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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  May 28, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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on the rules, we all need to remember this, because this is not a movie, dolls of tootie’s heir.
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he is called the puppeteer of the political theater and the head of the world behind the scenes, george soros, an american banker who made his fortune on the destruction of countries and the genocide of entire peoples, his funds are firmly entrenched in many countries of the world, were expelled from russia a long time ago, but continue their sabotage activities in organizing color revolutions, civil wars on our borders. his son, sasha soros, intends... to take over the baton father's wand, but bad luck, llekorosov's assistant was thrown out of kyrgyzstan. what is this? this octopus has sunk the beginning of the end of the great puppeteer or its tentacles so deep that it is impossible to tear them out. let's figure it out together, maria butina is with you, this is the doll of tuti's heir, we are starting. i started doing what i call political philanthropy in the eighties. after the collapse of the ussr
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, he created one fund after another, the results were higher than expected. this time coincided with a period of personal financial success that allowed me to increase my donation funds. millions were spent on education, healthcare, culture in the countries of the former social bloc, as an excuse for charitable activities. but what is the real motive? the origins of the formation of soros' destructive ideologies come from a combination of factors. the first is the conviction of greatness, which has been around for decades. a now wrinkled face, with characteristic folds of leather under the eyes. the self-proclaimed master of the world cannot hear without a device, and even speaks with long pauses. the growing weakness causes visible irritation in him, as if at this moment the feeling of superiority is shattered and inevitable with age. soros is 93. he has already handed over management of the fund to his son alexander and whiles away his everyday life in the company of his third wife, tami colton. she is 40 years younger than him, but not the youth of his wife, not... i am trying to change
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the world to satisfy a huge ego, when i look at the list of my enemies, i am proud of them. soros has more than one enemy, including leftists, republicans, and conservatives; communists, europeans, and some pro-american power circles distance themselves from him; he managed to become the embodiment of world evil in account of manipulative influence. for an entire state, and he achieved this in turn by introducing the philosophy of open societies, a view of the world order he adopted from the austrian philosopher karl popper while studying at the london school of economics. open society called its foundation, founded in 1979. for the sake of enrichment , he destroyed the financial systems of entire countries, forcing thousands of people into poverty. world fame, albeit with a black mark, came in ninety-two, when, as a result of a bearish game, he collapsed the bank of britain. soros was
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a frequent guest in moscow. i have lost faith in many processes taking place in russia. i am ceasing activities in your country. these words are from a farewell speech in 2004. the foundation, after many years of parasitism on the minds of russians, was finally expelled after being recognized as an undesirable organization in 2000. after all, it was through the efforts of soros that the pendulum was swung to destabilize russia-ukraine relations. the best and only possible way to preserve our civilization is to defeat russia as soon as possible. soros's real name is gyorgy schwartz, from a jewish family. with growth anti-semitic sentiments in hungary schwartz were replaced by nashorosh. it was possible to survive thanks to the secret regime by snitching on its own. it has become. the basis of george's personality. in
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1947, already under the name soros, the schwartzes left for britain; the jewish emigrant was not accepted by the prim english environment, which also took the form of a desire to oppose itself. out of spite to everyone in the world, i had no money, no one paid attention to me, so i considered myself a negligible value. in the late fifties, away from humiliation in pursuit of dollar, moved to the usa. he got rich from speculation in securities in seventy- three and founded the quantum investment fund. the title is from the works of his teacher popper. profitability was in the thousands of percent. success was attributed either to the financial genius of soros, or to insider information that... was released from above, the state debt, the special services or the influential forces of the deep state, the question is, but they were able to charge him with dishonest methods of enrichment only once, and then he got off with a penny fine. capital was used mainly to finance destructive projects all over the world, on a turnkey basis.
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through a network of foundations, he cultivated puppet politicians, bribed the world media to prepare public opinion, and with the help of revolution, russians were incorporated into power with the goal of destroying national states. the second unexpected fact was the curtailment of projects in europe and a change in the geographic vector of influence, most likely towards the united states. in 2020, the soros raised a wave of blm, today they can use migrants or antifa. soros, as a longtime sponsor of the democratic party, supported obama, poured millions into the vigorous
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until now, the clinton alliance has pushed biden forward. apparently, today the main forces will be aimed at pushing through street revolutions in order to prevent trump from winning. they say that soros has died several times already. every time the news comes that, well, finally, finally, soros died and handed over the reigns to his foundations, his son, and then it turns out that he makes new statements, however, since 2022 no one has seen him in person, only some statements periodically issued on social networks, the main ones of which are that i have young.
