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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 27, 2024 10:55am-12:01pm MSK

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this is the first second, you need to sleep without clothes , only socks on your feet, that’s why because the body temperature decreases and we fall asleep better, we sleep better in the end why socks on our feet, again due to the redistribution of blood to the feet, our body temperature decreases and sleep improves, we need to sleep without clothes if you...
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yes, the next point is that you can turn on white noise, the sound of the sea, the sound of rain, so that your sleep is even more comfortable. i suggest turning on the sound of the sea, because all my grandchildren fell asleep to this noise, but the first one was turned off i and my grandchildren just immediately closed their eyes, and you know, what i want to say, i want to say that i’m wearing a dress that was given to me by the students of the polytechnic college. in the city of kursk they specifically have a course in design, modeling and construction of clothing, and this is a special collection called a fairy tale, a russian fairy tale, i and our entire costume shop are delighted, so thank you very much, dear guys, i wear this dress with pleasure, it’s really beautiful, one last thing, we had a good time with you, let you live too, it’s great,
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hello, the information channel is on the first, the working week is starting, we are working live, this program will be shown in the studio by ruslan nastashko and olesya losev. defense. in the kharkov direction , a unit of the west group of forces cannot hold back the onslaught of our military, as a result of successful military operations, they liberated the village of beristovoye in the kharkov region. this information was confirmed by our ministry of defense. we also continue to destroy nato equipment. during the battles , american artillery mounts and howitzers were destroyed, as well as bradley bmp. well, the west is in panic, they don’t know how to stop our advance at the front. and now they are actively discussing and
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want to allow kiev to fire western weapons deep into our territory. it turns out that the white house is already discussing this possibility, but at least the head of the permanent delegation of ukraine to the nato parliamentary assembly spoke about it. in informal conversations on the sidelines of the nato parliamentary assembly, the americans say that the white house has initiated a process to allow them to use weapons against the russian federation. problem for now the solution is that... ukraine is using nato missiles to strike our territory. all
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weekend, the belgorod region was under heavy enemy fire; in just one day , over 110 shells were fired, hitting educational institutions, civilian vehicles, resulting in a quarter. dead and 20 injured civilians, among them, unfortunately, there are children, now in direct communication with us from belgorod, special correspondent of the komsomolskaya pravda media holding, alexander kuts. alexander, hello, hello, colleagues, how is the situation in the city now? well, it is relatively calm, calm until the next siren goes off, the next missile or aviation security alarm, here lately there have been... such signals, in general such sirens howl in the city several times a day, sometimes until a dozen, sometimes more, the city, as a rule, is shelled from multiple launch rocket systems, vampire, also attacked by aircraft-type drones,
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but as a rule, all these munitions that are now launched from new directions are intercepted by air defense systems, but unfortunately, these fragments fall, including... in residential areas, some rockets still reach, just yesterday, the day before yesterday in the evening in the village of dubovoe such a shell destroyed a large townhouse, i watched a sad picture of how in the morning the residents of this townhouse collected everything that had survived, loaded them into their cars with trailers and took them to their relatives, they turn on the refrigerators there, yes, this is such a daily picture, not only of belgorod, but also of other... populated areas of the region, for example, shibeikina is constantly under fire, the grayvoronsky district is under fire, the enemy has been pushed back a little, but in this section from volchansk to leptsov, but now he is looking for new ones points for launching rockets around the city, well, in particular
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, cases of shelling from the cossack lopan have become more frequent, now this settlement is taken under fire control by our weapons, these launches are detected by... after which the equipment is destroyed, which strikes peaceful cities, but there is another misfortune that has complicated the lives of residents of border areas, these are fpv drones that fly to our territory with the help of powerful repeaters, recently there have been a lot of these cases of attacks by kamikaze drones, civilian vehicles, that is , they fly into our territory and hit the first cars they come across, which... through their control glasses, and there are up to a dozen such cases a day when peaceful cars are attacked at gas stations, at on the road in motion, in a parking lot, this morning in graivaran a parking lot was attacked by a kamikaze drone, unfortunately, as
