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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  May 27, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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i always feel like this, i would like to express so much, to show photographs, but this is the need to put on these masks, but fortunately, in general, in your face, brother, a huge hello to everyone, i wish everyone that everything will be fine , no matter in the forest or on the sands, anything can happen, anything can happen, but the dolls of the heir to tootie, this is inevitable. president of estonia alar karis began his career path with experiments on laboratory rats, years have passed, he still loves experiments, only in the role of test subjects he now has living people with animals. alar karis, estonian.
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but what about the assurance that talin has enough of his own power to fight almost single-handedly against russia, and what about the intention, however, so far only verbal, to send his leisurely contingent to the aid of the armed forces of ukraine, leisurely, because in the ukrainian okupa no one thinks of rushing, after the ardent estonian promise went around all the european media in a video of reproach to the rest of nato members, they say, where are your battalions and stalin, a quiet notification came, but we are ready to support the rear troops so that you...
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the ukrainian military liberated from there can go to the front. the main thing for estonia is to be ahead of the rest, be the first to extend the closure of border points with russia, and be the first to introduce criminal liability for violating the sanctions regime. last week, the rikako parliament became the first in the european union to pass a law that allows frozen russian assets to be transferred to ukraine, including about 37 million frozen private assets. pressure from the west is also necessary. so that even ordinary russians realized that something had to be done. we will do everything we can to bring russia and putin to their knees. how he will do this is the main mystery; so far he has not been able to show anything even to his own people. the president decides little in estonia; to some extent , he is a representative figure. the estonian president, as it turns out, is generally a figure who is not capable of attracting anyone’s attention, except, perhaps, zelensky, and not alone, as part of three other leaders of neighboring states, this is how it happened internationally. politicians that are balts
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few people are interested in fakes, they are always accepted only in bulk. as for the residents of estonia themselves, they demonstrated everything on may 9, when alar karis came to narva to celebrate europe day. we have an obligation to help ukraine defend itself. the european union begins in narva, freedom begins in narva. the residents of narva really felt free that day. they spent victory day on the river bank, sharing. estonia and russia, in the morning watched the broadcast of the parade on red square from a huge screen installed in ivangorod, and in the evening they joined the cross-border festive concert, turning their backs to the town hall square, where alar karis was babbling something from the podium about european unity. at the same time, somewhere in vilnius , estonian prime minister kaja kallas called on residents of the baltic countries not to switch to russian when speaking with russians, but to continue speaking in their own language. even if
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no one understands them, karis echoed her, they are happy that thanks to the law he signed, all primary kindergartens will switch to teaching in estonian in the fall school, although the veterinarian biologist karis wrote almost all of his works in russian, was born in 1958 in tartu, which at that time was considered the center of anti-soviet dissidence, after graduating from the agricultural university he worked in the biocenter, after the collapse of the union he went to study molecular.
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kasitu and karis turned out to be the only uncontested candidate; he did not even hide the fact that he did not have any political program, in general he had nothing to even say to his people. if you have the honor of becoming the next president of the country, then you will have to give a press conference literally immediately after the election. have you thought about the first words you would say? dear people of estonia. the irony of the situation was that even in the absence of an alternative, no one gave it.
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his own, growing against the backdrop of callas. his second task is to amend the constitution so that the president of estonia is elected by the entire population, and not by 100 people in parliament. karis's ratings are encouraging for a popular victory, although he still cares about his people there's not much to say. support for ukraine must continue. estonia's long-term contribution until 2027 will amount to 1.2 billion euros. dear friends, to understand democracy in estonian, which does not exist, i will tell you right away that the process of presidential elections occurs as follows: parliament votes,
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there are no popular elections, and under all these other circumstances, in this presidential cycle, there was only one candidate, this is actually speaking, alar karis. and this person didn’t get any votes in the first round, so he had to go to the second round and re-vote, in order to bring him to the required minimum, he finds out that in the first round the only candidate without competitors, he does not make it, facial expression without words, history course, istralitsa, istra. so he finds out, things have gone well, things have gone well, anxiety, that’s right, doubts, some nervousness, a grin, well, in general , a whole, whole range of all kinds of facial expressions, i would say so, but i’m obviously
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dissatisfied, romance, i know that you are in detail we analyzed this video, what is happening with karis, you know, but literally the following happens, there lived a good technician, who probably understood. in what he does, in the genome, but he had one weak link, it actually remained, this desire to receive as many honors, fame, awards and so on, he is very sensitive to criticism of his own, to the fact that if they won’t give him any attention, and he strives for this, if you pay attention that all his last positions, they were associated with more of this, you know, representative function, i just know exactly who he is, he is very worried.
