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tv   Vremya  1TV  May 26, 2024 9:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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today's musical excursion, unfortunately, is coming to an end; i would like to thank all the masters who created these imperishable canvases for the three chords project. in a week we will again open our doors for you, a magical portal to the wonderful world of chanson, where we will again enjoy the spiritual creativity of the great masters. i was with you, maxim overin, i’ll see you in a week, i just need to be on duty here at night so that no one steals our exhibits. see you. hello, the sunday time program is on air, in the studio ekaterina andreeva, we let's talk about the main events of the day of the outgoing week. state visit of vladimir putin to uzbekistan.
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we are pushing it, but as was said, everything must be worked out, and real battles, defense of the homeland, shots of the week, have broken loose, if you deny ukraine the right to hit military targets on russian territory, then you complicate its self-defense. does she have an
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answer? if you don't know how, we'll teach you; if you don't want to, we'll force you. i think it is useful for washington and other nato capitals to become familiar with this saying. and who in europe still has no sense lost? but the king is not real. my 5 rocks haven't finished yet. my 5 years are not over yet. tell me, will you update your data in tsk, yes, yes, they found why the streets of ukrainian cities were deserted, nothing sacred, given the terrible acts in which he was involved, then yes, the people of iran apparently felt better. why did president raisi
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fly on an old american helicopter, russian-made helicopters, without any special conditions, in the same conditions, in the same corridor actually flew without any problems, investigation of the plane crash, joe in fly by, trump was not an ideal politician, i ’ve said this directly many times, but biden is a disaster, right. that i will vote for trump, but trump’s team is no better, there is no such ban on civilian casualties, everything you need to know about the hegemon, scammers pretend not to be scammers, they began to ask if you received an unknown call, i said there was, well there you go it means that the scammers have decided on your money.
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russia and uzbekistan, reporting from tashkent by konstantin panyushkin. one of the first foreign visits after joining positions, moreover, in the status of a state, uzbekistan appreciates this attitude of vladimir putin, the president of russia is met by the corresponding head of state. a magnificent
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meeting at the airport, the turquoise carpet is framed by flowers, and already here, on the way to the motorcade, communication between the top officials began. the first stop is the new uzbekistan park, laid out according to the idea of ​​shavkat miraziyoyev in 2021. this is the largest cultural and recreation park in all of uzbekistan, 104 hectares, in order to control such open spaces, the special services move here on electric scooters. at some point the appearance of honor guard soldiers in the park was a signal that the presidents were already approaching. the center of the composition of the entire park is the independence monument, which is crowned with the mythical bird humo, a symbol of peace, goodness, freedom and prosperity, spreading its wings. at the foot are words carved, an eternal memory to all our ancestors who left a good mark on the history of the people. here is a short excursion for
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the top officials of 3.0 years of the people of uzbekistan in one high relief, this is the territory of modern, part of the country, etc. and this is modern uzbekistan, stadiums are being built next to the park, which will host the asian youth summer games in 2025. an entire city is being built on a vacant lot, one of the streets, which shavkat mirziyoyev proposed to name in honor of the hometown of vladimir putin. we will agree that history remains and one street of the new tashkent goes to st. petersburg. saint petersburg. and today in your visit this is an impression. it would seem that everything outside had long since gotten dark and cold, but after taking a joint photo, all the most important things were just beginning. so, the state visit, one might say, has begun today in the evening, despite the late hour, perhaps the most important part of this trip will take place,
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a personal conversation between vladimir putin and shavkat merziyoyev. just such informal communication becomes a platform for discussing the most important, sensitive issues that concern us. security and bilateral relations, and regional cooperation and other aspects. one of these topics is gas supply. uzbekistan consumes approximately the same amount of natural gas as it produces itself, and the needs are only growing. last year from pipeline supplies to russia through kazakhstan have begun, so far only three billion cubic meters per year, but proposals have already been made to increase this volume almost fourfold. this is cooperation between three countries, uzbekistan, kazakhstan and russia, so the opportunities here are very wide, russia is open to this. and this is mutually beneficial cooperation, with regard to mutual trade, in 2023 moscow became the second partner of tashkent, almost 10 billion dollars in trade turnover, but already this year, according to media reports, by the end of spring russia equaled china in terms of trade volume with uzbekistan, so local vegetables and fruits in our country do not need any introduction,
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they are 150 the sweetest, really good in general, there is also a delegation of russian subjects in tashkent these days, tomorrow the first one will take place here on the sidelines of the state visit council of regions. such a plant. vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan is intended to strengthen all mutual ties. this is our traditional, very important
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partner in central asia. a country close to us, a country with which trade and economic relations are developing very dynamically, investment cooperation. delegations to join, several rounds of an even larger scale, to the first persons of negotiations in narrow and expanded formats, a joint statement of the presidents, because this is not even the whole business program. konstantin panyushkin, dmitry kachurin, roman ivanov, svetlana barkova, alexander anonichev, channel one tashkent. this is
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vladimir putin's second foreign trip this week, the first to belarus. alexander lukashenko personally met the russian leader at the airport. the agenda is extensive, communication between leaders has begun immediately the loss of the plane, then an informal conversation. the main topic of negotiations between the russian and belarusian presidents was the security of the union state. the exercise on the use of tactical nuclear weapons is a response to the aggressive and provocative statements of some western politicians. the first stage of the maneuvers started in our southern military district. the armed forces of the union of belarus will join in the second stage. oleg shishkin has details. a column of iskander missile systems moves to a point for conditional firing. rockets can be equipped with various types of warheads, including. or maybe nuclear ones, and in this case, the hall of the iskander subdivision is 32
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missiles, it can wipe out a small state, for example, the size of poland, from the face of the earth, the firing range is up to 500 km, in these frames there is a mik-31k interceptor with a hypersonic dagger on board, the rocket is capable of reaching speeds of up to 1200 km/h. this is what the first stage of exercises on the combat use of tactical nuclear weapons looks like, which the general staff of the russian armed forces began on behalf of the supreme commander... the large-scale training involved missile formations of the southern military district, plus aviation and naval forces. for the first time , belarus is also participating in the exercises, although the training was discussed at the highest level during vladimir putin’s visit to minsk. taking into account the tense situation on the external borders of the union state, during the negotiations the issues of forming a single defense space were discussed in detail. we reviewed the progress of the implementation of our instructions with alexander grigorievich on synchronous...
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almost anything can become a nuclear weapon long-range weapons, which are currently used by the russian army, it is enough to install the appropriate warhead. now a joint group of troops has been deployed on the territory of belarus, including ground-based missile systems and aircraft capable of carrying nuclear warheads. it's reliable.