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smart power, which implied that they had not come up with such a mechanism as smart power, bribing officials, here is the 21st century, americans directly from the state can create some kind of non-profit organizations in the country, which, under the pretext of some kind of beautiful sign, begin to conduct really destructive activity to destroy the essence of the state. clinging and grabbing the most painful points, starting to swing them, when the americans at the beginning tried to do this through their state organization usaid, she is very quickly gained notoriety and they began to ban it in many countries of the world, and in general the sign of the usa, it didn’t seem very
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beautiful, then during the war the americans came up with a private military company that could do dirty things, but now the academy became the first one, that’s when soros most likely offered his services. i’m ready to be this sign that will gather all the negativity around the world in your gentlemen’s interests, and he began to create these ngos, which are actually the backstage of big global international politics, because always the interests of the united states, when it acted in certain countries, prevailed, and we see that by creating this network, in addition to soros, there are a number of organizations, very different, by scattering budgets, you can create very unusual structures, like... which it is really very difficult to see on the surface, and kyrgyzstan is probably one of these first steps, we see that the russian federation has gone through this difficult path of this disease, the republic of belarus and a number of other countries that still have these mechanisms contain, but have hooks, that is, these
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organizations, having latched on to the authorities, actually have leverage, but the world is now divided into several parts, this liberal lgbt agenda is connected with... serious, perhaps the immune system really worked, but it seems to me , that there were protests here a couple of years ago, and there are very few subtleties, that the soras foundation, despite the fact that it has been working for many years , in my opinion, of course soros just from the very beginning, when he supposedly actually was on assignment, it was bought, rebought american intelligence and moved to the united states, that is, he has been simply working for intelligence for them for a long time, that’s why he had such financial successes, as for kyrgyzstan, not so long ago... prime minister of kyrgyzstan japarov visited washington, and of course, he was subjected to certain processing,
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some conditions were probably set, well , let's look at this a little more pragmatically, ford sorace himself is leaving, but a bunch of other funds affiliated with this open society, they are well anchored in kyrgyzstan and have not gone anywhere yet will get away, despite the fact that for now we keep in mind that soros is only part of the american state system that spread szczobaltse, but there are others. versions, well, yes, of course, and i remind you that in kyrgyzstan it was the experience of color revolutions in the mid-2000s, after which there was a long period of instability, that is, they are familiar with this firsthand in their own skin, and of course they are watching with what is happening in ukraine, what it all led to, i think that not everyone wants the same suicide for their country arrange, no, i agree that american influence in kyrgyzstan certainly remains there, although at the moment i fully admit that chinese influence, especially in the economy, is of course a much more significant factor there, so you need to understand that the kyrgyz . they didn’t ban the authorities and the soros foundation, they just passed their own law on foreign agents, under which this most
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open society falls, so the guys decided that it’s somehow too toxic, so this means this very brand of labels should insert itself so they seem to be closing, but i really think that some other projects remain, because i’ll remind you that after the formal transfer of control of the controlling stake in the so-called open society from george soros to alex soros took place, well, that’s it as if the young heir really announced that here he was...
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worked with the most vulnerable groups of the population in order to form a protest and aggressive protest mass from them, of course the media, these various training seminars there, where they are taken or taken there they come, this organization did all this, they collected data on corrupt officials, why, so that there would be an understanding of who to bribe in the future, they rocked it in the media, well, now from the modern it is an it platform for... working with information, well, in conclusion, right financing those who should
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benefit them. yes, vital. kerghizia is an important country, not only for soros and american interests. this is also the most important country for turkish-british interests. and that’s where the actions through the national services intelligence organization, mr. khakanfidan, he skillfully, including through his already counterparties. was able to make things difficult for the americans, why? because their interests in kyrgyzstan directly collide with the interests of the americans. and if we look at this crescent, which they now dream of drawing from the balkans to kyrgyzstan there and almost to mongolia, the turkic crescent, it is critically important for these structures, that’s why look. where the turkish intelligence services have a powerful influence, relatively speaking,
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soros has huge problems there. soros they finance the opposition, by the way, also absolutely anti-russian parties in azerbaijan, and here we see direct competition and a clash of interests of the united states with its immeasurable funding. we understand perfectly well that the united states can issue unlimited money in these territories because they are not backed by anything. the money will never return to the usa, will not cause inflation, it will remain in banks, in wallets, in some kind of gold bags in these countries. the british, the turks, they act according to...
