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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 28, 2024 10:55am-11:56am MSK

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epithelium is, of course, a process when you should not further infect a woman, after all, sexual intercourse does not have a guarantee of absolutely absolute infectious safety, right, this must be remembered, this is the first thing, now from the point of view of the threat of pregnancy, is there a threat of becoming pregnant during menstruation? the fact is that from modern positions the normal duration of the menstrual cycle, from the first day of one menstruation to the first day of another menstruation, is... 38 days, but some people have shorter cycles, and ovulation usually occurs ovulation is the release of an egg, it is the egg that can meet the sperm, this is often the result of which pregnancy occurs, you understand, yes, yes, this release of the egg usually occurs 2 weeks before menstruation, respectively, if the cycle is short, then ovulation can even happen in the last days of menstruation or literally... immediately after
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a meeting is possible, there is such a table of the reliability of contraceptive methods, here is the method that your husband describes, this is the so -called calendar method, it has a percentage pregnancy rate is up to 40%. only methods associated with medicinal protection, only such hormonal contraception works, so there is not much point during menstruation, then i want to say that besides direct sexual intercourse there are other ways to deliver. pleasure for each other precisely during this period, when you are defenseless, of course, discuss this with your husband, we are waiting for the next guest, hello, i have such an unusual question: before my period, my stomach hurts very much, it hurts so much that i can’t leave the house, i have to take time off from work, but my friend doesn’t have that, at least she could... and i thought
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maybe there’s something wrong with me, because pain is a sign of some kind of illness, although i know that many women suffer from this, i wanted to ask, pain during menstruation is normal, this is a very good question, because the answer to it is very difficult, what, severe pain during menstruation, this is definitely not normal and requires diagnosis from a doctor. in general, there are patients with pain during menstruation, mainly endometriosis, it’s clear, this is endometriosis, this is one of the brightest signs of endometriosis, pain during menstruation, in general a woman should easily go through menstruation, this is physiology, if there is pain, something needs to be done, you need to be examined to find a way out, so the question is not stupid, and one of the smartest today, thank you very much and thank you. thanks to our doctor, well, i
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’ll invite our doctors here, i want to finish our program with these wonderful grandmothers, why? stand behind us, guys, because once again i want to tell everyone, ask us any questions, because there are no stupid questions, but there are stupid answers, we have nowhere to put our brains, so we will answer everyone, we will help everyone, we had a good time with you, may you live healthy! hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, this program will be shown in the studio of ruslan stashko and ales losev. kiev is drawing up reserves for the kharkov direction, as our military correspondents and command report.
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from 250 and above, recently there have even been tests of a 3,000 kg bomb, as if this very module is installed on it planning, into which, relatively speaking, there are certain wings, a plane that allows it to glide, and, accordingly, a correction block
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that is tied to a specific point that it must hit, then the plane rises to a certain altitude, at a certain speed, at a certain point reset it opens, which means the plane, and then the bomb actually plans from 40 to 60 km, the hit accuracy there has now been increased to 5-6 m, well, in this video you can clearly see the accuracy, because the forest plantation is a small part, yes, where in fact, they are most likely located under units, because they certainly will not be in an open field, and look how accurately they fell, absolutely accurately, and of course, this is a completely unique weapon of ours, because firstly, it really high-precision, it has very high power, which in general was lacking for a very long time, because a huge number of air defense systems that were deployed to ukraine, they actually pushed our aviation directly away from the line of combat contact, and now without entering the zone air defense actions, we drop these bombs, they
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are a means of, well, how to say, weakening the position, because first of all the aviation works with such gifts, then the artillery, then the work goes on, so to speak. stages of the same level, with 250 and more, so it’s like a different number of drones on our side , no less than, let’s say, the one that
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ukraine uses, so yes, we have very serious advantages in means of destruction due to this we now the last six months have been very serious, as it were we are moving forward, and they have analogues of the enemy’s kabs, the americans are giving them controlled glide bombs, those same kabs, but firstly, there are a very small number of them, and secondly, the most important thing is that they do not have aviation, so that they can use them as much as possible use, and accordingly, in this case, their use is quite sporadic, they have now given them an almost similar bomb, but which already has an engine, that is, it can be launched directly from the highmars, but again, so far their effectiveness ... is quite limited, well now let's move on to the kharkov direction, where they are used especially actively, now war correspondent arti alexander simonov is in direct contact with us. alexander, hello, we started talking about kaby and the north of the kharkov region, and the enemy is complaining that we
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are using new tactics, when first ours, our aviation, our aerospace forces, are actively working, releasing kaby, only then the infantry comes in, so is this how much our if only we showed ourselves, how much? they are effective, yes, they really are, now our troops they are guided, you know, by such tactics, as if first the cast iron, then the people, this is a very profitable, very correct, effective tactic, first the enemy throws cavalry, artillery, tanks from closed firing positions, well, in general, everyone, everyone, everyone, in including, by the way, they also operate tos-2, tosochka, then with one chain of etobaric ammunition, heavy flamethrower systems, in general, at first.
