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tv   Glavnii rubezh  1TV  May 28, 2024 12:15pm-1:36pm MSK

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is very important, because without knowledge, namely hardware, in general, the quality of education is sharply reduced. and thanks to new opportunities , students do not need to relearn. once you arrive at the factory, you can immediately start working. these are such complex devices, complex mechanisms that work - thanks to you, which were developed by man, and this is amazing. pays attention. for the comfort of students, a new dormitory was built next to the new technical school building, seven floors, all in the center of permia. andrey golderev, maxim trubnikov, anastasia slobodenyuk, tatyana shilina and evgeny kuznetsov. first channel perm. that's all for now, a documentary-feature film dedicated to border guard day is on the air right now. the main milestone, no step back.
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the participation of the border troops of the kgb and the ussr in the afghan war was first officially announced only on may 28, 2018. about those who fulfilled their duty in afghanistan and fought international terrorism. these high examples of military valor, honor, and unparalleled courage will never fade. will serve as a moral guide for those who stand and will stand guard over the borders of their homeland.
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well, so far there is only one comrade, before the start of the second world war, the situation on the southern border of the ussr worsened sharply, okay, i 'm off.
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"stand still, hands, weapons on the ground." in 1939 , vadim matrosov began his military service in the transcaucasian border district. after germany attacked the soviet union in august 1941, to reduce german influence in the region and protect the southern border, the ussr leadership introduced a limited contingent into... vadim matrosov will go through the entire war, will become an army general and head of the border troops of the kgb of the ussr. the experience he gained while preparing for the entry of soviet troops into iran would help save thousands of lives 40 years later, during the war in afghanistan.
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the main milestone, no step back. in the seventies of the century, the state border was soviet. the ussr and afghanistan stretched from iran to china, almost 2,500 km through mountain gorges, lakes and rivers, deserts and steppes, along the territory of the turkmen, uzbek and tajik ussr. more than 200 years afghanistan
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was in the area of ​​interest of the english crown, as a strategic springboard for defense.
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on july 17, 1973, taking advantage of the absence of the king in the country, his cousin, by the way, the former prime minister of the country muhammad dawood, carried out a coup d'etat, but this government also had many opponents. in search of allies in the struggle for power, daoud concludes an economic agreement. in april 1978 , a revolution breaks out in afghanistan: daoud is killed, and the ussr -backed people's democratic party comes to power. her head nurmahamad tarakiy signs a treaty of
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friendship and cooperation with the soviet union. assistance is being provided to afghanistan, houses, social and industrial, are being built.
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western intelligence agencies are promoting the creation of opposition power by islamic committees. entire regions are under their control. the topic of islamic fundamentalism was started by great britain back in the thirties, but they could not come to terms with the fact that the central asian republics became part of the soviet union. union. perepada pyotr petrovich has been in afghanistan since 1985. he began his promotion to major as an officer of the first department of the district headquarters. this topic, we called it the islamization of the central asian
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republics. it was under this flag, under this name, that our intelligence hid the plans of great britain and the united states. about their plans, and these plans were combined with the transfer of hostilities to the territory of the soviet. by the end of 1979, the situation on the soviet-afghan border was becoming increasingly difficult. the situation on the border with afghanistan is becoming more complicated. from the side of the ban formations , shelling of our border guards has become more frequent outfits you need to be on alert. attempts to break through the border are possible. the leadership of the border troops of the district demanded from us that the bandits, god forbid, come out into the border area, for us this was a threat. ponkov, vladimir sergeevich,
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began in afghanistan in 1979 with the rank of captain as head of fire training for a border detachment. and at the same time they demanded that we not use weapons, because the afghans could already adequately use weapons in our villages, well, i mean the villages. it's raging in afghanistan civil war. amin is afraid of losing power and turns to the leadership of the ussr for help, but at the same time he is conducting secret negotiations with the usa and great britain. the leadership of the ussr made a difficult but necessary decision. december 25, 1979 into democratic territory.
