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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 28, 2024 1:35pm-3:01pm MSK

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dedicated to the border guard heroes, defenders of the borders of their homeland in 1979-1989. the film is based on materials from the book “border guards on fire in afghanistan.” the four-volume volume is dedicated to the history of the afghan war and the participation in it of the border troops of the kgb and the ussr. even after the official withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan , our border guards remained on the territory of the neighboring country. it was they who returned to their homeland, last and undefeated.
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this is an information channel on the first, we continue to work live, we just watched it. documentary,
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dedicated to the day of the border guard, dedicated to this wonderful holiday, and in general in our country it is customary to honor heroic warriors, the real defenders of our fatherland. on may 26, the legendary commander of the sparta battalion, artyom zhoga, was supposed to turn only 31 years old. for 8 years he defended his native land, his native donbass, joined the ranks of the militia in 2014, and died in okho. on march 5, 2022, during the evacuation of residents from the city of volnovakha, the city was very seriously damaged, the retreat was rapid, now 2 years later volnovakha was transformed, a completely different life began there, and the host of the we are alive project, alexander mozgovoy, visited volnovakha.
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you see, behind me there is a broken hangar, next to it there is a former gas station, this entrance to volnovakh is very well known to those who liberated the city in march 2022, in fact. i’m now on my way to meet one of these guys, meet me, call sign zakhar liberated waves as part of the sparta battalion, that’s right, our main task was to take that red building, these are the white and red houses, this new building, they weren't there at all there was a field there, their tanks also came from there, on a hill such a height is strategically important.
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this house was occupied by the national battalions, this is the part that can be seen in this area, that is, where ours were advancing, it turns out that the national battalions were sitting here and they were sitting in the same way in the red house, there were snipers sitting there, although there were people...
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there were very wild, an electrician worked for us, now he left for health reasons, so before his eyes she killed her wife, then a tank shot up the entrance from which she ran out, the shelling also started, she ran out after him,
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got scared, called, called, then a tank fired at the entrance, everything collapsed on her, before his eyes, he was completely on fire, he went up to this tank man and even... we had here the wounded, yes, here we had a table, which was covered with disposable napkins, where they could do manipulations, medicines, medicines were stored here, the wounded were here, there is a further passage and there is a connection with the catering department, we simply,
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this is what else people it helped that some dry rations, some canned food, some pasta, there was a supply of something somewhere, we were here around the clock, here on the street... we organized a kitchen, cooked, those people who came here didn’t kick anyone out, they accepted everyone, civilians , because people came here from the village, and we could not refuse them help, not a single civilian was harmed during your assault, no, no, no, no, they were all sitting in the basements, where we handed them over to our soldiers, they are further down the chain...
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phew, and the guys with the news helped me so much, when we left on the twelfth, i already went home to see that there was a rumble, some kind of wind, dirt, dust, corpses, tanks, equipment, broken, burnt, everything, and i was in the dark, where are the children, there is a granddaughter, 3 years old , just a baby, tiny, so they stood near the hospital. i say: guys, can i call? yes, they give me a phone number, i say, tan, this way and that, i say, i don’t know where, where the children, granddaughter, don’t worry, that’s it, immediately tears in my eyes begin to become hysterical, the correspondent immediately told me so, calmly, calmed down, quiet, everything, we speak clearly, everything
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immediately, you know, i came to my senses, everything is fine, the children are in donetsk, they were saved, the guys also took them out a little earlier,
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civilians, if this is karl marx 21, this is still a country, where the enemy is, sema took people somewhere from here , that’s why i say, when the opportunity arises, i’ll pick it up, don’t think so, but it’s not us here, it’s not us, on march 5th here on mendele street... the soldiers of the sparta battalion managed to get through, do you
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remember this day when yes, now i’ll tell you, we always locked the door at night, because we couldn’t leave time nearby the door was open, until the last minute they waited until everyone came in and closed it, it was somewhere around 11 pm, well, at night, they knocked, knocked on this door. i come up and say who it is, and i got mine from there, well, i had to open it, it’s dark, we have these little lanterns, but very small, i lit it like this, but visually they all have the same shape, in this state they’re in stripes again these stripes, with which this one is different for everyone, it illuminated the military man, i ask again, who are you? he told me, we are the dpr, and he, when the dpr told me, you won’t believe it, i probably have, i don’t know, i went to him, i hugged him, tears, crying, i said,
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lord, how long we have been waiting for you, and the only thing he said to me, he says, forgive us, i say, i don’t understand why, he says, we when we entered the city, we saw what had happened to the city, i told him, it’s not only you, it’s not only you. i even remember his call sign is zenith, he immediately asked for forgiveness for the fact that the city was destroyed, like this, this is a human indicator of the soul, some steal to ruins, and others even ask for forgiveness for these ruins, so my father waited for him in guests, father i was also familiar, my father found it. in the basement vova then dropped into the basement with the guys, and there the father and he said: i am so and so, i am the father of so
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and so, so and so, and vova through the guys handed him over to semyon pegov and pegov took him to donetsk, come on in the basements, there are a large number of civilians, we are already taking dmitry ivanovich out now, dmitry ivanovich, say hello to your relatives, they are probably worried, tell them that everything is fine with you there, relatives, i am alive. healthy, you stink nikolay, thanks guys, god bless them, how many times they were not in danetsk, i don’t say, they didn’t let me out, no, why didn’t the sbu let me out, because my son was on that trip, well, we mean ours, but they let him in, how do you feel now?
