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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 28, 2024 3:30am-4:20am MSK

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here perhaps i gave some reason, since i kind of gave it to us, she seemed to have more time for herself, perhaps i offended her somewhere, i don’t remember exactly, but she just went on a trip with a friend to some -that village, to some kind of bathhouse, you understand, but i endured it, i sort of forgave it, especially since she confessed and accordingly, you forgave her, so she then gained impudence, she brought men to the house with you, well this was already the most extreme.
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march 8th march 8th the children arrived, they even came grandchildren, and accordingly we thought that we would sit at home, she wanted to go to a restaurant, to a cafe, i don’t know how old she was, well , that was 4 years ago, that is, she was also about sixty there, no, she was 46 at that moment it was, well, so what, uh, well, i didn’t go, we naturally didn’t go, she went at 4:00 in the morning. i hear the door slamming, i go out, she’s standing with a man, with a man, it doesn’t matter, i barely kicked him out, barely kicked him out, accordingly, and he knew that no, i don’t understand at all, that is, this is how money is now rage at villages to clubs, no, here in the moscow suburbs we have, yes, well, in the moscow suburbs it doesn’t matter, my grandmother went and said, i want to go to a nightclub, you grandfather won’t come with me, then i’m with my girlfriends, there she is, you know, falling under morning with the guitar.
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seryoga is standing with a man in his shorts, sleepy, he says: mother, maybe you’ll calm down by now, she’s with me at the guitar, seryoga, well, in general, the world has turned upside down, well, let’s go to a psychologist in this case, to a local one, he’d talk to you had a grandmother, but you had grandchildren together; at that time she was already a grandmother, about nine years old, keep it up, i'm with you. the fact that his women are all partying and the fact that he was walking in discos there, of course, in general, seryozh, as i understand it, the young man who will walk faster will wait according to the will, why? because i’m even wondering myself, why are you refusing medications? from what? from medications? well, first of all, i think that this is chemistry, but it cures one thing and cures another, why? you look at how traditional medicine we had in the villages was traditional medicine.
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i used ski wax, here are the coordinates give it, so they are already heavenly and with this he treated the kingdom of heaven already, as it were, and folk remedies, they themselves give birth to troughs , and that’s why i don’t really need medicine, i’m not bothered by anything in the forest or something, walk around, collect herbs, drink later, or what you? in fact, it is clear that he is economical, he is serious, it is also clear that he has an inner core, he knows what he wants, and i think he will succeed, i will be happy if it works out with you, you know, he looks much younger than 58 years old, look, she’s dreaming -
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you can live on 20 thousand in the village , it’s unrealistic, because you need to support livestock, you need to buy feed for them, you just know from yourself that it’s very difficult, where will you get this 20,000, while the apartment is being rented, look, sergey, well and yes, then after 10 years there is a pension, you have a young wife, you will have to make a child with her, then a small child. then diapers, you
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definitely won’t have time for trees, then she will want a new phone, then fast internet, then i too, your grandmother wanted, god willing, to go to the clubs.
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so now i’m going to look in my mouth to make sure there are teeth, of course, and also to make sure there’s something of my own in there, he doesn’t want a fat one, but what do you mean by thick, there’s just blood in there, i can’t handle it, i can’t handle it, it’s not my taste, oh, sergei, sergei, it’s like he’s missing the point, he still lives, shares the living space with his second wife, this is also somehow strange, to say the least. i welcome his desire to live on earth, but you also need to understand, so he said that you can live on 2000, i want to say that no, you can’t live, and for me it is important that a man stands firmly on legs, did not hope that his children
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would feed him, but was serious, had an income, which means that he was drawn to the earth, i understand that, i, too, was drawn to the earth, yes, that means that you are all. are you ready for a young woman, too, it’s actually understandable, so that if she already has children, take the children, well, let’s get acquainted, and then what kind of yes, the only thing is that well, i’ll take the word that you say, that’s on you you can still plow, come on, my beloved little hanger, and please tell me, you weren’t hanging there from horror, no, no, why is a person absolutely adequately perceives reality for 20,000 in the village 58 years old, i still have a question for them yes, my, you bunny, come on in and meet the first bride.