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a result of such attacks people die, people are injured, maimed, this terror, and unmanned, continues as... .. the zone in the border area is that the enemy was pushed back by and then somewhere by 8 km, somewhere by 10, he was forced to push back both his artillery and his missile defense systems to the corresponding distance, in the northern regions, recently rocket the artillery doesn't reach, but
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the enemy is trying to attack it with aircraft-type drones, and the main mlrs are czech vampires, the main mlrs are czech vampires. because they have improved flight characteristics of rockets, they hit up to 40 km, so yes, they no longer have the ability to strike with hail at a distance of 20 km, czech vampires are constantly working, but they also destroy them regularly, they are hunted in mainly our units that work with loitering lancet ammunition, and i can give you statistics. this is our main thing contra-battery weapons, at the moment the statistics of only one special forces unit that works with these lancets, in the first 10 days of our operation in the kharkov region, they destroyed 41 artillery guns, 11 multiple
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launch rocket systems, 11 armored combat vehicles, eight - eight mlrs and eight anti-aircraft missile systems. that is , it turns out that while the west is actively discussing this official public permission for ukraine to hit our territories with western weapons, this is happening actually. here on earth they are striking deep into our territory with western weapons, that is, we just have to record this now, because alexander, this is very important, you yourself understand perfectly well, or they don’t consider the czech republic a country of the nato bloc as an approaching weapon, yes, but that’s all- however, in their statements we are talking about high-precision missile weapons that fly over a long range, 300-500 km, well, i’m talking about ms attacks and so on, but if we assume we’ll take the same ones. american or french gliding bombs production, they have already hit our
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territory, well, don’t forget that crimea is russian territory, the lugansk people’s republic and the donetsk people’s republic are russian territories of the kherson zaporozhye region, this is russian territory, these high-precision missile weapons have been hitting them for a long time, unfortunately sometimes exactly, the kharkov region is not yet part of russian territory, we really want it, we dream about it, but the fact remains how the situation is there now, because our guys are advancing, but there is a feeling that the enemy threw huge reserves there in order to hold us back, as far as possible, and you know, he didn’t throw huge reserves, he threw all his reserves here, he now has no operational and strategic reserve, they are all here, literally there yesterday, and information came that they had moved here right up to the presidential... here in full force,
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budanov already said that he did not have any reserves left, so now, of course, our progress here has slowed down a little, the enemy is trying to build a defense along the volchiya river, if we are talking about the volchansk direction and is still present on... on the northern side of this river, that is, well, let's put it this way, on our side, most of which is under our control, and as far as can be judged, the enemy is preparing a counter-offensive operation, now he is forming counterattack formations in his half of the city, and i think that in the next week and a half we shouldn’t expect good news about our successful... advance in this direction, because now we will most likely go
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on the defensive for some time in order to withstand this enemy counterattack, while in leptsy the situation is approximately the same, while the enemy controls the heights around this city to the west and east and is also pulling very large forces in that direction , sometimes they surpass what we have in these sectors of the front, but gradually... this sanitary operation to establish a sanitary zone turns, but in some parallel it plays the function of some kind of regular meat grinder, let’s call it the slobozhansky meat grinder, because here they will now be grinding down , well, the most elite units that ukraine has, the operational and strategic reserves will be grinding, there is some kind of rear reserve there, and they still have a small one, but the operational and strategic ones are no longer there , everything is here in the kharkov direction. god. thank you very much, special correspondent of the komsomolskaya pravda media holding, alexander kots, was in direct
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contact with us. vitali konstantinovich, but since we started talking about your native kharkov region, you probably have more information, you know the area there better than anyone present in this studio, whom we could connect, explain to us the specifics of what is happening, because alexander mentioned that they were preparing a counter-offensive, but on friday evening many ukrainian media began to speak openly that their counter-offensive had begun there. this is what it looks like, what is happening on the ground and why now this is probably the most important front that exists, we are talking about the north of the kharkov region, but what about the other flanks, as i understand it, there the situation here is a little better, yes, indeed, now the main theater of action is the northern territory of the kharkov region, alexander was right when he said that indeed all the main such serious units of the armed formations of ukraine have already been deployed there to some extent.