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there is a certain symbolism in the fact that on the street named after zhoga, here volnovakhi opened this football ground, because vokha himself played football since childhood and even dreamed of a professional career. armed ukrainian nationalists didn’t come in,
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hold the girl, quickly, when all this started, well, i couldn’t look at it calmly, how the idiots were jumping around, how the legitimate president was removed from power, i couldn’t look at it calmly, we have a lot of discussions on this topic. at work it was yes, well, and as if at one certain moment i said to myself that when everything starts, i say, we will have weapons in the city, then i will take up arms and defend my city,
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then i ended up in the sparta battalion with arsen pavlov, motorola, after whose death he headed the unit and eventually rose to the rank of guard colonel, vladimir zhogo gave eight of the 28 years of his life to serving his homeland. the well-known expression that heroes are not born, heroes are made, this is definitely about him. we are born, we die, we have done this many times already, it has been and... will be with each of us, no one will climb into our trenches instead of us, for hundreds of lives we have been doing this work, a shot with a count or a score, that’s the only way, our city never gives up to anyone saying,
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my way, my life, my sport, my flag, my flag. with counting or counting, only this way, with counting or counting, only like this, our proud thief never surrenders to anyone, my way, my life, my sparta, my flag, with a brush or a score, that’s the only way.
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for 1 year he did not seek fame, he did not strive to become a hero, he just wanted peace and wanted to protect those people who were threatened and whom they simply wanted to destroy, he became a hero and will remain a hero. it seemed like the liberation of volnovakha was just yesterday, but more than two years have passed, and today i was scrolling through my feed on my social networks and came across posts, guys,
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about the collapse of the entire front in this area and the slavic kramatorsk group is immediately under threat, which there is concentrated and, accordingly, these cities of the russian spring immediately become our priority target for liberation, so the enemy clings on very fiercely, but nevertheless, our heroic fighters are still our units of the volunteer corps of the ministry of defense.
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adjacent to the urban development of the yar clock itself, in that direction there are quite fierce clashes, also the heroic ivanovsky paratroopers in the residential development of the canal microdistrict, this is the eastern ledge now. sofia, he with such a protrusion to the east - on the eastern side of the seversky donetsk canal, there are already street battles, our guys are already advancing in residential buildings, in parallel with this, from the southern side we managed to gain a foothold on a small bridgehead on the western side of the seversky donetsk canal with the donbass , and from there we also pump up, create pressure in order to... squeeze out the enemy from the southern part of the city, there are also battles below in the area of ​​kleshcheevka and andreevka, already liberated by us, there
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our ours are advancing further along the commanding heights heroic guys in the direction of the canal, and to throw the group there directly to the already western part, in order to facilitate the tasks of liberating the city of hours. pavel, the western press is writing about the shortage of ammunition in the ukrainian armed forces, which is about to affect the fact that they can fall in this direction, as i understand it, this is due to the transfer of reserves and ammunition to the north of the kharkov region, how will you comment on this, is there a feeling there that shortages are about to hit? and ruslan, well, i’ll say this, i literally just recently, one might say, i returned from there, and i don’t feel much...
