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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 28, 2024 6:30pm-7:56pm MSK

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leadership and institutions, we have other programs that we have not had for decades, this is a program related to the defense and security of our state. the academicians decided to turn to vladimir putin with a request to create a board of trustees of the russian academy of sciences and head it. it is believed that such advice will help the academy solve problems of national importance. anatoly lazarev, marat khabibulin, ekaterina belova, natalya moshtakova, sergey valetov. that's all for now, we are following the developments, well, right now on the first, see the program, time will show. hello, live on channel one, the program “time will tell.” i'm artyom shinin, today i want to start by congratulating everyone on the holiday.
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served in the border troops on the day of the border guard, as we usually call it, and as always, we traditionally respect people of this profession, but in fact this is not just congratulations, congratulations with respect, but this also relates directly to the agenda that we are talking about we will say, since this is the agenda we are discussing, that over the past 2 years the borders of the russian federations, those same ones...
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oh yes, theater, the reds will come, art will be banned, yes, this is a joke, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything in my own skin, the war passed her by, look at this face , exceptionally, there are many great directors, but there can only be one great meeting. “i’ll make a challenge if
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you come, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you’re making faces, marital status, what do you say, i have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, no family , no children, but devoted to art to the grave, you’re a brilliant, dramatic actress , and about the whole world will know this, ranevskaya, look. after the program time, happy birthday to whom? lev nikolaevich tolstoy, george soros, his funds, firmly entrenched in many countries of the world, were expelled from russia a long time ago, but continue their sabotage activities of organizing color revolutions of civil wars on our borders. the only possible way to preserve our civilization is to defeat russia as soon as possible. as for kyrgyzstan, a bunch of other funds
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affiliated with this open society have not gone away. georgia is an example of that countries where the interests of the american state coincide with the interests of soros. people are being debilitated, and soros is behind this debilitation. soros and his son. they think how they can create a revolution within the united states of america itself, such as joe biden - the wave of a new revolution should simply wash away. then he is going to create a single global world. what is soros' son talking about? it is necessary to ensure that justice is handled exclusively by artificial intelligence.
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caves, they are hitting you, 100 km from the state border, we must to ensure safety, teeth, ears, hair, but not hands, can shake in the hands of half. 1200 mines rushed, the earth shook so much, we left a garrison in the liberated village area, they ensured order, went out to populated areas with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, they took it all apart with pleasure, residents of the border areas of both the soviet and afghan sides were protected , for border guard day, premiere, main line. not a step back, today on the first, to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, we must fly for 45 days, in 11 hours before the launch, the state commission completely changes the crew, and has instructed the families of the victims to be notified.
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behind the general secretary's car, here a man comes out of the crowd and starts shooting with both hands, dad survived by a complete miracle, one of the bullets cleared past the visa, the premiere at
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the very edge, on friday at the first. it will be hot, what, where, when, the summer series of games, on sunday on the first, time will tell the program, we continue to work live, today we have such a busy international, i don’t know, military-political or... diplomatic agenda, we will now decide in the course of the discussion whether it is already military-political or still such a policy-diplomatic one, but i still want to start with where i was going to start, regardless of the agenda, namely as if
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to send greetings to myself from my recent trip to the war zone, the one where new borders of russia are being created, where i shot a video with frantsich directly to the people who work on these instruments, and was convinced that there were enough of all kinds of calibers, silver for there is enough all kinds of evil spirits, there is a sound, if anyone is interested, look in the telegram channel for this greeting to myself from three weeks
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ago, in general it somehow became calm that there are enough cartridges, enough silver for all the evil spirits, in general, the people who send them exactly to goal, and what is called at the height... by the way, i say hello to them, now here from the studio, as it was intended, why, in my opinion, this coincides with today’s agenda, because, judging by the actively resumed conversations recently in nato or not only in nato, with all the importance of such calibers, so to speak, which should and sooner or later will find their, what are called addressees, apparently, the conversation can move on to... and there are those who want or do it looks like it’s important that they want the conversation to move from these calibers to some much larger calibers with heads that are not silvered and filled with,
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well, something much more dangerous, and these people, as we already started discussing yesterday, this is by no means only stoltenberg regarding, well, so to speak, whose consciousness and competencies which there is. there are a lot of questions about whether he can talk about this, we discussed and argued about this here yesterday, but in general, it turned out that the matter is, as we expected, that the matter, of course, is not only and not so much about stolton.