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and the first thing they did was send soros to me, a month later i said, dear george, thank you for coming, goodbye, i never met him again, here are some other countries that kicked soros out, in 1997 belarus decided the issue, russia in the fifteenth, hungary in the seventeenth, turkey in
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the eighteenth, turkmenistan in the tenth, uzbekistan in the fourth, tajikistan most recently in 2022 in 24. here you need to understand that the money that comes, it doesn’t come from soros, you have to forget about it name soros, we are talking about a kind of collective sorus, because today we see that each of those republics that we now see are separate countries, they have left an open society, and remember, as soros initially wanted to call it, he wanted to call it: after the book by karl popper, the open society and its enemies, the key phrase was: his enemies, we do not know whether soros is really alive or not today, but we know that since 1973 he is a very successful trader, and he opened a new system, in 1972, when the trade conflict broke out, soros was the person who began
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to cooperate very actively with the cia, and he will be the one who offered himself for sale, he came to the cia because in 1973 the concept of the cia will change. the cia should serve business to implement various tasks. soros comes, they don’t talk about it, he says: listen, i’m ready to commit the most terrible crime, insider trading. i'm ready to take it on myself. give me where to buy correctly, how to sell correctly. but i'm going crazy. 90% of the money i earn will be spent on revolution. and then in 1973, his first fund appeared, quantum and... from there this game begins, you give me money indirectly, i’ll just be successful, the cia has dirt on him for thousands of years in prison, because insider trading, avoiding taxes - it's all soros, the problem we still have is different: the soros brand is gone, only 15% of the fund support is gone, and 85% remains, and i believe that now this is just the beginning
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of the work, because 85% of the funds are still working, and he himself said that, as it were... to me i didn’t want to leave, i have too many subsidiaries that will continue my work, but i left for a while, but my offspring will return, it’s interesting, but they say that these enterprises, which the offspring now remain with him, they operate in the united states itself, they are quite stirring up the agenda and saying that soros, he is such a creator of chaos, what is happening, are they themselves, or what? we have a direct connection with a person from the united states, a person who knows a lot about soros and his dealings in america. we have connections with patrick byrne, an american businessman. hello patrick. please tell me, is soros really working against the united states? they say that his participation was also seen in blm, now in the situation
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of israel and palestine. yes, sure. very interesting story, i was writing my university work on philosophy, in particular about popper, and i heard about the open society, about its enemies, and for many years i thought that sorace and i look at the world in the same way, now very differently, soros is an instrument of pure chaos, destruction, he wants to stick to the usa and has stuck, and he wants the usa to fall apart, just like the ussr, like the countries. in europe and so on and so forth, that is, i think that soros receives some funds from various cartels, i received information from my sources, who are also associated with the cartels. they tell me: we give money, they are interested in seeing the national state collapse, and neo-trotskyists, and this is neo-trotskyism, what he thinks, that is, he
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thinks like neo-trotskyists, followers of trotsky, and for him now the usa is a tool that must be destroyed. soros is already an enemy of the united states, what he wants to do to you, to us, is one thing, but there are also organizations like soros, they say that he is just the tip of the iceberg. a very important topic is arabela, this is the name, everyone knows about the open society of george soros, but what they don’t know yet is that he has another foundation, very quiet, but it is even more dangerous, it is small, they don’t talk about it, but this the same foundation that gathers all leftists around the world and manages it according to notes, carefully, and it is in a single symphony includes hundreds of different... organizations and conductor george soros through arabela, through his organization, and for some reason no one talks about it, an open society, that’s understandable, well, it’s open, you
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know about it, but you stay with please contact us, now we will break for a short advertisement, in just a few minutes we will continue and look a little deeper into the past, into the childhood of this very soros and why he is so hated in his own. native country, stay with us, at the age of 19 i was left alone, why are you here, they are with their father on the ship, oh yes, theatre, the reds will come, art will be banned, yes, this is crap, tell me... ranevskaya, yes, i’m ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything before in my own skin, the war passed her by, look at this face,
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exceptional, there are many great directors, but there can be only one great meeting, i will make a challenge if you come to me, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you are grimacing, marital status, what do you say, you have a husband, don’t... watch after the program happy birthday to lev nikolaevich tolstoy. cognac monte shoca, a product of the stellar group. rum, castro, product of stellar group.