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they compensate for this decrease in the intensity of artillery fire, of course, with a huge amount of use of drones. fpv, drones, first of all, drones , quite seriously, let’s say, make life difficult for the attackers, but nevertheless, we already have rap specialists working for us, they brought us there. contract for the construction of a low-power nuclear power plant in this country, this construction will begin this summer. russia and uzbekistan also confirmed the coincidence or similar positions on the vast
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majority of international issues, including the conflict in ukraine, and a course towards strengthening partnerships and allies, including in the military sphere on issues of combating terrorism and extremism. also today , vladimir putin congratulated the president of azerbaijan ilham aliyev on the independence day of this country. it is celebrated today. and noted that russia attaches great importance to allied relations with baku and will increase cooperation in all areas. finally, also, perhaps most importantly, today in russia they celebrate border guard day. on may 28 , 1918, by decree of the council of people's commissars , the border guard of the rsfsr was established. border security has always and at all times been the most important priority of the state, and today, when the west is waging a hybrid... war against our country, the importance of the border service of the fsb of russia is simply difficult to overestimate. we, of course, sincerely congratulate the border guards on their professional holiday. and, of course, they
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were congratulated today by vladimir putin, who emphasized that russian border guards act professionally and selflessly at all borders of russia, protecting the sovereignty of the national interests of our country. let's listen to part of his video message. i note that largely thanks to the determination of the border guards, they were thwarted. with army and navy units, with law enforcement agencies, with heads of regions and municipalities. of course, rely on the support of people
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who see you as their... reliable defenders, and in the meantime, russia continues its successful offensive actions along the entire front line in ukraine. the day before , the ministry of defense announced the liberation of the settlements of ivanovka in the kharkov region and netaylova in the donetsk people's republic, and anastasia mikhailovskaya, military correspondent of russian spring, will tell us more about this. anastasia leonidovna, good afternoon, we are very glad to see you, as always, on our program. yes, hello, hello, here we are. great news, indeed the soldiers of the ninth separate motorized rifle brigade freed netailov, he was flying the flag of the russian federation in the very in the center of the village, our fighters continue the same pace that they have already gained and are moving towards the karlovskoe reservoir, this is now one of the most important points, which is where the defense is leading, the defense of ukraine and where
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the most fierce battles are now taking place. the guys are really fighting with ferocity, there are pividrons and artillery working there, and small aircraft are going out there, so you see, there’s really nowhere to hide in this place, everything is dug up with trenches, so, but nevertheless our fighters are moving forward, they fearless, and we are proud of them, now you see, yes, this work and pividronov, and also i’m like... yes, i remind you that we are holding our camp for rap, which helps our guys, our fighters, this one of the most important areas in defense right now, and we are now distributing our new batch of rebbe, with the popular front, with our engineers who are also working on the russian spring, this batch will now be decisive, because
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we are distributing it and.. . to doctors and guys for rotation and for the supply of ammunition and for removal of the wounded, thank you very much, spectators of the big game, now some of our most important trustees, because it is you who collect all the funds that go to rap, thank you very much, thank you very much anastasia leonidovna, a truly extremely important matter, electronic warfare, it is necessary say that here are the launches in recent days.
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russia's suppression of the guidance systems of modern western weapons, including gps-guided artillery shells with excalibur guidance and the haimarc highly mobile artillery missile system, has undermined ukraine's ability to defend its territory has forced kiev officials to urgently seek help from the pentagon to obtain updated versions of weapons, for example, the effectiveness of us-developed excalibur shells has plummeted within months to less than a 10%
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hit rate. in terms of targets, according to confidential ukrainian estimates, because of this, the ukrainian armed forces abandoned them last year; in the first year of the russian special military operation , high hopes were placed on hymers launchers in causing attacks on ammunition depots and command posts in the rear, but in the second year it was all over, the russians deployed electronic warfare capabilities, jammed western satellite signals and the hymarc system became completely ineffective, a senior ukrainian military official said. these... results are achieved to a large extent thanks to the gathering that anastasia mikhailovskaya spoke about, so i once again propose that i urge our tv viewers to participate in it. well, now let's ask our traditional military observer yuri ivanovich wondered what is happening now on the fronts of the special operation. yuri ivanovich, good afternoon. good afternoon. well, in principle, nothing fundamentally changes, that is, what happened yesterday, the day before yesterday, our troops take advantage of the fact that the enemy has pulled significant
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reserves to defend kharkov. further on the chasvyar is the most important battle, here the enemy has been starting to sag for the last few days, because he doesn’t have enough, either we knocked out artillery for him, or he doesn’t have enough ammunition, our boys noted this very well at the front, they say that yes, the enemy has
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a huge number of drones, but there is less artillery, it has already become easier, at least the fierce ones are driving at the front, which is probably more than 100 km long, but the movement here is also kind of difficult, but there is, well, traditionally the socheretina region further to the pokrovsky sector on... the taretsky sector is here and the enemy notes that our troops are carrying out very serious assault operations, they are having tactical successes, well, then krasnogorovka goes further south, here there is an assault on the city, also the center has already been taken by us in many ways, but the enemy still fiercely trying to hold on to something, resisting, just like to the south, between novomikhailovka and ugledar, where our troops are also advancing and quite successfully. thank you very much, yuri ivanovich, keep us informed, based on what you said. and again, leading western publications continue to paint a very gloomy picture of the prospects of the ukrainian armed forces, so let’s listen to what the german spiegel writes. kiev keeps the status quo secret, even from its allies, however, there are signs,
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for example, sudden movements of anti-aircraft systems, supplied by germany, which indicate simple desperation. the secret services also give unpleasant forecasts; they warn that neither additional ammunition nor a new law on mobilization with the help of which more ukrainians will be called up for military service will not have noticeable consequences until the end of autumn. your assessment, igor vladimirovich. uh, my assessment is the following: our troops are really putting pressure on the enemy very seriously today. literally, before today’s broadcast, my friends from our illustrious 100th brigade told me the first army corps sent a video where they, not far from krasnogorovka, captured another enemy position with a fairly large amount of ammunition. and they showed me two prisoners who spoke exclusively very good russian, who were only literally recently drafted, these are people of quite advanced age, they were only recently drafted and were immediately thrown into battle, they are demoralized, they say that
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they did not want to fight , these are precisely the consequences of the reforms that are taking place today well, the pseudo-reforms that are going on in ukraine today, that is, demoralization today is observed on all fronts, especially where ours use guided air bombs, this is about what ivanovich said, this is a chasvyar, where ours are knocking out, very seriously knocking out enemy forces, he is not said that , by and large, near volchansk, our aerospace forces thwarted the enemy’s counteroffensive, because they pulled there the marines, their landing force, the last unit, in fact from the entire front line, our places of deployment, places the clusters were covered just under control.
