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tv   Obiknovennii fashizm-2  1TV  May 28, 2024 12:00am-1:11am MSK

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and people have been dreaming of new people for a long time, since the times of ancient greece, when greek thinkers thought about how things should be. organized ideal society. plato made a huge contribution to the topic. it was he who first said that a proper state should be built on the right people and should be caste-based. the best people are at the top, the lesser ones are at the bottom of the social hierarchy and in order to strengthen correctness, the elite must multiply. only with people
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like themselves. in other words, plato’s contemporaries already realized that the correct state should consist of strong, beautiful and healthy citizens, and it would be nice if these citizens were calm, conscientious, intelligent, educated and peace-loving, but such a wonderful combination of qualities is quite rare in life. and every time someone... offers the world another project of an ideal society, the question arises of what to do with the completely imperfect human material that is available, because it never fits into the new forms of the proposed model of social structure. came across this problem and fascism. in those countries where
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fascist exclusivity was somehow smoothed over by christian ethics, the atrocities of the fascist authorities were not so large-scale. where these turned out to be completely subordinated to pragmatics, the question arose about the practical need for the disabled population. and then the germans did an excellent job. back in 1920, a book was published in germany , permission to destroy unworthy objects. life,
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written by professor of psychiatry and part-time poet alfred hohe. hohe was the son of a protestant minister, specialized in mental illness, and combining his protestant view of the world with the scientific calculations of fellow scientists, he came to the conclusion that people who are brain dead should be killed. khokhi called such patients ballast. karl binding, as befits a lawyer, proposed the creation of special commissions for killing, emphasizing that the maintenance
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of human waste costs money that can be spent more usefully. unlike the co-author, khokhi motivated the call for euthanasia by the fact that people with severe congenital personality pathologies are not capable to self-awareness, do not have rational intelligence, are emotionally defective, and therefore are not people at all. in addition, hokhi believed that society is a single organism that must be freed from diseased cells. and the scientist was heard. as soon as the nazis came to power, they sent hochy into early retirement because he was married to a jewish woman, but in gratitude for his successful advice, they granted him life. soon the poor fellow
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committed suicide when he realized that his works formed the basis of the t-4 program. inspired by the works. lol, the nazis created a program, the purpose of which was to cleanse the aryan race from ballast. the primary task was the destruction of sick german children, disabled people and elderly people with age. the details were kept secret, the nazis guessed that there was no new person in the third reich who would applaud such measures, so they had to secretly prepare for the bright world of the future. in other
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words, by the end of the thirties, there were already exceptional german aryans within. another exclusive group with exclusive rights took shape. she held out a tentacle to its own population, with which it recently shared national exclusivity. the t-4 program was launched in 1939, but the nazis thought about the quality of human material in their new country earlier. in 1933 , the right to the birth of offspring, and parents, children, a special law was adopted, regulating in order to prevent the birth of defective children , who at least once turned out to be a defective child, sterilized by court decision. since
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1935, potential spouses have had to undergo an examination in order to obtain marriage license. but compared to the measures listed, the program. t4 was a radical step forward. they began to exterminate inferior germans in the same way as jews and gypsies were subsequently killed in death camps. from clinics where patients were taken straight from the streets, supposedly for treatment, the defective were sent straight to the gas chambers. since the clinic paid well for delivering disabled people, not only those who had been begged, but also lost old people and homeless people ended up there. poor quality ones were destroyed
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in tens of thousands. it was not noticeable impossible, so after a year. relatives sounded the alarm and mass protests began. opposition to the t4 program was subsequently led by the bishop of munster.
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at first, the nazis wanted to simply execute him, but then they decided that this would make a hero out of the public’s favorite. in 1941, under public pressure, hitler was forced to terminate the t-4 program. and von gallin later harshly condemned the allies for their inhumane bombing of german cities, but never condemned the nazis for their atrocities against non-aryans. this is completely different. cult of health in nazi germany was generally specific.