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everyone refused, he was pushed forward, he was like, well, what am i going to do then, given that among the estonian population, look at the graph of the popularity of politicians at that time before the elections, it turns out that his popularity rating is only 8%,
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he in last place, the director of the estonian national museum, alor karis, well, they don’t want to see him as president, but no one asks the people, but that’s already it.
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the united states of america, by the way, it was very difficult for the united states to push thomas henrik ylvis, before that there were, well quite authoritative and famous people, that is, the former chairman of the supreme council of the estonian ussr arnord. triutal, a very respected person, and the estonian writer, lenard meri, well, this is practically an estonian soldier, well, i’ll argue with you, after all , here is our hero karis, he is still a very respected person, look how many awards he has, it would take me half a program to list them all, but i can tell you this, they are divided into national ones, there are also international or foreign ones, he is a knight, and a commander, and a master, and a great master, cavalier, listen, what does this all mean?
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in 1936 there with rare exceptions, but this is an order for his contribution to the humanities and for, simply put, the salvation of people, i still believe that he can have such an order, because the person was engaged in, well, to simplify, medicine, yes , which means the order of the eagle cross, generally speaking, is the estonian order for military merit and for contribution to strengthening the defense capability of the state, then the order of the white star, this actually seems to best suit it, by the way, this is an order of the fourth degree for him, this is
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an order that is awarded to civil servants by the highest government official, here i believe that this can somehow be related to the state controller, perhaps for this, then the order of the cross of the land of mary, i like this order the most , the order is so historical, its roots go back to the 13th century, when pope inakenti ii declared livonia tera mariana, yes, that is. of all that i see here, all these orders, it seems to me that the most, most significant order is this knight of the royal order of the seraphim, a swedish order, because generally speaking, if we look at the herrodic statute of this order, it was awarded to royalty, royalty, crown princes, but in order to receive this order, such merits are necessary. to be able to do before sweden, to be the king of sweden, what did he do there, what are his services to sweden at such
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a level, that he received such an order, this is an interesting, very big question, add, yes, the point is that in general for western the world is characterized by the coordination of governance at the supranational level, especially for such a political organization as the european union and, accordingly, estonia, and in order to understand where karis got all these awards, it’s worth turning to him, so to speak. the fact is that during this period, well, let's say, thanks to the finnish brotherhood in estonia, where, well, let's just say, serious activities began already in late soviet times, masonic lodges were revived, that is, those that existed during the times of the estonian republic were restored, before it was incorporated into the soviet union, and at the same time the so-called rotary clubs appeared there, yes. which define, unite certain influential people in a particular area, and
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so to speak, there they can, well , define some common vector of actions or represent some common interests, as a rule, this is a business, and as a rule, this is a business that is going to some meetings in which no conversations about politics are allowed, while businessmen, i just let me explain, they are reset and a second, or a larger or smaller part of the funds are sent from the rotary international fund to implement some project. the entire world of the rotari club is divided into circles. well, for example, in our country the far east and siberia are included in district 510. yes, in fact, as ... as a matter of fact, the expression for the start, he was a member of a club called 14:20, attention, why is this important, because almost all of the most influential people in estonia are members of this club, namely tartu, well, among them such as andrius ansip and others, in fact, this
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club in tartu was formed again by the finns and during the same period when the masonic lodges were revived in ecstasy. and as for the awards, considering that it is precisely in the indicated countries that presented him with awards, well, let’s say, his brothers and comrades in lodges and rotary clubs have such a feature of presenting each other with this kind of tchotchkes at the highest level, add, you know, i’ll tell you this, estonia is a parliamentary republic, yes, accordingly the position of president there is decorative, the second is already the second president of estonia, who is nobody, but name, practically, well, this one somehow showed himself a little somewhere, but precisely because he has no political background, no political views, there is no political party or force behind him, that is why he was chosen for promotion, you see, of course,
