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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 27, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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large-scale official celebrations and events to which all citizens are invited. well, the footage that we are receiving right now at the marinsky palace is honoring the new honorary citizens of st. petersburg. in the cathedral of christ the savior, the last day of the stay of the tikhvin icon of the mother of god and it was delivered from st. petersburg to moscow last week. during this time , thousands of believers managed to venerate the image, which is considered miraculous. and today people. continue to walk according to legend, the icon was painted by the evangelist luke during the earthly life of the mother of god: the fate of the shrine is tight intertwined with the history of russia during the great patriotic war, the icon was saved from the german occupation, taken abroad, it returned to its homeland only 20 years ago, it was on this date that the shrine was delivered to the capital. and we return to the first topic: vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan.
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we have just received footage of negotiations between the russian leader and the president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev, the heads are discussing, the heads of state are discussing the prospects for the further development of bilateral relations. dear vladimir vladimirovich, once again welcome to uzbekistan, we have been preparing for this visit very carefully and for a long time, and i think it will truly be historic, i am very grateful that one of your first visits... went to uzbekistan, this is a great respect for to uzbekistan and the multinational people of uzbekistan, i am very grateful to you for this. this is one of the first visits after the election of all related procedures is completed. including those related to the formation of the government, such a representative delegation came to uzbekistan, not by chance, this emphasizes our special character, both strategic partnership and allied relations.
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ukraine, it is precisely by this principle that this weekend the soldiers of the akhmat special forces detachment, apparently, this is the only thing left, while clearing one of the areas, discovered an enemy stronghold, in which there was an entire studio for filming the so -called fake successes of the dry soldiers at the front, in fact, this find, if i’m not mistaken, was commented on by the assistant to the head of the chechen republic, special forces commander akhmat, deputy chief department for military-political...
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how they destroy russian units, we found a bunch of mannequins there, artificial paints, that is, the enemy, not having the opportunity to fight against us, having neither the strength, nor the means, nor the spirit, is doing everything to at least to make chick films, they upload these films, it turns out to be an internet resource, allegedly proving to someone how they are destroying russian soldiers, fighters of a unit of the russian ministry of defense in such a massive number, the only difference is the fact that disneyland works well, films are made well, but in reality they are doing poorly on the front line. ukraine has truly turned into one huge film set, while other politicians are engaged in government affairs, zelensky continues to play the role of president, because he is already illegitimate, for example, all these leaked footage of the preparation for recording another tearful monologue from zz. let's get a look. father, come on.
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yes, that is, you need to understand that this works for a short period of time, that is, they can, relatively speaking, warm up the information space, they can show their successes, they can show how they work, because western society is in an information bubble, and it is formed by ukraine together with the western mainstream media,
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our information does not get there, but as soon as the real information begins to come in about the capture of certain cities, about the flight of the same azov, which here heroically... guarded that means azovstal, which means azov , if not azov, but avdeevsky, as a so-chemical plant, the question arises guys and the drawdown is even more serious, but zelensky, of course, is quite professional in terms of information coverage, he went too far. the west can no longer look at green t-shirts, cannot look at the ruins, cannot look at the trenches that are supposedly built in the kharkov region, and then everyone runs and the dragon’s teeth are piled up in huge piles, they are already called the dragon’s lips there.
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very direct and frank, after all, the way zelensky and his western curators work with information is still effective, because many said that at the beginning of the special military operation, we must admit this, our country was not just defending itself there, but it could not even come up with narratives for its own audience, has the situation changed now? well , on our side, a lot has changed and i would like to say literally two words about the studio that was discovered. it doesn’t really look like they were producing propaganda videos that were supposed to influence, for example, convince the russian side of something, all this is very reminiscent the following story, when materials about
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the use of weapons that are supplied from the west are filmed for reporting to suppliers in the west, they supply high-precision effective weapons, all sorts of chimeras with... for example, he liquidated an object, he must definitely film that the object definitely eliminated, this is most likely the profanation that was made for western arms suppliers in order to show that they supplied missiles, they used them, here is the concrete result, and as for hired killers, they have such a habit, actions of zelensky, then well, we see this clownery, here...
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it must be admitted, as for our country, over the 2 years of the special operation, we have learned a lot, we are acting completely differently, in the information space, of course, in first of all, if at first there was confusion, now we even have our own tactics for conducting operations in unexpected water conditions, these tactics are better than american ones, which is why we can not only turn the situation around. but also to replay the same, the same american intelligence services in the information space, including playing on their field and forcing them to play by our rules, this question is a little unexpected, we understand that the ukrainians really should provide reports, but we know that a significant
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part of the american elite is itself very interested in so that assistance to ukraine continues, in order to earn dirty money from corruption and so on, conditionally, this happens in what format, are congressmen there through advisers, through the special services? or there could be biden or someone from the white house is sending zelensky , i don’t know, a message: so here we again have doubts that helping you is effective, that we are not just wasting money, but can really win with the help of these missiles? us rumo intelligence, which is involved in these supplies, and the military-industrial lobby, it
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is under pressure in the focus of attention, well , at least several committees in congress, this is the intelligence committee and the appropriations committee, and that’s where non-ideological opponents of the fight against the russian federation sit , a competing companies, yes, they are scary, they cling to every cent spent, that’s why. the stage that america is going through is actually very successful, the americans are planning to fight with
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the major powers, with russia and china, if it threatens their dominance, and we are already threatening it very seriously, they divided it into several stages, and the first stage - this is the creation of an image of the enemy, that is , dehumanization, a lot of money is pumped in, films are made, they are told how evil russians we are, a variety of narratives are invented, which are released in people, it turned out, this is already.
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switzerland is a neutral country at mile 36.
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they are creating a serious mobilization reserve, well , as a cherry on the cake, britain has decided to soon introduce, if their conservative party wins, conscription into the army for a year, which was abolished long ago, they have a professional army, that is, they are returning to a conscript army at home, in the same way, in order to bring in a large number of young people, to prepare them for the reserve, all these cartoons are for a reason, of course, the image of the enemy constantly needs to be fed with these fakes, yes all sorts of manipulations, i propose to talk in more detail about this very interesting area with vladimir pavlovich zhiganov,
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a member of the council of entrepreneurs under the moscow city government, a specialist in digital transformation. vladimir pavlovich, the question is: how difficult is it, taking into account modern technologies and the large number of specialists in this field, to distinguish a fake video from a real one for a simple viewer. at the moment, technology makes it possible to shoot such high-quality videos that you can practically distinguish it from the real one. impossible today, another question is, these are the videos for the front line, who should shoot them, but they can’t shoot them themselves, probably the soldiers, there are some directors and actors. of course , professional teams are used here who know what film and video production is and manage it, of course there are trained people here with special education, and this is expensive, that’s how much it can cost on the front line, i don’t know who can pay for it, well look, everything connected with harmokey, what we see is demonstrated with green fabric, and this is of course much
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cheaper than deepfakes, which we have also already seen from the outside and...
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the real thing, it is not real, as in your opinion, well, not ordinary people should, yes, it’s clear to act, but the people who make the decision, because this is really very, very dangerous, well, look, all the fakes , after all, all the fake videos are designed for the average person, for the ordinary viewer, citizens of this or that country, all official decisions are confirmed by official documents, are not published on social networks, on the official pages of certain departments. i apologize, i’ll dig further, the department was hacked, hackers did their work, we know that documents are forged, they easily hack the most secure systems, in other words, it may happen that there will be a document, albeit a fake one, and some kind of appeal, in general - are there elements, well, frankly speaking, of containing such a situation? well
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, look, there is still a complex of solutions here and not a single system, including ours, is the first the queue is invulnerable from some kind of fake... well, wait, shaigu, gerasimov, the president called us, on the other hand, look, here we need to separate these things, firstly, all these fakes are primarily directed against civil society in order to shake it up, so it must be thrown in, essentially as
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a narrative, at the right time and place, that is , when there is social tension, they throw it in and... starts to shake it up, officials, of course, don’t rely on this, they have a closed circulation document, but most importantly, adoption, decision-making by our military-political leadership in response to any actions, they will be taken on the basis of the facts that intelligence reports. i have a small clarification, this is what you think, when i said that they will set fire to countries for us, and what is the next country that has prepared a place for ukraine to set fire to us, and we always said what actions could be taken so that we could not retreat. moldova, look, is a neutral country. the task of entering romania is now with the political leadership of the president moldavian maya sando, a citizen of romania, they are now constantly undergoing one after another nato exercises taking place on the territory of moldova, the airborne landings have just ended, two, which means the american divisions jumped there, some of their units, together with the moldovans, are at those training grounds where our paratroopers they were preparing there,
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tests are now underway, training headquarters for nato standards, and in the summer there will be new exercises that will test this. red line, if they fly from airfields, say, european countries, so that it was not from poland, if it comes from the airfield of merculishti, moldova, from there they will use them for us in some part to fly out to shoot at us, then we will be forced to strike at this airfield, and for them this is an opportunity to bring in romanian troops, nato on moldova, the occupation of the creation of actions, that is, the situation will, in their understanding, be pulled apart from different sides.
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this is firstly, secondly, never do everything on a wave of emotions, on which these changes are sharp and push, and in general speaking of the fakes that we just talked about, the impression is that the same image is now being drawn around debfakes as was painted in 1660 during the election of president trump, around ordinary viral fakes, that they are a miracle weapon. invulnerable, which cannot be recognized, which everyone is caught by, nothing like that, which means that deep fairy renders, it always, no matter how they try to use
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artificial intelligence technologies, it will always be different from the original, it will be crooked, but if it meets the expectations of the person on whom it influences, then the person will not be critical, he will complete all the missing details that the engineers of this defake could not implement in his head, if some official calls him and introduces himself as the detective officer, but this could happen, he himself will draw this detective officer in his head, and if his boss calls him - before whom he is in awe and demands something from him, he will do it, and if he considers the boss a tyrant and is used to it when he yells at him, draw in his head the image of this boss with a palm tree on his head, here...
