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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  May 28, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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this is a small house, it has no windows and no doors yet, but is waiting for its guests, i recently installed a gazebo, and in order to drink tea there and enjoy the fresh air, oh, that’s it, this is necessary for such a future family estate, but her house is a little small , of course, better than mine, because excuse me, mine is already 80 or 90, about 100, about 100-something years old, in bulk,
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you say, but there are some neighbors, right there, yes, yes, those are the neighbors, there was a house there, they had a big greenhouse, oh my god, what a road they have, we have a much better path, young people are growing up forest, but you also have plans to grow something and work, and you also have plans to make your own nursery, and you are also a neighbor, where are you from, dear? neighbor, and you are a girlfriend, girlfriend, and you are married, in general , developing agriculture, it’s so noble, yes, it’s promising, and there are children, children, a daughter, 12 years old, but i have a different situation, because sergey is already clear, dreams of life on earth, and i am a muscovite, the family estate is a plot of land of at least one hectare, and indeed everything there is in such harmony, not only the house, the bathhouse, but the garden.
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fruit with various pears, apples, plums, cherries, and various berry bushes and trees, mighty cedars, larches, pines, and no one says that this is being built right away, of course, this is year after year, you plant trees, shrubs, arrange that's it, anna, but it seems to me that he is a good age, 18 years old, there is a difference between you and sergei, and he is also the same kind of dreamer he wants somewhere, but the only thing is that you already have enough children. you, yes, actually, uh , i feel great and you still want to give birth to a fourth child, it’s god’s will, anechka, uh you have prepared some kind of surprise, really , you will definitely show me the surprise, i need to get ready together with the groom, please , soft loaf of bread, incomparable, some deliciousness , just incomparable soft, yes, we really decided
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to try the loaf, but of course it looks very beautiful, so ruddy, mine is white, mine white bread does not make such bread, but there is whole grain flour baked bread, yes it is very healthy, this is the kind of loaf you need to know how to bake, i wonder what kind of serism it will be, i don’t know either, they left it behind the scenes for me, they said, let’s see, such a saying, a it’s time for business, it’s time for fun, our ancestors knew how to relax, so i invite our brides to the stage, we will lead streams and dances to help, let me help, but don’t ask me for what men? so what are we going to play? now we need to stand in pairs.
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yeah, dad, come on, come here for us to make a trickle, we raise our hands, these are ours, wait, wait, in trickles we always follow the first couple, we repeat what the leaders do, and what we do, we sergei and i will show you certain streams, and movements, movements, and you will repeat after us.
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now we just go our separate ways and boats huh? dots, one more time, come on nenok, nenok, here, one more time, one more time, one more time, come on, come here, come on, now we are changing places, couples, we said hello to these, and we’ll say hello here, come here, and now? we take the hand and the stream in reverse, you dive, yeah, dive, and then you dive, that you dive, and now we, let's do it again, again, again, you dive, you dive, we dive, thank you.