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of course, many post-soviet countries after the collapse of the soviet union became parliamentary republics and... where in the beginning, yes, in the first , so to speak, cadences, elective, people with a serious political background appeared, behind whom stood a party that could provide a parliamentary majority, there - so to speak, more or less - these people, well, i mean the president, received power, such a story happened in moldova, now it is in moldova the same story, a similar story happened in georgia, not for long, it’s true, but it happened, now it’s a little different for exactly the same reason. so i tell you about this, that it has the ability to change, one of the very first statements that it makes now karis is at his post, he says: wait, let's hold popular elections, this is an attempt, yes, this is an attempt to change the constitution and go into legalization, 15 years have been happening there, every new president starts with what he declares, and i will talk
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to the russians in russian, direct elections of the president, you know, here the question is: the president, according to the constitution, represents estonian politics in the external circuit. why am i asking this question? what if he performs representative functions? purely represents the country, then as a person who did this in his museums, that is, together with his wife, i will now show you, is able and how to represent the country on the international stage. let's look at a few. the plot, so, such a magnificent exhibition was held in tartu, which means, if anyone doesn’t understand, the virgin mary is here, you need to go kick her so that she crumbles into pieces, it was a huge scandal, this installation was eventually removed, but that’s not so bad, they means we continued to carry out the next one an installation, an exhibition dedicated to the holocaust, which means they made such a creative approach to the holocaust, and you’re very welcome
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to put a palm tree here and this is what it was in the museum. this was exhibited as an exhibition dedicated to holocaust remembrance day, there was a big scandal, nevertheless, nevertheless, as you understand, this was not the first and not the only exhibition, this is how he will represent the country and by whom, so he must represent the country not in such a way that someone abroad will like him, but so that the estonian people like it, this is what the estonian people like, excuse me, about the statue of our lady, that is, it was an exhibition dedicated to acceptance.
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the fact is that in lithuania, in lithuania, jews constituted economic and partly political competition with lithuanians, there were
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more than 230,000 of them, this is serious, in estonia there were just over 10,000 jews, a very small part managed to leave with soviet troops, 9.00 were killed estonians, not because they were competition, but because they disciplined people. the germans are going, not against the jews, why wait for the germans, if possible we will resolve the issue and demonstrate how good we are, now regarding christianity, if after catholicism and protestantism in the vatican, yes, or somewhere else a decision was made, i don’t know , switch to buddhism, i assure you, the first european people who would do this, unanimously, unanimously, would be the estonians, that is, this is not just adaptability, it is beyond... adaptability to any religious background, in this sense the president, of course , part his people, and what’s interesting is that not only karis’ adaptability,
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but also his love for experimentation, are now experimenting on the people and the world community, representing estonia on the international stage; back in 1999 , he created a very interesting company. for completely different experiments, how it all began, we’ll look at it right after the advertisement, at the age of 19 i was left alone, why are you here, and not with your father on the ship? oh yes, theater, the reds will come, art will be banned. yes it well, mula, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything on my own skin, the war passed her by,
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look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, but there can only be one great meeting, i will make a challenge if you come to to me, they love you, you’re a serious, smart man, but you’re making faces, marital status, right? watch after the program , happy birthday to lev nikolayevich tolstoy. gin сnop product of stellar group, cognac monte
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shocha, product of stellar group, rom castro, product of stellar group, vodka pechora, product stellar group, veta vodka, a product of the stellar group. people have been dreaming about a new man for a long time. since 1905, eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller, jr., began to develop rapidly in the united states. she concentrated on the forced sterilization of disabled people and the social identities of poor people. adolf hitler referred to american eugenics back in meinkamf. in germany it became a priority. cleansing the aryan race from ballast. eugenics did not go away even after the war, it simply changed its sign and methods. premiere,
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ordinary fascism. two. today is the first one. i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains. my first combat mission. it is very difficult to fight in the mountains. you can not. smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you. 100 km from the state border, we must ensure security. in the hands of half, teeth, ears, hair can shake, but not hands. 1,200 minutes rushed, the earth shook so much. we left a garrison in a liberated area, a village, they ensured order, went out to populated areas with reserves. kerosene, grain, flour, all this with pleasure sorted out, residents of border areas were protected, both the soviet and afghan sides, on the day of the border guard, the prime minister,
