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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 27, 2024 6:30pm-7:56pm MSK

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hello, live on channel one, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, today we will talk, as always, about the most important, most current events among these events. news about the shelling of regions
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of the russian federation from the territory of ukroreich, it was a difficult weekend in the belgorod region, as reported by the governor of the belgorod region, four dead, 18 injured, among them children, attempted attacks are also reported. infrastructure facilities on the territory of the russian federation in different areas belogorodskaya, bryanskaya, oryol, in the oryol region, a drone that fell at a gas station caused the death of a firefighter driver, our condolences to everyone who suffered, our sympathy to all those who lost their loved ones, every time...
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noticeably perked up at the end of the past weeks of this, in other directions, but against this background it is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that almost every day our soldiers are busy talking among our real enemies, not only on the battlefield, enemies in the sense of a real global confrontation, we understand that ukroreich and its armed formation are only a tool in...
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the hands of those with whom we really have a conflict, and so the escalated - intensified conversations in this very nato, and that it’s time to resolve ukroreich strikes on the territory of the russian federation with western weapons that are provided to them. i understand perfectly well that the residents of the belgorod, oryol, kursk, bryansk, regions of the krasnodar territory, where they also go periodically. are arriving drones, in general, by and large, they are quite indifferent to whether attacks are made on them with nato weapons or some other, and for them, of course, it is important that they live on the territory of the russian federation and it flies at them, but from the point of view of the global , a large-scale international situation, these lively conversations, intensified about the provision of the possible provision ...
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of technology companies, in the future , to generate artificial human mutations, a president who was not elected by the people, who had no competitors, five times master, four times cavalier, once knight and twice commander. masonic lodges in estonia have the peculiarity of presenting such tchotchkes to each other. karis says that ukraine needs to be supported more there. here the country is simply openly acting to its detriment in the interests of the nazi regime. carry out an order or order. from the same
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brussels, this is not just an incitement from the outside, a desire for belonging, behind these smiles, the bestial, gut, russophobia, this hatred has been taking place from time immemorial... alar karlis, a zoologist as a president or the united states as a factor of genetic mutation. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. at the age of 19 i was left alone. why are you here and not with your father on the ship? agda, theater. the reds will come, art will be banned. yes, this is a mule, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything on my own skin, the war passed her by, look at this face, exceptional,
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there are many great directors, but there can be only one great meeting, i will challenge this anticipation , they love you, serious, smart man, and you? watch after the program time, happy birthday to whom? lev nikolaevich tolstoy. people have been dreaming about a new man for a long time. since 1905, eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller, jr., began to develop rapidly in the united states. she concentrated on
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the forced sterilization of disabled people, the social identities of poor people. adolf hitler referred to american eugenics back in meinkamf. in germany, the first priority was to cleanse the aryan race of impurities. eugenics didn’t go away after the war, it just changed its sign and methods. premiere, ordinary fascism 2, today on the first. i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission.
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i feel like a happy person when my loved ones are with me and when everything is fine with them, and we spend common evenings playing board games, when i am next to my sister,
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the main happiness is my family, and we say hello to everyone to our grandparents and to my sisters and brothers, many thanks to my parents for raising me. made me a real person, what makes me happy is the health of my loved ones, not only loved ones, everyone around me, and this is very important, i wish our country to be healthy, i love my country, i am proud of it and i wish everyone in it to find their own happiness, the program time will tell about... we continue to work live , live on air we are discussing quite an interesting thing, which, frankly speaking, i don’t fully understand how to relate to, is either news, or a trend that intensified at the end of last week and continues today, this is some kind of
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swelling talk about the need for the west, or collectively , or at the level countries, provide to ukroreich. russia, and kherson is the historical territory of russia, and the kharkov region is a historical territory, well, in general there are a lot of different words, but you and i all understand perfectly well what is being discussed within the framework of the formality of this conflict, so here’s why i don’t know how this applies, firstly, because so far there is the greatest activity, or at least the source of this activity.
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showed that it was he who said something once somewhere, calmed down, and no, here ’s what they call fresh
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today, the same en. i believe that when we supply weapons to ukraine, they are actually no longer ours, but the ukrainians, and as i already said, they have the right to self-defense, and the right to self-defense includes striking legitimate military targets outside of ukraine, on the territory russia. and notice that if in the first case he says this. in some television studio in the mode of something like it’s not clear, then here it’s quite an official event, then here he’s definitely the secretary general nato, and not just jens stoltenberg, who performs the post, that is, here he speaks as secretary general, these nuances seem important to me, but nevertheless many questions arise about how to approach this, for example, from the point of view of how much of it it is at all competence as nato secretary general implies speaking
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to take on such responsibility, to speak out. i doubt that the nato secretary general can speak on behalf of the members of the bloc when this topic has not been discussed within nato. i believe that stoltenberg exceeded his authority. dot the opinion of the head of our mis that stoldenberg exceeded his authority, in this sense , formally his words, well then one could consider, well, insignificant, in essence, and they will deal with him or not, this is a separate question, but that’s the point from the point of view of the press secretary of the president of the russian federation, dmitry peskov, please, this cannot be his personal opinion, he is an official, he is the secretary general of nato, so we perceive this, nato is...