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in particular, the belarusian president said that the current training for the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons is already the third
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after russia deployed them on the territory of belarus last year. in our country, lukashenko suggested, such exercises there have already been dozens of them, of course, without too much publicity. there is nothing here that we would violate, there is nothing unusual compared to the work of the same nato bloc. aleksandryevich spoke about this just now; such events take place there regularly. be worked out, this is an area where no failures, no mistakes, no lack
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of coherence can be allowed. as for compliance with norms and obligations in russia in this area, we fully comply with all our obligations in the field of nuclear weapons. it is clear that all the details of the upcoming work, as well as the deadlines the second and third stages of the exercise are classified as top secret, is it known? that the general staffs of our countries have already received all the instructions. oleg shishkin, vitaly zaitsev, channel one. now about the progress of the special operation , the militants’ defenses have been being hacked all week in the kharkov sector. north group, the enemy was driven out of the village of staritsa. coverage from the flanks of the garrison in usu in volchansk continues. today the ministry of defense reported the liberation of the village of berestovoe, in the kupinsky direction. zone of responsibility of the west group of troops. as for the dpr, the southern military group, one after another , liberated the settlements of belogorovka, kleshcheevka, andreevka. thus, seriously
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weakening the defense of chasovo yar, and the center unit took control of arkhangelsk. according to military analysts, this is another step towards encircling the group of ukrainian formations in toretsk and new york, the one under gorlovka. and our military correspondent, alexey ivanov, met with the soldiers who stormed arkhangelskoye. the assault group of the atlant battalion returns with another successful combat mission. directly from the frontline soldiers walked, but at the evacuation point they had already switched to armor. atlant battalion thirty-fifth separate motorized rifle. brigades, like the entire center group, successfully liberating the territory of the donetsk people's republic step by step. avdievka, water, orlovka, lastochkina, ocheretina and now arkhangelskaya. this village was liberated by units of the brave group just a day ago. it's going to be loud now. and so
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it was in ocheretin at the beginning of may, the highest point of our village. unfurled the flags of russia and their battalion. third the motorized rifle battalion of the thirty-fifth separate motorized rifle brigade liberated the north-eastern part of ocheretin. assault company commanders share successes on the ocheretina arkhangelskaya line on the move. they took a lot of strong points and also took a lot of prisoners. yes, we also took a lot of trophies. the territory between the villages, continuous fields and forest belts. the enemy built a line of defense there in the hope of slowing down ours. offensive, one of the fortifications - this concrete pillbox, a trench approaches it from both sides, a machine gunner sat in the dugout, from there there was always an impact, that is, the guys were prevented from walking calmly, through the forest clearing there, this was the hindrance, the attack aircraft showed military savvy, made an unconventional decision to launch a small, very
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small group into the middle of the strong point. on the opposite side, through an open place, across a field, where the enemy did not expect this at all, such, so to speak, very arrogant behavior, this opornik was defeated, like everyone else in the arkhangelsk region, militants from 110 tried to hold back our powerful onslaught there mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, most of them mobilized military commissars or, as the independent technicians say, grabbed them right on the streets and sent them to the front line, as a result, the ukrainian defense in this area? the front collapsed, after a powerful artillery barrage , the atlant attack aircraft took the fortifications in one throw, they jumped into the support regiment very, well, very brazenly, first they worked on the hamikaze drops, then it more or less stood there calmly, we were in the drone, raised this
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quadcopter, looked, well, it seemed like nothing there was no movement. no one is walking, we decided send a pre-attack group, only after that they found out that these five were sitting there in the dugout, they didn’t even offer resistance, the atlant battalion, group center , took the following ukrainian servicemen, right there in the landing there was an operational interrogation, they were in the mood to fight, not in the mood to fight , and this prisoner is the only survivor.
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surrender without a fight, benevolent, humane, come on, come on, one of the militants told in the vinets region, where he was from, they tried to enroll a disabled person as a recruit, they say he came, well... without a leg, he came to him the sonkomat came to check, like it took hours to give a summons, i’m waiting for another leg, i think a leg will grow, he even carts near the markets, also by the arms and legs of all
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the prisoners, military investigators are already interrogating them, and the heroic soldiers of the atlant battalion, after the capture of another populated area, were given a couple of days for a break from the front line, immediately after the awarding of medals, orders are awarded for the liberation of the village. ocheretina. i serve the russian federation. award a badge of honor. cross, fourth degree. you are real warriors. you are russians. atlas battalion. forward. hooray. hooray. the award ceremony for the fighters of the atlan battalion of the thirty-fifth motorized rifle brigade of the center group is taking place in a very memorable and significant event for donbass and for all of russia together. this is the saur mogila memorial. and this presentation of awards is a verbal connection. with those who liberated donbass from the nazis during the great patriotic war. when asked why they received the award, the guys smiled and said the same
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phrase, now popular among fighters, for love of the homeland. stormtroopers tell us more about their exploits. we know personally. the fight was generally good, one might even say it was good, yes, i generally liked the fight, i especially liked the work of the groups, everything was coordinated, as if we didn’t expect such a result from them, but the guys did well. it was not in vain that they invested the time spent in classes, both day and night, as if the result is visible immediately, this is such a collective award, i think that yes, it is collective, this is a common contribution, as it were, that’s why the command decided that, well, there is and other awards, of course, but this is of course very significant for me, awards for fighters presented by the battalion commander, hero of russia, guard major mikhail petelin, he received a gold star for his selfless capture. in another direction, the commander was wounded three times; after treatment, he returned to his battalion each time. on may 9 of this year, mikhail participated in the victory parade on red square in moscow,
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he marched immediately behind the hero of russia, yevgeny khabarov, who led the parade squad. each serviceman of the parade squad is an example of personal courage and bravery. after all the celebrations, mikhail is back in action, already at advanced. award, gold star. rank, actually, this is not a reason to relax, no, no one pays attention to it, uh, awards will, i think, uh, think about them when the special military operation is completed, now no one is looking, hero of russia, holder of orders, courage, here we are just military personnel carrying out the orders of our commanders, serving in the army is a family affair for the hero of russia, alexander pitelin’s father had 20 years of service, it seemed he had retired, he could relax, babysit his grandchildren, dad, that’s his call sign now. decided differently and volunteered to go to donbass, was assigned to the same thirty-fifth motorized rifle brigade where his son serves, only to the neighboring battalion, i simply could not
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do otherwise, i am a patriot of my homeland, but it is also wrong for children to fight and fathers to sit at home , and alexander instilled such a love for his homeland in his son from childhood, well done, he is fearless, he is... worthy, that mine, my upbringing, my works, mine and his mothers, my spouses, have not failed , he is brave, he is strong, i’m very glad that my son is a gift, that they raised a worthy son, officer, well, first of all, he is my son, well, naturally, yes, he is a worthy officer, he has already surpassed me in many ways, including in position, well done, i am proud of him, i just want to thank you for such a son who was raised , for mikhail, for the hero of russia, whom the whole country saw, shoulder to shoulder
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, son and father, shoulder to shoulder, every fighter, moving only forward, towards our victory, alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok, ilya foundlings, anastasia berestenko, first channel donbass. this week zelensky ceased to be the president of ukraine. will agree, and not demand complete surrender, while the command of the ukrainian armed forces is in a panic trying to plug more and more new gaps in the defense, which russian troops are gradually shifting to the west, and zelensky’s refusal...
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the negotiations in the spring of 2022 were nullified by former british prime minister boris johnson, who ordered the ukrainians just fight. but now, having firmly seized the initiative on the battlefield, russia is ready for negotiations. the question is, with whom? zelensky's presidential powers ended last tuesday, and he canceled new elections, citing military reasons. position. of course, we are aware of the legitimacy. the current head of state, it is over, we, of course, will need it if it comes to that, and i proceed from the fact that peace negotiations should be resumed and not with the help of ultimatums, with the help of common sense and should be based on common sense, but if it comes to this, we, of course, need to understand with whom it is necessary and possible to deal in order to reach...