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transferred a very large number of reserves here, there are dozens of them - battalions from almost all over ukraine, and this is quite combat-ready units, therefore, in general, this can be taken as a sign that they are preparing some kind of counterattack, and with an attempt to knock us out - from our positions, but we are now gaining a foothold on those lines that we have already achieved, in general, as it were this will not be a surprise for us, that is, if they try to play a counterattack, i think that there will be more than enough to respond to. that
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tanks are actively used from closed positions as artillery, but perhaps we are now seeing something new in tank battles? well, no, some new ones, just special ones i can’t highlight the moments, but the tanks are now operating as direct fire, yes, that is , they are rolling out into direct battle, for example, this was the case during the assault on a populated area in glubkaya, yeah. like this from closed positions, but you just understand that there is a very big hunt for them, because the enemy is burning out tanks first of all with the same drones, there is the same artillery and therefore tanks are used, well , this is not only here, this is, in principle, now at the front it happens that tanks are such a thing, well, they are protected, tanks are protected, now any they take care of their equipment, which is why they mostly work hard, but occasionally they roll out for direct fire, but in general the situation now seems like this, at least to us from the outside, that... there is some kind of calm, everyone is waiting for this ukrainian counter-offensive, well, i mean, our troops, do you have the same
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feeling, or do the battles there never stop and there is constant damage? the fighting here does not stop, the fighting is ongoing, it happens every second, but at the same time , a counterattack is indeed possible, our units are preparing for this. thank you very much, military artie's correspondent alexander simonov was in direct contact with us. about what is happening on the ukrainian front? on the information board immediately after a short advertisement, i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission, it is very difficult to fight in the mountains, you cannot smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you, 100 km from the state border, we must ensure security , in the hands of a miner , teeth, ears, hair may shake, but not hands. 1200 minutes rushed, the earth shook so much, we
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left the village in the liberated area garrison, they ensured order, went out to populated areas with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, they took it all apart with pleasure, residents of the border areas of both the soviet and afghan sides were protected, on the day of the border guard, the prime minister, the main line, a step back, today on the first. ranevskaya doesn’t know that frankenbox was drawn by her, without showing the picture, are you calling for an appointment? frickenbock is seriously attracted to carlson. this is a cartoon for children from three to 7 years old. i'm trying to somehow justify my heroine. love for this fan makes an elderly sadistic, vulnerable woman. the head is in place, under. they told me i can’t watch tv from morning to night, here you are,
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ranevskaya, watch the time after the program, here is my funeral, the orchestra is robbing, instead of my photograph, a photograph of frekkinbock, for the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, we had 35 young pilots , we were walking around the city and bumped into my mother, he flew on training planes over her house, took his suitcase, a blanket that my mother once gave me, with these things i came to their house, i offer you my hand and hearts, anything, i ask you not to refuse, i don’t have time, dad received a call to moscow, we understood that we would also have to work hard to get an education as a test engineer, so we... started working together, 5 minutes left before entering the shadow, and
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30 minutes of life, i know this for sure, scary, extraordinary from the point of view of those around me, but for me just a dad, a good home dad, space inside, on thursday on the first, a mission to go into outer space done. on children's day, let's go, some kind of god given radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he took on children’s programs, and the children simply clung to him.
