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tv   [untitled]    May 26, 2024 11:00pm-11:51pm MSK

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six people played with us, mr. tiplyakov, good evening, are you still euphoric? yes, it feels great, it’s wonderful that i have the opportunity to come today and watch the team play and remember what i felt a week ago. mr. skudorev, have you already practiced your signature gesture? many friends sent me photos with this gesture, it was very nice. work it out. second round. mr. barinov, i heard that you have a cherished dream of winning the super blitz, is this true? of course yes, nikita, it's true that you do you regularly practice playing alone, and this is also true, tell me, do you expect that today your dream will come true? i don’t make such plans, i just play, if i get a super blitz and i play it, then i will make every effort to win it all.
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but don’t be afraid that it will turn out like you did at the kazan marathon, well, to be honest, you upset me, you ran in 250, i ’ll tell you honestly, nikita, i would n’t run in less than five, trembling, a bank employee is playing against you elena evseenko, moscow region, mrs. zolotova, you probably ate cabbage soup from both sauerkraut and fresh cabbage, right? alexander, have you tried don cabbage soup in fish broth? no, this has never happened, but what about ural with pearl barley? well, perhaps, i live in the urals, you know, in the 19th century , siberian cabbage soup was popular among the yemshchak people.
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why is it easier to immediately completely freeze what associations with siberia are long from the bear to the bear something was there not only there was a bear but it was not possible to freeze the guys during the day in the summer associations with siberia some what associations with siberia cold yes some kind of product, some kind of animal, what is the peculiarity of something specifically, right?
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that we believe that the peculiarity of these cabbage soup was that they were frozen, so this allowed the containers to somehow divide and stretch one portion of cabbage soup over longer distances. rastislav, you are playing the second game, and you have never given the correct answer, this is your first 1:1, 1:1, rastislav, compares, and the interests of tv viewers are protected by the vice-president of alfabank, alexey giyan.
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not only vladimir stepanov, but also maxim potashov and alexander druz have their own a series of seven defeats, and you, roman, have only six so far, that’s why. look at the screen. on the left you can see a lamp in the form of a huge lily of the valley. under the lamp is a mahogany cabinet. attention, question. and what has been
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under this cabinet since 1902? this is something old, which is no longer very relevant now, which was used before. maybe some kind of tradition.
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i will assume that there is a hidden battery, well, heating, yes for heating, and now pay attention, the correct answer. mr. teplyakov, this question did not come up at your game, i understand that there are four of you today, you have some version, we thought, on the contrary , about some wires so that they would not be clearly visible, a chandelier, but i’m not sure about this version, mr. druz, well, you probably know, mr. presenter, i can’t
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afford this store, you don’t know what’s there, i haven’t been there for a long time, mr. drus, the cabinet is located next to the display window. yes, look, there are goods in the display cases, and under the cabinet, look at the screen, a lift, an elevator, with its help they lift goods from the basement to the sales floor, that was such a novelty 1902, 2:1, 2:1 in favor of tv viewers, tatyana sokolova will receive 1000 rubles from alfabank. mr. teplyakov, yes, mr. presenter, denis, well, you see, it’s lucky that you didn’t get this question, ekaterina paimenova had this version, i didn’t believe it, well, what an unbeliever you are, advertising on channel one, for larisa’s birthday guzeeva, i
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was born yaroslav at a time when all young people dreamed of something else, i dreamed of becoming an artist, one of your first roles was in this famous cult series appointments cannot be changed. these were extras, everyone enters the theater institute a little sick in the head, with mania and greatness, we all enter there as folk artists, it was hard, but would you like your children to follow in your footsteps? no, my daughter, for example, objectively, is much more talented than me, right at times, but she doesn’t like this profession, she chose what wind, what fate brought you to television, i was already so good at 40, suddenly i’m invited to try out for this program , let's get married, i looked, i think, my god, what is he like, where am i and where is television. podcast lab is on first today. estonian president alar karis began his career with experiments on laboratory rats. he still loves experiments. only now
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he has living people in the role of experimental animals. dear people of estonia. his research was carried out in the interests of western biotechnology companies. in the future, generate artificial human mutations. the people did not choose, who had no competitors, master five times, four times cavalier, once knight and twice commander. masonic lodges in estonia have the peculiarity of giving this kind of gift to each other.
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and the heroes who will bring this game to victory, thank you, denis, we continue the game, the fourth round, dear tv viewers, your questions about the game can be sent by e-mail to, by mail to korolev 12, or simply by filling out the form on the website, mr. presenter, i would like to remind tv viewers that i... really love questions filmed by the tv viewers themselves on the phone, on camera, in general,
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please send, and alfabank and i will additionally fund this with money, thank you, alexey, tell me, at the last game you liked the question that the tv viewer took and glorified alexey skudarev, the question is good, i liked it, but i think that i hope that today , that today there will be another question. the head of the health center sergei stein from tver is playing against you. mr. giyazov, sergei just responded to your call to wander around his city in search of questions for experts. the question was raised for the viewers themselves. attention to the screen. hello, dear zvetaki. we are now with you at the first building of khor state university. where in 2010 a memorial plaque was unveiled to the famous soviet mathematician vladimir madestovich bradis.