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how many countries have lifted their veto on ukraine's use of western weapons to strike russia, just to understand what the debate is at the moment, two countries, three or four. how many countries have already agreed to lift restrictions on ukraine’s ability to use western weapons to defeat.
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very indicative, but not very and in fact, this dialogue, it’s so clear, it’s indicative and what it shows, because the journalist asking the question, in my opinion, exudes a kind of sarcasm, with this question there are three or four, barel, who looks around like that before answering a question, in my opinion, does the following, the estonians are not around and says one and a half, well, that is, it’s like
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a discussion, regardless of the result, this is already and today we would discuss that even this itself is a reason reflect on our possible responses to this, and this afternoon the press secretary of the president of the russian federation has already mentioned the military and the president as part of his answer to this question. and about some discrepancies between western countries, but literally shortly before the broadcast, and president and supreme
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commander-in-chief vladimir putin, being in sunny uzbekistan, gave, it seems to me, quite detailed and even more indicative than everything else indicative, comments on this movement , let's listen, well, to be honest , i don’t know what gene senato is saying there, he was once a... ical organization, although he is a civilian like me, he still
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must know that long -range precision weapons cannot be used without space reconnaissance means, first, second, and the final choice of target, and so on the so-called flight mission can only be entered by highly qualified specialists based on this intelligence data.
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they must generally be aware of what they are playing with, they must remember that this is, as a rule, a state with a small territory, with a very dense population, this a factor that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory, this is a serious
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thing, we are of course in the most careful way... so, it was not for nothing that i mentioned that these words were spoken in tashkent, the capital of sunny uzbekistan , i love uzbekistan very much, i love tashkent very much, and i know that when you arrive there, somehow the mood is always, well , somehow it’s saturated with this sun, hospitality, well, all of this, i don’t know if that’s the point or something else, but completely
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it is obvious that vladimir putin, speaking about these rather difficult things... everything is fine with his mood, everything is fine with his message, and this means that the situation is under control, although the president, of course, mentioned that he, like jens stoltenberg, too a civilian, apparently, all these questions, judging by the part that is presented, they began to be discussed, they did not start yesterday or the day before yesterday, when stoltenberg, who may not have dementia, said so, . and yet, this is the materiel that we heard in execution, entrusted by the president and supreme commander-in-chief, it is translated into such dry military-technical language, which you, andrei frantsivich, speak perfectly, present it to us in military-technical language, which, in fact, the president and supreme
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commander-in-chief said all these barrels, these halves of countries, because he’s talking about halves. said, which is very small, very densely populated, what is this all about in a military-technical sense? first, the president first of all listed, camouflaged, let's call it that, listing the elements of long-range high-precision weapons that can fly across our canonical territory, actually listed three countries that can act as those who give the go-ahead for this, these are the british, the storm shadow missile, these are the french, the scalp missile, aka stormshed joint development, and this is the americans operationally... the vampire that the installation flew up to 40 km is not the czech unguided missiles of the complex were fired somewhere in the direction of belgorod and left, there is no flight mission, the fact is that in order for a rocket to fly, it
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really needs to describe the entire algorithm, how it takes off, how it maneuvers, at what level, the engine stops working, as if this rocket, how it bends the terrain not in height along the horizon, bypassing air defense systems, you need to have satellite images, you need to have a radio-technical map of the area, let's call it that, also certain reconnaissance satellites, because our air defense systems are moving, and clear , correct coordinates of the object they plan to hit, this is not in google maps there or somewhere else, this is calculated on a completely different level, this is a hint of that... no, we handed over weapons to ukraine, these are theirs, stoldenberg repeated this twice in 2 days, at the moment when we handed them over, it became ukrainian, there are two aspects: first, the rules and customs of warfare, which
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were signed there by various numbers of geneva conventions, starting from the beginning of the last century, they define a combatant, a non-combatant, who is fighting, who is a civilian, and if it is a militia and there are very an important topic related to this transmission cutoff weapons, before the start of the conflict, while you are in front of... weapons, this is a normal element associated with the purchase, you buy everything, when the conflict has already begun, here are new supplies of weapons, especially on credit, you become an automatic participant in this conflict, then there are, in fact, western countries that have already crossed this bar, they are already a party to the conflict for us, but how does it describe the framework that this is already a military conflict, that since the conflict has already begun, how is it determined that the conflict has already begun? it is clear that since... these statuses
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are everything else, and we are actually in a state of special military operations, we are at war, here we have economic contracts and the movement of goods and money occurs, but nevertheless it is still defined as the beginning of the armed struggle, this is already a conditionally conflict situation, that is, the armed struggle has begun.