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how is the army crossing the border going? the army command has no complaints against the border guards. great. but do not forget, such movement of units can allow border violators to get lost. guide the squad to be especially vigilant. eat. to protect the afghan revolution , a decision is made to remove the pro-western leader hafizullah amin from power. babrak karmal, who supports the soviet union in everything, becomes the chairman of the revolutionary council of the democratic republic of afghanistan. to protect the new leader , people with the highest level of training are needed. therefore , a group was specially formed from soviet border guards.
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services. the task of the ministry of defense troops is to help the afghan government restore order in the country and deal with gangs. well, our task is how always protect the borders of the homeland. any questions, comrades? no questions. we are working. after the entry of the fortieth army, the situation on the border could not help but become more complicated.
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soviet territory from the territory of a neighboring state, never before
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have border guards crossed into the territory of a neighboring state with weapons; to carry out this task, by personal order of vadim aleksandrovich matrosov, consolidated combat detachments are being created in the red banner central asian and eastern districts. the question was like this. roshkov vladimir vasilievich. in afghanistan in 1985 , he began with the rank of colonel as chief of intelligence of the border district. or we will repel these aggressions while we are there. on the territory of the soviet union, on the territory of the republics, say, tajikistan, uh, turkmenistan, or we will do this while being on the territory of afghanistan. big difference. the command to send the first combined combat detachments into afghanistan was given on january 6, 1980
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. the terrain is difficult and the climate is harsh. in the mountains the temperature drops to -40, in the desert the terrain rises to +40. mostly volunteers participate. locations are selected taking into account the activity of the mujahideen. the leadership of the general army of the sailors takes over. i basically crossed the state border on a five-seater boat across the river. crossing this line, we crossed well with anticipation, because we were washed up on the coastal sandbank, and it worked out well, we took up a firing position, restored communication, and
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after us they began to move the combined combat detachment in the same way. this operation was carried out in secret because the border guards crossed the state border and were intended to be there. officially, there are no soviet border guards in afghanistan, so when crossing the border, they are forced to take off their uniforms. this was an order from the center, meaning, from the border troops, so as not to be seen, we all walked around as if without shoulder straps. having turned over, pyotr tikhonovich in afghanistan in 1980 began with the rank of captain with the post of chief of logistics of a border detachment. everyone in the unit knew each other in the subsequent army uniform, we put on shoulder straps, everything was as it should be, we began to work as army men and until the end we did not take off
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our army uniforms. at the first stage, the main tasks of the combined combat detachments are ambushes along the route.
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naturally, we avoided the issues of exterminating people and tried to deal with them kindly. at the age of 19 i was left alone. why are you here and not with your father on the ship? oh yes, the theater. the reds will come, art will be banned. yes, this is a mule, tell me, you are ranevskaya, but i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything on my own skin, the war passed her by, you look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, but there can only be one great meeting, i will make a call and you
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will come to me, they love you, serious, smart man, look after the program time, happy birthday to whom? iva nikolaevich tolstoy, on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, we must fly 45 days, 11 hours before the start. the state commission completely changed the crew, the ship, the expanses took off, and
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it was the pope who was assigned to notify the families of the victims , whom they voluntarily replaced. i spent 3 years preparing for the flight. at that moment i thought if my dad would fly. premiere on the very edge on friday on the first children's day, hello, we didn't expect what
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you came to us with, with joy, but between the shoulder blades it must hurt, no, why does it hurt me, maybe you're old, maybe, hey, without getting bored, eat a pancake, drink tea, and what else do you want, i don’t feel sorry, eat everything, you will be fat, i will be thin, thank you my dear, and if i break you, you won’t be sorry, i won’t be sorry, the main thing is that you are yours i took care of my legs, good, that means i can do whatever i want with them, well, not that much, better than anyone else, the premiere is june 1st on the first.
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it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first. american intelligence is constantly conducting propaganda work, primarily in the peasantry.