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in order to arm ourselves, this intelligence already reports on those new weapons that are coming from the west today, but today we have an overwhelming, overwhelming superiority in artillery, an overwhelming superiority in well, almost all types of weapons, and we are quite seriously pushing back the enemy , i completely agree with this, the problem arises here, well, this is indeed a very great success, but the problem is: the greater victories russia achieves, the greater the temptation to the west to escalate this conflict, because the west has linked its own fate with the fate of the kiev regime, the west has declared that the conflict is existential for it,
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and the loss of ukraine in this war for the west seems less of a risk and evil than the threat of a third world war in general, today in the west they are openly discussing. aspect of escalation: the first is the sending of regular western troops in ukraine, to ukraine, the second is the installation of an unmanned zone, that is, shooting down the western missiles from western territory, russian missiles. drones into the territory of ukraine. and the third is to allow the kiev regime to launch strikes with western missiles deep into russian territory, meaning old russian territories. and it is precisely this last aspect of the escalation that has currently acquired the greatest support from the west, well , poland and the baltic countries were initially in favor of this, then british foreign secretary cameron spoke out, but the real breakthrough in the discussion of this topic, i would say, occurred after togo, how... the most influential american columnist for the new york times, david sanger
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, wrote an article that supposedly tony blinken, or rather not supposedly, but tony blinken, the secretary of state of the united states, also began to advocate for this decision, everything after that just fizzled out. nato secretary general stoltenberg literally says every day that it is necessary, necessary, necessary to give kiev the appropriate permission. yesterday this issue was officially discussed at the eu council, brussels at the level of foreign ministers, today it... the united states, today the netherlands and the czech republic spoke in favor of this, so let's listen to what the minister of defense of the netherlands kaisa olengren said today. it is clear that the ukrainians must strike deep into russian territory.
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exactly where, where they gather those who have lost
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fear, who have lost their adequacy, who are ready, in general, to say anything, simply because they don’t have to answer for their words, that is, in this regard, we are now observing a classic situation , when the lightweights, the european lightweights, for whom there is little demand, yes, that is, we remember, that when the baltic states sent their soldiers to afghanistan in 2001, they sent , in my opinion, five or six people to three countries, yeah, it was an absolutely brilliant escopadade and... that the red lines were crossed many times and
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nothing it wasn’t, so let’s cross it further, but this is such an absolutely insane position that can end in absolute disaster, but again the option is when an irresponsible country is pulled in by those who have the remnant of reason left, in general , what we, unfortunately in today's europe we observe, i completely agree with you about this wonderful metaphor about a madhouse, because we have said many times on this program that it is european...