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only there there was a practice of school excursions to insane asylums. jewish ghettos and concentration camps, where children were taught to look at second-rate and weak people with contempt and feeling. teenagers were taken to buchenwald, to dachau, they were told that such camps were invented not by the germans, but by the british during the anglo-boer war, which is absolutely true, it was emphasized that the isolation of weak patients only improves society. how effective such training in cruelty was
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is difficult to say, but the nazis were right raising the right children was approached according to science. it is generally accepted that nazism rejected psychoanalysis, which was so fashionable at the beginning of the 20th century, because the books of the jew sigmunt freud were burned along with the books of the jew karl marx. and freud himself was only miraculously managed to be evacuated from vienna after the anschluss. by the way, all of his sisters, who could not be brought out, died in a concentration camp. but in fact, psychoanalysis was very popular in berlin during the interwar period, it was just quickly brought under control. when the nazis came to power, the distinguished psychiatrist matyaas
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herring, a cousin of hermann herring, hitler's closest ally, founded the german institute for psychological research in psychotherapy in berlin, where carl jung was the director from 1936 to 1940.
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on the eve of germany's attack on the ussr, jung publicly and impartially spoke about hitler and was immediately fired, and german psychiatry. closed in on herself, never producing any results. attempts to raise a new correct person, relying on the achievements of psychoanalysis, turned out to be futile. it is worth noting here that not only germans
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cared about the quality of the population. plato's ideas inspired me. many creators of utopias, both thomas more and tamaza campanello, spoke about the need to breed a healthy population through selection. in a certain sense , selection has always existed. in any traditional society there are restrictions on marriage, both related to the status of the couple and their origin.
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very thoughtful about the topic of selection. belonged to the anglo-saxons, from whom the germans borrowed the main approaches to the problem. it was in england in 1883 that science was born, which was called eugenics. her goal was the comprehensive improvement of the anglo-saxon breed. since 1905, eugenics began to develop rapidly in the united states, where there were already strict prohibitions on marriage with representatives of other races. it was in the united states that most
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laws related to the right to reproduction were passed. but unlike german, american eugenics did not go as far as euthanasia. she concentrated on the forced sterilization of disabled people, associative individuals of poor people. representatives of eugenics supported and financed american financial elite, and the main sponsor was the carnegie center. the infamous triangle became the unofficial insignia of the center's employees. in a circle. triangle in a circle. one of the earliest mentions of the triangle on the territory of modern europe is associated with the roman conquest of the belgae. in his notes on the gali war, julius caesius wrote that the belgi were a savage and cruel people. the basis for this
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characteristic was that if the belgae managed to capture one of the romans, they would carve them on their bodies. the triangle symbolized the main goddess of the cult of the great mother, whom the belgas worshiped. also, the belgae practiced human sacrifice, so the romans with triangles carved on their bodies were subsequently sacrificed to this goddess. during the early middle ages and the beginning of the christianization of belgium, the meaning of the triangle changed. church rules of the first centuries of christianity prohibited the depiction of the trinity, so it was symbolized by a triangle in a circle. on ancient icons found on the territory of modern belgium, this symbol is depicted instead of the trinity. context
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means immortality, and the triangle means the trinity itself. one of the significant events of the dutch revolution of the 16th century was the iconoclastic uprising of the calvinists. protestants then broke into catholic cathedrals and destroyed statues of saints, symbolizing triangles were drawn in place of their pedestals. purification of faith, return to its origins. it was as a symbol of purification that the triangle inscribed in a circle became an emblem.
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king christ. the rexists became famous for their brutal terror. however, in little belgium they simply had nowhere to turn around, therefore, they created the vafoniya brigade, which was noted for atrocities in ukraine. later the brigade was transformed into a separate division. in may 1945 they surrendered to the americans,
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another tragic story is connected with the flemish national union: there was a belgian who lived with... new friends, with whom he served in various belgian punitive detachments. in 1940, when
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the germans came to belgium and the punitive squads were given weapons, vic finally found his true calling. he killed civilians with inspiration, for which he received the nickname vic seven bullets, because invented a method of gradual execution. with the first two bullets he pierced the victim's kneecaps, the next two - the elbows, the fifth in the groin area, the sixth in the abdominal area, and the seventh delivered a control shot to the head. vic fernaguut was highly respected by his party comrades because he never missed, and the victim died in terrible agony. in 1947, he was finally caught and the court sentenced
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fernaguut to life imprisonment, but he served only 12 years and was released under an amnesty in 1959. to some of his surprise, fernaguut discovered that numerous pokonniks were waiting for him at large. as an honorary member, he joined the neo-fascist party floman union, which fought against the dominance of migrants and advocated for the revival of belgian greatness, once demonstrating to the adherents his method of execution, the considerably aged vic tortured a family of migrants from tunisia, first killing the children in front of their parents, and then themselves. he cut the throat of each child, and killed the parents with his classic method of gradual execution. and all this was done under the sign triangle in a circle. at the end of 1965 he
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was arrested again and received a second life sentence. this time fernaguut committed suicide without waiting for the next amnesty. on children's day. go. some kind of god-given radiation of kindness. this is what seryoga was like. it was not for nothing that he took on children’s programs and the children just stuck to him, it was obvious, this cannot be played, he was such a guy who was like, well, i’m 20 years older than you, well, you and i are playing these games together now games, funny and stupid, so we you on an equal footing, he ran through life, laughing, smiling, rejoicing, all these wives were his, it was like he was picked up along the way, and he loved yulia, his last call was yulia. the genius of children's television died, in general, at the age of genius, we certainly miss him, we often remember him, so there are irreplaceable ones, sergei suponev, a hero.
