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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  May 27, 2024 10:10am-10:55am MSK

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wildly universal, despite the very recognizable gang, because the little red dress is the same genre in fashion as the little black, more recently, the little white dress, with these three dresses in different characters, you will be simply packed a complete program for any special or important occasions in your life. natalya, what are your impressions of participating in our show, tell me, i came here for... an intimate look, for advice, for help, because your program is that a place where people become happy, yes, we are the ministry of happiness, it’s true, it is so, and it also seems to me, natalya, you are in a good sense of the word, today you have grown up on our show, you came as some kind of funny girl, now in front of me a lady who knows her worth, of course you are still a little flirtatious, a little cutesy, but everything is ahead, everything.
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camera of your mobile device to take part in the program, then fill out the form on the website of the first channel using the link that you see on the screen, or point qr code, see you on the first, all the best, the first channel represents.
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this liver, friends, is where the gallbladder is located, something from the life of the gallbladder, important and interesting, and not only that, in the program to live healthy, you will learn the most important things about life and health. this liver, friends, is an absolutely unique organ, this is the gallbladder. today we have a guide for gallbladder users. you know very well that we buy refrigerators, washing machines, and televisions. there are absolutely always instructions, here are instructions for our body not included. today we will receive this instruction from a very famous gastroenterologist, endoscopist, igor. so, igor vladimirovich, our
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gallbladder, i want to ask our viewers a question, an absolutely fateful question, why do we need a gallbladder, please, i’m listening to you, for processing food, for processing food, yes, and the remains of unprocessed food turn into stones , that is, there our food is digested, what was not digested became stone.
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this is the function of bile to process fatty fried food, as the girl mentioned quite rightly, but since we don’t spend the whole day eating fatty fried food, we don’t need this iron between meals ; it settles in the gall bladder, is stored, and is concentrated and collected in large quantities. when we eat fatty or fried foods, the gallbladder contracts, we secrete a hormone that contracts the gallbladder with... so, look, the liver
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produces bile through the bile ducts, here they are green, it enters the gallbladder the bladder is stored until we eat something, here, by the way, there is a dramma, a stone has formed here, when we eat fatty or fried food, the bladder contracts and releases bile into the duodenum, this is where food is digested, specifically fats and not only fats, everything is digested in the duodenum, but...
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to such an extent that stones form, okay? this is general knowledge, now, what are the enemies of our gallbladder, come on, man, you’ve already started, now take the rap to the end, well enemies, i believe, are food that cannot be eaten, food, our main enemy, what other versions, the enemy is bad emotions, there is an opinion among people that bilious people have problems with the gallbladder, gall ulcers. all diseases, yes, absolutely, such a bile person, it’s disgusting to look at, by the way, hippocrates even identified these types of people with excess bile, this is very interesting, igor vladimirovich, here we are again, liver, gall bladder,
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this is where bile is released , let's throw it out with all our might, look, now before our eyes, these yellow fats will begin to be digested, this is the norm. this is all good, what are our enemies, our gallbladder? well, the first answer to you was already a hint, fasting is one of the enemies, not food, this is fasting, that’s exactly what i mentioned , said logically, i thought, well, that’s it, you ’ve already given the answer, that’s it, here’s the answer on a platter silver lining, no, he says food, precisely fasting, is the enemy of the gallbladder, because when you fast for a long time, the gallbladder is... filled with bile, it there it concentrates and precipitates, this cholesterol, which usually remains in solution, and if there is sand first, and then stones, then the first enemy is the lack of regular meals, split meals,
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when you go every 2-3 hours, this the first enemy, the longer the breaks, the higher the risk of gallstone disease, who else, what else, what else, and dehydration? if you don't drink enough water, then naturally the bile concentrates, you need to drink more water so that the bile is more diluted with water, let's go, we just need this phenomenon the concentration of bile should still be completed, because as a result of the concentration of bile , stones are formed, that’s the thing, stones are formed, why are stones so bad, because if the next time the bubble contracts, then what will happen to the stone, when the yellow bubble contracts, they start to move, they may get stuck. even in this place, this is the cystic duct, in which case the gallbladder stretches and can cause acute cholecyst, clogging the cystic acute biliary colic, or it may rupture, then there will be biliary peretanitis severe, then it can go further and get stuck, let’s say here in the duct, then
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there will be obstructive jaundice, it will block the exit of bile not only from the bladder, but from the liver, the bile naturally goes back, it can go forward, it goes back to the liver. pain, but in this place it will block not only the bile duct, but also the pancreatic duct, when it blocks the pancreatic duct, the pancreatic juices remain in the pancreas, causing necrosis of the pancreas, the so-called pancreonrosis, inflammation, acute pancreatitis and may even be fatal the outcome is absolutely correct, because when the pancreas... gland cannot throw its juice here into the duodenum, because it has enzymes that digest carbohydrates and proteins, then the pancreatic juice remains here and begins to digest it, as a result there may be the vessels directly under
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the pancreas are destroyed, and these are the aortas and inferior veins, these are huge vessels, so acute pancreatitis as a result of the stone blocking the common... bile duct and pancreatic duct is the most severe a complication of cholelithiasis, of course, these are generally the main enemies, but what are our friends?
