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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 27, 2024 3:55am-5:01am MSK

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on souls, and my life flows, flows and rolls, flows and rolls, the wheel flows, and my life flows, flows, flows, flows.
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it doesn’t allow you not to hide, fly to the flame of a candle like a moth, and my life flows, flows and rolls, flows and rolls, a stream and a wheel,
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everything happens, in pairs, i don’t want it yet, i don’t want a pair, ima. the soul of the demon, and my life flows, flows, flows, flows, flows, flows, flows, flows, wheels, flows, wheels, flows. in short,
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the wheel, and my life, flows and rolls, the stream flows and rolls, and cinnamon, and my life. flows, flowing, brook and kalitsya, agat my, sichetytsa, sichetytsa, flows, feeds, and yours.
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hello, the sunday time program is on air, in the studio of ekaterina andreeva we will talk about the main events of the day of the outgoing week. state visit of vladimir putin to uzbekistan. economy, energy,
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security and humanitarian ties. it is precisely this kind of informal communication that becomes a platform for discussing the most important things. sensitive issues, we accomplished a lot on the first day, tactical exercises, we are not forcing anything here, but as was said, everything must be worked out, and real battles, defense of the homeland, shots of the week.
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joe's in the air, trump wasn't a perfect politician, i've said this outright many times, but biden is a disaster, so i 'll vote for trump. but trump's team is no better. there is no such prohibition on civilian casualties. everything you need to know about gigemon. the scammers are pretending not to be scammers, they started asking if you had a call, an unknown person, i say, there was, well, that means the scammers decided to withdraw your money from you, well, i fell for it, like attackers use it on the eroset, you can
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lend me 1900 by tomorrow, my card was blocked, i can’t send a transfer to a person, this is my voice, but it’s just accelerated, we’ll tell you how not to become a victim of deception. moscow tashkent: development of bilateral relations and exchange of views on key international topics. 3 hours ago vladimir putin arrived in uzbekistan on a state visit. this diplomatic status indicates a high level of trust between countries. following the negotiations, it is planned to sign a solid pact of documents, as well as vladimir putin and shavkat mirziyoyev are expected to take part in the first meeting of the council of regions of russia and uzbekistan. report from tashkent. one of the first foreign visits after taking office , uzbekistan, moreover, appreciates this attitude of vladimir putin, and the president of russia is met by the corresponding lost head of state shavkat merziyoyev. a magnificent meeting at the airport, the birch carpet
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is framed by flowers. already here, on the way to the motorcade, communication between the top officials began. first stop new uzbekistan park is laid out according to shavkataev’s idea in 200. this is the largest cultural and recreation park in all of uzbekistan, 104 hectares, in order to control such open spaces, the special services move here on electric scooters. at some point the appearance. a soldier of the honor guard company in the park became a signal that the presidents were already approaching, the center of the composition of the entire park is the independence monument, which is crowned with the mythical bird humo spreading its wings, a symbol of peace, goodness, freedom and prosperity, the words are carved at the foot: eternal memory to all to our ancestors, who left a good mark on the history of the people. here is a short excursion for the top officials of 300 years of the people of uzbekistan in one
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harem relief. this is the territory. and this is modern uzbekistan, stadiums are being built next to the park, where the asian youth summer games will be held in 2025. an entire city is being built on a vacant lot, one of the streets, which shavkat merziyoyev proposed to name in honor of vladimir putin’s hometown. if you agree, we will agree that you... history remains and one street of the new tashkent was in st. petersburg, st. petersburg, excellent, and today you are in your visit, this is an impression, that’s why i’ll turn it here, be handsome with me, yes very beautiful, it would seem that everything on the street has long since gotten dark and cold, but after a joint photo, the most important things were just beginning. so, the state visit, one might say, has begun; this evening, despite the late hour, perhaps the most important part will take place.
