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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 28, 2024 1:10am-1:56am MSK

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but firstly, you should never go only for the plot, you must also go for the space, that is, do not directly illustrate some scene, what the author is talking about, you must always co-author, because for a child a book is not a source information, as we would say in today's language...
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he invented the magazine murzilka, he headed the commission on children's literature in the writers' union already there in the thirties, or after all, it didn't matter to him, this is an organizational role, such an official role, whether it has anything to do with him or not, it’s absolutely fits with him, my grandfather was always surrounded by people, children first of all, students, and of course everyone, this is a brilliant photograph.
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how there were a lot of people and how i, too, was shining and how all the children ran to him and sign with pride and the main grandfather adored it all, he couldn’t live without it, it’s on the radio, as we see, yes, but look at the expression on his face, how like it's in front. glows, yes, he loved commentating, of course, of course, and you still don’t mention how he commentated on football matches, yes, he was a fan, my god, that’s why he was an actor, for spartak, and he was friends with all the spartacists, the goalkeeper of the republic, well, yes, just in case , let us remind you that lyakhasil is not only a conduit and shvambrania, but he is the goalkeeper of the republic, this is truly great. book,
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we are delving into the past, if you allow, about your grandfather’s childhood, of course, you cannot remember, but you know him a lot, i know this for certain, how it all happened and where the two brothers came from - in the conduit and shvambrani, as it is everything is connected with life, what the family was like, it was the family of a doctor, very a famous obstetrician-gynecologist and teacher, a music teacher, of course, it was...
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her father, a chess game, this is a photograph of my grandfather’s children, this is my father vladimir lvovich and dmitry lvovich, yes, they were all madly, madly, you say nicely, mosses, alterations that’s not what they say, you live in a kosel’s house, they tell me, because i live in a house where when you imagine how inscrutable the path is, yes, yes, and how we met, they came, and you said, and you know, that i live differently, i have appeared.
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as they say in peredelkina, who was there, who do you remember, or just know, that they were there, or in moscow in kamergersky, yes, it used to be called the art theater passage. the doors did not close either here or here, in the morning the students from the letin institute mostly went into the passage of the art theater, my grandfather locked himself in the office with them, he had a small office, well, it was very his, very cozy, he worked with them there almost until lunch, and it seemed to me that it all took a very, very long time, then , in my opinion, my grandfather left to teach, and then in the evening everyone... came from the huts after the theater was on yes, of course, there were always a lot of people after the theaters, everyone came here, it was convenient geographically, and there was such a system of the house, there was a huge oak table from the time of sobinov, of course,
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which was always huge, and the table was never an old memorial the board, but it was never cleaned and the table was never... cleaned, there was always food there, because they came in the evening, after the performance, it was already late, the housekeepers had already been released, they went to bed, but the table was always set with food, they always settled down very big holidays, new years, there were always three christmas trees in the house, a huge christmas tree in sobenov’s office, the ceiling, there was a christmas tree in the dining room, and there was a christmas tree in the nursery, that is, three christmas trees were always alive, yes, it was a smart apartment, don’t forget .
