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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 27, 2024 1:40am-2:25am MSK

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and how will the viewer live there in six months, in 3 months or in a year, this, well, this is probably still experience, and intuition, this year, if i’m not mistaken, it will be 5 years since you took charge , that is, in the nineteenth year it happened, but the theater is on the armored one, the theater is on... on the small armored one, yes, but can we say that the audience has already formed - here is yours, over these 5 years, yes, i think so , uh, over these 5 years the repertoire has completely changed, uh, a lot of new performances have been created, the troupe has changed, a lot of new young artists came, every year i watch a lot of courses and take them in the corpse.
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it’s so uninteresting, so boring, what are they talking about, what’s going on in these plays, years passed and i suddenly understood, czech, i felt it, i felt it, it’s like it’s in my blood, i understand these experiences.
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the time of such youth, this is the time in which you will remember with sentimentality, but to which you will not return, you will not return there to that value chain, to those places, this is cool, this is cool, this is madness, this is some- then delusions, but you are not there you will return, and the theater is a place to which a person should come and come and come, this is very important for me, so to the theater, which only young, advanced audiences come to. they will then forget about this theater, they will be 27-30 years old, they will forget about this theater, they will change their values, i hope people will come to our theater at 27, at 30, and will come at 50 and 60, and so on , they will come all
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my life, at the age of 19 i was left alone, and why are you here they... a dream on a ship, oh, yes, the theater, the reds will come, art will be banned, yes, this is crap, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything on my own skin, the war passed her by, look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, but a great meeting can be ...
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tomorrow after the program time, happy birthday to whom? iva nikolaevich tolstoy, i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission. it is very difficult to fight in the mountains, you cannot smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you. 100 km from the state border, we must.
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like. why did you tatyana mikhailovna decide to become a teacher? because i love children very much. i am a master of ceremonies. who is this? the man who connects hearts. i work on a crane in ferrous metallurgy. i go to work with joy, and leave work with pride. study to become a heating engineer. and you won't regret it. one day i became
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an artist. well, for example, we can voice some grandfather with such a wonderful voice. i wanted to be an artist, then a navigator, a long-distance captain. at the end of the tenth grade i decided to become a doctor, like my mother. small you can move towards your goal in small steps, nothing is impossible. on the air of the creative industry podcast with us today is the director and artistic director of the theater on malaya bronny, konstantin bogomolov. tell us about the manifesto, where, where did it come from, because of course we read it, but here is the manifesto, the abduction of europe, journalism, well, my performances are also often journalistic, and in general , in one way or another, they always responded to what was happening around, and i really like it when people come to the hall.
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given, i am not breaking the law, i simply because you do not correspond to certain things , i freely say what i think, but if what i think does not correspond to certain given things, then you will be subject to cancellation, and in order not to be subject to cancellation, the producers themselves are afraid of this, they told me in advance, don’t, please, we beg you, don’t,
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and a certain, certain feeling began to accumulate that in fact europe, the one that exists, is no longer europe, that real, old, european environment, yes, powerful with a huge culture, with huge complex traditions, stratification of society, with incredible breakthroughs in art, in intellect, in science, no, this is some kind of slowly degrading environment, and russia, in general, inherits, in essence, in essence, that same pre-war old europe, i wanted to say some things, just say them, but because, well, well, it’s impossible, but it’s impossible to talk all the time, as if in the language of performances , i want to say about some things
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directly, openly, clearly, confidently, and i i wanted to speak in a language, you know, so un... scientific abstract, but in such a cocky language, i wanted to do such a cocky thing, and i can tell you this thing, i then released a manifesto, went to the perm opera and ballet theater to work, stage a play, the opera carmen, just like that, a manifesto came out and practically there he flew back and forth, a huge number of people came up and said konstantin, thank you, it turned out that this manifesto speaks out those things that ... existed energetically inside a huge number of people, and a huge number of young people, you know, this very important, because sometimes they tried to say that, well, this is such a boomer manifesto, like - the older older generation is trying to say something, no, nothing
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like that, a huge number of young twenty-year-olds who feel like this, think like this, they connect with... this text, which is why it is such a cheerful, essential, but cheerful in form, cocky statement, which in its cockiness inherits, in some sense, correlates with the performances that i do now now you will speak in the voices of the country, yes, this is your new dialogue with the audience, and this is a project that i really like, and which...