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border guard who died during the afghan war, if you please, comrade army general, yes, well. what do you have? an attack on a propaganda detachment, killed private sergei milnichenko, the first of ours. army general sailors, commander,
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who not only knows about everything that is happening in the troops entrusted to him, but treats each soldier as a close person. private milnichenko should be nominated for the order of the red star. eat. his death once again proves that negotiations with bandits cannot solve the problem. the enemy's meanness must be punished. we will act like a great patriotic nation. the future head of the border troops, vadim aleksandrovich matrosov, was sent to moscow in june 1941 to attend a junior lieutenant course at the higher school of the nkvd troops. in the first months of the great patriotic war, as part of a cadet division, vadim
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matrosov participated in... in the defense of the capital at the turn of volokalamsk, mazhaisk, kaluga, maloyaroslavets. in 1942, lieutenant sailors was sent to the karilian front. from the first days of the war , finnish troops fighting on the side of nazi germany made great efforts to disrupt the delivery of military cargo from murmonsk. they came across the ocean from the allies of the ussr. one of the main ones. in karelia , vadim matrosov began serving as intelligence officers of the border regiment. karelian front was the longest and did not have a continuous line, only pockets of confrontation. in these conditions, an effective way to combat
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finnish sabotage.
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in afghanistan, from the year eighty-five , he began with the rank of colonel as chief of staff of the district, under vadim aleksandrovich special attention was paid to borders, main attention to border units, and main attention to training the commanders of units that guard the border. vadim aleksandrovich, of course, made a huge contribution to business improvement. in at the beginning of the afghan war, border guards defend the border from well-trained bandits on both sides, combined combat detachments from the afghan side, no deeper than 15 km, together with afghan border guards and militias who cannot cope with the bandits on their own. people are very scared, they need not
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only factual, but also moral. several strategically important gorges right near the border with soviet tajikistan terrorize the entire area. the afghan
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border commissioner decides to destroy the wahoba gang. soviet border guards provide afghan militia colleagues in the required number. an order was given from moscow: to provide assistance, but not to get involved in battle. the dushmans open fire back. one soldier falls, then another. perhaps they could have won, but they began to retreat. and then the militiamen started running.
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afghan militias are saved, but they don’t even know who their savior is. thus, all attempts by the army of the democratic republic of afghanistan to resolve issues with gangs in the border areas turned out to be even. everybody's free. general instructs the army of sailors to prepare and conduct the first large-scale operation of combined combat detachments. in february-march
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1980, in the western world, by forces of units of the kharok, moscow pyanzh border detachments, as well as afghan border guards of the militia, operation mountain 80 began. units of three border detachments with thirty armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles under the cover of eleven mi-8 helicopters, in cooperation with the landing troops , liquidate the well- organized wakhoba gang, armed with western weapons, part of the soviet border freed from bandits. combined combat units conduct a series of operations such as spring, 80 years. 150 and a depth of 10 km.
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vadim aleksandrovich matrosov personally carried out the planning of the operation and daily monitoring of its progress. there is a question, no way. as a result of well-prepared, precisely executed actions in difficult natural conditions. northern afghanistan, combined combat detachments of border guards defeated about 20 gangs of formations, destroyed more than 2,000 rebels, seized more than 1,300 firearms, mostly foreign production, 43 settlements were liberated. despite the success of the operation of the combined combat detachments to destroy the gang formations. by the end of 1981, the situation in the border areas was deteriorating. western assistance with weapons leads to bandits intensifying their activities. attempts to cross the soviet border and shelling
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of border posts are being cleared up. having weighed all the risks and relying on experience, the head of the border troops of the kgb of the ussr, vadim matrosov, is developing an unprecedented situation. territory, it is necessary to introduce border troops to create a buffer zone, as you propose, groups can spread to the soviet
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entry plan, we have already prepared it, it was signed by marshal agarkov and me, yuri vladimorovich, i am ready to provide it to you for reinforcement. which have proven themselves well, in addition, people, of course, will be needed, this is not a joke, we need to introduce the number you proposed, the mobilization plan, call up people and train them directly at the border, in the near future we will allocate the required number to the border troops conscripts, when you gather in...