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lets out what she has, this is the old point y, for some reason i don’t know how they get them where they get them, it seems like they already used them up last year, but still somewhere they slip, the range is 120 km, operational-tactical missiles, somewhere there they were somehow taken from some third countries, these are their own modifications, they still make them, this is alha, this is a tornado, a rocket with a diameter of 300 mm, which is also there at 120 km somewhere, according to various sources, up to 180 is launched according to coordinates. gps arrives, that is, they do not hesitate to hit, and we saw that these types of ammunition arrived, we understand that vladimir vladimirovich, speaking all this text, he was not talking to ukroreich,
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yes, he talked with those who, as he described, would provide these weapons and compose this flight mission, and so on and so forth, here we seem to move on to this third point, and mentions of some countries with a small territory with a dense population , this is... as i understand correctly, i hope it’s correct, but maybe i’m wrong, this is a conversation about the fact that this can only be an answer now to whom, according to what criteria? i saw three points for myself here, which means point number one: andrei frantich, he is still it’s clear that the man graduated from a military university, he first listed two, i take him to the third, and he says: well now , that means, let’s have three points, oh well, well, we ’re looking at the future, out of friendship, so first, we are now we do it like this. training on the use of tactical nuclear weapons, unlike the assembled cartridge that you showed, this is a mock-up, it is not combat, so that the audience does not get scared, there is no cartridge case,
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gunpowder, we have, it’s even time, yes, we are real, we are real now put a special combat unit on duty, that is, real nuclear bombs are in the air and on the ground, ready for use quickly, respectively, this is the second point - this is a hint of european countries with very dense. less than a year ago he developed the theory of limited nuclear war, he presented it in such a way that if the soviet union then, together with nato countries, began to use tactical nuclear weapons
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in the east. we won’t, we will limit ourselves to this place, the americans are now building up tactical nuclear weapons in europe according to this concept, i understand that they may be used there, by the way, we’ll talk about that today the head of the border service said that nato was conducting exercises along our borders on the strategic use of tactical nuclear weapons. from the territory of america or from the world's oceans from submarines, so the situation, of course, has become very seriously tense and so, you know, the leaf of history in the textbook is stuck somewhere in the middle, so we are now trying to understand whether it will move over the forest or roll back, this is a very good image. this situation and how we discussed it yesterday, in fact today, as i outlined it vladimir vladimirovich, being in a fairly good mood at the same time, but... that’s what’s wrong with
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this leaf and most importantly, what’s on the next page and will there be something on the next page, because after all, while andrei klintseevich was talking, i still once i saw for myself how the president and supreme commander-in-chief said this, he said this: well, these representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, in small countries, he clarified, must be aware of what they are playing with, that is, he after all, well... highlighted a certain group of countries to which he was addressing, three, i don’t know how many there are, another thing is that maybe three, or maybe one and a half, because even if barelich seems to think it’s in halves, they have it, well, he said it himself, that they have halves of countries, well, i don’t know who the other half is, well, maybe luxembourg is there, but it’s not in nato or halves - this is exactly what barel meant, by the way, he said about one and a half countries, in
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principle, these three that we are all talking about now... in principle, no one cares even in themselves these? by the way, i think that after the statements of vladimir vladimirovich , which were executed very kindly, i think that in these countries there is also an outflow of population now, i just know that in some countries, these small ones with a large population, whose politicians they’re just stupid and don’t follow their mercy, and people are already, well, in some panic , they’re buying real estate somewhere far away from their beloved dunes, everyone who could is from there.