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this issue would be interesting to discuss at the level of the heads of state of the european union, at our level much more low modest, we cannot discuss such issues, we must discuss practical issues, a philosophical discussion, the issue of the third world war, which is certainly important and interesting, but today it was not on the agenda of the eu council. you imagine, the question of the third world war, of a nuclear war in europe, where the theater is military. precisely for this person, because being a european diplomat, a person, in my opinion, does not really understand what reality really is, i have a feeling that he lives in some kind of parallel reality, because not so long ago we carefully read what is happening in italy, what is happening with the northern league, how practically everyone in the northern league stood up and said: guys, close this issue forever, matteo
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salvini, just the leader of the northern league, now italy's deputy prime minister called on stoltenberg to resign after he spoke out in favor of the decision. he says: you understand what you ’re talking about, it’s time for you to just retire, but there are balts, there are poles who believe that everything will be great, you know, a good thesis, it came from america, american talk shows, they they say: listen, how brave the baltic republics are, they are ready to fight with russia deep into the territory, they themselves are ready to send their troops, to fight, to beat, the americans nod their heads and say: listen, this is so good, you know why, but russia will pull its air defense systems deeper into the territory, and the front will burn? here our army will trample, we can do all this, one presenter raises the question, says: haven’t you thought that russia is a nuclear power, but it’s not fair to fight, well, it’s not fair, we have to fight with understandable means if we came with a lighter to a lion or a bear, but he should not use his teeth or claws, under no
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circumstances, he should growl, but nothing else, but almost all the comments that were after this show, everyone said, listen, run, run and do everything so that your politicians hear you, because these idiots who are today are not even useful idiots, they are simply leading their countries to hell, for sure, they are blind people who are leading their countries to the third world war, and you know, igor vladimirovich, what i also drew attention to is some kind of hypocritically unprincipled casuistry, the same jens stoltburg, secretary general of nato, says that.. yes, yesterday he spoke at the nato parliamentary assembly in bulgaria and says that this is macron’s idea, sending regular troops to ukraine, this is bad, we will not agree to this, because this is nato’s direct entry into the war. this means that the establishment of an unmanned zone over ukraine is also bad, because this is nato’s direct entry into the war, we will not agree to this,
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but shoot western long-range missiles, for example, otakams, deep into the old russian territory, despite the fact that all the coordinates will be there. .. on the information-hybrid wars program, which at one time was opened at moscow state university, professor andrei manoilo, we discussed this problem and said that western countries are always trying to form information and physical operations against other third countries, in such a way as to clearly not have the option of losing,
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look, with regard to the supply of weapons that can shoot across the territory of greater russia, in any version, and not without... why, because russian weapons will not be used on the territory of western countries, they will only be used on the territory ukraine, where these missiles will fly from, ammunition there, and so on. it turns out that in the best case scenario, they will receive broken infrastructure on the territory of the russian federation, in the worst case scenario, killed ukrainian soldiers, destroyed equipment, and so on. but not a single western soldier will suffer, but only when they bring in a contingent, and this is what we are talking about...
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they will attack not only inside ukraine, but outside ukraine, at british targets outside ukraine, that is, anywhere in
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the world , maybe inside itself great britain, and third, russia launched an exercise to test the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, it seems to me that the same position must be taken in relation to all countries who can support or already support the corresponding decision, that is, we give ourselves the right to strike at any country . against any object of any country whose weapons will strike at russian territory, and if a response arrives, then russia will be ready to use nuclear weapons, including this should concern the united states, given the position of secretary of state blinken, only this way, only by reviving the fear of nuclear war, can these crazy madmen stop. now a little advertising. i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission,
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it is very difficult to fight in the mountains, you cannot smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you, 100 km from the state border we must ensure security, a mine fell into our hands, they may shake teeth, ears, hair, but not hands, 1,200 min. rushed, the ground is so swung, we left a garrison in the liberated village area, they ensured order, went out to populated areas with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, they took it all apart with pleasure, the residents of the border areas, both the soviet and afghan sides, were protected for the day of the border guard, premiere, the main milestone, not a step back. today is the first one. rum. castro, a product
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of stellor group. george soros, his funds firmly entrenched in many countries of the world, were expelled from russia a long time ago, but continue their sabotage activities in organizing color revolutions and civil wars on our borders. the only possible way to preserve our civilization is to defeat russia. as soon as possible, as far as kyrgyzstan is concerned, samford soros is leaving, but a bunch of other foundations affiliated with this open society are still there. georgia is an example of a country where the interests of the american state coincide with the interests of the soros. people are being debilitated, this is what lies behind this debilitation. soros and his son. thinking about how to create a revolution within the united states of america itself, people like joe biden, the wave of the new revolution should simply wash away. then he is going to create a single global world, which is what soros’ son says is necessary. made sure that justice was handled by exceptional artificial intelligence, after this digital slavery will come, the one that is told at the dovo forum,
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the main thing there is one thing, the anti-russian vector, soros and other pseudonyms of the devil, dolls of the heir tutti, today at the first. ranevskaya, my head is in the right place, they told me, you can’t watch tv from morning to night. “here, please, look at the time after the program, for the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, we have to fly for 45 days, 11 hours before the start the state commission completely changes the crew, they instructed to notify the families of the victims.”