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hello, sergey, my name is elvira, and i am here to fill your life with the sounds of nature, and this is a small gift, a cedar cone, and from the nuts that are here, a whole cedar forest can grow, thank you, thank you, thank you, elvira, 45 years old, school teacher, lives in the village. republic of bashkatastan, they collect medicinal herbs by growing cedar trees, and are proud of having built house, dreams of having a child, babysitting grandchildren, warns that he will not move his life from the village to the city, admits that he knows different types of massage. when elvira realized
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that she would have to plant a tree, build a house and raise her son herself, she filed for divorce. hello hello. well, in fact , my husband and i just had slightly different goals, like at the beginning, when we met, fell in love with each other, we both wanted to have our own house, to live in our own house, but it so happened that i dreamed of a family
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estate, of to live in nature, here time passed and nothing changed, and maybe it’s my fault that i couldn’t inspire. husband, but once he told me that you just dream, daydream, do nothing, and i, you know, started thinking about how , in his opinion, you should have done something, well, except dream, bear a child. i heard his words and decided, okay, i ’ll do it, he wants a farm, i don’t know, yes, i don’t know for some reason, but you know, i’m a big farm guy, he’s just a dream, he has a tractor, so what? for such a land, yes i need a tractor, i found land, which means we transferred the land from agricultural use to populated areas, expanding the village boundaries. they began to develop the family estates, they took the land, i have 1.5 hectares of land, and we arrived,
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my son was 5 years old at that time, we arrived with a tent, and so that they would give you free of charge for development, at first they are given for rent, there is a small amount for rent , after you build a house, you can already buy the property for 5%, then she got up on her own, well done, got on her feet, wants to continue to have a family. well done too, we lived in a tent for 2 summers, in the winter we came to moscow, but my husband, and you are a muscovite, no, no, i myself am from ufa, our settlement of family estates is located 120 km from ufa, but my husband, he went to moscow to build a career, come to him, and he already wants further than moscow, he already wants to go abroad, well, that was his goal, it’s clear that she is engaged in activities that she likes. about what her soul
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glows with, what she burns with, that’s right, in fact, we often argued with him about the fact that i love russia very much, for me, by the way, we lived with him after the wedding, for a year, we lived v germany, he wrote a scientific work, and then i realized that he is your research fellow, he is a candidate of sciences, yes, but then he developed in the business field, in the it field, and it was then that i, living for almost a year in germany, understood that i love russia very much, i love our nature, our people, i am a history teacher by training, and i realized that how i will find myself in germany, in general, for me, my family, my homeland, our country, russia is sacred, you gave birth to one child, yes, we have one son, he is 21 years old now, i don’t know. how can you not, i never even had the idea of ​​living abroad, there was no such thought, as
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for leaving in the countryside, on this topic, i already began to think about it, although i’m a native city dweller, listen, well, i had one story, with a foreigner , and i thought about whether i could go abroad and live in another country, with a different language, i have to learn everything from scratch. and i realized that you know, i still love the russian winter, i love the color white, and you are probably such a nature, yes, but for nature, we don’t dye our hair, we don’t treat medicines, too, yes, we collect herbs and ants, well, something like this, yes, yes, so she has a house over there, one and a half hectares of land, a bathhouse, a twig, an orchard, a pine tree, you see, she grows pine nuts from these,
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abroad , three children, everything is fine, just different goals, i am grateful to him for supporting my son, i don’t need me, you are just such beautiful two parallel lines, you are beautiful, he is beautiful, but you have never crossed paths dreams, neither in the present nor in the future, but they fit together, the fact that he does not take medicine, on she lives on grass, she also doesn’t take medicine, she takes herbs. i think they are like a couple, you are right that these are two parallel lines, and the son said yes about dad, that it
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happened that for some reason my husband was afraid to even tell me that he wants to get a divorce, that he had found someone else, and told his son, the love had passed, the tomatoes had wilted, and i rushed, he had just flown to ufa then talked to his son, took him away for a few days, when my son returned from his dad’s and told me that you know, pa... told me that love passed, the tomatoes wilted, and i, of course, rushed to the airport, i didn’t know when he was flying out, i waited until he came, and well , i called him to talk, and - he let it slip, he said: he said: we need to break up, you will find, i will find, i found, and for me , you know, it was such a shock that he found someone else, let it slip, yes, but it was hard for me, for about 2 years i was coming out of this, because , of course, very , i loved him, but then i worked on myself, i managed to maintain such a respectful, good relationship, and i told him
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i’m grateful that he still supports his son financially and this is the norm. goes to make her dream come true, creates her future with her own hands, not counting on her husband, since he is doing something else, a strong woman, mendelssohn, please tell me, are there any interesting stories when the husband himself let slip about what she had is there another woman, well, except for the case of elvira and her husband? well, there is a case when the husband did everything for this. one day he told his wife that the smell of her perfume was disgusting. she says: "well, buy it i need new ones." he bought it, she didn’t like the smell, but she suspected something was wrong, and one day he came home smelling of this scent. the husband said, yes, this is after the morning hugs with you, but the wife didn’t even open that perfume,
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i had to admit. everyone has their own love story. okay, great, you need to dig a well, why didn’t the water supply system get dirty, but the water supply system, i’ll tell you now, it’s just that the water supply system is more difficult to maintain, i’m like a woman, it’s easier for me to get water from a well,
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please tell me. you need a husband in help, why do you need a husband now, of course. my husband’s hands, that is, it’s easier to live in the house, but in fact, i would like to find a like-minded person, but if you take it into your home, yes, let’s see, we have a video. oh, what open spaces, now i’m going to orenburg,
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hello, sun, hello, heaven and earth. you're a poacher! may light appear from the earth with living water, let the water flow, carry the light of love, we will find strength and love again.