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to go, they have already left, unfortunately, well, there are still some people left, but it doesn’t matter. so what is this one about? talk? the first thing we know for sure? we know that if, as in homosexual slang, respected partners are talking about something hypothetically, then they will do it to us, yeah, because they are sacredly convinced that nothing will happen to them for this, that's right, they won't get into a car accident, they won't choke. running water, they won't have an economic crisis, they won't have national unrest, they won't have anything, everything will be great. second second, for us this means big troubles, which are unacceptable for us, therefore , in my opinion, supreme glankomovich said the following: first, we know that nato countries are at war with us, yeah, nato is at war with us, yeah, if anyone thinks that the fact that we do not
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react towards nato countries. which, as it seemed to me, he said, you know, the depth of the security zone depends on the weapon, on the weapon that you use, so we used a little more, so to speak, long-range ammunition, we have to create a security zone along the border, which means if you if you stutter further, then , unfortunately, we will have to establish a security zone for the whole of ukraine, but even if there is a 5x5 m piece of land somewhere in the uzhgorod
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region, it will still be possible from there. europe, so -called already for england, for real political actors, for england, the united states of america. does not represent any value, if it turns into scorched ashes, so much the better for them, because china will not be able to use the european market to sell its goods, so, accordingly, there is no point in appealing to reason has, it is necessary to demonstrate readiness to inflict damage on the enemy that is unacceptable to him, which is obviously unacceptable. in the military sphere , we did this in terms of exercises using tactical nuclear weapons. whether it will be perceived or not, we’ll see, because well, i think that they no longer believe in the reality of any actions on our part, they don’t believe in it, and they even write articles about it. you can remember, for example, that mr. zelensky - this is a delay, it should be dealt with as
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they do in our networks, including registered in offshores with an overdue period, it is taken to be thrown into the trash, so i am in general and at first it is sold at a discount, actually, well, at a discount. sold out a long time ago, this happened, this happened a long time ago, this happened a long time ago, now we need to rid the store of stale goods, i generally believe that people holding positions in a country that is fighting against the russian armed forces should live there for 2 weeks , then the position should be vacated, because it is necessary to ensure career growth for young people, we will talk about this part of the conflict later, continue, but still we understand that...
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we need to show what we are ready to give, not only the military, people are afraid of losing money, their weak spot is not life, their weak spot - this is a wallet, because a person who is driven by consumerism, he does not believe that he will die, because if i die, how will i consume, this is impossible, it does not happen, so you need to turn to the wallet, their weak spot very vulnerable - this is intellectual property, the amount of material property on our territory was small.
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series carthage must be destroyed, intellectual property, this is very important, i say this quite seriously, this is what is vulnerable to our opponents, yes, but, but still, with all due respect and importance of this topic, well, we understand that if, discussing this page in the textbook, if we
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turn it over and there we see that what they are now talking about is that they are going to proceed to strike our territory, and we say in response that some small countries with a dense population... may somehow regret it very much, then there may not be very much on this next page, because the next next page there will no longer have time for intellectual property, because well , no, here, here i apologize, the money is uberalised for these people, it’s by no means exhaustive, money, as for small countries, well , this could be such a conversation, well, guys, you know, unfortunately we cannot invite you to our training ground, everything is classified there , come to the conditional...
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this is already a legal basis for using anything against almost anyone because the american drones were aimed most likely in this way , and vladimir vladimirovich confirmed that it’s impossible to aim without all this, which ukryikh clearly doesn’t have, although... damn it he knows what else they have there, it turns out that they now have an arctic expedition, and i really don’t know whether this arctic expedition will go further than kiev, considering how actively they are purchasing wine, salmon steaks, darts there, especially the darts touched me, but that’s okay, the tenth thing, more on that later, so after all, alexey alekseevich, your version, this conversation is now in a raised voice, because intonations are intonations, and vladimir vladimirovich speaks very...
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responsibility will cancel morality, that is , they will allow ukraine to use weapons, but in reality they will expose... nato as a party to the conflict, no matter what they say, no matter how much they deny, the objective control data that vladimir vladimirovich and andrei frantsivich actually have on their fingers now they told me just how it happens, they don’t cancel, in no case do they cancel as a party to the conflict, in this situation with a dispute between two participants in an accident, he has approached the main stage, and what to do next, who to call, who to call.
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that the expeditionary forces will come, some countries, such as hungary, romania, poland, may receive territorial areas, other countries, such as the usa, britain, and thereby they guarantee the return of their investments with interest, yeah, until ukraine compensates them for the costs, who they are now they are, they are very large, these occupation troops, expeditionary forces, well, they will be there, this is basically
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what is being offered to us now, yeah, as if not offering, you know, not offering, this is being offered, but another option. this is the next degree of escalation, strikes, the next degree of escalation, absolutely right, there we are transferring permission, all that, we are conducting a tactical exercise on our part, your version is that this is forcing us to negotiate on their terms, coercion, this is a proposal that they cannot say directly, but they understand perfectly well that the russian side is not fools either, they understand this, this is a proposal, we in no way recognize it, they tell us nothing of this, but we can recognize it de facto.
