado, but instead of
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gratitude i don’t have a fig, they say, get busy, comrade, the stones are what society needs today, like this, okay? listen, let's go for a swim in the pool before lunch. you know, i want to drown myself now. grigory stepanovich, yes, yes, yes, hello. 547
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national hotel this evening at about 9 o'clock my niece will come to you, yes, yes. hello, hello, i’m from grigory stepanovich, sit down very nicely, if you don’t want a drink, maybe wine, yes, where is kamnev at the moment, marfina near mozskaya, and what is he doing there, resting in a boarding house. and for a long time he will he rest there? 24 working days. “here are
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the photographs, i need a passport, tomorrow at the same time, that’s it, would you like to stay the night, but if you have a desire, no problem, what’s your name, inna, there is a desire”?
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i need two vouchers to marfinan, in your name, in yours in mine, but what will i have to do there, improve my health, i’m married myself?
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no, why so? loved one, they imprisoned him, and gave him a lot? seven, didn’t wait, they killed him in the camp, why? i don’t know, i probably knew my legs, if now there would be one, one and a birch does not grow in the field.
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the sixth one is in the corner, i bet two against one, shalaev will win. the master is out of shape, the eleventh is in the far left, yeah, yes, i still need to score nine, the ninth is in the middle,
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that’s it, i give up. party, party, pay in kind, invite me to a barbecue, guess what you’re doing, guess what, i won’t try, nowadays you can’t tell a football player from an engineer, you can tell an engineer is 300, and a football player is 600, if not more, he scores, and how many are you? 45, student, student, money is like happiness. they don’t let you pour happiness, but what does it have to do with it here is happiness, money is independence, on whom do you depend, on the situation, the fatal storms have died down, damaging the sails of the ship, what
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happened to you? russia, our miserable land, what happened to you, our miserable russia. snake, everything that was covered with the bark, everything was drunk, and there was nothing to eat, and which king or hero was driven to save you again, and which king or hero was driven to save you again, brilliant, guys, and i was bathing. there is a wonderful pool here, the pool is already closed, but they will open it for us, but i forgot my swimming trunks, and we are like, what are we wearing? mom gave birth, and you say you’re doing science,
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i’ve given up on it, i’ll go to a cooperative, at least there’ll be a lot of money there, you , like this student, believe that money means independence, yes, but isn’t that so, and you don’t would like to study. no, it’s a question from a curious person, you can’t understand me, i need recognition, why not understand, i understand perfectly well, and if you understand, don’t ask stupid questions, i’m sorry, i didn’t think that this conversation would be unpleasant for you, i’m just tired of it, for larisa's birthday guzeeva, i was born yaroslav at a time when all the young people dreamed of something else. i dreamed of becoming an artist, one of your first roles was in this famous cult series, don’t change the meeting place, it was an extra, but everyone comes to the theater institute a little sick in the head, with delusions of grandeur, but we all go there as folk artists , it
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was hard, but would you like your children to follow in your footsteps? no, my daughter, for example, is objectively much more talented than me by many times, but she doesn’t like this profession, she chose what wind, what fate brought you to television, i already had. so well over 40, suddenly i’m invited to try out for this program, let’s get married, i looked, i thought, my god, what is he like, where am i and where is the television, podcast lab, today on the first, grandma, it’s true that he, yes , yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. yes, maybe not too much? no, no, i have champagne, who wants it? me, i'm cold and i want champagne, and you? we
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'll abstain, maybe have some tea. would you like to invite me for champagne? i don't have one. well then start, ninochka, i am in some way a man, and i need a man, but what about nikita, nikita and i are friends, then it’s a different matter, please! hello, tom, hello, you fulfilled my request regarding novikova, that's it, okay, write it down, valentinovka, now,
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just a second, uh-huh, valentinovka, poshennoy street, building 6, uh-huh, say that you are on the recommendation of the lotus cooperative, that's it, thanks when you show up. see you, oh, nikita petrovich, hello, hello, how far are you going, home, so, so, i don’t fit in with your company, and moscow has enough to do, but i'll see you in moscow, yes, that's exactly what i came for, i don't have a phone number, so leave your contact information, i'll call you if you need it, i won't bother you, okay, i'm very glad that... i met you, call me, yeah, and ina is also leaving, yes, she’s standing downstairs,
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well, i’ll go and say goodbye, i think it’s not worth it, her husband is there, the taxi driver, her husband, she’s a nice girl, say hi, well, happily, bye... hello, hello, i was so bored, crazy, where we were going, to lentinovka.
