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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 28, 2024 4:20am-4:57am MSK

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the ammunition detonates, the bunker is burning from the inside, in a difficult confrontation around the white mountain, our troops also created a powerful network of fortifications, the artillery dug up a serious underground city here in order to work safely, deliver ammunition, there are some forks here, it’s not even clear where they lead, it quickly becomes clear why such labyrinths are needed, the drone detector is torn, the sky is teeming with enemy drones, that there it is...
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a unit that has a large arsenal of loitering ammunition, or did. target destroyed, dusty work, well, it happens, the crew is experienced, they fight first and on their own, together with a faithful friend named bas. the bass is a fighting artillery dog. the soldier with the call name alekseevich is treated with special respect by his colleagues; he worked all his life in donbass for the shah.
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the shell was buried deeper, then exploded, through this pipe the militants come close to our positions, when ready, one fire, that’s it, now it’s just camouflage, the entrance is blocked, now it’s going to be difficult for the enemy to move in open areas, belyrovki sends reserves here, that’s how the calculations are reagent. grad volley fire systems cut off the road for enemy infantry. in su they are suffering huge losses trying to hold on to this white terekon. after all, he is called our key to the liberation of seversk. dmitry kulko, andrey podgornov and ilya repnin, channel one. the number of those who surrendered is also growing. more and more ukrainians prefer to lay down their arms and save their lives. having received the necessary medical care and decent treatment, they begin to talk about what is happening in units of the armed forces of ukraine. in the absence
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of discipline, i think on easter, two servicemen shot two officers, from our brigade for sure, from our battalion for sure, but i won’t say from which company, because i don’t know, they were drunk, this time, the officers , well, let’s put it this way , insulted them, the guys were drunk. they considered themselves to be very valiant fighters there, it’s like that for them and it seems like it’s on this basis. the russian military shot down 12 ukrainian drones last night, according to the ministry of defense. drones destroyed over the krasnodar region, belgorod and bryansk regions. in orlovskaya, a drone fell on the territory of a gas station in the city of livny. rescuers arrived at the scene of the emergency. after
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this there was another blow, the driver of the fire truck was killed, and three of his colleagues were injured. already in the afternoon , ukrainian terrorists fired rockets at social fund buildings in the kherson region, injuring five civilians. meanwhile, the enemy commander-in-chief syrsky announced today that he has signed admission to ukrainian training bases for instructors from france. later in paris they responded to this. the issue is just being worked out. plan to send nato military sciences. share the idea of ​​the french president, but on the contrary, there are those who are ready for a greater escalation, intimidating with an imaginary russian threat. today pavel krasnov has collected many statements from them. for the nato secretary general, this seems to have already become an obsession; at the parliamentary assembly of the north atlantic bloc in bulgaria, answering questions, he did not so much explain as convince those gathered that kiev should be allowed any strikes. across
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russia with western weapons. of course, if ukraine is unable to attack military targets on the territory of russia, then this will tie the hands of the ukrainians and make it difficult to introduce defense, because they are attacked from the territory of russia. some. the allies have already lifted restrictions, allowing ukrainians to better defend themselves. i think it's time to consider lifting all restrictions. i also believe that when we supply weapons to ukraine, they are actually no longer ours, they are ukrainian weapons. some allies mentioned by stoltenberg are, of course, the us, britain and france. publicly agreed to strikes on russia for now only london, but the targets chosen by kiev for missile attacks by american attacks and french scalps speak for themselves. but the task is to convince. the only way to respond to russia's actions in ukraine, as well as in our countries, is to support ukraine, to allow ukraine to use
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weapons as it needs. that's how you deal with escalation, not by descalating and allowing ukraine to fight back. the baltic tigers are increasingly demonstrating that... breaking off their claws in ukraine, the president of estonia recently stated that he wants to bring russia to its knees, and the german magazine spiegel writes today about the threats of the baltic parliamentarians. in the event of a breakthrough by russian troops, they, in company with poland, are going to send troops to ukraine. their argument is that if the russians manage to make a strategic breakthrough in eastern ukraine because the west is only half helping kiev, the situation could escalate dramatically. in this case, the baltic countries and poland will not wait until...