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the main frontier, not a step back. tomorrow on the first. on children's day. go. some kind of god-given radiation of kindness. this is what seryoga was like. it was not for nothing that he took over children's programs, and the children simply clung to him. it was obvious, it couldn't be played. it was this kind of guy who said, well, i’m 20 years older than you, well, you and i are playing these games together now. funny and stupid, so you and i are on equal terms, he's ran through life, laughing, smiling, rejoicing, these were all his wives, it was as if he was grabbed along the way, and he loved yulia, his last call was yulia, the earring was a real genius of children's television, he died, in general, at the age of genius, we have him certainly not enough, we often remember him, so there are irreplaceable ones, sergei suponev, the hero of my childhood, june 1, on
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the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first. i am proud that i live in such a beautiful country that we have so many regions, so many different cultures, i know a lot about our homeland and i want people to know about it too, this is very important. ulyanovsk is the birthplace of lenin, koramzin and goncharov. taganay is a whole adventure park, there are bears and more. fetor chaliapin at one time
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called himself all his life: we are looking at allar karis, the president of estonia, a man who represents the country on the world stage, we dug deep and found out that in 1999 he created one very interesting genetics company, so what is it was for company, please, yes, after karis, having returned
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to estonia, created his voyages with scientific goals abroad to western europe. based at a local university, a company called withgenics, but to some extent it plays with the term eugenics, yes, that is, the breeding of a certain breed of people in quotation marks, which will have better adaptability, adaptability, better genetic qualities, but they we trained first, as i understand it , on animals, let’s watch a short video, professor eerovar is the head department of genetics which offers genetically modified laboratory mice to european research institutions. the group is working to understand the neural mechanisms in the brain associated with emotional stress and develop disease models based on this, patenting them and selling them to some pharmaceutical giants. i draw your attention to the fact that this is a publication in the estonian
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listen, let’s go a little bit, igor, let’s go back a little into history. i know that you brought with you some very scary illustrations, we took the liberty of making scans of them and will now show them on the screen. as i understand it, speech. we are talking about the camp, the fact is that the nazis, the nazis, considered the estonians to be a people with a distinctly nordic race. i have now brought engravings by the artist carles busch, a former prisoner of the salospils camp, who left this terrible evidence of what he saw, in particular this drawing with an innocent inscription in the bathhouse, here we see... this character with a dog, this a real character, a person, i don’t call him, this the commandant of the krausa camp and his dog, the cannibal rolf, this engraving is a terrible
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evidence of that time, these are originals, i managed to bring them out of latvia, this is evidence of the crimes of nazism, and the fact that latvia, estonia, lithuania is the region where on...
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are destroyed by official estonian rhetoric, is a classic example of the persecution of the war criminal karl lines, he was a guard in tartu in a concentration camp and these are known facts that in estonia there was a whole system of concentration camps, including that not only jews were kept there and for european states, but in particular , experiments were carried out on soviet prisoners of war, so speaking of the democratic character, why it seems that some very false theses are so insincere, it’s probably worth saying that, first of all , there is no democracy in estonia.
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the heroes today, i believe, are still ukrainians who fight for their country, i think, and the residents of estonia who managed to survive are also heroes, if you look at different countries, people take to the streets, please tell us what happened to you and how did you actually end up on the street with
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only carry-on luggage? well, i was deported from estonia, but where did you live? in tallinn in tallinn, and why were they deported? i don’t have a crime as such, they justified this by the fact that i was engaged in humanitarian aid in donbass from 2014 to 2018, when the war began there, and we helped people caught up in hostilities. now they interpret it as if this good light, it was legal, this is your organization, as i understand it, it was established, yes, it’s us, some of them, here’s alan hanson is already in prison, here is alexei yasakov, deported, sergei chaulin was deported a year later, in the same year i was deported, and you went here, as i understand it, to russia on personal matters, i came here, i come here often, i have a classmate lives here. she was very ill, and i
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came to visit her, we arrived and how did you find out that several criminal cases had been opened against you, i was driving a car, they didn’t let me through the car, i left the car in narva, bought a ticket and left by bus, arriving at the station, they they are tracking, arrived at station and they called me from the border guard and said that go to my email and read, you received a notice of deportation there. wait, what country are you a citizen of? well, i am not an estonian citizen with a permanent residence permit. how long have you lived in tallinn? 40 years, 40 years, and after 40 years like this. in general, people are outraged by what is happening in estonia, is there any kind of public relations there? yes, because, knowing me, no one believes that i am capable, as they point out there, that i am dangerous for the baltic countries, nato countries, and am.