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the collective west in june, the so-called peace conference in switzerland, and the president belarus was reminded where all decisions regarding power in kiev are made. you know who will decide; much has already been decided overseas. ukrainian society and the main political parties in ukraine have absolutely no doubts about who the legitimate president of the country is, we also have no such doubts, this is president zelensky, but with ukrainian society everything is smooth only on european paper, there today among the military among civilians
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there are enough people who want... to lead the country, to lead it in a new way towards war and against war. among there are many military people who cannot forgive zelensky for the dismissal of commander-in-chief zaluzhny and the appointment in his place of the master of meat assaults and failed operations syrsky, among civilians there are oppositionists who were not killed by the drug fuhrer and who are not satisfied with his games with the constitution. it would seem that if the cancellation of the elections is legal, then the constitutional court would also...
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the immediate and, as usual, meaningless in the context of real politics, visit to kiev of the head of the german foreign ministry annalena berbow, she was shown some destruction, but then, she, of course, could not see what was really happening on the streets of ukrainian cities, and this is now a battlefield between ukrainian military commissars and the ukrainian people.
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a mass brawl occurred in the resort area of ​​odessa arcadia. presumably, military commissars came to the party on the occasion of the opening of the summer season with the explicit goal of catching more potential holders of one-way tickets to the front, but they found themselves in the minority and were rebuffed. more often the situation looks the opposite, military commissars , together with police officers, attack in packs single victims, introduce yourself, policemen, after the law on mobilization came into force on may 18, the already insolent teams of employees of territorial recruitment centers, as military registration and enlistment offices are called in ukraine, actually turned into ss sonderkommandos, if they are not engaged in catching cannon fodder, then they are simply taking out their anger on citizenship.
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approximately 5,500 people were found and taken to the shopping center. in second place in terms of draft dodgers is the chernihiv region, in third is the kharkov region, but this does not reflect the real picture of escape from conscription, because the police headquarters of most regions, including
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kiev and lviv, refused to publish the data. june 16 is the deadline for all ukrainian conscripts aged 25 to 60 to check their information at their military registration and enlistment offices. tell me, will you update your data in the tcc? i, yes, yes, let's go, everyone who didn't do this will be considered people who are evading military service. i’m not saying that this is not even an obligation, it’s a duty. that is, perhaps they will begin to conduct raids, raids from with the participation of police forces and those departments of the tsk that are exempt from mobilization. how this will end, perhaps. a reverse reaction will also occur, the patience of the ukrainians will finally end, armed clashes will break out, and while potential mobilizers are trying to hide, the streets of ukrainian cities are empty, even the always crowded famous
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yaribasovskaya street in odessa, look , it’s 11 in the morning, it’s crazy, there are no people, i i think that for a tourist city, yes, this is necessary. to say that of course there are no people in general, now it’s 8 pm, rush hour, and this is a large chain supermarket in odessa, there are no people in the trading floors at all at 8:00 pm, the end of the working day, shopping rush hour. i wonder where all the people are? if there are no people, who brings this money to these small, small medium-sized businesses? who is now feeding the ukrainian economy? america, european union? no, they are not engaged in economic recovery. they don’t feed medium and small businesses, but wait, if everyone is now forced into the army, then we have to go from apartment to apartment, and we will see that the next zelensky’s step will be to storm the apartment
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after the apartment. ukrainian public pages write that the russian government has prepared a decree according to which ukrainian employers will be obliged to serve summonses to employees and deliver them to military registration and enlistment offices; there is already an acute shortage at enterprises. men, many were taken, others ran away, others are simply hiding. the wall street journal writes that companies are hiring women as miners, plumbers, electricians and forklift drivers. true, this information is presented as the fulfillment of a long-standing woman’s dream. during for many years, olga khandrigo dreamed of working underground at her local coal mine in eastern ukraine. only now she had such an opportunity, since men left their jobs to fight with russia, the ukrainian government suspended the law that prohibited it. women to work in harmful or dangerous conditions, including underground. it looks like another vacancy will open for happy ukrainian women. border guards have the right to check military records of truck drivers who travel abroad. most don't have armor.
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in this regard, truck drivers began to abandon flights en masse. those who are already abroad do not want to go home. according to the association of international freight forwarders , it is now idle in ukraine. some of this money goes to five major defense contractors to replace
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the five times more expensive weapons we have already sent to the ukrainians. that is, you know, if we send them something that was built 10 years ago, now it will cost four or five times expensive. and for all these american gambles , untrained ukrainian soldiers who were caught on the street pay with their lives. and surrender is their soldier’s response to zelensky and his puppeteers, the nazis from azov and...
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the same only right decision was made by the ukrainian tankman, who surrendered to our military along with his t-64. ivan kanavalov, liliya zorina, alexander gusev, channel one. unable to change the situation at the front, the agonizing kiev regime is hitting civilians. belgorod region died over the weekend four people, 20 including two children , were injured, some in serious condition in intensive care. on the ground, in the sky, these are shots of the first minutes of chaotic shelling by ukrainian armed forces militants, residential areas of belgorod, cars are burning, on the sidewalks, glass fragments, fragments of loggias that were carried out by the blast wave, there are direct hits on multi-story buildings. on budenova street, this is the outskirts of belgorod, a shell
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supposedly from the rszz pierced the roof, on the top floor, flew into the bed in this apartment and got stuck in the floor ceiling, now they are waiting for a demining team here, this is the room of elena lubentsova’s granddaughter. hearing the siren of the missile danger, she and her family managed to leave the apartment into the entrance. ira screams, my daughter, we all jump out faster, we jumped out of the entire vestibule, bang-bang, and then like-bang, everything fell down, we thought that... the glass just flew, you know, there was such a roar, we just heard that glass flew, i didn’t even think that we didn’t have half an apartment here, they took out the ceiling, in the ssu, according to our ministry of defense, they released 29 shells, czech rszzo vampire and neptune rocket. at the moment of arrival, well, we thought that the windows would fly out at us, it was very loud right above the window, and you could see how all this was happening before our eyes. among the city residents there are four wounded, two men. in serious condition, first aid was provided to them
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by eyewitnesses, i helped pull out the bloody back of one boy’s head, a shrapnel to the other’s neck, the blood didn’t stop, i myself was covered in blood, sleepless, that night was also in shibeikin, due to the shelling several houses were damaged there, four cars were burned, some rocket debris fell on the village of dubovoe, two houses caught fire, and the day before a woman died there due to a shell explosion. there was an instant fire, the second floor was burning, it switched instantly to the first, that is , we looked from the other side, the second floor was completely destroyed, i only knew one neighbor, who was at home at that time, he came out, there were no neighbors upstairs, up to four the number of deaths from shelling by the ukrainian armed forces of the village of oktyabrski near the border with the kharkov region has increased; the day before , mrzzo shells fell directly on the central streets.