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groups, we will also form airborne assault maneuver groups, prepare them, land from the air, and then we will go, ensure control to a depth of 100 km, i’m not against it, let him start his own border guards, but only they are us... 100 km, what kind of figure is this, let him provide a 500 km zone, contradict the minister of defense, and even in the presence of the chairman of the kgb of the ussr, a huge risk for matrosov, but the proposed plan is clearly verified and calculated, there will be no failure should, the tasks of the border troops includes border protection, not control of territories liberated by the army, a hundred-kilometer buffer zone... will make it possible to secure the border, border guards will take
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full control, the army will not have to look back, comrade marshal of the soviet union. yuri vladimirovich, we will beat the enemy on his territory, as with the finns, remember? yuri andropov, during the great patriotic war, like matrosov, served in karelia and was responsible for recruiting personnel for reconnaissance and sabotage work in the finnish rear, therefore. is well aware of the successes of sabotage units where vadim alexandrovich served. “let it be 100 km, but so that the mouse does not slip through, it certainly won’t. the size of the buffer zone was not chosen by army general matrosov by chance. now not only combined combat detachments, but also regular units of the border troops will conduct combat operations in the adjacent territory,
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fight with well-equipped bandits, as always, protecting the border and the measured inhabitants. the task ahead is difficult, unusual for the border guards. well, now we are entering afghanistan on january 8, 1982 . regular border guard units. we must 100 km from the state border.
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they have no real combat experience, although they have undergone excellent training at training grounds, i look at the mountains, there is snow on these mountains, this is the first one.
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it’s jammed, i’m the commander, i say, i don’t know where to put my fingers anymore, i say, i still seem to get lost, he’s fine, i know everything here, there were points there, a banda post and a gulkhana, the commander worked, i was just present observed. george soros, his funds, firmly entrenched in many countries world, were expelled from russia a long time ago, but continue their sabotage activities in organizing color revolutions and civil wars. on our borders. the only possible way to preserve our civilization is to defeat russia as soon as possible. as for kyrgyzstan, samforsa is leaving, but a bunch of other funds affiliated with this open society have not gone away. georgia is an example of a country where the interests of the american state coincide with the interests of soros. people are being debilitated, this is the reason behind this debilitation
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soros is worth. soros and his son. people like joe biden think how to create a revolution within the united states of america itself, there must be a wave of a new revolution. just wash it off, then he’s going to create a single global world, as soros’ son is talking about, we need to make sure that justice is handled exclusively by artificial intelligence, after that digital slavery will come, the kind they talk about at the davost forum, the main thing there is one thing, the anti-russian vector , soros and other pseudonyms of the devil, dolls heir tutti, today on the first, on the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei. leonova. we had 35 young pilots, we walked around the city and bumped into my mother. he flew training planes over her house. i took my suitcase and the blanket that my mother once gave me. and with these things i came to their home, i offer you my hand
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and hearts, anything. i ask you not to refuse, i don’t have time. dad received a call to moscow. we understood that we would have to do more. work hard to get an education test engineer, so we started working together, there were 5 minutes left before entering the shadow, and 30 minutes of life, i know this for sure, scary, extraordinary from the point of view of others, but for me just a dad, a homely, good dad, space inside, on thursday on the first, the task of going into outer space was completed, on children's day, no matter how winter there was in cities and villages, we would never have known these cheerful days, just a few hours on the old tower, in this world everyone should not rush not to be left behind,
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we are sailing on a lezine, like on a brigancine. by worries are forgotten, stopped, in love everything is not simple and smooth, in love it does not solve everything, beauty, takes me away, takes me away with the angry snow and the beautiful, concert for the ninetieth birthday.
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away from the armored personnel carrier. golokolosenko, alexander nikolaevich, in afghanistan since 1986, began with the rank of captain as chief of staff of a motorized maneuver group. go ahead, look under your feet. over the course of a month, training, shooting, calibrated the instrument guidance, made a training town for drivers of armored personnel carriers and... gunners, this is a phenomenal case, it manifests itself, well, the genes work, i don’t know what to use some term for, what worked, but it worked.
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the task is to deploy border troops units at strategically important points, under the cover of an air group of 18 helicopters, in the centers of the northern provinces of afghanistan. special units of border troops are introduced to a depth of 70 to 100 km from the state border of the ussr. army general matrosov effectively leads border and air assault operations on territory controlled by the border guard. and it was very difficult to fight in the mountains. dubchak nikolai pavlovich in afghanistan in the eighty -third year began with the rank of lieutenant in...