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if only we had not known these happy days, there is a clock on the old tower, in this world
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everyone should not rush to keep up, we are sailing on a vezina, like on a brigancine, forgotten worries, stopped be, there is no such thing in love, everything is simple and smooth, in love does not decide everything, beauty carries me away, carries me away, marrying the snowy yes. concert for the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of composer evgeniy krylaty premieres on june 1 at the first, it will be hot,
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what, where, when, summer. to provoke, of course, the kiev regime. more than anyone else, the third world war is simply trying to drag nato into a direct military conflict with russia, by hook or by crook, and today the minister of defense of ukraine umerov has already spoken.
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represented by the united states of america, they decided that this is a failed event, where they should not invest their authority, it just needs to be one of the passing ones events, today's words of zelensky about biden's weakness, i believe, will come back to him in any case, they will not go unnoticed, he believes that he can do anything, but the limits, all the trust in him has already been reached, because only the lazy already, including among the biden administration, they are not asking a simple
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question, in fact, who are we dealing with, who are we talking to, who is this person, how... what is his political status, legal status, who he really is and who holds power now from the point of view law, we are, as they say in the western world we always defend the letter of the law or those notorious rules, but even in their notorious rules there is no concept of who former president zelensky is, and it is very easy to say that president biden took out his jaw and put it in a glass, you can do as much as you like, but these jaws even in a glass they can bite it very hard, but the main european event... this week is certainly the state visit of macron, the president of france, macron to germany, this is a three-day visit, and this is the first state visit of the french president to germany already 24 years, a quarter of a century, and it takes place 2 weeks before the elections to the european parliament, where according to opinion polls macron's party should suffer a catastrophic defeat. it is aimed
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at creating the impression of a revival of the franco-german... to create the impression that germany supposedly supports his, in quotation marks, grandiose ideas about the strategic autonomy of europe as a global center of power. but for now it must be said that the most noticeable event of this state visit was that when visiting the memorial of the victims.
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this means that the day before in dresdon he said an hour-long speech, an hour-long speech about the future of europe, naturally, he said again that europe must die, and in order for europe not to die, that europe can die, and so that it does not die, it is necessary, therefore, according to macron, to increase spending on everything, and preferably twice as much. let's listen to how the politician's publication summarizes his speech: speaking in german and french, macron said that europe is faced with an existential crisis. and called on the european union to double public spending to address such challenges such as the transition to a green economy, artificial intelligence and defense. the french president wants eu member states to make new commitments to shared
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eu debt and develop bold investment plans as competition from china and the us intensifies. germany and the so-called frugal four countries do not want to follow the french prime minister, but in dresdon macron seemed unperturbed. europe. large-scale investments are needed to cope with the problems, he said. twice as much joint public investment, this must be done, he continued, either by doubling the size of the budget, or using general borrowing strategies, or using tools that already exist. kirilloeevich, in this regard, one question arose for me: where will they get the money for all this and in general what is macron about to help ukraine? in the same speech, by the way, he said that peace on russia’s terms is unacceptable, ukraine itself must . means formulating peace conditions and for this europe must help ukraine, which means increasing defense spending, increasing spending on green the course of the european union, for investment, for
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everything, but where did the money come from or germany will have to finally pay for everything and will probably disappear. i immediately remember when macron was elected and for the first time they said that this is the president of france, who was elected by the bankers, whom. the end, strictly speaking, of the presidential term, until the end of his tenure, in this regard , macron, in fact, is making a donor offer, a sponsor offer, you need the money to return as a profit before
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the money, we will lend you a loan, on collateral budgets, secured by anything in your economy, yes, that is, without problems, and if we see that macron announced the most expendable and thankless items as an object of investment, that is, the same green one. who you actually have from the state, but this will again be a sovereign debt, in fact, the bankers will give real money, and then you will owe, and macron calmly sits on olympus with a pure soul and
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knowing that, strictly speaking, all the profits go to his donors he provided, well , germany remains the main payer in europe, today macron is in munster, actually meeting with chancellor scholz, before that he only met with president steinmeir, but... let's see if germany is ready to pay for these grandiose initiatives of macron. meanwhile, there is another very important event of today: the parliament of georgia.
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the same thing that came to ukraine may come after this maidan, georgia will first be plunged into a regime of civil war, military-civil conflict, and then will be drawn into a war with the russian federation, and i i urge all georgians who live on the territory of the russian federation, call your friends and relatives in georgia, do everything so that you, real georgians, do everything to ensure that georgia remains. as
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always, it was orthodox, subjective , real, a real state, which in all centuries covered itself with unknown glory, that is, the georgian people, and you know, i want the georgian people now, right now, because they are approximately the same as we stood in the fourteenth year so that they would be found the kind of people who, you know, would have seen in the very embryo all this, what is called on the border, we had such people, because 14 '.