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an object inside russia. the west must stop constantly limiting itself to what he is doing to support ukraine. europe must learn to better manage the escalation process by keeping putin guessing about its intentions. or the swedes, newly admitted to nato . the swedes, who, it would seem, or maybe on the contrary, want to somehow establish themselves in this capacity, in any case, the minister of defense of sweden, he is now not just the defense of sweden, he is also now sweden, which is in nato, here it is, so go ahead and bring it in. according to international law, ukraine has
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the right to defend itself by introducing military actions directed against enemy territory, as long as military actions comply with the laws and customs of war, sweden supports international law and ukraine's right to self-defense. regarding this, when i heard the swedes over the weekend, i sort of wrote that, unlike many european countries, the swedes have been living for a very long time in a state where, as it were, war is somewhere , as it were, either on tv or in news, the swedes in general are themselves, well, no one living today and even deeply -
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the choice of kiev is his business, we will not direct anyone one italian soldier to ukraine, our military equipment should be used inside ukraine. military equipment inside ukraine. next, matteo salvini. this gentleman is dangerous, because talk about the third world war, about western weapons capable of striking and killing inside russia, seems to me very, very dangerous and reckless, so let the one who can stop him. stoltenberg he says, yes of course, he talks about stoltenberg, and he says, they are all taian and salvini, now another italian is talking, this is by the way, an indicator that italians, albeit not in the same way as conventionally germans, but nevertheless, in general, in the life of the living generation, remember in general approximately what it is like to fall under
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a strong distribution, although of course italy is not like that got, but nevertheless, but in general some kind of approximate idea of ​​reality. well, let’s also listen to the italian defense minister crosetto, please, i believe that at the moment it is a mistake to escalate the already significant tension. aid to ukraine is intended to prevent the outbreak of war, but this aid must be provided in such a way as to leave open the possibility of concluding an immediate truce and starting peace negotiations. there is no nato secretary or one country that sets the line for everyone else. and now, after listening to krase. we’ll talk now, and well, with your help, i’ll look for the answer to my question, because i don’t have this answer, along these lines: firstly, i still don’t really understand what all these gentlemen or seniors are discussing or whatever it is in swedish, dicks or something else, but
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are they discussing some initiative of stoltenberg, starting in their own opinion?
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they are already ukrainian bayraktars, they do with them what they want, this is just a quote, which means that with regard to this disposition, answering all your questions, the first thing, of course, is not about him, it is in the west now that it is important to understand, because that they are starting to argue with me, they say that they still want to kill us all, no, there is a discussion in the west, it is going on right now, what we are showing, yes, and today there was spain, by the way, right under zelensky, the prime minister said that no, no, no, answering one of your questions
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about publicity or was this discussed at a meeting of foreign ministers in the european union , so this is a discussed topic and there is a discussion and there are two different positions, but there are two questions, they need to be considered as a package: the first is the use of western weapons on russian territory until 1914. the second is the presence in ukraine of western instructors officially in the form of assignments from their ministries of defense and so on and so forth, these are two questions, what is the debate, even in the united states, because, for example, salevan, yes, well, according to the internal hierarchy , a character comparable to blinken, he, for example, is categorically against what we are talking about, here in short, and what became the trigger for this in the whole story with this discussion, the trigger...
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is to raise the level of escalation and they are already really playing with fire, for the last week i have generally been in a very anxious mood, you know, i am calm, very balanced, but that's something that bothers me, because they they’re not just playing with fire, they already have one foot in they have one foot on fire, that is, in this sense, they have one foot definitely pointed somewhere, the question is in which direction and whether they are going to point it in our direction, and they themselves position some.
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february 4, twenty-two, i urge you to activate in your memory the picture of this day and kiev, the city center, our arrival in the center of tsypso - and so on and so forth and so on,
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this is all their answer, this is how they perceive it, they are us they are called aggressors, but we are attacking with missiles the entire territory of the former ukraine right up to the border with poland, only we are ours, you forget that we are one way and how else, they have nothing of their own, they only have everything western.