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relations, and regional cooperation and other aspects. one of these topics is gas supply: uzbekistan spends approximately the same amount of natural gas he produces himself, and the needs are only growing. last year , pipeline supplies began from russia through kazakhstan, so far only 3 billion cubic meters. but proposals have already been made to increase this volume almost fourfold, this is cooperation between three countries, uzbekistan, kazakhstan and russia, so the opportunities here are very wide, russia is open to this, and this is mutually beneficial cooperation. as for mutual trade, in 2023 moscow became tashkent’s second partner, almost 10 billion dollars in trade turnover, but already this year, according to media reports, by the end of spring russia had caught up with china in terms of trade volume with uzbekistan, so local vegetables and fruits in...
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tomorrow the first council of regions of the two countries will be held here on the sidelines of the state visit, and while in their free time the nizhny novgorod mission went to the main tashkent market for strawberries and cherries, oh my god, but actually the guests from nizhny novgorod are here to promote russian crushing and screening equipment for quarries for the extraction of basalt and granite, and push out the chinese? and we will try, well, at least to push them out a little, not that maybe completely push them out, but somehow so that they take over everything, but here in general, yes, they forgot our equipment, it’s just that the older generation still remembers it, here are the local residents of the older generations, and the younger ones there are up to 40 years old, they have already forgotten that they are not even unaware that such a plant exists. vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan is intended to strengthen all mutual ties; this is our traditional one. a very important partner in central asia, a country close to us, a country in which,
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with which we have very dynamically developing trade, economic and investment cooperation, it is one of the largest central asian countries that play a very important role here in this region. in the meantime, the presidents, without the press, went to one-on-one negotiations, again in one limousine, with two standards at once. a sign of a special relationship, yes or why? well, of course. naturally, the president of uzbekistan is emphatically, emphatically, so to speak, kind to our president, but they have very kind personal relationship. thus, having started with informal communication, tomorrow the state visit will take on an even larger scale. the top officials will be joined by delegations, several rounds of negotiations in narrow and expanded formats, a joint statement by the presidents, because this is not even the entire business program. konstantin panyushkin, dmitry kochurin, roman ivanov, svetlana barkova, alexander anonichev, channel one tashkent. this is vladimir putin’s second trip abroad this week, the first to belarus.
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alexander lukashenko personally met the russian leader at the airport. agenda extensive, communication between the leaders began immediately after the loss of the plane, then a conversation in an informal setting that lasted until 30 at night. and the next day is a real negotiation marathon. today we will return to it more than once throughout the program. well, the main topic of negotiations between the russian and belarusian presidents was the security of the union. states. the exercise on the use of tactical nuclear weapons is a response to the aggressive and provocative statements of some western politicians. the first stage of maneuvers started in our southern military district. allied armed forces. belarus will join at the second stage. oleg shishkin has details. a column of iskander missile systems moves to a point for conditional firing. missiles can be equipped with various types of warheads, including cluster, high-explosive fragmentation, and possibly nuclear. and in this case, the salvo of the iskander subdivision - 32 missiles - can wipe out a small state,
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for example, the size of poland, from the face of the earth. long-range shooting up to 500 km. and in these frames there is a mig-31k interceptor with hypersonic dagger. on board. the rocket is capable of reaching speeds of up to 12.00 km/h. this is what the first stage of exercises on the combat use of tactical nuclear weapons looks like, which the general staff of the russian armed forces began on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief. the large-scale training involves missile formations from the southern military district, plus aviation and naval forces. for the first time , belarus is also participating in the exercises, although the training was discussed at the highest level during vladimir putin’s visit to minsk. with taking into account the tense situation. on the external borders of the union state, during the negotiations, we discussed in detail the issues of forming a single defense space, reviewed the progress of the implementation of our instructions with alexander grigorievich on the synchronous holding of exercises in russia and belarus to develop skills in the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, about which the public was informed on may 9.