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the main scientific work of the famous mathematician was four-digit mathematical tables for high school, which are called bradys tables. in 2023, next to the memorial plaque, a monument was opened in the opposite direction, which you can now see. and on the front side of the monument the central place is occupied by the composition, which consists of 74 white and twenty black objects. attention, the question is what is placed on the front side of the monument.
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what else is black visualize chess some kind of graph i don’t know some graphs where they are used few blacks few 20 in total normal look the ratio turns out to be 1 to the ratio mister presenter help is offered by the club so we are losing you are asking for the help of the club yes we are asking for the help of the club dear
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you we didn’t discuss at all what it is in the sense of counting the counts of the bradis table - this is calculations, if you said this calculations, and then said that some object, where there are 74 of this and 20 of that, pay attention to the screen,
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thank you, as you know, mathematicians are counting, therefore.
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and gallery employee evgenia rybak from grodno is playing against you. mr. karikov. the british say that you cannot skimp on three things that separate a person from the earth. firstly, on shoes, secondly, on a mattress,
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thirdly, on objects, one of which is located behind the scenes. attention. the question is, what's there? shovel, something like that gardening, a person comes into contact with this, it’s as if the earth is rising a little, one of the objects, one of the objects, if you rise from the bottom up, a hat or an umbrella.
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which separate a person from the earth, from shoes, on a mattress on shoes, on a mattress, and as mrs. povysheva said, on a wheel, on car tires, but this is real, you were using some metaphors, mr. rudar, just straight, imagine how
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man is separated from the earth. 3:2, 3:2 benefit of tv viewers, evgenia, a fisherman from grodno, will receive 1000 rubles from alfabank. andrey, somehow historically, you took the team. rudora under your wing, do you train her? well, i can’t say, i’m coaching, namely, that i’m under tutelage, probably, tell me, what are the team’s strengths in your opinion? in fact, they are very smart, how weak are they? they are very smart, and you answer both questions in the same way, yes, this and that, this is a weakness and a strength, this is not only for them, it is always for the signs, the main problem is for them too. they hear a question and are surprised that they don’t know the answer to it, that’s where the lack of intelligence lies, you see, but in the previous question, what prevented them, like
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an excess, an excess of intelligence, well, it’s like everything is interconnected here, you just need to relax, enjoy playing, playing, playing everything will be fine, well, guys, why are you really, what are you guys, really, the sixth round, and mr. saminov, eldar, you are only playing your second game at the table and here you are, coach kozlov, not everyone, i would say, can stand this, my friend. how did you like training under andrey’s guidance? eh, interesting, intense, very useful. tell me, what did he teach you, like this, that you remember? it increased our resistance to stress. how? will you reveal any methods? eh, i think it is. will be our little trade secret. khislavichi.
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playing against you is natalya vshivkova, the village of khislaviche, smolensk region. look at the screen. left - victorin kuritsin in 1943. soon after the liberation of the city, where he served as a guard, there was a clock outside the house.
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ildar, well, of course he sets you up at a crucial moment, but try. we assume that this guard also played a role, the role of a postman, when he was left with some he put a note or envelope in his pocket when people approached him, so he already conveyed this message. explain further. well, here’s the thing, what does honorary mean? that is, i’ll say this, relatively speaking, konstantin came up to me, gave me some news for someone in this city, relatively speaking, i put it in my pocket, rostislav, to whom this news was intended, comes up to me, he says, that he is rostislav, here's some news for you, thank you, let's eldar, let's do the following: “now i’ll tell you the correct answer, and you ’ll tell me whether this is what you meant or not, okay, yes, okay, attention, the correct
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answer. and what are the pockets for, in order to put the correspondent there, the house under the clock is the place where meetings were usually scheduled, it was a time when many people lost contact with family and friends, victorin kuritsin , on duty at his post, began to accept and pass notes that he hid in his sewn pockets.
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another recent newcomer to this team, ildar saminov, brings a point to your team, that is it turns out that you have one club help and two newcomers, the old-timers need to get involved. seventh round.