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give the ukrainians what they need, give them weapons, give them permission to use those weapons outside their borders. with amazing synchronicity, as i observe the successes of the russian military, high-ranking political retirees in western countries have begun a campaign for further escalation of the conflict. ukrainians
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should have the opportunity to stop the russian attacks, which are carried out from deep inside russia. the question is, can we connect... the opportunities that we provide them in close combat. and further, i am sure that the atacama systems that we are transferring are not used on russian territory, they are used for purposes in ukraine. such talk, of course, is disingenuous, because donetsk, belgorod or the territory of crimea are all russia, although the united states does not think so. the americans are already participating in
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attacks on the territory of our country. for example, the civil service flight radar on may 21-22. the forte-11 aircraft was spotted in the black sea. we are talking about none other than the american strategic reconnaissance drone global howe. by according to military sources, such drones coordinate missile strikes of the ukrainian armed forces in crimea. in this case, the american drone circled closer to sochi, and yet the official permission to hit so-called old russia is a level of escalation for which washington is obviously not yet ready, although it does not categorically reject anything. when it comes to launching strikes outside of ukraine, we did not give such permission, but ukraine. must make independent decisions. having never received an unequivocal command, zelensky publicly complains about the sluggishness of the allies and asks them to shoot down russian missiles. he gave an interview to the reuters news agency, which was a failure on the agency's official youtube channel by the end of the week; it barely gained 4.0 views. it is curious that in order to increase
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coverage, at least within ukraine, the full version of the interview was posted on the official youtube channel of the odessa film studio. as a result , it ended up being on par with the movie clown. other countries and the united states. i personally, we, i immediately conveyed the signal to the polish side and told the leaders of these countries everything. we are ready, are ready to sign all the papers that if a russian missile is shot down on the territory of ukraine, they will not be held responsible. if she falls, something will explode too. in the english translation on the channel , an additional remark is heard if someone is killed. zelensky is essentially ready to officially allow western allies to kill ukrainians. they will not be held responsible for this. mid-poland stated that kiev's request to shoot down russian missiles on ukrainian territory is a matter for discussion. that's all for now. if poland starts beating our missiles, which we use to suppress
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targets on the territory of ukraine, we will have every right to strike at launchers stationed on the territory of bysh, even to occupy the routes. that’s another idea, at first they are, at best , simply watching how kiev carries out terrorist attacks on belgorod, and now they are surprised that russia is creating a buffer zone in the kharkov region, or macron’s party speaker benjamin haddat is developing the french president’s idea of ​​​​sending troops to ukraine.
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there are many situations when a participant is so would openly adhere to a special position, as hungary is doing now, so its role in the alliance should be reconsidered, our lawyers and military personnel are now working on this. the government is seriously working to ensure that the country remains in nato without taking part in the war. american ballistic missile expert theodore postel explains the consequences of a strike by a russian tactical nuclear weapon, delivered to stop a battalion-level tank attack, we are talking about a one-kiloton charge. not will be destroyed by explosion, will suffer from radiation within a radius of 600 m, 100% mortality within 1-2 weeks. what you are describing now is a one- kiloton charge explosion. this is typical. stop, this is serious,
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you have to stop before it escalates and we all die. on saturday, secretary general stoltenberg, following johnson and nolland, also called for lifting the restriction on ukraine's use of american weapons. if you deny ukraine the right to hit military targets on russian territory, then you are making it more difficult for it self-defense.
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the prince describes a simple two-way move: weapons from warehouses are transferred to ukraine, again the largest defense contractors receive lucrative contracts in order to fill these warehouses again. in this logic, prolongation or escalation of the conflict means stability of cash flows. a group of thirteen us congressmen from both parties signed on earlier this week. what do you think the russians want? i would say that now they want the absolute destruction of the west, they want to make sure that they never have problems with ukraine, and it seems achievable? i’m afraid that yes, in the prince’s opinion, supplies of western weapons will not save him, in the meantime he showed a certain secret training base near kharkov. on it, the british and american military are training ukrainian soldiers, and stripes with
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the american flag are absolutely clearly visible. the material uses footage of the symbols of the third separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, rebranding of nazi azov. the correspondent emphasizes that soldiers are trained against the russians by supposedly former career military men, and the funding is generally private, this political question. but estonian prime minister kallos distinguished herself again. first, she publicly admitted her dreams. russia. it's not so bad if a big power becomes much smaller. now the allies have learned that they should not be afraid to send military instructors to ukraine, they are already there. there are countries that are already training soldiers locally, they did it at their own peril and risk. if training personnel are attacked by russian forces, this will not automatically trigger nato's article 5 collective defense clause. official representative of our mid maria. to this she replied that some countries are already getting their teachers back, they are just silent about it. as for the fifth article, which is so fond of being remembered in the small
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baltic countries, an extremely remarkable debate took place on the czech tv channel nova. article five does not, and never has , obligated member states or americans to participate militarily in a conflict. they can express their deepest concern and wish us luck. in the text of the fifth article, however, there are no words about automatic military response in the event of an attack on one of the members. experts from the american brennen justice center, without congressional approval for the dispatch of american troops, article 5 of nato is a dummy for the us president, and approval, but that’s a big deal. that's why we have to keep an eye on who wins the elections in the united states, our diplomacy was supposed to be a plan b in case donald trump wins and america leaves europe. the withdrawal of the united states from europe. its author is elbridge colby, strategy architect.
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us national defense awards 2018. he believes that america will not endure a confrontation with russia and china at the same time. the best way forward is to face reality, to accept that europe must take a leading role in its own defense , and to do so together within the framework of a reformed but more resilient nato. how does this look like something that wants to sell? colby on making life easier for the united states. euros for importing kabyli are easier. well, boris johnson, during gatherings in london with neonations from azov , even agreed to such a thing, we rely on heroes like the people who are here with us tonight from the azov brigade. one such hero from the ccc was already applauded in the canadian house of commons - a disgrace. then it was, however, not the first time, in 1933, the future king of great britain and northern ireland, edward vi , taught the future queen elizabeth ii how
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to correctly, yawn, nazi ideas in the ruling british circles. the event of the past week was the negotiations in minsk between the presidents of russia and belarus, security issues were clearly the focus of their attention. the president putin noted that the direction that was chosen by the western community in relation to both belarus and russia is the direction of
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unconditional hostility, an attempt to restrain our development. delivered and how they propose to use it, first of all we are talking about attacks on russian territory using long-range nato weapons, this is being actively discussed, they are talking about it in washington, london and even for some reason in latvia, but in general
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they are talking about the project , which...