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national intelligence, the coordinated actions of all border units, from aviation to the landing force, preempt the actions of the enemy, although
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it cannot be done without battles, but large casualties are avoided. every commander and political worker cared that if he made a decision, then this decision should be primarily related to preserving health and life of military personnel. no other punishment had any effect. like here's a warning that you will be removed from - service in afghanistan. they begged us not to make such a decision under any circumstances, that’s how high the responsibility was. in 1982 , over 240 combat operations were carried out. about 8.00 bandits are destroyed and captured, and 90 weapons depots are destroyed. 130 caches of almost 3,000 weapons. 26
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border units are being created in afghanistan. under the leadership of army general matrosovo, never before the border guards who fought on foreign soil, despite brutal clashes with bandits, the most difficult terrain and difficult climate, create a buffer zone. the center of gravity of the armed struggle in northern afghanistan shifted from the border to well-fortified garrisons of border guards in the administrative centers, while at the same time residents of the border areas, both the soviet and afghan sides, were protected. one can quite deservedly say about vadim alexandrovich that he fought in suvorovsk in matrosovsk, not in numbers, but in skill. the enemy is experienced knows the terrain very well and is well armed, a detailed study of any, even
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the smallest operation and accuracy in the implementation of decisions made is necessary, this is the only way we will be able to avoid unnecessary losses, there are no trifles in war, everything is before communication, he has created a training system.
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they restrict the movement of caravans with weapons and bandits towards the border, they protect civilian border guards in northern afghanistan , the dushmans in response switch to guerrilla actions and sabotage, there was a lot, there were objects, lying objects that the hand pulled right out, take it, see what it is. ulevaty oleg vitalievich, in afghanistan since 1983, started with the rank of captain. in the position of head of the engineering department of the border detachment, or they use plastic bottles, pour saltpeter powder into them, and so on, or they simply made bags, or bags made of leather. against border formations, as well as units of the fortieth army, the dushmans use the most modern ammunition and weapons supplied to afghanistan with the help of the west, sometimes...
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the rebels pierced themselves, left some marks, some kind of sliver, a piece of paper, a string, you can imagine a clean sochi beach that has just been cleaned, then a token from the moscow metro appears, which naturally arouses interest. lepilov sergei valerievich, in afghanistan since 1985, started as a conscript with the rank of sergeant, as a commander and...
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retired, she still senses human smells well, but usually the dog should sit right on the place where the mine was installed, but there were dogs with character who could do circle, run around, play, sometimes we even asked, please, sit closer, but we have to dig, we’ll have to dig through everything later, well, the dog makes such a playful bow, they have one like this, bows , shortens the circle, sits down, for to supply the afghan mujahideen with weapons for their training as part of the cia's operation cyclone, the united states provided about $20 billion. in 1982, in the pakistani city of peshawar, with the help of american and british intelligence services, the peshawar seven were created.
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islamic union of seven afghan parties mujahideen. the number of armed forces reaches 200 thousand militants. according to the american newspaper new york times in december 1982. the cia receives instructions from the us government to supply the mujahideen with heavy weapons, including recoilless rifles, mortars and anti-tank grenade launchers. khali, where are you going with the kazoo, i’m taking his guest to the commander, ah, the commander has enough of one goat, we ’ll requisition the second one from you, huh? vadim aleksandrovich matrosov
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said: border security can only be reliable if it is built on good intelligence and counterintelligence basis. to ensure security in the buffer zone, border guards conduct reconnaissance not only in afghanistan, but in neighboring pakistan and iran. thanks to this , it is possible to reveal the details of the cia's operation cyclone. if we talk about... in recruitment, well , this study went on for quite a long time, alexander ivanovich zorin, in afghanistan since the eighties, began with the rank of senior lieutenant as an officer in the border detachment intelligence. then it was possible to somehow decide whether this person was still fits more or less to some operational
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source of information, you must find it with him. started with the rank of senior lieutenant as deputy chief of an operational group, no matter what the enemy is, you need to look for common ground with him, you need to communicate, you need to talk, but only during the period of dialogue you can understand what he is like, our intelligence officers worked well , who were located directly in...