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the ministry of defense message clearly states what was the reason for the exercise: these were provocative statements of threat from western officials. which can be regarded as a call for direct intervention in the conflict in ukraine, it is enough to recall the words of macron about the possible sending of french soldiers to help kiev or the british foreign secretary david cameron, about the right of ukraine to use provided western weapons to strike targets on russian territory, therefore the exercise - this is a clear and unambiguous signal to the west, because almost any long-range weapon that is now the russian army uses it, got it. aircraft. this is a reliable cover for the western borders of the union state, given the concentration of foreign troops at our borders. and this is about 90 thousand foreign
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troops. it’s really amazing what the americans, germans, and so on are doing there on ours. priority attention, and i will say more, even that many of our meetings, you probably noticed, we meet often, but 90 percent, or maybe more, are border security issues, so we pay security and defense, i said, if you are a machine gunner , yet we understand this, and for what purpose, in order to attack or defend ourselves, we do not have.
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we would have violated, there is nothing unusual compared to the work of the same nato bloc. alexander grigoryevich just spoke about this, the same exercises are regularly held there, in which nato countries are involved, on whose territory american tactical nuclear weapons are located with the involvement of their military personnel, their combatants.
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the flanks of the garrison in usu in volchansk continues. today the ministry of defense reported the liberation of the village of berestovoe - this is kupinsky direction. zone of responsibility of the west group of troops. as for the dpr, the southern one. the military group, one after another , liberated the settlements of belogorovka, kleshcheevka, andreevka, thereby seriously weakening the defense of chasovo yar, and
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the center unit took control of arkhangelskoye, according to military analysts, this is another step towards encircling the group of ukrainian formations in toretsk and new york , that near gorlovka, our military correspondent, alexey, met with the soldiers who stormed arkhangelskoye ivanov. assault group battalion. atlas returns with another successful combat mission; the fighters walked directly from the front line, but at the evacuation point they already switched to armor. the atlant battalion of the thirty-fifth separate motorized rifle brigade, like the entire center group, successfully step by step, liberating the territory of the donetsk people's republic. ovdeevka, vodyana, orlovka, lastochkina, ocheretina, now arkhangelskoye, this village of the brave group liberated just a day ago. now it will be loud, but it was so in at the beginning of may, at the highest point
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of our village, the atlanteans unfurled the flags of russia and their battalion. the third motorized rifle battalion of the thirty-fifth separate motorized rifle brigade liberated the north-eastern part from cheretin. assault company commanders share successes on the ocheretina arkhangelskaya line on the move. they took a lot. strong points, they also took a lot of prisoners, and they also took a lot of trophies, the territory between the villages, continuous fields and forest belts, the enemy built a defense line there in the hope of slowing down our offensive, one of the fortifications is this concrete dod, there are trenches approaching it from both sides, a machine gunner sat in the dugout, there was constant influence from there, that is, it prevented the guys from passing through calmly, passing through a gap there in the forest belt and...
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hamikaze dumps, then it became more or less calm there, we raised this quadcopter in the drone, looked, well, there seemed
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to be no movement, no one was walking, we decided to send a pre-assault group, only after that we found out that these five were sitting there in the dugout, even resistance is not it turned out that the atlant battalion, the center groupings , took the following ukrainian ones. employees right there in the landing operational interrogation: they are in the mood to fight, they are not in the mood not to fight, and this prisoner, the only survivor from his fifth company of the 110th brigade, was shell-shocked in the trench, so he still speaks with difficulty, our soldiers gave him first aid, he woke up in the morning on position, you've been filling up everywhere, now you've been captured as a soldier, how many people are with us now? approximately, i think, no one already, you cleaned it out, the condition of all the prisoners depressed, the command essentially abandoned them
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to die, it was just the 300th, who they themselves abandoned them, these are the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine, who left them with broken legs, provided them with some kind of first aid, provided them, helped evacuate them, well, in the future, what they said , as if, who are the walkers, the walkers have left, they are upon us like this. he says they threw them away, no weapons, they didn’t even leave anything, they just took away the weapons, that’s all, they said that they would come for us, well, they didn’t come, we arrived on time, we gave the prisoners something to drink, fed, and in general the attitude towards those who decided to surrender without a fight is friendly, humane, come on, come on, one of the militants told in the vinnytsia region where he was from, they tried to enroll a disabled person as a recruit, saying, he came, well, like without a leg, the inkomat came to him, check type.