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to the dacha in general to even relax, i even remember how a room was allocated for him there, he visited there very, very often, he rested there, and of course i remember, and kostya is already konstantin arkadivichny, he was already friends with my aunt, with
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irochka, they had their own company, and i was already friends with my grandson, with alyosha, that is, this not only the industry, as angela eduorna and i said, but it is also a corporation of friends, people. with the first deputy director of the russian children's state library, executive director of the association raising readers, angela eduardovna lebedeva. well now - our interlocutors on the big screen are probably already used to the fact that
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in the middle of our podcast we listen to something, this is the presenter’s section, and i usually do one of three things, either i show an old book, or i read a poem, which somehow, this is called russian lyrics, or quotes from classics from prose, well, today we will combine two things at once, firstly, i will pick up an old book, very dear to me, this is a collection of vladislav hadasevich, by grain, it is generally accepted that hadasevich has three great books of late, this by the grain, this is a heavy lyre and a european night, this book is the first of three great... books by vladislav hadasevich, but i picked it up for a reason, because he has a poem that my youngest daughter, whose name is anya, really likes, and the poem is called anyute, but it is not only children's, because out of the blue
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, out of the blue, such a picture arises from a children's story, almost religious, philosophical, so let me do this. i'll read the poem. vladislav khatasevich anyute. on the matchbox, look, a nice view, a three-masted boat, running without moving. you look, it ’s true, there is a crew on it, in a cramped hold, in barrels, raisins, cinnamon, rum, and there is, of course, a brave captain on it, who has seen many incomprehensible countries, and it’s true, there is a sailor who is a master of songs and songs loves to look at the sky on a starry night, and i, in my hand of the lord, here on his land, just
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like that sailor on this ship, now perhaps in the aft cabin, he looks out the window and sees you and me, or the sailor looks through the tiny window of this picture of a match ship, or ... looks at us, or we look at the lord, this is a children's poem that combines very different motives, on the one hand, a captain who has seen many incomprehensible countries, on the other hand, we are all in the hand of god, as it is written in beautiful books, well, now let's return to our wonderful interesting conversation about children's literature and continue, this wonderful dialogue with olga vladimirovna, in the family, and how did communication happen with
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children, grandchildren, well, how was the principle of a game for life implemented here, this was only in books or in life, too, with our children, we saw how, uh, i don’t want to say other people’s children, but just children surround lev abramovich like a celestial being, but what was it like in the family? were, well, of course, of course, of course, he read books to me, of course, dad, and
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grandfather just played with me, because grandfather was the kindest person in the world, he tried to help me somehow, so he played with me, he showed me tricks, he whistled, he played amazingly on the piano, he told some endless stories history in his office was always better than books, because books are also stories, of course. but he was absolutely nothing to me, as they say now, of course, of course, dad raised me, and grandfather only played with me, and dad read books, dad, of course, read books all the time, whether he read his dad’s books or not, he also read his dad’s books, my dad was very kind, my grandfather even allowed me to have a dog, no one ever allowed me to have a dog, so my grandfather allowed me, it’s a mess, i found her in the creative house and settled her at my grandfather’s dacha, he the only person who allowed me to do this was... a prodigal dog, his name was lord. you said that he was a celestial being for children, no, he was not a celestial being, he was their friend,
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a friend, of course, they didn’t perceive him as a disrespectful person, absolutely, that’s why he’s the most a good wizard for me - it was my grandfather, we spent a lot of time with him together, because my parents worked, they were doctors, they were on duty, they pushed me at every opportunity, somewhere he took me with pleasure, somehow he didn’t cult. which is natural for me in the house, on the contrary, there was always a cult of my grandfather, yeah, i wasn’t allowed to make noise until my grandfather got up, and she always got up very late, because he went to bed very late, he could only work in silence, when everyone fell silent, when everyone ran off to their own rooms, and that’s why the writing life is such a night life, well, yes, but what kind of books did dad read, children’s books in particular, these are the books on, well, it’s strange, i read the papaks to me in shambles, this was my favorite. daddy, yes, the author, zhelvern, wonderful, daddy read me, of course, such adventure, such men's
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books always, well, of course, well, of course, without a head and so on, of course, because dad wasn't guided by what he had daughter, dad was guided by the fact that his person was simply growing, and he was growing, and he must be an intelligent person in the future, yes, of course, yes, that’s why... that’s why , of course, my grandfather was always closer to me, and some, maybe not children’s literature, classics, something sounded, well, it’s strange , but the tradition of reading aloud, whether they were alive or not, is an association.