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this same belgian aircraft is used only on the territory of ukraine, and there are still a lot of such nuances there. i just have a question: what are all these countries playing at, they are forced to play it. the belgians, i have a feeling that they are getting into this. they want, but they can’t help but interfere, someone pushes there. lockhit martin company. the story with belgium begins in
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1918, when a competition was held in belgium to replace f-16 aircraft. the europeans said, buy our european native french rafale and or eurofiter. the americans came and said: well, this is all cheap, why bother, buy our expensive f-35s. the belgians signed up and agreed that there would be four planes a year. give away several planes a year, and 30 at that, that ’s nothing, 30 planes, then problems started, the belgians said, we are these planes we won’t accept them, they are raw, unfinished, there are 800 defects on each plane, the electronics are buggy and so on, f35, it can’t get any more crude, the belgians kept logkin martin warehouses from the year 1980 until today. they are full of finished products, and it’s clear that they have now pushed them, they said, take them as they come or something else, the americans were able to grope, put pressure, the belgians
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understand that they cannot refuse, and here somehow it is necessary, and these planes will be give at the time of replacement to ukraine, an important point, which is the question of how money plays there, where it would seem that there is war and politics, well, by the way, as an example, switzerland bought f-35 aircraft for 10 billion, why does neutral switzerland need f-35 aircraft, well, because the americans are now making money. but the territory of ukraine is not only a flight to the belgians made a very important point: on the russian side, yeah, this is also used at other airfields, because the point that the americans now want to set on fire, they, look how they do it, they make it so that we have there was no chance of a breakdown. moldova, airborne exercises have just ended there, where we learned to parachute, the americans from romania, two divisions, 101 and 82, learned to jump onto our soviet airborne airfields. my father jumped when we lived there, being a medic, this is in balgrad, this is in chisinau, in chisinau, in a drunken division, yes,
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accordingly, now they are having exercises on personnel training, nato standards, and in a month there will be entrance exams, but most importantly, the airfield, somehow it has such a complex name merku lishty, soviet with copanirs for fighters, is being prepared to receive f16 aircraft, and if ukraine will have them it is safe to use from there.
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they are directed far 600 km along the perimeter, watching the takeoff of american and french british missiles, we are interested in this, strikes on them unpack our ability to use nuclear weapons in response, this is spelled out in our convention, now i ’ll apologize for a second, but this, in principle , fits into what aleksey alekseevich spoke about, that this is not just a kind of coercion, a push, but a push to negotiate, as if indicating, well, that...
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the americans are unpacking the opportunity for themselves the use of nuclear weapons where they are stalled in the desert somewhere they can’t do anything and the most important thing is written down in their concept. yes, one of the groups, since they always calculate several, i hope not only them, calculate the option of pushing us to a situation where we inflict, and under this matter
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they move out of situations like this. firstly, they move out once, they persuade them to say, you see, there is already a conflict, then there is an exchange everywhere, here we agreed, this is a beautiful story, an emotional message, everyone says, let’s come to an agreement, all previous agreements are immediately removed, very good, yes, and he is such a peacemaker, he is included in the choice, very nice, he ended the global nuclear war, it’s clear, we are branded there and so on, very similar to pushing, that is, for us the scenario is not positive, well, apparently yes. therefore , our leadership speaks in very isopic language, not directly, yeah, by the way, when the president spoke about countries with dense populations, by the way, we can use iskanders and daggers there, not necessarily with a nuclear warhead, that's true, that's true, by the way, he didn't say that small countries with a high population density will be struck by some kind of nuclear weapon, that's fair, well, now let's take a break for advertising, this is, as they say, an
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interesting page in the textbook it somehow hovered and just like that in the air, i can feel it... hesitating and it’s unclear what’s there, but there’s a lot more, but only after the advertisement, i look at the mountains, there’s snow on the mountains, my first combat departure, it is very difficult to fight in the mountains, you cannot smoke out the spirits from the cave, they are hitting you, 100 km from the state border, we must ensure security, a man has fallen into the hands. teeth, ears, hair may shake, but not hands. 1,200 minutes rushed, the earth shook so much. we left a garrison in a liberated area, a village, they ensured order, went out to populated areas, with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, they took it all apart with pleasure. residents of border areas, both soviet
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and afghan sides, were protected. for border guard day. premiere, the main milestone, not a step back, today on the first. george soros and his funds, firmly entrenched in many countries of the world, were expelled from russia a long time ago, but continue their sabotage activities in organizing color revolutions and civil wars on our borders. the only possible way to preserve our civilization is to defeat russia as soon as possible. as for kyrgyzstan, force itself is leaving, but a bunch of other funds are leaving. georgia is an example of a country where the interests of the american state coincide with the interests of soros, people are being debilitated, and that is behind this debilitation soros is standing, soros and his son are thinking about how to create a revolution within the united states of america itself, people like joe biden should simply wash away the wave of a new revolution, then he is going to create a single global world, which is what soros’ son is talking about, we need to do it so that justice is dealt with
