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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 28, 2024 3:05am-3:30am MSK

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i didn’t understand at all how it was possible to stage chekhov’s plays, it seemed to me that it was so uninteresting, so boring, what were they talking about, what was going on in these plays, years passed and i suddenly understood chekhov, felt him, felt him, he seemed to be in my blood, i understand these experiences, i understand this melancholy, and joy, sadness, and these interests, and these experiences, i understand all this, a person changes, this is normal, here. therefore, probably, of course, this partly coincides, but it also seems to me that this is, in principle, the best audience for the theater, because you know, a theater that exists for the very young, so fashionable, young, advanced, well, what is a time of such youth, this is a time in which you will remember with sentimentality, but to which you will not return, you will not return there in that value range...
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i hope people come to our theater at 27, at 30, will come at 50, at 60 and so on, they will come all their lives, i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission, it’s very difficult to fight in the mountains, you can’t smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you, 100 km from the state border we must...
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the premiere, the main milestone, not a step back, tomorrow on the first, on the ninetieth anniversary of the afghan side, on the day of the border guard, the birth of alexei leonov, we must fly 45 days, 11 hours before at the start of the launch, the state commission completely changed the crew, the soyuz 11 ship took off simply. and
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it was my dad who was assigned to notify the families of the victims, whom they voluntarily replaced, i spent 3 years preparing for the flight to the moon, at that moment i thought, if my dad had flown, he would have stayed on the moon, i would have eaten on the moon all my life, because my father died there, expedition 2 landed safely. the heroes enter the kremlin, following the general secretary’s car, and then a man emerges from the crowd and starts shooting with both hands. dad survived by a complete miracle, one of the bullets whistled past the visa. premiere, right on the edge. on friday, on the first. on the air
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of the creative industry podcast with us today is the director and artistic director of the theater on malaya bronny, konstantin bogomolov. tell us about the manifesto, where, where from what came up, because of course we read, the manifesto of the theft of europe, journalism, well, my performances are also often journalistic, but in general , in one way or another, they always responded to what was happening around, and i really like it when people come to hall.
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it contains the energy of such a challenge, a challenge to a very definite, that is, public, i had a lot of quarrels on the basis of this text, because people...
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agendas about the degradation of the european , such an old european population, about the aging of the european population, about the fact that europe is trying to replenish its aging population, which means, with flows of emigrants, and
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how this is already turning into some kind of absurdity and savagery, what often happens there, the gender issue, there is no need to talk about it in an ironic way, which is what we are talking about. performances that will correspond to the agenda, then everything is wonderful, then everything is fine, then you are on horseback, then you are greeted, then you are great, so i saw all this and - returning to russia, every time i was convinced that i was here in russia , work in much freer conditions than in free europe. in fact, in russia there have always been much freer
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circumstances and conditions for art than anywhere else; we are a much more tolerant country than any supposedly tolerant europe. we have much more. some kind of feeling began to accumulate that in fact europe, the one that exists, is no longer europe, that real, old european environment, yes, powerful with a huge culture, with huge complex traditions, stratification of society,
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with incredible breakthroughs in art, in intelligence, in science, no, it’s kind of slow, working, staging a play, the opera carmen, a manifesto just came out and practically
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flew back and forth, a huge number of people came up and said konstantin, thank you, it turned out that this manifesto spells out those things that existed energetically inside a huge number of people, and a huge number of young people, you know, this is very important. on the air of the creative industry podcast, our guest today is the director, artistic director theater on malaya bronnaya konstantin bogomolov, we continue, this word, imitation, it, well, from what i heard in your interviews, it is inherent in the nation as a whole, well, somewhere you came across it, well, in a good way , that we have all the best, so to speak, to ourselves, now what is the situation we know, cancel culture, closed borders. something similar, while there is a rather persistent search for a cultural code, where to look for it,
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you know, i’ll tell you this, i’m a fan of dostoevsky, i really like his idea of the universality of the russian soul, it actually seems to me that this is a rather unique property of russian consciousness, it is such in a cultural sense, imperial in a high sense, and... it conquers space in what cultural space, in what sense, it considers everything the best in world culture is its own, russian consciousness, it wants to include all the best in world culture in itself, you know, we all grew up not only on pushkin, but on dumas, and dartanian is a russian hero, well, yes, he is like that what a russian hero and french, maybe even more...