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pechora vodka, a product of stellar group. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. oldbarr cognac. product of steller group. hug me, nicolas, i want you to love me, how to do it correctly, how to go to the cinema correctly, it turns out there are secrets and clues about this and many other things in the live program, great, tomorrow is the first, on children's day, hello, we didn’t expect why you came to us, with joy. should it hurt between the shoulder blades? no, why does it hurt me? maybe you're old
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maybe hey, girlfriend, don’t be bored, eat a pancake, drink tea, and you want something else, i don’t mind, eat everything, you’ll be fat, and i ’ll be thin, thank you my dear, and if i break it, you won’t have it it’s a pity, i won’t be sorry, the main thing is that you take care of your feet? okay, so i can do whatever i want with them, not so much, better than anyone else, the premiere was on june 1, at the first, on the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, we had 35 young pilots, we walked around the city and bumped into my mother, he flew on training planes over her house and took his suitcase. which my mother once gave me, i came to their house with these things, i offer you my hand and heart, anything, i
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ask you not to refuse, i don’t have time. dad received a call to moscow, we understood that we would have to work harder to get an education as a test engineer, so we started working together, there were 5 minutes left before entering the shadow, and 30 minutes of life, i know this for sure, scary, extraordinary, from the point of view of others, but for me just dad, home, good dad, space. inside on thursday first. the mission to enter outer space has been completed. on children's day. we would never have known these happy days. there is a clock on the old tower, in this world everyone should take their time not to get up. we are sailing. on a lezina, like on
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a brigantine, forgotten troubles, the fur stopped, in love it doesn’t happen, everything is simple and smooth, in love it doesn’t decide everything, beauty, takes me away , takes me away from the marrying snow. concert for the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of composer evgeniy krylatovo premieres on june 1 at the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series! in
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sunday on the first. maria butina is with you again and today we are talking about soros. alexander, his son, or george, who is either alive or dead, but as a phenomenon is very significant. he was kicked out of kyrgyzstan, once russia kicked him out, once the republic of belarus and some countries fought back. but they say it has launched its tentacles into almost every part of the world, including, by the way, creating chaos in the united states itself. actually, where did soros even come from? let’s look at one of his interviews, where he himself talks about his childhood. you were a hungarian jew who survived the holocaust by posing as a christian. and you
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witnessed how many were taken to death camps. i was 14 years old, and i would say that was when i was formed as a person. as far as i understand, you went everywhere with your patron, who stated that you were his adopted godson, and you and he essentially helped carry out the confiscation of jewish property.
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nikolay, try to explain to us, i’ll try to explain, in fact, the first thing that comes to head, is to call him a nazi collaborator, a collaborator, but this would be too soft, too kind a description for him, the fact is that any collaborator, any criminal, any traitor, finally, including his own people, he at least experiences fear inside, throughout their entire lives, at most, well, individual individuals... maybe even repent somewhere inside. let's remember the worst character in the history of mankind, but at least the biblical one, judas iscariot, hanged himself in the end when he realized what he had done, and he something is not going here, we see a diametrically opposite situation, the person is almost proud of his steps. so, based on this, i conclude that here we are not talking about a nazi collaborator, not about an unprincipled person, here in general it is difficult to talk about a person, about something human that is in him, the fact is that we are like - once...
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they once discussed klaus schwab, yes, for whom man, as a concept, does not exist, for him man is a consumable, it would seem much worse, that’s much worse, here a person is not a consumable, a person is an obstacle . this is a way of enriching himself, and not necessarily, not only materially, but also mentally, as we see from him, because his megalomania is absolutely off the charts, i don’t think that anyone in the world has it comparable to his greatness alone one of the first tasks he sets for himself is to rewrite textbooks, maybe this is the point, the desire from the very beginning to silence these facts about himself and rewrite history?