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who wants this war, they are not playing at escalation, they want this war to be big, they want this conflict to stop being local, i said a thousand times, the united states has officially declared, they are interested in localizing this so that it is not internationalized, but these are the opposite, behind them is of course london, not washington, this is poland, this is the baltic states, this is of course ukraine, because if they start others will fight, ukraine has a chance to go somewhere else. now she stands against us one on one and the outcome is clear, and if a general dump begins, who knows, maybe they have a chance to save there for themselves, but if not freedom, then at least life, i understand, that’s why now it’s the most, then there is this dangnger, the highest level of danger over the last two- plus years, and from our statements , including, i really hope that we will have a consolidated position so that there is no such thing as the minister of foreign affairs, here is the press secretary,
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here, here, here, that’s why we move on, in front of the screen, maybe not everyone is watching so closely, although to be honest, according to my feelings, this topic that we are now discussing with you, everything is somehow like this, well, they are watching quite closely, precisely because alexander kazakov said that the characters seem to be some kind of operetta, it seems that all this has already been joked about this stoltenberg. but somehow, for some reason, intuitively there is a feeling that there is something behind this, like you said, disturbing. so, come on, scholz, come on. there are clear rules for the supply of german weapons, which were agreed upon with ukraine, and they work. in any case, this is my position. my goal is to prevent the ukrainian conflict from turning into a major military campaign. exactly in
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development of what was said. here, in continuation of the question, when they are having this discussion, is it with whom they are arguing and talking about what? scholz is now clearly not only talking with stoltenberg, but with someone who, apparently, wants to turn this conflict in a large military campaign, this is the same pedro sanchez who was mentioned, who met with a man who flew there, that is, in green training jerseys, who claims that he was recently the president of the former ukraine, this is what pedro sanchez said , please, madrid has no intention for kiev to use nato weapons for attacks on russian territory, we do not have such a will, i definitely do not have information about this, very definitely, clearly meandering, scholz and hebberstreit are more definite, but again the question arises, with whom are they talking about what, i actually have
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the same question for you, but with a greater emphasis, like... i didn’t say this, but you know better, and so on, or, as others say, that this is just such a conditionally diplomatic conversation that it’s like guys, let’s come to an agreement, otherwise we’re discussing this among ourselves,
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let’s maybe... we’ll agree now, we won’t move to this level, then in theory this is a different reaction, some other conversation and so on, like this make up your mind, please, before answering your question, i would like to start from one starting point, which is obvious to everyone, and for scholz, and for biden and for everyone else who is now drawn into this discussion, russia’s victory on the battlefield inevitably, uh, they proceed from this logic. accordingly, if russia’s victory on the field is inevitable, what should be done to prevent this from happening, yeah, there are two options, here’s one of these options, as if you just said, we, we should, we can listen to them, maybe it’s really some hint that that we don’t want further escalation, but if you listen to us, listen, perhaps, to what will happen in switzerland, where a certain
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... i’m afraid to even say what it’s called in russian, here’s the gentleman’s plan in this, that means in this in this t-shirt, so maybe we ’ll find some there. consensus, where will you stop, on what terms are you russia, on what terms, and what will happen then, returning to scholz, scholz just told you yesterday that sooner than in 30 years ukraine will not will join nato, well, they have already started for him, his subordinates are interpreting him, yes , bravo, which means that in the thirty-first year we can imagine the situation that we have now agreed on something, there is some kind of demarcation line, military operations stopped, right? it means that after 30 years, ukraine joined nato, somewhere on this demarcation line, tomahawks appeared, completely legal legally, we should drink this compote today, which means my thesis is absolutely clear, i want to continue the thought of my
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colleagues, i think that this is the first part of the negotiations, you know, this is a backup option that exists, of course, because this game must be played. it is necessary to take away from russia a strong position in the negotiations and for this purpose maybe then we can go to negotiations, but if today we freeze the conflict as it is, remember some kind of kissinger’s plan, let us freeze it, we will promise that they will take these territories back, well, with a condition ukraine is in nato, which means that nato gives it security guarantees, for us this is, well, this is a disaster from the point of view our understanding of what needs to be done, then see point two, i think that... that now, as paradoxical as it is, there is only one subject left that needs to be broken in order to launch a plan for increasing the degree of escalation and truly massive strikes on russian territory long-range missiles, biden, his last name is scholz scholz, all
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the other europeans are either already for this, or their vote means nothing, well, well, they look at the germans, of course, because if the germans break, that person’s main plan will be realized. which is in november is going to be re-elected for another term by an american boss, yes, who doesn’t think well, but here his advisers tell him everything, the main thing they tell him is that europe should fight russia in ukraine, yeah, europe needs to be drawn full-scale into this conflict, then those conditions will which one day we sit down at the negotiating table will be categorically not in favor of russia, so they reason.