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we certainly miss him, we remember him often, so there are irreplaceable ones, sergei suponev, the hero of my childhood, june 1, the first one, it will be hot, what, where, when? series of games, on sunday on the first, hello, country, welcomes you to the new voronezh, i really love our small cities, i drove through almost the entire golden ring
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of russia and the silver necklace of russia, i have a dream, i really... want to go hiking baikal, i hope it will come true soon, to altai by car across the whole country, and to the south and vladivostok, in the urals there is also a lot to see, i visited all the bazhov places, by the way, volgograd has the most delicious shawarma, you knew i’m from the city belaretsk, the republic of bashkartastan, sevastopol - this is the pride of russian sailors, i am from the incredible city of chelyabinsk, i love st. petersburg for its beauty and the beautiful neva river, i love my country and am proud of it, the protection of which the zelensky regime has been in the media for so long pr, our military discovered entire basements with bodies thrown into the esushniks, they were simply
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abandoned as unnecessary and waste bio-waste. our military, when examining destroyed houses, continue to discover terrible finds, basements littered with the bodies of so -called marines, only in this form they are present in the jars. well, actually, ukrainians are in no particular hurry to end up in such basements, but interesting statistics were published in lvov: out of 100 summonses issued, only two future armed forces officers come to the military registration and enlistment office, that is, 2%. well online full of videos from lifeha. about how to avoid mobilization, now, according to the new law, after clarification of the data, a special barcode is pasted into the military id, so the police officers check whether you have a barcode on your military id or not, well, here’s a life hack, there are barcodes, here they take pickle jars , barcodes are cut out, glued, they say, rolled, ukrainians definitely no longer need a cultural barcode, in chernigov people
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were left without art, the drama theater was closed because everyone was taken to the front. actors, musicians and even fifty-eight year olds drivers. the chernigov drama theater is temporarily closed due to the mobilization of almost all male employees. some men have already been sent to military exercises. a letter came from the military registration and enlistment office calling for 34 employees, including seven actors, two sound engineers, and a violinist assembler. even the fifty-six-year-old honored artist and the fifty-nine-year-old driver received summonses. in ukraine, because he should only stay. only one theater, the theater of one puppet actor, well, in addition to culture, it rents in ukraine and industry in zelensky’s native krevo rog is under threat, the work of the metallurgical plant is under threat, unlike clones, metal workers do not have a reprieve from the front, even the western press has already paid attention to the problem. women in ukraine are increasingly occupying jobs
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that were previously reserved for men. now they are in demand at hundreds of foundries, as male workers are sent to the front. at the factory. arceler in krivoy rog, the hometown of vladimir zelensky, managers say that hiring more female workers is a matter of survival for the business, of the 1,800 workers at the beginning of the war, about 3,500 people were mobilized, this year this number will probably increase, if they continue to mobilize, we will not have enough staff, said the plant’s executive director mauro langobarda. well, the main thing is that the west has successfully put the production of ukrainian fools on the conveyor belt on rails, however, truckers cannot get it, employees of the shopping center catch them right at the border, since may 18, drivers began to block the kiev-odessa highway in protest of the new law on mobilization, well really... but so far it doesn’t help them at all. vladimir vladimirovich, explain to us why the ukrainian people, this is our traditional question , has turned into a question, excuse me, because
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when zelensky exempts clowns, casino workers, and betting companies from mobilization, no one has any questions about this, when he openly says: let’s do business will pay money so that key employees officially, who need to be retained, are not mobilized, everyone else... how is it that a journalist from ukrainian pravda, a propaganda resource, was traveling, yes, to his parents in the odessa region, and the school workers grabbed him, and let’s immediately go there to a collection point, and how is it, everyone is looking for him, they don’t give him the opportunity to contact him, and so on, it turns out, you see, that’s when the continuation. and how long did it take him to pass the medical examination? he answered in 15 minutes
