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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 27, 2024 2:25am-3:11am MSK

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secondly, what kind of personality are we talking about? well, apparently, now such a need arises, there is such a task as you would like, this is the ideal picture, this is this holistic personality, what is it like when you can rely on yourself to understand that it is good when there is a person nearby, but at the same time, if there is no person nearby, well, as if everything is okay with you, not in the sense that you are divorced or married, not as... a partner, but in the family, but that in principle you can handle it yourself, that is, for me , how do you understand this, that is, what do you need for this, here you are now you don’t consider yourself like that, you don’t consider yourself like that based on some analytical calculations of such or such results, yes, for example, you don’t have a profession that would make you happy, that you would be proud of, so you don’t have an income that would allow you can comfortably
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exist alone without relying on other people, you don’t seem to have any interests, i don’t know about any hobbies, that’s what you’re talking about, which means, accordingly, when they ask you tatyana, and i have reason to assume that all this it should be the other way around, it's you you must master a profession that will give you respect, confidence, and so on, but you need to provide for yourself accordingly, and, accordingly, your life...
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this is not at all about me, a second education, but i initially worked there for several years, it’s so nominal, that is , banks, then i worked at a company as a financial manager, then as an accountant, then i wanted to leave the accounting department and i was fired, well , accordingly, i couldn’t answer my request, so you liked your job, accounting, no, there are people who like work in accounting, interesting, for sure, probably so, although... leave, and it so happened that by chance, not by chance, i got a job as an assistant to the director of a public school, and you liked this job, yes, you liked this job, now you are there you don’t work, i don’t work there now, because of the pandemic you were laid off, no, i was laid off from accounting, why don’t you work at school, if you like it, it’s a little difficult to be a personal assistant, there are certain some- those moments when i couldn’t, well, it’s moral to combine this here... the role is precisely that of a personal assistant,
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yes, that is, i liked all the functionality, everything except that at some point it begins, well, like certain boundaries of mine, i could not defend, let’s say, that is, for me not in the sense of a complaint against my employer, yes, but i just realized that at some certain moment i lost myself, and you yourself left, yes, yeah, that was your last job, you quit a long time ago, in september, so okay, but if we assume that now you will again climb out of that hole, in where you are, what profession would you like to make your main activity? well , i like something related to administration, that is, well, how long do you plan to work in the position of some administrator of something, well, until the end of your days, for example, you want to die at work, is this possible or... you you understand that you have
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15 active years left there, i definitely don’t want to die yet, i don’t want to die at work either, but for some time yet, well, i’m interested in working, i’m 47 years old now and i’m still feeling like i don’t see a pensioner, that is, i have the strength, the desire, i want to work, but how would you like your life to change, then suddenly a miracle, the whole mechanism switches and suddenly... your ideal life begins, how it it would look like, in a month you have this and that, in a year you have this, in 5, in 10 years, you wake up, happy, well, there is this, let’s say, some kind of inspiration and a desire to do something, satisfaction of interest, well that internal, yes, which does not mean there are some moments there. why do you
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cry when you talk about this? well you you’re talking about how great it will be, why are you crying even when you look in there? no, i'm sorry about what's wrong now. ok, not like that now. it’s just a fact, why do you get upset when we talk about your fantasies, maybe i somehow don’t believe that it’s you, i have a feeling that you ’re talking and don’t believe it, i also have a feeling that it’s as if you let someone down very badly by the fact that you couldn’t get it all, who did you let down, who was disappointed in you, let yourself down, who else is in you you could be disappointed, when making your decisions in life, you seem to have stumbled and disobeyed someone who says: you need to do what you need, maybe it’s your dad, maybe who, for example, maybe told you that yulia, you shouldn’t get married so early, let’s assume, or you shouldn’t marry this person, maybe not, but from what i see, how you talk about it, i get the feeling that right now at this moment from some character will come out of the darkness, maybe it’s not even
