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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 28, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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combat alert, enemy aircraft are flying, the target will be detected and definitely neutralized, the coordinates received are a strike, the area of ​​​​responsibility is one and a half equator long, today is border guard day, how they celebrate their holiday, heroes of the day, special words from the president, a theme party, you are invited to sinopobs, in germany , a scandal broke out...
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with news from the special operation zone: russian paratroopers destroyed a group of ukrainian armed forces infantry in the area of ​​the village of chasov yar, nona self-propelled guns were working. donetsk direction, fpv drone operators destroyed enemy ammunition depots and equipment. and this is the tosochka heavy flamethrower system. the north grouping of troops carries out precise strikes on platoon strongholds. while working on the target of our fighters, the militants' dugout became. in the same area, from airstrikes on... our unit is protected by the torus m2 anti-aircraft missile system, an ultra-reliable shield that literally scans the sky, enemy planes, helicopters, drones, the system simultaneously sees dozens of targets. report by vitaly katchenko. such lightning dawns at night at the front they guarantee a clear sky, a flash on the horizon, the target is destroyed. ready. even during the day, detecting the torus m2 anti-aircraft missile system is not easy, careful camouflage is required. change.
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interview alarm sounds. the command was received to bring combat vehicle number one to readiness. this is the only air defense system in the world capable of firing on the move, it sees everything, even enemy aircraft cannot hide. now we are witnessing the real combat operation of the tor m2 anti-aircraft missile system. a few minutes ago from tactical aircraft took off from the enemy airfield in the dnepropetrovsk area. the target will be detected and definitely neutralized. working inside the car was like on an assembly line, they just aimed and... repeatedly took the crew
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out from under enemy fire, he says, more than once he had to make a decision himself, when there was no time left for a report, they discovered an attack uav, as we further understood, already there was no time to wait, report, they worked on it themselves and, as it turned out later, they did everything right. among those recently shot down the purposes of this calculation are a czech-made reconnaissance drone, an exclusive version, this one is capable of covering up to 2,000 km. the wingspan is up to 5 m, so it conducted, carried out reconnaissance activities, that is, it hid our positions, there are not many of them, that is, they are - in terms of their cost - quite expensive, more than 50 million euros. most often, the enemy uses the babuega, a cheap drone for agricultural purposes. the ssu was converted
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for combat missions, has a thermal imager, cameras, flies up to 40 km with a warhead, is controlled by satellite communications, equipped, this fieldless aircraft, the starlin antenna, so it can carry four outfits or grenades, it works both during the day and at night, the all-weather torus m2 is stronger day and night, reliably covering both the rear and our forward positions , all hit targets, after studying, are transferred to the museum in hundreds. in russia, today is border guard day, a holiday for those who always defend our borders, who were among the first to celebrate in vladivostok, with a ceremonial formation at the monument to border guards, presentation of awards, laying of flowers and congratulations from the president, vladimir putin called the heroism of the border guard an example of perseverance and unbending will.
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the border authorities are entrusted with truly large and responsible tasks, and i am confident that in the future you will solve them with dignity. in every region of the country today there are ceremonies in memory of those who died in the line of duty and congratulations to the veterans and soldiers who are on duty today. valentina solovyova will continue. these shots show the border village of kazinka. belgorod region - march. exactly then there was the last major attempt of ukrainian formations to break deep into our territory. the result of the work of the russian border guards together with the army group of troops, more than 100 militants, tanks, armored vehicles, a self-propelled artillery mount and a strong point were destroyed. border guards
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today continue to carry out combat missions, knowing a huge country behind them. this ceremony is a combat calculation. service veterans. reserve officers spend it the night before at the monument to the border guards of the fatherland in moscow, at the memorial in every russian region, together former colleagues who performed tasks in the most difficult areas, the longest border in the world, gather together. i served in the next border detachment, this is the vladikavkaz border detachment, it was 1996-2000, a border outpost with soarg and upper lars. the entire northwestern border is the border with finland and norway. igor komarov served in afghanistan, his son egor komarov was awarded the order of courage posthumously for the battles near artyomovsk. he is a true son of the border
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troops, he was also a border guard.