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of my childhood june 1st on the first. another episode from the second world war is connected with the triangle. during the german occupation in the belgian concentration camp fort breendong there was a workshop for the preparation of human skin. there, the prisoners were skinned and made into a blank, which was sent to buchenwald for later use. prisoners with thin skin that was not suitable for dressing were torn apart by dogs on the parade ground, this was the favorite form of execution of the commandant of the breendong camp and his young wife, so ilse koch, the wife of the commandant of the buchenwald death camp, being a creative person, created various lampshades from human skin, but
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at the same time it became. one of the sponsors of american eugenics, along with the carnegie foundation, was the rockefeller, founded by oil magnate john rockefeller sr., was particularly noted for promoting eugenics by his son. younger, whose story says a lot about the type of fascism that may yet await us. john rockefeller. john rockefeller, jr. was unlucky. he was born on january 29, 1874 in the family of the world's first dollar billionaire.
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map keep your head down. his father was a money-conscious baptist who didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, didn’t have fun. and john rockefeller had to live with all this, being in complete financial and moral dependence. parents, the boy was taught from childhood to cook, sew and knit, so that he could, if necessary, run the household on his own; his mother, for her part, made sure that life did not seem like honey to him: map, find company. at the age of 13, john junior was sent to a privileged private
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school, where he met... the heirs of other american tycoons, but those children had elegant carriages, and john walked to school , they laughed at him because he always had a notebook with him , to which he is ordered father wrote down all his expenses, even the smallest expenses. studying and communication turned into such stress that the boy undermined his health and... he was transferred to another private school, where only 25 people studied. map, don't go to el. after graduating from school, john rockefeller, jr., thought to go to study at the prestigious yale university and even entered there, but then he drifted away, realized that he would not fit into
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the elite... company, he had to follow religious restrictions imposed by his father, which made it difficult to communicate with peers so he graduated from baptist college university in providence. in addition, the father forced the poor fellow to teach at a baptist sunday school, which took up all his free time; he had to prepare for these classes. card go to father! after graduating, john jr., for lack of a better one, went to work for his father, he had absolutely nothing to do there, and he decided to try to play on the stock exchange, this new popular pastime in the business world, his father lent him money at 6% per annum. at first. he was lucky, but only in
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small ways, and then he was bred like a baby by david lamar himself, nicknamed the wolf of wall street. john lost. “i will never forget my shame of humiliation, when i came to inform my father about what had happened, i did not have money to cover the loss. the father, i must admit, did not trample his son into the dirt, the young man tormented himself with remorse, he completely wilted, because on him there was a colossal debt hanging over him, which he had been paying off for many years, so the card goes to the start.” as a result of the failure, john fell into insignificance for a long time, from where only a girl could get him out, and one was found, she turned out to be abby aldrich, the daughter of senator aldrich,
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who personally married rockefeller's leave, since john himself could not choose a companion, since he understood that this was a serious investment. over time, john jr. mastered the laws of business, and by the age of thirty he had fully realized what a swindler his father was. he himself tried to stay away from his scams, but the press still did not spare john jr. the wretched man was portrayed as an indecisive weakling
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and a complex neurosthenic. no matter what he did, everything turned out wrong. he wrote the bible to his students. january 1, 1910 at one of the mines the rockefeller explosion occurred, 79 people died, the manager blamed the miners for everything, the scandal was terrible, and john the younger decided to quietly leave his father’s company. to divert the attention of the press, he took up the fight against prostitution, along the way began
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to study medical topics, and became seriously interested in evgeka. the most interesting thing in the history of rockefeller. jr. is a combination of his religiosity with the idea of ​​​​improving the human race. "open the fund" card. in 1913, the united states changed its tax system, increasing taxes on the rich. rockefeller sr. was in rage. what right? the government has the power to take other people's money, earned through back-breaking labor. to mitigate this measure, the rockefellers registered a trust fund
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, thus protecting most of their wealth from inheritance taxes. at the first meeting, john rockefeller jr. was elected its head. began to finance charitable projects aimed at the common good. the family's reputation was getting worse and it urgently needed to be saved. overall, 1913 was an extremely bad year for families of soul-loving baptists, who in fact were predators, murderers. in one of the companies owned by rockefeller, more than 11 thousand workers went on strike. the confrontation lasted several months and ended in massacre. as a result of the clash
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, several dozen people died, including women and children. those events caused a new attack of hatred towards the rockefellers. map start over. rockefeller, the younger, realized that it was time to come up with a new biography for himself. he turned to a publisher he knew who worked for pulitzer, at hurst's to. he recommended to him some experienced journalist who could cope with this difficult task; that was the time of the formation of pr as a profession. professionals have been found. representatives of the second oldest profession quickly taught john how to behave, speak, and repent. and pretend to be a fluffy white man while the global