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tsov batalna atlant of the thirty-fifth motorized rifle brigade of the center group is held in a very memorable and significant place for donbass and for all of russia, this is the saur grave memorial, and this is the presentation of awards, like a connection between generations with those who liberated donbass from the nazis during the great patriotic war. when asked why they received the award, the guys smiled and said the same phrase that is now popular among fighters: for love of the homeland. stormtroopers whom
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we know personally tell us more about their exploits. overall the fight was good. even so, you can say it’s good, and i generally liked the fight. i especially liked the work of the groups, everything was coordinated, as if we didn’t expect such a result from them, but well done guys, i couldn’t waste the time spent in class and daytime, nighttime, as if the result is visible immediately, this is such a collective award, i think that yes, it is collective, this is a common contribution, as if that’s why the command decided that, well, there are other awards, of course. but this is of course very significant for me, the awards are presented to the soldiers by the battalion commander, hero of russia, guard major mikhail pitelin, he received a gold star for the selfless capture of a strong point in another direction, the commander was wounded three times after treatment, he returned to his battalion each time. may 9 this year mikhail took part in the victory parade on red square in moscow, he marched immediately behind the hero of russia,
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evgeniy, who led the parade squad. orders from commanders, service in the army is a family affair for the hero of russia, alexander petelin’s father had 20 years of service, it seemed he had retired, he could rest, babysit his grandchildren, dad, that’s his call sign now, he decided differently and volunteered to go to donbass, assigned to the same thirty-fifth motorized rifle brigade where his son serves, only to the neighboring battalion, but i just didn’t i could have acted differently, i am a patriot of my
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homeland, but... it’s wrong when children fight and fathers sit at home, and alexander instilled such a love for the homeland in his son from childhood, well done, he’s fearless, he’s well-mannered, he’s brave , he is strong, very glad that his son is worthy, that my, my upbringing, my works, mine and his mothers, my spouses, were not in vain, that they raised a worthy son. officer, well, first of all, he is my son, well, naturally, yes, he is a worthy officer, he has already surpassed me in many ways, including in position, well done, i i’m proud of him, i just want to thank you for such a son, who was raised, for mikhail, for the hero of russia, whom the whole country saw, shoulder to shoulder, son father, shoulder to shoulder, each fighter moves only forward towards
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our victory. the obvious loss of a military campaign leaves the loser no other alternative than the negotiation process, unless, of course, the winner agrees to it and does not demand complete surrender. while the command of the armed forces of ukraine is in a panic trying to plug more and more gaps in the defense, which russian troops are gradually moving west, and zelensky refuses to perceive reality, kiev’s western curators
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are still from afar, but... there is talk that we need to return to negotiations, but... the west, together with kiev, sabotaged, and the results of the turkish negotiations in the spring of 2022 year was reset by former british prime minister boris
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johnson, who ordered the ukrainians to simply fight. but now, having firmly seized the initiative on the battlefield, russia is ready for negotiations. question with whom? has zelensky's presidential powers ended? in the past tuesday, and he canceled new elections, citing martial law, of course, we are aware that the legitimacy of the current head of state has ended, we, of course, will need it if it comes to that, and i proceed from the fact that peace negotiations must be resumed, and not with the help of ultimatums, with the help of common sense.
