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tv   Vremya  1TV  May 28, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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spirituality is something that no artificial intelligence can calculate, humanity is something that not a single soros, not all of them combined, can defeat. maria butina, the doll-successor of tootie, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. the answer is an arsonist. these representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, they must remember.
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that it is usually a state with a small territory with a very dense population, this is a factor that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory. vladimir putin, about nato escalation and the west’s plan for kiev. the idea of ​​the owners, today's owners of ukraine, they are located overseas, is to entrust the execution to those in force today.
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european countries together with the poles, others will leave, the poles will never, this is an obvious thing. press conference of the russian president after the state visit to tashkent. all-seeing thor. no other air defense system in the world can fire on the move. personnel combat work summary of enemy losses per day. behind them is russia. border guard day, a special service with history, exploits of our time, congratulations from the supreme commander-in-chief. the table is excellent, safe food, including from abroad, how the rosselkhoznadzor handles the prime minister, the head of the department. created in russia, fast, accurate diagnosis of cancer. a grain with phenomenal properties. academy of sciences, new successes for its three-century anniversary.
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safety under attack. zaporozhye npp. international experts are aware of the threat, but not called the source. meeting of the heads of rusatom and magatte. now again inspector guy. the department of the ministry of internal affairs responsible for road safety was returned to its previous name after a quarter of a century. so, the possibility and consequences of attacks on russia with nato long-range weapons. security for our border regions and events on the fronts. the power in kiev and its configuration and cannibalistic mobilization carried out by the enemy, encouraged by the west. most of the press conference, which vladimir putin gave, concluding his state visit to tashkent. report by konstantin panyushkin. the uzbekistan gangway has already arrived at air force one and is preparing to see off vladimir putin. however, before taking off, the russian president answered questions from journalists. putin is asked to comment on the calls. allow the kiev regime to
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strike at the ancestral territories of russia with western weapons, more actively than others, this idea is lobbied by nato secretary general jen soltenberg, when he was prime minister of norway, we communicated with him and resolved difficult issues regarding the barents sea there, well, others, in general, could agree, at that time, i’m just sure, he didn’t suffer from any dementia, if he’s talking about the possibility of striking russian... territory with high-precision long-range weapons, he, as a person, who heads a military-political organization, although he is a civilian like me, he still must know that long -range precision weapons cannot be used without space reconnaissance means, first, second, and the final choice of target and the so-called flight... missions can be entered only
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by highly qualified specialists on the basis of these technical intelligence data, if for one strike systems such as storm shadow, yes, these missions can be entered automatically, flight missions, without any presence of ukrainian military personnel. who does this? this is done by those who produce and those who allegedly supply these drum systems to ukraine. in general, without participation, it can and does happen without the participation of ukrainian military personnel. and other systems, well, for example, such as atakoms, right?
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especially in small countries, they should generally be aware of what they are playing with, they should remember that this is usually a state with a small territory with a very dense population and this is a factor that they should keep in mind before speaking about launching strikes deep into russian territory, this is a serious thing, and we, of course , are most attentively watching... we are watching this, we are looking, in order to intensify the discussion about the horizons for kiev’s use of imported weapons, the west used the offensive of our military in the kharkov region is presented as an aggressive campaign, while in reality russia is forced to create a so-called buffer zone to protect the residents of our border
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regions from daily attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. so it was they who provoked these events in this direction. i said publicly six months ago, i think, if they continue to strike. we will then be forced to create a security zone in residential areas, just recently i said so, we have moved on to this, they first provoked us in the donbass, led us on our behalf for 8 years, deceived us that they were supposedly going to resolve the issue peacefully and forced us to attempt to bring the situation to peace by armed means, then deceived us during the negotiation process. decided that they would defeat russia on the battlefield, inflict a strategic defeat on it, then they warned them not to enter our territory, do not shell belgorod and other surrounding areas, otherwise we would be forced to create a
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security zone. the motives for the operation of our military in the kharkov region is well known to kiev and its western curators, but not to the audience of western media, which do not talk about the tragedy of the residents of russian border villages and cities.
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we don’t see, well, let’s see what happens next, but for now the west is only increasing its military presence in ukraine, of course, it has been there for a long time, we hear, on the air we hear, now english speech, then french, polish, we know that they there are these so -called mercenaries, yes, well, under the guise of mercenaries there are specialists there, so yesterday, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, sirsky, finally officially approved the presence of french, so-called military advisers, on the territory of ukraine, who knows, maybe...