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she approaches every question, and during the minute of discussion, nothing exists for her except the question itself, it seems to me that often her versions go against the team’s versions, this is what helps to take the question. thank you rostislav, well, you see, anastasia shutova didn’t know about your addiction before, right? i think not, kim knew, let's look at the table. bazaar system, musician denis volodin is playing against you, village bazarny sisgan, ulyanovsk region. attention, question: people of what profession claim that in their work they often encounter tarzans and trains,
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children, tarzans. and the trains, steam locomotives, darzans scream, and the trains rock somehow, and speech therapists, speech therapists, they can pronounce l or locomotive y, and if something is swinging, the trains, well, by the sound, and if one after another somewhere a conductor is coming, someone is a teacher, i don’t know, it’s just someone beating his chest like this, for example,
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please, and mr. presenter roman will try answer kuzika, please roman, mr. presenter, we assume that these are speech therapists, speech therapists, and the tarzans are some train engines, well , the tarzans, as we assumed, are apparently children who have some problems with sounds, vowels, for example, a uh, and trains, something like hissing, where there are a lot of hissing sounds, and now...
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trains, because they line up behind someone in order to pass for free. mr. korikov, you have correctly chosen who you need to learn from, and we usually call both of them hares. or free riders, and speech was about the profession of a controller. anastasia shutova does well, but the score becomes 4:3 in favor of the viewers. 100,000 rub. denis volodin from bazarny sisgan will receive from alfabank. dear tv viewers, at the end of the game andrey cheremisina will present the best expert with a crystal atom. traditional prize from the state corporation rosat. andrey, tell me, does the team’s performance give you hope that the series of defeats will end today? yes, it inspires me, i believe in the team, i will always be for it, but they are somehow uneven, in my opinion, look, i think it’s great, eldar
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saminov coped with the overcoat, yes, well done , for example, in the question about the scores, in general they didn’t even get close to the question, they didn’t even discuss what 74 whites and 20 blacks are. they just forgot about it, well, mr. presenter, as andrei anatolyevich says, the game goes to six points, let's wait to see how it ends, well, i understand, mr. peremitinov, that you are a poet, not an analyst, but the eighth round, mr. barin, yes, by the way, during the advertisement they brought me a note, now only i got to it, and for me...
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blocking the view of the screen, accordingly they were forbidden to take hats with them into the hall, a top hat, but why is this surprising? well , now i think no one will forbid anyone from taking a hat with them into the hall, into the cinema hall wearing a headdress, now in general there are top hats in modern cinemas, which is surprising, attention is correct. answer: mr. ruder, this is your unstarry hour, the version was in the first second, rastislav koryakov, 100 years ago in american cinemas there were signs prohibiting taking into the cinema, let's open the black box,
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popcorn, you are too clever, mr. ruder, they were just too clever, some kind of cylinder that doesn’t fit here, why is this surprising, now no one walks around in cylinders, 5:3, you just had everything on a platter. marina ananina from khim will receive 100,000 rubles from alfabank. so, the score is 5:3. mr. kazansky. well, who do you think will bring the decisive point today or do you not know all the viewers? i don’t know the tv viewers, but the experts. mr. barinov rushes to every question like a goalkeeper. thank you, denis. advertising on the first channel. ranevskaya doesn’t know that frankenbock is with they painted her. without showing the picture, you call for an appointment. frekkenbock is seriously attracted to carlson. this is a cartoon for children from three to 7 years old, i’m trying to somehow justify my
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heroine, love for this fan makes a vulnerable woman out of an elderly sadist, my head is in the right place, they told me i can’t watch tv from morning to night, here you go, ranevskaya, tomorrow after the program time. my funeral is going on, an orchestra is playing, instead of my photograph, a photograph of frekenbock, i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat they pour out, it’s very difficult to fight in the mountains, you can’t smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you, 100 km from the state border we must ensure security. if a mine falls into your hands, your teeth, ears, and hair may shake,
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but not your hands. 1200 mines rushed, the earth shook so much, we left a garrison in the liberated village area, they ensured order, went out to populated areas with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, they took it all apart with pleasure, residents of the border areas of both the soviet and afghan sides were protected . for border guard day, premiere, the main milestone, not a step back, on tuesday, on the first, in order to live, to enjoy life, you need to do what you like. a person
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who connects hearts, i work on a crane in the ferrous metallurgy, i go to work with joy, to work with pride, study to be a heating engineer and you won’t regret it, one day i became an artist, well, for example, with such a beautiful voice we can voice some... some grandfather, i wanted to be an artist, then a navigator, a sea captain, at the end of ten... i decided to become a doctor, like my mother, you can move towards your goal in small steps, nothing is impossible, the score is 5:3, the score is 5:3 in favor of tv viewers, mr. kozlov, tell me, as an experienced person, what determines that sometimes the team plays like this, and sometimes.. you know, during the commercial we exchanged with the guys, not with the team,