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let's get married, good afternoon, today the brides are elvira, inna and anna, and nasya's groom is sergei, 58 years old, his first wife. i left three two-room apartments, and since the second one i have been forced to live in the same area for many years. sergei is a former customs broker, now a taxi driver lives in moscow, is proud of his golden hands, dreams of buying a tractor, admits that he needs to plow on it, warns that he hardly watches tv and is treated with folk methods. sergei won’t even look towards the capital
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things with a pronounced artificial beauty, marries an accommodating native. a village resident of a pleasant appearance, who will give him the joy of fatherhood, will be glad to receive him on her territory. hello, sergey, i’m reading, i’m thinking, how nice it is that he gave away apartments, he wants to buy a tractor, these are all golden handles, and then it’s for the joy of fatherhood at almost 60 years old, well, well, sergey, that’s why you want to live with your children, in my opinion. six people, six children, two grandchildren already, four, i, of course, would also like to have a child, but for this i need you really need to fall in love, and i think here, well, of course it’s good to bring the soul of a child into this world, but this is a very important step, a child for me is
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a continuation of the family, this is the first thing, yes, everything is clear that there are, as it were, children, but. .. children, despite the fact that they are new, make nerves, they, despite this, prolong the life cycle, primarily men, but i don’t take it for this, but for the fact that i need to do something, help, and for me it’s just a goal, i can’t see myself in the city without it, look, you they said they prolong life, i see a goal for myself, they are for me, it will be better for me, for myself, you have never understood the child. you need to give birth for the children themselves, how it will be better for the children, look, a normal person does not give birth to children, while there is no place to bring him from the family home, while there is no money, well, at least for the first time there is something to feed, drink and what wrap up, you are thinking about the child, will the child be good, and i understand men, well, you personally, a man , think there will be a small child and you automatically seem younger, because you are very
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you are afraid of death, but a small child, you seem to be a young father, everything is not so, a typical man-woman conflict. the woman talks about material things, that the child needs to be provided for, and the man talks about procreation, i ’m not trying to dissuade you, this is your life, it’s your only one, so everything for a child, even 40 years old, is already a lot for a parent, because even now i’m not i’m talking about a child’s complexes, when you come to his school with a cane, you know, when children come to him in your house, in your apartment, they will start say, you won’t understand, except...
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it’s easier to find a woman, by the way, that’s why i ’m not trying to dissuade you, sergey, what are you going to do with this child, he’s doomed , he’ll just be with you, well, i don’t think so, i’ll give an example, my own sister, she is 25, he is 50, the children are now almost 30, that is, you see, she is now 53, he is 78, look, you are practically 60 now, the woman should be at least 35 years old, no older, well, 35-40, give or take, 40 is already too much, here... so what and what, listen, well, larisa is talking about giving birth at 60, so what, i’m 40, and for example, i’m still ready to give birth to children, i don’t see any problems, well, a big family
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is great, it’s wonderfully simple, it seems to me that this is a normal dream. women have many children and live as a big happy family. manderson, look, i ’ve been discouraging our older suitors for 15 years and i can’t convey to them that this is a risk, determined after such and such an age, having already strained your health, to give birth to healthy children? well, this is of course an illusion of prolonging youth, as if you were still a twenty-year-old youth, but by the way, according to the law , only men from 18 to 35 years old can become donors of male material, so if you are a little over 30, do not delay, of course, the desire to extend your mouth, this is commendable
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and a dream to have children, but there are already six children, and really larisa is in what -that’s right, you need to think about the future and not only for yourself, although the children, but to think about them, and to think about what conditions you... will create for them - how they will grow, this is important. larisa, i want to, well , just since this child’s birthday is also my question, my 5 kopecks. so i i understand that you need a diet-bearing woman who will give birth to a child, obviously aware that she is going to live with this little child, which means she should count on some kind of compensation, what kind of compensation, there is an attached apartment for the child, this is such an option.
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he is just now reaching out to the earth so that she can give birth and so that she has a house in the village, he will go to her, i have a pig and chickens. there is also a small child, who is 4 years old, his own house, land, which needs to
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be looked after and done, and what was wrong in your women, why did you have six children and none of the mothers of these children, so to speak, the first marriage was a complaint against me, that is, i devoted little time to the family and drank beer, and beer... she just couldn’t stand the smell, this was her reason, she filed for divorce, i agreed, and no, no, let’s say that beer also included infidelity, you know, she could tolerate beer, so there was infidelity, well, yes, it happened, i’m not hiding it, youth you understand, you don’t understand anymore , you don’t understand, but okay, i can tell you the backstory, maybe it won’t be appropriate, i have always in my life always achieved everyone, i wanted to achieve her, she refused, i then... took a step, proposed my hand and heart, and she agreed, we submitted an application, but a month later we already started arguing, and what’s more, she gave
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after the application until a month before the wedding, that is , in the middle, only then did she make direct contact with me, this is not interesting, this is not interesting, that is, you got married to her in order to enter into an intimate relationship with her, yes, because he said, everything will happen only after the wedding, but what kind of trickery is this, well, how at least he speaks openly about it, he didn’t hide it and... they filed it, but about this traitor, who you - well, you have about a second fate, as it were - who herself admitted here, perhaps
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i gave some reason, since i, as it were, yes , it’s as if she had more time for herself, perhaps somewhere i offended her, i don’t remember exactly, but she just went on a trip with a friend to some village, to some bathhouse, you know, but i i tolerated it, i sort of forgave it, especially since she admitted it. and accordingly, you forgave her, so she then she gained impudence, she brought men to the house in front of you, well, this was the very last moment, you didn’t forgive that, but what if you didn’t forgive, well, she brought a man into the house, well , she brought him to the house from the men, no, i didn’t ask for betrayal, this is unchangeable, this is betrayal, i’ll tell you in purely feminine terms, you know, a woman before childbirth, a woman after childbirth, after a second birth, and even more so after a third birth, these are completely different women. and you can simply have different women within the same family.


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