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they want to share this love, so we received a lot of applications, and the guys, directors and playwrights selected the most interesting ones, we discussed these applications with them, and the guys went there to see these heroes, yeah.
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will be played, will be played, which means in the exhibition spaces of russia, then, we are sure, these performances will continue their life, by the way, we already have requests from the regions for us to take these performances to the regions, they will continue to live in the regions, in moscow, and in general, in principle, for me this is essentially the development of the idea of ​​documentary theater, but at a completely new stage, i will tell you,
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in truthful reality, because one continuous blackness is it’s not true, because reality is complex and diverse, and when you are drawn to the darkness and blackness, and an amazing, completely heroic guy is also drawn to the darkness and blackness, it means that something is wrong in your soul, you know, children after all, they are formed through mimisis, through imitation? and art is always a mimetic, imitative thing, for example, the art of theater, we imitate, and what we imitate, we imitate what we
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like and what interests us, and we find what resonates in our hearts, and it seems to me that if we try to imitate the good, then that good will resonate with the good in our heart. and we ourselves will become better, and if we tremble, peer into the blackness, then accordingly this blackness will find blackness in us and to expand this zone of blackness, that’s why for me this is also a mission to transform the documentary theater in our country, this project that we... also thanks to the cultural initiatives fund. the creative industry podcast is on air, our guest today is the director, artistic director of the theater
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on malaya bronnaya konstantin bogomolov. let's continue. this word, imitation, well, from what i heard in your interviews, it is inherent in the nation as a whole. well, you've come across this somewhere, well, in a good way the sense that we take all the best, so to speak, to ourselves. we know what the situation is now. yes, the abolition of culture, closed borders and so on, and at the same time there is a rather persistent search for a cultural code, where to look for it, you know, i’ll tell you this, i’m a fan of dostoevsky, i really like his idea about the universality of the russian soul, so it actually seems to me that this is a rather unique property of the russian consciousness, it is... a cultural space in what sense, it considers everything that is best in world
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culture to be its own, the russian consciousness, it wants to incorporate all the best in world culture into oneself, you know, we all grew up not only on pushkin, but on dumas, and dartanian is a russian hero. well, yes, he is just as russian a hero as the french one, maybe even more russian than the french one, and dickins, and shakespeare, and rastan, i don’t know, and the ancient greeks, these are all our authors, maybe that’s why we have an outstanding translation school, an outstanding translation school, it has no equal in the whole world, this is absolutely obvious, and translations have always been carried out by outstanding writers. the authors are great and did not disdain this, and thanks to this we have fantastic translations of the same parsnip, for example, i’m not even talking about it. that there
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is a soviet state there, i just know as a philologist, the soviet state carried out, for example, fantastic activities to maintain national cultures within its borders, central asian cultures, slavic cultures, but it published a lot, supported national cultures a lot, gave alphabets and writing to small to peoples who do not have them it would have been... the small nations inhabiting russia and the soviet union received alphabets. in this regard, i believe that russia is a country that, on the one hand, has a huge variety of national and
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different cultures. and the best thing that other peoples create, to take it into ourselves, to become infected with it, is also an essential part of that same cultural code, the russian cultural code, and this is our enormous strength, this is, i would say, russian multiculturalism, this is not western multiculturalism , this is special, this is our multiculturalism, which...
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presupposes, while preserving what is ours, to love and never cancel, so, by the way, we don’t have this moment, yes, there never was, and never was, hatred, cultures, during the second world war there was no german culture, and with all the hatred for nazism, german culture was separated from the political system by political madness, german ideological madness. and continued to be loved, it was impossible to imagine the abolition of goethe as a german author in russian culture, impossible, this is absurd, this, you know, some property, very significant, the properties of the intellect, soul, consciousness and heart, soon it will be you... in your
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manifesto you formulated some things very precisely and even predicted something in advance, i can’t help but ask about the time in which we now live, here’s how we need to treat it correctly , to what extent it is, all these changes are, well, let’s say global in nature, to what extent can all this be influenced, or should we go with the flow, should we accept just go with the flow, that's where we are now let's stew, here...
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i believe that these changes are overdue, so i personally always urge those around me not only not to be scared, but to understand that this is an inevitable historical process, that it has its own tragedy and its own beauty, that there is meaning in it, that there is meaningfulness in it, that it opens...