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who, with a supply of kerosene, with a supply of grain, flour, sometimes even lavash, you know, came out to populated areas, they sorted it all out with pleasure, you know, and told us thank you, come on in, comrades, don’t be afraid, at each of our garrisons, outside of it, we built medical stations, at these medical stations, doctors were deployed around the clock... sick afghans were being received, we left a garrison in the liberated region of kishlak, they ensured order, ensured the functioning of the people's power,
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the central government in all these territories that we liberated. to perform the most complex maintenance tasks order in the buffer zone, border guards require special technical equipment. vadim aleksandrovich matrosov pays great attention to this issue. designers and engineers will instantly learn about all the details. we entered afghanistan at buffets, this is a civilian helicopter, absolutely not covered by any armor or anything, with a bare cockpit, the factories very quickly rebuilt all the wishes of the pilots, so they quickly did it. the mi8s were like flying tanks; the cockpit was completely covered with armor. covered armor vital components of the helicopter, the helicopters were special purpose electronic reconnaissance, that is , we had operators sitting inside the cockpit, they
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listened to the air and, accordingly, these frequencies, and naturally we noted where the coordinates of these gang groups were, where the radio station was, there was the commander, and where the commander was, there was his army , then they gave the data to intelligence, and intelligence... already distributed it where it was needed. the buffer zone has been created, but the war in afghanistan continues, the mujahideen need weapons. clashes with bandits are inevitable. and border formations engage them in battle. okay, sergeant, in the car, let's listen.
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the head of the border troops, army general sailors, considers it necessary to conduct
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an operation of exceptional power in the vardush valley outside the zone of responsibility of the border troops. the operational military group of the aviation regiment of the eastern border district in cooperation with... the rifle regiment of the fortieth army is involved in the operation. preparations for a strategically complex operation are carried out under the leadership of the head of the district operational group, anatoly nester.
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this whole gorge, for the first time i saw about 1.0 200 italian mines, italians, they rushed the whole thing, we’re already standing, and the ground shook so much, we are far from this place, but the ground shook, well, 1,200 anti-tank, anti-vehicle mines. during the vorduzh operation , the gang of the field commander najmuddin was defeated, the border guards set up garrisons of akshra, umol, gardana, and
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the city of terderan was also under the control of the border guards. all caravan routes for the supply of weapons from pakistan to the democratic republic of afghanistan are blocked. ranevskaya. there are people in in whom god lives, and there are people in whom only worms live. watch the time after the program. to the ninetieth anniversary. on the birthday of alexey leonov. we have to fly up to 45 days. and 11 hours before the start, the state commission completely changes the crew. starts open spaces. and it was the father whom they, at their own request, replaced, who was assigned to notify the families of the victims. ya
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premiered at the very edge on friday on the first children's day, let's go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he took himself for children program, and the children just stuck to him, it was obvious, it couldn’t be played. it was this
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kind of guy who kind of said: “well, i ’m 20 years older than you, well, you and i are now playing these games together, funny and stupid, so you and i are on equal terms, he ran through life laughing , smiling, rejoicing, these were all his wives, they were, as it were , grabbed along the way, and he loved yulia, his last call was yulia, seryosha was a real genius of children's television, he died, in general, at the age of genius, we certainly miss him, we him often. we remember, so there are irreplaceable ones, sergei suponev, the hero of my childhood, june 1 at the first. it's going to be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games? on sunday on the first. thanks to
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the high-quality preparation of the operation, despite all its complexity, the duration was from april 9 to april 7. talked with the soldiers, asked questions, he was a simple, lively, normal person, a commander, he always spoke like a father , like a mother, an army general, the personnel of the landing force of the assault outpost conducts training in
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mine clearance, senior group major startsev, rather, absolutely never heard his voice rise, firstly, secondly, i was impressed by the fact that... he talks to the general in the same vein as he talks to a junior officer, talks to a sergeant, to soldier, hello, comrade soldiers, the army general would like to cook, if i ever heard his dissatisfaction, it was expressed with such humor that it did not offend, but... touched the soul very deeply, after that it was impossible to work poorly or overlook some little thing, officially the border troops in they did not participate in the afghan war, but the opponents