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vampires work constantly, a lot, and not only in the territory of the belgorod region, they are constantly used internally, including in prividrons, but what is the real problem for our... units now is that the front line has already expanded sufficiently throughout territory, the volchansky, kharkov district, they have already connected, it has stretched out and naturally, in order to now hold back this horde that has moved there, our guys no longer need to move forward so much, but really try to gain a foothold in those positions, that is to confirm that success, to support those settlements, there are not many of them there, but the population still lives there, these
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are people, so it should be noted that these people are under constant fire, that is , only... and not to see where they shoot often this is what happens with them, that is , they aim blindly, hit, that’s it, there are people there, no, it doesn’t matter, it’s important when something else, the drone, as a rule, sees where it is flying, that is, the operator realizes that there are civilians there and every time our military helps evacuate people, in particular ...
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that there are literally 17 km left to kharkov, and here you can actually inflict fire damage, essentially with direct fire on all these nationalist units, but i repeat once again, that is , the words were spoken correctly, here right now this is the story that is happening - when the main fist, the one about which the ukrainians are now spreading the word everywhere, that they have concentrated a serious fist, will now break through our defenses, to the point that they will take belgorod there in pincers, but they have no other choice no, you know, we have to do it somehow. to inspire those who do not want to go to the front, of course, they now also understand perfectly well that they can replenish their units only with their newly mobilized strength, if they cannot now put these fighters in the ranks, in in principle, when they are ground up there on kharkov territory, there will be nothing more to answer, now we’ll take a break for a short advertisement and will be back very soon, don’t switch, at
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the age of 19 i was left alone. why are you here and not with your father on the ship? oh, yes, the theater, the reds will come, art will be banned, yes, this is a mulya, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes, i am ranevskaya, i have not experienced anything the hard way, the hare passed her by, look at this face, exceptional, great ...
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ranevskaya. watch the time after the program. with happy birthday. lev nikolaevich tolstoy. estonian president alar karis began his career with experiments on laboratory rats. he still loves experiments. only now he has living people in the role of experimental animals. dear people of estonia. his research was carried out in the interests of the west.
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since 1905, eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller, jr., began to develop rapidly in the usa, it concentrated on...
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not on the first, hello, country, welcomes you to the new voronezh, very i love our small towns, almost the entire golden ring of russia and the silver necklace of russia have passed through, i have a dream, i really want to go on a hike to lake baikal. i hope it will soon be realized in altai by car across the country to the south and vladivostok, in the urals there is also a lot to see,
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i visited all the bazhov places, by the way, the most delicious shawarma, you knew, i am from the city of beloredsk , bashkirtastan, sevastopol is the pride of the russians sailors, i am from the incredible city of chelyabinsk, i love petersburg itself for its beauty, for the beautiful neva river, i really i love my country and... mayonnaise is 30% yolks, 60% pure oil and a little water, so every resident of our country eats about 5 kg of this same mayonnaise per year, let's deal with mayonnaise and many other important and interesting things in the program live well tomorrow. on the first. the west is not
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turning away from its path, it is escalating. nato secretary general jens stoltenberg wants ukraine to attack russian territory with foreign weapons, this is the head of the north atlantic alliance making a provocative appeal to other countries spoke during an interview with the economist magazine. i think it's time for the allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions on the use of weapons they donated to ukraine, especially now that there is active fighting in kharkov near the border. denying ukraine the ability to use these weapons against legitimate military targets on russian territory makes it very difficult for them to defend themselves. and here's the breaking news: stoltenberg speaking at a session of the nato parliamentary assembly on the eve of the nato summit in the united states. made the following statement: he believes that nato weapons that are transferred to kiev automatically become not western, but purely ukrainian. it’s interesting here, alexey
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alekseevich, well, ruslan and i have already discussed this here, so we understand that the decision has already been made, yes, despite these hesitations and the impossibility of finding consensus on the issue that we talked about a little earlier, nevertheless, why exactly now they are focusing on what... the ukrainians are actually counting on, and stoltenberg is just voicing a decision, he doesn't accept them. yes. these complex weapons systems are maintained by nato specialists, which effectively means that
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nato is entering into direct military contact with russia. they are trying to hide this inevitability with these phrases that the weapons cease to be nato, become ukrainian, and so on. the role of ukraine is very important here. ukraine is losing the battle on the field. therefore, it needs to drag nato into a confrontation with russia, only in this the ukrainian leadership sees salvation, it sees the prospect of developing the conflict in its own way benefit, and here the nato leadership is faced with a very serious problem of public opinion in western countries, so politicians, nato, western national politicians are trying to convince society, accustom it to the idea that weapons and crossing the border, this is it... all blah blah -blah, although in reality, of course, nato is entering into direct military contact, a conflict with russia, and this must be articulated constantly, because this is
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the deception in which ... the western countries of ukraine have been living for a long time, he has started their brought them to the brink of a nuclear conflict. alexey alekseevich, you know, explain this to me, why then have they been discussing for weeks now in a wide information field whether to allow or not to allow, if now they transfer weapons, they automatically become ukrainian, then, accordingly, ukraine itself has the right make a decision about where and what to hit, i understand correctly. why then were these dances with tambourines? dancing with tambourines for legal authorities and for investigative authorities, which, of course, will record this fact, they are trying to evade responsibility, plus i also suspect that since they are increasingly talking about trying to drag russia into negotiations on their own terms, and the russian side is saying: we are open to negotiations, only these conditions must reflect the realities on the battlefield, and not some
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miragu formulas.