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this is the story with popcorn, it always happens at least once in the game life of every team, the longer you play, the more often it happens to you, and why team. plays one way or another, there are people who believe that the stars aligned like this, mercury got somewhere out of place, there are people who believe that they overtrained, and others that... they didn’t overtrain, in a word, there is no answer to this question, mr. presenter, but the game always goes until six points, yes, that's true. mrs. polusheva, alen, please tell me, what does the team need to do when the score is 3:5, you have had this experience more than once, what should you do to play not this way, but this way? remember that the game goes up to six points play each question as the first and last, well let's them we wish this, the ninth round. dear
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tv viewers, so that this does not come as a surprise to you later, i remind you that according to our rules, a team of experts, which during the game loses to the tv viewer, and the tv viewers have one point left to score, that is, when the score is five, as now, can ask for a minute for discussion on credit, if mr. gyazov agrees to provide it, then they will have it. an additional minute, but it will need to be returned to the discussion on one of the following questions. yes, sir ruber, 4:4 it would be, it would be a completely different story, there is also a super blitz, at a super blitz you can ask, but for a minute for one of the questions, for one of the questions you can, who remains at the table, roman kuzikov will remain,
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nikita varinov dreams, and roman kuzikov will remain, three questions of 20 seconds, reflections on each one played by one expert to win. alina gladysheva from moscow asks what the number 39 means in japanese sms slang
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. please, i’ll assume that this is some kind of greeting, that is, hello, and now attention, correct answer, mr. rudr, with your permission, i will ask the point of view of nikita barinov, to whom you have not given this question specifically. thank you, thank you, mr. kuzikov, 63 for
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the benefit of tv viewers. who will get the crystal atom today? well, in this not the best game, the best player was eldar saminov. mr. jeremisinov,
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please tell me, here is your opinion, today two new players clearly stood out, why did the captain leave on... dear tv viewers, watch the third qualifying game of the series on the first channel in next sunday july 2 right after the program time, and this game is over, thank you all for playing.
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hello, dear friends, this is the podcast life of the wonderful with you, i, its host, writer alexey varlamov, are visiting me. honored artist of the russian federation, tv presenter larisa guzeeva. hello. first of all, i, as a writer, and as a person, am always interested in the story of growing up, the story... how a person fulfills the fate that he is destined to live, that's how i know you were born
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far from moscow, far from st. petersburg, from leningrad, on the border of asia and europe, then it so happened that you came to conquer the capital, if i understand correctly, yes, you came to leningrad, or am i mistaken, look, i was born yaroslav at that time a time when all the young people dreamed of something else, now almost no one has it, now it’s a dream... no one is chasing anywhere, neither to the north, nor to the south, nor to the capital, now such dreams are online, here are those close to you teenagers, children, somehow they dream of something else, no one flies somewhere to try themselves, in order to somehow test myself, yes, there are no such situations today, there are no such stories, but in any case, this is the path that i, and thousands of other girls and boys who were traveling for just such a dream, have taken, today i am practically theirs i don’t meet, well, i don’t know, i, as the rector of the institute, just as a person who observes life, i think that all the same, girls dream of
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love, dream of getting married, guys also dream of love, i didn’t dream, i didn’t dream of getting married never, i dreamed of living with my mother, for example, if we talk about reality, but about something like that, well, such a real dream, i always dreamed in my imagination of how i would move my mother to my place, i would have a whole room in a communal apartment. and how i will directly divide the room in half with some kind of closet like this, on one side she will live, on the other i will, i had such dreams, i did not dream of princes, nor of marriage, nor of children, they i started showing up late, i didn’t dream of this, i dreamed of becoming an artist, it’s true, then all the girls gathered artists, exchanged there you two gurchenkos, two gurchenkos me one there on nona murdyakova, well, that’s what happened, and so on...
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leningrad, and i also took tours with vladimir iktovich petrov, with whom i later studied, with agha merzyan, what do i need vladimir viktorovich said: “you will run here and there, you will not do either here or there, because i will try.” i said: “okay, okay, i’ll be with you.” but i still understood that the general education school was in shchukinsky, and i needed to fly. i was a small minded and focused and attentive girl. i i remember that i went to the pancake house before the train. i had as much as 25 rubles. i let them go. money, took a pancake, as i remember now, took the iron change and went to the station, it turned out that i had no money, because i
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didn’t take 24 rubles, and i thought, oh, right, i forgot them in that very cafe , i ’m coming back, i had time, i go up to the cashier, i say, hello, i was with you right somewhere just recently, i even gave you 25 rubles, so you say, you gave me small change, but no rubles they gave it, well, here i am, i’m waiting, she looked at me and said get out of here. i i say, i swear to you, i just swear to you, i took a pancake from you, and you gave me 70 kopecks there, but you didn’t give me 24 rubles, i thought that she was worried about this, she said, look from here she went now i’ll call the police, this was my first such blow, of course i cried, stood there and went nowhere, naturally i didn’t leave on any train to moscow and was forced to stay in leningrad, well, cool story, that is, you paid for your future fate, brought in such a way to return.


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