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in general, what kind of leisure did people have, well, actually , yes, there is no internet, that was the only thing, no, and there wasn’t, no sports of any kind were accepted in my family, so everyone read, well, we returned in a circle to the same point, we started conversation with angela eduardovna about that children's literature is an extensive industry, it is a state matter, and at the other end we all see the result, yes, that reading is a popular activity for adult children, really, but what? leisure, except reading, walking, mm, well, cinema, no tv, or almost no tv, well, no, no tv, in our house we only watched football games, that’s it, that’s it. vadim sinyavsky says: we are conducting our report, yes, here is dynamo, we remember this voice of an excellent commentator, what kind of public life was there in soviet times
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active among schoolchildren, you will remember, this is timur, his team, all these two, we did not mention gaidar, by the way, paper, tons and tons of all this was recycled, well, angela eduardovna, after all, companies for collecting unnecessary metal, unnecessary if we return to the conversation about the history of children's literature, is it possible to talk about
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some kind of special place that was occupied? i remember now a very interesting letter that lev abramovich koselya received, i read it in a book by the critic igor matishov, an american writes to your grandfather, when i was 8 years old, my father gave me a book by kanduita shvambrani, it was only
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translated into english in 1935, how interesting. and there was a phrase that i was so shocked by this book that when my son turned 8 years old, i gave it to him, and he also read it several times, and dear lev abramovich, if people from both sides of the atlantic ocean would live more often in in the country of our own, we understood each other better, there would be fewer problems, for some reason i remember this letter so much, how relevant everything is now and how universal it all is.
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the books were so needed, they were so in demand that we copied pieces and fragments, knowing that later the book would no longer come to you, it would already be passed on to the next children in the next classes, the next next moment i was already rewriting the samasdat already in the eighties, if you got into trouble, you had to have a book, there was a great confrontation, you will never see it again, no, this book was a great confrontation, by the way, they mowed down and rewrote it. just imagine what kind of figure this is, because in addition to shvambraniya and sinegoria, lev abramovich invented it, of course, but what third country do you remember? we froze jumangort, of course, yes, three countries were invented by a man, can you imagine, for children, what could be more attractive, the world, what are there, why,
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that was such a scary cover, but i think you don’t even know, what is a conduit, unless, of course, you suddenly read conduits and mopping, i think that you will pick up this book right now, our program will not end yet, and you will already go looking, but conduit -
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yeah, this is all the same, i have such memories from critical notes, these are amazing historical facts, and this is wonderful, mayonnaise is 30% yolks, 60% pure oil
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and a little water, so every resident of our country eats about this same mayonnaise 5 kg per year, let's deal with mayonnaise and many other important and interesting things. it’s great to live in the program, tomorrow is the first one, on children’s day, hello, we didn’t expect what you came to us with, with joy, but it must hurt between the shoulder blades, no, why does it hurt me, maybe old, maybe, hey, girlfriend, don't be bored, eat a pancake...
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so, we continue our conversation about children's literature, we are talking today with the granddaughter, classic of children's literature lev abramovich kosil, olga vladimirovna kosil, as well as with the first deputy director of the russian state children's library, angela eduardovna lebedeva. you know, i started our conversation with the fact that in the spring it’s common to talk about children’s literature, because children’s week is taking place.
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now this event is wonderful, but we couldn’t, if suddenly one of dabrovin’s relatives looks at us and knows us, and the director, grandfather giz, children’s literature, i naturally turned to children’s literature, but also unsuccessfully, there was the first such congress, a trail, a holiday, a ceremony when children listened to writers, then there are children who participated, an amazing story, but this is not all the writers, where there...