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all the best, bye. he pestered you, not about this matter, but about what? if you're really worried, ask grigory stepanovich. i’ll ask him, i ’ll ask him for everything someday. just ask, now calm down, otherwise you’ll hit a pine tree.
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is anyone alive here? you to me? yes, if zineit paln has it, then i’m coming to you. zinaida pavlovna. very nice. shalaev, nikita petrovich. i am coming to you on the recommendation of the lots cooperative. they told me that you are renting out the dacha. two rooms. arranges. please pass. thank you.
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i like, are you alone or with your wife? one, moskvich, moskvich, separated from his wife. please, thank you, tell me, do you have a telephone, a dacha with all the amenities, yeah, telephone, gas, steam heating, there's even a stove, you can heat it if you want, the stove is good, it's wonderful, yes, how much should i pay, 100, 100 rubles a month, i... i pay for three at once, or even five , it will be in time when i can
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move, even if it’s now, okay, in that case, today you and i are having a party at vasilya, don’t you mind, i don’t mind, it’s agreed, now i have to go, if you ’ll excuse me. excuse me, can i look at your passport? yes, yes, please. i remind you of someone. very. "strange,
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here you have mutual acquaintances with kamenny, we checked, everything is beyond suspicion, i hope you remember everyone, yes, kudryavtsev, philologist, adores berdyaev, moles, physicist, hobby parrots, guests, sea captain ,” the foul-mouthed world has never seen such people, andrey kamnev, student, we vacationed together , and i don’t know who this guy is, but look at the back of it, shalaev, nikita petrovich, it’s not him, i’m sure, i’ll give my head , shalaev’s briefcase was stolen on the train six months ago along with his passport, we probably took advantage of it too . , so we hit the nail on the head, as they say, well, where are we going to look for him, he
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left before me, well, he arrived before you, we even know where he lives now, well, in general, what impression did he make on you? the most favorable, polite, modest, behaves with dignity, knows how to listen to a good interlocutor, dresses with taste, but not flashy, well, now i understand what a scout should look like, and sometimes it’s written on your face where you serve, what you do , will be served directly, in the second race the second number is petrovich's number.
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look, but i saw, i saw, i saw, i saw, but in the second one you bet on, evinal, number six,
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let me down. won, lost, this is life, old man, life, have you ever seen a simple soviet unemployed person, not alive, look, andrei petrovich kamnev, candidate of mathematical sciences, still decided to leave, decided, it’s a shame, but i have no other choice, there is one, let's go to perasmana, we'll talk there, so your friend showed up. who he really found out? an employee of a soviet-american furniture distribution company, full name alex fred kelly. so, he lives in a hotel under his name is alex fred kelly, and he travels around the union as nikita petrovich shalaev, so it turns out he has connections, but his passport
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didn’t fall out of the sky. where did you record it? in a radio store? and the saleswoman, as i understand it, is kosheleva. well, here we are...