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, of course, what i mean, but pay attention, the very propagandists who most loudly supported these zelensky laws, mobilizations, condemned all those who opposed , who were indignant, laughed at the hecklers, yes, how is it possible, you are ours you’re touching a colleague, this is impossible, it’s ours, yes, but as for arcelor, krivoy rog, krivorozhstal, in the old way, that’s how we’ll say it, you know, uh, yes, indeed, they say openly there, men are taken away all the time, every week , once a week it comes out in print, but he says, there is not a single issue so that we do not print obituaries of the dead, former employees who were drafted into the army, every week there are always obituaries, zelensky tells us 31.00 in 2 years. total deaths, yes, that is, really terrible losses, today - in the times newspaper published a report from the hourly yard, where in the british theis of course, where
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they talk about, well, the headline is simply to the last man, yes, to the last soldier, we will fight, this is the narrative that boris johnson abandoned, the installation that he gave to the last drop of blood, to the last ukrainian, the british throw it like that, but you have to die there, all these same ones. they will continue to endure, you understand, someone is running, someone is hiding, that’s why men don’t come out to work at kryvyi rih-stal, they are hiding, their women are hiding, covering themselves, yes, you understand, this is also a kind of protest, but, but to come out with weapons, well, you understand what is going on there now, this is not a protest, vladimirovich, this is a war with your own people, i i mean the protest is those who are trying to hide, to escape , last week in kiev there was a case in an elite club when people came to the elite club...
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they don’t live there with prospects there for 3-4 months , six months, the task is to survive today, the old principle of the zone, which everyone knows, you die today, and i die tomorrow, and accordingly, in in this case, the task is to put people at the front, because the brigade is broken, it was taken to the rear, it needs a maximum of 3 weeks there to bring it into combat-ready condition, people are needed, accordingly, these people are needed somewhere recruit, and where can they be recruited on the streets, and accordingly in this case there is... such a hunt for people, and accordingly, this will continue, and accordingly, this will continue exactly until the moment when everything collapses, even then, when i don’t know, the front will stand
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for example, near kiev, they will still catch and send, only the age will change, soon, now from 25, soon they will start from twenty, and there up to 65, we saw all this in hitler’s germany, the volksturm, a fourteen-year-old, so to speak, guys from hitler, jugent and the fuhrer, who patted them on the cheek. we will see how zelensky pats the boys on the cheek, there is an understanding of how many people they have already mobilized in this way, well, in principle, there are some numbers, the order of losses is clear, that more than half a million were killed and missing, this is already clear, because if we say that during this time , approximately 1,600, 700 in total were mobilized in 2 years, at the moment there are about 9,000 left in service, then... all the rest are killed, wounded, missing, respectively , in this case, you need to understand that no matter how huge the losses are, you need to immediately teach that this new bill is a law
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of mobilization. drank in force literally just recently, he has not yet begun to work at full strength, well, he has already kind of started, we see absolutely empty streets, i remember the day after the start of mobilization, when ukrainian women were filming there, driving in cars, these empty streets with no one at all, this is like the reaction of such a ukraine, which is like this, how can i say it, hokhlashok , if we take it like that, but in principle they still have about one and a half million in reserve, but this is when they have already... taken away everyone, that is , after that, how to say, the ukrainians, as the male population, they will simply stop their exist, and then ukrainians in general will stop, you know, no, all of those who successfully moved to europe are thriving quite normally, eugenic, so i literally this week talked with one, so to speak, healer, who is ours, but who got out of there for a year from kiev, in
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eventually made it to russia.