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a person, but who will have every reason, should i tell you it’s my own fault, were you warned? i would like him to come out, i would also look at him with pleasure, let’s just call him here now, if we allow this fantasy, then what kind of character is he? i don’t know, maybe it’s some kind of feeling - like a feeling of my own ego, well, like how i am disappointing myself, yes, that is, you are, and what kind of yourself have you disappointed, so let’s be 47 years old at your stage. where does your memory stop, where does that julia appear who has reason to be disappointed in you now today, at about 35 years old, what happened at 35 years old, filled with something, what happened at 35 years old, during this period of your life, what happened,
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everything was fine with me, what else happened there, i knew where to move , i understood that i had goals, which, well, this was 12 years ago, in front of your father and in front of your husband at that time, it also gave you this justification that you took some kind of help from them, well husband understandable, dad
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understandable to a lesser extent, well, maybe yes, now you ’re saying, maybe yes, what can i say, i, well for me it was justified that they were supporting me because i was doing something that was supposedly not allowed. measure, yes, yes, at that moment you clearly seemed to be already disappointed in something, and for you this eight-year maternity leave was salvation, and the birth of a second child was to some extent salvation, what not to achieve and what - results in the material world, let's call it that, and you went into the ephemeral world, for example, into the ephemeral world of good mothers, as if there was some kind of, you know, universe, where all the mothers are good and everyone shows their children to each other, their children , respectively, from harp to chinese, from chinese to gymnastics, from gymnastics to swimming. then chess, english, only after that go to bed, they all eat well, they don’t get sick, they are obedient, so you moved into this world of good mothers and thought, i’m such a good mother, but then it happened, well, this is the most disappointment, disappointment, there was a problem that at that
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moment you were not confident in your husband, that he would be able to provide for you the way you needed, you they saw it even then and understood it then, but they closed their eyes, that’s the thing, instead of at 35 there, well... what, although now in general you are quite okay, but at 35 you were young, and this was the moment when it was possible and worthwhile to make other decisions, perhaps to get a divorce, perhaps there were such thoughts, perhaps not to go on this eight-year maternity leave, but to be engaged in building your career, building your relationships in this world, so that about you as this world knew about the personality, and not as a prefix to your husband, there in this second or this minute or this year, it doesn’t matter, it’s as if you’re there... well, as if it happened a little earlier, you seem to be very familiar with this state of disappointment, some kind of disappointment in yourself, when the first time you made an independent decision, you can answer first, that’s what
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comes to mind, an independent decision, in principle, well, here’s some kind of independent decision for your life, any independent decision, i’ll go to school, i won’t go to school, it seems to me that i was married all the time, it was my decisions, well... then i was in my first marriage all the time, well , let’s put it this way, but this is the notorious one, who is the head of the family, that is, well, everything was on me, and i understand that it was basically the same for my... husband comfortable, well , even though i was like a mother, yes, but i wasn’t much of a girl, that is, i don’t know how it would be not to take the packages that are there, well, just walk past them, but i’ll definitely take them , well, here are some moments like how it was for you to be the head of the family, i liked it at first, well, judging by the fact that i took on this role, and i liked it. there is a feeling that along with this dominance you got the husband who did not live up to your expectations
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? well, of course, yes, i understand it now, well, the decision to get a divorce was absolutely my decision, and i realized that , well, no matter what, even if there’s no work there, that’s all, i still don’t i can be in this marriage anymore, and this decision is brave, i don’t know, i just understood differently that well, it’s like i just can’t breathe, well ... well, i really physically just can’t and - accordingly , i suppress my first husband, too, because i understood that that’s where i was, well, very, so strong in a negative sense, very strong, yeah, at first you said that your request was that you are in a child's position, a child's position and such dominance in the family as this? as if something like this had happened, you know, like a changeover, i’m kind of afraid
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of going back and becoming so dominant again, or as if, well , let’s put it this way, yes, it’s not good for anything led, well, conditionally, i think that if you now, when we are talking about this, if you take responsibility for this entire experience, here is the total responsibility that you made the decision, you did what you did. and the result of these decisions, the result of your actions, in general you do not like, if you accept all this experience from beginning to end and integrate it into yourself, then most likely you will not repeat the same mistake, but then the question arises: how you will act today in your relationship with your current spouse so that your personality develops, as you say, at the same time you can count on your spouse and give him the opportunity to take care of you, what can you do?