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i’m not a military expert, but only i
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know what will fly, but this, this is not a question about war, this is a question about politics, that’s about politics, he will definitely fly, he will definitely fly, and not the way he flew before, and not in ukraine, but no, this is the key question, i’m just pretending to be a fool. this is already a ukrainian weapon, when it flies across the territory of the russian federation, it flies there as ukrainian and the fact is that no, this is their question, we are all, as if expressing our positions, we are thinking about a third country,
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look, this no, this is not, not a question of diplomacy, what to call it, how to explain it, who will respond to this with verbal words, no, absolutely not, because this is the logic of war, the logic of military operations. and if you imagine that this map that this american senator showed us, and where the points are, it’s true, because today this is also a question, well, if you want. how to say this kind of political tactics, because the other day they said that the ukrainians said that some of their drones covered 1800 km across our territory, 500 in my opinion, 1500, it is reaching tatarstan, not without the help of the americans, what am i talking about? , and nothing flies anywhere, vampires that hit the territory of belgrade, these are hail, these are hail, but these are hail. where they are produced, they are produced in a nato country, in the czech republic, that’s right,
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nothing flies, that’s the point, there are certain rules of war, we say, today we are waging war with you on these conditions, on these, these are the conditions on which we are now conducting and you see, we are hitting exclusively military targets, we are not touching your tunnels, it flies, yes, it flies, so, we, we, we hit, it was correctly said before lvov, we hit, but now we play by these rules, as soon as you go beyond them, read, peskov, who said that this is a different level of escalation, by the way, i don’t see any contradiction between the words of lavrov and peskov, lavrov said he does not have such powers, and peskov said, he does not have such powers, but he says such things, which we cannot ignore, not well, if a person does not have the authority to declare war on you, and he says: i declare war on you, you will not read, so to speak, which is correct, but at the same time scholz says, answering stoltenberg, not us for now, here we are with the taurus, so... i’ll open a small secret. scholz says that we won’t give taurs,
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and his military advisers say: okay, let’s not give those that are 500 km, let’s give those that are 250, but 250, excuse me, with a reserve will be enough to fly to voronezh, if we find the appropriate point there and so on, and i’m not talking about belgrade, yeah, this is definitely a challenge for us, an attempt to raise the temperature, maybe in the hope that, maybe in the hope that we will do it.
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as a threat of escalation or as some kind of another fuss of theirs, these are the reds lines, not red lines, because you understand what’s going on, you say that this is no longer about diplomacy, this is about war, well, let’s be honest, it’s not like we’re looking around, but we ’re looking out of the corner of our eyes at what he’s thinking, for example ,
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2 years, or either take a step forward, a step forward,
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i understood, in fact, this is, yes, this is all sort of casuistry-formalism, but in this casuistry-formalism, we understand everything, we now we ourselves already understand that we are talking about a possible transition to the next level of escalation, involving europe, this is very important, drawing europe into it, and europe is, by and large, part of nato, and we all understand, or rather, we all don’t even fully understand what possible developments of events, here we... we all always come back to that , that in the summer of 1914, everything seemed to be done one step at a time, half a step, and so on, if we had said then, guys, and then you know what, it ’s been 4 years for this one...