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in the resort area of ​​odessa arcadia there was a mass brawl, presumably military commissars came to the party on the occasion of the opening
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of the summer season with the obvious goal of catching more potential ticket holders for front in one direction, but found themselves in the minority and received a rebuff, more often the situation looks the opposite, military commissars together with the police... attack in packs on single victims, introduce yourself, police, remove your hands, after the law on mobilization came into force on may 18 and without that insolent team of the employee.
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perhaps they will begin to carry out raids, raids with the participation of police forces and those units of the tsk that are exempt from mobilization, how will this end, perhaps there will be a backlash , the patience of the ukrainians will end armed clashes will finally break out, and while potential mobilizers are trying to hide, the streets of ukrainian cities are empty, even the always crowded famous derebasovskaya street in odessa. look, it’s 11 am, it’s crazy, there are no people, well, no, i
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think that for a tourist city, yes, this is, well, you can say that of course there are no people at all, it’s 8 pm, rush hour, and this is a large network a supermarket in odessa, there are no people in the trading floors at all at 8:00 pm, the end of the working day, shopping rush hour, i wonder where all the people are? if not people who bring this money to these small, small medium-sized businesses, who are now those who feed the economy of ukraine, america, the european union, no, they are not engaged in economic restoration, they do not feed medium and small businesses, but wait, if everyone now to join the army, then we need to go from apartment to apartment, and we will see that zelensky’s next step will be to storm the ukrainian apartment after apartment. they write that the square government has prepared
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a decree according to which ukrainian employers will be required to serve summonses on employees and deliver them to military registration and enlistment offices. there is already an acute shortage of men at enterprises; many were taken away, others fled, and others are simply hiding. the wall street journal writes that companies like coal miners, electricians and forklift drivers are hiring women. true, this information is presented as the fulfillment of a long-standing woman’s dream. for many years olga. kandriga dreamed of working underground at her local coal mine in eastern ukraine. only now did she have such an opportunity. as men left their jobs to fight russia, the ukrainian government suspended a law that prohibited women from working in hazardous or hazardous conditions, including underground. it looks like another vacancy will open for happy ukrainian women: border guards have received the right to check the military registration documents of truck drivers who travel abroad. most don't have armor. in this regard, truck drivers began to cancel their flights en masse; those who are already
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abroad do not want to go home, according to according to the association of international freight forwarders , up to 40% of the truck fleet in ukraine is now idle, which is being removed en masse, the day before yesterday the driver was removed, the drivers are removing it en masse, the day before yesterday they removed one at a checkpoint and dragged him to the shopping center, today ours was removed, dragged to a military medical commission, he is in jail there, in general, it’s tough, friends, tough! they don’t care if they rent a bus from you or something else? the destruction of the ukrainian economy by the kiev nazis is in full swing.
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american geshefts pay with the lives of untrained ukrainian soldiers, whom caught on the street, surrender is their soldier’s answer to zelensky and his puppeteers, the nazis from azov, and the sadists from the territorial recruitment centers, they voluntarily surrendered, because we had no choice, we were simply abandoned and that’s it, i have been serving for 11 months during this entire period, i did not see that we had normal support, we were simply thrown into cannon fodder. we were captured, we surrendered without permission, we were in the dugout, russian soldiers, stormtroopers, approached, and we said that we were surrendering, we left our weapons in they came out of the dugout and surrendered; the same only correct decision was made by the ukrainian tankman, who surrendered to our military along with his
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t-64. ivan kanavalov, liliya zorina, alexander gusev, channel one. situation at the front, the organizing kiev regime is hitting civilians. in the belgorod region , four people died over the weekend, 20 of them were injured, including two children, some in serious condition in intensive care. if necessary, patients will be sent to moscow. report by sergei ponmarev. here's the arrival, look along the alley. explosions one after another to others, on the ground, in the sky - these are frames of the first minutes of chaotic shelling. militants of the armed forces of ukraine in residential areas of belgorod are burning cars, on the sidewalks, glass fragments, fragments of loggias that were carried out by the blast wave, there are direct hits in multi-storey buildings. arriving on budenova street - this is the outskirts of belgorod, a shell, presumably from the rszzo, pierced the roof on the top floor, flew into the bed in this apartment and got stuck in the interfloor