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actually legally, i don’t know, maybe. moreover, kiev expects that military personnel from other countries will follow the french if, say, some contingents of european countries arrive there along with the poles. others will leave, the poles will never, this is an obvious thing, for me at least for sure, maybe i’m mistaken, but it’s unlikely, so under the guise of liberating, liberating some ukrainian units stationed along the border, releasing them in order to send them to the battlefield, and keeping them along the borders to ensure their safety is nonsense and nonsense. that’s all, but here’s what western leaders who are considering sending their
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military to ukraine should keep in mind, and if they are there, then they will also be in the zone of destruction of our armed forces, i don’t think this is a good right decision, good way out, this is an escalation and another step towards a serious conflict in europe and global conflict, they need it.
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now, against the backdrop of kiev’s complete refusal to negotiate with moscow, on the part of ukraine , one could say that they are not satisfied with the agreements of two years ago; it would be possible if there were no signatures for extracts from the agreement that we prepared as a draft chapter.
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and present this as a consolidated position of the world community, but they won’t succeed, this just means that they don’t want to come to an agreement, but are clinging to getting something else and turning the situation around on the battlefield, it’s not working, and with what the more attempts there are, the more losses there will be, a loss is far from... why is this
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happening, today's rulers of ukraine do not feel sorry for these people, they do not consider them theirs, that is the problem and tragedy of ukraine today, they do not consider these people theirs, they are not protecting the interests of the ukrainian people today, i hope that people will eventually feel this, that’s what concerns the rulers, vladimir’s presidential term. the ukrainian law on martial law states that during martial law, elections
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presidential elections are not being held, but this does not mean that they are being extended, they are not being held, but who said that they should be extended, there is nothing about this in the constitution, this is not general information, vladimir putin cites articles from the basic law from memory ukraine, there is an article. the eleventh constitution of ukraine, which says that in this case the powers of the supreme power are actually presidential.
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another decision to lower, further lower, lower the draft age, now it was 27, now 25, the next stage maybe 23 or just 18 years old, and after this and other unpopular decisions are made by the current representatives of the executive branch, i think they will be replaced by people on the shoulders who will not have this responsibility for decisions made that are unpopular among the people, they will simply... chick, they will change everything, if, if this is the idea, then in principle, then the logic is clear, but still, the fate of ukraine should be determined by the people of this country, and not someone else. ultimately, this situation must formulate and give an answer to what is happening in ukraine itself. political and legal system of ukraine. the 2016 law says that
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presidential elections cannot be held under martial law, but nowhere is it said that... these are elements of imperial behavior, and political observers themselves, american analysts themselves, say this directly: the united states is an empire, to a large extent, its imperial ambitions are connected with internal political events; now
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presidential elections are coming soon, and the current authorities want to confirm their status as an empire. this is not always possible, of course, countries are weak, not self-confident, especially those where there are dozens of ngos operating there, feeding from the american hand, pecking at what was handed to them, of course, in these countries it is easier to manipulate the consciousness of the local population, it is easier to put pressure on the current authorities, where the power feels confident where she devotes all her activities to strengthening. ocean, we know that pressure was also exerted on the central asian region, well, i don’t see anything yet, that everyone is on their knees, which means they are ready to blindly
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follow any orders from overseas. in in any case, in uzbekistan it is not felt quite the opposite. relations with russia are on the rise. during his state visit, vladimir putin spent the night in tashkent twice; yesterday he left shavkat mirziyoyev after dark. what time did you finish? well, also long after midnight, also long after midnight, closer to morning. they continued their negotiations until late the day before, including just personal communication. and this morning, too, the two of them continue to discuss all current topics. putin was visiting president mirziyoyev’s home. and they have it now. continues working breakfast. we asked dmitry peskov about the closed program of the presidents in the morning, and in the evening the head of state himself shared his impressions of what he saw in uzbekistan. there are 37 million people here today.