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france. stoltenberg has nothing to do with these weapons. moreover, he said that he opposes the use of nato forces on the territory or airspace of ukraine, because otherwise - quote, it will be difficult to keep nato out of the conflict. they seem to want ukraine to win, but they themselves clearly say that they will not interfere, they want nato, excuse me, i’ll interfere a little, but i have the feeling that they want nato to be out of the equation, as it were, but... they don’t understand one thing, that for us these brackets are wide enough, they are all there for us inside, well, for us this is what these all mean, they can quarrel among themselves, argue as much as they want, pass weapons, do not transfer, allow use, do not whether to allow it, declare it to each other or not, we will sit and wait until they decide there, maybe it’s time to take some first steps, if they stopped supplying nato weapons to ukraine, the war would end with our victory, i think,
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within. .. several weeks, everything that is now happening at the front, all this is happening thanks to nato weapons, endless supplies, when the industry of france and the czech republic supplied the wehrmacht, they could refer to the fact that their territories were occupied, they were forced to do this, therefore, it later turned out that france was among the winners, and the czechs somehow, probably, throughout all these years did not feel a sense of guilt before our people, our army, because about 35%. weapons that killed our citizens, soldiers , officers of the soviet red army, this was produced at czech enterprises, but now these countries are not occupied, they voluntarily supply the ukrainian army with weapons, ammunition, when the special military operation began, the president of russia, supreme commander vladimir vladimirovich putin gave a very clear signal that if any countries interfere in this issue, if they help, then of course this will not go unanswered, so members of the nato bloc are direct participants in this...
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in the belgorod region, they strike at civilians, flies to cars in the border area, imagine how many are arriving at the front line, so this sanitary zone that they are talking about should be at least 80 km, but anything closer than 80 km will be
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damaged, therefore. zaporozhye, kherson regions, i consider it inappropriate to divide all these territories that are included in the constitution of the russian federation into some old or new territories, we also have future territories that will not only be included in the russian federation, but members
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the nato bloc must understand and they need to be given a signal that in any case they will answer for everything that they have already done, they are trying to somehow talk about what, well, you see, you begin to win, when you win completely, you you'll probably start complaining present to us, so...
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today what allows them to do this is that they are confident, for some reason, that nothing will ever fly across their territory, so i believe that those countries that supply weapons to the ukrainian army are direct participants in the conflict, they naturally must understand that their territory, on which the enterprises where these weapons are produced are located, is not safe and, probably, someday there must come a moment when our country, our leadership will give such a signal so that thoughts these ones are missing, otherwise they are sitting there...
