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tv   Lyubov Polishchuk  1TV  May 26, 2024 5:05pm-6:00pm MSK

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he will guard our house, my house, our house, my house, our, is this, what is this, a proposal, marry me. it's scary, i promised to tell you everything.
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who are you? zorov, oleg, oleg. where have you been? i was looking for you, really. for a long time.
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what do you want from me? the truth is good, but i’m afraid that it will seem rotten and bitter to you. like a rotten apple, it’s okay, i’ll swallow it, in 1941 i was captured, i fled to your special department, i didn’t believe it, and for prevention they gave me a ten, a ten, then they took me to the camps. the train
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was bombed, ran again, and now to to the germans, i had no other way, further, reconnaissance school, transfer to the partisans, then to the rear, my last name was changed, naturally, it was pavlov, it became loginov. after the war i decided to go to the bottom, i was tired of walking in line with a knife, but they found me again, threatened me with exposure, i had to work, for whom, but i don’t know myself, why did we go to tula, i have a dacha there, a good one, 20 acres, who he's watching her, the gardener, the cook, too... the catchers, the most
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reliable people, you said everything, with permission, comrade colonel, you're in a hurry to save, what kind of pity do you have for criminal elements, he is not a criminal, we agreed with petrovka, yes, that means the capture group is ready, cousin. try to take him alive, come on, sash, go for it, go for it, thank you.
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hey, spy, wake up, relatives, you'll oversleep, you know, such a calm fell on me, do you know what it is? i know, be careful, you remember my dress, i want to meet your sister in full dress, you’re worried, i’m worried, i’m worried about you.
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oleg, won’t they kill you? who? what difference does it make, these or those? but no, everything will be fine, the americans are too small fry, ours are in me interested. in general, there is so much in the world, all kinds of changes. i’m so tired of losing, i wish i could drive you out of here with a filthy broom, but
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apparently this is your fate, wait and tremble, i’ve come. drop your weapons, what's wrong with you?
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well, now there’s no more sprinkling. what are you doing, what are you doing, oleg, wait, pour out the kerosene, what are you doing? the archangel will tell us. in paradise there will be an arc, but only the gate will click, we will ask god, hurry me and my friend, some angelic regiment, and i will ask god, spirit and son to fulfill my will, may my friend forever protect my back, as in this last battle
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may my eternal friend protect my back, as in this last battle. hello, hello, i welcome you to planet earth, you don’t know me well, i’m an honest woman, a decent widow, even a twice widow, people point their fingers at me on the street, yes, why, they’ll find out, i’m becoming a celebrity,
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saying, lyubov polishchuk may not even be remembered one of the main films in her career, and even the main roles themselves. she did n’t have that many, but she definitely didn’t have anyone who was indifferent to her, that’s how long we worked together, i haven’t met, let’s say those who would say, somehow treated, no, no, lyuba, lyuba.
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in our house, what’s bad, everything is small,
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it’s awkward to walk, looks at you from below, seems to be asking, but why did lyubov polishchuk herself never talk about klimoshenko, how they met, why they eventually broke up, in our film we will tell the whole truth about love in the life of an actress, love is a unique word. fame came to twenty-seven-year-old lyubov polishchuk when she starred as a fatal dancer in mark zakharov’s film 12 chairs, although this was not her first role, as many believe. the first film was family of boris's entangled family, two-part film. i ask you to blame the clavuk 12 chairs - this is a completely random episode in my life
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and after which i suddenly became a popular artist recognizable with insane power, i quietly repeat, understand, dear, believe me, dear, my idol, i will not leave you, but i really picked up this ironic intonation, it remains in my memory , as a wonderful actress, she had good humor, with amazing humor that was inseparable from her essence, but this was a decoration for the film when... mironov danced with her, so i am very grateful and grateful to her. it was in this
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scene, according to rumors, andrei mironov dropped love past the mats directly onto the concrete floor, she severely injured her back, which allegedly later provoked the actress’s illness. this rumor spreads from article to article, from film to film. we finally decided to arrange it.
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tanya, what is this? another fruit on our head? some kind of sexual maniac? go to the code, i'm coming. yes. the actress was often used in dance numbers. despite her considerable height and apparent awkwardness, she was very
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plastic, and this is not surprising.