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clearly within nato, primarily in washington and london, it was decided that before remained conversations, a decision was made , how to talk about peace, you need to seriously try war, try more, try tougher, the most important, if you like, political decision in this context was the decision... of the speaker of the house, representatives of the american congress mike johnson, completely change their position , contrary to all their promises, to support the package of military assistance to ukraine, which amounted to a little, not a lot, 61 billion dollars. why did johnson agree to this? well, of course, they broke his hands. well, of course,
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representatives of the military-industrial sector. complex they explained how good this would be for the american defense industry, and of course, the ukrainian representatives were just, well, walking in flocks along the corridors of congress and saying what a desperate situation ukraine was in, and how ukraine could fall apart, and how on the eve of the elections they would then blame republicans because they abandoned unfortunate kiev to the mercy of fate. but there is also one, i would say, the most serious, structural problem. the structural problem is that the vast majority residents of europe and north america do not realize that there is a real danger of a big war, that nato is increasingly becoming
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a direct, central participant in the war in ukraine. according to recent opinion polls, only 2% of american voters consider security and war problems in ukraine. the central issue of the election, as a result, in the absence of pressure from american voters, american politicians had, if you like, greater freedom to make their choice, in this case the choice in favor of an undeclared war, and not diplomacy, but why this happens, but this happens due to a great deception, due to the fact that... american politicians, the vast majority of american experts, and the media almost unanimously create the impression that
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there is no serious danger of a big war that this danger is being invented in moscow, that even maneuvers using nuclear weapons are some kind of russian bluff, and that these maneuvers, these warnings from moscow are not serious. i would really not like to apply these measures to at this stage. of course, moscow is absolutely right when they strive to avoid escalation, no matter who the real
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initiator of this escalation is. but here we must also understand that russia’s patience is not limitless, and that russia is unable to respond to growing western military pressure. that these possibilities are not endless, and where they refuse to engage in diplomacy, and it is precisely in washington, london and brussels that refuses, they must understand that russia will have to convince them in other ways. at one time in the armed forces of the soviet the union had a saying regarding recruits: if you don’t know how, we’ll teach you, if you don’t want to. let's force it, i think that it is useful for both washington and other nato capitals to become familiar with this saying. the success of our defenders at the front
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largely depends on technology; the enterprises of the military-industrial complex must be one step ahead of the enemy, then victory will be guaranteed. vladimir putin announced this the day before at a meeting with the heads of large specialized enterprises. most of them were noted by the president, qualitatively on time carries out state defense order tasks, and a number of positions. it is important to continue to increase the rhythmic provision of the armed forces with modern high-tech weapons and equipment, these are unmanned aircraft and ground systems, high-precision weapons, rap systems for counter-battery warfare, these are various types of communications for stable and continuous control, and other...
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for ammunition weapons in 14 times, for cars seven times, for personal armor protection six times, for aviation equipment and unmanned aerial vehicles vehicles by four times, for armored weapons by almost 3 and a half times, this is a good pace, a large volume, i want to thank you and your teams for taking on such tasks...
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also, the supreme commander-in-chief called for more active use of the resources of the so -called people's defense industry and quickly adopt the most effective models. which were supposed to increase efficiency and speed up the repair process, restoring the combat effectiveness of armament equipment, so that it would return to service as soon as possible combat zone, there was also an order to accelerate the introduction of modern technologies and innovative solutions for continuous improvement and improvement of the tactical and technical characteristics of weapons and equipment, taking into account experience and combat use. and again. i would like to emphasize that we
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must be one step ahead all the time, we must be ahead of the enemy all the time, then victory will be guaranteed, you yourself know, yours, your specialists, and you yourself are always in contact with those of our guys who are on the battle line contacts work they fight, not sparing themselves, they protect the interests of russia, but as soon as we are ahead, at least half a step, that’s it, the effectiveness increases manifold, simply multiply. it is also necessary to more effectively use the resources of the so-called people's agro-industrial complex, to provide an opportunity for further development, increasing production output, and to adopt some of the most effective issues in an accelerated manner. this sunday time is what will happen next in the program. a sea of ​​sorrow, iran said goodbye to the russian president who died in a plane crash. investigation of the tragedy,
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additional adjustment of the tax system, parliamentary hearings, we are looking into the details of the proposals, what will the money be used for? american dilemma, biden versus trump, race for the presidency, paradox from ocean politics. the latest technologies for the service of scammers, what opportunities have opened up on the euronet and how. victim of deception, we will continue after the commercial, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, look after the program time. cognac
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monte shococa product stellar group rom castro product stellar group vodka pechora product stellar group vodka veda product of stellor group cognac old barrel product of steller group. borbon stersman is a product of the stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. for the birthday of larisa guzeeva. i was born yarosla at a time when all young people dreamed of something else. i dreamed of becoming an artist. one of your first roles was in this famous cult series, change the meeting place. look, it was a crowd scene. everyone comes to the theater institute a little sick in the head with a lot of mania.
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his research was carried out in the interests of western biotechnology companies, in the future, to generate artificial human mutations, a president who was not elected by the people, who had no competitors, and a master’s degree.
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hatred has been going on since time immemorial. alar karis is a zoologist as a president, or the united states as a factor of genetic mutation. dolls, heir. tutte, tomorrow is on the first day. at the age of 19 i was left alone, why are you here and not with your father on the ship? oh, yes, the theater, the reds
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will come, art will be banned, but this is a mule, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes, i am ranevskaya, nothing, yes, i played my own way. experienced, the war passed her by, look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, but there can be only one great meeting, i will challenge this newcomer, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you are grimacing, marital status, say, husband yes, no, i’m a young lady, without a family, without children, but still. dedicated to art, you are a brilliant dramatic actress and the whole world will know about it. ranevskaya, tomorrow after the program time, happy birthday to whom, ivan
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nikolaevich tolstoy, a. happiness, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives, a synonym for the word harmony, oh, this communication with children, their energy, i am charged by it, it’s very cool, we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone says: “oh, twins.” protect your children, raise them with dignity, honesty, nobility, and be an example to them. our main family values ​​are telling each other the truth, without fail. always listen to each other, always understand, we were raised so that we always help people, our life is more comfortable because we are kinder, we want to confess our love to our native country, country, we love you, it’s sunday time,
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we continue. iran said goodbye to ibrahim raisi, the president of the islamic republic. millions of people saw him off on his last journey. 5 days of national mourning. sincere sympathy from russia and many countries of the world, but not from the west. there is undisguised cynicism and almost congratulations to the iranian people. meanwhile , the investigation is looking into whether the crash of the presidential helicopter was caused by anyone’s ill will. yuri lipatov, continue the topic.
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ibrahim raisi was an outstanding politician whose entire life was devoted to service homeland, he rightfully enjoyed high respect from his compatriots and significant authority abroad. as a true friend of russia, he made an invaluable personal contribution to the development of good neighborly relations between our countries and made great efforts to bring them to the level of strategic partnership. 73 rescue teams searched for the russian helicopter crash site, the mountain where it happened due to rain and fog, visibility was no more than 5 meters, they searched for almost 12 hours, judging by the footage from the crash site, there was no chance of saving the passengers and crew, all that was left of the car was charred wreckage,
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the found ring of ibrahim reisi was shown on iranian television, five days of mourning were declared in the country, iranian flags coexisted with black ones on the city streets, the supreme leader of iran.
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iran to the iranian people, i ask you to convey words of sincere condolences in connection with this tragedy, indeed, he was a very reliable partner, a straightforward man, self-confident, first of all, a man who was guided by national interests, but of course, he was a man of his word, with he was it was a pleasure to work with in mind. that if we agreed on something, we could always be sure that the agreements would be implemented, we, for our part, will do everything to ensure that russian-iranian relations continue in this vein, please convey these words to the leadership of iran . vladimovich, i will definitely do this, as you instruct, it is clear that the situation is sad, but - as you said everything correctly, we need... to support our country’s partners, live broadcast of the farewell
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the russian delegation led by vyacheslav volodin was shown on all iranian tv channels. commentators emphasized the closeness of the two countries, which are under large-scale sanctions from the collective west, emphasizing that it was under risi that iran joined the shanghai cooperation organization in 2023 and joined brix this year. from these frames it is clear that it was a farewell in the literal sense. nationwide , more than 3 million people took part in the reisi pokana, and this is only in the funeral procession itself, and so the ceremonies took place in all the cities of iran and this alone indicates that the person was popular. western media emphasize that russia had many enemies inside iran, meaning. the iranian opposition, against which it must be admitted, raisi acted harshly, but
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there was no other choice, because they were trying to rock the boat within the country, and if we recall previous events, in particular in 1981 , radical oppositionists killed the country's president and prime minister in one fell swoop , when they brought it through the assistants. to the meeting leaders of a case filled with explosives, and of course, after this, measures were taken, and risi participated in commissions that were engaged in seeking punishment for radical oppositionists who began to resort to terrorist methods. many in iran are inclined to attribute the crash of risi's helicopter to terrorism. the authorities are calling to wait for the results of the investigation, but the white house has not even been a day since the discovery.