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the militants of the national battalion of azov, banned in russia, called for weapons to be transferred to kiev along with permission to attack russia. my message is very simple. thanks to the heroes of the azov battalion who are present here today. give the ukrainians what they ask for, give them weapons, give them permission to use these weapons outside their borders. it is completely ridiculous to prohibit them from doing what russia is doing by attacking ukrainian troops. why shouldn't the ukrainians... be able to attack russian troops who are near their borders, give them such weapons, give them long-range missiles, otax ballistic missiles, give them a budget, give them the air defense that they need, you see, this is the law of western
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politicians, to give the go-ahead to commit simply outright evil, well for now the west is skeptical about such proposals and german chancellor olaf scholz once again clearly stated his position, he does not want to start. global war with russia. there are clear rules that have been agreed upon with ukraine, they are working on german arms supplies. in any case, this is my position, mine.
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beautiful, streamlined formulations, he wants to sit on two chairs, to please the ukrainians
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, as if to relieve himself and his country of any responsibility for possible consequences in the event of an escalation of conflicts, but in the meantime, let us remind you that sweden supplied ukraine with rbs 70 manpads and infantry fighting vehicles there are many, their range by the way is from 40 to about 60 km, well, as for international law, in the west they always talk about international right, when they want to deprive others of the right to life, well, besides this... western military personnel are already training in full force at the swedish nato base, they are honing their combat skills in urban areas, and no one is hiding the conditions of the enemy, the conditional enemy, of course , it's russia. american soldiers simulate the liberation of a city occupied by the russians by swedish troops. sweden, now a nato country, is preparing to spend more than 2% of gdp this year on... defense and provide the alliance with control over the baltic
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sea and access to the arctic. in addition to technological advantages, the swedish military benefits from a gender-neutral conscription system , with about 4 million people considered eligible, almost equally divided between men and women. there is no difference between the sexes. this is the strength of the swedish army. it doesn't matter what gender you are. swedes in order for the swedes to go
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to war with russia, well, then let her tell her swedes what the battle of poltava ended, maybe then somehow some kind of understanding will come, the realization that there is no need to put pressure on russia, choke on russian, well, 100%. alexey alekseevich, now let’s get to the point, they all somehow understand who goes to the forest, who wants firewood, some allow it, others mean they hesitate like scholz, well, it’s a tradition for him, that means italy, sweden allows it, in general, explain what's happening now.
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nazism spread and this leads to very serious psychological changes within european civil society, namely so what’s happening is quite... serious - the collapse of all value systems that is happening, yes, she looks like a pregnant man, you know, in this form, maybe i can’t discuss it, but nevertheless, yes, unfortunately, there is a collapse of the system of traditional values ​​on which europe was based, on which it existed for more than one millennium, and this collapse of values ​​will lead to a global,
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global catastrophe, not international, within transnational, within europe, europe will change its qualitative state, as a result. unfortunately, like the third reich, the fate of the european union is being decided right now, it is being decided, unfortunately, not in favor of preserving this supranational, supranational entity, because sooner or later, by the way, the only issue on which the europeans have generally agreed is russophobia is opposition to russia, on all other issues they are in extremely contradictory relationships, constantly fighting, swearing, yeah.
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and nothing will happen, in fact, there are sensible voices in europe, they say this, but to unfortunately, this is not the main trend, the main trend is, i don’t know, to break the forehead of the russian, but the russian wall, now residents of the kharkov region, the belgorod region are watching how western politicians decide to allow ukraine to fire western weapons on our territory or not to allow it and think , we don’t care what weapon we die from, because now they are discussing not where to shoot, not to kill anyone, but what to kill with.
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and so on, that is, strikes will be carried out in any case, even if they do not make this decision now, and we see this today, so i say again, these are all, you know, political slogans, beautiful, but everyone understands perfectly well that it is the united states that is now playing the first violin, that is, perhaps some of the european countries will disagree on something, but in any case, they
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will make the decision as they are told from there, yuri ivanovich, podalyaka is joining our conversation, yuri ivanovich, hello, we have such global questions again. once again, will ukraine be allowed to fire western weapons at russian territory, but this this is, in fact, as we understand, a relatively philosophical question, even though it is related to what is happening on the battlefields, what is happening there now on the contact line, because i already said today, on friday the ukrainian media suddenly began to report that they are starting counter-offensive in the north of the kharkov region, i didn’t see any big news on this topic from their side over saturday and sunday, but nevertheless, it’s very hot there, how is the situation now? well, yes, they were enough for exactly one day to wave your to the overdue president, all because they didn’t succeed, yes, they went on the attack, received losses, well, under the linden trees they took several of our support forces, which we had taken earlier and that
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was the end of their entire counter-offensive, then we went on our own offensive , offensive, and, accordingly, taking into account the fact that we have an overwhelming superiority in aviation and artillery, we are carrying out this... this offensive, yes, perhaps not as quickly as someone would like, but again we have to ask the question: what is the task of kharkov operation at the moment, it can then expand, but what i see in other sectors of the front, and what i see as a result of what happened in the kharkov operation, is that more than 50 infantry battalions of the ukrainian armed forces have been assembled there, this is how much, well, if you take the service personnel, all sorts of accompanying units, count somewhere... 500-600 people, that is, about 3000 people, these, these people are not enough on other lines in other sectors of the front, and this is very strongly.