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by hook or by crook, klimoshenko tried to get into the music hall to be close to this woman. however, it wasn't that difficult. vladimir sang beautifully, he previously worked at the romen gypsy theater, and he was gladly accepted into the music hall.
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and she’s always with the cat, my dear, my kind beauty, my beauty, when we went into a restaurant with her, the same one, believe me, well, i was fine at the time too, people all stood up, applauded, we walked in just like some kind of movie, really
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but she didn’t suit me, she certainly suited her, like... well, a real queen, well, the queen walked, okay, i’ll let you come, but only during the day, all the days i’m busy on special duty, only at night, no , i beg you, janet, don’t be afraid of this word, at night, they sing glory, i know what happens at night, it happens during the day, at least here in bakarardi, don’t torment me, i’ll come today, no, no, no, only not today, i beg you, just not today, okay, i’ll come tomorrow, no wonder love immediately drew attention to him, but most importantly, he is her sincerely loved. vladimir klimoshenko had never previously talked about his relationship with lyubov polishchuk, only with our authors he shared some details of their life together. vladimir assures that he and
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polishchuk lived as husband and wife for a long time, although without signing. 9, 9 years old, like this, they were brought closer together by the similarity of their characters, both desperate and ardent, love. she gave vladimir not only beauty and talent, but also her fearlessness, she could support not only in a song, but in a fight. we were sitting together with her in the evening and a fronzik sat down with us, yes, fronzik pokarchan, we sat very well until someone started to come up there, once he came up with a napkin, sign to lyuba, once he said, sign, twice, sign, that’s it. every time he approaches, it’s clear that he’s a man, but it’s no longer dangerous for him to leave, well, in general, a fight ensued, and
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fronzik, the kingdom of heaven, lyubka stood next to us, hit him the way he should, i swear, he hit him like that, as it should be, well, not like a man, everything was beaten, here all these knuckles, cool. she's fearless, she's fearless, it's true, yes, livenka was like that, yes, where are you, amazing sense of taste, sense of proportion, musician, it was a real miracle, you have some kind of intuitive immersion in the image that...
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ranevskaya doesn’t know, that frekkinbok drew from it without showing the picture, are you calling for a recording? frekkinbock is seriously passionate about carlson, this is a cartoon for children from three to 7 years old. i’m trying to somehow justify my heroine, love for this fan makes a vulnerable woman out of an elderly sadist, my head is in the right place, they told me i can’t from morning till night watch tv. here you go, ranevskaya, tomorrow after the program, my funeral is going on, the orchestra is playing, instead of my
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photograph, photography, a rare bird of the holidays, i love risk, and i take risks with women. polishchuk went to klimoshenko, as people say, with a trailer. she has already been married to the same music hall actor valery makarov. by the time she met klimoshenko, the actress had already been divorced for several years, and her son alyosha was growing up. it is my deep conviction that children born without love are a great misfortune and for parents and for children. sometimes they give birth to keep a person, sometimes they give birth to receive.