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he will say that he doesn’t know the words, what mission he came to the soviet union on company business, why he met with kamnev, he will not hide it. the game is open, sash, so you’ll have to shine, get into the field of view of cousin, for sure, everyone is dancing, so she always captivated the audience, that is if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy, zhenya, zhenya, let me out, it’s me, zinka, i say, don’t be afraid to be ugly, she says: sashka, what, what, what to be afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, she was a woman, she was amazing, i always admired her. “i wanted her to give birth, let’s wait a little more, now we’ll just have to stay, this
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is bye, bye, bye, bye, 9 years, very tasty, two people whom god probably created for each other, they are without each other friend so, i saw, they could not live, on the seventieth anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk, today on the first." people have been dreaming about a new man for a long time. since 1905, eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller, jr., began to develop rapidly in the usa. it concentrated on forced sterilization disabled people, but social personalities of poor people. adolf hitler referred to american eugenics back in maincam. in germany
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, vacationing in marfina, yeah, i liked it, listen, where is the girl you’re with? gambling girl. she is now all busy, busy. she received an invitation from america and is preparing her departure. hmm, look, her head is still working. oh, by the way, would you like to go to the states? how? i have a wonderful american girl. i can introduce you. are you san, where do you work? katyusha company, a joint venture for the manufacture and sale of furniture. what are you, american? yes, of russian origin, he met me by chance, and what do you think, and
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made an offer, you see, with us americans, everything is much simpler, we do what is beneficial to us, yeah, you want to make money from me, well, that goes without saying. i want to give you the opportunity to work, how? my wife has a distant relative, professor crips, i heard about this, the whole world knows him, the scientific world, it seemed to me that you could find a common language with him, i need to think about your health, thank you, and what are the conditions? this creep? 100,000 dollars a year, an apartment, a car and a fully staffed laboratory, so, well, this is
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a wonderful american woman, who is she? she is really wonderful, she works for us as a translator in our company, dreams of getting married? tell me, what woman doesn’t dream of getting married, how old is she? 27, she and i... where, where did you disappear this time, you are very interested in this, of course, next time we will disappear together, but where is tom? i went to the airport
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to meet the germans, and that means you’re bored, there’s no time to be bored at work, you’re coming to me or on business, on business - that means for you, you’re still a master at saying nasty things, sorry, sorry, to a woman, i know, okay, post your next nasty thing, it’s not nasty, but a green proposal, let’s see, ribbon, a very young, handsome guy has fallen in love with you, why are you following me, your lovers don’t interest me, continue, this guy is a talented scientist, his name is andrei kamnev, kamnev, from the word stone, yes, what should i do, you? should marry him and bring him into the states, the party is profitable, but if you don’t like his character, you’re free, i’m always free, but if he doesn’t
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like it...
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sorry, i can see the author of this picture,
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olya, here for you, let's! good afternoon, did you want to see me? i'm listening to you, i would like to buy this painting, this painting is not for sale, sorry. very well written, from the point of view of a pilot, a combat pilot, excuse me, but why did she interest you so much? i was there in egypt? yes, did anyone help you? well, in
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general, the idea was mine, but the details were suggested by a brother’s friend, which one? surname, viktor gordeev. where is he now? who? gordeev? he is sick. excuse me, but do you know him? yes, we fought together in egypt. what happened to him? he drank a lot. and now he lies in the ltp. yes. is it possible to visit him? certainly. they called it. forgive me, maybe you knew my brother, he died there. zorov, his last name is oleg zorov? no, we didn’t have to meet. maybe
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you heard? yes, yes, i heard. sorry, thank you for the memory. hello, hello, your third table please. i ask, but this cobblestone, stone, yes, he knows why you are introducing us, he knows, and how he reacted to it, about
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the same as you, if she’s a worthy woman, then it’s possible, but if not, you left, i to the right and goodbye, interesting, by the way, here he is, sorry, i'm a little late, meet, this is andrey kamnev, and this is elena goodwin. “this is for you, thank you, i’m very glad to meet you, me too, i have a feeling that i’ve known you for a very long time, i too, excuse me, i love you.”
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who was this guy talking to you? friend, are you jealous at all? what does he need? tv fuse. yesterday they were not there, today he stopped by. i bought it, i bought it. you. it’s a fuse, it’s not a fuse, he needs it, why are you mad, he stood up on his left leg, but now i’m not a passenger, i would have hit
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him, otherwise he’d take the fashion to yell at me, oh well, that's it, i'll be there at 9:00. gordik, viktor, vitya, and he’s there.
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“excuse me, oleg, yes, you, me, you’re dead, we buried you, i’m alive, we buried you, alive, dead man, alive, i got out, after all, i got out of the other world,
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how did you get me found it? my sister said, but the only person, the only one who keeps me afloat, and if it weren’t for her, i would have been shot down, just like you were shot down, naturally, you, me, do you see what he has become? how is it possible, you’re wearing a jacket, but what kind of person did you throw it at, he says plainly, oleg, we buried you, listen, wait, i’m running now, i’ll warn you that i’ll leave, and we’ll drive you and me to one place, and they’ll let you go, they’ll let you go, they’ll let you go on saturdays and sundays, well, those who exceed the plan, don’t violate the regime of our medical institution, come on, eh i 'll get a car in the meantime, but where?