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historical process as the superiority of the anglo-saxons over the whole world, that is, it is necessary was to say and tell that the second world war was won by the allies together, led by the united states of america, with the participation. there was practically everything, starting from 2001, soros begins to take a very active look at this textbook, it eliminated participation in the so-called bologna system, the introduction of the ternary principle to our education system, bachelor's, master's , and postgraduate educational programs, if you have completed your undergraduate studies well and you entered the magistracy. and moved on to graduate school, but what in order to defend your phd, you need to get your first normal degree, you need to be published in english-language publications, you need to get the scopus index, the hirsch index, you need to translate your scientific knowledge into english
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for free and give it to those who will process your information, saucers , blue border and here you are welcome, but you have to pay it. this is done only by those who can pay, otherwise you will stand in line for several years, i have a bunch of vak publications, i can’t defend myself, i i don’t have a publication in english in scopus, which is cited, in order to receive the russian degree of candidate and doctor of science, i must give all my super-innovative knowledge to the americans, the british, technical sciences also include, absolutely all sciences, which means in the development of the topic , this applies not only to phd, not only... to candidate doctoral degrees, this applies to the elementary scientific contract of a teacher at the department. in order for the teacher to be re-elected to the department, and in order for him to fulfill his annual i emphasize, an effective contract, this
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person is obliged to publish a certain number of publications in scopus, and scopus has four quartels, the most prestigious, this is the first, second, they cost absolutely crazy money from 5 to 10 thousand dollars. as soon as you want to receive a grant and an additional payment to your salary, they tell you how small your salary is, let us give you 10 more salaries within six months, but you must teach according to our manual, you must take our thoughts to the students and preferably, so that you have video recording of this,
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so that you show that you are not a freeloader, then you will comply with the methods by which we pay you money, for a long time they bought professorships, they created a whole network of teachers who went to these networks and... there was no chance, you want to get money , get it, and the most important thing is that many people welcomed this, one publication, so that our viewers understand that in the scopus publishing house of a good level, from 500 thousand rubles to a million rubles, an ordinary person can pay a million rubles for a publication, no, but these bugs appear, they come up and say: listen, let me pay for you, you will have to, work it out, or with the auto, and all these methods that we have just described, because their activities extend... not only to high school , these are a bunch of different organizations, it’s all called cognitive wars, that is, the main task is to change a person’s value orientations, conditionally in the head, the west, which is now working on the mechanisms of social engineering, it
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understands that it is necessary to break the family connection, we see the imposition of the lgbt agenda, we need to break the religious connection, the blurring of religious values ​​through a variety of subcultures and linguistic patterns. which language also determines thinking, the imposition of foreign languages, the blurring of one’s national language or in some countries, the blurring of interethnic language, interethnic communication, all this will... continue, but now we see that the methods that used to they worked, they leave, textbooks, something else, but how will they continue to act, because the tasks have not changed, because the task, relatively speaking, of globalists or some group that wants to mix nations into a single mass that are easier to manage, what methods they will use in the future, is social networks, we are now seeing the development of investing huge amounts of money, let me remind you that the budget us military at 24'. year contain 6 billion for a mechanism called
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countering russian disinformation, this is the money that will be spent by public opinion leaders, social networks, who have a lot, and we see that modern society reflects with clip perception, short videos, understandable training, everything goes through those platforms, which, by the way, are prohibited in many of us, because they were a guide, these are actually textbooks and... a muscle does not flinch on the face of soros, who
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seemed to have suffered actually from nationalism. in our country it’s different, in our country there is no nationalism, they will finance leftists, they will finance marxists, that’s what gives them away? look, not so long ago our country was constantly flooded with active publications from various the network media that left, now these... organizations are gone, but with the same cliché, with the same dies, other people came who are now promoting leftist ideas, marxist ideas, the main thing there is one thing: the anti-russian vector, that is, use any method only in order to have a destructive impact on the integrity of the state, but you also know what interesting thing they can do when, for example, some law is adopted that is not beneficial to them. for example, there is a law on foreign agents, and the country is trying to protect its own
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sovereignty, occur as if on cue, and protests are set on fire. let's first look at how much soros has poured into georgia. mass protests in georgia, the usa and george soros are pulling the strings of the color revolution. the ongoing season of protests in georgia once again shows us the work of a color revolution in which the american intellectual community. and a globalist ngo join forces to overthrow unfriendly regimes, or at least force them to submit to the globalists' planetary agenda. usa has been operating in georgia since 1992 and has allocated more than $1,900 million during this time. and in georgia they tried to stop the activities of the soros foundation, and even the public, you won’t believe it, once again arranged a funeral for him in 2005. let's get a look.