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i divide it into pokrovsky and toretsky here again, the enemy even confirmed this yesterday in reports. the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine confirmed that we are making progress here, that is, we are starting a new breakthrough, which threatens big problems for both the second group and the pokrovsk group. in krasnogorovka, our assault has already obviously yielded results, there is evidence that the enemy is losing the high-rise area and is withdrawing troops from there, and this is the key point of the last defense, where he was holding out there, then it will simply turn into a retreat from the remnants of the city, next to the south, again the enemy confirms everything this is between novomikha.
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now they will be abandoned, then in a month they will have a complete disaster, i think that they
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will still be there, they are still there, this permission or the summer campaigns have not yet begun, and if they do not give permission from the west to hit the territory of russia with western weapons, this it’s not a coincidence, this is not a way out of the situation, nato troops may end up on the territory of ukraine in the summer, in your opinion, well, officially already, but you know, i have already commented on this topic several times, nothing has changed in my position, that is, as soon as ... it will be clear that the armed forces of ukraine, remember, we talked to you about this, yes, to the polish opposition, i said back then in the fall of last year that as soon as the ukrainian armed forces there it was clear that the counter-offensive had foundered and there would be offensive actions from our side as soon as it became clear to the poles in the west that the ukrainian armed forces cannot withstand the offensive of the russian army, they are beginning to crumble, the poles will definitely come first, perhaps other countries, but i think romania will want to take its piece, hungary will want it, slovakia will take it, poland will definitely take it. trying to rake in all of western ukraine, this is inevitable, and the question is not even that they will thereby save someone there, this is their national policy, you remember that
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the poles are in power, the polish nationalists, and them rzeczpospolita from one place to another, no one canceled this program, it’s true, thank you very much, yuri ivanovich fadalyaka, he was in direct contact with us, well , to add fuel to the fire, as i already said, in poland, well, they’re just sleeping. russia with an american strike in the event of the use of nuclear weapons on ukraine. the americans told the russians that if you detonate a nuclear bomb, even if it doesn't kill anyone, we will hit all your positions in ukraine with conventional weapons, we will destroy them all. it looks like this, that the polish sixes suddenly decided to trump the american aces. in general, poland is set up, as we understand it, for war with russia. russia will achieve a strategic
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breakthrough in eastern ukraine, because the west is helping without much enthusiasm, then the situation could deteriorate sharply. in this case, the baltic countries and poland will not wait until russian troops will reach their borders, baltic politicians warned. they themselves will send troops into ukraine, and this means that nato will become a participant in the war. the balts have long made no secret of their plans to dismember russia. yes, you did not disobey, the balts want to dismember russia, about this... bring russia and vladimir putin to their knees. we may have to go through quite a few more russian leaders before something starts to happen, so pressure from western countries is necessary, including
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so that even ordinary russians understand that need to do something. we will do everything possible.
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pay attention, those states that have experienced this to the fullest, they are somehow behaving cautiously, although, by the way, in this regard, poland is very surprising, germany has drawn conclusions, italy has more or less made conclusions, and there, hungary behaves adequately in this regard, the poles, it’s clear, as catherine said, they must always be kept in such a check, alexander nikolaevich, well, look, the poles and the balts say that we are ready
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to send our troops there if russia succeeds, how much is it?