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and i wouldn’t just go anywhere, but take if the bride you liked would stay with her on stage, you can also right now right now, we need it, we have a couple, sergey and anna, if you are single, you liked one of the participants in today’s program, write to the website of the first channel, and i larisa guzdeeva and i wish that your loved one will definitely tell you, let's get married. we live now
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with our son at the moment, zakha will have all the very best, but in principle it was like that for him, i bought everything for him, did everything for him, she beats him, drinks, the conditions are terrible, my brother is off to school walks, if she's sober, she'll take him, look at yourself, what a bastard you are, she started dating men at the age of 10, yes, yes, you want to deprive her, i want to take my grandson, like she is a pig, at her home in things like this, her man came. he says, they put me on the second floor, they gave me a phone and headphones, they laid blankets like this, he says, the bed moved like that, and the neighbors confirmed this, and the neighbors confirmed it, no one came, flax, you can handle your child, what kind of grandson do you want, she drinks terrible mother, svetlana bakulina came to our
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studio to intercede for you, elena. good afternoon, i had a friend whose one and a half year old child could take a chair, put it next to the refrigerator, open the refrigerator, take out the yogurt and eat it himself. but this did not cause admiration, no, well , of course it’s great when children are independent, but it was a necessary measure, the child did this only because the mother was not able to look after him most of the time, that’s all, our child today, he 8 years,
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he doesn’t know what class he’s in, but he knows what to do if his mother feels bad, bad, well, bad happens for various reasons, sometimes when he’s had too much to drink. well, yes, today in our studio anna senyukova, she wants to deprive her mother of parental rights, hello, hello, i want you to help me decide on my mother’s parental rights, elena anatolyevna sinyakova, for my younger brother, because she beats him, he drinks, the conditions are terrible, how old is she, 19, you are 19, it’s too late to deprive you, but how old is your brother? my brother is eight, my brother goes to school, she takes him according to her mood, like this - that is, according to her mood, and if she is sober, she will take him, that is, if she is drunk, she takes him as much as possible once, well, he is 8 years old, he should be in second grade, no , he
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is now in the first, but what should we do with him, if, well, let’s say everything works out, my mother is deprived of parental rights, there are good reasons, then where will my brother go, for now there is a temporary foster home, and then sooner... i’ll take him, then are you ready to take him, well, try to make sure he lives in good conditions, no way repeated my fate, how i lived, and how you lived, i lived in very, as it were, different conditions, that is, i lived either in a shelter for minors, or on the street, or with friends, it happened that she kicked me out , that is, from the house that even i slept on the doorstep, on the doorstep it’s like a dog, but she doesn’t kick her brother out, she loves her a little more, but he ’s afraid of her, his psyche is almost broken, when she drinks, she she hits him hard, and how do you know that she hits him, well, we live in a one-room apartment, naturally, as if... this is all with me, that is, as if i can’t stop him, that is, wait, was your mother deprived of her rights to you, no,
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she wasn’t when you left her? so i left a month ago, that is, as if she threw it out, we had another scandal again, she drank, started to get rowdy, fight, so i naturally went to the kdn, i say, help solve the problem, because i already i come to you more than once. that is, i already go many times, that is, no matter how you solve the problem, but what i hear constantly, either move out, i i say, well, can you help me somehow with the coding, i don’t know there, talk about taking my brother there for a while to an inpatient center, to the fact that i receive answers, it’s your fault, that is, you moved out now, yes, my brother stayed, my brother stayed , yes, but she works at all, no, she doesn’t work, but what does she drink, she drinks for the children’s sake. money, naturally, but i gave it to her so that i could kind of live, when with her, i
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got a job, i gave her 15,000 so that she could babysit her grandson, that is, my son, you have a child, yes eat me a child, he is one year and 8 months old, and where is the father of your child? i left him with him because he didn’t want to live with me, not with my child, so naturally, look, it’s important. is it recorded by his father? no, uh-huh, so, i give her 15,000 to babysit the child, so she spent it naturally, she literally served it for four days and how would she get drunk, she drank with her friends, i came home, she was drunk, i got drunk eats potatoes, naturally, i didn’t like this initiative, she started attacking me again fight, throw, climb, and i say, that’s it, i say, give me the money now, i say, i’m leaving. before i had a scandal, i called the police, so i say, i don’t know what to do, i’m already tired, she
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’s drinking, they come, they say, like, here we are taking my brother, pack your things, she’s packing your things, i i approach, naturally from the police, who came on business for a minor, i say where they will take my brother, that’s for you, and what difference does it make to you, it shouldn’t matter to you, you achieved all this, i say, what did i achieve, that we are taking him away, who said that? for minors, and you know who it is, that’s their name, first name, last name, maria utkina, maria viktorovna, yeah, naturally i say, yes, if i didn’t have a small child, naturally i would n’t care for her, i would go to work, i would rent an apartment, when i left, that is , christina, to live with my friend, i went to get my things, so that i could at least pick up the rest of my things, because i didn’t take all my things, she changed the lock, basically, that i couldn’t get in, here i am writing. i say, i can already contact the police, the police will come and they will arrive there,