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tests at our tactical nuclear weapons test sites and as colorfully as the first channel can do to film it like in a film means a challenge, when a rocket took off to film this explosion, i guarantee you that within the framework of the information society, in an hour every inhabitant of the planet will have this on their phone, everyone will say so, gentlemen, rulers, and where are you leading us, you do you want this in our cities? it was, but our hypersonic destruction system will now allow us to strike any capital of a european state with a guaranteed strike. defeating them with any anti-missile system and simply an air defense system, but for now we understand that there is a certain swing, as it were, in society, in some part they are not ready, they are bringing us to the edge,
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but they also do not want to cross it, so that is, we are ready to this warning shot, but so far we are not doing it, well, there are regulations that are holding us back, although the international system of strategic security has been virtually nullified, but there are several such treaties that work without the militarization of space. although it is also now subject to the proliferation of nuclear weapons and not carrying out tests, although the americans have not ratified it, well, how would they stand aside, i thought about these very scenarios, again, i am hypothetically speaking absolutely as an amateur, for example, striking on the snake island using our latest weapons, by the way, not necessarily strategic carriers, i’m wondering how if the europeans would react to this, by the way... i
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was stating the facts: on june 5th on netflix, there is such a network platform, a film about hitler is being released, hitler and his nazis, i now have a whole series of questions, because i looked, there is the fight against evil is condemnation, so it is unlikely that they will begin to defend
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hitler in this series, which i have not yet seen. cause him regret, that is , it is unlikely that there is a fight against evil, immediately respected experts, tell me what’s in the black box, tell me what your version is, and arkady borich, thank you very much, by the way, our editors are telling me that they actually found this film, which is coming out on the american platform on june 5, we have this screenshot, look, that is, this is not a fake, it will really appear on one of the most popular streaming services.
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of course, he was like that, yes, the nubert tribunal said everything about this, but maybe there are some other nuances, in this regard here, well, it looks like this is clearly a propaganda film, in general we will see that it will be there, because is it necessary to make films in which hitler is one of the main characters? well, by the way, we saw a very good film, the german bunker, where all the stages of the disintegration of hitler’s personality were shown. this was very good prevention, that’s when drug addiction prevention is often based on the fact that schoolchildren are touched, taken to the clinic , drug addicts are touched at all stages of decay, from the very beginning, initial to final, where they do not lose their human appearance, and this is a great tool who bats any desire to repeat this experience, here, well,
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about the same thing can happen if. the plot is about how hitler came to success, but then, i don’t exclude it, again, i didn’t watch it, yes, i can’t fully condemn yet, but then the evil russians came, who were also evil, andrei franovich, what do you think? this is the story when they very carefully, very methodically and technologically, try to enroll all the ultra-right people into their company. americans have long been engaged in such technologies as social engineering, such as you can remotely influence the masses,
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well, and at a not very...expensive price, so that they make some moves in your interests, they came up with a term called soft power, and we see how effectively it worked, this is all hollywood , this is music, these are torn jeans, these are coca-cola, burgers, they have taken over the whole world, it works, it makes you feel positive about american and various subcultures, then they looked, oh, we have a cooler technology, it’s called smart power, this ngo, and a little money in the house, it begins to grow from within, supposedly some things, here is a classic example of georgia 20.00 ngos, these are actually traitors to the country who are corroding from within, you and i also went through this stage, the so-called liberal group has now left, but the americans conducted a study, said: listen, we spent billions on balkan countries, balkan countries, but they don’t love us, but the russians, as they loved, continue to love, what’s the point? it turned out that the memory of generations, historical memory is the most key, it connects you with each other, it drags these things like no matter if you try to influence it from the outside, it doesn’t work, santa claus is there and everything else. they
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saw that the only one, they call it clio pawer, well, a goddess, which means greek, they saw that it is necessary to cut off this history, that is, it is necessary to influence religion, faith, some kind of traditions, we see this social one. we don’t know the content of what will be presented there on netflix, but there are real events when, using specific examples , we see that nazism is raising its head in europe, for example, just yesterday the german publication bilt reported that in one community in
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western germany, 70 police officers broke up a party in the nazi style, that is, if previously some nazi slogans, references were criminalized in germany. now entire themed parties gather there, even after a week earlier the police of another german region began checking a certain video that went viral on social networks from another party where participants shouted nazi slogans, in fact, this is how the same build describes this party in an elite bar in germany, the german golden youth, that is, these are not migrants at all, just for the british, yes, they threw this party, shouted: nazi slogans, yawned, without fear, apparently of responsibility, in the famous bari pony, which is located in the kampa community on the island of sylt, a crowd of these rich, young people shouted, in addition to these nazi slogans, phrases like germany
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for the germans, foreigners out, and one man in a white shirt, laughing, well, how it happens, you know, such a successful, rich, young man who has gotten drunk, raised two fingers to lips, hinting at hitler's mustache, he made an undisguised hand... the nazi salute in germany, dear colleagues, is gaining popularity, the return of this nazi ideology, they are no longer ashamed, they no longer repent, they are already saying: my grandfather was in the wehrmacht or in the gestapo and i’m proud of this, but russia was evil and did not let us win, it is gaining popularity, it is gaining not spontaneously, not because a new generation has come who does not know about the horrors of nazism or does not want to know, but because very large investments are being made into it money because that the new stormtroopers, as a force, yes, capable of suppressing any protests, capable of establishing the so-called iron order or new order, it is very beneficial for those who pay for these services, and there is no sudden surge
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of neo-nazi sentiments, without those who stand behind this and gives a lot of money for this, pay attention to the film, yes, if a film about hitler...
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nato is now making, how they influence countries, how they impose their will, how blinken talks about how countries are dividing on two camps, those who sit with us at the table and those who are on the menu, this is pure fascism, what is fascism anyway, where did it come from, this is
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a disease of our society that will always exist, we must always treat it, this is the basic feeling of a person, lowly ones, who can simply come out of a disease like a disease and try to leave, because fascism comes from the roman empire, fascination is a symbol of power. hitler took many moments, first the italians, then hitler took the eagles, legions and so on, that is, in some conditions it will be, you know, when such a state the body falls. now we really hope that we
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have an antidote, and it will work effectively, and we say goodbye to the viewers of the first channel, they go away to watch, watch advertising, but we promise to return tomorrow, ekaterina shugaeva, nikita danyuk, our respected experts, and we continue discussion in the popular front studio, estonian president alar karis began his career path with experiments on laboratory rats, he still loves experiments, only in the role of experimental animals now... his research were carried out in the interests of western biotechnology companies, in the future to generate artificial human mutations, a president who was not elected by the people, who had no competitors, a master five times, a cavalier four times, a knight once and a commander twice. masonic lodges in estonia have the peculiarity of giving each other this kind of sat. karis declares that ukraine needs to be supported there more, here the country is simply open.
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today on the first, my name is mikhail rom, now i will invite you to star in my film, oh what's the picture, a chubby mabasan, and prostitutes, yes, but you will play honestly at a woman, excuse me, why are they shaking us up like gogol-moogle, they are setting the frame, guys, be quiet, well, she is falling out of the frame, no, this not art, ranevskaya. watch the time after the program, you like acting in
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films, how can you like this madhouse ? people have been dreaming about a new man for a long time. since 1905, eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller, jr., began to develop rapidly in the united states. she concentrated on forced sterilization of disabled people, and social personalities of poor people. adolf hitler with... 60% pure oil and a little water, so
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this same mayonnaise every resident of our country eats about 5 kg per year, let's deal with mayonnaise and many other important and interesting things in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first, i i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first... combat mission, it’s very difficult to fight in the mountains, you can’t smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you, 100 km from the state border we must ensure security, we’ve got a man in our hands, teeth, ears, hair may shake, but not hands. 1200 minutes rushed, the earth shook so much, we left a garrison in a liberated area, a village. they ensured order, went out to
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populated areas with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, they took it all apart with pleasure, residents of the border areas, both soviet and afghan side, for the day of the border guard, the prime minister, the main line, i won’t take a step back, tomorrow is the first. i'm happy when i develop every day, when i wake up and know what awaits me during the day something new when we... this is a journey, this is my favorite ice hockey, i have a dacha that has turned into a paradise, a flower garden, i am proud of it, i started going to drawing classes, and i
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put my paintings at an exhibition, do it music, do art, it's very cool, i love you all. i love fishing very much, because there is a volga in rybinsk. be happy and find good in every second of your life. the information channel on the first continues, time will tell this program, we are working live. kharkovsky the front is under heavy pressure from the russian military, our groups are north-west. continue their offensive, liberate more and more populated areas, western journalists are no longer just panicking, they are shouting that the ukrainian armed forces are losing control on the battlefield,
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we have 300, we have 300, since russia opened a new front here in the kharkov area about 2 weeks ago, the ukrainian army.