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at the age of 19 i was left alone, why are you here and not with your father on the ship? oh, yes, the theater, the reds will come, art will be
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banned, but this is a mule, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything the hard way, the war passed her by. exceptional, there are many great directors, but there can only be one great meeting, i’ll challenge this one, come, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you’re making faces, marital status, what do you say, i have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, no family, no children , but devoted to art to the grave, you are a genius, dramatic actress, the whole world will know about it. ranevskaya. watch the time after the program. happy birthday. whom? lev nikolaevich
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tolstoy. mayonnaise is 30% yolks, 60% pure oil and a little water. so this same mayonnaise is available to every resident. of our country eats about 5 kg per year, let's deal with mayonnaise and many other important and interesting things in the program to live healthy, tomorrow is the first day, i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission, it’s very difficult to fight in the mountains, you’re not you can smoke the spirits from the cave, he... they hit you 100 km from we must ensure security of the state border; in the hands of a man, teeth, ears, hair may shake, but not hands. 1200 minutes rushed, the earth shook so much, we
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left a garrison in the liberated village area, they ensured order, went out to populated areas with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, all this... we took it apart with pleasure, the residents of the border areas were protected, like soviet, and the afghan side, for the day of the border guard, the premiere, the main milestone, not a step back, tomorrow on the first, three chords, new season, in sunday on the first. studying the history of my country, i understand how multifaceted and vast russia is, and i am from vologda pronishka, and from there greetings to you, all
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the best to you, health, happiness, a lot of laughter, many years to come, the city of gorodets is famous for gorodets gingerbread, gold embroidery, gorodets painting , hello to the republic of udmurtia and hello to the kostroma region, i’m glad that... the fields are being sown and harvested, i’m glad that something new is being built, this year i was in altai and it’s just a planet within a planet, russia could be better only russia, we are the first to conquer space, we can do anything, russia, we love you, vladimir zelensky. he doesn’t know how to hold the kharkov front, and in order to somehow attract the attention of the west and force them to take extreme measures, he talks about how our troops are preparing a new offensive near kharkov. russia is
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the only source of aggression and is constantly trying to expand the war. literally now we are defending our borders in the northeast of this city from another attempted attack by the russian offensive. russia is preparing for attempt to attack. hello, good afternoon, ruslan, you probably saw zelensky’s speech from kharkov, yes, where he specially brought a film crew with him, in english, promised, of course, for the ukrainian audience, for whom else, everyone there knows english, the situation in the kharkov region in the north is becoming more complicated, what zelensky is talking about there, why it is important for him to attract attention, how the situation is, well, look, the situation is difficult, constantly. new
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enemy forces rush into battle, literally freshly recruited troops, literally yesterday they were caught somewhere on the streets of kharkov, it is recorded in places that they are working on each other instead of our troops, uh , under the liptsy, even the use of chemical weapons was recorded, we have no idea what kind of substance it was yet, it causes a gag reflex, weakness, loss consciousness, well, unfortunately, this is not the first time they are doing such things. dropped with a drone, are there any details or yes, or sprayed somehow - technology now allows spraying, but often they are dropped from drones, which is exactly what they did detonate in the air, this is not the first time such things are used, during the attack on kharkov in 2022 there were such incidents in the kherson direction in the donetsk direction such ammunition was used, but in limited quantities by some national formations prohibited such as the kraken azov there.
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yes, permanent reserves are brought up, they constantly try to counterattack, they constantly fail, capsize, but go into battle again, they are constantly pulled up, completely untrained people, that is, they rush into battle everything that exists, there is really natural hysteria, the enemy does not know how to hold us, we have slowed down the pace a little and are now withstanding these counterattacks, simply grinding them down, in general, resources, thank you very much military. may 2014 in donetsk, they
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remember very well how people began to literally be killed from the sky, residents of donetsk call this date the day when peace ended in the city, then air battles for the airport began, the air harbor was literally stopped in a matter of days , real ruins there , this whole thing was circling ukrainian aviation. and people didn’t quite understand what was happening then, but at the same time they understand perfectly well why all this is needed now, why there is a special operation, all the goals of the special operation will certainly be fulfilled, the news is on the first channel, this is the news on the first, hello, in valery korablev ’s studio , in this issue.


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