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yes, the people of iran apparently feel better. the un lowered its flag today as a sign of mourning. do you agree that this is an absolute disgrace for the usa? mourn the vengeance and the tyrant? we, of course, do not mourn his death. such statements emphasized washington’s actual voluntary loneliness on the board of diplomatic shame, because even many of its obedient satellites from the european union, including european officials at the level of charles michel and josep borel, sent condolences. friend
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of pakistan and india, in which, as in iraq, syria, lebanon, a lockdown was declared. the head of the egyptian foreign ministry arrived, despite the fact that relations between cairo and tehran were severed 44 years ago, as well as the delegation of the united arab emirates of a country that does not share many of iran’s positions. the insult from the americans towards the deceased iranian president will be remembered by many for a long time. this is, of course, a tragedy. for the iranians, this is a tragedy for many of iran’s partners, this is a purely human tragedy, so the words of blinken, the us secretary of state, are very cynical, which were heard at a meeting with us senators that they say the iranian people could be glad that their president, the minister of foreign affairs affairs and others, in particular the imam, died in this disaster. well, this is not just cynicism, this is an insult to the feelings of citizens, this is
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an insult to everything human. this was discussed at a meeting in minsk by vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko. “i think iran is the kind of country that will figure out what happened there, but as a person, and not as a president, i will say that the vile, disgusting position of the united states led to this, i mean, first of all, sanctions, these scoundrels had no right to impose sanctions against ships, against airplanes, helicopters, etc., which transport people, flew on american." cbl-22 thirty years ago instead of the russian mi-171, which it usually traveled on. and the fact that the car for some reason dropped below the volume of the fog that covered the gorge raises questions. for example, was there any third-party interference in the navigation equipment, after all, two russian escort helicopters flew this section safely. the accompanying persons flew on two russian
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helicopters, in my opinion, and the russian-made helicopter draws the turkish attention to another circumstance . according to the turkish publication, the helicopter was equipped with three different tracking systems, but the turkish ministry of transport reported that no signals were recorded from the russian helicopter; the department came to the conclusion that the warning system was turned off or was absent altogether. meanwhile, russia and iran are coordinating the finishing touches. a comprehensive agreement on strategic partnership, which vladimir putin and ebrahim raisi agreed on back in january 2022. there is an agreement to implement the north-south transport corridor developed 20 years ago. the shortest trade route to india and the persian gulf countries should pass through iran. tehran, through the mouth of risi, announced the goal of increasing mutual trade with moscow by 10 times. our
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relationship is really developing, a good one. after our meeting in moscow, everything is developing very quickly, this concerns bilateral relations, both sides have the political will to develop them. the continuity of iran's policies is personified by ayatallah ali hasseini khaminii. he is the supreme leader of iran, the head of the country and the commander in chief. there are no appointments for june 28 the next presidential election, now the duties of the president.
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russia and bahrain are reaching a new level of cooperation; during the visit of king hamad bin isa al-khalifa to moscow, seven documents were signed on cooperation in the field of transport, healthcare, education, culture, and ecology. vladimir putin invited the distinguished guest to take part in the brix summit in kazan in the fall; bilateral and international affairs were discussed in the kremlin, with special
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attention to the middle east. highly value russia's role in the fair resolution of arab problems. now about the election passions of the united states, the battle is going on for new york, they traditionally vote for democrats, but it seems that joe biden has gotten the hang of the residents of the big apple. knodel has more and more supporters for donald trump, but his figure is unlikely to be able to unite a divided society. the voltage level is very high. biden’s blunders are
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trump’s loud statements, but, in the opinion of many ordinary people, you will have to choose between two evils. the roller coaster is being watched. our subcorve in the states, georgi alisashvili, donald trump is back, not even the word trump. myself originally from new york, he had never met local voters before. an iron rule is that a candidate for us president never comes with rallies to a state where he obviously has no prospects, for reasons of economy. the last time a republican won in pro-democratic new york was 40 years ago, when reagan was re-elected, and now the crowd here to listen to trump gathers as much as 3 hours before the start of the rally. this is the south bronx. the standard democratic electorate, which literally swept trump in the elections 4 years ago, is now here for him and white housewives who were previously frightened by
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the trumpian image of morality, our country is going down, biden is destroying it, for the forty-fifth president and black voters, aperet protests, forty-fifth go away, forty-fifth go away, general pictures. they don’t change, it’s not a question of supporting trump, i’m ready to support anyone, as long as he knows how to unite americans to make america great, if it’s a conservative, it’s okay, i sometimes vote for conservatives. trump himself, warming up the audience, made a loud statement. his lawyers read the warrant issued to the fbi before the search of the ex-president’s florida home and found there a standard permit for the use of service weapons. trump's team immediately launched a newsletter entitled "i narrowly escaped death." people often ask me how you
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do it, i clarify what exactly, how do you get up every morning, put on your pants, why do you do it, the time will come, and i will explain to you, after all, how do you do it, how do you do it you do, this is a purely trumpian ability to find quality in yourself. which biden doesn't have get out of bed without assistance and put on pants. and indeed, polls show a difference in the perception of the failures of trump and biden, in the sense that everyone has long been accustomed to the provocative and scandalous image of the ex-president, but the current leader is suspected of sometimes not knowing what he is doing. when asked whether you were more concerned about trump's manner and legal problems or biden's age and ability to carry out his duties, more than half (53%) said more. worries the sobriety of the mind of eighty one-year president than the four criminal cases of the former american leader. the presidential campaign headquarters is urgently looking for a specialist in internet jokes to
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symmetrically respond to, for example, this. trump is a living symbol of old money and an apologist for patriarchal values, fathers and grandfathers are behind him, children are not on the same path with them, so even though this sounds anecdotal, but... sorry, i asked about africa asking america to double its aid world bank programs in developing countries. this would help both in reducing the debt burden,
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so in the fight against climate change. how ready is the us to support this? on the second attempt , the american leader found the required piece of paper and read out a carefully prepared answer, apparently by his assistants. we already support this to a large extent, as i already said, the united states has long taken a leading position in matters of providing discounts on...