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i want to listen, watch and admire, you, you, you again, don’t say anything, just watch, three chords, new season, watch after the evening news. it's going to be
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hot, what, where, when, summer series of games? watch the time after the program. why did you bring me here? now you'll see look, my god, how is this possible, how did you manage to do this? well, just, we went to the priest, well, of course, we paid for the lighting.
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what i brought from there was buried. olga really wanted you to have a grave. would you like to remember? come on, come on, i really don’t have the same old self anymore. no, you yourself, i can’t, i’m an alcoholic, i don’t drink at all, but... 3 months ago i lost my temper, now i’m in the ltp, but now that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, i gave olga my word, why? olga, she is the wife. come on, go ahead,
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tell me, after all, tell me everything, but what tell something? i was in egypt from march 70 to november 71. and here it is written that you...
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this means that you will not help me with work with the apartment. gordeev, you left the army. i got laid off. yes, but before that they put my party card on the table. then what? take this little pub and remember it, colonel. if i ever shoot at anyone again, it will be at those who sent me. to egypt, i didn’t send you there, but you’re fine, fine, you were captured, yes, you were, they mocked you, but how can i tell you,
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i hugged you twice with a curse, in general, treat me like a god, and what's next? then i passed the test and started working. on whom? the americans gave political asylum. it's clear. olga, do you know? yes, she didn’t even recognize me when i left, she was only 10 years old. where are you going? not for you, for you. home.
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you, grigory stepanovich, are in trouble, you’re joking again, you’re in deep trouble, in short, it’s possible, i burned down with you, not even the smoke remains, i say, in short. well, you can, in short, i went to pick up someone else today, and she was talking to the cop, so what, and this one once arranged a business trip for me for a period of 5 years, and i what does it have to do with it, he made a point that he didn’t recognize me,
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hence the conclusion that he doesn’t need me, but you have a strong legacy somewhere, grigory stepanovich. what’s the name of your godfather, rodin, rodin, rodin, what he looks like, you can describe it, i ’ll remember this bitch for the rest of my life, so i’ll describe it to which client, i’ve run out of money, take it, how much is a piece, it’s not enough, you could say i’m risking my life. hanging here, i ’ll walk about 200 meters and get some oxygen.
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you have 90 rubles, is there anything interesting, there is mikhail ivanovich, hairdresser, grigory stepanovich loginov, born in leningrad in 1923, drafted into the army in 1941. a person without relatives, without attachments, somehow suspicious, we have no right to suspect, we only need facts, facts give us the right to get permission to check certain people, you have facts, but is kamnev really an empty number? while above suspicion, it means above suspicion, and
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we have no right to suspect, so... are you a greyhound, or what? quietly, oh, now answer my question and don’t even think about yelling, who sent you? hairdresser, why? oh, homeland, you know this name, oh, who someone from the authorities, then, is very interested in the affairs of the hairdresser, but what do i have to do with it? we thought, we thought badly, tell this hairdresser of yours, if he pokes his nose into my business again, let him order. place in the cemetery, i understood how not to understand, and now get out of here,
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good evening, zinait palovna, good, good. where do you disappear all the time, i don’t see you at all, but is that good or bad? and i’m worried, nikita petrovich, yes, are you a speculator? where did you get this from? what does all this mean? the shelves in stores are empty, there is caviar black, red caviar, crabs, asitrina. what is this? where did you get all this? in the store, berezka. a girl i know
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works there. ah, girl. what is the occasion of the holiday? what are you going to eat? no, i like it with you. i know you like to light the stove. yes yes. the stove is burning, and you are sitting. quiet, thoughtful, smile at something, you have a good smile, it’s strange, i’ve never had to do this before, and you never told me on what occasion we were going out, and it ’s my birthday today, it’s not true, i looked at your passport , it's your birthday in december, pavlovna, you should work in counterintelligence. “sorry, i didn’t want to offend you,
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but i wasn’t offended, i really have two birthdays, one according to my passport, and the other, i ’m a pilot, i flew before and crashed, i spent 6 months in the hospital, thanks to the doctors, they pulled out the light, since then since then i consider this day my second birth.” lord, what passions? well, why are we alone? why didn't you invite your friends? the girl from the grocery store, berezka? are you having an affair with her? romance, not with her, with you. how to understand this? you are very important to me i like you, zinaid pavlovna. very much, well, i
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like you too, well, as you said, this is not a reason for this to be called. “don’t worry, my attitude towards you will depend on your attitude towards me, but i’m not worried, but your parents are alive, no, why are you all alone, you have a sister, haven’t seen each other for a long time, for a long time.” this is how circumstances turned out, life scattered me, for you, no, for you, today is your birthday, excuse me, hello, kind, you. just a minute,
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i’m listening, this is prouder, whoever says this, really didn’t recognize me, after all, i’m your first voice since i hear you on the phone, how are you? yes , they released me urgently, come, i’ll explain everything, come, where is olga? for what? well, in general, i told her everything, come, take a car and come, she is waiting for you. so, he told his sister everything, everything.