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on the day of the border guard, the premiere is on the first documentary-feature film main frontier is not a step back. the war in afghanistan, pages of history that were classified as secret, are secretly revealed by the participants in those events. watch after the twelve o'clock news on wednesday night at 0 o'clock. in germany, a scandal with parties at which nationalist slogans were heard is gaining momentum. the german publication spiegel writes about one of these cases. the elite school is one of the most prestigious in the country, and tuition is expensive. 50,000 euros per year. at the festival, the students sang germany germans, foreigners out. among young people, against the background of a large-scale flow of migrants into the country, the song is rapidly gaining popularity. here is a bar on the island of sylt, where the golden youth hang out. and still the same words. there is information
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that some party participants lost their jobs after the publication of these images. authorities called such behavior unacceptable. in the same time. the first lady of germany has suffered a scandal; the recording made during commemorative events at the holocaust memorial in berlin, the wives of the presidents of germany and france, are puzzling. enthusiastically discussing something laughing that they well, biden has no time for historical truth now, the family is facing legal
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proceedings, new york post journalists found out that this sunday night biden unexpectedly showed up at the ex-girlfriend of his son hunter, aka ex -wife of another son of the president, who died in 2015. you can guess the purpose of the visit: on june 3, the woman will testify against hunter biden in the case of illegal weapons trafficking. first. compulsory russian graduates today take the unified state exam in russian, details follow advertising, don’t switch, i don’t know, faina, what kind of artist you are, you’ve learned to be daring well, there will be no other chance, thank you, sivnushka, but oh, how pure we are, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, we have you will ranevskaya, and you are a new actress from moscow? ranevskoe. watch the time after the program.
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you immediately feel like a great actress. on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov. we have to fly up to 45 days. and 11 hours before the start, the state commission completely changes the crew. the soyuz 11 spacecraft launched last year. and instructed to notify the families of the victims precisely to the pope whom they replaced at will. i spent 3 years preparing to fly to the moon. at that moment i thought, if my dad had flown and stayed on the moon, i would have eaten on the moon all my life, because my father died there. two landed safely, the heroes
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enter the kremlin, following the general secretary's car, then a man comes out of the crowd and starts shooting with both hands, dad survived by a complete miracle, one of the bullets whistled past his temple, the premiere was right on the edge, on friday at the first. on the day of defense children, let's go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he took on children's programs, and the children just stuck to him, it was obvious, this cannot be played, he was such a guy who said there, well, i’m 20 years older than you, well, you and i are now playing these funny stupid games together, so you and i are on equal terms, he ran through life, laughing, smiling, rejoicing, these... all his wives were , it’s like they were picked up along the way, and he loved yulia, his last call
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there was yulia, the earring was a real genius of children's television, he died, in general, at the age of genius, we certainly miss him, we often remember him, so there are irreplaceable ones, sergei suponev, the hero of my childhood, june 1 on the first. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first, i'm happy when... i develop every day, when i wake up and know that something new awaits me during the day, when we get together
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with the whole family and make dumplings with potatoes, cook, this is good for me, you can to say, my hobbies are traveling, my favorite is ice hockey, i have a dacha, which has turned into a paradise, into a flower garden, i am proud of it, i started going to drawing classes, and i make my own paintings... play music, do art, this very cool, i love you all, i love fishing very much, because there is a volga in rybensk, be happy if you find it. good in every second of your life, this is the news on the first, we continue, at these moments a message comes from the kremlin: vladimir putin sent a telegram to the president azerbaijan to ilham aliyev on the occasion
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of the independence day of the republic, the russian leader notes that moscow attaches great importance to allied relations with baku and... an important day for graduates of the unified state exam in russian, the first of two required for obtaining a certificate in mathematics on friday, last week they took chemistry , literature and geography. today , 3.5 hours are given to complete the work, results no later than june 14. it is important for schoolchildren to cope with anxiety and everyone has their own secret of success.
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students learn not only to type, but also model various parts and have already managed to make a 3d model of the pd-14 engine, here you can see the work of all the main components of the internal structure, that is, this is a working prototype, that is, we can launch it and, accordingly, see the work of all the main elements. and separate workshops with
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various machines. in fact, this is a small enterprise inside an educational institution, where parts can be manufactured not only. for study, the material and technical base of the technical school allows you to carry out some specific orders for the needs of the region’s enterprises. certainly, now the demand is huge, because, well, you know, production must be increased significantly. according to government orders , production volumes in prisons must be increased 10-fold in the next few years, and this requires thousands of specialists. engines are necessary for the new domestic aircraft ms-21, in fact, including this one. the task was to build a new aviation campus in the capital of the kama region, when we started this business, i gave my word to the president of the country that this would be the best secondary specialized educational institution in the world, not equipped as it is not universities are even equipped, it’s better to see once than to hear 100 times, this is very important, because without knowledge of hardware, in general,
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the quality of education is sharply reduced, and thanks to new opportunities, students do not need to retrain when they come to... the plant get to work right away, these are such complex devices, complex mechanisms that work thanks to you, which were developed by man, and this is amazing. attention is also paid to the comfort of students; a new dormitory was built next to the new technical school building, seven floors, all in the center of permia. andrey golderev, maxim trubnikov, anastasia slobodenyuk, igor agafonov and evgeny kuznetsov. channel one perm, that’s all for now, we’ll come back with news, a fashionable verdict is on the air right now. the thirty-second russian football championship has gone down in history. its outcome was one of the most dramatic during the entire tournament. for the first time in 10 years before the last one.


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