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and as a result, the rising prices for fuel and food, the white house countermeasures are aimed more at situational pr than at a long-term solution to the issue, the president pardons 16,000 students. disbursed loans for training, and in order to prevent gasoline from flying into space before the election, the biden team is reaching into the strategic reserve, from where a million barrels of fuel are released directly onto the market. one of the main results of biden’s diplomacy is that the states are losing their role as overseers of the middle east. bypassing washington, spain, ireland and norway decided to recognize the independence of palestine. recognition of palestine is a big
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political issue. see their capital, despite the fact that the israelis want to control the city completely, plus jewish settlements on occupied palestinian territory, which no right-wing israeli politician will sacrifice, out of impotence the white house, by inertia, finances the israeli defense army, while many prominent members of the democratic party openly support palestine, so in a complex conflict, baidun’s diplomats managed to ruin relations with both on both sides, american conservatives decided
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not to make this mistake, even at a cost... okay, okay, funny, let me answer, let me answer, we’re talking about an armed conflict in a city, the usa itself is not like that have long been involved in such conflicts in iraqi faluji and massuli. israel attacks legitimate military targets, that's the first thing, and secondly, it takes into account the acceptable collateral damage during those attacks. there is no such prohibition on civilian casualties . trump's emissaries are already working in the middle east, feeling out the contours of future
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foreign policy, reid writes. three diplomats close to the former president secretly visited israel. in addition to netanyahu, members of the delegation were scheduled to meet with the leader of the israeli opposition by lapid and a number of other officials. according to a person familiar with the visit, among the main goals of the trip was an attempt to better understand the complex internal political situation in israel. his former enemies are also coming to terms with trump’s likely leadership. nicky haley, who fought with the former president to the last during the primary, said that she would vote for him. was not a perfect politician, i've said this outright many times, but biden is a disaster, so i will vote for trump. they all, including nikki haley, had big beefs with donald trump, whom they criticized for increasing the national debt by 8 trillion dollars for the chaos that he caused with both his domestic and foreign policies, and now that we should erase all this from memory, does she think that americans will forget how she herself
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criticized trump ? even officials he himself fired, like former prosecutor general bar, are speaking out for trump. this is not an easy decision, but if you cannot avoid the choice, then you must choose the lesser evil. the intrigue is whether the defeated evil will agree to leave peacefully pension. according to a poll commissioned by reitor, about 70% of americans believe that the upcoming elections could end in an outbreak of violence, regardless of who is declared the winner.
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we feel, but they also create for us certain opportunities for development, where we have lost previously existing competencies, we quickly restore them, and where they were not there, we need them, we create them, and of course, create them could be, most effectively, by combining our efforts together, and one of the most important tasks, look for these areas of cooperation, create what we all need. it is necessary to finally agree on the terms of oil and gas supplies to the republic of belarus, we have been discussing this for several years, vladimir vladimirovich accepted today.
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the scale should not be extended, the tax system should be fair, you propose a progressive scale, let's say right away that it will not affect the income of participants in a special military operation, they defend the country, they receive rewards for their exploits, destroyed equipment, i would like in order for the government to take into account the proposals of the state duma, we will withdraw the income of the participants from the progressive scale. special military operation, please, what is your point of view regarding this? we, of course, will support this proposal, this is an absolutely fair proposal, because our fighters, those who are participating in a special military operation today, of course, need our attention, our support, and
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if we can do this through a tax proposal, it will definitely be made. the principle of justice will also work when using the additional taxes paid, people will understand where their money is going. additional revenues to the budget will be colored, that is, the government intends to spend them mainly on the social sphere, we are talking about national projects family, youth, long active life, as well as the extension of the maternity capital program, increasing pension payments, there is successful experience, already 3 years income from increased personal income tax rates, this is 15% for those who earn more than 5 million rubles a year, are sent to the circle of good fund to help children with rare diseases diseases. last year alone, the foundation helped save the lives of 700 children. when we increased the personal income tax rate , all the proceeds from the increase in this rate went to this important social measure to support
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children. the range of expenses for which collected taxes will be spent is wider. the additional taxes will also support the economy in an industry that will drive long-term growth. another important topic. tax on income on deposits, millions of citizens now trust banks with their funds, interest on deposits it was decided not to impose additional taxes. this is aimed at stimulating citizens, generating savings, and the measure also has a social aspect so as not to affect the majority of citizens who keep their savings in banks. there are no plans to raise the vat rate; this measure could lead to an increase in inflation, but there will be other changes for business. an increase in income tax is being discussed.
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as an entrepreneur, i am in favor of increasing income tax instead of fees and one-time payments. the state needs it now additional income and it is better to receive it through an increase in income tax, which will distribute the burden among all companies that are successful. earns money in our country, including on the domestic market, will make the planning system predictable, which is important for business. these changes will benefit companies that invest and increase wages, while those who do not want to invest in development will lose. it is very important to ensure an increase in the stimulating role of the tax system; we must still think about a very serious federal investment deduction for companies that are actively investing. as for small businesses, changes. does not affect 95% of entrepreneurs, small
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businesses will have incentives to grow and become medium-sized. if we talk about a small business that moves to a higher level and develops, well, in a medium-sized company, it tries to transform itself and so on. i think that here this transition is seamless, it should be smooth, it shouldn’t be one step, that you immediately got into a situation where you either go bankrupt or split up. and for those who are ready to give up crushing schemes? system, which will be submitted by the state duma after discussions in the government, must also include a bill on amnesty for those enterprises that resorted to so-called fragmentation. it is very good that such public discussions before introducing the bill were announced in the state duma. now about micro-businesses, this spring the number of self-employed people. people, these are, for example,
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repair specialists, bloggers, cosmetologists, tutors and taxi drivers, nothing should change for them, we promised, we promised to these people that we will not touch them for 10 years, the state must keep its promises, we hear proposals on thresholds for small businesses that apply a simplified tax system, we understand and once again confirm that there will be no changes for micro-businesses, on the contrary , also regarding the self-employed, i have already expressed the position that all those obligations that were, they are confirmed, will be ensured within 10 years, regimes will change, will not change, tax collection will not suffer, the government has enough tools to prevent evasion schemes by wealthy taxpayers not paying taxes now. or it’s wrong to pay them, not to pay extra, it’s a betrayal, it’s simply
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dishonest, it’s as if the representatives of dozens of complex, powerful, strong economies have taken over for us, who, i don’t know, have set their goal to ruin russia’s competitiveness, we together we must make all our efforts so that russian citizens have a good life, live well and so that there was a feeling that we were together, that’s what’s important. the main parameters will be fixed for several years in advance, the tax system must be predictable, it is important for us that in an atmosphere of openness and transparency there is a discussion of changes to tax legislation, i emphasize that we are talking about improving the tax system, everyone understands that the principle of fairness should to be unshakable, it is important to ensure the stability of the tax system until the thirtieth year.
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will be able to provide this support, no drastic changes, we are talking about improvements, public discussion continues, the duma expects that the government will take into account the recommendations, the bill itself is planned to be considered at the spring session of the state duma, that is, before the end of july. dmitry kuchatkov, alexey labyshkin, channel one. digital industry of industrial russia, one of the country's largest conferences on the digital economy , took place this week in nizhny novgorod. for 4 years sale. the moment when
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sanctions pressure on russia increased, as well as pandemics, leading foreign suppliers of it products have actually refused to cooperate with us, today absolutely competitive advanced solutions are being created in russia, we will compensate up to half the costs for the implementation of key classes of domestic, engineering and industrial software, we are considering the idea of ​​​​providing additional incentives.
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investments by companies in all industries in digital technologies have grown by more than 80% over the past four years and have now reached over 4 trillion rubles. business understands perfectly the importance of applying innovation in their activities, especially in the energy sector, mining, construction, transport, manufacturing, all their investments in this solution are growing much faster than, by the way...