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if they attack russian targets in the sky or on the ground, in ukraine, then we will be in a situation in which it is very difficult to keep nato is out of conflict. we should not have nato troops on the ground or equipment in the skies of ukraine. that is, they have not drawn up some new rules for themselves. remember, when we discussed macron, who was the first to talk about possible french troops, we then discussed this overton window, not the overton window. i said then that well, topics would appear, and then they would start. work it out as an existing one, here you go, macron just speculated about something, someone said that he was just an idiot, someone said, that he has elections to the european parliament, someone said, but don’t pay attention at all, someone said something, and now what is stoltenberg doing? stoltenberg plays with macron’s statement, as if they
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could already send troops somewhere, but they don’t, which means that they are not a party to the conflict, that is, he takes absolute bullshit. he starts bargaining for this bullshit, that is, like no-no-no, guys, we are not a party to the conflict, because we don’t send, so what if you didn’t send, no, well, we could, here we can help him , that means it’s also a little dog, what ’s her last name, oh my god, kalos, her last name is the little dog and that’s her name, she’s teasing, come on, if estonian personnel get hurt, then it’s our decision whether to refer to article 5 nato's collective defense charter, this is... we sent them, if someone claims that this will lead to nato's involvement in the war, then i say that this is not so. the possibility of training ukrainian soldiers directly on the spot is something that goes without saying, since it faster than transporting ukrainians by air, first to the west and then back, that is , they are like another black red line,
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they pushed it back a little more, and moreover, they just brought it to me now, the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian troops syrsky, stated that he signed the permit: such lace-making around possible negotiations of some kind, from the series, guys, look what we are discussing here, but we are discussing this for now, but if you don’t, then we, we will restrain kaya kallos we can’t, you know what she’s like, here’s kaya kalos, sikorsky, swedish minister of foreign affairs, well, how can we germans restrain them, it’s impossible, what
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is this all about, seriously, in my opinion, discussions are underway on the possibility of bringing the conflict to a new one. level, but here it is important to make a reservation that we have not yet reached the maximum level, there are still many levels, yeah, taking the conflict to the next level is being discussed, but not to the extreme, yes, not the most radical, you noticed that in each of the statements you presented it reads, we are ready, as if to participate, but this does not mean, why am i asking about the possible, we are ready. privately, as europe, as a colleague absolutely rightly noted, we are ready to shed european blood, but this will not mean a war between russia and the nato bloc, here we probably need to separate europe from the usa, europe from nato, the usa from great britain, and try
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to figure it out , what is happening there, keeping in mind that indeed unity today in the west is global. a national diplomat who knows what protocol is, who is responsible for what, who has the right to what, who has no right to what,
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and so, from the position of a diplomat, sergei lavrov absolutely right, who is mr. stoltenberg, it means, to make such large-scale statements, bypassing actually nato, in nato, as lavrov correctly notes, this has not yet been officially discussed, he really goes beyond the scope of his powers, while mr. peskov says: the next thing, guys, you still can’t ignore it. lavrov, of course, is right, but you understand that en stoldenberg is not a pensioner, not some kind of couch commentator, he is still the head of the north atlantic alliance, and if he says something like this, no matter whether it’s in an interview or on the official nato platform, it means someone benefits from it. further, who benefits from this, you can argue here, the british or the americans, but obviously the split follows the following principle: those who want now... to put pressure, hoping that russia will still falter, to put pressure verbally as a prospect, or to put pressure
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at the next level military at the next level, and an attack on, say, the historical and part of russia, with western weapons, but from this i conclude that probably, probably not all have come to terms, that is, everyone probably understands that russia cannot be defeated, but not everyone has come to terms with this idea, especially the globalists, who are now... in general, this whole situation is very much threatened, there is a camp that says: we need to put pressure now, does this position come from london? honestly, i can’t say 100% that i’m from london, why? because they definitely don’t want to stop the conflict, but excuse me, to repress now means, well, to risk the fact that everything will stop, they will repress, we will respond, look, everything will end, why end what we will answer where, but we will answer where? this at the decision points, as they say, at the decision points, by whom and where, be it london or depending on how i convey it, i believe, i
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believe why, because we cannot help but answer proportionally, another question is proportional to what, what will happen to their side, so that we answer the way we will answer, because we will answer 100%, then, here comes, you know, this is the most important game, some say, guys, we’re pushing it. we have to go to all lengths on the other hand, there is money there, by the way , you see this is also a watershed, even within europe there is the eastern part, yes the old world, here a colleague says with one foot in the fire, and i would paraphrase, i would say not one but two and not in the fire, in the substance, which rhymes with the word on fire, so eastern europe, in principle, they have already adapted well to this substance, they are still the old world and there are some fragments there, remnants of national orientation. are present, these people, after all, they speak from the position of our enemies, but true the most dangerous ones, they say the following:
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we can’t put pressure on, dear friends, we must, on the contrary, pause now, we must sort of clear out this substance, we must deal with our problems now, we will definitely return to russia, to its destruction, but having gained strength, now we will not we are alive, and there is a rabid camp, through the mouths of those who make decisions in this camp, the same sekorsky says, kalos and other darkness. and this camp insists that it is necessary now, something tells me, here again i agree with my colleague that this is how since washington, which needs to decide now, time is playing against the united states of america, they will wait in london, and the united states of america, there are elections, there, there, there is a dollar, there is a lot of things that slip through one’s fingers over time, again , against the backdrop of the fact that nothing helps, neither the counterattack succeeds, nor now these handouts, well, everyone understands that this is all.