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exclusively by artificial intelligence, after which the digital one will come. the one that is told on the proof forum, the main thing there is one thing: the anti-russian vector, soros and other pseudonyms of the devil, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first day, at the age of 19 i was left alone, why are you here, you and your father are on the ship, oh yes, the theater, red. they will come, art will be banned, yes, this is a crap, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, i have not experienced anything in my skin, walk past her, look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, but there can only be one great meeting , i'll make a call if
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you come to you? watch after the program time for happy birthday. whom leo nikolaevich tolstoy, on the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonova. we had 35 young pilots, we walked around the city and bumped into my mother, he flew on training planes over her house, took his suitcase, a blanket that my mother once gave me, with these things i came
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to their house, i offer you your hand. from the heart, whatever you want, i ask you not to refuse, i don’t have time. dad received a call to moscow, we understood that we would have to work harder to get an education as a test engineer. so we started working together, there were 5 minutes left before entering the shadow, and 30 minutes of life, i know this for sure, scary, extraordinary from the point of view of others, but for me just a dad, a good home dad, space inside, on thursday on the first, a mission to go into outer space. done on children's day, if only there had been no sima in the cities and villages, we would never have known these happy days, the clock is on the old tower, in this world
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everyone should not rush to keep up, we are sailing like on a briganzine, forgotten troubles. stopped bet in love everything is not simple and smooth, in love it does not solve everything beauty, takes me away, takes me away, appreciating the gift of snow, a beautiful holo concert dedicated to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of composer evgeniy krylaty. premiere june 1st on the first. three chords. new season, on sunday on the first. time will tell the program, we continue
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to work live. and live on the air in the development of the situation that was discussed in the previous part of the program, about where the situation is moving or where they are trying to push the situation further with these conversations. except for the possibility of western weapons from ukroreich striking russian territory federation, about lifting the embargo, that is, about some kind of military escalation, on the other hand, we are saying that these are possible some negotiations, or rather, some signals that maybe we can start, as alexey alekseevich said, maybe we can start somehow, maybe secretly for now to cut ukraine apart, especially since there are some inter-country agreements on guarantees for this, of which there are more and more of them, here we are entering into a conversation that... to whom mikhail gennadyevich said that he was signing all this with zeleboboy, and who in general this is zeleboba today, it’s not very clear what all these agreements are worth, all this talk about negotiations and conferences
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, taking into account that it’s not clear who zeleboba is, is also a big question, and what’s interesting, vladimir vladimirovich, being in tashkent, in sunny uzbekistan, it seems to me , gave a very interesting and for many unexpected commentary, on this occasion i also think it’s very important. it’s interesting, please, about the legitimacy of the ukrainian government; we really need to carry out such a serious, in-depth analysis, but here’s the first thing: what i will point out and what my colleagues are reporting to me is this: the constitution of ukraine provides for the extension of powers, but they are only welcome. and the extension of the powers of the president in the constitution of ukraine does not say anything, first, second, indeed, the law
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of ukraine on the legal status of the law on, on the legal status of the law on martial law, says that during the period of martial law... the situation is elections not presidential elections are carried out, but this does not mean that they are prolonged, they are not carried out, but who said that they should be prolonged, there is nothing about this in the constitution , but there is article 111 of the constitution of ukraine, which says that in this case the powers of the supreme... power, in fact , presidential powers are transferred to the speaker of parliament, especially since in the context of the martial law law and
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the powers of the parliament are being extended, this is such a preliminary analysis, we need to look carefully, some experts say that there is a contradiction between the constitution, which only talks about extending the powers of the rada in conditions of war provisions, the law that i just talked about, the law from -
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i often allow myself this, but now i will allow myself to read a little between the lines of what the president and supreme commander-in-chief said, not even between the strict lines, everything is very dense between the lines , but as if in context. in fact, for me, in my opinion, the very fact that, apparently, the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, with his corresponding legal, consulting and legal services, is very indicative. this question is more or less studied less closely and, apparently, continues to study, because he says that we need to look carefully, this is still a preliminary analysis. the very fact that this preliminary analysis, taking into account that it seems to me that there is enough work to do, was nevertheless carried out, and as we see, the president, in general, is in control, well, it’s 2016 , there is a law, articles, paragraphs and so on, this says something, sad news, it seems to me, for...