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imbalance and such, as if there was some kind of instability and uncertainty or something, what are you saying, as if you cannot control this force, that if it exists, then it is total, then you begin to suppress your husband, you begin to dominate, lead him for... 25 years of marriage, well, in the sense of his first marriage, and you here, now you can’t allow this, and you
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fall into this position of a child, what would you do now, yul, if you decided to destroy your relationship with your husband now with the second go along yes, follow this scenario in which you went with my first husband, with my second husband, my situation is a little different, we have a big age difference, it’s unlikely even... if i really want to, i will be able to defeat him, but answering tatyana’s question, would you try his best? - to suppress, i don’t see it in myself now, no, tatyana asked you another question, she said what would you do if you wanted to destroy the relationship with him, from what you answer, i conclude that if you could, you would suppress him, that’s how you would ruined the relationship with him, but thank god, you understand that this is impossible due to his wisdom, maturity, strength... well , yes, well, it’s clear that you wouldn’t have come directly, you wouldn’t have said, look, now let’s agree who’s in charge here, well, if we exaggerate
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this situation, then they would go in this direction develop, if i wanted to basically destroy the marriage, yes, i would probably, well , most likely, i would just say that listen, i’m wondering what i could do, so that you would categorically tell me, i think, if you would humiliate him? humiliate, disrespect, of course, yes, why did you ask tatiana this question, well, i’m interested in understanding what can be done in order to destroy, in order to understand, what then? to do in order to save, that is, there is a certain idea, yes, about what destroys relationships, it’s clear now that it’s not worth it, then what’s worth doing, the most important thing is that it seems to me that it’s worth talking, well, that is, communicating a lot, talking, explaining, checking in with each other, well, at every moment in time, when some situations arise, for example, or some,
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just, as they say, dialogue, yes, that is, you need to find some kind of balance. it’s good for the two of you to keep quiet, this is also important, well , after all, your marriage is just beginning, in this sense, you have not been married to him for very long, but what is definitely worth talking about is about roles, this is where you essentially started, because on the one hand, of course, you can now be in this relationship - in the role of a little girl, for whom a man much older than
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you is responsible, but this also will not last long, what ’s the matter, he won’t be interested in it, that ’s what he’s talking about... tanya, you will find a balance, because i’m sure that your spouse, in general, is not against it, just for you to develop personally, well, let’s put it this way, that yes, of course, he’s not like, do whatever you want, as long as you don’t, well, because you can rush to the other extreme now, you can destroy, or you can rush to the other extreme, where you maintain relationships, just create everything, run there, spend all your efforts there, but you need to find yourself in this. with or without a relationship, you can find all episodes of the triggers podcast on the website of the first channel, let’s say, relationships in marriage, they don’t mean no, well, they’re not that important, yes, but now in my first place is this exactly, yes, about the fact that, well, in general, where i am for myself, that is, right now
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the fact that i wasn’t alone there for a long time, well... my daughter tells me that it seems like you can’t be alone, but i can’t say that, well, i threw myself into this marriage right there, yes, that i for me, it just happened that way, but at the moment i still have more of a request for myself, that is, i understand that marriage also depends, well , naturally, on how i feel about myself, then there is how much i will be, in fact , july, you answered all the questions, look , you understand exactly how you will be to feel satisfied is when you have a profession for which you respect yourself, an income that allows you to be independent and fully support yourself, and accordingly a business that will be part of your hobby, you said it, now you have a spouse who in one way or another is a support for you, so you have some time within
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which, using this support, you can realize yourself as a person, that is, right now you have this... opportunity, here it is it's important not to miss that the very opportunity that you missed at 35, when you also had a dad and a husband, and maybe if you had realized yourself through these parameters, they would have gone into a false, in fact, identity, mom, there, good mom , wife and so on, yes, because these are identities that are always associated with the role of the other partner, if there is no husband, you are not a wife, if there is no child, you are not a mother, so, now is just... necessary take this lesson, which 35 years would not have passed or was passed incorrectly because you don’t like it result, and today direct all your strength to this, using your husband as support and support, now you have a couple of years for this, believe me, no more, but within two years it must be done. julia, tell us about your children, how do they see you? this is just
