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tv   Novosti  1TV  May 28, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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in these conditions, saudi arabia, with all, with all the pragmatism of mohammed bin salman , is unlikely to make a deal with the united states, which has blood on its hands, yes, because they make it unequivocally clear that the conditions of such a deal are peace in the gaza strip and the creation of a palestinian state, the creation of a palestinian state is possible only through the political, and maybe even physical death of the current... prime minister netanyahu, so it is unlikely that the united states will succeed in this game, we give the floor to the news and the big game will return at 17:00 don’t miss it, this is the news on the first, hello, in valery korablev’s studio, in this issue, minus more.
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bradley and other nato equipment, our fighters are occupying new positions in the main directions of the special operation forward into the depths of the enemy’s defense. 3 hours of negotiations on security at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which are being shelled by ukrainian militants, has the head of magat finally admitted the obvious, who is creating the nuclear threat? the issue that caused a split in nato weapons to strike territory of russia.
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on atomic energy raffaele grossi in kaliningrad. the russian country is doing everything possible to ensure security at europe's largest nuclear power plant, despite constant shelling from ukrainian militants. now it is important, alexey likhachev emphasized, to convey to other countries the real state of affairs. only the day before, the armed forces of ukraine fired at the energy dar again, and a week ago the attacks were carried out directly on the territory of the nuclear power plant. moscow has repeatedly emphasized attacks by ukrainian militants. can
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lead to catastrophic consequences for the entire continent. only one assessment can be given - nuclear terrorism. all this grosi is called ominous, but time after time he avoids a direct answer whose shells are flying at the ac. eu defense ministers met today in brussels to discuss whether ukraine would be allowed to use nato weapons to strike russian territory. on the essence of the issue of legalizing terrorist attacks. sell ​​it.
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we must remember that we do not intend to make nato allies part of the conflict, but we we have the right to help ukraine and defend ourselves. another pressing issue for europe is the sending of military instructors to ukraine. paris was the first to talk about this. the day before the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, syrsky signed documents allowing admission to the french. in russia, today is border guard day, we honor the soldiers who, in any conditions, reliably defend our borders, vladimir putin congratulated our employees and veterans. the president called the heroism of border guards during the great patriotic war an example of perseverance and unbending will. today you continue these valiant traditions. protect the life and safety
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of our citizens, the sovereignty of the country’s national interests, act professionally and selflessly at all borders of russia. arctic and pacific oceans to the black and baltic seas. i note that, largely thanks to the determination of the border guards , repeated attempts to break into russian territory by gangs of mercenaries, traitors and enemy sabotage groups were thwarted. those who planned these terrorist raids on our soil miscalculated and met with harsh and severe rebuff. i am sure that in future you will act also boldly and. firmly in solving the problems of a special military operation, to promote the development of international economic and humanitarian cooperation and integration ties with our good neighboring and foreign partners. border agencies are entrusted with truly large and responsible tasks. i am sure that in
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the future you will solve them with dignity. on the day of the border guard, the first documentary and feature film “the main frontier i can’t step” premiered. back the war in afghanistan, pages of history that were under the heading secret, secrets are revealed by participants in those events, watch this night at 0:00. the final day of vladimir putin's state visit to uzbekistan. after yesterday's large-scale program, communication at the highest level continued today. the press secretary of the russian leader dmitry peskov reported some details to our correspondent konstantin panishka. what is the third working day of the state visit filled with? messages? security that surrounds.
