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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  May 27, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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that even military contingents of nato countries can be sent to ukraine, and don’t smile, konstantinevich, i don’t smile at all, i forgot when i smiled, so you don’t smile, such powerful countries are involved here, estonia, latvia, lithuania, and poland says that they can also do something similar, but have not decided yet, they are already ready. bring us to our knees, this is not some city madman, but the president of estonia said, the president, yes, but there is such a professor, we will talk about him later, a professor at yale university, mr. senenfeld, who is wildly famous in america, gives lessons to corporate leaders, in general, the voice of the american. academic establishment,
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he generally said that we need to end russia, here he is in front of us, tear it apart, the whole world will only be better off from this, and there is no need to be afraid that if they start striking russia with american weapons, there is no need to be afraid, that russia will take some significant retaliatory measures, because russia can do, well... there is one, i'm sorry, a person of my age has the right to call the facts his own names, there is such an evil old woman, janet yellen, who was the head of the federal reserve system, in my opinion, did not cover herself with any glory, now she has been the minister of finance for several years, but in general she assures the countries of the european union that it is possible without any serious problems.
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a revelation and not even just a revelation, but a real shock. and i want to ask you, general bukhinsky, does russia have the opportunity? spectrum - capabilities for conducting combat operations with conventional means of destruction, not to mention, not to mention the fact that russia there is this universal equalizer, nuclear weapons, our arsenal, by the way,
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surpasses the arsenal of the united states in terms of the number of warheads, a little, it is true, but it is superior, and most importantly superior in quality, we are ahead of them in terms of modernizing our triad. about 7-8 years exactly, if not more, therefore, not to mention the fact that regarding non-strategic nuclear weapons, although of course we cannot threaten the territory of the united states with our non-strategic weapons, we can, we do not want, no, we don't have the range of ours not strategic, strategic i said, we are superior to them, but not strategic outwardly. very effective in the european theater, we outnumber them quantitatively, well , at least four times in terms of the number of warheads in terms of nomenclature, we generally only have these b-61 bombs of various modifications, the so-called gravity and
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tomahawk warheads, which they removed, they are stockpiled , in order to put them there again you need to make an effort, not yet with this, well, at least according to... the information that is published in open sources, we haven’t started this, so we have everything, moreover, uh, the russian armed forces today have something that no other army in the world, including the united states, has, we have combat experience, well, ukraine, of course , here we are in ukraine, because for the past 2 years we have been conducting quite intense military operations, and military operations with... the involvement of all types of armed forces, with the exception of the strategic component, and we have been conducting them quite successfully, and those are the moods, which those same americans had, american military, 2 years ago, russia failed, they started for health,
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ended for peace, by the autumn of twenty-two they were generally on the verge of total defeat, although this is not so, now... the mood has changed, because they, firstly, so to speak, with a creaking heart, they admitted that russia is learning very well, introducing new weapons systems very well, in general any innovations, especially in the field of rap, very effectively fighting drones and high-precision weapons, well, they give an example of the excaliber , these ones we also have high-precision projectiles.
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they are beginning to think that russia can respond, biden, if earlier he, so to speak , repeated as usual that the united states, so to speak, is ready to inflict strategic defeats on russia, but if russia, god forbid, touches the territory of any of the nato countries , then the americans will defend every inch; now the american administration has really come to the point where it is beginning to dissuade its allies. " do not send troops under any circumstances, stop thinking about the need to shoot down the russians there missiles into the territory of ukraine. moreover, here is our favorite story with the f-16s, it also somehow, you know, appears and then fades away, because uh, well, it’s absolutely clear that on the territory
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of ukraine, there are airfields for basing these aircraft, i don’t mean just land and take off, there are quite a lot of such airfields, although we all know them. here is an airfield where it is necessary to create an infrastructure for - service, maintenance, small medium repairs - such airfields intermittently. well, here is the starokonstantinovka airfield in the west ukraine, constantly, so to speak, they restore it, we strike, they restore it again, create something like, you know, the chinese south korean, iranian options, that is, bury everything underground, underground hangars, underground storage facilities, well , -firstly, this requires money and time, ukraine has neither of these, it is unlikely that the americans will invest. such construction is under constant fire, that is, for the west, but if
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god forbid this happens, i believe our president, who, since the president said, that if the threat comes from beyond the territory of ukraine, strikes are carried out, then we will respond on the territory of nato countries, the same poland, the same romania, then...
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i want to ask you, konstantin fedorovich, what does it mean to deal ? this could be in the form of expanding the tightening of the special operation on the territory of ukraine, and this could be a blow to those.