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so that stones do not form, the more water, the less chance of stones forming, it is clear, igor vladimirovich, only one question now torments the population of russia, if there are stones, there are two situations, stones were found, there is no pain, an accidental find. whether to remove a gallbladder with stones or not, according to international standards, removing stones without symptoms is not recommended, because they can of course cause complications, there are risk, but there is also a risk of surgery to remove gallstones, we must weigh the risk of surgery against the risk of complications of the stones themselves, asymptomatic stones have a lower risk than the risk of the operation itself, at one time they removed asymptomatic stones from diabetics, they... have a greater risk of complications from stones than in non-diabetics, but then it turned out that even diabetics have a higher risk from unnecessary surgeries
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than from the stones themselves. so, so, the position is this: the stones were found by chance, nothing hurts you, attacks of pain do happen in the right side, observe, the position is different, you have attacks of pain and the stones are found that in this case, in this case, the risk of complications increases, the risk of the operation is the same, it does not increase, this is the risk of the operation, as it is, as it is, but the risk of complications from symptomatic stones now becomes higher than the risks from the operation itself, therefore it recommends removal, i just want to say that today operations to remove the gallbladder are very good, very fast, i don’t want to say very simple, because the simplest operation is still surgery, but however, today people do it endoscopically without incisions, through punctures. they tolerate it very easily, they return to normal life very quickly, so if
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you need to remove it, then you have to, but you don’t need to remove it to no avail, of course, we’ll pause for a while, and then we’ll continue, and many thanks to dr. gorodoin, catch a goldfish, i would choose in jars , when you can clearly see them, they are not broken then, you see how many of them there are, because... how are sprats made and what is the best way to eat them? for the sick, leave the pain with us. in the morning i woke up and became like this to say, minding my own business, i understand that my neck is back in working condition, i can do everything and there is no pain. pain service, professionals work here. sweet dreams. you can turn on
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white noise, the sound of the sea, the sound of rain, to make your sleep even more comfortable. to be happy, you need to sleep properly. you need to sleep without clothes, if you are not sleeping alone, the effect increases, because touch also gives us the production of opsitocin. at the age of 19 i was left alone, why are you here, you and your father are on the ship? oh yes, the theater, the reds will come, art will be banned, yes, this is crap, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes, i, ranevsk, have not experienced anything on my own skin, bless you, give it to me. it passed, look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors
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, but there may be one great meeting, i will make a call, if you come to me, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you are grimacing, marital status, what do you say, i have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, no family, no children, but i’m devoted to art to the grave, a real dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it. ranevskaya. watch after the program time. happy birthday to whom? lev nikolayevich tolstoy, i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission, it is very difficult to fight in the mountains, you cannot smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you, 100 km from
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the state border, we must ensure security, in our hands popalamin. teeth, ears, hair may shake, but not hands. 1200 minutes rushed, the earth shook so much. we were in a liberated area, a village, leaving a garrison, they ensured order, went out to populated areas with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, we took it all apart with pleasure. residents of border areas, both soviet and afghan sides, were protected. for border guards day. premiere, the main milestone, i won’t take a step back, tomorrow is the first, i’m proud that i live in such a beautiful country that we have so many regions, so many
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different cultures, i know a lot about our homeland and i want people not to know either.