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well, who can break the bell in principle, that ’s what i hear in the voice laughter in the background, she says: well, the police don’t do anything to me will help, find your mother and talk to her yourself, it was the same woman again who said, uh-huh, okay, at the moment i ’m living with christina, here we live, it’s like our apartment, and here maria viktorovna is living with utkina. let's see how you live, yes, our friend took me in with mine son zakharchik, we live with her for now, i live in one room apartment, kristina, kristina’s grandmother, grandmother nadya, it turns out my son zakhar, grandmother sleeps here, kristina and i sleep here, we lay out the sofa, kristina is preparing for childbirth, this is just for now they temporarily took, like kristina, zakharka to sleep, because i couldn’t get into the other crib that i have at home. take it, because mom changed the lock, everything we could collect, this is a high chair at the moment, this is
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also this toy, and of course there half of the things, panties, tights, that is , just such clothes, and even then it’s not enough, everything was collected to a minimum, it turns out that in this apartment, in principle, everything is there, there is a washing machine to wash things, there is a stove for cooking, the oven also works, because that i’m in the oven, when we have ovens there at home, then... how can i even get up at night, roughly speaking, eat by myself, i feel just at home, like grandma nadya, that kristina is my family, i’m loved so much, no matter what my mother told me, but you and your mother are always like that there was a relationship, but from the very birth i kind of didn’t love me and she didn’t really need me, but where is seryozha now, seryozha is with her, but
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i’m wondering, were the guardianship authorities aware of the situation that was in your family , if she... handed you over to a shelter, then you , as a family, had to be registered, and did not come with checks at all, we are registered, they come, naturally, mom pretends that she is sober, it’s not really with us they communicate, they came, looked, it’s like, that is, the refrigerator is full, everything seems to be cleaned, yeah, we took a couple of photos and left, that’s it, your mother’s name is lena, yes, yes, let’s call elena, because she thinks it’s the other way around, let’s listen. hello, studio, hello, julia, hello alexander, hello, anna maxim, well, what i want to tell you, i’ve heard a lot about myself, let’s start with how you exaggerated all this, a lot, look at yourself, what you are bedding, what kind of clothes you had, the machine washed it five times, everything is fine with you,
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i see you’ve dressed up, well done, i’m happy for you, you’re the one who just called your daughter a bedding, right? let's start with the fact that she was always constantly on the phone, the child was running around without panties, without boards, how many times did she say, put on panties, put on socks, put on a t-shirt, it’s useless, it means she flew to volgograd on a plane due to connections, that’s what they tell us from the order how she screamed on that plane, how she called it all names, screamed at the child, she arrived, she met a man there, his name was sasha, she bought a room with maternal capital, everything was fine, everything, she disperses. when did your problems with your daughter start? a problem started with my daughter when her dad died, she was 10 years old, she started crying, she started running away from home, i was with the police, 50 people, the police were tearing shoes, boots, tights, skirts, in the bushes, we were with the youth, because you pilaurem, she started running away through the canals, she started dating men, she lived on the canal, 10 years, yes,
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yes, and she miscarries, the first one was 16 years old, she calls me for 3 hours, my sister, well... an acquaintance , lena says: “it’s not a problem.” i say what happened? i was cleaning up cleaning lady at night at work. i say what happened? she says she is bleeding, excuse me for telling you this, well, i call me a taxi, i quickly go home, the intensive care unit arrives, we are going to dmitrov, i return in the morning, it’s early, i take the things that are required, i go there, it had already been cleaned, i didn’t even know about it. george soros and his funds, firmly entrenched in many countries of the world, were expelled from russia a long time ago, but continue their sabotage activities of organizing color revolutions and civil wars on our borders. the only one the possible way to save our civilization is to defeat russia as soon as possible. as for kyrgyzstan, soros' ford himself is leaving, but a bunch of other funds affiliated with this
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open society have not gone away. georgia is an example of a country where the interests of the american state coincide with... the interests of soros, people are being debilitated, soros is behind this debilitation, soros and his son are thinking about how to create a revolution within the united states of america itself, people like joe biden - there must be a wave it’s easy to wash away the new revolution, then he ’s going to create a single global world, which is what soros’ son is talking about, we need to make sure that justice is dealt with exclusively by artificial intelligence, after that digital slavery will come, the kind they talk about on the pre-development forum, the main thing there is one thing, anti-russian vector, soros and other pseudonyms of the devil. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov. we had 35 young pilots. we walked around the city. and he runs into his mother. he flew training airplanes over her house. i took my suitcase and
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the blanket that my mother once gave me. and with these things i came to... from the point of view of those around me, but for me just a dad, a home dad, a good dad, space inside, on thursday at the first for.