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perhaps, but in this case i mean the fact that he is a civilian and he doesn’t make decisions, he doesn’t push the buttons, he just advises on them click and... advises using this weapon, without bearing any responsibility for your words, no responsibility, of course, in the united states they have become ossified in the belief that the united states, its personal well-being of every citizen, is invulnerable, it is located beyond the seas, beyond the oceans, they have military power, respected military power, and this is great
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military power, but they must understand that... today, in fact, they have accepted what we consider, in fact, part of this mythological worldview, the ukrainian regime, when you know, a well-known joke, i’ll go and kill a couple of muscovites, if they kill you, but why me? if they try to start using, as, for example, mr. blinken advises, long-range missiles across the territory...
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friend, it’s clear, we are conducting exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces, they are making statements that they will reach russia this way or that way and inflict tangible blows to it in vulnerable places, all this is certainly part of a big, big game, a big war that is unfolding, but here it is very
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it is important to understand that there are statements, but there are real actions. if these real actions actually follow on such a scale, then in this case we will simply have no choice but to respond blow to blow? i agree, i agree, yes, dmitry, i have a few short points, firstly, i would not overestimate the figure of stoltenberg, the secretary general of nato is a well-paid official, without any political powers. i would like to recall what the british foreign secretary said about the same, about the same, but when mini the british minister of defense has at least some funds in his soul, and stoltenberg is obliged to voice the position of the collective position of the nato member countries. i just told you about this incident, we once held a very large
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conference in moscow on the military against terrorism, and then there was a simple hysteria: who is robertson? this is some official to whom we pay a salary, i am a representative of great france, i am the most important guest here.
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declare a no-fly zone over the black sea, of course, excluding the sovereign space of bulgaria, romania and
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turkey, everything else has a precedent, why why bulgaria, romania, not, well, these are nato countries after all, their sovereign territories, god bless these 12 miles , the entire central part of the black sea, there is a precedent when nato bombed yugoslavia. to say, general, that there are many, many intermediate options, well, listen, in fact they are using the ukrainians to launch a missile at the white house, i don’t tell you to strike at us, we have no one
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to use to strike at the united states or at its interests, at its bases in different countries, and we are starting to do something, if you believe such an authoritative, not always truthful newspaper as the new -york times, they say russia is doing more.
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as for now we don’t take it away, we don’t touch it, but we will direct the income from their use to the purposes that they define, we have the same thing, we have all the possibilities, we have frozen
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money in accounts c, we have assets, we too we receive income, there will be a decision, we will do the same, absolutely in a mirror image, so i can’t really imagine, given the different structure of foreign property, property of unfriendly countries on the territory. and russia, how can russia respond in a mirror way? well, first of all, i would still like to say that our economy only benefits from special operations, of course, people are dying, that many troubles are associated with the war, but at the same time the economy is growing very quickly, and the processing industries are growing by double or more times higher than... the entire economy, and this means that the structure is changing, and not only the military-industrial complex is actively developing, but also civil industries, mechanical engineering,
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instrument making, farming, i myself represent chuvash, there is practically no uncultivated land there anymore , since the struggle is on to work there, and in modern production. if we talk about the financial sector, the growth rate of lending last year was high. this year, despite the high key rate, we again have a very serious increase in lending to the economy, the population is taking out loans, including due to the fact that many of... those who work in enterprises have begun to receive more money; they are ready to service expensive loans, so in this regard we even benefit from , that this is the situation that has developed in the world, but if we talk about the assets that foreign, well , business representatives invested in russia, they are comparable to what we placed abroad, however, comparable and even according to some information, and
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even higher, they invested more the same americans europeans into our economy, than russia into european assets into american ones, and therefore naturally these funds, as soon as the americans and europeans began to block ours, we blocked them here, they are already blocked, these russian funds, they are russian funds blocked in accounts in america, this is a decision of the state department, europeans also made such a decision, well, russia is still similar. and russia blocked it, no, russia also, one might say, blocked it, at least it suspended the withdrawal of this money outside our country, made in fact, he states the same thing: we ourselves will not encroach on this money, but at the same time we will carry out similar actions that our partners from the usa and europe are doing, in quotes, so we can say
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that we are serious there. we will lose if they make some decisions against our financial assets, well, we don’t have to, i’ll emphasize again, even the state of the economy itself is more important here, how it generates additional income, our budget is growing well, due to the influx of additional, well here are tax revenues, because the economy is growing, people began to earn more, and therefore also pay more taxes, in this regard, i am very optimistic about the situation. in our country in the sense that, thank god, the economy is becoming competitive and is no longer based only on raw materials industries, but on processing industries. anatoli, unfortunately, i don’t really understand the gap in my knowledge to what extent russia depends on the continuation of transactions with european banks, which may now find themselves under american pressure,
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how serious can this be for us?