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about 3% of gdp is what they handed over ukraine, starting from the twenty-second year, approximately until today, this is a total deficit of 3.4%, they don’t care about this, which means, starting from the fact that in december twenty-two they transferred a one-time amount of military aid to kiev, attention, 400 million euros, there are mobile hospitals, this thing is the most scarce in any war, starting there, i don’t know, from ancient times, no matter what army you have 50,000? 5 million you will always miss mobile hospitals, estonia transferred two out of
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three to ukraine, the third is also in cooperation with the netherlands, as i understand it, has most likely already been transferred at the moment, these figures that we see are 3.5%, this, you know, this is not what is happening in germany and what is happening there with farmers, yes there, but they made a little noise and separated, here the country is simply openly acting to its detriment in the interests of the nazi regime, that is, this also speaks of the level of russophobia that flourishes there. the main thing is that the baltic countries are the same ukraine, only a small ukraine, the balts know how to teach themselves, they are used to these smiles, sweet faces, napkins, cups of coffee, this is the bestial interior of russophobia, which was always there, including in soviet
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times, but it was hidden, they skillfully hid it, and today this little ukraine, which is called latvia, lithuania, estonia, is that , that... this is the place to be at this time, their help to ukraine is not just incitement from the outside, it’s this desire for belonging, this is how this social closeness is observed, sincerity, you know, at this very time it’s starting our career and our life path, our magnificent karis, who is doing very well in the country, there is no shortage, no protests, we have already understood everything that is there, they are starting in music... so what is the name of profitability while kaya callas plays the drums let's see
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what's happening...
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that there will be a scandal of such a scale that she will not only have to leave, but she will have to exchange the prime minister's chair for a bunk, well , let's say, with such a rating of 22%, hers has dropped very much rating, sociology in estonia, well, in general, this is also not serious, why are those 20 people who are doing this, they are under the control of the security police from start to finish, their relatives, their pets are also under control. therefore, a step to the left, a step to the right, is considered an escape. you know, in general about elections, we mentioned here one estonian politician, a radical nationalist, who was the only one who opposed making an installation of the breaking of the virgin mary for a museum. so he, in fact, also commented on elections without elections, without
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competitors, as follows, by the way speaking, imagine what it cost him to mention russia there in russian. even if it had a negative connotation, it was still possible, let’s see, you said that everything that’s happening reminds you of a church. do you still doubt the seriousness of this process? this is not all serious, of course, it’s like north korea, even i would say that in russia and belarus there is more democracy, there are more candidates there, and indeed people can be present, there are more candidates than we have after all, so that’s all, of course it's funny. and sad, well excuse me, the fact is that when he communicates with the russian press, he always communicates in russian, what a delight, yes, although he is considered a right-wing nationalist party, he makes certain gestures towards the russian population, in addition, he is the only politician , who said that if i am the head of government, i will go to
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russia and start negotiating, that is , you know, this is how you come to russia first, and then become good, good, like this... ranevska doesn’t know that she’s a frekin they drew a box with her without showing the picture, call on recording, side is seriously interested. this is a cartoon for children from 3 to 7 years old, i’m trying to somehow justify my heroine, love for this
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fan makes a vulnerable woman out of an elderly sadist, my head is in the right place, they told me i can’t watch tv from morning to night, here you go, ranevskaya, look, after the program, it’s time for my funeral, an orchestra is playing, instead of my photograph, a photograph of frekkinbock, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group, bourbon stirsman, a product of the stellar group, mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group.