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by and large, here we are dealing with very competent political technologies with the fact that ukraine has been under the external control of the west since 2014, a story where ukrainians were largely turned into slaves, let’s call a spade a spade, into serfs, into we already hear in ukrainian people who cannot control either their lives or their property. propaganda ambassadors that probably, after all, colleagues have already said that the war will be until the last ukrainian - until the last ukrainian man, apparently - the war will be until the last ukrainian woman, since in the media they are already preparing ukraine for the fact that women will go to the front. so far officially, this story concerns only those women who have medical specialties, but it so happens that on
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ukraine, let's say so. and the actual state of affairs is a little ahead of what is written on paper, and the fact that ukraine is really not allowed out of ukraine if she has not surrendered her husband to the trade center, and what the so-called public opinion leaders, in other words, propagandists, are talking about that sooner or later we will all find ourselves at the front, this is really the reality that ukraine turned out to be, all this is not just happening with the connivance of the west, in no case, this is happening with full... consent and with complete external control from the west, since zelensky is ready to play the role of ukraine as anti-russia, as a battering ram against russia, to the last, because this subject, i, to be honest, i don’t even want to call him a clown, is interested in only one thing: his own life, for which he is ready to fight, but he is ready to fight only for her, and not for the life of the ukrainian people, and at the same time, ukrainians do not ask questions
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to zelensky, but... where is your son? he, of course, is not of military age, but he does not live in ukraine. well, while the kiev regime and zelensky are destroying the country’s population, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine syrsky unexpectedly announced that the french military would soon enter ukraine. i joyfully welcome france’s initiative to send instructors to ukraine to train ukrainian military personnel. i have already signed documents that will allow the first french instructors to visit our training grounds. centers to become familiar with their infrastructure and staff. i believe that france's determination will encourage other partners to join this ambitious project. well, as they say, the ideas are very old, but the projects are new. trying french the ministry of defense to excuse itself from this whole story only aggravated the situation. as has already been mentioned several times, training on ukrainian soil is one of the projects discussed after the conference on support for ukraine, convened by the president of france
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on the twenty-sixth. february, like all projects discussed then, this topic continues to be the subject of work with ukrainians, in particular to understand their exact needs. there is a rush to support the french in ukraine. and of course the baltic countries, the terrible baltic tigers, estonia is already there is ready to send its military to war with russia, the example of estonia kallas even threatens with the fifth article of nato if the estonian military suddenly suffers in ukraine. if estonian personnel suffer, then it is our decision whether to invoke article 5 of the nato charter on collective defense, after all, we sent them, if someone claims that this will lead to involvement. well, then i say that it is not so. the possibility of training ukrainian soldiers directly on the spot is something that goes without saying, since it faster than transporting ukrainians by air, first to the west and then back. in general, more and more radical
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statements are coming from estonia. and just the day before, the estonian president promised to do everything possible to, quote: bring russia and vladimir putin to their knees. we may have to get over it. there are still a lot of russian leaders before something starts to happen, so pressure from western countries is necessary , among other things, so that even ordinary russians understand that something needs to be done. we will do everything possible to bring russia and putin to their knees. then a serious discussion about ending the war in ukraine can begin. and now maria vladimirovna zakharova, director of the press information department and official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of russia, is in direct contact with us. maria vladimirovna, hello! “hello, well , you know, the baltic states have been suffering for a long time and are already suffering from chronic russophobia, but now there has been an aggravation, what do you attribute this to? it seems to me that they are implementing their main mission, and just
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making a statement of an extremely aggressive, boorish nature towards our country , our citizens, that’s it. this is their main functional responsibility within nato, they are allocated a budget for this, they are allocated assistance for this, tranches, and so on, and of course, they provide political support to those who come to power, they work it out, if only, here all those whom you quoted could have made some other significant contribution to...