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here all that remains is to trust the minister of finance, thank you, we are leaving for advertising, we will be back in just a few minutes, i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission, it is very difficult to fight in the mountains, you cannot smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you 100 kilos for you? from the state border we must ensure security; in the hands of a popalamin, teeth, ears, and hair may shake, but not hands. 1200 minutes rushed, the earth shook so much, we are in a liberated area
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a garrison was left in the village, they ensured order, went out to populated areas, supplied them with kerosene, grain, flour, they took it all apart with pleasure, and were protected. residents of the border areas of both the soviet and afghan sides, on the day of the border guard, the premiere, the main line, not a step back, tomorrow on the first, on the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, we must fly for 45 days, 11 hours before the start the state commission changes fully crewed, the ship is given 11, has started. and notify the families of the victims, they entrusted the pope with the one whom they, in their own way, wished to be replaced, i spent 3 years
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preparing for the flight to the moon, at that moment i thought, if my dad had flown, he would have stayed on the moon, i would have howled at the moon all my life, because my father died there. voskhod 2 landed safely! the heroes enter the kremlin, following the general secretary’s car, and then a man emerges from the crowd and starts shooting with both hands. dad survived by a complete miracle; one of the bullets whistled past his temple. the premiere is right on the edge, on friday. on the first, and in the meantime, in the meantime, increasingly hot
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political battles, fortunately, so far only political, are taking place in the south caucasus, georgia and armenia. let's first see what's happening in georgia.
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formally or informally stands in the position of the obligatory return of ossetia, south ossetia and abkhazia to georgia, on this issue there are, in fact, no contradictions between the georgian dream opposition, the question is in what ways to achieve this. here the georgian dream takes a much more balanced, realistic position, but in this case i mean not so much a dream as leader of this one.
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than to this day, which is why all these events are happening, they, of course, in the west are trying, first of all, to open up the wounds.
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at the time, so to speak, the end of the thirteenth, fourteenth, beginning of the fourteenth year in ukraine, when god forbid using force there, these unfortunate servicemen from berkut stood, covered with bills, and were afraid, so to speak, to show some kind of resistance, here the police
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are acting quite decisively, the government and parliament are acting decisively, the majority could, of course, waver this. not a barracks, they could say so, they have 84 votes, they need 76, could 20 people there say, no, we will not vote for this law, no, they vote, and they vote very confidently, for some reason, i can’t say i’m one hundred percent sure, but i have a feeling that tomorrow they will still pass this law, in general, all this is connected with foreign agents in georgia - this is a form, of course, of bribery, which has been practiced all the time in relation to... georgia in particular, in its time , the georgian government received all its salaries abroad, because there was no budget inside georgia, they were paid, this is also a form of bribery in this case, a reduction in the unemployment rate, thus, these people are afraid of losing the sources of their income, those who participate in this, even meager, even
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handouts, let there be judas money, but in any case it’s some kind of money, that’s how they behave, a combination of bribery and blackmail, in my opinion.
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peoples for russia, there are a lot of armenians living in our country, so there is no need to interfere with some kind of insults or activity, moreover, i am sure that sooner or later the georgian people will come to us in russia, it’s better not to push them, they will calmly come, they will understand, because the well-being of the georgian people depends on relations with russia. the same thing, armenia, the well-being of the armenian people, depends overwhelmingly on relations, including economic relations with our country, i’m sure that...
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there’s no need to go in, we’ll come back to this in a second after the advertisement, let’s go to advertising, we'll be back in just a few minutes, we'll turn to konstantin fetrovich zatolin, thank you, people have been dreaming about a new man for a long time, since 1905 eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller, jr., began to develop rapidly. in the usa, it concentrated on the forced sterilization of disabled people and the social identities of poor people. adolf hitler
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referred to american eugenics back in maincam. in germany, the first priority was the cleansing of the aryan race from the bast. eugenics. it didn’t go anywhere after the war, it just changed its sign and methods. ranevskoye, tomorrow after the program time,
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you immediately feel like a great actress, konstantin ferovich, you are the first deputy chairman of the profile committee of the duma, which deals with cis issues, you have since... from now on, april 24 every year is the day of remembrance of the victims of the armenian genocide, the second
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year, before i gathered in armenia in order to discuss there, at a meeting of our lazarev club, the historical past, present and future of russian-armenian relations, sent an invitation, as the coordinator of this club, to both mr. pashinyan and the speaker of parliament, mr. simonyan.