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i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission, it’s very
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difficult to fight in the mountains, you can’t smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you, 100 km from the state border, we must ensure security, in the hands of a popalamin your teeth can shake , ears, hair, but not hands, 1200 minutes rushed, the ground is like this... we left a garrison in the liberated village area, they ensured order, went to populated areas with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, they took it all apart with pleasure, they were protected residents border areas, both soviet and afghan sides, on the day of the border guard, the premiere, the main line, not a step back, tomorrow on the first. on children's day, let's go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he
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took on children's programs, and the children just stuck to him, it was obvious, this cannot be played, he was such a guy who was there like he said, well, i’m 20 years older than you, well, you and i are now playing these funny stupid games together, so you and i are on an equal footing, but he ran through life laughing, smiling, rejoicing, all his wives seemed to have been picked up along the way, but he loved yulia, his last call was to yulia. seryozhka was a real genius of children's television and died at the age of genius. we certainly miss him, we remember him often, so there are irreplaceable ones. sergey suponev, my childhood hero, on june 1st , children's day. hello, weren't you expecting that? what did you come to us with? with joy.
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should it hurt between the shoulder blades? no, why does it hurt me? maybe you're old, maybe, hey, girlfriend, don't be bored, eat a pancake, drink tea, what else do you want? i don’t mind, eat everything. you will be fat, i will be thin, thank you all, my dear, what if i break it. you won’t be sorry, i won’t be sorry, the main thing is that you take care of your legs, okay, that means i can do whatever i want with them, but not that much, better than everyone else, the premiere is june 1st on the first. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games. on sunday on the first. maria
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butina is with you, this is the heir doll a tuti, in the focus of our attention is alar karis, the president of estonia, for whom the people did not vote which had no competitors. we continue to find out how it is that a person who earned all his scientific activities, all his degrees, conducting research in russian, suddenly forgot it. let's get a look. we agreed before the interview that.
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into the president’s behavior strategy due to the fact that he recently had a speech dedicated to independence day, the twentieth anniversary of the baltic states, joining nato, more precisely, and he drew attention to the fact that one of the important components in his presidential program is education , national defense culture, this is precisely the educational component in terms of language, he repeatedly emphasized that the russian-speaking population needs to be integrated, after which he explained this with what, which is not necessarily necessary until 2030, if they...
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modern military field hospital. these weapons, in particular the jevelin missiles , are a very important contribution to increasing ukraine’s defense capabilities. the least we can do now is to strengthen practical support for ukraine. this is what estonia is already doing and will continue to do. the eu will adopt a massive package of sanctions, and it will be done quickly and decisively. but most importantly, we must keep the prospect of eu and nato membership open for ukraine, and we must take concrete further steps. steps to strengthen our cooperation and integration. we are confident that you will continue to cherish the values ​​of democracy and follow the path of reform. i want to emphasize that this is a trip before the start of the northern military district, that is, they rushed forward to curry favor as quickly as possible. yes. establishment of very close ties in the military sphere of estonia and latvia passed through lithuania approximately from 2008-2009
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. lithuania acted as a mediator, so to speak. so, taking this line, as for the current situation, the worst thing that can happen to estonia, and karis understands this perfectly well, is the defeat of ukraine, and he personally was involved in weaving camouflage networks, there are photographs, because for them ukraine is a shield, because they all declare that they are at war with russia, but not on the battlefield near ivangorod, but through ukraine, that’s why. here is their koshcheev needle, this is their death, because this will mean the complete defeat of the entire statehood of estonia, latvia and lithuania, which is why a person who, well, at least understands russian well, puts
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on this... chevron shirt while weaving camouflage nets, and well, this is a demonstration of his position, despite the fact that the next day after the start he says: guys, let’s live together, but de facto the actions are completely different. therefore, to the question of which of them is ready to negotiate anything at all, even from the opposition, despite i am tormented by vague doubts about the fact that they speak russian, i would like to include in our conversation a person, actually from estonia, who tested democracy in estonian for himself when he allowed himself to say: yes, yes, yes, about censorship is exactly about this, because he spoke out a little bit in relation to zelensky. so, we have directly...