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conscription was introduced only twice in the end of the first world war and before the start of the second, and it did not last long, service in the british army has been voluntary for the last 60-plus years, and is likely to remain so. to introduce compulsory conscription , british conservatives will need to win
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the upcoming parliamentary elections, and for them this is an almost impossible task, but talk of a military threat creates an oppressive atmosphere; so far only germany and italy have been able to resist this neurosis. italian weapons cannot be used outside the borders of ukraine, no there is no possibility of using it on russian territory, because we are not in a state of war with russia, it is not stoltenberg to decide, this is not his competence, this is his opinion, but nato decisions are always made jointly. our position is clear, our weapons are used on the territory of ukraine. remains the voice of reason in the european union. hungary, the foreign minister, who today also spoke out against the next package of anti-russian sanctions, at least as long as it includes a ban on the supply of liquefied gas from russia. hungary definitely won't vote for the fourteenth package of sanctions in this form, because this package fundamentally contradicts our
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economic interests and threatens the energy security of hungary. there was enormous pressure, but we maintained a firm position and made it clear that since the risk of escalation is now much higher than before... pavel krasno, dmitry volkov, grigory emelyanov, yuri yarchenko, channel one. at least 45 dead, mostly women and children, and over 200 wounded. in the evening, information about the consequences of the israeli strike on the camp was clarified palestinian refugees in rafah. this is the southern
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part of the gas sector, closest to egypt. the overnight rocket and bomb attack, which israeli prime minister netanyahu called a tragic incident, violated the security guarantees provided. often from pain and fear. in the only hospital still operating in rafahiya, almost all the beds are occupied. doctors first of all tried to help the little ones. not everyone was saved. they simply did not have time to carry away those who died from their wounds. their bodies in bloody shrouds were laid out right next to each other, right in the hospital corridors. they they burned people, burned them, burned the whole block. the american television channel cnn, before moving on to news from rafah, shows a warning splash page saying that the video contains disturbing images. this is what they call the blazing fire of frightened, grief-stricken people. the most monstrous images in the western media were simply
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cut out, but we, too, for poetic reasons, cannot show them without cuts. the bodies of the victims were charred, torn into pieces, it’s terrible to hear, let alone see. three children were simply torn apart part, on whose conscience is this, where is the humanity here, where is the world and he looking? the world saw everything, and so did the nearest representative of the united nations. as if they were specially chosen to ensure that the number of victims was maximum, in a camp where there was no light or water, there were plastic capes instead of walls, most of the inhabitants had already gone to bed, and at that time the rockets began to explode, according to clarified but not final according to data, 45 people were killed and over 200 were injured. this is a horrific mass murder, a direct message.
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when they deliberately carry out destructive attacks in the hope that civilians will turn against their
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leaders, it is a war crime to violate the principles of selectivity and proportionality. and this is also a direct disregard for the decision of the un international court, which last friday ordered tel aviv to cease all hostilities in rafah and not do anything that could lead to civilian casualties. and israel, as a member country of the united nations, was obliged to this decision submit. didn't do this. we do not have rules for the case of non-compliance with decisions of the un court. we have rules when things go smoothly, but we don't have rules when we run into problems. we bark a lot but don't bite, we're like toothless dogs. this is roughly the image we created. but what can be done here if tel aviv also pays almost no attention to the opinion of its most influential ally, the united states. at the beginning of the month, american authorities announced a ban on the supply of bombs to israel. high power and threatened. what
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israel has done in the last 7 months is not just a war on hamas, it is a war on the entire palestinian people, with disastrous results, we are not just talking about 3500 dead and 77 wounded palestinians, 2/3 of them women and children , and this cannot be called a civilized war. a rocket attack on a palestinian refugee camp can hardly be called anything other than barbaric. eventually. it is hardly worth expecting that the israeli authorities will report the same investigations results on the punishment of the perpetrators. meanwhile,
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the hamas movement has already announced that after what happened the day before, they are refusing to negotiate with israel. mikhail akinchenko, dalyasya rajeddinova, channel one. let's get back to our news. the government will allocate 2 billion rubles to restore roads after the flood. mikhail mishustin discussed support for regions affected by the disaster today with deputy prime ministers. 9 billion has already been allocated to help residents of the kurgan and orenburg regions to repair infrastructure. cooperation within the cis was also discussed. anna kurbatova, more details about everything. the president set the task of forming a network of sustainable partnerships with foreign countries, but also of creating infrastructure for foreign economic activity, technological and industrial cooperation and, of course, the development of new markets. the landmark is today the markets of friendly countries, including the cis, where russia now presides, and just last week mikhail mishustin held a meeting
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of the council of heads of government of the commonwealth countries in ashgabat. the government took a working trip to... an effective platform , trade turnover is growing; over the past year alone , transport infrastructure has been developing by +6%, including the international north-south corridor. the cis today is for the development of multilateral dialogue, coordination, and promotion of common initiatives in