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this is a tense time for ukraine and especially for the soldiers of the fifty-seventh brigade. oleg is a new recruit, but at the same time he is already an exhausted veteran. it's all very complicated, it's very hot here, a lot of missiles, a lot of drones, drones are like bees, they are everywhere, you only hear the sound. it’s no secret that russia is preparing a new offensive, i think that if very intense shooting from russia began, then in a day, maximum two, we would run out of ammunition, artillery became the most important part of this war, but the ukrainians the whole country is telling
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us that they do not have enough shells, as soon as the enemy realized that we have a shortage of ammunition,
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he made a statement, and today he explained his own ; at the weekend he made a provocative words, because the weapons transferred to ukraine, it turns out, are no longer considered western, i am sure that if we transferred weapons to ukraine, these are no longer our weapons, these are their weapons, which means they can strike them at legitimate military targets, including russia, for example, on the air bases that russia uses. in general, stoltenberg’s idea of ​​allowing strikes was immediately approved in a number of countries; apparently, the thought of starting a big war no longer scares anyone. this is
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an interesting question from the point of view of international law: russia is violating international law and significantly targets civilian infrastructure. ukraine also has the right to attack troop concentrations, logistics facilities , and command and control facilities on russian territory; ukraine must be able to operate deep within russian territory. should the us lift restrictions on where ukraine can use american weapons? the ukrainians are striking russian territory with their drones. these drones are not very effective. they can't do any real damage. the british are already allowed to use storm shadow and nothing happened. i think we should allow it too. can russia directly escalate against it? mr. putin is not suicidal, he knows if he attacks nato he will lose, he will lose quickly and decisively.
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meanwhile, cnn shares an important insider; it turns out that there is no final permission to hit kiev on russian territory due to internal disagreements in washington and the white house cannot agree on this. with his secretary of state blinken, the latter is not at all bothered by the issue of conflict escalation; he advocates giving permission, but other representatives of the presidential administration, including joe biden himself, are in no hurry to cross the red lines. there is a group within the biden administration that is concerned about the prospect of an escalation in the conflict with russia. secretary of state blinken is trying to argue against these fears for the us to allow. ukraine to use their weapons on russian territory. however, national security advisor salewan, in my opinion, is as reserved as president
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biden. it is the internal conflict in washington does not allow kiev to obtain permission to strike russian territory with american weapons. it is worth noting in fairness that opinions in the west are divided. there are also sensible states, for example, such as italy, two italian deputy prime ministers opposed lifting the ban on... the choice of kiev is the choice of kiev, we will not send italian soldiers to ukraine, and military tools sent to italy will be used inside ukraine . we work for peace. we want peace, not the coming of the third world war. of course we we don't even talk about it. i don't want the italian bomb to start killing countries with which we are not at war. that's behind all these discussions.
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that is, by any means the west uses its tactics of so-called coercion for peace, that is, to cause such irreparable
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damage to russia from the point of view, naturally, not of the existence of our state, but of the acceptability of what is happening for public opinion, so that, i am now in the western paradigm , our public opinion was so outraged that putin lost his popularity, vladimirovich, tomorrow, indignant people came to red square and demanded, let's... make peace with ukraine on the terms of that same western europe, well, nato, and, accordingly, washington too. i understand that this sounds phantasmogorical, but we are dealing with people who are incompetent by definition, who still live according to sbigniew bazhezinsky’s book the great chessboard, who have absolutely been unable to expose their worldview to television since the nineties, who have settled on what supposedly the story ended for some reason, as they decided, they won, who they defeated, why they won, it doesn’t matter, that is, they pretend that... they are dictating something to someone, but the most interesting thing is that they believe in it, in this regard, to us in principle, it doesn’t matter what they believe in, i just wanted to note that the kul
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soon practice the same logic as that of ensa stoatan. that they say the missile was launched, the missile was delivered, the missile was fired, it is no longer a western missile, it is a ukrainian missile, let's remember colleagues, the tb-2 bayaroktar was delivered, it is no longer a turkish bayraktar, it is already quite a ukrainian bayaroktar, but i will answer, but if, say, some kind of air defense system fires at our missiles from the territory of poland, then in this case it will already be a missile flying into the territory of ukraine participating in hostilities, which means along the entire trajectory, including launcher.
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the west is now fighting, or rather ukraine is fighting for the west to allow them to use missiles, taurus, stormshadow and scalp on the territory of the russian federation recognized by western
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countries, let’s put it this way, poland has something to do with it, because these are not their missiles. then it turns out that we need to hit factories that are located in france, germany, great britain, or at those points where these missiles are delivered, jeshu airport in poland, where these missiles are delivered and then sent to ukraine, here is how we can react and we can, you know, life is such a curious thing that for some reason something happens, well, probably because it’s so, such a coincidence, let’s say, yesterday, unfortunately for germany, a production plant burned down. missiles on german territory, well, it caught fire and you never know the metal, the metal burns well, you have to smoke in the wrong places, so you see, for this business, of course, you don’t need rockets, you need something else, some kind of coincidence, conjuncture, that’s it, as for my words about poland, i said, excuse me, on missile systems, regarding missiles that have been flying for years and can fly across our territory, they are already driving a wedge into our logic, i will explain what i mean, excuse me,
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stormshedovo now they are hitting lugansk, they are hitting donetsk, the question is, why are citizens divided into first? second grade, we don’t have it, the west divides these citizens, but if not, it turns out that they are already shelling our population with these missiles, so now it’s just, as i understand it, very difficult for us, but we’ll have to make some kind of fundamental decision, because that our citizens have been under attack for a long time and have been dying for a long time, from the belgorod region to lugansk, donetsk - these are civilians, they all have a russian passport, so i understand that this is a very difficult decision, we only want peace, but we cannot allow our citizens died, excuse me, on some industrial scale. so the answer now will still be there, i’m convinced, but it may be that they are now playing this game of irritation and vacillation, that some are in favor of lifting, that means, this ban on strikes deep into russian territory with western weapons, while others categorically against it, they are trying to somehow, well, play their own specific game, which means they will beat you anyway, but then, well, excuse me, we were
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against it, yes, we said it’s not necessary, well, that is it's not even about shifting responsibility, and this is about understanding the consequences and the desire to remove it from themselves right now, that is, they are perfectly aware of what will follow, we understand correctly, alexander, of course, they understand this perfectly well, they are now playing the fool, yes , that is, as far as i understand, there are rules for the sale of weapons, that is, a state that purchases weapons from someone is prohibited from reselling these weapons to third countries, but i’ll just remind you that when it was, we were at the stages of transferring tanks, ukraine from europe, then germany prohibited some european states from transferring their tanks to ukraine, now suddenly these are ukrainian weapons, no, of course, just now you understand, the question here is not whether ukraine can be hit or not, what to hit with, yes, that is, that they can hit, they already agreed a long time ago, now the point is to convince those states that have these missiles that can be hit, so that they hand over, that is, now this is exactly the overton window,
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yes, at first it was in that categories when it is unacceptable, now it is in the category discussions. they would have sent them if they could, they would have already let the abrams into red square, their rhetoric is absolutely clear, they wouldn’t let them in now, well, it’s just that if we could, the question here is verton’s window or pandora’s box,
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whatever you call it, it opens a little bit at a time, but the consequences of opening this pandora's box are starting to scare less and less people, in fact, what they are doing, they seem to say one by one, or, well, they themselves can make the decision, the ukrainians, but we are not here moreover, we handed over the weapons there. or someone he says more carefully that we are against it, but in fact they can do it themselves, yes, but at the same time we forget about what, we have an illegitimate president in ukraine, yes, that is, even potentially we can sign no agreements there with anyone we won’t be able to, yes, that is, ukraine has completely lost its subjectivity within the framework of this conflict, and what happens if missiles fly, they fly on their own, no one is responsible for this, well, purely legally, yes, that is, nato didn’t seem to allow it, but the rockets flew. well, that is absolutely such a legal collapse, if so think about it, but who are they taking for a fool? they open pandora's box a little bit at a time, and it stops scaring them, it was right here that they said that at the beginning they were reluctant to transfer
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weapons, since there is a ban on sales to a third country, now it’s good, but what can we do to make them scared? start it little by little close? personally, i don’t believe in the effectiveness of tiao, i believe that there must be something more serious, but this is my personal opinion. we started talking about something right now , let’s look at it here now, without getting ahead of ourselves, today they have set weapons, they are not using them yet, and the ukrainians are not at all embarrassed that their weapons, which are located on the territory of ukraine, the west determines where to hit or where not to hit, although they still believe that they are independent, this is a clear indication of the fact that it is not ukrainians who press the button, and it is not ukrainians who aim the missiles, and we are fighting today. not with the apu. a short ad and we'll be back. estonian president alar karis began his career with experiments on laboratory rats. he still loves experiments.
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only in the role of experimental animals now him living people. dear people of estonia. his research was carried out in the interests of western biotechnology companies. in the future, generate artificial human mutations. a president who was not elected by the people and who had no competitors. this hatred has been going on since time immemorial. alar karis, zoologist as president, or the usa as a factor of genetic mutation. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. at the age of 19
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i was left alone. why are you here with your father on the ship? oh yes, the theater. the reds will come, art will be banned, yes it is well, mulya, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes, i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything in my own skin, zaina passed her by, look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, but there can only be one great meeting, i ’ll make a challenge, they love you , serious, smart man, and you make faces, marital status, say, i have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, without a family, without children, but fiercely devoted to art,
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yes, a genius, dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it, ranevskaya, watch the time after the program, happy birthday. whom lev nikolaevich tolstoy. people have been dreaming about a new man for a long time. since 1905. eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller, jr., began to develop rapidly in the united states. she concentrated on the forced sterilization of disabled people and the social identities of poor people. adolf hitler referred to american eugenics back in meinkamf. in germany, the first priority was the purification of the aryan race from ballast.
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areas of both the soviet and afghan sides, on the day of the border guard, the premiere, the main line, not a step back, tomorrow on first, three chords, new season, sunday on the first. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games. on sunday on the first. the small baltic countries, such mongrels, they, well, bark very well on command, they say, we are ready to agree to any aggravation at all.