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well, you ask them, what should we do in this situation, should we discuss these varieties, you know, how it will flow there or not
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, it will roll up in pellets, and we will something can be done from this, or something can be done. to nail them all down, artyom, you are a military man, i’m not, well, you are still a military man, you go there, now you will even torture me with a knee iron, i can’t, i won’t be able to answer you to your main question, because i also don’t fully know the logic of the war, and if 2 years ago you and i in this studio would now be discussing this conflict, we wouldn’t know 90% of what’s happening now with you. and they couldn’t even foresee this would have considered it incredible, yes they would have thought it was completely the logic of the war, everything changed in 2 years, just another war, this is important , other means and army, when you tell me how we will respond, i only know that we are four times larger than all of europe and the usa are taken together and produce and today what flies and shoots there for now, but you are right now , i see skepticism on your face, because
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if you give a break now, they will certainly pump it up. military muscles, they will, of course, begin to catch up with us, including in supplies ammunition there, that’s why they are starting this conflict now, they now definitely need to ensure that we take a step back, otherwise we will take a step forward, this is the worst nightmare for them, you said, not everyone believes in victory, they have there is no other option, they understand that if this conflict is not broken now, if it is not turned around, if it is not transferred into some direction, there is another option, defeat.
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discussed, we are doing this, now we will summarize the advertisement and decide what we are doing and what we are not doing, the advertisement is short, as always, very interesting, the president of estonia alar karis began his career path with experiments on laboratory rats, he still loves experiments, only now he has living people in the role of experimental animals, dear people of estonia, his research was carried out in the interests of western biotechnology companies, in the future to generate artificial human mutations.
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in particular, behind these smiles, the bestial guts of russophobia, this hatred has been taking place since time immemorial. alar karis, zoologist, as president or the united states, as a genetic factor mutations. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. at the age of 19 i was left alone. why are you here and not with your father on the ship? oh yes, theater, the reds will come, art will be banned, yes, this is a joke, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything on my own skin, the war passed her by, look at this face, exceptionally,
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there are many great directors, but there can only be one great meeting. watch after the program, happy birthday to lev nikolaevich tolstoy, people have been dreaming about a new man for a long time, since 1955 eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller, jr., began to develop rapidly in the united states. she concentrated on
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the forced sterilization of disabled people, but social ones. adolf hitler referred to american eugenics back in maincam. in germany, cleansing became the first priority. i just changed the sign and methods. premiere, ordinary fascism 2, today on the first. eugenics did not go away even after the war, mayonnaise is 30% yolks, 60% pure oil and a little water, and so this same mayonnaise is for every resident of our country. eats about 5 kg per year, let’s deal with mayonnaise and many other important and interesting things in the program, life is great, tomorrow is the first day, i
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look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission, it’s very difficult to fight in the mountains, you can’t smoke perfume from the cave, they are hitting you... 100 km from the state border, we must ensure security, in the hands of a popalamin, teeth, ears, hair can shake, but not hands. 1200 minutes rushed, the earth shook so much, we left a garrison in the liberated area, the village, they provided order, they went out to populated areas, with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, all this with pleasure. sorted out, residents of the border areas were protected, both the soviet and afghan sides, on the day of the border guard, the premiere, the main line, not a step back,
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tomorrow on the first, it will be hot. what, where, when, summer series of games. on sunday on the first. time will tell the program, we continue to work live. we didn’t finish the previous part, we needed to watch the advertisement. we discussed what options we had for responding to the discussion, intensified in...
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let me remind you that all the increases in the level of escalation for more than two years came from london, not from washington, from manpads to aircraft coalitions and so on, it was all
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initiated by him, and a completely sovereign participant in the west is the united states of america, and i absolutely do not rule out that this summer, even before the democratic party conference, we will receive a surprise from the united states, this is just... an assumption, well, there is not much time left to check it, because it is the united states states, they think there is an opportunity if we are not stopped. what to suspend, for this you just need to adequately respond to our proposal in december 21, this move is up to washington, they can do it literally in the summer, then biden goes to the polls not as the winner of russia, this is unrealistic, but as a peacemaker, yes , but only the proposal in the fall of twenty-one took place in a situation where all those who died did not die, was not destroyed... from this proposal
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washington will choose only one aspect, actually a proposal, that is, in this studio i once said, i repeat again, washington, when our advance continues, there will simply be a call from the white house to the kremlin, and a proposal to start global negotiations, the united states and russia, without ukraine, then this is it will turn the situation around, all this blah-blah-blah there from karis, who is the president of estonia, today he proposed to bring russia to its knees, it will all become white noise, he proposed to bring russia to its knees, because he has a lot of experience in kneeling , to whom how do estonians not know how to do this, that’s why we are discussing in any case this kind of move on the part of washington, and it exists, it is very difficult, including for the american elite, but it exists, well, we’ll go for it, we have it why, without even looking at you at these words.
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considering the fact that he will be a peacemaker, i suspect that for him it will turn into a political disaster, for the simple reason that he has already burned so much in the name of this war of everything, only money for now, and money, and rhetoric, and that means insults in address putin, and yes, and that means nord stream 2, everything was at stake, suddenly today he says, listen, that’s it, it turns out that it was so, this will be tantamount to admitting defeat.