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understood who they were dealing with. we took another caravan that had left pakistan and found a map on which it was marked. within 2 years. march 8, 1987. at 10 p.m. , three rockets were fired at the soviet border town of pyanzh. the personnel of
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the detachment's air assault maneuver group under the command of major boris markin took up firing positions. the fire from the mortar platoon of lieutenant oleg drobyshev suppressed the positions. the chairman of the kgb arrived at the pyanzh border detachment to analyze the situation viktor mikhailovich chebrikov, head of the border troops, vadim aleksandrovich matrosov, on whose initiative the retaliation operation was carried out. as a result of the operation, latif's gang was destroyed. in april 1988, agreements were reached on a political settlement around afghanistan and a date was set for the withdrawal of soviet troops. the safety of the withdrawal of units of the fortieth army and their passage across the border was ensured by the border troops. five outposts, 10
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motorized and air assault maneuver groups, a patrol division ships and two air regiments. soviet. the troops left afghanistan with unfurled banners, like winners. i want to say that there is not a single soviet soldier, officer, or ensign behind me. this ended the nine-year stay. the border guards covered the fortieth army and were the last to leave afghanistan. although the withdrawal had already passed, there gromov accepted these congratulations, everything, everything, everything, as if everything. sergei mikhailovich has been in afghanistan since 1986. started with the rank of major as head of the mutomaneuver group,
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well, then at about 16 o’clock we receive a command to go forward to the soviet union, we built a column, let’s go, well, there was no such pomp, the exit of the border guards from afghanistan in the area of ​​​​operation of the pyanzh border detachment was assigned to control the major drop, this is the pianzh river somewhere there meters. 60 wide on the other side there is already a rally there, the leadership of tajikistan is meeting the border troops, music is playing, the smell of pilaf being fried there, they approached the helicopter, everyone wants to be the last, the helicopter came in, polunin is standing, he says, i’m older you rank, and i say, i’m healthier, a helicopter lifted him into his arms, and so pyotr petrovich perepada turned out to be the last border guard in the pyanzh direction to leave afghanistan. over the 10 years of the afghan war, border troops under the leadership of army general matrosov were able to completely
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cover the ussr border from the penetration of armed gangs and protect the civilian afghan population. they successfully carried out more than 1,113 operations, both independently and together with units of the fortieth army and the afghan armed forces. they were destroyed. at 1.216 militants, including 545 field commanders. we were on the battlefield, we did not leave a single dead border guard or a single prisoner. even when the helicopter was shot down while troops were withdrawing. and the crew died, except for the commander, he managed to jump out of the shot down helicopter. we, our dead crew members, were taken to the territory.
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border guards, soldiers and officers who passed through afghanistan, the losses amounted to 518 people, and there was not a single missing person. under vadim aleksandrovich matrosov, the border guards of the soviet union reached the peak of the most high altitudes in... in the sense of reliability, in the sense of continuity in time and space, in the sense of the skill of the command staff, the preparedness of the outpost commanders, on whom everything always depends. the nature of the successful actions of border guards is their courage, highly professional training, of course... strategic thinking and the firm hand of the head of the border troops of the kgb
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of the ussr, vadim aleksandrovich matrosov. well, matrosov, you will go to moscow for a course to improve the fister staff. eat. on...
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it seems to me a very important task in all times, the defense of our fatherland, we
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carried out this task, perhaps yours too... will take their rightful place here in a few years, hold on, the homeland will never forget the faithful comrades of the army general, chief of the border troops of the kgb of the ussr vadim aleksandrovich matrosov.
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dedicated to the border guard heroes, defenders of the borders of the homeland in 1979-1989. the film is based on materials from the book “border guards on fire in afghanistan.” a four-volume book dedicated to history. the afghan war, the participation in it of the border troops of the kgb and the ussr. even after after the official withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan , our border guards remained on the territory of the neighboring country. it was they who returned home last and undefeated.


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