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ceiling. now a demining team is waiting here. this is the room of elena lubentsova's granddaughter. hearing the rocket siren danger, she and her family managed to leave the apartment into the entrance. ira shouts, my daughter, quickly we all jump out, we will all jump out into the vestibule. bang-bang, and then, like-bang, everything fell apart. we thought that the glass was just flying, you know, there was such a roar, we just heard that the glass was flying. i didn’t even think that we didn’t have half an apartment here, i took out the ceiling. the ukrainian armed forces, according to our ministry of defense, fired 29 shells at residential buildings, a czech vampire missile system and a neptune missile. at the moment of arrival, well, we thought that the windows would fly out at us, it was just very loud above right through the window, well, you could see how all this was happening before our eyes, among the residents of the city there were four wounded, two men in serious condition, first aid was provided to them by eyewitnesses, he helped pull out one boy who was bleeding, a shrapnel hit the back of the head of
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another, in the neck , the bleeding doesn’t stop, i ’m covered in blood, it was a sleepless night in beykin because of the shelling , several houses were damaged there, four cars were burned, some of the rocket fragments fell on the village of dubovoe, two houses caught fire, the day before in the same place due to a shell explosion a woman died there instant fire, the second floor was burning, it switched instantly to the first, that is , we looked from the other side, the second floor was completely destroyed, i only knew one neighbor, who was at home at that time, he came out. there were no neighbors above to four, the number of deaths from shelling by the ukrainian armed forces in the village of oktyabrsky near the border with the kharkov region increased, the day before rszz shells fell right on the central streets, 12 people were injured, among them one child, all of them are now in hospitals in belgorod. sergey ponomarev, vladimir belyaev,
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yuri shotokhin, sergey suvorov and andrey kirillov, channel one. the west not only does not condemn these terrorist attacks, but... is ready to give kiev carte blanche against them. through the mouths of some of its representatives, it promotes the idea that strikes deep into our territory are permissible. how paradoxical it is that the military is against them. they understand what this can lead to. read more about everything in the report by ivan blagov. just when you think that western politics cannot fall any lower, boris johnson comes knocking from below. the former british prime minister staged a kind of private dance for neo-nazis from azov. give the ukrainians what they need, give it. them weapons, give them permission to use those weapons outside their borders. with amazing synchronicity , high-ranking political retirees in western countries observe the successes of the russian military. began a campaign for further escalation of the conflict. ukrainians should have the opportunity to stop the russian attacks, which are carried out from
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deep inside russia. the question is whether we, the united states, our allies, can provide the ukrainians with more support in striking russian bases, which we have not done so far. the military, representing the consequences of certain political decisions, is trying to publicly smooth out the corners. pentagon chief austin is asked about the proposal to still influence. using the capabilities that we provide them in close combat, and further, i am sure that the atacama missiles that we are transferring are not used on russian territory, they are used on targets in ukraine. such talk, of course, is disingenuous, because donetsk, belgorod or the territory of crimea, all this is russia, although... the usa does not think so. the americans are already participating in attacks on the territory of our country. here, for example, is the civilian service flight radar on may 21-2.
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the forte-11 aircraft was spotted in the black sea. we are talking about none other than the american strategic reconnaissance drone global howe. according to military sources, such drones coordinate missile strikes by the ukrainian armed forces in crimea. in this case, the american drone circled closer to sochi. and yet, official permission to hit the so-called. old russia is a stage of escalation for which washington is obviously not yet ready, although it does not categorically reject anything. when it comes to launching strikes outside of ukraine, we did not give such permission, but ukraine will have to make its own decisions. having never received an unequivocal command, zelensky publicly complains about the sluggishness of his allies and asks him to shoot down russian missiles. he gave an interview to the reuters news agency, which was disastrous. on the official youtube channel agency by the end of the week, it barely recruited.