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the only possible way to preserve our civilization is to defeat russia as best we can. rather, as for kyrgyzstan, samford soros is leaving, but a bunch of other foundations affiliated with this open society have not gone away. georgia is an example of a country where the interests of the american state coincide with the interests of the soros, people are being debilitated, and soros is behind this debilitation. soros and his son, they think how to create
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a revolution within the united states of america itself, people like joe biden should simply be washed away by the wave of a new revolution, then he is going to create a unified global world, which is what soros’ son is talking about, we need to make sure that... justice was dealt with exclusively by artificial intelligence, after this there will come digital slavery, the one that is told at the davo forum, the main thing there is one thing: the anti-russian vector, soros and other pseudonyms of the devil, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first day, at the age of 19 i was left alone, why are you here with your father on the ship? oh yes, theater, the reds will come, art will be banned, yes, this is a mulya, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, i have not experienced anything in my own skin, the war passed her by,
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look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors , but there can only be one great meeting. “i’ll make a challenge if you come to me, they love you, you’re a serious, smart man, but you’re making faces, marital status, you say you have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, without a family, without children, but devoted to art to the grave, you are a brilliant, dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it, ranevskaya, look. after the program time, happy birthday to whom? ilva nikolaevich tolstoy, i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission,
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it is very difficult to fight in the mountains, you cannot smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you, 100 km from the state border, we must ensure security. if a mine gets into your hands , your teeth, ears, and hair may shake, but not your hands. 1200 minutes rushed, the earth shook so much, we were in in the liberated area of ​​the village , a garrison was left, they ensured order, went out to populated areas with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, they took it all with pleasure, the residents of the border areas of both the soviet and afghan sides were protected. on the day of the border guard, the premiere, the main milestone, not a step back, today, on the first, on the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, we had 35 young pilots,
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we walked around the city, bumped into my mother, he flew training planes over her house , took my suitcase, the blanket that my mother gave me i gave it once, with this...
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they didn’t get away with it, it was obvious, it couldn’t be played, it was this kind of guy who was like saying, well, i’m 20 years older than you, well, you and i are playing together now these games are funny and stupid, so you and i are on equal terms, he ran through life, laughing, smiling, rejoicing, all these wives were like those he picked up along the way, and he loved yulia, his last call was to yulia, seryoshka was a real genius of children's television and died at the age of genius. we definitely miss him, we often we remember, so there are irreplaceable ones. sergei suponev, the hero of my childhood, june 1 at the first. three chords, new season, on sunday on the first. the big game is on air.
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today the un security council will hold a closed meeting on the israeli strike on the refugee camp. everything is in rafah. gas, which killed at least 45 people, half of them women and children. and the special cynicism of this situation lies in the fact that not only did israel, of course, call it all a tragic mistake, and he didn’t even take the blame, he said that you know, he accidentally caught fire in a fuel tank and now the fire from this fuel tank spread to the camp, which is why so many people died there. complete, complete nonsense lies, but this still happened and continues
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to happen after the un international court of justice made a decision prohibiting israel from continuing its military operation in rafah. israel naturally ignored this, it continues to launch massive attacks on this city in the south of the gaza strip, this one at night, only rafah survived one of the most brutal bombings of israel, even today. wrote that israeli tanks are already in the center of rafah, this is how israel respects international law, naturally under the cover of the united states, because as ax writes, the biden administration is painfully deciding whether this attack on the tent camp violates biden’s red lines regarding netanyahu or does not violate, speaker of the house of representatives michael johnson made another threat of sanctions the day before, but not against netanyahu.
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think about what they said: children will grow up to be terrorists, this means that children must be killed, unborn children must be killed, only because the americans have branded it that way, and yes, regarding all the rules of law, they no longer exist, there is a world of rules and there is no other way, the olympics that are taking place now, look, all the israeli athletes will go with the flag, will participate there, there are no sanctions against israel, let them try the international criminal court to even open their mouths, there will be sanctions instantly, these are these double standards lead to the fact that the united states of america becomes a country of hypocrisy, such monstrous hypocrisy, when they sit down at the table with them, they think that they
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can steal, they always play only with sprinkled cards, when they lose, they say that the game was not cards, i completely agree with you, but here it seems to me that israel can still lose from a military point of view, because look, the situation is getting out of control, yes, israeli tanks are already in the center of rafah, naturally, in violation, i emphasize again, of the decisions international court of the un, no, no... the mus is not an international criminal court, but a un court, which is a statutory body of the united nations, israel, this decision is simply ignored with the support of the united states, but at the same time the situation is gradually starting to get out of hand control. the day before, there had already been a shootout between the israeli military and the egyptian military around the rafah checkpoint, which israel now controls, as a result of which an egyptian soldier was already killed.