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the countries, states, and their leaders you mentioned, there were already quite a few of them there, in those questions, problems in those areas that i mentioned. unfortunately, this is so, yes, when, when those very countries that are now independent were part of the soviet union, everything developed there, science, industry, education, there were cultural and artistic figures who truly... became part of world civilization, they had such an opportunity, they used it freely, in fact they were free then, but now their role is unknown only to this, to voicing those, as
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they call it in the west, narratives that they are paid generously, perhaps not very generously, i don’t know how much is allocated there, but this is their only function, it is a shame for... and for the state, which even has something to show in recent history, had something to show, but now has nothing , the economic indicators in the baltic countries have long been deplorable, even without global crises or a rebound from the sanctions of the european union, we understand perfectly well what the statehood of these countries rests on, it rests solely on a certain number of bureaucrats who have been trained collective brussels, nato. so on, as for the contribution to world artistic culture, well, probably, this is just that same crazy eurovision, they don’t send their representatives anywhere, but what else? it’s probably worth thinking, probably
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they should think about it themselves, to what humiliating role those who promised them freedom did not reduce them to. of course, it sounds very strange from them, but those crawling... at the feet of the west the desire to bring russia to its knees, it’s just not clear how they are going to do this, you answered them very well in your telegram channel, but nevertheless they have... surely they have some kind of idea, or is this just empty bravado aimed at a western audience? yes, indeed, we don’t really understand what they mean when they say that russia needs to be brought to its knees, let them show it, and this is firstly, and secondly, well, listen, there is a classic, remember, moron, know she is strong, she can bark an elephant, maria vladimirovna, there was also information about limited people who... restricted the movement of our diplomats across
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territory of poland, what do you attribute this to and what will be our response? yes, this is a statement that was made yesterday in warsaw, it remains only a statement for now, we have not received any diplomatic notes or other documents in this regard or explanations, none of this has been done, well, by the way, this is also a continuation of the same missions of megaphone diplomacy,
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those decisions that have not yet been made or at least not officially presented to us, but in this case i will make an exception and say that if warsaw follows the path of this another insane step towards the complete destruction of bilateral relations, of which in fact there is little left anyway, then she will receive an answer, in warsaw, at least soon being accepted or developed. the decision must understand that
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the answer will have to be, well, literally, i repeat this word again, will ricochet towards polish diplomats in russia, i want to say that they are now enjoying a wonderful life , wonderful restaurants in moscow and other cities of our country, wonderful opportunities for tourism , to visit various interesting activities for them, by the way... speaking, including the implementation of their immediate responsibilities, however, it seems to me that they do this secondarily, first of all they enjoy life, but one way or another they must implement, this will be difficult for them to do if similar measures are taken against russian diplomats, we promise this, you know what’s interesting, have there been similar precedents in modern diplomatic history? well i can't say
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with 100% accuracy, but as you understand, different countries have their own traditions and on the basis of reciprocity, for example, there is a certain, well, i don’t want to say zone, but one way or another, in which diplomats of one or another country can freely stay for movement, beyond which they can travel only with a notification provided in advance, that is, when... they notify the host country with notes that they want to leave, for example, a twenty-five-kilometer zone or a hundred-kilometer zone, and go somewhere more. these are the kind of practices that exist in so many countries in relation to our country, and similar decisions have now been introduced by countries with unfriendly regimes, and not only were they introduced, but they were tightened to the point of literally being impossible, even in the traditional way... to squeeze out the local side, because measures were actually taken there or
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decisions were made to completely restrict the movement of russian diplomats, such things happened, i just don’t know what warsaw has prepared, we haven’t seen it, as i said, there are no documents on this subject, so it’s difficult to compare, but the fact that our diplomats are really now on this front line is that they have their own front, and this is 100%, these are threats, threats to life, threats. families, these are physical attacks, both on diplomats and on diplomatic objects, these are endless performances that turn into literally damage to property, which... unfolds, by the way, information from the authorities of the host country in unfriendly countries, countries with unfriendly modes, it’s all there, well of course, psychological pressure, which in general, in my opinion, is definitely unprecedented, e-mail, i don’t know, some endless ways of implementing this very