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please bring us sprats to the studio, in short, sprats are our topic, the first one, let’s see how
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living sprats swim in the past, what kind of fish is this, guys, this is sprat first or herring. this is a big varnish, a small sprat, well, in principle, a classic is sprat, please give a fork to the hungry, the hungry, please, so, and now how does it turn into sprats, into sprats, production, yes, they catch it, wash it, here it is, they cut it up, put it in pallets, sort it like this, then in this form it is sent to be smoked, right now.
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production of sprats, of course, this is very important to understand, well, guys, before we call an expert, and today we have we have a deeply humane way of being an expert on sprats. let us, please, go to our layouts and note some of the main delights, sprat and herring converted in the blood about useful substances ahead. well, let's start with the cardiovascular
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system. look, this is the vessel with which we are born, and this is an atherosclerotic plaque that clogs it, disrupts blood flow and can lead to a heart attack and stroke. so, there are five daily norms in sprats.
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has different parts, but most importantly, the retina is in the central part of the macular the area that gives us maximum visual acuity, the clearest vision,
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the maximum accumulation of cones, these are special cells that give us visual acuity, the fact is that this very selenium, which andrei petrovich spoke about, is an even more powerful antioxidant, it protects this part of the retina from the destructive effects of... the light that falls all the time on this part, in particular from the blue spectrum of this light, thus strongly protects our retina, and the drugs that we use for treatment macular degeneration also always contain selenium, this is important to understand, now let's go back to the kitchen, why, because in the kitchen we have a podium, what do we have on the podium, dear doctors? according to which, we ate sprats, which were in the same amount of meratsin, so sprat, for
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years, it contains 70% of the daily norm, here are herrings only 30, so wait, how much is in sprats, herman shaichen, most of all, because that sprats are sprat, which is why sprats took an honorable first place. of course, guys, how to choose, how store and how to eat correctly, how to choose, our guest today is an expert from our program, food technologist, candidate of sciences, alexander sergeevich grishin, alexander sergeevich, we are waiting for you, we are having a holiday of memories, here too. in tomato sauce, raise your hands of the generation that remembers what it is, everyone eats it, but what do they still eat? my mommy, and i’m
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doing something very basic, how to choose sprats, give us some secret advice, and the first thing i ’ll give you is secret advice, of course, this is necessary choose sprat that is produced exactly closer to the fishing grounds, this is , respectively, atlantic, sprat, well, essentially, let’s do it this way, that is , classic sprat is still kiel baltic sprat, we can make it from herring - these are still herring sardines - this is also herring,
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but different. under the guise, well, that is, in principle it is the same thing, the same goal. it’s clear, good, that means, so, so, the champions of the kaliningrad region, they catch there, they do it there, that means everything will be fine there, since, what else, it’s true, so we said that in in russia, such technologies where direct smoking is prohibited, benzoperenes, in principle, the degree of safety from the point of view of the risk of frack, and benzoperenes are the risk of cancer during smoking, we have quite a high one, well, let me tell you, that is, the classical technology implies mandatory smoking, this is alhar. that is , this is minor smoking to give a certain color and golden color and, accordingly, aromatic taste, then from this smoked fish is then drawn into vegetable oil, the aroma is drawn out smoking and we actually get this whole aesthetics of taste, yes, that is, the aroma of fle. but you didn’t answer my question: is our sprat the best from a safety point of view or not? now i’ll explain, but there is also a technology for using liquid smoke, what does it involve? we take vegetable
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oil. we take liquid smoke, infuse it, the liquid smoke acquires a golden color, acquires a smoky aroma, and what is liquid smoke? and these are products of incomplete combustion of wood, benzoperine without access to oxygen, that is roughly speaking, we take, we take, well, conditionally alha, and we close off access to oxygen and simply burn it, this liquid with water we get this smoking preparation, so it is - by experts, confirmed in principle, it really has less carcinogenic properties.