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somehow it is frightened, which means, of these changes, calm down, calm down, and listen. decide, that’s all, it seems to me that this is the only recipe, i could be wrong, but there is an impression from the outside that you feel very somehow in this, at this particular time comfortable, well, that is, you somehow feel like a fish in water in it, how do you feel? i feel comfortable, because in fact, i ’ll tell you why i feel comfortable, because, it seems to me, this is an honest time, so... i can talk honestly within this time and say what i think, and i , too, to a very significant extent, freed myself from the need, you see, it is a
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cultural environment, it is so very specific, let’s say, this cancel culture, the culture of bullying for some non-standard opinion, it pressed me a lot. "yes, i feel comfortable because i say what i think, because i feel free, because i feel that what is happening is right and leads to some very right changes, and i believe , that this is some kind of cleansing, big cleansing crisis - civilization and some cleansing processes are taking place, and i like that i live in a country that...", it seems to me, has a huge perspective, which is becoming a leader in speaking the truth , we live in a period of fantastic historical change, but this it’s very cool, it’s very interesting, we
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don’t live in a swamp of some kind of stagnation, yes, we live in incredibly interesting times, yes, a lot of dramatic things happen at this time. but this is a cool time, and we, contemporaries of this time, contemporaries of incredible, very important changes, we are witnesses of this, and we can be participants in this, we should not be afraid, we must move from witnesses to participants in these changes, this is real. so go from witnesses, participants, everything will be fine, dear friends, our guest is the director, publicist, konstantin bogomolov, what a writer, it was wildly interesting with you, so holistic,
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i just met you for the first time, i’m very pleased, thank you very much, thank you, dear friends, you can watch all episodes of the creative industry podcastlab on the website of the first channel hello, dear tv viewers, you are watching the triggers lab podcast. and with you is his leading psychologist tatyana krasnovskaya, psychologist and psychotherapist sergei nasebyan. and our guest is julia. hello julia. hello. tell us why you are coming to us have you come? i came with such an interesting request, i don’t know what to call it, it’s a diagnosis or my fears or my beliefs, in general, it seems to me that i have a childish position, that is, i seem to always expect from someone
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that some of my questions will be resolved, well , for example, there is a job search, that one of my friends will offer something, uh-huh, or, for example, my man will solve these questions of mine, i have a dad for a certain... period there was one who helped me, i have a feeling that i have no knowledge, yes, that’s how it is as if doing something myself, but despite everything that i expect, for example, from my man, that he will somehow solve my financial issues, while i cannot voice my requests to him, ask for money, that is , for example, say there, give me some amount for this, for that, that is, for some reason i am ashamed to do this. some well-defined level of earnings, due to the fact that i don’t have this internal permission, i
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broadcast myself this way, that is, this is how i see myself inside, this is apparently how others see me, so i have such a request, tell us a little about your parental family. what are they like now? i have two parents, a brother, a brother 8 years younger, so i’m the older sister, the eldest child, in a relationship with my brother, it turned out that my mother had a job. we are 8 years apart and somehow i was partly his parent in some way, dad made good money, supported us, mom also worked, but from a certain point, when i am now analyzing, well, my past life , i understand that, well, for example, many things were not done according to my wishes, yes, it was not my choice, but just, well, they sort of followed the path of least resistance, they chose where they could place me, and guarantee, yes,
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they could do the right thing, well, that’s how it turns out , i got married, i got married at 19, they also found you a groom, a groom , no, we somehow found ourselves, but it was at school, that is, we dated from the age of 14, then at the age of 19, i was 19 years old, he was 20, we got married, lived in marriage for 25 years, then separated, i have two children, the eldest son is 20 years old and the daughter is 16, at some point i made a decision for myself, that i would go on, well, let’s say, a long maternity leave, that is, i was at home for 8 years, taking care of the children, as it seemed to me, i was an ideal mother, so, well, then it happened that at some certain moment there was a need to go out work, because that was my financial situation, and i realized that at the age of 45 i...