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estonia and the estonian conservative people's party, which is headed by mart helme's son, martin helme, mart was indeed also the leader of the estonian conservative people's party party, you were at one time the speaker of the estonian parliament. and mart helme was the minister of internal affairs, and martin, his son was the minister of finance, when they were in power in the government, now they are an opposition force, there are 101 deputies in the estonian parliament, i think that it would be good for our country 31, 101 - this is a lot, you were talking about the president, indeed 60 million euros are spent on the president a year, this is the maintenance of numerous gardeners, drivers, servants, he now often... travels to african countries, i personally don’t understand, indeed, he went the way, uh, he was the rector of several universities, and the state controller, indeed, he studied mice, but now, still, let's
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talk about him as the president of estonia, when he became president, he was simply appointed - the leader of one party , that is, here are two parties, two leaders agreed, maybe board members of these parties participated there, people vote in parliament, and discipline is party, they distribute. there are 101 seats, in my opinion it was necessary to get 68 seats so that you get 68 votes, that is 68 people, and i was happy, because in my opinion, at the beginning i believed that this was the best president for estonia, this is the best thing that could happen, if you look at everyone who was president before him, now it’s a complete disappointment, the point is the fact that our president must announce the law, that is , sign it, after the parliament adopted the law, and the fact that he announced the law, they took away half of the... benefits from large families, from those with three children, more how did you receive your benefits? those with three children received 650 euros per month. last year in march we elections were held, new 101 deputies came,
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we have a new government, and the reform party cut this benefit, now those with three children receive not 650 euros per month, but 450, those with four more children received every month, the mother received allowance 850 euros. now he gets 650, that’s what the president agreed to, chickened out and signed, that’s what disappointed me in him, i was expelled from the estonian conservative people’s party, without even talking to me, without asking me how this happened, after video interview, we had elections, it was last year in january, there were already parliamentary elections in march, in one of the interviews i said that i think that ukraine does not need it.
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listen, god forbid, god forbid, victory with your position, thank you very much, that is, they are completely cutting the budget, sending everything to ukraine, will there be some point when the people will be indignant and say, well, enough is enough, you know, today estonia is the same like the rest of the baltic countries, brussels is ruled, you know, by the european bureaucracy, where people’s opinions , even in elections, often have no meanings, these... we said to go to zelensky, bring a hospital, he went to zelensky, brought a hospital, you know,
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they said we need to place a base, that means we need to put it, absolutely right, these baltic ones to the emirates, yes, these are such lap dogs , lap dogs that bark for sugar, you know, barked, got sugar and so on, how long did you live in estonia? i lived in estonia until i was 32. what year did you leave? my residence permit was terminated in 2012, wow, that is , relatively recently, so i see that you are not agree, why? i absolutely disagree, the point is that they say brussels ordered them, and what is brussels, brussels is them, excuse me, european commissioner andru sansi, two, two major, two estonian figures were the most important european commissioners who deal with transport issues, digital market, that is, the estonian bureaucracy is an absolutely independent actor in this collective... and in many ways they shape this
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policy, but if we are talking again under pressure from the united states, then estonia is now actively is building its second defense contour past nato together with great britain, and it is openly said that if the united states cools towards nato, then we will become just the base for the deployment of british and other allied troops who will do something in estonia, interesting. so, well, just about military bases, threats and responsibility, the fact is that 20 years ago, within nato, just when the three baltic states joined the alliance, the so-called air patrol mission was deployed in the baltic region and itself in fact, at the beginning there was a small number of fighters participating in this mission, which, well, let’s say, during the rotation they changed by country, but nevertheless , four of these fighters are located... in
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each, they are based in each of the three countries, in the case of estonia - this is the mrm airfield. and so let’s say what threat they pose, in the event of a possible armed conflict, these will be the first combat aircraft to theoretically invade the territory of the northwestern federal district. accordingly, this airfield and place basing these fighters, they will become the first priority target in estonia, which, so to speak, in response... will be struck and destroyed, is the population of estonia ready, so to speak, to share these risks, it seems to me, no, listen, what is happening? comrades, i look at all this, they gave me money there, i ran there, they gave me money there and i ran here, this is some kind of strange democracy , a president whom the people did not choose, who had no competitors, whom the people do not support, that’s all this is imposed on us as an example, and then before you know it, the nato base
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and your entire country’s budget, including social expenses for large families , must be sent to help some country somewhere, and it’s unclear why and why, so that later someone here will arrange a marriage land. maria butina was with you, the heir dolls, now the bonus program. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. quantity and quality. russia uzbekistan is expanding the horizons of relations. vladimir putin's state visit to tashkent was called historical.


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