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live in love, every day and hour, so that love. the fire never goes out, i feel good the fact that i have gas, i have water,
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i have everything at home, when there are no amenities in the house, it’s not particularly comfortable, you want more children, god willing, i would like to, yes, but you understand that you -
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no, i don’t think it’s for health, i think that what if - i fall in love, if my husband loves me, let’s just say, virochka, you don’t have a water supply system, i have a water drain, only age is further, that’s she would have been 20 years old, i said, that’s bullshit, carry water, you’ll be slimmer, her age is already, well, i wouldn’t compare age specifically from the sewer with running water
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apparently he feeds himself properly, i, for example, like everything, you don’t mind accepting a man on your territory, the age of 14 doesn’t bother you, but with sergei, well, everything is younger, it’s true, but there are young people too, in fact , it just all depends, he says that he is healthy, his condition, his physical condition is good, i ask him for it, but he has never gone to the doctor and doesn’t take medicine, it doesn’t bother him - at his age, in principle, it doesn’t bother him , okay, but i won’t be embarrassed by the surprise you have prepared for sergei, can i
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it seems that they are both mature in this sense, it would be good, yes, well, she is already mature, and he is already mature, that is, look at it, the difference, yes, well, i don’t know, it seems to me that if there is love, then well, there is a difference won't matter that much. i’ll fly to you like a star from the sky , i’ll fly into your hand like a light butterfly, i’ll give you my tenderness, together with you we’ll make your dream come true, i’ll gather the light of the whole universe for you, i’ll fly over you like a bird in the sky, i’ll murmur like a clear river, and exude aromas like a delicate flower. souls circle in a heavenly dance two loving hearts sound in unity, family,
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you, saint, you are our dream, a temple of two hearts, we are building forever, thank you, this is yours. uh, eating is a whole procedure, it’s a whole ritual, on the go i can’t, what kind of ritual do you have, you can sit down, probably on a beautiful tv,
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turn on football, i also think so. and the ritual you mean eat in pieces so that there is water, maybe even too cultured, i’m not cultured at all, now the whole country is already saying, i put everything in my mouth, like a child, i put everything in my mouth, i agree, you can and the way you liked elvira, you liked elvira, it’s clear she’s a kind, good person, for me the most important thing is that a person gives birth to a child and continues the family line, well, naturally by creating a family, of course, so...