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and this also included a certain feeling of guilt, that you begin to analyze whether you did everything so well, this whole structure has shaken, i'm a good mother, well , in the end, i came to the conclusion that m people there for 45-47 years they have been summing up some results, but i don’t seem to know where i am, well, that is, you don’t like the results, obviously, apparently yes, yeah, you like the children, you don’t like the results, you like the children. uh-huh, so i still can’t get my bearings
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so that i can get on the rails and feel, well, self-confidence, let’s say, there is a little bit of a feeling of being lost, and your divorce happened, just like the divorce happened, i was the initiator, relatively calmly, well, quite a serious decision for a person who doesn’t know how to make decisions, why are you have you made a decision? i just began to understand that i was not happy in the relationship, i began to understand that i did not give my first husband anything, well, that is, as for a man, i understand that all the same, the woman’s support, faith in him, it is important, so here i am , that is, you withdrew yourself, i didn’t feel these feelings for him, well, let’s just say he disappointed me, or so as you say. i don’t like the results, well, accordingly, mutual understanding
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was also not achieved, and well, i didn’t want to do that, because i didn’t want to to be sick, i didn’t want to expose the children to stress, because up to a certain point there was an opportunity to somehow level it out and hide it, although the children tell me that they still, well, how did they feel it, yeah, so you said that he disappointed you, what was the original reason? expectations or charm? well, material issues, that is , somehow, well, conditionally, let’s say, there was such an initial agreement that i would work with the children, but he provides our rear, but it so happened that at a certain point the situation changed for me had to go to work, the situation changed in the sense that he was not able to provide for your family - at the level that is necessary, yes, yes, uh- huh, so... well, this entailed some certain, maybe maybe we just
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weren’t able to cope with this situation as adults, yes, since we had an early marriage, maybe we were kind of stuck at that age, yes, that is, we grew up, but we didn’t learn how to solve adult issues, maybe what are you crying about now? i’m crying, feeling sorry for myself? what 's wrong that you've been crying for 45 years, you're healthy children, why do you feel sorry for it, well, it’s like they obviously didn’t imagine their 45s that way. somehow yes, i don’t like the results, i imagined that i understood where to go, i imagined that i would have some kind of vector, i imagined that there would be some kind of, well , some kind of feeling of reliability, i imagined that there would be support, uh-huh, all this support, reliability was essentially built on the husband, on the husband, on the dad, yes, well, first on
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the dad, then on the husband, well dad did the same for us, he supported us, yes, but you knew, yes, as if by the age of 40 you guessed that dad mind well, let’s talk to you about this, how did you build a support on i don’t know, there’s an ear of clay with feet of clay, relatively speaking, maybe i didn’t think about it before, that is, while everything was fine, well, everything went well and there were no problems these are the same questions: what to do? well, yes, up to a certain point, well, it turns out that he was like that for me, maybe in the subconscious he was just like a support and some kind of support, and then it so happened that i went to work , a pandemic happened and i was laid off, i divorced and
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dad died, it’s like everything is a piano, yes, well , as usual, that’s how it happens, it doesn’t happen a little at a time, it happens all at once. uh-huh, how did you cope with such a royal flush? i don’t know how you coped, well, i can’t say that at that moment when all this was happening, i had some kind of deep analysis, i somehow suffered, yes, well, somehow, it seems to me, that i felt so good because i got divorced, as if i had resolved some kind of issue, that i didn’t even analyze the fact that, for example, i was left without sredovsky. existence and that, well, i was fired, and that your divorce will have some consequences for you, and the children stayed with you, yes, the children stayed with me, well - my husband supports, helps, that is, well, how would we they got divorced very well, how can i say, that’s right, it’s probably not environmentally friendly, but yes there is such
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a thing, that is, you have maintained a fairly good relationship with your husband, now you have a man, i’ve checked. i have a second husband, you weren’t alone for long, not for long, yeah, so what, but this husband lives up to expectations, now there are no expectations yet, now it’s just there, well , somehow every time there is a current moment, well , in these current moments he performs the functionality that you assigned to him, a person who solves your problems, meets some of your needs, yeah, yeah, why are you worried? i’m worried, i don’t see myself as a person, as a unit, that is, that’s how it is, but you don’t have such a task, so far , from what you said, there was only one task: first to live with my dad, then to live with my husband, now to live with a second husband, about what personality we are talking about, well, apparently now there is
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such a need, there is such a task as you would like, this is the ideal picture, this is this holistic personality, what is it like when you can... rely on yourself to understand that it is good when there is a person nearby, but at the same time, if there is no person nearby, well, as if everything is okay with you, not in the sense that you are divorced or married, not as a partner, but in the family, but that in principle you can handle it yourself, then there is for me, as you will understand, that is, what you need for this, here you are now you don’t consider yourself like that, you don’t consider yourself like that based on some analytical calculations of such or such results, yes, for example, you don’t have a profession that would make you happy, that you would be proud of, so, you have no income , which would...


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