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this conflict has ceased to be israeli-lestinian, why? because we we see the tension in this place, we see the tension in this place, we see the tension that comes from here, we also see that there is a very contradictory contradictory region of muslim states, which is becoming one front against israel's genocide regarding the palestinian people. we see genocide, why? because first of all. an analogy
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between donbass and modern palestine, yes, if not for russia, exactly the same genocide against our people could have taken place precisely starting from the twenty-second year, when weapons from western countries and nato began to arrive en masse on the territory of ukraine, so i think that today israel is on a very, you know, thin path from which you can fall. into the abyss, and if he doesn’t gain prudence now, which , in principle, he has very little hope for, yes, then ultimately this could lead to even further escalation, why? because hamas is gaining strength, why? because it is supported by all states that see what israel is doing in palestine. well, first of all, it seems to me that hamas
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is supported by the palestinians themselves in the gaza strip, children and women who are being killed en masse, but what should they do? in this situation, because hamas is really resisting this, this genocide, and i completely agree, the situation could get out of control, moreover, i do not exclude that netanyahu is trying to achieve exactly this, this is how zelensky is trying to provoke the third world war, to drag nato into a direct war against russia and thereby ensure its survival, avoid defeat, yes, since it hopes that everything they can stop, that’s how netanyahu is trying to provoke a big escalation, due to this... to ensure his political survival, because otherwise he is doomed, and he deceived the people of israel with the war in gaza, he promised victory, he promised peace, he promised return hostages, none of this happened, but the united states, which is really playing with cards, is still trying to secure support from saudi arabia and improve
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its own relations with saudi arabia, and relations between saudi arabia and israel. naturally, this depends on the resolution of the palestinian issue, but nevertheless the united states is trying to prepare the ground. right now , secretary of state blinken is in riyadh today, he is holding negotiations with crown prince mohammed bin salman, on the agenda is a general improvement in relations, on the agenda is a future defense contract, which the united states is showing saudi arabia as a carrot, an agreement on cooperation on nuclear energy. which is also another carrot for saudi arabia, please note attention, nuclear energy, naturally, in response to iran’s nuclear program, that is , the united states is apparently helping saudi arabia to obtain nuclear weapons if necessary, and thirdly, as the financial times writes, the lifting of the american embargo arms embargo on saudi arabia, let's
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hear it, the us is expected to lift the ban on the sale of offensive weapons to saudi arabia. likely in the coming weeks, us officials say. president joe biden has suspended their sales kingdom three years ago, shortly after taking over the oval office, he criticized the saudi invasion of yemen and expressed concern that american weapons could be used in airstrikes that would kill civilians. however, they wanted to look into this decision after a truce was concluded in 202 through the mediation of the un. in general , erriyata complies with it because. seeks to exit the civil conflict in yemen, in which it intervened 9 years ago. lifting the ban will the latest sign of improving relations between the biden administration and erriyadh. how do you assess these movements of the united states in relations with saudi arabia, kiril lenevich? dmitry vishlalovich. after the united states, in principle, has finally lost its moral authority in the countries of the middle east, well, saudi arabia
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is probably the most important systemic support point that still remains. wherein. saudi arabia, its money, its sovereign money, they are generally invested in american debt obligations, riat knows this, washington knows this, now there is, in fact, a torque, but what to do with this money, what to do with this dependence, that is, saudi arabia still understands perfectly well that in the current weakness of the united states , it will probably be able to the maximum for yourself.
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the saudis, if it’s profitable for them, they go into a deal, if it’s not profitable for them, they slow down the
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deal, they don’t say: no, they say: let’s see, think about it, and offer new conditions. so now is a very important moment, the fact is that trump already offered these conditions, it didn’t work, so now they need to outbid trump, this is more important, because in any case, if they manage to outbid now in the bet that trump made, perhaps they will shake each other hands, but why... it seems that these negotiations, they will again be postponed until the situation is determined and the saudis will be able to bargain for more, exactly, i think that the saudis will wait for the presidential elections in the united states, they are clearly count on the return of trump, well, it is unlikely that the situation in the gas sector will improve in the near future, i am sure that netanyahu will prevent the establishment of peace in the gas sector until the last, he will prevent the establishment to the last.
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and maybe the physical death of the current prime minister netanyahu, so it’s unlikely that the united states will succeed in this game, we give the floor to the news and the big game will return at 17:00, don’t miss it, this is the news on the first, hello, in valery korablev’s studio, in this release. minus: more one bradley and the other nato equipment. our fighters are occupying new positions in the main directions of the special operation forward into the depths of the defense.


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