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very quickly disappeared from their lives. later , makarov, the youngest, even wanted to find his father, but found out that he was no longer alive. lyubov polishchuk raised him alone; it was not easy to combine motherhood with constant touring. the actress often left her son with her mother, but for this it was necessary either to take the boy to omsk, polishchuk’s hometown, or to call his mother from there to moscow. palishch did not always have time to organize this, so periodically going on tours, left. son in a boarding school. moreover, some fellow actors did not even know that polishchuk had a son. we never talked about him, she somehow never talked about him uh. didn’t
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start a conversation, and somehow honestly i can tell you, i didn’t even know that she had, i didn’t even know, it’s important to me, and for me it was a pleasant surprise, when alexey makarov was little, he of course, he was offended by his mother for constantly leaving him, this resentment became between mother and son for a long time... preventing them from fully communicating, but over time alexey thawed, tried to understand my mother: for this you need to think it over, understand, forgive, accept to come to terms, without this, unfortunately, there is no way, accept to come to terms and stop sorting things out even in retrospect, do you remember then, this is an erroneous formula, this is a dead end path, this is not constructively, if you want to walk around with pouting lips and be offended until your death, then you are spoiling your own life,
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nothing more. today, the famous mother could be proud of her son. alexey makarov has grown into a strong actor. on the first channel with success the series particles of the universe was held, where alexey played one of the main roles. her love and trust are the most important things i have in life. probably gen is so strong, but his son is a good actor. a really good, dense actor like that. which is strange with today’s names, the man is just in the frame, man, polishchuk’s love itself recognized her son’s talent, they even had the chance to play husband and wife on stage together, it was a terrible story, when we were rehearsing, zhitinkin endlessly shouted, lyosha, pester your mother, i was so angry i i shouted all the time, i told him, well, at least don’t be a mom, we were so embarrassed, in general, well, husband and wife have a special relationship, so as
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a partner and... i have the right to say that he is an amazing actor, amazing, versatile , multi-genre, very musical, temperamental, with a great sense of humor, he’s just a successful actor , i honestly didn’t expect this, wow, lyuba poleshu was mowing at home when she moved from the music hall to the mosconcert, there were much fewer tours, the actress was working mainly in moscow. i could finally take lyosha to my place i need to bring my son somewhere in a safe place, tomorrow i’ll go and bring him, but you’ll bring him, but also that we’ll live together, and if i don’t agree, i’ll force him. okay, you’ll force it,
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you won’t force it, but you have to bring your son, even if he’s from good people, but my soul is not in the right place, i don’t claim any championship, but the most important thing is that i took lyoshka to school, i later transferred him from the boarding school to an ordinary normal school, to a day school, according to vladimir klimoshenko, they lived like a normal family, but why an actress.
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that's just what it was like to play only light-hearted episodes, interviews, portraits in newspapers and magazines, ovations, zhguliev, pioneer, receptions, madam, please, they invite you to balls, everyone dances, that’s it.
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it was believed that she was not a soviet actress, she did not have a soviet appearance, that is, she probably fit western criteria, absolutely 100 times, but her bosses believed that she did not have a soviet appearance, she had lost a lot of roles, but one of her brightest roles , received, perhaps, precisely because of her non-soviet appearance, and although elena had the main role in the film yakovleva, the audience remembered poleshchok. jen, jen, let me out, it’s me, vinka, darling, let me out, it’s stuffy here,
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woman, spent a week, great, hello, oh, “the best people of our union, it would seem, here polishchuk was again a clown in a skirt, fooling around , laughed, but behind all this external buffoonery in the film there was already another palischuk, a deep, dramatic actress, have you forgotten that i was sick until the bell rang, then my mother is sick in pskov, my father, my daughter next year. school finishes, you have such a big daughter, oh, my god, and you thought, i’m about to turn 40, i’m swaggering around so much, this
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was not an accidental job of hers, i would even say, this is one of her leading roles in cinema. because there is fate, not to mention, there is a wonderful character, that’s all, there is fate, and behind this there arises a colossal social problem, what our women can do, and pyotr ifimovich, i believe that it was not by chance that he took lyuba, here is lyuba having also come from the provinces, she could have slipped and so on and so forth, but she didn’t... she slipped survived. over time, the directors realized that polishchuk’s love is not only at the level of the karbalet. they began to invite her to serious roles, where they could show both female love and suffering. listen, mother,
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did you like him? i liked it. i haven’t had anything like this, if you want to know all my life, you drunken bastard. your father is the same. and this one is reliable, worthy.
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she had no way of waving her hand, no shooting with her eyes, no gait from the hip, she was her very nature, she was a woman, in any of her manifestations she was a woman, and charming, amazingly
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charming, uh, as far as i remember, we even filmed with her, i don’t remember the name of this film, uh, on the ship, she left the cabin, came for breakfast. i just washed my face, no makeup, nothing, she was always natural, she was natural, she was... giving, i always admired her, unfortunately, neither femininity, nor talent, nor beauty guarantees personal happiness, that’s love palischuk did not build a real family on the first try, we have nothing to do with it to say, it’s been said a hundred times, both kindly and not very much, i’d better go out and don’t run after me anymore, fedya! ask him, if i’m leaving,
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it’ll be for a long time, it’ll be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, look. after the program, time for larisa guzeeva’s birthday, i was born yarosla at a time when all young people dreamed of something else, i dreamed of becoming an artist, one of your first roles was in this famous cult series, change the meeting place, look, this there were extras, but everyone goes to the theater institute a little sick in the head with mania and greatness, we all go there as folk artists, it was hard, but you would like your children to follow in your footsteps, no?