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our macroregion. dear colleagues, i ask you to carefully monitor in... areas how all our agreements are being implemented. among other topics that were discussed today - support for our fishing fleet , special attention to the far eastern shipyards. because of the sanctions, the construction of ships is going on, well, let's say yes, belatedly. the restrictions apply primarily to spare parts and equipment. well, to overcome these difficulties, the government will allocate an additional over 3 billion rubles. subsidies will be provided to russian organizations to reimburse part of it. costs of creating - courts at the top of the far eastern federal district. crab fishing is one of the main fisheries in the far east, but the bounty of the ocean alone is not enough; the key to a good catch is modern vessels. and within 3 years, 13 crab catchers should leave the stocks here, and the support government will help speed up the launch of half of them. it is very important that
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the ministry of industry and trade communicates the allocated allocations to shipbuilders as soon as possible. today we talked about supporting the regions that have suffered from natural disasters in recent years. this happened at the end of last year, when, as you remember, a hurricane hit crimea and there were heavy rains. and then the government promptly helped bring housing, public utilities, and engineering infrastructure back to normal condition. we allocated over 3 billion rubles from the budget. for restoration roads damaged by floods in six russian regions, including crimea, trans-baikal, primorsky and khabarovsk territories, amur and... irkutsk regions. today it was decided to allocate another 2 billion rubles. the funds will also be used to restore roads. special attention to the regions that suffered from floods this year, in particular the orenburg and kurgan regions. 9 billion rubles were allocated to help citizens and eliminate the consequences of the emergency situation. many objects and roads were damaged
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were crushed. marachsky, it is important to restore them so that they meet all regulatory requirements. i know you are studying, but i ask you. the purchase of which the government allocated 750 million rubles. we expect that such a replenishment could include 25 new spacious buses, which will help reduce vehicle traffic intervals, especially during peak hours, so that people spend less time on the way home or to work, but only during. medicine, the first congress of surgeons opened in kazan, leading specialists of the country discuss the most gentle treatment methods, robotic assistance and innovation, special attention to emergency operations in extreme conditions
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and military field surgery in the northern military district zone. svetlana kostina, about the congress, its guests and the cutting edge. leading specialists from all over russia gathered here today at the first congress of surgeons in kazan, there were about a thousand participants, the place was not chosen by chance, why the decision was made to hold it here, because the kazan surgical school has been around since the nineteenth century today at twenty-one. the best representative of russian surgery, all of russia is here today, because this is truly a significant event, the work schedule is very tight.
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better, higher, and the more we use less traumatic methods of treatment, the
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faster the patient is rehabilitated, he goes back to work, as part of the congress in kazan , a master class from leading surgeons, including the military, on the latest methods of saving people with gunshot and shrapnel wounds, here we see such an armored channel, we can reach the bottom of the armored channel if we provide assistance. to find out modern techniques dmitry khubezov spent many months on the front line, from the first days of the special operation he coordinated volunteer doctors in the donbass, became the first volunteer among state duma deputies,
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says that the nature of injuries in modern combat operations has changed a lot, not only a piece of iron flies into previously , a fragment, as if yes, all the plastic flew in, i pulled the microcircuit out of the abdominal cavity, all the elements of the drone, including even the last time they pulled out the battery, at first they thought it was a fuse. they are x-rays negative, they are not visible on x-rays, they cannot be magnetized to understand and quickly remove, there are many more of them, that is , if earlier there were often wounds, well, single, let’s say, now there are multiple combined injuries, gunshot wounds are combined with burns, with concussion, special attention to the use of robots in medicine, robotic surgery centers have been created in moscow clinics, now the experience is beginning to be introduced in the regions, this is a remote point, the so-called control, the surgeon can in another place be located, but controlled remotely, which means the robot will carry out all commands, large abdominal surgeries on the abdominal organs,
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on the pelvic organs, in urology, in gynecology. also at the congress they discussed issues in the field of transplantology, the task is to increase the number of such operations every year, for example, liver transplants are already performed in twenty russian centers. tomorrow is another busy day, with current topics including modern issues. still softened, blocks
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georgia’s european prospects. the states have already threatened problems if the document comes into force; at the street protests in tbilis the day before , there were many flags of the united states and the european union in the crowd, which today, represented by the heads of foreign affairs of germany and lithuania, promised to review relations, of course, not in the direction of warming. head of eu diplomacy.
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we have come to discuss your peaceful departure without shock. bograd galstanyan, archbishop of the tavuzh region of armenia, is the leader of the current protests. it was he who, a little over a month ago, became the head of the tavush movement in the name of the homeland. after nikol pashinyan showed a map of amit armenia, published a message about the beginning of the delimitation of certain sections of the border with azerbaijan in the areas of four villages of the tavuzh region. as stated in the text, with the aim of bringing them in accordance with the border that existed within the soviet union at the time of it.