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this fits into the logic of my previous comment, when i said that the americans need to decide something now, it needs to be somehow either broken, turned the tide of the war, now it is not possible purely physically, or suspended, about stopping too, i think , there is no question,
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yes, there is something to talk about, that is, then we we can stop, don’t forget that we are talking about entering negotiations with our heads held high, yes, not losers, but winners, but at least there will be something to write in the press, why do we, why do you know everything, they know how to do it, all the world's media will tell you that america has finally decided to take the plunge, it's not for me to tell you, you know the situation on earth better than me, it is impossible now to imagine the situation with the negotiations, relatively speaking, tomorrow as... negotiations in which america, therefore, dictates conditions, this is at a minimum an equal situation, which is unacceptable for them, at a maximum, they, they, they are losers.
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no need, let everything be as it is now, it suits us, it doesn’t suit the americans, yeah, well, let’s see, as always, let’s look at the development of the situation, although the question is that maybe we should somehow influence it ourselves, influence it ourselves , and not watch how it develops, it remains in the air, well, for now let’s see, by the way, regarding the ability or inability of the united states to influence some conflicts and the development of the situation, let’s move on to the middle east, that's the story.
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to neutralize one hamas member, they demolished a block with refugees, what did the official traitors say there then, as is accepted among recognized democracies, of course, the tragedy of war - he said, yes, that is , now the same rhetoric, tragedy, we did not want this, but of course, they are to blame, we
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did everything we could, we will investigate, what and what does it mean we will investigate, and you will continue the massacre, we are not satisfied with you slaughtering then carry out an investigation of this massacre, that is... in fact on earth, as i see, little has changed so far, but apparently, the work that the united states is now persistently carrying out with its trickster netanyahu and his far-right cabinet is yielding, well, at least rhetorical fruits, at least he has already begun -somehow, while speaking, to formalize my rhetoric, well, it ’s not so hawkish, it seems like, well, guys, we should investigate something wrong, at the same time... it continues, we must understand this, yeah, well , one more thing, here’s to the question of what this is is it a swindle or some kind of diplomatic political games, or does this still need to be discussed in terms of some kind of possible military development, this is the far east, this,
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by the way, is the same mokol that you pointed out with a pointer there on the map the russian federation, where it is necessary to strike, now it has arrived in taiwan, in taiwan. very much supported his, so to speak, ukrainian, that is, allies in the form in which he promised support for taiwan, this, by the way, is also very significant, well let's listen, unlike ukraine, i get asked a lot of questions about this, this should not be a land war, this is primarily a battle at sea, taiwan , unlike ukraine, will receive new weapons systems, not old ones and especially old russian weapons, it will be ...
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to some kind of military escalation, given that makol is a republican, against this background it seems to be beneficial for them to puff out their cheeks, that is, in short, the same question again, in your opinion, this is some kind of progress towards a military solution , or is it while the games are around the smoldering conflict with military potential, i think that this is an instrument of pressure on beijing in a global sense, this is a continuation of the global conflict between china and the united states and taiwan. the taiwan issue is an instrument of this pressure, that is, the americans are playing such a rather dangerous game here, believing that china. despite the fact that he is now flexing his muscles, conducting exercises, creating a reserve
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of power for, as the americans calculated, to land 300,000 troops on taiwanese territory, that is, to carry out ground operation, and this is being seriously discussed, so the americans, understanding all the risks of this, believe that china will not cross this red line, will not cross, will not cross, so it’s a game. supply of modern weapons with taiwan, although i poorly understand the words of this senator about the fact that modern weapons are not supplied to ukraine, and that british missiles are not modern weapons, british missiles are not supplied by the united states, yes, well, at the same time i have keeping in mind that hymers are modern weapons, this is a modern weapon and, by the way, a very effective weapon, let’s say, so of course this is an element of such pressure and...