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the wind was rustling, the green branches were hanging, there was a swing hanging under a hundred-year-old oak tree, from morning until lunch, until quiet time, the children from the first class were swinging, goosebumps on board, a lion kosil, crazy come down, sergei mikhalkov, well, the conversation is amazing, and intimate, intimate and at the same time large-scale, but... it still needs to be gradually ended, and i would like the curtain on our conversation, maybe you could try to formulate your top list - children's books, maybe personal, maybe historical-literary, well, here are a few books that in your opinion are children's, maybe not just russian, let's try, let's
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start with you so that... here i am again going through the classics, because they are still interesting to me today for adults, nothing has changed, now there are also a lot of writers, a lot of writers and no less worthy ones, by the way, when we were supposed to be in your hall of columns, we even prepared in the hall of columns, but i won’t tell you to reveal this secret , because we will return to the hall of columns, but 125 writers from the regions from moscow, from st. petersburg. from st. petersburg were supposed to be visiting us, and if you name modern authors, then, of course, i really like the books of both usachev and marina moskvina, of course, makhotin, wonderful yasnov, yasenovsky, i believe that this is a continuation of the traditions of izhitkov, koval, vostokov, this is earlier, well, some are no longer there, like mikhail yasnov , unfortunately, some, thank god, are with us,
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like... some of our authors today will definitely remain among the classics, and many of them, well, yes, and those who have been classics for almost centuries are unshakable, such as kasil and chugovsky, and i want to re-read them. i think it was ascaroval who said that if you don’t want to re-read the book, then you shouldn’t have read it the first time read once, because yes, because it must always be interesting, always want to, these are the authors we named today, you can always return to them, let them talk, let them read, that’s the name of our podcast show, the show is called ours podcast, wonderful, right, good, books, when they stand with their spines looking at us, they are the same ones. that
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’s right, that is, we will return to them sooner or later, i’m not sure that some external features call us to files or to e-readers, but nevertheless, olga vladimirovna, yours, as they say now, is the top list, well, but i have grandchildren, so of course, i read the classics and marshak barto mikhalkov, yes, he was so wonderful, he died recently, unfortunately, kozlov was like that, don’t remember, of course, i know, yes, of course. these wonderful people who create children's literature are watching, just don't be offended, it's impossible to name everyone, russia is very richly talented, in a word, children's literature is an industry.
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literary production, which never becomes obsolete, never becomes impoverished, never does not suffer from a lack of readers, never suffers from the desire to illustrate, and so on and so forth. that is, children's literature is doomed to be in every family, to be popular, to be revived, this is what we talked about today with our wonderful guests, olga vladimirovna kassil, granddaughter, classic of soviet and not only soviet, but world children's literature lev abramovich kasil with angela eduardovna lebedeva, first deputy director of the russian children's state. libraries and executive director of the association "raising readers". thank you very much, i am sure that we will meet with you more than once to continue this wonderful conversation, about our interlocutors on the other side of the screen, i say, as always,
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read with pleasure, dear friends. all episodes of the literary podcast, let them not speak, let them read, watch on the website of the first channel greetings, dear viewers, as always, podcast jokes, and today in our humorous laboratory there are two wonderful representatives of many industries, here and cinema and television programs, first of all, of course, we are united by kvn. because once upon a time we played this wonderful game, alexey lekhnitsky and nadezhda angarskaya. here we are trying, well, let’s say, in a discussion, in some format of conversation, conversation, to understand some things that can be in general in humor, cannot
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be, in general it is necessary, it is not necessary, how this differs from what, so today in this composition, it’s very good that we have male and female, i propose to talk about this, in particular, yes, that is, well... how funny girls in humor, yes, or there, well, in general , women, grandmothers, and, or vice versa, there nadya will say that, well, in general, men don’t know how to joke at all, well, as a representative of women’s humor, let them lay us down now and tell us why we everything that they didn’t do was disgustingly terribly bad, perhaps, i don’t know how you had fights on the program, no, we will have different programs, i just said male and female, i immediately , you know, was transported a little to the daytime. ok, ok, not like that, not like that, here - look, there is, i don’t know, for some reason - there are people, firstly, who create, let’s say, an informational occasion, specially stir it up, that’s all, stereotypes are born from this, but there is a stereotype
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that women in humor - it’s not funny, that is , for a long time there were more comedians, i don’t know, it was in the soviet union, yes, or even there the western culture is humorous, but in our time, but... let’s say, in the after zero, yes, exactly in the 20th century, a large number of humorous programs appeared, and very serious projects with female humor appeared there, can we say today that women somehow took revenge, or maybe there was no revenge, maybe at that time we were mistaken and somewhere there was secretly a sect female humor, do you think nadia can laugh at everything, otherwise i will have to.