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there’s just no need for glass on top, okay, how should sprats be stored correctly? and we store as usual, these are products that can be stored in unregulated conditions, these are canned goods that have been sterilized, that is, and products of eternal storage, eternal storage, according to gost, they are stored for 30 months, but if almost 3 years, yes almost 3 years, i think it’s just that no one else was able
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to look, it’s understandable. maybe less , and again depending on the type of jar used, again we will have less storage in glass, because ultraviolet, we have ultraviolet, yes, that is, it’s still in tin, i understand well, the last thing is how to eat sprats correctly, lyosha , bring it, german shaevich, you and i must make sandwiches named after the korotkevich family, so, and today you and i have to wait for lesha. and with us today you have memories of our youth with dr. gandelman, a beautiful one, give me a piece of cucumber or some green stuff, lyushka, yes, a cucumber, that’s how i have it, here’s a small cucumber, give me three pieces of cucumber, herman shaich, and a sobbing memory of the kemerovo state medical institute, one cucumber, one cucumber, that’s all, here it is...
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professor degermyshe, just a joy, professor korotkevich now works in novokuznetsk, heads a department at the institute for advanced medical studies, these are the shots prepared by the kemerovo medical institute, what a delicious dish, lesh, what have you done, look, now you’ll say foppishness, but in fact it’s a super-restaurant dish, but the simplest one for the cheapness, look, we take zucchini, ordinary zucchini, cut it into slices, marinate it with lemon, add sprat , that's it,
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i also painted pearl barley. because of you, well, it’s all about food, it’s time for us to talk about medicine, i’m leaving this food debauchery, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first, i’m happy when i develop every day, when i...
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with art it’s very cool, i love you all, i love fishing very much, because there is a volga in rybinsk, be happy, find good in every second of your life. well, friends, this is she, here she is, the thinnest joints between the vertebrae, the biggest problems, if... my neck hurts, i go to our medical site, where the wonderful doctor mark yakovlevich galperin works. mark yakovich, and he is helped by another amazing doctor, dr. kang, who is a doctor in both russian and korean
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medicine. our beautiful patient came to dr. galperin, barely alive, let’s look at the screen. doctor, hello, you are my last hope, my neck hurts so much, no. turns cause pain, so tilt to the left, that’s it, so to the right, to the right is better, turn here, it’s about 20 degrees here, in this direction, well, you know the degrees, even leaning like that to do household chores, all this is problematic, because my neck hurts, it’s almost motionless, yes, and a headache comes , so exhausted i came to...
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the active substance is administered after making sure that it is at the point of pain, contrast, and immediately after the procedure the result is checked. so, come on, get off slowly, i’m standing here next to you, insuring you, uh-huh, if you behave well, i’ll pump you up, yes, yes. so turn to me, how warm it feels there now, doctor, it’s warm there, but no less gone, so, turn your head, now we’ll try, it’s still scary, turn your head to the right, to the right, but not all the way,
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as much as possible, so to the left, let’s go, let's go better, even better than on the right, how do you feel, good, well, better now, well, we already got the answer to our question, much better, because and... come here, galina borisovna, now we need to do the following , mark yakovich, they couldn’t move their necks, that’s right, yes, now we need to turn
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it here in front of the shocked audience, that is, now it’s about 85°, you need what, 90, well, 85 and 90 are practically, if you look, it’s right and the left side do not match each other. chin down , no, back, pain or not, pain no, it was tense the first 8 hours after the procedures. what about all the anime stuff there? yes , it felt like an anime, but i wasn’t ready for it , that yes, she had pain in her neck, because she was before, she was this, and then that’s it, everything went away immediately, which means that after the procedure the pain went away, but there was a however, this is normal, because there is a local anesthetic when everything is restored, but in the morning i woke up and began, so to speak, to do my own thing... i understand that my neck