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we respect the laws, even those of others, and consider them as something existing, we do this in your perception in order to what? well , firstly, i think the relationship between these, so to speak, big and small people will sparkle with new colors, they will begin to treat each other a little differently, well, i don’t know, it seems to me that stefanchuk he is already waiting to see which country he will be sent to as ambassador.
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someone there promised, promised in romstein, will come to their parliament and say, let’s allocate money to ukraine, any self-respecting parliamentarian will ask, on what basis?
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really few people know all this, i’m not even sure that many people there know that ukraine even has a constitution, so, but nevertheless, it’s for stefanchuk, let him worry, that means stefanchuk’s wife, or whoever he’s with, that means it’s them there you can’t
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figure it out, now they are europeans, let the europeans worry about the europeans, but still the question is that the president of the russian federation has spent a lot of time and in detail on this.
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legal, there are two very important theses here: legal and legitimate, so legal is regarding regulatory legal acts, the west will now have to retort, they can’t just brush it off, because we gave a tool for all western oppositions in parliaments, trump to everyone else, they will come and say: biden, my friend, who will be drugged for a discussion with trump, with whom we have affairs?
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it doesn’t matter where the laws are, they’re just self-appointed and so on, they recognize him, and let’s just say, they recognize him as the president or not, legalization will happen on the forum or there
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, with all due respect to every person in the usa, they help us a lot, but now it will be very simple, there will be a peace summit, which is organized by the whole world, and then there will also be something that russia will try to organize, i believe that president biden is needed by the peace summit and is needed by other leaders who look at the us reaction, biden’s absence will be personal.
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and biden doesn’t go there, then they put themselves on the same level as him very, very much lower, uh-huh, i would also remember here, so fashionably i’ll say, the case of juan guaido, i’ll remind you that european leaders, at the request of the united states, recognized him as legitimate president of venezuela, uh-huh, uh-huh, and what happened, tikhanovskaya, by the way, the second case is svetlana tikhanovskaya, she is also accepted, her trips are paid for, her life is paid for, and so on. the same european countries, so, to be honest, well, they got up, shook off their skirts
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and moved on, i understand everything, but how does it look in the eyes of the world community, here i do not agree that it will swallow this, so the countries of the global south , including very interesting countries, will not go to this party, remember, i said that zelensky, that zelensky will rename this conference. a summit, a conference is where people exchange opinions, and a summit, where they come to some decision and sign up for it, the main thing for him is to get this piece of paper, where at the summit here is the signature of this person, this person, and so on, here look, i’m legitimate, that’s what, that’s zelensky’s goal, if they give him this piece of paper, well, to be honest, i have sad news - for all these people, because they actually encourage lawlessness, for them this is news. a world based on the rules that they always voice, and countries which are in this structure,
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western countries are under the influence, they have adapted to one decision, only one rule works, whether the americans recognized it or not, relatively speaking, the international criminal court against russia, the americans recognized everything yes, against israel no, everything is no, immediately moved away, everyone now, well, relatively speaking, everyone is now really looking at the americans, what they will say about this, and they should at least... somehow reasonably be close to the constitution or some kind of regulatory legal acts, in america the legal school is also very strong, lawyers like to dig around, the post office also works, so to speak, with overload sometimes, so this is generally an example of the legitimacy of everything, a country where the president is elected by mail, well, in general, as you can see, there are a lot of interesting little knots like that , smaller, but overall in general. interestingly, the squiggle, as he says, is one legitimate president of our
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country. advertising. george soros, his funds, firmly entrenched in many countries of the world, were expelled from russia a long time ago, but continue their sabotage activities in organizing color revolutions and civil wars on our borders. the only possible way to preserve our civilization is to defeat russia as soon as possible. as for kyrgyzstan, hord sorus himself is leaving, but a bunch of others are leaving. georgia is an example of a country where the interests of the american state coincide with the interests of soros, people are being debilitated, soros is behind this debilitation, soros and his son are thinking about how to create a revolution within the united states of america itself, people like joe biden should the wave of a new revolution is simply wash away, then he is going to create a single global world, as soros’ son says, it is necessary to make sure that justice is handled exclusively by artificial intelligence, after this... slednik