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in the west they still cannot understand that no amount of military assistance can restore faith in victory to the ukrainian army, and without it , even the most powerful modern tank is just a useless pile of iron, albeit very expensive, here is the ukrainian telegram channel resident reports demoralization in the army and in society. the defeat of the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov direction caused enormous damage to the morale of the army and society. so, now every new point of tension at the front can become a cause. a larger
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collapse of defense in the future, since there are almost no stocks and reserves. the military, understanding the situation, already hate sirsky, who turned out to be unable to control the army, because all his attempts to stop the russian offensive failed. moreover, the expansion of the front of the armed forces russian federation led to a reduction in the time for training mobilized. they are thrown into the inferno, practically without training and normal equipment, so it is not surprising that they are increasingly surrendering to captivity. that's more offensive. all in all, probably, the ukrainians should feel that their losses are absolutely meaningless, what are they fighting for, they told us, we are crazy cowards in the eu, we want to join nato, they said, right here... the german chancellor, olaf scholz, clearly outlined the date, when this entry is theoretically possible. not soon. you know the decision of past summits nato. ukraine is not expected to join nato in the near future. possibly in the next
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30 years. this was clear to everyone. ukraine will be admitted to nato, posthumously. they said what ukraine is fighting for, so that american soldiers don’t die, that’s what they’re fighting for, this story with nato and the eu, it ’s been going on since the beginning of the 2000s, yes, to europe, tomorrow, that’s like a carrot in front of a donkey. this in front of your nose, yes, which is further, further and further, here is the maidan, they called this euromaidan there in 1914, yes,
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without a visa, although this is not because of this, a roadmap for visa-free travel, with ukraine signed back in 2008 in the twelfth year by the azarov government, 75% of the roadmap has already been completed, that is, if not for the maidan, he would have suspended this one. it would have been earlier, now there is visa-free, but the border is closed, they can’t go anywhere, that is, visa-free only to the front in ukraine, no europe shines, no chance for nato, this is obvious, that is, if the americans say that ukrainians are needed only so that they fight instead of an american soldier, and for america, then why does ukraine belong to nato, why do they need this mercenary country, which is here, which will suffer, will bear all the costs of all the destruction of death, why do they need this in their european union, and not just... they will count how many there are it is necessary for the restoration of ukraine, no one is giving money, they promise there, that is, they have already created two funds, yes, one there for priority restoration, what needs to be restored now is not being done, yes, they indicated 20 billion, zero, given, zero, zelensky cried a year ago, then they are already counting how much is needed after
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the war, this is the restoration of ukraine, there are already 500 billion, a trillion, no one will give this either, that is, they are not counting money only so that if russia takes it away, to present it to her, well, here's the reparation, so we've calculated it. like people who are here for so long temporarily, and then, please, go back to their ukraine, that is, they are willing to show that who you are, you are not a european, you can consider yourself to be anyone, yes, they promised, yes, they made this falsehood because if you just tell them, yes, go, here’s a rifle, go kill the russians, but for what? and here is a beautiful fairy tale,
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yes, that many will die, but then someone might be lucky, no, but they believed, you see, they showed me my posters, they trusted that they were already here. they will all be there, and ukraine, that means nato, ukraine, europe, europe, ukraine, everything there, everything that is on earth, it will generally be ukraine, now this is not there, well, castles in the air, that’s all, no, of course , here she is, yes, cowards, castles in the air, they were promised european pensions were set by european tariffs, doesn’t the question really arise, but i’ve already been told to be disappointed, to admit that i’m a fool, well, they scammed me, so no one wants to admit it. in ukraine, that it’s clear, that is, i ’d rather die, but i won’t be a fool, alexey, but how do you need to zombify the population so that these obvious things that we’ve been discussing here for many years are not obvious there, because there there is a truth, and no matter what we say here, there are motivated fighters who
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are fighting for something, but wait, let’s get a ball we are investigating gradually, that is, after all , we have an illegitimate president in ukraine, that’s it, there are no official authorities, why do we continue... to discuss how about the state, who, but the ukrainians are happy with this, but the ukrainians, this is really scary , here is a terrifying example of what can be done to a person’s consciousness in a relatively short period of time, it is sacred to believe that here in russia they don’t use toilets, that we don’t have any salaries here, they really believe in it, so so they believe that we live very badly, that we we really just came out of the swamp, we are orcs. we have nothing at all, and it’s the confidence that makes them go, die, in just over 10 years, we’ve seen how a person can be made to believe in something like that, well, it’s scary, to say the least, but i’ll still come back to. .. thoughts, that is, they are no longer a state, well, that is, from the point of view of international law, everything,
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no matter how they are not even that they will never be accepted into nato, they as a country no longer exist, they will not be allowed to do elections, people are forced to accept it anyway to fight and fight for something, that’s strength, good, and zelensky is going to this summit, well, in switzerland, there’s some kind of summit there, well, as i understand it, he’s going there in the expectation that they’ll sit with him, which means leaders. how to explain to the ukrainians these simple
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truths, do they need to be explained or do they just need to solve the problems of a special military operation, take back what is ours according to the constitution at the moment, then let them figure it out themselves. ruslan stanislavich, i fundamentally disagree with this position, because we will never be indifferent to subibam of ukraine, but for the simple reason that it can really sound. trivial, but these are brothers, we do not have another ukraine and another space, which is primordially, culturally, civilizationally our space, which, excuse me, everything came from kiev as a result and from crimea, which, thank god, has now chosen its fate, but really i think that the ukrainians have been deceived several times, they are not fighting for anything at the moment, their elite are fighting, the elite is fighting so that the rest of their country, as they think...
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enterprises and air defense, and yuzhmash, the same one, the nuclear power plant is the largest in europe, zaes for a minute in general on the entire continent and how can it be, here we are, we are also older, it turns out, because our civilization all came from kiev, i’m now - i’m trying to take into account what they bought people with, so - of course we are smarter, of course we will be together with this europe, which is the most developed, we can only do one thing in this case, explain to the ukrainians again , i see how extremely carefully we are now still, we relate to the situation that their worst enemy is syrsky, who are killed. that they are commanded by a foreign general who simply kills ukrainian guys at the front, well
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, they are simply destroyed along with the women already, and that there is only one president who is illegitimate, yanukovych, simply because the last one who was elected was not because he was liked for me or not, that’s all, we have to deal with all this, a short advertisement and we’ll come back, the president of estonia, alar karis, began his career path with experiments on laboratory rats. his research were carried out in the interests of western biotechnology companies, in the future to generate artificial human mutations, a president who was not elected by the people, who had no competitors, a master five times, a cavalier four times, a knight once and a commander twice, masonic lodges in estonia have the peculiarity of awarding each other such kind of tchotchke. kari says yes. support ukraine more, here the country is simply openly acting to its detriment in
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the interests of the nazi regime, carrying out orders or instructions from the same brussels, this is not just an incitement from... but a prostitute, yes, but you will play an honest woman, excuse me, why are they shaking us up like gogol-mugol, they are setting the frame, guys, be quiet, well, she is falling out of the frame, no , this is not art, ranevskaya, watch the time after the program,
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do you like acting in films, how can you like this madhouse, about a new person? people have been dreaming for a long time; since 1905 , eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller jr., began to develop rapidly in the usa. she concentrated on forced sterilization of disabled people, and social personalities of poor people. adolf hitler referred to american eugenics back in meinkamp. in germany, the first priority was the purification of the aryan race.
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eats about 5 kg a year, let's deal with mayonnaise and many other important and interesting things in the program, life is great, tomorrow is the first day, i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission, it’s very difficult to fight in the mountains, you can’t smoke spirits from the cave, they hit you. 100 km from the state border we must ensure safety, in the hands of a popalamin , teeth, ears, hair can shake, but not hands, 1200 minutes rushed, the earth shook so much, we left a garrison in the liberated area of ​​​​the village, they ensured order, went out
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to the populated area, with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour , all this with pleasure. residents of border areas, both soviet and afghan sides, were protected, on the day of the border guard, the prime minister, the main line, not a step back, tomorrow on the first, greetings to our huge country! i love russia because it is very beautiful, it has beautiful cities and a lot of beautiful places. the mighty yenisei river, in which it is wonderful to fish, is very beautiful in winter, especially when the ini river turns into an incredible fairy tale for us. to date, i have already traveled through 79 regions of our wonderful country. this is an outlook, this is interesting, these are new emotions,
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people from all regions of russia come to us in odegeya to look at these beauties. many, many, many, many know our sheregesh. russia has no borders, russia has only a horizon. travel, explore our world, our russia. the war, which continues today, began exactly 10 years ago, that’s when ukrainian militants began. donetsk was hit for the first time, the international airport came under fire, and was simply turned into ruins. kiev used combat helicopters and fighter jets, and overnight many residents of donbass signed up for the militia, took up arms and went to defend their native lands. since 2014 , correspondent semyon pegov has also worked in donbass, and
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today he is the head of the vargonza project, about how it all began then. how they live front-line cities today, he said in his special report. hello everyone, this is the wargonza project, and we continue to travel the roads of so, now we are working again in the legendary gorlovka, i never tire of repeating that this city is a kind of... the heart of the war throughout the entire conflict, the fourteenth year and throughout all two years of the northern military district, even more, gorlovka was always
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semi-surrounded here, and artillery was flying constantly, by the way, they were closing up and the next result of the arrival was a crater, road services are working in extreme mode, guys, stop the next one coming here. here, the day before, something like a foreign nato actually arrived, right next to the supermarket site, there were also wounded, about eleven people were killed, in general, gorlovka is still under fire, and so that the enemy hits the city less often, naturally a counter-battery fight is being carried out, brother, it’s already waiting for us here.