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he ran through life, laughing, smiling, rejoicing, these were all his wives, they were, as it were, picked up along the way, but he loved yulia, his last call was to yulia. seryozhka was a real genius of children's television, he died at the age of genius, we certainly miss him, we often we remember, so there are irreplaceable ones. sergei suponev, the hero of my childhood, june 1, on the first. answer the question, you drink, i drink, yes, but i’m not drunk again, how much do you drink, when, i drink, i can, we
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meet with friends at barbecues, in cafes, we meet when you drink, an eight-year-old child , where he is, with us, i even go to work, i have a nanny now, yes, great, good, but where does the money come from for a nanny, this is us now, and i get a child, i work part-time at night, no, you not think about what they threw at you. i work as a root worker, what is this? the root worker - who peels vegetables, prepares for the shops, i called yesterday, and they told me that you don’t work there, just at andrey’s, or what - it’s your daughter, she came here to deprive me, claiming, yes, that you, well, seem to be holding a child in danger, violating his rights, beating the child, no, but she was beaten, honestly, she only hit her once, all of them, you were not the only one who beat me, and seryozha. also repeatedly, seryozha hit him once, but he was walking, this is on street, broke a headlight, for which he received something, well , that he had to be careful sleeping there, all this stuff doesn’t hang around cars, how many
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times have they said, there is a playground, go to the playground, why doesn’t the child go to school , and the child goes to school, i can provide you with all the certificates, you can call the teacher, the teacher will prove everything to you, he goes every day, yes, if when he goes to the eleventh school, and a correctional school, but if when we get sick, we immediately name . why does he go to correctional school? and because he didn’t answer when we were tested, he didn’t answer two questions, which ones? julia, unfortunately a man took me away, another teacher, he was there, sitting, he answered, they asked him questions, i didn’t hear, because she didn’t study them, in principle, well, in general, you yourself studied in correctional school, you ran away i haven’t even finished my studies, you’ve already started dating men, listen, i’m not saying that every parent should be their child’s teacher and teach him at home, i’m not blaming him, i want to understand how a mother can’t know why the child is studying in a correctional school, in order to send the child to a correctional school, some kind of commission is needed that gives
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an opinion on why the child is studying in a correctional school, you can say what was written in this conclusion, and that he is a little he is lagging behind, and now he has studied for a year, they say he is the strongest, that is, not like those children, that is, we will transfer him to a regular school. school, how many classes have you completed? nine school, here is the cook's school, here is a surprise, you give us some programs said that you want to deprive her of her, i don’t want to take away my grandson, like she’s a piglet herself, that at home she has things in her things like this, let’s go, yes, the mattress of the crib has changed three mattresses in a month, it doesn’t even lay anything, here seryozha, when i come home, my mother says, i’m afraid to tell you, anya will kill me, i say what happened, i can’t understand, i say, are you shaking, she says, if i tell you, she will kill you, i say , okay, come on, i say, i’ll tell the whole world a secret with you, he starts to tell me: mom, her man came, that is, he says,
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they made it, we have a second floor, he says, they put me on the second floor, gave me a phone, headphones, laid a blanket like this, he says, the bed moved like that, but no one will betray you came, yeah, yeah, and the neighbors confirmed this, and now you ’re going to tell me that when i left, that no one came to you, what are you doing, i’ll destroy you, i’ll take you anyway, zahara, what a dirty little thing you are, when i went to school with seryozha, she started wearing things, she even the last blanket for lana frying pans there are knives, this is lana, her man bought it, she took the blanket, the combs, she even burned everything in foam, what do you say, no, i didn’t take the blanket, i took everything mine, the blanket is yours, i took all my things , what a beauty, you 're lying, why did i change the lock, i was afraid for my first son and for myself, when she always said, i'll poison you, i... let's see,