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zin, i’ll explain everything to you, everything. you can get to the city, how much is three prices, sit down,
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at the age of 19 i was left alone, why are you here, you and your father... on a ship, oh yes, the theater, the reds will come, art will be banned, yes, this is a crap, tell me, you ranevskaya, yes i ranevskaya, have not experienced anything on my own skin, the war passed her by, you look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, and a great meeting can be...
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tomorrow after the program time, happy birthday, who? ilva nikolaevich tolstoy, i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission. it is very difficult to fight in the mountains, you cannot smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you. 100 km from the state border, we must. ensure safety, a mine fell into your hands , your teeth, ears, hair can shake, but not your hands, 1200 mines exploded, the earth shook so much, we were in a liberated area, leaving a village garrison, they ensured order, went out to populated areas with a supply of kerosene, grain,
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flour, they took it all apart with pleasure, residents of the border areas were protected, both the soviet... and afghan side, on the day of the border guard, the prime minister, the main line, not a step back on tuesday on the first. i myself am vitya, here is oleshka, my brother, my child, calm down, calm down!
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listen, what happened to you, i pawned you, oleg, how, how, how, like this, like this, this happened, well, by chance, of course, i then, well then, when i returned to my sanatorium, i’m the type that suits me, you say, who did gordeevsky just say, and i’m as if i’m in a daze, i don’t understand a damn thing, well , i’m full of pills or something, i don’t know, i tell him, with a friend, i say, we fought together, that’s it , with a friend, i say, we fought together, you know, i didn’t want to, pay attention. they figured me out a long time ago, what are you talking about? what will happen now? nothing will happen, if
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they needed me, they would have already taken me, well, of course, fuck you, but i understand, oh well, fuck her, well , let’s sit, take off your clothes, listen, and you, you, vitya yagunova, do you remember, labukha, labukha, he you. you know what ranks came out, kamdiev, division commander, well, maybe i should consult with him, about what, well, about you, what to do, but no, because what should i do, i have to decide for myself, why? myself, now we’re together, we’ll decide together, really, after all, oleshka, together, well, together, so together, what do you propose, well, what do i propose, well, firstly, firstly, have a drink for the meeting, and secondly too, come on, come on, what are you, what are you, what are you? where are you going anyway, here are the ryunki, well, then hold the ryunkifu, you need something before
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meetings, come on, come on, little sister, be healthy, after all, come on. and what do we have here in general, honestly, and then we’ll give me a personal exhibition, oh,
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excuse me, oleg. the archangel will tell us, it will be hard in heaven, but only the gate will click, we will ask god, write us and a friend to some angelic regiment. i ask god, spirit and son, to fulfill my will, may my friend forever protect my back, as in this last battle, we
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will ask god for wings and arrows, because they need an ace angel, if they have a lot of fighters, let them write guardians of us, it is also an honor to preserve this work, to bring good luck to... sash, i need to talk to you when now, the conversation is short, 5 minutes, where at the printer fedorov, 9:30 is fine, that’s fine, well, see you.
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hello, hello, i'm listening, when we were relaxing at marfin's, you told me if you need help, call, so i'll call, how can i help you... arranging a meeting with your superiors, do you know where i work? yes, i know, comrade colonel, allow me, hello, hello, egorov, mikhail ivanovich, zorov, oleg dmitrievich, sit down, thank you.