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financial bubble grew, the rockefeller fortune grew, which made it possible to spend heavily on charity. among other things, rockefeller, the younger, invested in a national park. renovated versailles, donated 2 million dollars for a new library for the league of nations, and also funded its health care organization. in gratitude for the reputational victory, the aging father transferred most of his fortune to john jr., but never abolished the ten-hour working day with a seven-day week for his workers. neither did john the younger.
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"go eugenics" card. when the global economic crisis struck in the late twenties, john younger made a bet on medicine and organized a department of medical sciences at the rockefeller foundation. along the way he developed relationship with yale university. on the basis of which the institute of sociology was created, where the social aspects of human behavior were studied, the task was to understand how to control an eternally dissatisfied society. the foundation also supported the institute of psychoanalysis in chicago, where eugenics was studied, information about the origins of the american population was collected there , and ideas of improvement were promoted. race, a
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radical conclusion was made, in order to improve the quality of the population, it is necessary to sterilize associative citizens so that they do not breed obstinate offspring. adolf hitler made abundant references on... american eugenics back in mainkampf and argued that since non-aryan races are by nature subordinate to the aryans, their forced sterilization is justified. based on eugenics data december 12, 193
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give a child to the fuhrer. conceiving out of wedlock from a purebred aryan was declared a worthy thing. the newborn underwent a symbolic rite of baptism, during which the mother received
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medical care, and after the birth of the world, the baby automatically became the property of the state, upbringing. she was paid a good allowance, or she signed the appropriate papers and the baby could be cared for either by the mother herself, then the newborn was transferred to the lebensborn orphanage, from where he could be adopted, well-behaved germans, in order to give the child to the orphanage, the baby’s parents had to
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submit special certificates about the race purity and the absence of chronic and... with the image of the leben rune, symbolizing life, and the zik rune, the symbol of the ss, under whose leadership lebensborn was. rune sieck, for every german woman, meant the same as the iron tifton cross for every german soldier. tifton cross.
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the tefton cross first appeared to the world in the dreams of the emperor. constantine the great, the founder of byzantium, over the cross illuminated by the sun, he saw the prophetic inscription “this conquer,” after which constantine was baptized and made christianity the official religion of the roman empire. it was the cross of constantine that became the symbol of the new state of the romans in byzantium, a great empire that lasted a thousand years and served as a source of european cultural progress. 100 years later, in 1190 , the first two monastic orders were formed in palestine - the templars and the hospitallers, consisting of the french and spaniards. it was then that jealous german
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knights asked the pope for permission to found their own aryan order. the main symbol of which was the cross of constantine. after another 14 years, the inhabitants of this symbol sacked constantinople, the capital of the byzantine empire, with particular cruelty. infected with the idea of ​​exclusivity, catholic sectarians with sincere faith in their superiority, drowned in the blood of orthodox christians. after this massacre, the byzantines. the cross of constantine was never used again either in architecture or in church symbols, and the teftonian order flourished for many years, although there were legends about its cruelty; in terms of the level of knackering, the teftonians were real fascists. the first anti-fascist in human
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history was the noble french knight dziubois denikei. a zealous catholic. since childhood, he wanted to bring the word of god to the wild tribes of eastern europe. to this end, the young man entered into the tefton order of the blessed virgin mary. in the first year of his stay in the order , the unfortunate man witnessed how the knights of the order burned a large lithuanian settlement that refused to pay tribute to the order. the shocked knight fled to the island of gotland, where at that time the famous pirate republic of the baltic and north seas was located. du bois believed that no one has the right
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to dictate their way of thinking and belief by force. by some miracle he managed to convince the council of pirate elders. what needs to be announced war on the bearers of the tefton cross, who , instead of bringing love and goodness, are engaged in robbery, robbery and violence. after several naval battles in the baltic, the tifton order landed troops on the island and betrayed the population to fire and sword, and the brave knight dubois, 17 years old, was captured. in the dungeon, dubois scratched the tefton sign on the wall with his nails. on the cross for seven nights he prayed to the lord god to forgive his lost brothers. on the seventh day of his imprisonment, he was publicly executed. after the tefton order finally
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compromised itself with its atrocities; the combined troops of the poles and russians, with the lithuanian tribes that joined them , defeated it in the famous battle of grunwald. in the 19th century, tefton. the cross returned from oblivion again; after the napoleonic wars, the prussian king friedrich wilhelm ii remembered it, according to whose sketches the italian jeweler of jewish origin roberto enso moser made the main prussian military award, the iron cross. after the occupation of austria, the nazis declared themselves heirs of the tefton order, and the iron cross became the most...