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bro, look, in donetsk the war began, well, let’s say, officially on may 26, when the donetsk airport and adjacent areas were attacked it was civilian quarters, then summer, summer 2014 was also for gorlovka, according to my memories it turned out to be hot, but how old were you then, what do you think? i remember now it was 17 years at that time, that is, it was exactly 10 years ago, it turns out, yes, yes, yes, yes, that’s also in the summer, that is, here on this alley, so to speak, the grannies were sitting quietly, selling various things - with vegetable gardens with their products and such a barbaric shelling of the city center took place.
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you and i were also driving around the city just now, passing just past the supermarket where it arrived the day before, and you say that you , too, literally 15-20 minutes later passed by there, people were almost with their bags back for shopping, in the end, yes, the gorlovka residents, how do they feel about the war, what do you think - good, bad, that people have adapted so much, they actually don’t pay attention to shelling, or fpv, or anything else. yes , it’s bad, of course, in any case, war is always bad, therefore, that is, uh, the fact that we already perceive it this way, but we have to live, after all, the war has been going on for several years, somehow there’s no way to stop i want to, therefore, for the tenth year now, the war has been going on and we are, as it were, defending our hometown, you yourself practically, yes, as soon as you are 18, they go forward, these are all mostly local
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guys and there are actually a lot of what are called such family units , as i understand it, you have the same story, there are many relatives in the battalion, among others, not only your father, but your father, and well, your cousin also joined, and also takes part, in general, it’s such a family thing. the cars there are on fire just on the road, like civilians and military, no one has been moving in columns for a long time, the firing point is chosen in advance, the grad vehicle
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drives up there separately, we, let’s say, the command staff also go their own way, so that, firstly, we don’t drag our tail along with us, and well so that there is no movement in columns, we rush. the soldiers, great, got the coordinates of the target, discovered where the kokhlyad drones were taking off from. now we’ll work it out, we’ll scare them so they don’t show up there again, call a car and get ready for work right away, as i understand it, you’re not working with permanent staff right now positions, constantly moving, constantly moving, never staying anywhere for long, because the enemy also often conducts aerial reconnaissance, discovers our location, so for a day or two we constantly change some positions, drones are one of the most important driving forces of war now, very it’s important to hit these very targets,
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they are often... now more priority than some oporniks or individual dugouts, yes, of course, because now, let’s say, the war is already more on the fpv, on this one on all reconnaissance, therefore, well, we try not to lagging behind, we will work now, our beemka is already on the approach, in the work of the jet pilots, it is very important to take into account the folds of the terrain, we will now work virtually from behind the hill, this gives us a certain kind of advantage, because those enemy drones that are watching from afar approach of equipment from... mostly to the horizon, and it turns out that we will work because of it, but still the situation here is always extremely tense from the point of view of drones, so as quickly as possible, three shells, three shells, three seconds, fire, attack aircraft and infantry of the legendary 132 gorlovka brigade, no less than
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the legendary first army. corps went to those territories that were previously controlled by brak, now they are attacking from three directions, from the front, this is in arkhangelsk in ceramics, as well as from the flanks, it is now necessary to level the pocket, eliminate it, which formed in the north, so that already in gorlovka life was at least calmer, well, our boys are constantly supported by artillerymen from the kors unit, and now they have done targeted work. guys quickly they fold up, leave for a new position, we drove off, here, by the way, a new gun has appeared at the front line, now let’s quickly ask the crew commander mishanya, mishan, i corrected me, you are not the crew commander, you are the commander of an entire battery, tell me what you have for a new arrival at the front line, new...
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that the forgotten old one, as i understand it, well, yes, we received our grandfather’s guns and are working with them, like, what kind of gun, m46 cannon, so grandfather beat, we are now beating the german enemy, i’m so i understand, just dismantle the enemy’s support structures, support we can even carry out kbb, that’s all, as i understand it, we are waiting for the command, the boys are charged, ready for the next shot, one line and he, shot, disguise yourself, soviet power again.
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wherever the infantry is, wherever it fights, it is still without means of transportation, nowhere. in our project we had an armored uaz, the call sign, by the way, is also armored world, as a result of the next front-line departure, it turned over, there was an extreme situation, they brought it to the repair base to the boys from the legendary third battalion, they decided, in general, not to repair it, to give it to them v a gift for frontline needs. bro, great! ram political officer, you all have known him for a long time, tell me, yes, often the cars go in one direction, you still need to deliver a bull, a bull, deliver water, this is the most necessary thing, and we won’t even do much repairing it, because basically they go the same way and the main thing is to deliver provisions, water and a bull, well , realistically, that is, the boys are there only at night and can be delivered, but only at night, because during the day the birds of the opponents are prone to it, as
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if it’s unsafe, i’ll say this. well, that is, all these dents, they will not spoil them at all so that they do not affect the driving performance, the most important thing is that it was on the move and arrived, we wish our armored vehicle good luck on the front line, now we will find out how life works at the repair base, because of course one thing is to storm, this is always very important, but it is important that you always have working equipment at hand, too, bro, that’s all. here, as i understand it, bekhi, well, that is, repairs bmp, you wanted to tell us, we have someone here, a legendary guy, here is our driver-mechanic what's your call sign? i see that with my hand, yes , one is a little more wounded, wounded, then it ’s a separate story, an absolutely legendary story, it seems like you
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were attacked frontally, tell me, in my opinion, almost like this last year, it happened in january , took the infantry to combat positions, took them back i took out 3x and shorter. i'm being shot down by a drone, in short, the ribbed one fell down, i threw it away, i was sitting there, and i saw that smoke was already coming out of the car, i quickly jumped out and ran away, well, the car was still driving, i ran after it, in short, i caught up with it that is, you caught up with her, she was smoking, she was driving, and then she also stopped. i opened a landing party from behind, here’s the landing party, i got them out, i opened them from here, i got them, and i how many wounded were you three? i
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started this whole thing a year ago, and i decided to go against this government, which came, in general, you are an experienced fighter of the first donetsk corps, thank you, bro, summing up this story of ours, here’s something else i would like to note: the fighters of the legendary first army corps do not just fight in units with families, as i already said, fathers, sons, even grandfathers. their wives and children also live in those cities that we are now defending from the enemy, and the sooner the territory of the donetsk people’s republic is completely liberated, the calmer life will be in gorlovka in other settlements,
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at least the 132nd brigade is doing everything possible for this . with you were semyon pegov, pavel chuprino, the wargonza project, the legendary avalanche battalion, the legendary korsa unit and the first. ak. especially for you , viewers of the first channel and especially for you subscribers. gorlovka direction. and now semyon pegov is in direct contact with us. simon, greetings. well, 10 years have passed, and 10 years of war. it's scary, it hurts. this is early in our hearts, this...
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exactly may 26th anniversary was the day before, massive shelling of the first civilian neighborhoods began, it was precisely the war that came to donetsk, gorlovka is a city, and you have now seen our special report from there, which is most vulnerable even in these very minutes, yes, because the enemy reaches ftv to any point in the city, their artillery hit twice, you saw the spot where he was walking repairs, literally the day before our arrival there were arrivals there, the next day, when we were already... already editing the report, where it arrived again, this is to understand how intensely, in a state of stress, the residents of donetsk lived these entire 10 years. of course, in the city itself, in donetsk itself, in
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the capital of the dpr, it is now unrecognizable, but roads are being built everywhere, and there are already traffic jams, you won’t believe it, i stopped here last time, there was a traffic jam for almost an hour, it would be simply unthinkable, yet six months ago, now, thank god. god, avdeevka is already a long time ago ours and other settlements that were located near avdeevka are also not tailova, you probably showed on air the proudly raised russian flags of our ninth brigade of the first army corps over nitaylova, this also naturally helps us create an increasingly aura of security around donetsk, but they remain pockets still unemptied, yes, there is a lot of work, so of course. sit idly by, no one is going to, the first army corps, this unit is legendary, also in the sense that it has been valid throughout its entire history never stopped the assaults. this is the direction of the front where the first ak was stationed,
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our offensive was always going on in some area, even if we were more active there somewhere, somewhere in a little more so to speak, light mode, because there are also different nuances, but that’s all equally always during the assaults, the guys are absolutely heroic, if there are any questions about the work of the first army corps now, i will be happy to answer, colleagues, yes of course there are, there are many guys there, i wanted to ask the danes who have been fighting since 1914, how is it for military 10 years war, but it’s the psyche of a normal person that can hardly withstand this whole thing, why are they made of iron and don’t break or bend? well, in fact, the answer is quite simple, these are the mining people, these are the mining people, their grandfathers, many of the guys who take part also managed to work in the mine, their fathers, there is no such family that this profession ... would go by, but going into a mine, as you know, is the same as
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going to the front every day, especially in soviet times, when the system security was not so terribly established, and now it is also, of course, unsafe, so this psychology of leaving home every day as if going to war, it is for donetsk, for donbass, it is familiar, it is , as it were, in the blood , that’s why sometimes skeptics say that they say why do we need extra mouths to feed. feed and so on, so i think, on the contrary, we, in the person of russia, have simply acquired a huge treasure in the person of such people who cannot be broken by anything, well, the heroic one on may 26 is one of such striking examples, that’s what i wanted to say, yesterday was also a really important date for me, it was the birthday of my close friend, the legendary sparta battalion commander, vladimir zhoga, call sign vokha, a boy at 23 years old led the battalion, just imagine, these are the 300 best. let's look, let's look
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at fragments from our film, remember vokha, this is really one of the most striking premieres, but it all began, well, i couldn’t look at it calmly, how the idiots were jumping around, how the legitimate president was removed from power, i couldn’t. ..look at it calmly we had a lot of discussions on this topic at work, yes, well, at one certain moment i said to myself that when everything starts, i say, we will have weapons in the city, then i will take up arms and defend my city, well, i kept my word, tell me where the enemy’s firing points are and, positively , they will be there literally now.