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thank you for coming to us, i’m sure that you will find partners here. rub 156 billion cybercriminals inflicted such damage on russians over the past year. a colossal amount, scammers are using more and more new schemes, including using artificial intelligence. how to avoid becoming a victim of deception, simple rules in the report by tatyana kozlova. a friend, supposedly a friend, sent a message asking him to vote for her before. in the competition and had to follow the link in telegram. irina had no idea that these were scammers and the social network was just the beginning. then the attackers took over, no, not the bank account, but her voice. can you lend me 1900 by tomorrow, my card was blocked, i can’t send a transfer to a person. this is my voice, yes,
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it’s just accelerated, probably this was done on purpose so that i would be recognizable. the message generated by the neural network was sent to irina’s friends and relatives. fortunately. managed to open it in time. the development of artificial intelligence has opened new horizons for scammers. what previously seemed fantastic has become real. modern tools allow you to completely fake your voice, manner of speaking, intonation, timbre, based on a thirty-second video recording from your own social networks. the only way today to protect yourself from this type of fraud is to come to an agreement with... your loved ones about some kind of test words in difficult situations, about some kind of code word, while these are rare cases, most scammers prefer to call victims themselves, the fact is that most accounts have two-factor protection, and it’s not easy to get around without the help of the real owner . we enter our login, enter
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the password, if the password is correct, yes, we go further to our mobile device and receive a code. second factor authentication, this is where the scammer breaks down today, here to get around system, scammers are coming up with new moves. for example, scammers call residents and offer to undergo plurography for free at the expense of compulsory health insurance funds, agree on a clinic for the victim, and then allegedly ask for a code from an sms to confirm the appointment. having received the necessary numbers, the attackers enter an account on public services or an internet bank, taking possession of a personal with information they can... even issue a microloan for a person, so no data from the sms can be named. and there are many scenarios of deception. elderly people are called under the guise of social fund employees russia and they propose to recalculate the pension, they say that unaccounted service has been discovered. the scammers promised to increase payments to a resident of kursk; she just needs to submit an application.
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we suggest you how you can use electronic recording now, which means signing up. now a message will come. just like that, you confirm, this is how it will be, well, record, in the end the pensioner lost her savings, and in cheboksary a woman almost lost her apartment. military relatives, the attackers report allegedly withholding a lump sum payment, which is due to the fighters, for convincing, they even send a copy of an extract
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from the order of the military department, which is actually a fake. fraudsters call or write to their potential victims and inform them that a one-time payment of 195 thousand rubles will be withheld from their monetary pleasure. the reason for this is detention, disciplinary action or violation while performing official duties in a special military area. to get the victim to act according to orders, it is important not only what you say, but also how you say it. this is very good psychologists, i would say, even psychiatrists, because they know what to say, when to calm a person down, when to push psychologically, natalya understood this from her own experience, the scammers claimed that a certain person intended to take out a loan in her name in the amount of half a million rubles, they presented them as employees the fsb even sent photos of documents to make it more convincing. so that my money doesn’t go away, i need to come to the bank, register this amount for myself, we will identify
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a fraudulent scheme between bank employees and the security service, don’t tell anyone, don’t turn off your phone, i was on speakerphone for three days, scammers always act very quickly, they don’t let go of the connection with you, they encourage you to go through a certain scenario, to take active actions. so that they can take possession of the funds. last year, according to the ministry of internal affairs, the number of such crimes increased by a third. the damage caused by this type of crime amounted to 156 billion rubles last year. of these, 8 billion are thefts, and 137 billion are fraud. a significant portion of these crimes are committed abroad in the first place. queue from ukraine. older people remain the most vulnerable. to protect their banks. may oblige pensioners to coordinate loans and money transfers with relatives, such a bill on trustees was adopted by the state duma in the first reading, and what will begin
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to work next year is a self-ban on loans. citizens will have the opportunity to prohibit themselves from receiving these loans; if fraudsters even gain access to a citizen’s personal account, to a citizen’s mobile device, they will not be able to apply for it quickly at the same time. loan or credit, in order not to become a victim of scammers, it is important to follow simple rules, do not visit suspicious sites , remember that a real bank or police officer will never ask you to provide personal information over the phone. tatyana kozlova, igor uklein, dmitry matyushin, maria martanova and konstantin anisimov, channel one. that's all, keep an eye on the time and stay updated. and now on channel one there is a summer series of club games, what and where. it’s always nice to play in a pleasant garden in the summer, especially after rain, well, for us
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it's time to start, start the second qualifying game of the summer series, which is somewhere in 2024. and today roman kuzikov kurchatov, nikita barinov - sorov, rastislav korikov, bryansk, ildar saminov, nizhny novgorod will play against tv viewers. alexandra zolotova,
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zarechny and team captain, konstantin ruder, ozyorsk. we're playing against konstantin's team today.
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we have up to six points, the score is 0:0, the first round. good evening, dear tv viewers, good evening, dear experts. mr. ruder, good evening. you know, i looked it up here your games of 2013, the year of your debut, i would even say triumph. you know, konstantin, you are so perky there, so in a good way, impudent, yes, i’m perky now. we cancel liability chelyabinsk stop
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, sorry. they showed me wrong, return chelyabinsk. thirteenth sector, internet versus experts. well, the thirteenth sector received 138,699 questions today, and now the computer will select one of them. playing opposite you is inna melkova, a sound engineer from pskov. attention, question, these are poems that the earth writes in the sky, which is what the lebanese philosopher said, artist and writer khalil jebram, clouds, clouds, earth, and if there is smoke, the earth writes in the sky, it is important that lebanese, some kind of african means to him, snowflakes,
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some constellations, on the contrary,
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the earth writes smoke in the sky, yeah , and there are also some versions in the club, well, it’s just interesting, these are a lot of birds, birds, mr. patashov, volodya suggested a mirage, a mirage, no, birds that fly, for example, migratory birds, well, okay, i see enthusiasts no, birds, maybe birds. but why the earth is not clear, the earth writes, attention, the correct answer, trees are poems that the earth writes in the sky, here is 1:00 in favor of tv viewers, and 1000 rubles will be received from pskov, congratulations to you, dear
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tv viewers. the interests of experts are protected by andrey cheremisinov, adviser to the general director of the state corporation rusatom. good evening, andre. good evening, mr. presenter. a week ago , denis teplyakov’s team of newcomers made their debut at the club and won 6:4. what impression did they make on you, andrey? well, mr. presenter, at the last game you called me a poet, so i i’ll answer this: oh, that’s it. it was like a fresh spring wind somewhere in the meadows at dawn, this is impromptu, yes, yes, this is impromptu, mr. presenter, and have you passed yet? they said that a lot of applications were submitted to participate in this game, but could you please clarify how many exactly? i don’t know for what purpose you are interested, but as far as i know, we
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received about almost 500 applications, six people played for us, mr. teflyakov, good evening, are you still in euphoria, yes, the feeling is wonderful and wonderful that i have the opportunity to come today, watch the team play and... remember what i experienced a week ago. mr. skudorev, have you already practiced your signature gesture? many friends sent me photos with this gesture, it was very nice. work it out. second round. mr. barinov, i heard that you have a cherished dream of winning a super blitz. this is true? of course yes. nikita, it’s true that you regularly practice playing alone. and this is also true, tell me, do you expect that today your dream will come true? uh, i don't make such plans, i i just play, if i get a super blitz and i play it, then i will make every effort
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to win it all.


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