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shloka was left with a garrison, they ensured order, went out to populated areas with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour,
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they took it all with pleasure, residents of the border areas of both the soviet and afghan sides were protected , on the day of the border guard, the premiere, the main milestone, not a step back, tomorrow on the first, on the ninetieth birthday.
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there are 5 minutes left before entering the shadow and 30 minutes of life - this i know for sure is terribly extraordinary from the point of view of others, but for me it’s just dad at home good dad, space inside on thursday on the first. the task of going into outer space was completed; thousands of children, and not only aryan ones, went through the lebensborn shelters, or as they were also called, houses of lightning. during the war, lebensburn's program began to include
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taking her daughter to neighboring sweden, where anti-german sentiment was not so strong. in norway itself, women who gave birth to germans were considered the scum of society, they were mocked and even used for medical experiments with lsd, which were carried out in norwegian army under the auspices of the cia. the theme of using second-rate people as guinea pigs, as well as an interest in medicine, connected all aryans, be they germans, scandinavians or anglo-saxons. eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller, jr., bore brilliant fruit on german soil. it
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didn’t go away after the war, it just changed. post-war world by sponsoring the un. it was john the younger who bought the land in manhattan, which he subsequently donated for the central institutions of the organization united nations. the library of the league of nations in geneva, which he had previously donated, also became a un resource. "beware of children" card.
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the fate of eugenics fan john ruckfeller jr. is interesting because it shows another way in which exclusivity moves,
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because it is stimulated by both failures and successes. people who have reached material and social heights often have a false feeling that they know how to do it. having funds and hiding behind charity, they get the opportunity to implement everything that seems right to them, even if they have no competencies in the chosen field. this confidence is stimulated. protestant these with its cult of money, which is proof of god's mercy. protestants initially praised the work of piety, but denied the human right to forgiveness. protestantism leaves only the chance to be forgiven. however, this question is left to the discretion of the creator, since he alone
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knows who to forgive and who not. well, how can you guess that you have been forgiven? it is their coordinate system that is now decisive in the one controlled by the anglo-saxons parts of the world. god's chosenness, the proof
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of which is money, is accompanied. to the point that poverty begins to be perceived as a disease, since to be poor means to be rejected by the creator, which is why... in america, not only foreigners, sick and associative people, but also poor anglo-saxons were sterilized. exclusivity, which poisoned the christians of europe back in the 11th century ad, first led to a split between the catholics and the orthodox, then gave birth to protestantism, and then fascism. and the fact that in the 20th century fascism conquered precisely europe, and naturally reached the heights of inhumanity in the protestant space.