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will begin to beat up our missiles, which we use to suppress targets on the territory of ukraine, we will have every right
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to strike at the launchers stationed on the territory of pysh, as well as to cut off the supply routes for ammunition to these batteries, so i think that nothing like this will happen to the polish , neither the american contingent will do anything in the stationed territory of poland, there are no crazy people, as they say, measuring the degree of madness in the west, of course, that ’s another idea, at first it’s simple there at best observe. then how kiev carries out terrorist attacks on belgorod, and now they are surprised that russia is creating a buffer zone in the kharkov region, or how macron’s party speaker benjamin haddat develops the french president’s idea of ​​​​sending troops to ukraine, saying that his country is not in isolation, there is support, the following proposal is made: to send troops of western countries to the ukrainian-belarusian border. western forces could be deployed along the border, like troops in the baltics or poland, to to have the opportunity to release part of the ukrainian forces to be sent to... hungarian prime minister viktor orban, what is now happening in brussels in washington directly called preparations for europe’s entry into the war. this is exactly
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what the hungarians do not intend to participate in. there have not been many situations in the history of nato in which a member has so openly taken a special position, as hungary is doing now. therefore, its role in the alliance must be reconsidered. our lawyers and military personnel are working on this now. in government serious work is underway to ensure that the country remains in nato without taking part in the war. american ballistic missile expert theodore postel explains the consequences of a strike by a russian tactical nuclear weapon delivered to stop a battalion-level tank attack, we are talking about a one-kiloton charge, whoever is not destroyed by the explosion will suffer from radiation within a radius of 600 m, one hundred percent mortality within one- 2 weeks. what you are describing now is an explosion of a charge with a power of one kiloton, this is typical yield for russian tactical nuclear weapons, they might choose ten or fifteen. kiloton charges, this is a very low-intensity strike, they want to say stop, this is serious, you have to stop before
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it escalates and we all die. on saturday , the general secretariat stoltenberg followed... we are helping ukraine defend this right, which should include the ability to hit targets on russian territory. obviously there are forces that are interested in further escalation, the founder is notorious pmc black water erik prince admitted in an interview with journalist tucker carlson. yesterday morning i spoke with a group of congressmen and they were desperate, they are trying to limit funding and achieve more transparency, but according to them, money is flowing like a river all over the capitol, thanks to defense contractors and entire teams of lobbyists, thousands of them. these lobbyists are throwing tens of millions of dollars at politicians and the money just doesn't stop flowing, it's disgusting. the prince describes a simple
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two-way, weapons from warehouses are transferred to ukraine, five largest defense contractors receive.