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oleg dmitrievich, why are you smiling? would you believe it, for the first time in 20 years i said my own name out loud, and there are many other people’s names? three, last, alex fred kelly, please? oh please, please, thank you. just don't get me wrong. i didn’t come to you because i was confused, i came, in general, you can’t explain it in a few words, and in general it’s difficult to explain, it turns out that this is such a heart-warming picture, maybe it touched someone, and you are scouts, you we need facts, you are right, you are right, we need facts, oleg dmich.
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loginov grigory stepanovich, hairdresser, has long settled here in the soviet union? i don't know, but i think it's been a long time. well, specifically, what did he do, what task did he perform? there are people whom the center keeps to provide all kinds of services. you come to them, give your password, they help you. sometimes they are not disturbed for years, in general they are called likars. it's clear. i see, you surrendered voluntarily? i was unconscious and woke up in a hospital bed. how did you get into intelligence? then i didn't have choice, well, there is always a choice. or or. if i returned to the union, i would be tried by a military tribunal. kamenevo selenium and guda. did you
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introduce? yes, me, why? mikhail ivanovich, you know all this very well yourself. well, in that case, i have no more questions for you. goodbye. won't you arrest me? for what? for living under someone else's passport? by the way, do you have it with you? yes, will you allow me? did the hairdresser work? hairdresser, sit down, sit down. where can i find you? if i
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need you, i would like to stay in my homeland. having come to you, you come to us. unequal exchange, oleg dmitrievich, kamnev would have left without my help, but nevertheless, you helped him take this rash step. why do you think this step is reckless? science belongs to all of humanity, where they will give him a laboratory and money for research. oleg mich, just frankly, what does the concept of homeland mean to you? well, let's say the place where i was born and grew up. this is nonsense, the homeland is the society in which you live, for which you root and worry, leaving your homeland at a difficult moment for it is a crime. mother will never abandon a sick child, just as a son will never abandon an ill mother, tell me,
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how can a son help his mother, having died on someone else’s land, defending unknown whose interests, i’m not just talking about the stench that he himself experienced, and in general sometimes, having left with... he can help his mother much more meaningfully than here, being not his destiny, burying his talent in the ground. well, i agree with you on some points. olek bmejtovich, yes, would you like to help us? how? well, you're a scout. do you have a specific proposal for me? yes, i have. yes. let me think about it for at least two days. yes, at least three, i saw him, i saw him, so what, in my opinion, your alex and rodin are from the same gang, sit down, why
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did you decide that? he knows him, he was immediately wary when i told him the name rodin, i asked him to tell you to reserve a place for yourself in the cemetery if you meddle in his business again. well, what are we going to do, what are we going to do, what are we going to do, we need to remove this carrion, remove it and run away from here to hell, i won’t go into the wet again, you’ll go, you’ll go, you have nothing left, they’ll give you a tower just for meeting me , 50 pieces, 50 so 50. just do everything cleanly, without the noise of dust, and then wind the sleeve and wait for me at the station, understand? well, for some reason, the police are one-eyed, they’re stupid, let’s go and don’t put it off, lest the clients notice, who
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sent you the invitation, that’s enough, now vadim is coming, and i’m going on a business trip. sent, where to ryazan, you to america, and he to ryazan, this is my personal business, leave me alone, what?
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you're in a hurry, oh! i have a lot to do, but i’m not very busy, but that’s enough, maybe now you can take it in dollars, the hairdresser closed the bank account yesterday, i took a train ticket to tula and went to kosheleva, leaving her at twelve o’clock. and in the morning kosheleva received a statement from the twenty-sixth police station that she had been robbed, i wonder what was stolen from her? stolen, four gold rings, two silver rings with diamonds of two carats, each three strings
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of pearls, an amber buz, this is a hairdresser, yes, she said so, that only one person could have done this, loginov grigory stepanovich, spiders began to move, i wonder why ? do you believe alex? i believe. cousin went to see him. for what? i think.
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behave yourself, and you, where are you from? oh, how lovely! he will
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guard our house, my house, our house, my house, our, is this, what is this, a proposal, um, marry me. it's scary, i promised to tell you everything.


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