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i was the first deputy motorman, now i’m an acting battalion commander, something like this, there wasn’t even any assumption that... someone else would become the head of the battalion - there’s no even other surnames were considered, there were other names, call signs, it was necessary to choose from a soldier, from a company commander, he has authority, which he gained on his own, when damn he came, as a young child, it was kolyma who came to the battalion for him, he - this is a battalion, what it does is what the battalion does, what the battalion does is its everything, its life, sparta. arsena gave us
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pavlova and volodya, but in fact both the motor and vokha gave us sparta. it’s no secret, my age is also no secret, i think, there are social networks, yes, in fact i’m 23 years, i think that this is not a hindrance. eternal memory to the hero, further, a great game on the first. good afternoon, the big game is live, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov. during the time that we have not seen each other, since friday, last week, many important events have happened, all the main ones we will discuss today in the big game. let's start, of course, with the main thing... president vladimir
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putin's state visit to uzbekistan, it began last night, the president met putin. at trap , president merziyoyev also congratulated putin on his election for the next term and was ours the president was greeted by an honorary coraul. putin laid a wreath at the monument to freedom fighters, and official negotiations took place today. official negotiations between the presidents of the two countries in rossshire.
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a good result, and i am sure it will be greater, keeping in mind the pace, for the first quarter of this year, even according to our statistics, quite strict 20%-plus, this is a decent, very good result, and thanks to your efforts, thanks to the efforts of the government of uzbekistan our trade and economic relations are diversifying and have good prospects, especially in the field of industrial cooperation and high technology, this is the most important thing, and traditional areas of interaction are also maintained at a good level and are developing at a good pace. well, shavkat mirziyoyev also highly appreciated the level of development of our bilateral relations and their dynamics. let's listen to the president of uzbekistan. dear vladimir vladimirovich, once again welcome to uzbekistan. we
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have been preparing for this visit very carefully and for a long time. and i think it will actually be historical.
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and economic, humanitarian and many others, ties are getting stronger, and russia has demonstrated that without it the region of central asia or central asia cannot develop in principle, and this is due to the fact that interaction with russia is necessary, and, of course, interaction between russia and local authorities, and first all, of course, with the authorities of uzbekistan, then, probably, kazakhstan, to ensure security in the region, and in general, of course , for... in order to eliminate the danger of destruction of economic growth, the west tried to strongly influence the situation in uzbekistan, tried to make uzbekistan a pivot, one of its strongholds, but economic interests determined the rapprochement of uzbekistan with russia, and this rapprochement, it is really going at a very
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fast pace, as a result, we will see over time not 20 billion dollars in annual trade turnover, but 30 and... we will see to a greater extent both tourist flows and an increase in mutual investments, that is, especially since now we know that russian capital investments in uzbekistan are very large, as a result of this policy, it will have to to provide central asia with security from possible unfriendly countries, from their intrigues, and rapid economic development, uzbekistan grew rapidly in population, now it has 36 million people. there were relatively recently 22 million people, and the economy is now expanding, and if uzbekistan integrates with russia, this will guarantee these people a good future. it must be said that uzbekistan is moving to one of the first places in terms of the number of russian tourists who come there, and there really
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is something to see there, in addition to tashkent, the city of course, there are more modern ones, there are also ancient ones, centers of civilization. central asian uh , such as samarkand, and fergana and bukhara - these are really those places that definitely need to be visited, and many russians just...
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absolutely correctly said, the dynamics are growing, and this is a consequence of the fact that the enemy and we have already talked about this several times in programs, there are not enough reserves, and those reserves that he was forced to abandon in response to our actions in the north and kharkov, they are about 50 battalions, approximately more than 30,000 people, then there is this serious group, there are just not enough of them in other areas, if we look carefully at what is happening, they literally went immediately south from the place where they dumped it all.
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hold it, especially since the battle front is constantly expanding, somewhere already under 100 km from orekhovo-vasilievka near solidar to kurdyumovka in the taretsk region, that is, the huge front in which we are advancing, the enemy cannot contain and in some places is already rolling back , a little further, again literally a little to the south, this is essentially toretsk direction, pokrovsk has been here for several days, again the enemy also writes that we have already had successes there. we are trying to develop the success of the ocheretinsky breakthrough, we are attacking to the north of it, to the west, there are already successes, but i think that in the coming days they will become
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much wider, because according to my data, aviation and artillery are working very closely, and the enemy here will be very it’s hard, a little to the south again he has problems in krasnoka, the four-day assault on the city as a whole has already begun to produce results, the enemy is clearly sagging, is running out of steam, they began to clear the high-rise buildings in the city center from the enemy, that is, this is a clear sign. that the enemy here also does not have enough reserves, to the south he again has problems, between novomikhailovka and ugledar again in the fields, we defeated him, the enemy also writes about this, his general staff speaks about this, that is, we see a huge front about under 100 km, where the enemy has constant holes, and hence the results, hence the liberated settlements, but this is not the main result, but the main result is that the front is shaky if the enemy does not have enough reserves, then he will begin to sag very much or crumble,
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since his powers have already expired, from the point of view of ukrainian laws, of course, he is no longer the head of state, and therefore the supreme commander-in-chief, whose orders must be carried out, but this, in my opinion, was clearly pointed out by the head of the other ukraine movement, viktor medvedchuk, let’s listen: zelensky’s illegitimacy since may 21 , 2024 is of utmost importance for... the further unfolding scenario ukrainian situation, now both for russia and for the collective west zelensky is a weak link, no one pushed him into this situation,
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he created it with his own hands, but the internal situation, the situation with the governance of the country is worse, for the citizens of ukraine today it is important as the fact that zelensky is an illegitimate president, and so is the fact that he is no longer the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. now not a single serviceman can not only not carry out zelensky’s commands, but also has no right to carry them out... since zelensky is an impostor and a usurper of power, and if he will obey him, he will expose himself to danger and will be held accountable for carrying out illegal orders. citizens of ukraine, all this concerns. directly from may 21, 2024, the capture of people into the army is illegal, like all mobilization in general, the social demand for disobedience to the criminal power of zelensky is growing every day, and zelensky himself has given the dissatisfied the right not to obey him. zelensky demanded 5 billion dollars from the collective west to legitimize his power, but they did not give it to him. therefore, the greedy clown with in order to eliminate the people from the exercise
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of power, he directly decided to save money, not understanding how this would turn out. for a country he had never thought about. moreover, what is most interesting is that the zelensky regime, the presidential administration, and viktor medvedchuk once headed it, he understands how this kitchen is structured inside, connected with decision-making, and so the zelensky regime did not even try to legitimize itself through the constitutional court so that he would be given an official conclusion that such and such, perhaps such and such mechanism that will allow him to continue to hold office, he understands that most likely... he will not receive such a decision, because there are no legal grounds, what is most interesting is that in the information space in the world everyone is accustomed to inflate fakes, talk about how ukraine is winning or what a modern democracy it is that needs to be protected and there is no corruption, there is no fascism there, so international lawyers sit and say: guys, please give us a real justification for how zelensky can be at the helm, you are the west, you
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americans, even during the vietnam war , did you decide to hold presidential elections? he is in office, let him then make the status of acting or hand over the reins of government to parliament, which can intercept these decisions, but in fact, for zelensky now the swiss conference is also important, through this mechanism he is trying to establish his legitimacy, as if to show the world, that they are meeting with me. i am the person who can continue the dialogue, but in fact the front, now bursting at the seams, is the measure meeting of zelensky, understanding the level that bareli called for, everything is at the beginning, russia said, you and i will negotiate on the battlefield, well, this moment has come, now they themselves have started to twitch, another very important point, we keep talking about legitimacy, everything they forgot about legality, in fact, the western community first
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said that something should be legal from the word lex, and then...
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how do people perceive this, do people consider the president their leader, well, i think, for some... then he is still part of ukrainian society is legitimate, but there is a growing number of people who understand that he is also not legitimate, he is the president, legitimacy is because his popularity, as polls show, real public opinion polls in ukraine, clearly does not exceed 15-17%, only in the best case, and this rating also falls by...
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the enemy is resisting, but there is a decrease in artillery from artillery shelling, retaliatory fire, while this is compensated, of course, by a huge number of drones, attack drones in surface-to-surface attacks, they are using there are quite a lot of ukrainian nazis, but nevertheless our fighters, in particular the good corps of the ministry of defense, the 200th motorized rifle brigade from the north from the side of bogdanovka, are pumping up and moving. the composition of the volunteer corps, it is artillery that destroys the tags that are part of the mortar crew on the outskirts of the village, you can see a clear accurate hit, the mortar crew was there, now you can see
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footage of the point where the ukronazi uav crew was located, this house with a blue roof, our artillerymen also destroy, hit into the starlink antennas that are located there, that is, aerial reconnaissance reveals the accumulation of and... armored vehicles and personnel and systematically destroys them, and this greatly helps our storm units move forward with battles in the kanal microdistrict - this is the eastern microdistrict, where our guardsmen are paratroopers of the ninety-eighth the ivanovo division also got caught up on the eastern outskirts with battles already in the residential areas and managed to gain a foothold on the western outskirts on the western part of the seversky canal. from donbass from the south parts of the city, this is also a very important small bridgehead, from there we can advance from the south to help the fighters who are advancing in the kanal microdistrict in order to
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narrow the pincers, which is now happening in real time. thank you very much, pavel alekseevich kukushkin, military correspondent for the volunteer corps of the ministry of defense, take care of yourself, we wish you new victorious reports for... he still loves experiments, only now he has living people in the role of experimental animals, the dear people of estonia. his research were carried out in the interests of western biotechnology companies, in the future
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to generate artificial human mutations, a president who was not elected by the people, who had no competitors, a master five times, a cavalier four times, a knight once and a commander twice. masonic lodges in estonia have the peculiarity of giving this kind of gift to each other.