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where the interests of the american state coincide with the interests of soros, because this, as we understand, does not always happen, in georgia the task is to overthrow the current government, and here the americans are using all their tools, not only the tools of soros, there is a lot of british money there, there, british intelligence services are actively working with the ngo community and civil society in georgia, but georgia is an example. the combination of these interests, and roman, here you are
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as a person who is engaged in directly verifying lies, truth, understanding deep processes, what kind of person this is in general, you know, so i believe that this person has some kind of internal super-idea, destruction, he enjoys it, if we take, let’s say, this is a financial peculiarity, all these insides, to say the least, he reminds me of larry fink partly because that i understand that... fink had the same story when he was in 1986, so to speak, he had a crisis, so later he very often repeated in lectures that if i had known that it was possible like this , would never... have acted differently, given the insights he received. further, we heard an opinion from television here, from a us representative, who says that the state has nothing to do with it, but this is not so. it is impossible to get inside information without the will of the state, without the will of someone. and now we are talking about the fact that soros
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leaves, i think it's not true. i think the paradigm of influence is simply changing, that is, we may still not yet understand what he has planned, what he is doing for his son. fell asleep, you know, a thousand or 100 times worse than he himself, and according to his son and soros himself. well, rezume, i think that this person is unhealthy from the point of view of the average person, you know, this so-called painful desire to be an influencer, and an influencer from a negative point of view. but our american guest wants answer you. patrick, you are still with us, you would like to add on... soros. soros, he is a very stern person, it is very difficult to figure him out. perhaps there is some kind of demonism in it. may be? i have been looking at soros for many years now and trying to understand why he is doing this. what is its purpose anyway? does he want money or what? you know, there are people among us who just want to destroy. they
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get a kick out of it, they like it. soros likes to just destroy it all. look at this klaus schwab, this dovoz. to such people, people from davos, let's call them that, they just love to destroy everything, all this american policy is that let's give up gasoline, electricity and so on, let's go extinct, but no one will say 90% of americans, no-no- no, we don’t need this, from an economic point of view we can’t understand him, i’m sure he’s a demon, the most important thing is not this, the most important thing is that we make decisions at the country level and think about how the usa, for example, either the west or the world in general will continue...
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thank you very much for your courage, just good for you, by the way, soros speaks out on the climate agenda, let's listen, to emphasize our determination to develop a network of universities, an open society, we are allocating $ 1 billion for these purposes, but it will not be possible to build a global network alone, we will need organizations like
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that called the green agenda. roman, please add, and at the same time answer our guest. i will definitely add. i don't know what he came up with, but he certainly won't give up his desire to influence. once. further, our interlocutor agreed with us, thanks to him big, admitted that soros is certainly obsessed. but there is just a nuance. a demon is something that no one controls. soros controls. soros certainly enjoys his power, but he is a person who enjoys it. by this he takes control over himself, that is why he was given it, he cannot, with all his, so to speak, diversity and super-influence, be one, this does not happen, miracles do not happen, he, you know, is such, i would say, militant globalism , i probably have everything. by the way, in his reasoning soros links the topic
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ukraine and the third world war, what these forecasts say, we will find out right away. after a short advertisement, stay with us, i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission, it is very difficult to fight in the mountains, you cannot smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you, 100 km from the state border, we must provide safety, in half hands. teeth, ears, hair can shake, but not hands, 1200 minutes rushed, the earth shook so much, we were leaving a liberated area, a village.
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borbon stersman is a product of the steller group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. gin сnop. product of steller group. cognac, monte shococa. product of steller group. rum. castro. stellar group. i don’t know, faina, which one are you? artist, you have learned to be daring well, this is the only chance, there will be no other, thank you, little darling, how pure we are, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
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you will be ranevskaya, and you are a new actress from moscow, ranevskaya, watch after the program time, you can immediately feel the actress on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov. we have to fly for 45 days. and for 11 hours before the start, the state commission completely changes the crew. and it was the father whom they, at their own request , replaced, who was assigned to notify the families of the victims. i spent 3 years preparing for the flight to the moon, at that moment i thought,
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if my dad had flown, he would have stayed on the moon, i would have eaten on the moon all my life, because my father died there. voskhod 2 landed safely. the heroes enter the kremlin, following the general secretary’s car, right here from the crowd. and a man comes out and starts shooting with both hands, dad survived by a complete miracle, one of the bullets whistled past the temple, the premiere was right on the edge, on friday the first, on children's day, we went, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he took on children's programs, and the children just... didn’t stick away, it was obvious, it couldn’t be played, it was such a guy who said, well, i’m
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20 years older than you, well, you and i are now playing these funny and stupid games together, so you and i are on equal terms, he he ran through life, laughing, smiling, rejoicing, these were all his wives, they were, as it were, grabbed along the way, and he loved yulia, his last call was to yulia, the earring was a real genius of children's television, and died, in general, at the age of genius. we certainly miss him, we remember him often, so there are irreplaceable ones. sergei suponev, the hero of my childhood, june 1, on the first. happiness is home, it is loved ones, relatives, a synonym for the word harmony. oh, this communication with children, their energy, i am charged by it, it’s definitely great. we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone says: “oh, twins! protect your
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children, raise them with dignity, honestly, noble, and be an example to them. our main family values ​​are to tell each other the truth, be sure to always listen to each other and always understand, we were raised so that we would always help people, our life is more comfortable because we are kinder." "we want to confess our love to our native country , country, we love you, maria butina is with you again, this is the doll of tuti’s heir, we settled on the fact that a certain collective, now collective phenomenon of soros, his tentacles, family cliques, penetrate into everything spheres of social life, they were expelled by many countries, russia, for example, belarus, recently kyrgyzstan, but continues to pour out prophecies, they say, this is a person who
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creates chaos everywhere, including in the united states. russia invaded ukraine, it shook europe to its core. the eu was created to prevent this from happening. even when the fighting stops.