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what did your brain do in the film, why he was imprisoned, well, it hurt a lot, i can say so, because it all happened before my eyes. you were present here, i was very scared, my dear, you are good, i need a man with hands, i need to raise the house, here i have piglets, toshka, maska and here are two little piglets, i have a truck, all my bunnies, they go for walks with me, well, my beauty, my beauty, she needs a plowman, she needs a healthy man who
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will take the children. why does she need a grandfather, why are you treating her like she’s crazy? there’s a healthy woman sitting, who besides compassion, respect, participation, nothing, take the joy from my palms , put it on your heart, smile in silence listening to the music of the soul, and what did mom say, anka, you know, no one chose for you, got married, live, you know , your father also raised his hand against me, nothing, we lived somehow. life, in fact, mother spoke, and you made your choice, this is your life, like bread full of spoons, you are happy now, you have three children, all boys, and two boys and a girl, why do they live with their father, but because i bought a house last year, moved to live outside the city, they said that they want to live in the city, give me a crutch, bring mine,
4:00 am
hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. quantity and quality: russia-uzbekistan are expanding the horizons of relations. state visit of vladimir putin was called historical in tashkent. front movement, new liberated settlements, attacks on the enemy at yarok
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and white mountain. catacombs. strategic importance. night raid israel attacked the palestinian camp in rafah, dozens of dead, security guarantees, including american ones. kiev has a hand in the issue of attacks on russian targets with western weapons. the route is in good working order, roads are being repaired after the flood, and public transport is being developed, which mikhail mishustin also talked about with the deputy prime ministers. robot surgeon operates through punctures, modern methods are urgent. portrait fashion of the century before last in the era of digital photography. why is the exhibition at pushkinsky really interesting? so, russia and
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uzbekistan have signed almost three dozen agreements on major nuclear energy projects for agricultural supplies. today vladimir putin is on a state visit to tashkent. the russian delegation is very representative of the government, big business, and heads of regions, what exactly our countries offered each other, in what atmosphere everything took place, konstantin paneshkin will show. the protocol for the meeting ceremony of the first person implies arrival in the motorcade, but vladimir putin had to travel through nothing at all. after the completion of sunday’s informal negotiations with shavkat mirziyoyev, the russian president spent the night in one of the mansions of this very kuksaroy state residence. good morning. the conversation of the top officials, interrupted for several hours of sleep, instantly resumed, the color of the carpet caught the eye, under the feet of the heads of state, turquoise, a shade similar to heaven in uzbekistan is considered presidential, the vaults under which anthems are performed are decorated in the same style. when
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the anthem of uzbekistan is played, every guardsman sings along: now the commander of the guard accompanies the leaders along the front door.
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i think it will actually be historic, i am very grateful that one of the first visits you went to uzbekistan, this is a great respect for uzbekistan and the multinational people of uzbekistan, i am very grateful to you for this, this is one of the first visits after the completion of the elections of all related procedures, including related to the formation of the government, she came specifically to uzbekistan, such...
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uzbekistan sets a goal to triple this figure. this is generally realistic. we must understand that the economy of uzbekistan is for our citizens. mutually beneficial cooperation is successfully developing in agriculture, but here is an impressive fact: we are interested in the market, how much does the local, sweetest tomatoes cost? they cost 10,000 at the beginning, and in a month, in two
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, the heat will already begin, it is, the prices will begin to fall, because a lot of these will begin, deliveries, deliveries it will start getting bigger and bigger, because of this it will go up to 5-6 to 3,000. in august generally 3-400. the current 10,000 sums per kilogram in conversion is 71 rubles. the same tomatoes cost 10 times more in moscow. i really hope so, that it’s just this agrological complex. in the rearmament program, in any case
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, this will affect the air force, and air defense, and the ground forces, the equipment of the ground forces, of course, that is, this is a fairly wide range, we will discuss further development, help our colleagues, in the meantime, negotiations in the narrow composition has already ended, how the negotiations are going, excellent, i think, however, the question for ramzan kadyrov is not about the negotiation agenda, but about zelensky, whom he, according to his own words, dreams of... putting in the basement, he is a terrorist, a drug addict, so we are seriously upset , we’re not kidding, yes, it sounds like there won’t be any negotiations with him, well, he’s no one anymore, how can you negotiate with him, yes, who is he, he’s not the president, he ’s done, his time, yes he is already in the past, so we need to pick it up quickly, but...
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a protocol on cooperation in the field of small stations was signed, but we managed to go a little further, a contract was signed for the creation in uzbekistan of a small modular reactor, putting the station into operation from 29 to 33 in a phased modular manner, well, this project will be implemented with a large share localization is here, and the money is credit, financed from the uzbek side, completely, the question is about a state loan. not being discussed. at the same time, the approval of a contract for the construction of
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a large nuclear power plant in uzbekistan is being completed. moscow also helps tashkent eliminate gas shortages. last year , russia began pipeline supplies to uzbekistan in transit through kazakhstan, but so far only about 3 billion cubic meters per year. i remember how it started. over the past winter , a difficult, critical situation developed in uzbekistan, all with abnormal cold weather. i remember how shevat miranovich worried and searched, of course. opportunities to solve this problem, and naturally, we are all thinking about the future, the climate is changing, we need to take some steps in advance. for discussion on this topic in tashkent , the new minister of energy of russia sergei tsevelev was part of the delegation. we are conducting active negotiations in order to expand gas supplies to the territory of uzbekistan. are we talking about just reaching an agreement, or does the entire infrastructure need to be rebuilt? there is some infrastructure, everything will depend on the volume. how many times do you plan to increase gas supplies to uzbekistan, this is
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now the subject of negotiations, well, the point is that by several times and significantly increase, the president formulated even more precisely, work is currently underway to increase the capacity of the central asia center pipeline system, which will allow already next year to increase the volume of gas pumped to uzbekistan to 11 billion m. another pressing issue: the relationship between moscow and tashkent regarding migration. according to our calculations, on the territory of the russian federation.