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such a question for me too, i always, often ask myself that it would be interesting for me to see myself through the eyes of my children. to find out what they think about me, have you ever asked them? well, i asked and even when i didn’t ask, they somehow don’t hide it much their opinion on the matter, my daughter tells me that i underestimate myself, that i don’t believe in myself, and this daughter is 16, yes, you say, my daughter is 16, yes, my daughter tells me that she is grateful to me for getting divorced, they highlight some of your strengths? sides, something that they like about you, something that impresses, well , yes, she often tells me what she likes, what kind of relationship we have, she is open with me. it happens that sometimes he and my brother diagnose me in their correspondence there, that i have some kind of adhd, that i
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what advanced children, depression, split personality, yes, now young people like to talk about this, well, just at some point, when my friends usually wished me a happy birthday, they often told me that you are an amazing mother, you great mother, i don’t know such mothers... somehow i don’t know, at some point it already became like bad advertising, yes, well, because this is just a small part of your personality, and what have you managed to create in your relationship with them, what do you think, the most important thing is with children, yeah, it seems to me that i succeeded, i managed to keep them, well, realness, that is, they are like that, well, in my opinion, i also understand that they are loved, they are so spoiled, so well, good and... children of the home, yes, well, in a good way i mean, not in the sense that the greenhouse, they have grandmothers, grandfathers, mom, dad, well, how can you say
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that, in principle, the family is a full cup, but they had a good, happy childhood, that is, you know how to love, in fact, yes, well, that’s great , look, it’s the same thing, just now give yourself, your daughter is on the right when she speaks you that you underestimate yourself, because in essence you now... here are your 47, you have the opportunity to show them another very important thing, that you are an adult, you can do anything, and you will do what you like, without looking back at them, on their parents, on their husbands and so on, so they should see that 47 is only the beginning in this sense of life, when we begin to enjoy our life, when you can love yourself, you were able to love them, that’s all with everything to them, and now only to themselves in the good sense of this words, you have a beloved man nearby and...
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your essence, your, your inner self, this is me you need to find, which you will work as a crocodile in the zoo, that’s also good, but you need to find this you, who wants to be realized through some kind of... then a position, through some profession, through some activity, don’t look for a job, find yourself who wants to be realized through this or that profession, there is a very simple coaching tool, you can take a piece of paper, you’ll get out of here or in the notes in your phone , now you will go in a taxi, write what you want your day to look like, here you are...
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with the future, you look at your future, but you see only your past there, well, yes , there’s probably this moment that it’s like i don’t see the future , and to hell with it, you don’t need to look into the future, look at the present, what kind of yourself you want to realize through your work and professional activities, thank you very much again, thank you, well, this was labtrier’s podcast, and we talked with yulia about about how to find yourself in the vicissitudes of life, relationships and professional activities, we were with you the hosts of this podcast are tatyana krasnovskaya and sergey nasebyan, and you, dear viewers, if you want to become a participant in the trigger podcast and be our guest in our studio and
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understand the issue that is interesting to you personally, fill out the form on the website hello, this is a podcast of witnesses from einstein, where we, film historians natalya ryabchikova and stanislav didinsky, talk about famous, little-known, often unknown stories, films, heroes of russian cinema, and today we will talk about the wonderful cartoon and film composer gennady glodkov, who, unfortunately, left us not so long ago. today we have a special guest. the medic,
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the dad had the surname of the chernomazov, in childhood i was very teased, calling the black mazik, the black sea, and i approached my parents, i say, dads, mothers, and what kind of surname we have such a normal surname, i say, i say, but i say, but i don’t like it, and i started, for some reason i was very drawn there, i began to study where it came from, and it turned out that my... great-great-grandfather lived somewhere there in transcarpathia, posovets, spoke russian very poorly, and there was a population census, and during the population census, one of the village residents said that a man lives there, in the mountains, he will save sheep, but what is his last name, no one doesn’t know how we’ll write him down, he had a black spot on his face, apparently a birthmark
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. and the person who copied it wrote chernomazov, and i said, mom, well, that ’s not our last name, but at that time, i worked on the radio, i had the right pseudonym, everyone called me that, and i took it for myself this surname, i said: “mom, i want to change my surname, because this surname is not really our family.” she says: "okay, i approve of this." you can change your last name, i agree with you, i changed my last name, but i started officially, far away. well, that is, my children need a last name, but uh, i started digging further, because the story didn’t end, and it turns out that just recently i found out the last name of this man, who is there in soviet, his real last name is zhurovlev, and my daughter tells me: dad, maybe we can change the last name to zhuravlev, since this is our real name? i say: daughter, well, you shouldn’t change your last name so often, maybe you’ll grow up when you