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watch the time after the program, people have been dreaming about a new man for a long time, since 1905 eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller, jr., began to rapidly develop in the usa, and... concentrated on the forced sterilization of disabled people, associative individuals of poor people. adolf hitler referred to american eugenics back in meinkamf. in germany, the first priority
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was to cleanse the aryan race of impurity. eugenics did not go away even after the war, it simply changed its sign and methods. premiere, ordinary fascism. two: today on the first. mayonnaise is 30% yolks, 60% pure oil and a little water. so , every resident of our country eats about 5 kg of this same mayonnaise per year. let's deal with mayonnaise and with many other important and interesting things in the “live healthy” program. tomorrow on the first one, i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission, to fight in the mountains. it’s very hard,
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you can’t smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you, 100 km from the state border, we must ensure security, in the hands of half-and-half, teeth, ears, hair can shake, but not hands, 1200 minutes rushed, the earth shook so much, we left a garrison in the liberated village area, they ensured order, went out...
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studying the history of my country, i understand how multifaceted and vast russia is. and i’m from vologda pronishka, and from there greetings to you, all the best to you, health, happiness, a lot of laughter for many years to come. the city of gorodets is famous for gorodets gingerbread, gold embroidery, and gorodets painting. hello republic. i and the fields are being sown and harvested, i’m glad that something new is being built, this year the kostroma region was in greeting, i’m glad that altai is just a planet within a planet, only russia can be better than russia, we are the first to conquer space, we we can do anything, russia, we love you.
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the big game is live: western countries are trying in every possible way to help ukraine in an absolutely hopeless case, to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, and now the issue of allowing ukraine to strike our territory with all the means supplied by western states is being actively discussed, that’s what’s on this account said.
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or resigns because he cannot speak on my behalf of the italian people about the war, about the use of bombs, missiles, weapons sent by us to ukraine in order to fight, kill outside our territory, we help, but we are not at war with anyone, i don’t want to put the third world war on my children, so nato will not and cannot force us to kill in russia, and no one can force us to send italian soldiers to fight or to die in ukraine, it is one thing to protect, another to kill.
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who died from the czech vampire installation that hit belgorod, until we identified this particular installation that struck and destroyed it with a lancet, these are partial, partial war crimes, in some way parts falling under genocide, i am sure that every war criminal will be punished, because our investigative committee is engaged in clearly recording these violations, from military commanders to politicians, if nato wants to join this line, if the germans, british or french want to strike our cities with their cruise missiles, and we understand, by the way, including the americans, the fact is that the same atak ms, which is now being transmitted in cassette form, there are more than 900 subelements, and even if they are shot down over city, this whole rampart simply crumbles, fills the city with explosives,
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they explode, mine the city, it will be impossible to immediately become an air defense complex, and we understand that zelensky will always take advantage of this opportunity to strike a peaceful city. in order to try to transfer our military goals to civilians, it will force us to remove air defense systems from the front, send them to protect cities, because for them there is no division, combatant, not combatant, these are all the measures they can use, and they are being pushed in this regard by the british, who say that the theory of controlled terror, we need to make more use of civilians, explosions of civil administrations in order to influence our decisions, why only the british, and that the americans once spared civilians, or something the time of your military?
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remarked the prime minister of hungary, but it should be said that when they start counting, at least journalists start counting, it turns out that all the calculations are not in their favor. let's listen to sky news: the war in ukraine was described from the outset as a stifled battle due to the amount of artillery shells used. this prompted the us, uk and other european allies of kiev to try to increase production, but they remain stuck. are lagging behind russia. a study by bein & company based on publicly available information found that russian factories are projected to produce or repair about 4.5 million artillery shells this year, compared with a total production of about 1,300,000 shells in europe and the usa. as for
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the cost, the average production price of a 155mm projectile according to nato standards is about $4.00 per unit. for comparison. the declared cost of a russian -made 152-mm projectile is about $1. many experts are confident that it will be the factory production lines, not the front lines, that will ultimately matter. have entered the post-industrial era of their development; as is known, the industrial economy is capable of mass production
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products, but their post-industrial model, as they say, yes, it is capable of producing unique shells, that is, yes, they can produce one, but a unique shell, they need to produce a million of them, they can’t do it, it turns out to be very difficult for them , this is me explaining the economic model that they propagated. and presented it as a sign of their success, covering up the destruction of their own industry and its transfer to other countries, since they were confident that others countries will obey them, will recognize their rights to intellectual property, their rights to dispose of capital, that they will recognize the west as a financial center, therefore, in their value system, the production of shells in mass quantities has disappeared, the shells ended up in this... logic are no longer needed, they have moved on to this post-industrial model of shell production, when they can produce one unique,
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essentially artisanal way, yes, with perfect polishing, but now they need to produce more, they don’t have that it turns out that the situation in the economy is even worsening, what’s interesting here is that the european union is preparing to reduce the rate of the european central bank, that is, they want to increase inflation in the eu, due to increased inflation and at the expense of money that is exchanged...
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such as how they were born in estonia, like this president karis, but at the same time a man with absolutely, well , brains grown in sorcery, who, moreover, are overcome by delusions of grandeur, let's listen to his recent statement, russia will not change in the near future, she got her chance in beginning 1990s, but everything went differently: we may have to survive many more russian leaders before something starts to happen, so pressure from
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western countries is necessary, including so that even ordinary russians understand what needs to be done do something, we will do everything possible to bring russia and putin to their knees, then serious discussions can begin about ending the war in ukraine, well, i must say that estonian presidents are not elected by the people, it is the congress there that is elected by the parliament, well... strategic goal of the estonian government to bring russia to its knees , something reminds me of you cheslav alekseevich, you know, when you look at these little three baltic tents, which suddenly for some reason decided to bring russia to its knees, you know, there were such comrades already in history who they wanted to bring russia to its knees, but when they talk about russia, they talk about every russia, they talk about each of us, i personally take him very deeply personally, which means he me. wants to bring my family to its knees, this comrade from estonia, this hot an estonian guy who, in general
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, has a connection with estonia only in a very understandable way, he was born there, but almost all of his internships take place in the states, he receives fees in the states, the rhetoric that he carries, only his mouth is opened, that’s all, what is in his head, he is invested by the united states of america, the less, the worse, this is what they said about the estonian, about the rest of the baltic republics, lithuania, latvia. they all think about the same, the algorithms are the same, they forget one simple thing, like all europeans, they have a monstrous disconnect with ordinary citizens, which they do not see, when they say that we live freely, but free from what? this is your european freedom, when they turn you inside out, bring you to your knees, but no, this politician, when he said that he would bring russia, our president to his knees, every russian, he is already on his knees, in fact, these people, they i think they’ve never looked at a geographical map, they won’t be able to show on a map where russia is and where estonia is, if
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they had looked, they probably wouldn’t have done such a thing things to say, because well...
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the chinese used to constantly try to provoke china's maritime program, this is free of navigation, this is when they passed their warships through the taiwan strait, showing that for us there are no closed borders, no intra-territorial chinese ones, this is the chinese the question has stopped for now, they have made a naval blockade, in
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fact, of course, they still have to put a little more pressure on this issue, make an air blockade of taiwan, technically they can... make an impact on the aircraft that will be there fly, but another important thing is that the americans are, in fact, to some extent even consistent, in their strategic documents on national security, they determined that if we want to defeat russia in ukraine, then our strategic enemy is china, they can influence in response to our dominance, we see that the philippines, which is now being drawn into this conflict, is becoming a new point of confrontation, the construction of american forward bases, and most importantly... they can reach mainland china. china i set myself a date, of course, to create the first army in the world and return taiwan to the year twenty-seven, but for some reason it seems to me that
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time has been accelerating lately, they will have to make a decision much earlier. drag their european allies into confrontation with china, they are resisting, but not all of them, the french already seem ready to play anti-chinese economic games, lumer, the french minister of finance made a statement. at the g7 leadership level, we agree that we have problems related to china's excess production capacity, this is not a reproach towards china, it is our economic partner, but we have it. the problem is with an economic model in which china produces more and more cheaper industrial devices. this could pose a threat not only to the eu and the us, but also to the entire global economy. and we need to do something about it. nightmare, china produces cheap industrial products. something needs to be done about this, high-tech. and this applies not only to microelectronics, but
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also to industrial equipment, machines, parts, all types of complexity. therefore , china, which about 10 years ago made a breakthrough in steel production, sharply increasing steel production, can now afford to replace the west as a supplier of machines, mechanisms, all kinds of equipment, all the necessary parts, products of the microelectronics industry, and this applies to developing countries, there is this is the situation, in china everything is produced cheaper, production is massive, well organized, high... and the west, which wanted to keep we represent this position, the position of not only a financial center, but also a mechanical engineer on the planet, so that all other countries, including china, can, first of all, produce, of course, industrial goods. well, some simple goods, but the most important goods were produced by the west, due to this the west maintained a dominant position in the world, well , as if it allows other countries to supply
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imushir consumer goods, and china has now attacked this position and it will be the machine builder of the world, that is, not factory of the world, and the machine builder of the world economy, and the west will have to we already have to close our enterprises, so a conflict with china arises, well , i must say that... as for russia, it is now expanding the range of its partners, including in asian countries about some new unexpected partners of russia after advertising. estonian president alar karis began his career path with laboratory experiments. he still loves experiments, only now he has living people in the role of experimental animals, dear people of estonia, his research was carried out in the interests of western biotechnological
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companies, in the future, to generate artificial human mutations, a president who was not elected by the people, who had no competitors, a master five times, a cavalier four times, a knight once and a commander twice. masonic lodges in estonia have the peculiarity of giving each other this kind of tchotchke, karis says. that ukraine needs to be supported more there, here the country is simply openly acting to its detriment in the interests of the nazi regime, they are following orders or orders from the same brussels, this is not just incitement from the outside, a desire belonging, behind these smiles, the bestial guts of russophobia, this hatred has been taking place since time immemorial. alar karis, zoologist, as the president or the united states, as a factor in genetic mutation. dolls of the heir tutti are on the first page today. ranevskaya doesn’t know that frekkenbooks drew her without showing her the picture, are you calling for
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an appointment? frikinbock is seriously attracted to carlson. this is a cartoon for children from 3 to 7 years old. i'm trying to somehow justify my heroine. love for this fan makes a vulnerable woman out of an elderly sadist. in place, here they told me, you can’t watch tv from morning until night, here you go, ranevskaya, watch the time after the program, my funeral is going on, an orchestra is playing, instead of my photograph, a photograph of frekkinbock, people have been dreaming about a new man for a long time, since 1905.