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by chinese standards, this will never allow conservation, how old is it,
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yes, you know that, read the history of china, that’s all there it’s done for a long time, measuredly, double-checked a thousand times before taking a step forward, in fact, why i’m asking, because many wrote to me, yesterday, today , even these guys, even from the front they’re like, well, the pendos will climb into china, i mean, i mean they’ll go to china, that’s where like china, well, in short, what will happen to taiwan or not, they ask me. they ca n’t help but climb now or in general - in general they ask about now and about now it depends, among other things, on those guys who ask you, yeah, by the way, answering your question, here they are now, guys sitting in dugouts watching programs, so you say it beautifully and cleverly, well, well, what should we do tomorrow - guys, it’s not just about what they should do tomorrow, their question is clear, they know what they should do tomorrow, they have a frontier of work in in this sense, it is difficult to understand. so questions about the french, about the chinese, just now i was listening about taiwan, it seemed to me that
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at first i thought that this was a picture about ukraine , we are in the west, in fact, it’s the same here, why am i talking about the guys, let’s turn on imaginative thinking, there is a certain platform on which there is a discussion, but here are people, men there and discussing without fighting, we are for you now stormshadow, and we are for you now iskander, and we are for you taurus, and we are for you now. characters from caries and callos to macron and blinkina, it’s a completely different matter, what we
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are doing on earth without shouting and cackling, we made one statement and are doing our job, china is doing the same, in less than a year china will outweigh the united states in its naval power, that’s about it the americans are already writing, this is the same platform, they zham-zham-zham, eat it up and liquidate it, then all this whole chicken coop will simply fail. already in space, by the way, yes, just today there were several materials, so when we jam-zham-zham this site, you know that the main thing is not to forget, let’s sum up the advertising, because here, zham-zham, zham-zham, but this island, sacred, estonian president alar karis began his career path with experiments on laboratory rats, he still loves experiments, only in the role of experimental animals now he has living people, dear people of estonia, his research was carried out in the interests of western biotechnology companies, in the future to generate
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artificial human mutations. a president who was not elected by the people and who had no competitors. this hatred takes place from time to time century. alar karis, zoologist, as a president, or the united states, as a factor of genetic mutation. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first.
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pechora vodka, a product of stellar group. veda vodka product. i always liked you better, prostitute, the best compliment for the five-year period, ranevskaya, watch the time after the program, people have been dreaming about a new person for a long time, since 1905 eugenics, which was generously financed by john
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rockefeller, jr., began to develop rapidly in the usa, it concentrated: on forced sterilization of disabled people, social personalities of poor people. adolf hitler referred to american eugenics back in meinkamf. in germany, the first priority was the cleansing of the aryan race from ballast. eugenics didn’t go away after the war, it just changed its transportation and methods. premiere, ordinary fascism. two. today is the first one. mayonnaise is 30% yolks, 60% pure oil and a little water. so , every resident of our country eats about 5 kg of this same mayonnaise per year. let's deal with mayonnaise and
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many other important and interesting things in the program to live healthy. tomorrow on the first, i i’m looking at the mountains, there’s snow on the mountains, my first combat mission, it’s very difficult to fight in the mountains, you can’t smoke out the spirits from the cave, and they don’t hit you, 100 km from the state border, we have to ensure security, in the hands of a man, they can shake teeth, ears, hair, but not hands, 1200 min. with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, all this was sorted out with pleasure, the residents of the border areas, both the soviet and afghan sides, were protected, by the day of the border guard,
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the prime minister, the main line, not a step back. tomorrow on the first, i i love our country very much, i am very glad that i am russian, i am proud of this and am loyal to my country, i recognize and confess that i love my homeland, i love mother russia, because i am russian in spirit... to all citizens of our dear homeland unity
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peaceful sky of unity. but today we did not have time to touch on another important topic related to what is happening. i hope that they won’t organize a maidan there, a lot of things there are reminiscent of the ukrainian situation, because they immediately began to boast that it’s the eu, not the eec, if you do what we we don’t want you to do it, forget everything about
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the eec, well, in general, in fact, the main events will be there, they will be there tomorrow, because it depends on whether the presidential veto will be overcome or not, we’ll talk about it tomorrow, but this is a very important indicative moment, returning to the guys we started talking about, i just remembered, back in march, if my memory serves me correctly on the fifth, i congratulated the daughter of one of the guys on the air on her birthday, but i didn’t know him personally, the guys asked me, who say there: there, here he wants his daughter to faston congratulations, we congratulated here on the air, here i was just now in may, well, there is a forest belt, i posted a long video over the weekend, there is a forest belt, there is night, day and so on, here i am walking along this endless forest belt and comes up to me the man says: artyom, thank you, i mean... he says: well, you remember mine, you congratulated your daughter on her birthday, okay, well, in a happy way, everything is fine, in a happy way, you don’t need to blur your face,
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me it’s always like this, i would like to express so much, show photographs, but here it is necessary to put on these masks, but fortunately, in general, in your face, brother, a huge hello to everyone, wishes to everyone that everything will be fine, regardless of whether in the forest or on the sands, everyone. it happens, anything can happen, but the dolls of tuti’s heir are inevitable; estonian president alar karis began his career path with experiments on laboratory rats. years have passed, he still loves experiments, only now he has living people in the role of experimental animals. alar karis, estonian experiment.


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