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my son and i live now, at the moment, son he’s sleeping here, i’m here, he’s doing his homework, there’s his daughter on the armchair, there’s the grandson, we’ll be here now do the repairs little by little, the overhead ceilings, the wallpaper will all stick together, i want to change the closet, i want to remove it from the closet altogether and make it into cabinets, it will all be locked there. this is the shelf of anina, her little child, i didn’t bother sorting through it, there was a bunch of everything here, so it’s all there, toys, so i bought one car for four, bought another for three, all the little ones, all these diapers, i bought all the blankets, these are all my son’s things, there are textbooks, here’s a spare backpack, paints, that’s all, here jumper, all his little clothes, vests,
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everything is neat, yes, here it is... the school backpack that he wears, the child has everything for school, cutlets, buckwheat, soup, gravy, sausage, cheese is in the refrigerator, like candy, sweets, he always has it all, zakha will have the very best, but in principle it was like that with him, i bought everything for him, did everything for him, in principle there’s no point in lying to me, no, we have the material lying around , as if all this is there, preparation, you’ve been doing repairs for years, you can’t do that, shut your mouth, even interrupted, what she wanted to say, that’s why... she says that i’m beating her, that i’m kicking her out, and even people are laughing now, they’re talking, they’re walking around the village and talking, they’re saying how this mare isn’t ashamed, she’s saying damn her mother , he wants to give up the psychiatric hospital, he wants to hand over his son
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to the orphanage, he says, but live with this man of yours in this... apartment, oh, now we’ve come to the real reason why your daughter wants to deprive you of your family, and you think that on the contrary, it is necessary to deprive her of parental rights, because i will now do the repairs, i will do it with my own i’ll do it with my hands, i’ll do it, the organs will come , everything will come, i’m cursing, what a pig she is, there’s no filming, i didn’t show this, wait until she’s deprived of parental rights, if they’re deprived, then where is little zaharik with me, with whom? you drink with you. sveta comes drunk, constantly drinks with her, she even rented out an apartment to zagograda, what happened when you rented a private house, they told me, please tell me, elen, elen, tell me, do you know who yulia porokhova is, this is my sister, this your sister, and you know what she thinks, that you need to first recover yourself, and then think about taking your grandson with you, that’s why she thinks so, let’s ask her, because she came to our studio, and goodbye, i won’t
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talk, why ? lena, wait, i talked to you normally, no, yulia, excuse me, where did she run, well, apparently the truth is true, she doesn’t want to know, hello, hello, she ran away, listen, why is there such a reaction to you, explain? , well , they tell me that she’s afraid of me, i don’t know why she’s afraid of me, why she’s afraid, well she sometimes gets away with me, i understand that my daughter has more grounds to deprive her of parental rights than i do. you have that my daughter is that she grew up like this, it ’s only her fault, whose, only her fault, mine, she went to first grade, she went, she went to a regular school, to a regular school, my people studied with her parents, i personally worked with her, lena took her, said, that’s it, anya doesn’t need anything, anya was tired with us, and anya ended up with us in the second grade when they were doing renovations at your place, yes, i think that
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she needs to be treated for what? you know, she’s not a bad woman, but it also seemed to me that she was kind, no, she, her brain had simply deteriorated from alcohol, what kind of child are you, please tell me, and when you come to the door drunk and you start yelling at me me, then he’ll say, now no, it’s my fault again, but wait a second, you, you, wait, it doesn’t bother you all that anya is crying, but it bothers me, what happened, because i already, when i hear my mother’s word, well already as if the nerves are already setting in, that is, i’m already that’s all, yul, please tell me, when did she start drinking? well, in general , these problems started for her when her mother died, she had a very good mother, god, dandelion, her mother died, then anin left her, her dad left her, a month later her dad died, well , dad, dad never lived with you, he has never lived with you in his life for you to be like this, please tell me, except for alcohol, lena drinks something, but