7:48 pm
today on the first vodka veda - a product of the stellar group. old barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group. bourboon stirsman is a product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the steller group. gin. sheaf, a product of stellor group, i don’t know, faina, what kind of artist you are, you’ve learned to be daring well, this is the only chance, there won’t be another, thank you, sinushka, but oh, how pure we are, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, you will be ranevskaya, and you are a new
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actress from moscow, ranevskaya. watch the time after the program. you immediately feel like a great actress. i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains. my first combat mission. it is very difficult to fight in the mountains. you can't smoke the spirits out of the cave, they hit you. we must ensure security 100 km from the state border.
7:50 pm
for border guard day, the premiere, the main milestone, not a step back, today on the first day, on children’s day, let’s go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he took on children's programs, and the children just clung to him, it was obvious, this cannot be played, he was such a guy who kind of said, well, i'm 20 years older than you, well ... you and i are now playing these funny and stupid games together, so you and i are on equal terms, he ran through life, laughing, smiling, rejoicing, these were all his wives, they were, as it were, caught along the way, and he loved yulia, his last call was yulia, sereshka was a real child genius tv died in general at the age of genius, we certainly miss him, we
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often remember him, so there are irreplaceable ones, sergei suponev, hero of my childhood, june 1 on the first children's day, hello, we didn't expect what you came to us with i came with joy, but it must hurt between my shoulder blades, no, why does it hurt me, maybe it’s old, maybe, hey, girlfriend, don’t be bored, eat a pancake, drink tea, and would you like me for more? i’m sorry, i’ll eat everything, you’ll eat salt, i’ll go, thank you, my dear, and if i i’ll break it, you won’t be sorry, i won’t be sorry, the main thing is that you take care of your legs, okay, that means i can do whatever i want with them, well, not that much, better than everyone else, the premiere is june 1, on the first.
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it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first, and end this conversation, i wanted events. which formally has nothing to do with it, in fact has the most immediate, because in general, partly from this it all began, what we are discussing now, quite unnoticed, i wrote about this on saturday, but i see that this event went rather unnoticed and in our telegram in the information space, in short, that action on
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november 30 and december 1 of the thirteenth year, with which these same children began, with a supposedly violent outburst... in tikhomolka, ukrainian the court, supposedly after the expiration of the deadline, but in fact we all understand everything, ruled that all this, it was all bullshit, it was all invented, it was all a provocation, and with this provocation the subsequent events of the maidan and subsequent events on donbass and a lot of other things, and this is very it’s significant when something happens , someone did it, then it gets blown up into a provocation, and a lot of things grow out of it. a huge number of people are suffering, right now right at these moments in tbilis there are people who have come out and are preparing, apparently, to protest against the veto that
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the georgian parliament overcame, imposed on the agent by the president of georgia, and these people are protesting against the fact that the georgian the government is simply defending its sovereign right to make decisions without outside pressure, from europe from london. i don’t want to draw any parallels, i hope these parallels will turn out to be inappropriate, but what happened in november-december 13 in kiev was approximately the same type, and provocations of this kind, perhaps now, of which there will be many things later inflate, and then, and then this piece of iron that i hold in my hands, you see, it would be good if everything ended with silver bullets, but sometimes everything then ends in ruins like this, where people died,
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chimeras flew in, and this was not done blacksmith, this real ammunition detonated there from this explosion, this sometimes happens. from such provocations, which are then quietly leaked by those who arrange them, today we talked a lot about these people, from a world based on rules, we all need to remember this, because this is not a movie, dolls of the heir to tuti.
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he is called the puppeteer of political theater and...


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