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has returned to working condition, i can do everything and no no pain, i have, i have even the pressure dropped by 20, of course, the pain increases the pressure, this is understandable, sit down, please, i always ask dr. kahn to show simple exercises for all of you, this is how we are talking about the neck, everyone can do this, tell me what to do, we will need to grab the chair with our right hand. by the chair, and lean a little to the side like this, pulled yourself up like this, yes, and now we take it by the ear and just pull the head down by the ear, that is, this is a static exercise, the point is that you pull here these muscles, you hold them, you feel this load that goes on this group of muscles, we change hands, now we take with our left hand... we stretched, now yes, we stretched, and
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now we ca n’t support ourselves by the ear like this, my own weight pulls my head, like a sensation, a sensation, there is tension in the neck, but you can return right away without pain, i have a wonderful feeling, a feeling of warmth, because blood flow improves, this is a very good exercise, well, our service is working. the service works better, where did you come to us from? i'm from moscow, muscovites, people from all over russia very often come to us, how many come from the caucasus, my god, just recently a girl came from the united arab emirates, such a general need for people to relieve pain, on the health program website, you can leave your appeal to us, and we will definitely help, i say we are, in fact, of course, excellent doctors led by mark yakovvich. yes, i’ve already
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lost count of my god, marital status, what do you say, i have a husband, no, i’m a lady, i’m only serving out a contract with the intelligentsia, yes, 7 minutes of your play is grandiose. tell me what do you want from me? perhaps you will remember that you are the director of this production? not ranevskaya. ranevskaya. watch the time after the program. you obviously want to become the main figure in fayen gjon's play? well, if necessary, for the sake of business, i can play worse. i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains,
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my first combat mission, it is very difficult to fight in the mountains, you cannot smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you, 100 km from the state border, we must ensure security, a mine fell into our hands teeth, ears, hair can shake, but not hands, 1200 minutes rushed, the earth shook so much. we left a garrison in the liberated keshlak region, they ensured order, went out to the populated areas, with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, they took it all apart with pleasure, the residents of the border areas, both the soviet and afghan sides, were protected, on the day of the border guard, the prime minister , the main milestone, not a step back, tomorrow on the first. this program is to live healthy, and
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once a week i stand next to this number 52, 52 weeks a year, we take 52 steps together with you take one step a week, i believe that these are steps towards happiness, in fact these are steps towards a healthy lifestyle, so we must understand that we cannot immediately change our minds. you need to go in small steps, but everything truly great is done by slow and imperceptible growth, this is one quote, the second:
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withdrawals that occur are corrected, because this is the time that they can be corrected, during sleep brain substances are produced that allow the body to grow processes of destruction are noticed, during sleep
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our immunity is formed, immune defense, in in general, sleep is a necessary part of our life, and all information is stored in the brain. these stories that mendeleev discovered the periodic table in a dream, this is true, because the information received during the day is sorted into files at night, and indeed systematization at night, why the eyes are closed, there are no external stimuli, and the brain can calmly sort everything out, the topic after topic, topic after topic, so, we need sleep, andrei petrovich, over to you, well, it has also been shown that people who sleep less. 6 hours are more unhappy, they have more often depression, they are more likely to have stress, they will have more problems in life, in health, this has really been proven, and i also want to show you how sleep affects the formation
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of short-term and long-term memory, because what elena vasilievna just said is about that the brain puts everything into what is called shelves. this information, it gets, for example, into the zone here of the cerebral cortex, and if we sleep, we sleep somewhere from 6 to 8 hours, then it then begins to be transmitted to other zones of long-term memory, and we form stable connections, and this is done in a dream. it’s clear, i’ll emphasize that you need to sleep no more than 8 hours, because the more, the... higher the risk of cardiovascular disease mortality and mortality, now i want to go, i wanted to say to michal egorovich’s bed, it sounded ambiguous, but nevertheless, mikhail egorovich is always lying down in our program to sleep german shaivich, do you want me to lie down, no, i want
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to sit down german shaivich, because i’m wearing heels, it won’t be possible to lie down, because when women lie down, it raises questions , when men are all for him...


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