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there are girls on a team, yes, let’s say, in some, it just gives more, let ’s say, opportunities for you to show humor, or for a guy to play, like in ancient times, in the theater.
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they know, in fact, these same girlfriends are sitting, he says, listen, it’s so hot, i really want kvass, he says, and you know that kvass is made from bread, she’s serious, get the juicer, that is, pour, so when two blondes get on the plane and say, what a huge markhina, just look, what a pig it is, i don’t understand, these hijackers are hijacking them, the second one says, you’re a fool, they are hijacking them when they are little in the sky?
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be funny, either blondes have changed, or they have evolved, yes, into whom, that’s the question about brunettes, they changed their color, they were too jokes, artificial intelligence, yes, yes, yes, i don’t know everything, this is also from the category, yes, like a blonde, she’ll change her color, that’s what will happen to her, they’ll joke about her differently, or or vice versa, or vice versa , it seems to me that now it’s not even about blondes anymore, it’s about pumped lips, you know.
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she’s running, you won’t believe it, it’s all in one, blonde, and little lips, you know, when the tracksuit is all in rhinestones, and the suitcase is all in rhinestones, she’s running down the escalator, let me in, let me in, and she’s running straight... suddenly, unexpectedly english i cut through everything that i could, all such curses , everything in general, apparently on an international flight, i didn’t run like that, i was late for the plane one day , by the way, i was pregnant already at that moment with my second child, it was just recently and
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when i realized that my flight was ending there, boarding in 7 minutes they were making a highway there and i was just late, i ran out of the car and just like that there was a line at the intersection. costs a lot for the first inspection, i’m writing, i ’m running, screaming, and excuse me, girls, boys, you’re late, no one could say a word, because i said so much text that they just took everyone away, you know, i quickly run further, run up, look at everything there, run up, boarding hasn’t started yet, they detained me, sorry, sorry, guys, these are the people i pushed aside , excuse me, please, thank you very much, boys, girls, i’m in a hurry, they’re coming at me, sorry, i was scared,
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i’m talking now in the context of these cliches in general, the same cliches were hung before even on some professions that if some plumber comes, then he... is drunk, that is, well, yes, here are some jokes, if there, then, some guy there in the ancient times there, then he definitely drank away his salary somewhere, there, yes, or there somewhere, yes, that’s it so, in general, in life there are such stereotypes that seem to have been invented, which have recently begun to go away, it seems to me that women’s humor turns out to be funny, the best script is the script written: life, well, it happens , but like, i can’t even imagine, but i had such a situation, of course, we children, literally with my friend, she has three children, let's meet, let's meet in a cafe, we met in this cafe, the children ordered pizza there for some food, she naturally stayed and the pizza was standing there, she said: huh could you
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wrap it up for us to take with you, he says yes, no problem, i see my child has a cutlet in his plate, just bitten into it once, i say: throw this cutlet in the bag, i’ll give it to the dog. and she collects all this from the table, says: we had a banquet here, and the wife says, that means she’s a woman there is one, and you please collect all this for us, and with me, i ’ll feed the dog at home, my husband says, what are you talking about, we don’t have a dog, and we just cried, because you’re in this situation, you know, when, well, no, well, when we are here often, when we discuss in general how the joke came about, yes, that is, well, this or that, then some things are there on the flask. not so long ago i had this maslenitsa week and there it was and well, the story is just in the heat of the day, that is , it’s like damn, yes, my wife and i were briefly in
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visiting there outside the city of the tver region , that means we were just at home when we were resting, we were playing some kind of games there, in the good sense of the word, we cut our eyes and my wife jumped out of the chair and twisted her leg very badly, that is, well, in this way so that the suspicion is swollen, that is, either a fracture or a ligament is torn, well , this is right in the midst of maslenitsa, and that means our friend there is calling the local hospital , which is a small town in the regional center , so he’s calling that they went to work in general everyone is walking in general.


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