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soros, he just came to ukraine, and then he actively communicated with the ukrainian soros kids, by the way, what’s interesting is that now these same soros kids, they started an active attack on zelensky’s office, they criticize him for corruption, for the lack of freedom of speech for everything else, so here , as it were, another separate game is being played against the british lobby, and in the person of zelensky, yarmak and everyone else, well, now as for american agenda, but of course we are seeing an interesting picture. in fact, what can we expect from this huge octopus? yes, the fact that he is regrouping is an obvious fact, in my opinion, this story is largely forced, yes, because after all this is not the nineties and not the first half of the 2000s, that is, in many countries they give the sarossians a slap on the wrist, this is not only hungary, not only slovakia, not only some cis countries, yes, we see that they tried to organize a color revolution in thailand, there, again, the military interfered, they did not allow this to be done, in the twenty-third
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year von soros openly played against. exchange rate of the indian rupee, tried to collapse it, just like they worked in asia in 1997, and worked in britain in 1994, it didn’t work, yes, here again, modi’s production played ahead of the curve, that is, in many countries it is no longer possible, but it is not possible to create some kind of controlled chaos, it is not possible to earn money from this, and at the same time, opportunities appear within the united states of america, and there against the backdrop of a split , political polarization, culture wars, everything else, by the way, alex soros certainly has something to do with this, yes, because this is increasingly closer to him, there... george soros, well, in some ways , he’s probably more classically liberal , in some aspects, alex soros, he is already literally a cultural leftist, a cultural marxist, of course, he’s interested in fighting in the culture wars in america, and let me remind you, yes, that it’s simple, if we look at the dynamics of how von soros spends money on american elections, here every cycle, there is literally such an arithmetic progression, yes, once it
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was tens of millions, for the 22nd year congressional elections they have already spent from... not millions of dollars, now alex soros is promising within the framework of the current election cycle in the usa spend one and a half billion dollars to prevent donald trump from becoming president again, this is of course a lot of money, but comparable to what they spent in some cis countries and eastern europe. at the same time, yes, of course, alex soros is already trying to shake up the situation, and the soros foundation is one of those who finance all these large-scale anti-israeli pro-palestinian protests, but not the only one, there is the rockefeller foundation, a foundation. and so on, but one of, here of course, very important, is that here we have there is one conductor of chaos and a second conductor of chaos appears, also a well-known character to us, this is huma abedin, and there is forty-seven-year-old such a close ally of hillary clinton, a man of pakistani origin, a person in fact who had a hand in the arab spring of 199-10, that is then they created this most controlled chaos in the middle east and north
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africa, and now huma abedin quite openly meets with alex soros. that is, we have this, of course, maximum toxic a couple is forming in american politics, i really wouldn’t be surprised if what’s happening in america now, and all these protests, there they can result in some kind of local catharsis with riots around the republican convention in july, the democratic convention in august , but then after the elections, for example, yes, this could all reach a new level, especially if trump wins, that is, you know, the pogroms of bel -twenty may seem like a ray of light, that is, such controlled chaos can already be attempted in the history of the color revolution to implement in america, it’s not a fact that he placed several people in biden’s circle. so, the head of the us domestic policy council, the secretary of state, well , accordingly, the son, who very often, by the way, goes to the white house to meet with biden, and even the former chief of staff of the white
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house, these are people who are somehow involved with soros . sergey, what role do they play and has this scum captured biden? you know, if we look carefully, in the united states of america there are very severe penalties for election interference, moreover... not only external interference, but internal, and look what soros and his son are doing, they directly interfere in these elections year after year, they are shaking the situation inside the united states of america, biden for them today is just such a puppet, and anthony blinken, look, this is a fairly serious player, this is the person who cleaned up, he is basically a fixer, remember the problems that hunter biden had, it was blinken who solved these issues and lied under oath, if we look at ... soros, soros plays a very important role here. soros, he knows how to get money from various clans and different structures. they are the ones who create,