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and the risk that if training personnel were attacked by russian forces, this would not automatically trigger nato's article five on collective defense. the official representative of our ministry, maria zakharova, responded that some countries are already getting their teachers back, they are just silent about it. as for the fifth article, which is so fond of being remembered in the small baltic countries, it is extremely a notable debate took place on the czech tv channel nova. article five does not and
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never has obligated member states. putin, but he recalled the explanation of the experts of the american brennen justice center, without congressional approval of the dispatch of american troops, the fifth article of nato is a dummy for the us president, and approval, but it’s like... it will fall, that’s why we have to keep an eye on who wins the elections in the united states, our diplomacy should have been plan b if donald trump won and america will leave europe. on thursday , the financial times published an article on precisely this topic of the united states leaving europe. its author is elbridge colby, the architect of the 2018 us national defense strategy. he believes that america will not endure a confrontation
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with russia and china at the same time. the best way forward. face reality, recognize that europe must take a leading role in its own defense , and move towards this together within the framework of a reformed but more resilient nato. how does it look like what french president macron wants to sell to europeans is that his supposedly anti-american opposition to the idea of ​​strategic autonomy for europe is, coincidentally, absolutely in line with colby’s proposals to make life easier for the united states. europe is easier for kabyla. well, boris johnson, during a meeting in london with neo-nazis and zazov, came to an agreement. even before that, we rely on heroes like the people who are here with us tonight from the azov brigade. one such hero from the sss was already applauded in the canadian house of commons, it was a shame later, however, not for the first time, in 1933, the future king of great britain and northern ireland edward woj taught the future queen elizabeth ii how to yawn correctly. the nazi ideas of the rulers were then
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popular in british circles; some considered the nazis almost a salvation from soviet russia. what did all this lead to, to the munich agreement in the end, to a world war. ivan the good, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, irina bliznyuk, pavel evdokimenko, channel one. a provocative statement from the west. russia's reaction to everything that is happening. about the connection between the main events of the week, comments from political scientist, host of the big game program on channel one, dmitry simes. good evening. the most important international event of the past week was the negotiations in minsk between the presidents of russia and belarus. and security issues were clearly at the forefront of their attention. president putin noted that. the direction that was chosen by the western community in relation to both belarus and russia is the direction of unconditional hostility, attempts to restrain our development, damage our
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sovereignty. russian troops continue to confidently advance on the territory of ukraine, but we have to admit that the enemy not only does not give up, but is also hatching new plans. third-party escalation, in addition to the fact that large quantities of weapons from nato countries are now coming to the zelensky regime, there is also an escalation in what weapons are provided and how they are proposed to be used. first of all, we are talking about attacks on russian territory using long-range nato weapons. this is being actively discussed, talking about it.
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ukraine, we are talking about openly allow ukraine to use nato weapons against russian civilians and russian military targets. the question arises: what is the reason for this new round of nato escalation? after all, just a few months ago, we heard about fatigue in the west from the war in ukraine, that...
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try more, try harder, and the most important, if you like, political decision in this context was the decision of the speaker of the house, representatives of the american congress mike johnson, completely change his position contrary to all his promises, support the package of military assistance to ukraine, which amounted to a little, not a little. $61 billion. why did johnson agree to this? well, of course, they broke his hands. well, of course, representatives of the military-industrial
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complex explained how good this would be for the american defense industry. well , naturally, the ukrainian representatives were just, well, walking in flocks along the corridors of the congress and saying how desperate ukraine was. do not realize that there is a real danger of a big war, that nato is increasingly becoming a direct, central participant wars in ukraine. according to recent
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opinion polls, just 2% of american voters consider security issues and the war in ukraine to be the central issue of the election as a result. lack of pressure from american voters , american politicians had, if you like, greater freedom, choice, in this case the choice in favor of an undeclared war rather than diplomacy. why does this happen? and this is happening due to great deception, due to the fact that american politicians, the vast majority of american experts, means the media, almost unanimously, create the impression that there is no serious danger, no big war, that this danger is being invented in moscow. that even
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maneuvers using nuclear weapons, that this is some kind of russian bluff, and that these maneuvers, these warnings from moscow, cannot lead to anything serious. if you look at how many times russia has warned about the dangers of this kind of course, you will see that every time russia warned, it was followed by specific and very serious... actions, not just words, but also, if you want, very real and very effective measures of military influence, of course, i would really not like to use these measures at this stage, of course, moscow is absolutely right when they try to avoid escalation, no matter who the real initiator of this escalation is. but here we must also
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understand that russia’s patience is not limitless and that russia’s ability not to respond to growing western military pressure, that these opportunities are not endless, and where they refuse to engage in diplomacy, and it is precisely in washington, london and in brussels, they must understand that russia will have to convince and...
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high-precision weapons, rap weapons and counter-battery systems, these are various types of communications for sustainable and continuous control, and other nomenclature, you know well, recently we have volumes have grown over the past one and a half to two years during the special military operation, but from 2021 to the twenty-third, these numbers are constantly changing.


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