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’re 18 years old. you will change your surname, but we will know in our hearts that our real surname is zhuravleva. here's the story. let's talk a little about who gennady glodkov is, how he came into our lives, how his songs came into our lives. and of course, our main example today is the bremen town musicians. alexey, did you have the record at home? no, there was no record, i didn't have it gramophone, but the bremen musicians were on my cassette. i was born in eighty- four. and i am a child of the nineties, then there were cassettes, pencils, when you could rewind, when we shared with each other a recording of what was on the cassette, two cassettes were inserted on a small tape recorder, and one cassette recorded the other, this way we transmitted the bremen musicians , and of course the bremen musicians - this is my childhood, this is a crystal pearl, as sergei burunov, artist sergei burunov, said,
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while the other children were copying. cinema and the cinema group and the depismot group, for example, did you watch cartoons on tv? well, of course, it’s very interesting that when gennady glotkov started, there were no cartoons actually shown on tv, these were cartoons that were made for film distribution, this is the mid-sixties, when glotkov generally starts working, and he makes a small revolution together with his directors, because that... when work begins on fairy tale musical films, they understand that on television they show fragments from cartoons, but cartoons are not shown in their entirety yet, it is necessary to make such fragments that were shown on television, well, in fact, music videos, as everyone said, well , in general, i want to say that soviet animation was very unlucky with distribution, as they would say today, because there were quite a few opportunities for cinemas to show it on the big screen, so this is all a phenomenon
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of popularity. and these very favorite domestic films, both cheburashka and bremen town musicians, this rather still comes a little in hindsight, when tv hit every home, i have a question, did you see all this on tv, probably in black and white, if you are a child of the eighties and nineties, here i am, for example , so i had a black and white tv that many things exist in color, i of course found out many years later, well, you say, in fact, i remember my childhood and i don’t remember. from that moment when i watched the bremen town musicians on tv, i said yes, i watched it, of course, remembering some fragments, probably closer to some student time, that is, this is an adult school time , student time, maybe these were fragments, but i watched a full-fledged cartoon, it seems to me, somewhere in the late nineties already , it seems to me, mm, because...
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my first trip to the cinema was actually in ninety, i’ll tell you now in ninety- two, no, in ninety-four, i went to see terminator 2, me too. on terminator 2, and it wasn’t a cinema, it was a video salon, that is, it’s an ordinary the room, that’s how you and i are sitting here, there’s just a tv, there’s a video recorder, video recorder, then it was called, a man comes out, inserts a video cassette, which means he presses the play button , a movie starts showing on tv with, well, with dubbing like that, with dubbing right when they pinned the nose... they opened it and there were 10 chairs, in my opinion, then they also showed the bremen town musicians, that is, we, for example, walked in the park, there is a stand in the park, well, like a stand, it’s simple, it’s
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just cardboard, on which paper is stuck, on this paper written with a felt-tip pen, time and movie. an arrow, which means pointing to the door, you go into this door, it’s dark there, there’s some kind of tv, so you sit down, pay a ruble there, sit down and they show you something, that’s when i went to the terminator for the first time, but the bremen musicians , in addition to the viewing itself, in my time, some student time had a significant role, since as a student i was involved in: in the red corner there were such popular trends at one time as stem, student theater of strange miniatures, and we did regular productions of the bremen town musicians, that is, we sang these songs, we portrayed a donkey, portrayed a trumpeter, portrayed a rooster,
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joked about this form, the bremen town musicians - this is generally a significant such life of mine, uh, but the cartoon itself... it also occupies an interesting role, because it is filled with such a melodious good nature, in fact, it is so sincerely filled with this that when watching this cartoon, you are filled, it’s like imagining something happened to you, you are walking along the corridor and jumping, that’s what me this happened, so i... regularly turn on the music of gennady gigorevich in the car, when we go with the children to school or to the kindergarten, that is, we know all the songs by heart, we sing them, we are there, we sometimes come up with something for these songs, recently i was editing a film, i
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have a studio at home downstairs, in the basement, and i go upstairs, and my children say, dad, sit down, and i sat down on a chair, they turn off the lights, the house becomes quiet. but they play a song: they say we are a hot people, we are not afraid of tenderness, tenderness, and show with light me a three-minute performance with a song, with a dance, that is, at the moment when i was making the film, they were doing their work, and this is a whole dance, a whole performance, which means my two daughters, one six, the other 10, their neighbor, who 9 years old, the three of them made me laugh a lot, let's see. the most famous song there is nothing better in the world, we will not forget our calling, we bring laughter and joy to people, to us palaces, tempting