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i regretted it very much later, well, you just up and
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left in one place, yes, yes, yes, yes, but how did lyubov poleshchuk herself react to their separation? in one of her interviews, the actress said the following: i never regret anything, i try to live like this, but it happened and passed, something else should be, will definitely be. perhaps the actress was referring specifically to her relationship with vladimir. it's no longer possible to find out what mark he left in palishchuk’s heart, whether she loved herself or just allowed her to love, why she never remembered him in an interview. however, since lyubov did not want to have children together with klimoshenko, most likely this is the answer to all questions. after all, literally a few years later, when polishchuk met...
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today, like her brother, she chose acting and plays in the theater on malaya bronnaya. am i really destined to mourn this life, ruined by you, in the prime of my youth, reproaching fate for being born into this world? lyubov polishchuk gave birth to her daughter the same year she married the artist, they were introduced by a mutual friend and...
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as an answer: i don’t like minced meat, minced meat, i didn’t like it, but i didn’t like it, then i introduced them, came to the house and the first thing i was treated to in this house was my mother-in-law, at that time the future, a very spontaneous, charming, wonderful woman, a wonderful housewife, the first thing she said: i have cutlets, i just fried them today, but it was awkward to refuse, i i ate one and got it. it was i who got caught, and since then i ’ve been stuck for 20 years, as long as we’ve been living in seryozha. practically, for 20 years, yes, to drive ships, to fly into the sky, you need to know a lot, you need to be able to do a lot. sergei tsigal took care of all everyday worries and problems,
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began to live the life of his wife with pleasure, patiently waiting for her from the tour, and was not offended when he was simply called palischuk’s husband. delicious, and very tasty, an old koreli legend says that when the fish soup is successful, seagulls come and goats fly in. lyubov paleshchuk admitted that only with sergei she finally had a real family, a real home and true love, this is the most amazing feeling, thanks, thanks. i adore this toast, i ask you to join in for love, polishchuk’s love blossomed in her marriage to sergei tsygal, everyone who knew the actress spoke about this, and most importantly, she was happy,
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without any, but even if, i’m like this, like this here i go, what am i doing? funny, screwed up, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, but it was clear that these were two people whom god probably created for each other, i am absolutely convinced that they existed in a state of lightning-retractor, one or the other, because two of these the individuals probably couldn’t stay close for a long time, something probably arose every 5 minutes, but at the same time , as i saw, they couldn’t live without each other. you , who painted it, took a piece so that i wouldn’t give the middle to you someday, herring, thank you, yes, this is a success, of course, sergei tsigal surrounded his wife with such care that she didn’t have to worry about anything, neither about
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the house, nor about the kitchen, he cared so much about her that when she went on some kind of tour, maybe not... for a very long time there, for one day or two, he didn’t cook for her there i know, well, some kind of soup and in a thermos, she was carrying it, one day you reminded me, we are waiting for the train after the performance, after the banquet, we ate, we drank, everything was fine there , it’s wonderful, but suddenly she doesn’t want
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to be photographed if she asks, i always understood this to myself , i mean, you are an acting profession, you are obliged to do what, do not take pictures and do not sign, if they ask for autographs, sincere people, this is your viewer, how can you turn up your nose and pass by, play the star, maybe i ’m in the way , maybe you have a woman, a man, then it’s not scary, then i’m... calm, i remember that she loved sunflower seeds very much, she loved sunflower seeds and constantly gnawed them, although they affect the throat, there are ligaments there, but somehow she didn’t care, a large scrape was removed, here i have, here, and
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this is the elite, why is it called the un assembly variety in export version, what does this mean, well, what difference does it make, as long as there are good seeds, and you yourself will come up with such names, of course, well, give me the elite then, sunflower seeds, kebabs, vodka, even... a strong word, all of this polishchuk did not shy away from it, she belonged to the category of people for whom swearing is a natural state of mind, she could not talk without it, and it was, i almost said delicious, but it was, well, it was, how to say, if it happens, when it rude, cynical, disgusting and something, no, she talked like that and, of course, she could shoot, bless you, and we, comrades, will not allow... for anyone to put their sticks in our wheels, comrades, quietly , zinaet vasilno,