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nothing else on him. uses, what are you talking about, come on, and she has degradation, we’re just moshing the recording of lena’s conversation with sanya, i’ll tell you straight eyes, i say, i’m a drug addict, is your mother a drug addict? i don’t hide the fact that i’m not expanding for a while, you achieved this yourself, you didn’t tell me to die, my business doesn’t work out well, and now i’ll do everything at home, i’m making so much money now, i’ll have it, you ’ve achieved it for your father, yours my mother is a drug addict, and i said why these words, how she threw it at me, she started yelling, hit me, then she told me, you are a creature, when you die, you are for her. i don’t want to see you anymore, that was it too, you use drugs, yes what the hell are you talking about, well, look, here ’s your sister, you ran away from the studio first, she doesn’t wish you harm, but you see, she
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says except she thought that she would just throw herself in the air again, that’s what’s the matter, why should i wait, well, you’re sitting sober, why rush at you, you know, she even comes home, you open the door, she can immediately make a big deal, sometimes she ’ll talk normally, but i really... loved this sister before, loved her very madly, so she came here and said that you need help, that you it needs to be cured, but in principle everything is fine, right yul? yes, of course, i don’t want her to be deprived of parental rights, a child should live with her mother, she’s a good mother, but then she doesn’t drink, everything is fine, everything is fine, they literally lived, a month and a half ago, she didn’t drink with them everything happened with ane, it’s true, yes, it happened, at the age of 19 i became. alone, why are you here and not with your father on the ship? oh, yes, the theater, the reds will come, art will be banned, but this is a mule,
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tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, nothing she didn’t experience it on her own skin, the war passed her by, look at this face, exceptionally. there are many great directors, but there can be only one great meeting, i will make a call, and you will come to me, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you make faces, marital status, say, you have a husband, no, i’m a lady, no family, no children , but art is devoted to the grave, you are a brilliant, dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it. ranevskaya, watch the time after the program, happy birthday to whom, lev nikolaevich tolstoy, hug me, nikolai, i
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i want to know how to do this correctly, how to go to the cinema correctly, it turns out there is a secret. clues about this about many other things in the program to live well, tomorrow on the first day, on children's day, hello, we didn't expect why you came to us with joy, but between the shoulder blades it must hurt, no, why does it hurt me, maybe old maybe? hey, girlfriend, don’t be bored, eat a pancake, drink tea, and you want more, i don’t mind, eat everything, you’ll be fat, i’ll be thin, thank you, my dear, and if i break you, you won’t be sorry, i not
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it will be a pity, the main thing is that you take care of your legs, okay, that means i can do whatever i want with them, well, not that much, better than anyone else, the premiere is june 1st on the first. “if mom didn’t drink, it would be fine, everything was fine, as long as she doesn’t drink, you can communicate with her normally, i can, but not always, she’s already gone through such things that it even happened that she even when sober, it happened that it began to arise, like you little pig, why did you, when i didn’t even drink, it was my food, what did you give me for my life? why did you throw your unnecessary things there , even at oksana’s dacha, she’s a daughter, you know, i understand everything, you made her, you carried her, you gave birth to her, you raised her, yes, you beat her like she did
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he says, you abandoned her, it was you who made her, first the program, here, there are no greater enemies than mother and daughter, so whose fault is it? not this, it’s your fault, you know, i know it’s my fault, i’m not denying it here, and she’s a child, well, when i kicked her out of the house in life, or something, when she was 10 years old, she was the first .