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russophobia, what not happened, posters were hung, and some buses with megaphones. .. with chants and chants, so to speak, we parked around our diplomatic missions around the clock, we are experiencing a lot, but as you understand, we know what we are doing, we are moving forward. thank you very much, marya vladimirovna zakharova, official representative of mit, director of the department information and press, was in direct contact with us. in nato, no one is hiding the fact that full preparations are underway for a big war, and general secretary stoltenberg says that there will be a war. no one can say for sure how long this war will last, but we must be prepared for a long standoff, so we need to develop appropriate mechanisms, including long-term financial commitments to strengthen the role of nato, to ensure that we can support ukraine for a long time. it turns out that we are ready to
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they can do everything and do everything in such a way as to end up with nothing to do with it. in addition to supporting ukraine, nato has others. the plans of the alliance country to practice nuclear strikes on russian territory during exercises, stated the head of the fsb border service vladimir kulishov. near the russian border , nato reconnaissance activity is increasing, the intensity of operational combat training activities of the alliance troops is increasing, during which scenarios for conducting combat operations against the russian federation are being practiced, including nuclear strikes on our territory. what maria vladimirovna zakharovna told us is how our diplomats are essentially surviving there, trying to get us to stop diplomatic relations first, thus showing that we are really the aggressors, as they believe. against the background of stoldenberg’s statements that the conflict will be long, against the background of their training
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of nuclear strikes on russian territory, is war inevitable? well, first of all, i congratulate our border service on border guards day. public consciousness, public opinion, in the end it becomes an idea, a fixed idea for many, that is, we understand that the fact of the matter is that when you prepare people who really pay attention
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to the fact that this cannot be allowed, so italian deputy prime minister salvini attacked stoltenberg, what he allows himself on our behalf, on behalf of... the europeans, well, of course, on behalf of the europeans, it means declaring such things, but in principle, you see that some are indeed cardlics, baltic and poles, in britain this is very active the idea is being planted, the british defense minister is not the last man, yesterday he publishes an article with his signature, in which he already says: “we are the pre-war generation, yes, you understand, yes , that is, this is gradually settling in the consciousness, while the british are being warned, the government website is warning, just in case in case of crisis situations, stock up on canned food, batteries, that is , candles, yes, well, this will help in the event of a nuclear war, but don’t panic, that is, here comes something like this, such an imposition so that all people get used to the fact that that this war is us, but
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people don’t want to get used to it, people vote for those politicians who are in europe now, who oppose this course, or for people now... you see, unfortunately, big, unfortunately, big, there are some countries where there are no such people at all remained, in the same britain, yes, both conservatives and librists, by and large, they are in relation to the military activities of foreign policy, they are no different from each other, they are puppets of the united states, here in the states, yes, there is a really serious discussion going on about this topic, donald trump, for example, yes, the other day he issued a warning that after all. a world war must be avoided, and at the same time he is not sure that biden and the biden team will not unleash this world war before the elections. vlad, same question. war is now inevitable and where it could be, because again, vladimirich says correctly, trump is still a different direction of this
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conflict, it is more of a shift towards china, and biden is europe and us, here we must understand that the west trying as always write down your own scenario, your own rules, begins to firmly believe that this is exactly how it will be, that is, a war with russia according to the west, this is a war that will take place on... with the gradual involvement of the volunteer system or then directly from the west, from foreign legions there or contingents, but all this should be limited there, that is, we will force russia to bleed in ukraine, indefinitely, while the question arises of what if a war suddenly breaks out on your territory, if missiles suddenly fly there too, relatively speaking, london will simply be erased from the map, an old well-known phrase from ukrainian appears... that is, none of them is seriously considering a nuclear war now, they are not preparing for it, they are not ready for it, they
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don’t need it, they don’t need it is needed, absolutely, in this case it is precisely that same averton window, which today begins to swing open, that russia is constantly being taught that it must fight, must fight on the territory of ukraine, must endure, first the appearance of all types of weapons, then what is called extension and... we don't have a long-range projectile. we don't have long-range shells. we do not have long-range shells with a caliber of 155 mm. they were there in the first