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they use law enforcement agencies to suppress the protesters, but they continue to protest, why? because, having embarked on this path of betrayal of not only russian-armenian relations, but first of all the interests of armenia itself, pashinyan set up his compatriots in nagorno- karabakh, abandoned them, in fact, abandoned them, betrayed them, there was an exodus of armenians from nagorno-karabakh, he today is involved in... with azerbaijan concerning the territory of armenia itself, which is already considered part of the villages
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controversial and should be transferred to azerbaijan, this became the last line for the people. moreover, you said that the head of this protest movement was not a politician, but an archbishop. well, how did mr. pashinyan respond to this, accusations against the entire armenian apostolic church, which he accused of having always been a foreign agent since the times of the eastern roman empire, that is, in the absence of any statehood before the soviet period, the armenian the people is the church.
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armenia, that we must make it clear that we see the true intentions of mr. pashinyan, they are all already well known, he talked like crazy in western capitals, he said in 22 that you know, armenia is not interested in russia’s victory in ukraine, because then the soviet union will be restored, this is not armenia’s plan, he said this in western capitals, well, it is actually impossible to build strong relations with any country, even one in allied relations with you, if it is in the government. is inspired by the idea of ​​breaking off relations with you, it is precisely these ideas that he is inspired by, and then why should we pretend that we are really just nice to fight, just amuse ourselves, there is no need to mumble in this case, it seems to me that we need to clearly, definitely define what yes, we do not interfere in internal events, we do not have the right to impose anything on the armenian people, but we very clearly assess
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the regime, the government and the prime minister who is there now. general, we have some mechanisms - the same is it clear and fundamental to tell the united states to the european union that russia will not tolerate interference in the internal affairs of armenia and georgia? you know, well, it’s hard for me to say, to what extent, so to speak, russia, naturally armenia, is our ally in the udkb, we have our military presence there, we have our base there, we guard the armenian-turkish border, although already from the checkpoint at the airport they asked, that is, they accused us, of course, of all sins during their last war in nagorno-karabakh with azerbaijan, moreover, pashinyan’s last statement about that he knows two countries that, so to speak, ensured the victory of azerbaijan
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and did everything to ensure that armenia lost. naturally, these are moscow and minsk, i didn’t know the others, well, you see, well , there are simply no capitals among the members of the odk, csto with the letter m. therefore, of course, he behaves defiantly, i completely agree with konstantin fedorovich and we have something... then you need to take action, it’s another matter, i’m not very deep, so to speak. i understand the economic situation, but in my opinion, our economic positions in armenia are very strong, and if we let's leave the economic ones, then i don't know how they will exist, with what money, with what resources, so to speak, but just rely on turkey, but this will be the last, so to speak, point, returning to your question, well, it seems to me , that it is unlikely that we
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will, so to speak, pose... timat to the united states on armenia, especially since the united states there is mainly france , for some reason, so to speak, is very active, well, probably historically, you know me . for many years, i don't believe in ultimatums, i believe in bona fide warnings, well, yes , no, well, bona fide warnings, i think that russia can give a bona fide warning to the united states, but although of course, just now i was just talking recently, the united states is not now at the forefront of this confrontation, in general there is a conversation going on right now not so much about relations with whom they should be better, but about the fact that the government of armenia... gives the interests of armenia itself, gives away territories that armenians consider theirs, persecutes people who stand for this, moreover, i know that he even insists that the presidents of nagorno-karabakh, arrested
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during the events of the twenty-third year, continued to remain in baku so that they would not let them out, matter, whether russia has economic leverage or not in this situation, matter determines consciousness , the largest trade turnover of armenia with russia, obviously... if this trade turnover does not exist, economic relations, by the way, the diaspora is huge, armenian, it has very good connections and helps its relatives in armenia, so i am sure that matter will determine everything, and armenia will return to us, and georgia will return, because economic benefits, financial conclusions, and the well-being of people will depend on how closely they interact with russia. and this is now being shown in asia, kazakhstan is developing relations, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, the president was just in uzbekistan and signed a bunch of agreements that will develop our relations, trade turnover last year was 11%
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growth with uzbekistan, already in the first quarter 20%, and with india almost doubled in the past turnover has increased in the year, that is, this kind of interaction, which is based on interest, will determine consciousness. the path of escalation in ukraine, which we just talked about, but if nato, primarily washington, the biden administration, decided to follow this path, then
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it seems to me that it can and should be said absolutely clearly, not in the tone of an ultimatum, in the tone well , let's just say, a not very friendly warning that in this case, as you just said, russia... will have no choice but to respond to those objects of nato countries that russia deems most suitable, when exactly, how exactly, for whom exactly, it will already be the supreme commander-in-chief's rekhat, it would be simply naive on the part of the biden administration to think that they can do whatever they want against such a power like russia, and it... will get away with it, it was a big game, we'll meet tomorrow on the air.


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