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our colleagues detain citizens in uzbekistan whom we are looking for, we detain those they are looking for, accordingly, we deport, expel, extradite, and of course, we interact to improve the situation, control over migration flows, we determine our ways of cooperation in the exchange of information, who comes to us, how they come to us, how they behave, at a higher cultural level. communications and today one of the signings is precisely an agreement on cooperation in the field of joint film production, we will be able to finance a joint project that will receive a national film certificate in uzbekistan and russia, this will be exactly the same joint production, which will then allow the two countries to apply for various kinds of festivals and participate in
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the distribution event, which of course will be brighter and wider, we hope, shovkat mirziyoyev repeatedly thanked for the day of negotiations. shavkat merziyoyev planted a blue spruce on the alley of the guests of honor. from the residence, the motorcade brought the leaders to tashken victory park. the presidents headed to the memorial called resistance. it is dedicated to zulfey zakirova, who lost five sons in the war. the memorial represents all the women who were deprived of their families by the war. from here the leaders
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moved to the museum of glory, it is dedicated to the role natives of the uzbek ussr in the great patriotic war. here vladimir putin left an entry in the book. guests of honor, but the program of leaders did not end there, they were expected at the first council of regions, the ministry of economic development invited dozens of heads of our subjects and business representatives from russian regions to uzbekistan. this is a growing market, in a growing market there is always a place for new players, but at the same time, of course, no one has canceled competition from both chinese companies and uzbek companies companies, that’s why our business, in general, is ready to work under fair rules and fair competition. this is a ten-year record, and the existing potential of the astrakhan ports is 16 million tons per year, and it will continue
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to grow. therefore, we invite uzbek companies and entrepreneurs to use our transit capabilities.
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i’m ready to contribute my share, our share is $400 million, the funds have been allocated and prepared. the total portfolio of joint projects already exceeds $45 billion, and this is far from the limit. in as part of the current summit , agreements were reached on new cooperation projects for another 20 billion dollars, a quarter of which, as i already noted, is in the region. by all appearances, the council of regions was a success, let alone the state visit of the russian president, which, by the way, has not yet been completed. in these shots , the latest projects of the agency for strategic initiatives are presented to the leaders; vladimir putin and shavkat mirziyoyev also inspected them. exhibition of portraits of princes and princesses of the house of romanov from the collection of the state museum of art uzbekistan. all this happened in one of the high-rise buildings in tashkent city, this is how these buildings
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were painted on the outside during the visit. today vladimir putin is spending the night in tashkent, but tomorrow he will fly to moscow. konstantin, dmitry kachurin, raman ivanov, anna zaekkin, alexander kovalev, channel one tashkent. let's move on to the special operation. it has been officially announced that netailovo in the donetsk people's republic and ivanovka in the kharkov region have been liberated. in addition, the ministry of defense reported the advancement of our assault groups in the chasov yar area, as well as northern rabotina in zaporozhye region. there, russian units are moving towards the lines that existed before the start of the failed ukrainian counter-offensive last summer. near kharkov, in the volchansk region, our air defense forces shot down a ukrainian su-27 fighter. today, information appeared about a missile strike on the location of ukrainian equipment and manpower in snegerivka, kherson region, which is still... under the control of the ukrainian regime, and also a video from near kharkov, an accurate group strike on a landing in which militants were holed up, and this destroyed enemy
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radar station, filming from that side, the front section is not specified, and a report from our military commander dmitry kulko, who works in the belogorovka area, a kilometer from this settlement there is a strategic height and a powerful fortified position of the militants, its capture opens the way to seversk.
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drones, one notices the enemy in a trench, the enemy is helped from these tunnels by shock troops , the second drops ammunition, the cells are covered with a camouflage network, operators have to fly the drones low to detect the target, here they find boxes of ammunition, the enemy has not yet allowed the height to be surrounded, concrete bunkers have been erected in the neighboring field of the armed forces of ukraine, one of the militants runs inside, only hears the buzzing of the copter, but does not close the door behind him, the operator of our kamikaze drone sends it right into the opening, the ammunition detonates ,
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the bunker is burning from the inside, in a difficult confrontation around the white mountain, our troops also created a powerful network of fortifications, the artillerymen dug a serious underground city here in order to work safely, deliver shells, here are some forks, it’s not even clear where they lead, it quickly becomes clear why... the crew of the geocind howitzer is precisely the control point for the drones.


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