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year of the war and we used them to hit the enemy in temporarily occupied territories. and then we did not hit russian territory. they were, understand, we haven’t had them for a year and a half, no long-range shells. we are not allowed to hit the territory of the russian federation, their military locations, headquarters. how can we protect ourselves? can we hit a missile that has landed on the territory of ukraine or can we shoot? well while zelensky is crying and persuading the adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine, it is unclear which president is true, mikhail podalyak turned to threats, and he expressed the hope that the allies will allow the use of their weapons against russia, but in his opinion, the ban would mean indirect support for moscow, that is . whoever did not allow it is already a priori guilty, that means he is a friend of russia, well, nato actually supports zelensky, or
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at least they pretend that permission to bomb russia with nato weapons was given by the parliament alliance assembly. ukraine must be provided with everything it needs as quickly as possible and as much as is required for its victory, says the declaration adopted by the nato parliamentary assembly following the spring session in sofia. parliamentarians called. support ukraine in its international right of self-defense by lifting some restrictions on the use of weapons provided by nato allies to strike legitimate targets in russia. the tough declaration was approved by an overwhelming majority of more than 200 lawmakers from 302 alliance countries. evgeniya, what weight does this statement, this decision have, because, for example, many nato countries, well , some of them are italy, germany, and the same hungary, they are against firing nato weapons deep into russia. they are, of course, against it, but as practice shows, it is unlikely that they will be asked. from my point of view, here we are now, any
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verton window has a certain cycle, from the moment of abandoning a certain idea to the moment of its final implementation. so, in this situation we are already as close as possible we have come to the moment when nato finally legalizes for kiev the idea of ​​launching strikes with western weapons on the territory of the russian federation, that is, here. western propaganda and western media have almost accomplished this information task over the last year and a half, one can say that they have almost successfully completed it. and if germany and italy say no, who will ask them, liverwurst, mr. scholz has already been offended several times, but as history has shown, few people in the west are interested in his opinion, of course, they will cut it into pieces. a short advert and we'll be back. i i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains. my first combat mission, it’s very difficult to fight in the mountains, you can’t smoke out the spirits from the cave, they
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hit you, 100 km from...
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a woman, her head is in the right place, they told me that a lator makes a vulnerable old woman out of a sadist from morning to night watch tv, here you go, ranevskaya, watch the time after the program, my funeral is going on, the orchestra is cleaning up, instead of my photograph, a photograph of frekkinbock.
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11 hours before the start, the state commission changes the entire crew, and notify the families of the victims they entrusted the pope to the one whom they, at their own request, replaced. rejoicing, these were all his wives, as if they were picked up along the way, and he loved yulia, his last call was. the genius of children's television died, in general, at the age of genius, we certainly miss him, we often remember, the hero of my childhood, july 1, hello, we didn’t expect that you came to us with joy, but between the shoulder blades it must
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hurt, no , why does it hurt me? maybe old, maybe, hey, girlfriend, don’t be bored, eat a pancake, bake, whatever you want also, i don’t mind, eat everything, you ’ll be fat, i’ll be thin, thank you my dear, and the question of the reserves that were transferred to the north of the kharkov region and the fact that ukraine is essentially announcing its counter-offensive, while military correspondents say that there are no signs there is no counter-offensive in sight, but reserves are accumulating. yes, the reserves are being pulled up approximately according to estimates, including our military, well, not only those units that arrived there, in principle it is not difficult to calculate, yes, approximately the equivalent of seven or eight brigades arrived there, either on the front line, or they concentrated in the rear, that is, this is a rather impressive force, again according to the data that is again in the open press, those units that take part in
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assault operations both in the leptsov area and in the volchansk area, somewhere we...
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are preparing artillery, if you don’t have a technological war, if you don’t have enough aviation, you don’t have enough other means of destruction so that you can open the enemy’s front line, that is, ours, well, throw them there to attack, well...
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great, i hope for many it will be the starting point when they stop supporting this regime, well, you already mentioned butusov, who openly speaks about this on the ukrainian media, this is indicative, thank you very much, yuri ivanovich
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podalyako was in direct contact with us, but in the meantime we continue to move forward, the situation is tense and complicated, but today is border guard day, let’s once again congratulate all our guys, border guards, on their professional holiday, you are protecting us, you are at the border, next... this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio valeria korableva, in this issue. neither drones nor enemy aircraft will slip through.


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