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excuse me, in quotes, this general revolution. but now the concept is different for them, they are thinking, how can we create a revolution within the united states of america itself? for what? well, as you know, don’t cut the branch you’re sitting on. they now have the following feeling. people like alexander soros should come and with him, they are ready to exchange even own country. what are they preparing for the future for the whole world, and can they form their own policies, and if so, what are they leading to? digital singularity is a term that means it is impossible to predict the future beyond this point. and we see that the main hedge funds, of all kinds, are now actively participating in the race between the key powers of the usa, japan, relatively speaking, america, who will be the first to create universal
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artificial intelligence, the one that will be as fast as possible, which will allow computing power to increase by an unattainable level in the form of quantum technologies, well, just as an example, there are problems that a quantum computer will solve in 3 seconds, the modern one is the fastest in 100 years, that is... understanding of computing power, after this the so-called digital slavery will come, the one that is told on the davo forum, when each person will be in his own cocoon, when virtual reality will be drawn for him, it will seem to him that he is in paradise, in fact, he will be moved by artificial systems intelligence, algorithms, which will be asked by such citizens, then, generally speaking, it is clear why elon musk suddenly speaks out about soros, let's listen, american entrepreneur, founder of tesla, elon musk, compared billionaire george soros with the villain magneto from the series comics x-men. investigative journalist and activist brian crossenstein responded to his tweet. he noted the funny fact that
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soros, like magneto, survived the holocaust. krossenstein added that soros has good intentions, but is under attack from parties who disagree with his political beliefs. do you assume he has good intentions? this is not so, he wants... to destroy the very fabric of civilization, soros hates humanity,” musk responded to this. and that this is again intraspecific competition, because we are used to seeing that it is musk who is now promoting the agenda of this complete transition to digital, which, by the way, is financed by the pentagon. let's be honest, musk is under the pentagon's control, he is not free, he is just as unprincipled, you don't have to believe in his smile if he is someone praises, this means that he is now ready and in the next stage he will be ready to leave. this man, he now sees soros as a very tough competitor. soros could create a system of these digital technologies that could receive more investment than the pentagon is giving him today. after all, the idea
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is very simple: you will remember what soros’ son is talking about. we need to create a new justice system, we need to make sure that justice is handled exclusively by artificial intelligence, then there will be justice all over the world. they ask him, but how? mistakes? well, at first there will be mistakes, and then not. their task now is to create this digital prison, they have succeeded, if we look at what they have now done with the system of secondary higher education, vocational education, there the teacher becomes superfluous, they just understood one simple thing, that it is enough to create a lecture once, you can test it, artificial intelligence can create the future, musk cannot do this, now musk understands perfectly well that if such soros cannot be stopped now, then digital prisons will really appear and people will...
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the existing system of costs and balances in the classical american system, not a single politician will go, and the system will not allow this, which means this shock therapy can be done through something like this... soros is hatching in his head , is it really possible to resist soros? you know, when we understand that soros is not soros, but soros is a phenomenon, then we will be able to resist, yes, we will defeat them, but we must understand that this is a system, and no less, i also ask forgiveness, just one phrase, i want to say that there is something that soros and his system of globalism cannot resist.
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other funds, everything else, but the simple point is that no matter how much we should be afraid, and indeed it is really possible to defeat it, even it is really possible to defeat it on our own platform, for example, if we are talking about the united states of america, or take the same georgia itself, but protests have been going on there for months, yes, but nevertheless they have not yet managed to overthrow the government, we’ll see what happens next, by the way, it’s interesting that the example of georgia, irakli kabakhidze, he’s literally openly trolling all these saros kids, because they go to conferences of european and american right-wingers there in budapest.
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spirituality is something that no artificial intelligence can calculate, humanity is something that not a single soros can defeat, not all of them together, maria butina, the doll-heir of tootie, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. the answer is an arsonist. these representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, they must remember.
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that this is, as a rule, a state with a small territory with...


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