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uzbekistan, and of course a discussion of the rather difficult situation in the region our two countries, the region is also quite troubled, the topic of ukraine, has it been raised at least somehow or in some context? of course, of course, every time president putin informs his interlocutors, his counterparts in detail about the progress of the special military operation and the general situation in the ukrainian conflict, this happens every time, of course this topic is high on the agenda and today’s negotiations, you can still- about today's program, maybe at least some? details can be called presidents in tashkent or outside the city, or maybe he did n’t go to tashkent, they were in tashkent, putin was visiting president merziyoyev’s house. the head of government today discussed the development of the agro-industrial complex with the head of rosselkhoznadzor, as mikhail mishustina noted, russia is capable of achieving
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a significant increase in indicators, there are all opportunities for this, what are the tasks? details from anna korbatova. our farmers are breaking records year after year. in the near future. and of course rosselkhoznadzor has a special role here, we of course take part in all directions of development of our agriculture. russia today is one of the largest producers and exporters of food. last year, the export of grain and its processed products increased, almost 84 million tons,
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which is 50% more than in 2022. grain shipments increased to brazil, tanzania, yemen, bangladesh, tunisia, as well as the eac countries. most of all in... kazakhstan and belarus. livestock products are actively purchased in more than 90 countries. the main importers are belarus, kazakhstan, saudi arabia, vietnam, china. in china from 2023 russia also supplies pork. in general, the export of our products to china has increased sixfold over 9 years. there are new transport corridors to china, iran, turkey, we have provided for all this. supply along these transport corridors has increased significantly today. and in general, let’s say, the supply of vegetables. increased from almost all countries, including the countries of our eurasian community, from armenia, for example, almost doubled from other countries, including turkey, including iran, if you just control everything at the border, then it will never be possible to work normally
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to enter the country, so we transferred control to the other side, and here we transferred control to temporary storage warehouses so that there was no possibility of transport downtime at the border, rosselkhoznadzor reports the head of the department has increased several times thanks , among other things, to the digitalization of most processes. work has been established in our new regions in donbass, kherson region and zaporozhye. here it is very... important that producers have access to both the resources and the relevant services provided by rosselkhoznadzor in all subjects of the russian federation, they know that the service works there, how are things going there? we even believe that today it is possible to go to a greater level of digitalization there, because people are ready, so our new subjects have joined our lives, effectively supplying products, for example, the luhansk republic is actively selling its wheat harvest of about 115 eggs. over the entire last year
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, about 1,300 tons of livestock products were brought to the regions of russia from the lpr, and in less than 2024 the same amount has already been brought. supplies from other entities are under the control of rosselkhoznadzor. by the way, much more products from the kherson region go to crimea than were sent. and... the branch will be directly involved in the opening of migration
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centers prior to the entry training of citizens of tajikistan who are planning their work activities in the russian federation. considering that today an important step has been taken towards improving the quality of services and comfort in receiving them. this format minimizes risks; turning to shadow intermediaries will significantly reduce time, organizational and financial costs. for citizens kajakistan, staying in the russian federation. in the capital, care for stroke patients has become even more efficient. this is confirmed by the statistics cited today by anastasia rakova, deputy deputy of moscow for social development. in recent years, the number of operations to remove blood clots from blood vessels has increased 30 times. last year alone there were almost 2.0. all thanks, in particular, to the fact that hospitals were united into a single network. for example, information is available to doctors in real time. about the moment when the person was brought in by ambulance, availability of available beds in the neuro intensive care unit. from
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before the operation, 40 minutes pass. the hospitals have the most modern equipment, special attention is paid to the recovery of patients after a stroke and the prevention of recurrence. the city has a special program. yulia anishchenko with specific examples. and now i’m walking even better than before the second stroke. firm gait, clear speech. this time, raisa fedorovna recovered quickly, and this... we immediately take the patient to a computed tomography machine so that we can find the blood clot that caused the symptoms, in then the patient will be transferred to the mri machine, all this happens in the shortest possible time, no more than 40 minutes, but this is the maximum time. a common cause of stroke is. there are arteries that supply the brain, neurons die every minute, irreversible consequences develop, often
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leading to disability, endovascularly, through the arteries, surgeons are able to quickly reach the site of a vascular accident and prevent the development of a catastrophe. blood clots are removed from the vessels of the brain using a special stand retriever tool, more like the thinnest wire. such a stand is inserted through a puncture in the artery and together with the lesion a special spring is opened, it reliably captures the trumpet and the surgeon safely removes it. completely restored, it is clear that all the arteries of the brain in the right hemisphere are completely restored, the result is good, as i say, blood flow is restored in 90% of patients, well, the treatment continues fully. moscow specialists use the latest technologies and algorithms to help patients with stroke. in the new vascular center of the verisaev hospital has all the necessary equipment for diagnostics on one floor, mri, ct, and surgical equipment right there.
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happens to everyone, if it is difficult to smile, speech is impaired, it is difficult to raise an arm or leg, do not waste time, call without delay, in total there are 13 vascular centers in the capital based on multidisciplinary city hospitals, ambulance workers, when going to a call, already know which there are places and a free operating room from the clinics so that treatment can begin as soon as possible. yulia onishchenko, vyacheslav chereshko, sergey klishin,
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channel one. that's all, thank you for being with us, the "let's get married" program is on air right now.


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