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but when the parents find them, they hug, kiss and shout, thank god that my child is alive and well, and you insulted me, but can you imagine, they tell me, they killed her there, we ran there, then she fell to the ground, thank god, your child he’s healthy, i want to take a break from you, i want to listen to what the neighbors say, the village wasn’t there yesterday, sometimes he sings, sometimes, no, i’ve never seen that, well, he’s nothing, like a boy, well-groomed,
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look, y’all you say that she drinks, she’s a terrible mother, but you can imagine what she is the person who stands up for her considers her a gorgeous mother, i can’t imagine this yet, but what can you imagine when you can listen and even get to know this person, svetlana bakulina came to our studio to stand up for you, elena, i here. hello, hello, anh,
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why do you say that, what a bad mother she is, yes, wait, no need, when they brought you food, feed you cross-feed, wait, stop, what kind of mother are you, why is she a bad mother, she takes the child to school, yes, when seryozha is sick, so sick, but when we leave school, she immediately runs to clean, do laundry, and is ready to eat, because she picks up sergei at 12 noon, he says, i need everything.
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i, my child won’t say this, but why does this one say it, because i’m raising my child, yes, me too, and she’s raising, no, but she herself ran out of the house, she herself, listen, how old are you, 44, yeah, and you sometimes drink, i drink beer, sometimes, sometimes all the time. please tell me why anna, if elena, a good mother, called the police because she was old, old new year, we were sitting, i set the table for them, they sat, went for a walk, ran for a walk, we also celebrated the old, new year, why not, then anya started calling her aunt
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friend, that’s all, then she called the police, came in police, she pointedly put it in front of. your bottle of vodka to the police, and this bottle of vodka, yul, well, you were next to us, and then what, they took you to the police, they put you on the main line, wait, you were both taken to the police for this, and you and you after you are registered, i won’t say that we sober, we were taxed, that is, after that you are on the register, taken away because of this , a fine was imposed, dear ladies, dear, let's do this, look at...
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come on for the meeting, come on, no, on the one hand, what should i be afraid of? , fuck, i didn’t kill a person, i didn’t stab him. and you drank this for 3 days, yes, well, you drank, judging by this video you drank with pleasure, it’s delicious, no, please tell me, what kind of relationship does seryozha, your son have with anya, and before
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they had a good relationship, as it were they loved each other, he loves zakhar very much, zakhar loves him like an uncle, they play, then how all this... started happening to us, that is, she says that i’m seryozha, i can say the word, wait, i know an easier way to find out what seryozha thinks about your sister anya, listen to seryozha, seryozha, and you communicate with aanya, and why? i mean, well, i can communicate only once, when she forgives me, and why is she angry with you? yes, she threatened me, don’t touch the phone? bye go to bed, why should i be quiet, do you want to communicate with her? and you're here lived together, right? yes, and how did you live with her? bad, why bad? i don’t know, but what was better when anya lived here or now? anya lived,
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the internet was everything, but because of the internet it was better? yeah, sorry, how are you doing now? bad, why bad? i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission, it’s very difficult to fight in the mountains, you can’t smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you, 100 km from the state border, we must ensure security, in the hands of a popalamin your teeth can shake , ears,
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hair, but not hands, 1200 minutes rushed, earth so swayed. we left a garrison in the liberated village area, they ensured order, went out to the populated area, with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, they took it all apart with pleasure, the residents of the border areas, both the soviet and afghan sides, were protected, on the day of the border guard, the prime minister , the main milestone is not a step back, today is on the first. before the start, the state commission completely changes the crew. and
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it was the dad who was assigned to notify the families of the victims, whom they voluntarily replaced, i spent 3 years preparing for the flight to the moon, at that moment i thought, if my dad had flown and stayed on the moon, i would have lived my whole life. i went to the moon because my grandfather died there. voskhod 2 landed safely. the heroes enter the kremlin, following the general secretary’s car, and then a man emerges from the crowd and starts shooting with both hands. dad survived by a complete miracle; one of the bullets whistled past his temple. premiere. edge on friday on the first, on children's day, if there had been no sima
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in the cities and villages, we would never have known these happy days, living on the old tower, everyone in this world should not rush to get up, we are sailing on a velzine, like on a brigandine, but forgotten troubles are stopped. in love , everything is not simple and smooth, in love it does not decide everything, beauty takes me away, takes me away from the marrying snowy give, beautiful, concert for the ninetieth anniversary of my birth. composer evgeny krylaty. premiere june 1st on the first.