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is incompatible with the status of a candidate for prime minister, since several political parties in armenia have already supported his candidacy. in exactly the same way , nikol pashinyan became a candidate for prime minister on the square 6 years ago. then he's wearing a red memorable baseball cap came to power on a wave of protests, speaking out against prime minister serzh sarksyan, promising to defeat corruption and poverty, but the main political event of his reign was the phrase “about the ownership of the disputed nagorno- karabakh to azerbaijan.”
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that for the first time in the history of modern armenia an archbishop led a protest movement, the role of the church in this country is enormous. pashinyan even called the armenian apostolic church an agent of influence, and the speaker of parliament accused it of tax evasion. here are the lawyers who support this protest movement, they spoke and said how is it possible, this is the largest taxpayer in armenia, the armenian church was not exempt, unlike russia, where
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the russian orthodox... church is exempt from taxes, what are you talking about, and this institution has huge intangible and material resources, i noticed all over the world, this also cannot be ignored completely, the protesters do not disperse from the center of yerevan, they are still waiting for the prime minister to talk with the people, and, judging by the footage of local television, nikol pashinyan in there was no residence all day; he was visiting the flood area in the north of the country, which emerged from floods in the mountains. the banks of the river paralyzed traffic on the yerevan-tbilisi highway, several bridges were destroyed, hundreds of people were evacuated from flooded areas. russia has already offered its assistance in eliminating the consequences of the natural disaster. anton vernitsky, vladimir zalutsky, irina bliznyuk, sergey nashchekin, channel one. st. petersburg celebrates city day. the northern capital turned 321 years old. the first stone in the foundation of the fortress on peter the great personally laid the foundation on the banks of the neva.
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holiday, at the bronze horseman, the monument to the tsar, the city planner, today there are fresh flowers. the speaker of the federation council, valentina matvienko, took part in the ceremony. she led st. petersburg for 8 years, the current governor alexander beglov laid bouquets. later, a company of honor guard passed along the admiralkay embankment. today, new honorary citizens of the city were presented with insignia at the marininsky palace, and a big concert took place at the peter and paul fortress. in total, the festive events will last until the end weeks. today, the visit to the cathedral of christ the savior of a particularly revered shrine, the tikhvin icon of the mother of god, ended. it was delivered from st. petersburg to moscow last week, during which time thousands of believers worshiped the image. the icon is one of the oldest, painted at the dawn of christianity. according to legend, evangelist luke. during the great patriotic war, the icon was taken abroad, and it returned only 20 years ago, and its transfer
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to the capital for veneration was timed to coincide with this event. portrait of the late 16th century , executed with photographic precision in the pushkin museum opened a unique exhibition from public and private collections.
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and to capture the hero, the process lasts only 2-3 minutes, but it is very important not to move, and i will have to be silent for the portrait to come out. was invented by the court veolchilist, gilles louis chritien, pleasure radio, his friend, the miniaturist kenya, suggested setting up a business, not only was the portrait extremely accurate, but anyone could paint it, so the details in the next room were drawn by artists, then they were applied drawing on metal and made prints based on the principle of engravings, a dozen for each client, in front of ours... these are communicative visual and pictorial practices, when we send each other all kinds of images posted on social networks, then there was nothing like that, you won’t get 12 pieces for yourself in an album, they exist in order to change, yes, to give to a person, and he receives
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an image with an address, if he doesn’t already have one, he immediately runs to do physical therapy. in 4 months from the opening day, the partners made three hundred portraits, the scale for the painter is simply unattainable, the company guarantees a portrait likeness, the advertisement said. kings, courtiers and writers hurried after the new product. only one portrait of napoleon is considered authentic, and that is physianotras. history has written russian officers into the fashionable parisian ovals. just at the peak of popularity, russian troops enter paris. napoleon abdicates the throne, europe breathes a sigh of relief after the wars that shook it for many years. it was called a session, and you had to buy a ticket, a ticket to the physianotras session. interesting, prince volkonsky bought a ticket or just went to... everything is decided by geography, and the russian troops garrison was located in the royal field on the second or third floor, and the bouchardie hotel was on the first. physianottras is a classic portrait of prince volkonsky next to visually compare how accurate the device was in the contours, but
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there are nuances with the filling of details: russian officers, french artists painted inspired and strong-willed, there was a problem with awards, they didn’t have time to record exactly, they speculated, next to the heroes the first portraits of a tourist in paris, kushnikovs in full.
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everything is fine, i just cut my hand, how is it, dad, when will you stop humiliating us, dad, well, when you get used to it, since i was 5 years old i don’t know how to answer this, hello, nadan markovich, you need this tie very refreshing, thank you, foidochka, you ran through the city as if you had escaped from a madhouse, what are you...


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