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in germany, the first priority was the purification of the aryan race, and the balance has not gone away. and after the war she simply changed her sign and methods. premiere, ordinary fascism. today is the first one. i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains. my first combat mission. it is very difficult to fight in the mountains. you can't smoke spirits from the cave, they hit you. 100 km from the state.
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both the soviet and afghan sides, on the day of the border guard, the premiere, the main line, not a step back, tomorrow on the first, it will be hot, what, where, when? summer series of games on sunday on the first.
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happiness, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives, a synonym for the word harmony, oh, this is communication with children, their energy, i recharge, this is very cool, we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone says: “oh, twins” . protect your children, raise them with dignity, honesty, nobility, and be an example to them. our main family values ​​are telling each other the truth, without fail. always listen to each other and always understand, we were raised so that we always help people, our life is more comfortable because we are kinder, we want to confess our love to our native country, country, we love you.
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a big game at the first, from june 5 to 8 , the twenty-seventh st. petersburg international economic forum will be held, our president vladimir putin has already prepared a greeting to the numerous participants who registered for the to take part in this forum. the topic of the meeting, as the president said, is the basis of a multipolar world and the formation of new growth points. this. this means that an increasing part of the world community is in favor of building a fair democratic system of international relations based on the principles of true equality. our country is open to constructive dialogue and interaction with partners, and is ready to work together to solve the economic, social, scientific and technological problems of our time. i must say that on this the forum will have some unusual participants.
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in any case, it has already been announced that... the afghan taliban movement will also take part in this st. petersburg economic forum, and moreover, zamir kabulov, director of the second department of asia, the ministry of foreign affairs, made a statement that the meeting was reported to president putin that the taliban movement can be excluded from the list of banned organizations, without this it will be premature to talk about recognition, we are waiting for a decision to be made, but...
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russia will invest in afghanistan. if we look at how the modern world expands, then in the modern world there are no unnecessary states, as the united states of america believed. the united states of america, starting from the mid-2000s, always talking about afghanistan, talked not so much about the drug trade, they always talked about the copper potential that exists in afghanistan. a huge number of american companies wanted it for free, sorry, free. in fact, getting all the mineral resources that were in afghanistan is their national treasure. why copper? a look, not a single electric motor, not a single electric car, will run without this winding, which will be made from the copper that is produced in afghanistan, and there is a lot of it there. and you can imagine, this statement, how expensive it is, because it also talks about lithium, this is what the americans are now creating batteries from , again for their super, in quotes
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, innovative cars. and here. it turns out cooperation between russia, china and afghanistan, this closes a completely new world, a multipolar world, where american corporations with their interests are simply thrown away, their wars, which were fought exclusively for the resources of afghanistan, are now redistributed in the other direction fairly, you know, it’s also important to add here, i remember when in the ministry of economic development we opposed the americans in central asia until they collapsed with their program in afghanistan, they tried. central asian countries from russia, from the soviet union, the program was called ts1+5, americans and countries, they said, here is our afghanistan, a supporting country, we are making a sign of life, invest in it, it was impossible to invest, not a single project was provided with security, there was clan stratification, since the twentieth year, when the current administration was established in afghanistan, the americans left there, now you can invest there, i will remind you that afghanistan another great
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transit potential. railway from uzbekistan through afghanistan to pakistan, and we, russia, the eurasian economic union, gain access to the huge market of pakistan and india, which is now being discussed they said that now we have to. doing various multifunctional transportation and transshipment increases the cost. afghanistan is a treasure trove. the americans mined uranium and transported it from there by military aircraft, but now you can invest money there in the common market , this is the whole thing to develop, and russia always comes with technology. we showed uzbekistan today, we are developing more than 15 billion of our investments there, but most importantly, uzbekistan is an observer in the eurasian economic union, we really hope that in the near future it will become full sixth member. this will expand this dialogue, the eurasian union will be on the border with afghanistan, it is with its neighbors that its prosperity and security will be ensured, but the americans really don’t like this, especially the british, who are now trying to dismantle this region again
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into its component parts, to force them to fight each other, but i am sure that the prudence of all our neighbors will prevail, and we will develop this region together, including for the sake of the interests of national states, well, what is politically important is... that we perceive the taliban as the current government, although this has not yet been diplomatically recognized, but everything is already moving towards this, another rather unexpected, and maybe not unexpected, partner of our country appeared during the negotiations at the ministry of natural resources and ecology of the russian federation, this is what you can read on the website of the ministry of natural resources. a meeting was held at the ministry of natural resources with a delegation from the republic of yemen. one of the main topics of the meeting was geology. oil fields have been discovered in the republic and hydrocarbons, reserves of solid minerals, such as nickel, copper and gold, have been identified. and, as the yemen side noted, the country now has very favorable conditions for attracting
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foreign investment in the field of subsoil use. the delegations agreed to develop an interdepartmental memorandum that will create a legal basis for interaction and attraction of specialists in the field of geology and...
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let's listen. russia proposed military cooperation through a logistics center rather than a full-fledged military base in exchange for urgent supplies of weapons and ammunition. we agreed to this, but proposed expanding cooperation to include economic
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aspects such as agricultural enterprises, mining partnerships and port development. russia agreed to this broader cooperation. in the near future , a sudanese military delegation will leave for moscow, followed by... a ministerial delegation led by vice-chairman malik agar will immediately follow. he will negotiate comprehensive agreements. well, in military terms, it's really very important. there have been talks for a long time about the possibility of creating our military base there or a point, as they say, it doesn’t matter. but now there is clearly a step forward. in fact, it is very important that russia comes immediately with a set of projects that are positive for development. how did the same french act, conditionally? speaking, they came, bought management, made enslaving conditions for the extraction of the same, relatively speaking, uranium in chad, 200 times cheaper than the market, mined there with slave labor and at the same time introduced troops there supposedly to ensure
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security, although they themselves also additionally financed extremist groups to play some cards. russia does not play such dark games, if we come to provide security, we actually teach their armed forces to win, and we do everything in this country. they actually rely on us, if we come with infrastructure projects, we do them really openly as partners, we help them earn money, we build schools, infrastructure for workers, today we showed afghanistan, yes, there are half of them since... soviet schools were built when our group of troops had or engineering structures, we come and say, in order to develop this region, we need both hydroelectric power and electricity, which means we need to supply such and such capacities, waterworks and so on, that is, we have full competencies, including even launching satellites for some countries so that they can monitor the environmental and their situation, including security in the regions, so russia is a desired partner for many countries that have now freed themselves from...
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a very important point, the injustice that is happening, it cannot be hidden, it is visual, it is there right now, that is, you turn on the tv no matter where you are in the world, you see this injustice, refugees , children, old people, it’s just that the united states of america began to kill, with whose hands do the tenths, they always kill, today you said very well about yemen, yemen is the 30 millionth yemen, another product there that was very important is cement, made from cement yemena was built almost huge number of cities. overall, this is a good potential. the united states of america has always
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talked about taking other people's resources for next to nothing. sudan is a fifty-million-strong sudan, of course, bordering on the southern sedan, which has 12 million. but there is oil there, there is a huge amount of minerals. and russia, when it enters into an agreement, does not do it for free. we won’t just come to protect you, we will protect you. we are not the usa, we buy for money according to the market, it is mutually beneficial for us. the world is changing. changes in general in our favor, it is quite obvious the number of partners and allies of russia is growing, and we see it even, well , literally with the naked eye, the number of countries that want to join brix is ​​growing, and more than thirty states are queuing there, we see what is happening in africa in the last year alone, this is niger, chat, burkina faso, central african republic, this is sudan. this is yemen - a middle eastern country, this is
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afghanistan, with which we have difficult relations, a difficult history, but which now understands that it is russia, like china are the countries that we can rely on in order to move forward, to move into the future. and i am sure that many more countries will be added to this alliance of justice, because our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, and there will be victory. behind us, we turn over to the news and see you again at 17:00. this is news first. hello, in the studio of valery korablev, in this issue. close cooperation in all areas.


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