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it will be hot. what, where, when, summer series of games? on sunday on the first. elena, would you be interested to know what our psychologist, who talked with the child before the program, will tell you? let’s ask, you talked? with seryozha before the program? yes, we talked with seryozha, and seryozha is seen as a very sweet boy, wonderful, lively, active, but he really is determined, because he is.
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he cannot answer these questions, but he says that he goes to school, but cannot answer what subjects he teaches there and what they generally study there, the child is attached to the mother, this is natural, because the emotional connection to the mother, it is always strong in a child, and he says that he goes for a walk with his mother, when asked how you are walking, what is happening at this moment, he says: no way, we are silent, there is functional care for the child, well, somewhere on... very, very below the plinth, but it is being fulfilled, there is no emotional care for the child either in relation to the daughter or in the relation
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of the son. what's the story with the ambulance? seryozha tells the following story, he is very protective of his mother, but nevertheless he says that when we were visiting, my mother felt bad, my mother fell, there was something coming out of her mouth, i started saving my mother, there was nothing coming out of her mouth, kindness was shared with me, what did you do, what does it mean? to save my mother, and i did this to her, well shows how breathing, rescue breathing, i ask him, adults were there, and he says, they were, but i saved, do you know these stories, when you need to save your mother, yes, i know these stories, how often do you save your mother, what do you you do, i call an ambulance, he can’t give the number soon, but i have a piece of paper where my friend’s phone number hangs, i call my friend, that is, you save your mother, you are courageous, you are strong, you can do this, yes, i i save my mother, because she sometimes feels bad,
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oh-oh, well, i don’t have epilepsy, i have at the moment i... got up, when this happened to my leg, i was in the hospital, i was diagnosed with sugar and now have high blood pressure, to be honest, i’m shocked at what she’s saying now, i’ve known her for as long as i’ve known her, she’s been drinking so much, 15 years, it didn’t even bother me, no matter how pregnant she stopped drinking, they don’t even drink vodka, they drink alcohol, you called me on the phone, you said, you found out when the show was coming, you said, blue, i’ll go get you, why blue, i’ll explain now...
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yes, what happened to her is unclear, honestly, why she treats her daughter this way, i also don’t understand, her daughter, well, she once told me that if a boy had been born, i would have loved her, but i never wanted a girl, it was my mother who insisted that i have her she gave birth, but she’s not in a good mood, she was drunk once, i’m sorry, i’ll interrupt yul, but... she’s drunk, we had a scandal, she says: yes, so that you die, and as if i didn’t want to give birth to you at all, that is, thank you, tell your grandmother that i gave birth to you and that i didn’t strangle you between my legs, this is what she told her from the age of 3, from the age of 3 she said that what is happening here is pure effects, so you are each in your own - purely mental state, which, i assume, is quite painful
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in its own way for everyone. everyone, pay attention to what needs to be done, you need to stop using vodka or something like alcohol or drugs, as a means to alleviate these conditions, listen, and contact my colleagues, this can be done at your place of residence, you can do it anonymously, all this is to ask to prescribe pills and relieve the big one.
5:00 pm
if at least there is an opportunity, well , of course, when this or that decision is made by authorized bodies, by close relatives, by a sister, by an adequate, intelligent woman, or...


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