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vaults, will never replace freedom, will never replace freedom, amazing musical words always relevant yurientin in general is an amazing symphony of cinematic efforts, because here there is not only vasilina sovalevskaya, the director of this film, not only gennady gladkov, the author of the music, not only the author of the words, yuri entin, but also the author of the idea, vasily livanov, who is a wonderful, outstanding filmmaker. i read that it was livanov who brought it. where they became friends and glodkov, in general, might not have worked in cinema, because there were no members
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of the composers’ union, only thanks to the persistent character of vasily livanov, right from him, everyone knows about his explosive temperament, probably, maybe you also had the opportunity to communicate with him just while working on your film, and he insisted that he write the music. that the podcast of izzenshtein's witnesses is on the air, which i, stanislav didinsky and natalya ryabchikova are watching, and today our guest is the director and screenwriter alexey muzhny. i also wanted to remember karloson, because there , for the first time for us on the screen, yes, the work of livanov and the work of glotkov are combined. livanov voices the little boy himself, and glodkov writes music, and i think we can also remind the audience. what it is? hey, what,
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what, what, nothing, we’re flying, listen, you forgot the jam, right? no, i took it, i took it, i took it, listen, but you left the candy, but no, don’t crush ours! i don’t put pressure on the fairy. glozkov is already starting out as such a fabulous composer, he works in the theater, he also writes such light music, yes, but you need to remember that this is the sixties thaw, that ’s all it is, but entin is not here yet, there is no text here yet, here no this is it... as if we could hum the melody from
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gentleman of fortune there, but this is not a musical film, it is still a slightly different genre, yes in this sense, and then the visayas story comes out in the soviet union, everyone will know that there is such a term musical, not only a musical film, inesa kovalevskaya writes in her memoirs that the bremen town musicians deliberately decided to make it as a musical, but they still didn’t really know what a musical was, how it was actually made, so they have an example of a visayan story, a musical film, well musical movie?
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learning seems incredibly simple, but then, when enten comes, when glotkov writes this, when they put it all together, it’s just amazing something, there’s nothing better in the world than wandering with friends around the world, those who are friends are not afraid of anxiety , any roads are dear to us, there are any roads, roads, if you listen to the words, the song of friends, it
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’s all about connection, those who, those who are friends, they are afraid of anxiety, people who are friends are people who unite together , here they are all united, all of them are certainly talented people, each a genius in their own way, they all connected and something exploded, something simply colossally powerful was born. so it seems to me that this is very strong in general in any connection in any connection, when people connect, something very significant is born, and for me, the song of friends, it is also one of the most significant for me, well, it’s just the most resonates, we probably sing it most vividly, but here ’s what... entin was not in carlsen, this
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is actually heard in the words, because if we just analyze the words of the bremen musicians, then they are incredibly accurate in their execution, in their essence, very simple, very understandable and very to the point, for me personally... for me there is something divine, because such works, they remain forever only when there is something truly divine in them. and the town musicians of bremen is that same work. i understand correctly that you were able to personally communicate with gennady gladkov, how did this meeting take place, how did this work go? interesting point, what really we didn’t communicate with him, but we, together with the composer maxim fodeev, were passionately burning with this desire, we really wanted
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to meet and get his permission, blessings, of course, but during the period when we were preparing for filming, he got sick and... our communication , it happened in writing, everything we wanted, we received, a blessing, yes, but it did not happen in person, unfortunately, and yuri entin participated in some way, of course, yuri entin, since yuri entin is the author of the rights, yeah, uh, i talked to yuri entin - my partner, our general the producer, leonit imilevich verishchagin, and leonit imilevich did a great job communicating with each of the authors of this music.
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to study something new for myself, if i feel that i am interested here, now, here, here, in this particular zone, in this particular genre, in this feeling with the children, i feel good, i understand that there is a lot there is a lot of energy inside me now and it must be transformed into something, and this something, this is a new film, as a rule, a new film, but what genre it is, that is, we understand.
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a lot of funny, and drama in a sense, because there are places where, as it seems to me, they are very touching and they bring tears, mm, this fabric, which is created from completely different scraps, mm, make it convincing, make its organic, because if we try to weave silk and, i don’t know, cotton or something else, this or leather, it may turn out strange, but for me the cartoon itself was helpful, because it is a very clear guideline, because the cartoon gives clear sensations, that is i understand what kind of fabric this is, i wanted more...


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