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two trends converged at one point: big capital, by definition, obsessed with its own chosenness, needed allies in the person of the population in order to somehow cope with the global financial crisis. then fascism arrived, announcing to the world that there are human beings who are not only better and of higher quality than others, but have the right to destroy everyone who is considered trash and rob everyone who is not part of their exclusive group. experience has proven that genuine christian ethics, with its empathy and compassion, has long since lost ground; it is not classical protestantism or traditional
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paganism, which had its own ethical limitations, that has entered the scene, but a certain new cult, built on the opposition of friends and foes. all this became possible because the modern secular world has not formulated any. the modern secular world cannot even understand such a concept as human life. the situation is the same with ethics and pragmatics. pragmatics dictates that the weak and sick are ballast. the larger these are, the more unproductive spending to the detriment of the general welfare, who will determine the golden
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mean, creating artificial intelligence is much easier than dealing with natural intelligence, therefore such phenomena as fascism will be repeated in the future, all in the same territories where the protestant was strong. ideas, like flora and fauna, do not form anywhere, they need a special mental context. it is not a fact that the fascism of the future will be formed around an exclusive group, united by on a national basis, everything is too mixed up on the planet, but property fascism, cultural, globalist, or god knows what else is possible. health is an excellent entry point for this; under the pretext of the common good, which is difficult to object to, you can isolate the sick and at the same time the stubborn, vaccinate the timid,
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chip the restless, rid the scattered of cash, then in general there is no middle ground between the good and the harmful. as for fascism, all the long-winded discussions on this sensitive topic will remain a thing of the past. just a short paragraph, because fascism is not some new difficult-to-understand format, but a common phenomenon of an exclusive group.
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europe demonstrated 100 years ago, and now it is demonstrated by the outskirts of the former russian empire, which more than once found itself under the european yoke and was infected. fascist-type courtesy. like gogol's nose, ukraine has branched off from the territories with which it was culturally connected to become today a parody of german nazism. but fascism is a problem, and like any problem, it as time passes everyone tries to forget about him. and therefore he is destined to be born again again. as one great philosopher likes to repeat. in
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modern times, sand is not in the desert, it is in the head of a bedouin, you have to live with it.
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hello, i'm still there. dmitry bak,
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we have another episode of the literary podcast “let them not talk, let them read.” we have different conversations, but only about what is connected with the literature of ancient modern, old and new, classical, and the most modern, but there is a type of literature that never gets old, this children's literature, and today, as always in the spring, we are talking about what children's literature is, about old and new cars. our guests today are wonderful people, this is the granddaughter, a classic of children's literature lev abramovich kosil, olga vladimirovna kosil, and the first deputy of the russian children's state library and executive director of the association raising a reader, angela eduardovna lebedeva. let's start with history, let's start from afar, let's start with how it all began, how it was all done in young soviet state, as
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they said then, the october revolution won, well-known reforms took place, in the twenties the system of soviet book publishing began to take shape, how it was all structured, it was a whole industry, publishing house, authors, artists, professions, how it all functioned, how powerful, diverse, strong it was, then in the twenties, thirties, in the forties, they were absolutely right that it was a powerful industry, from its inception a new state, first of all, she paid attention to the younger generation, because the younger generation is the future of the soviet country, and they were considered as the future builders of communism. it was significant that the state, the government , paid attention to children's literature, establishing by a special decree the creation of such a publishing house as grandfather giza in two cities, in moscow and leningrad. a unique
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figure, in the first six months about 170 titles were published with a circulation of 8 million copies, some kind of gigantic figure, this is unique, grandfather giz, for the information of our interlocutors, i will decipher it, this is a children's state publishing house, well, there was also a political publishing house, that is, this is one publishing house, it is very convenient to manage. distributed through ordinary stores, book distribution, how books got to distant villages, firstly, a system of libraries was also created from the very beginning, don’t forget, public libraries, and this legal deposit rule, it saved everything, books arrived
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thanks to this strict proven system of the book chamber, and thus every schoolchild or every younger child, no matter where he lives? he could always come to the library, he could come to the library. you know, in 228, because i remember, there was a special resolution of the central committee, the rcpb, the russian communist party of the bolsheviks, as it called it then, the all-russian party at that time, it was called that, about serving the mass soviet reader with books, that is, some village was selected , a reading hut was organized in it, well, not in every one, of course, but... then collective farms, then it was very similar a popular practice that writers came, writers came in groups, they worked with children, they read aloud, this is also a practice that appeared from the very beginning, all this smoothly will then move on to the holiday that we want to talk about, this
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system was very coordinated and worked very clearly, and i believe that for the field of children's literature these were such golden times, when so many interesting things were created and such personalities were there
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to go only for the plot, you also have to go for the space, that is, not to illustrate just some scene that the author is talking about, you must always act as a co-author, because for a child a book is not a source of information, it is, as we would say in today’s language, an art object, again kanashevich, again , and look how expressive the faces are, by the way, these are books with stamps, i see it’s been verified, they’re from the russian republican library,


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