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you’re interfering, i won’t, i won’t, i won’t, lyubov polishchuk was happy, my favorite job, beloved family, but our health began to fail, our back began to hurt more and more often, by the way, all the actress’s colleagues knew about this when we were going to some performance by... car there to the city, well, not very far, there i don’t know, like yaroslavl, the railway, but she always lay down in the back seat, always lay down, and somehow it helped her, she really suffered from her back, for the time being no one paid attention to it, but... who do any of us have back pain? we all have back pain, and sometimes i bend over backwards while crawling to the phone
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and it was always like this with everyone, we had a bad back, i had a bad back, it was like this all my life, and this was a sudden disease, in the early 2000s... polishchuk was diagnosed with spinal sarcoma, two car accidents were not in vain, in which the actress got in. during one tour with sergei bezrukov and boris shcherbakov, their common performance of temptation, which the audience received with a bang, a strange story happened to lyuba, which became fatal. i’m very sorry that this happened, you know, i’m sorry, but i, i got lost in thought, i completely forgot about the brakes. this is for you, oh, but i was lucky, some scratches,
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when we released the temptation, then there was a situation in which she even got into some kind of accident, but the fact is that according to the plot of the play of temptations, uh, there was also an accident, they thought that it was even some kind of, i don’t know, coincidence, fate. that is, she is rehearsing a woman who ended up in bavaria, she herself ended up in bavaria, she rehearsed in such a collar, and we said, lyuba, sit down, don’t, now, now, now, oh, head she’s spinning, now for a second, now, come on, come on, and there are just funny mise en se, there are a lot of acrobatic tricks, and lyuba, she didn’t feel sorry for herself, at all, the actress couldn’t live without work, even after learning about her terrible diagnosis, she continued acting, one of the last roles of the actress in the television series of channel one... star of the era, take everything from life while they give it, rejoice, you will cry
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when you lose it, but for now rejoice, dear lady would help, but now you have a servant, and i i’ll rest, and before that palishch 2 years without a break my wonderful nanny played in the series, as the mother of the main character, vika. is that how you realized that you love your father? i, when i looked into his blue, blue eyes, my dad’s mom had brown eyes, which means it wasn’t him, looking at the cheerful heroine polishchuk, the audience couldn’t even think that the actress was dying, no, of course, of course, she did herself to the end, she wanted to live terribly, terribly.
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huge gratitude, low bow for waiting for me, well, it didn’t quite work out, in the sense of waiting, but i’m very very grateful to you, i thank you very much i love you, thank you very much, god bless you, the most important thing, as it turns out, in this life, until we meet again, love poleschuk has passed away. in her fifty-eighth year, a terrible, bitter, unexpected loss, everyone loved her, and this is a very rare gift, and today colleagues remember her only with tenderness, she was a good person, she was just a good person, by the way, this is a profession, over time i suddenly i began to understand that a good person is a profession, lyubka in this sense
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was a professional. i’ve rarely seen people so optimistic, so but she believed in fate, maybe she even believed in herself less, doubted herself, but she believed in fate, she always laughed so much, always laughed boisterously, love palischuk remained in our memory as a beautiful, bright actress and undoubtedly a beautiful woman, and here they are important
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not the height of the cheekbones, the size of the chest or the length of the legs, although with this i feel. everything was fine too, the actress’s beauty came primarily from her smile, from her gaze, sincerity and from her heart, and this is real beauty, no, i don’t hide my sadness, i don’t hide anxiety in my heart, it seems to me that a flock of birds beckons, with an autumn cry my youth, with an autumn cry my youth.
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hello, the evening news is live in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. this is the main topic. a new settlement, the village of berestovoe in the kharkov region, has been liberated. our military is breaking success every day. we are advancing in the donetsk direction, as members of the battalion perform combat missions.


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