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half the cabinet of ministers, the governor, the captain of business arrived, dozens of agreements were signed, and it’s not even a matter of the number of signed papers, but the matter is live contacts between people who want to work together, see how to do it, both presidents are extremely pleased with how everything passed, the other day shavkat mirziyoyev personally i met, and today i also personally escorted vladimir putin to the plane, who, by the way, already had business waiting for him at home. the president has a work event in moscow in the evening, so he will fly out. since it was planned, you can’t bear it all, no, no, but how long will it take to finish the work day today? well, the working day is not standardized, so it will end, obviously it’s late, the president
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will fly in and go to the kremlin to work. the presidents said a warm farewell, air force one started the engines, the presidential l96 is taking off and, as you can see, it’s already sunset, that’s just vladimir putin's three-day visit to uzbekistan is now completed. konstantin panyushkin, dmitry kachurin, roman ivanov, channel one tashkent. always up to date. topics on the air of the big game program, there will be a lot of interesting things this evening, the episode will start at 23:00 on the first, don’t miss it. in the special operation zone , our troops are improving their positions in all directions; air defense forces shot down a ukrainian mik-29 fighter, as well as 39 drones, seven guided french amer bombs and an atacoms tactical missile. more military reported the destruction of another american bradley infantry fighting vehicle, four grad and vampire missile launchers. guns, seven of them are the m-777 system made in the usa. and more about
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air defense. part-time work among our complexes that block the sky, tor m2, ultra-reliable, simultaneously sees dozens of targets, works in motion. report by vitaly katchenko. such lightning-fast dawns at night at the front guarantee clear skies. not just careful camouflage, position changes occur up to ten times a day, for the enemy our pho is always the number one goal. all-round visibility allows you to simultaneously track up to 48 targets, determine the type and destroy them from 16 km at an altitude of 100 m to 10 km. mainly cruise missiles, which... during the interview, the alarm goes off.
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the command was received to bring combat vehicle number one to readiness. this is the only air defense weapon in the world capable of firing on the move, it sees everything, even enemy aircraft cannot hide. now we are witnessing the real combat operation of the tor m2 anti-aircraft missile system. a few minutes ago from an enemy airfield in the area dnepropetrovsk. gave readiness number one, went out and spun around for about 15-20 minutes, discovered an attack battalion,
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as we further understood, there was no time to wait, report, we worked on it ourselves and, as it turned out later, did everything correctly, among the recently shot down targets by this crew czech- made reconnaissance drone is an exclusive option. this one is capable of covering up to 2.0 km with a wingspan of up to 5 m, so it led, carried out reconnaissance activities, that is , hid our positions, there are few of them at their cost, quite expensive, most often opponents use the babuega, a cheap drone for agricultural purposes, the ssu was converted for combat missions, there is a thermal imager, cameras with a warhead flies up to 40 km, is controlled via satellite communications, this aircraft is equipped with a starlin antenna, so it can carry up to four outfits or in garnet, works both day and night, all-weather torus
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m2 on the bottom. at night it reliably covers both the rear and our forward positions, all the targets hit are transferred to the museum after examination, hundreds of units from all nato countries, and this the collection is updated regularly. vitaly katchenko, ruslan yusupov and victor vasin. first channel zaporozhye direction. now there is new footage of how ukrainian military commissars are catching men who should take up arms. odessa-rynni highway. four people were found in the truck. place abroad vacu. dnepropetrovsk, it would seem.
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everything is accounted for, well, i came, in fact , there were three offices for me at once, i put my things in the car first, got there, walked, walked to the store for bread, the technicians came, threw me into a bus and took me, took me to the gym, i don’t know de tse, we stayed there for three days, e-e, and we were brought to...
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during the siege of the trade union house in the city of odessa on may 2, 2014 against those who disagreed with the organized armed coup d'etat by the united states and its allies. the use of this toxic substance was ordered by the presence of pre-prepared filter gas masks, the appearance of characteristic yellow-green smoke after the fire started in the trade union building, as well as attempts to disguise it. toxic chemicals consequences of fire. there is reason to believe that the study carried out in the city of odessa the action was planned, based on a thorough consideration of the specific effects of the toxic substances used, and was aimed at infecting the maximum number of people. today is border guard day. russia has the longest border in the world - 60,000 km, one and a half equator. patrol outfits in any weather, in any conditions. vladimir putin congratulated veterans of the service.
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today you continue these valiant traditions, protect the life and safety of our citizens, the sovereignty of the country’s national interests. act professionally and selflessly at all borders of russia, from the arctic and the pacific ocean to the black and baltic seas. i would like to note that, largely thanks to the determination of the border guards , repeated attempts by gangs to break into russian territory were thwarted. traitors and enemy sabotage groups, those who planned these terrorist raids on our land miscalculated, met with tough and severe rebuff, i am confident that in the future you will act just as boldly and firmly in solving the problems of a special military operation. by the way, a new day has already begun for the border guards services, their days begin at 8 pm, when
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the order sounds to go out to guard the borders. our homeland valentin solovyov, about loyalty to the cause. these shots show the border village of kozinka, belgorod region, march. it was then that the last major attempt of ukrainian formations to break through deep into our territory took place. the result of the work of the russian border guards together with the army group of troops, more than 100 militants, tanks, armored vehicles, a self-propelled artillery mount and a strong point were destroyed. at first, special operations fighters stopped 29 attempts ukrainian saboteurs to penetrate into russia. reported to the fsb. at these moments, border guards continue to carry out combat missions, knowing that there is a huge country behind them. combat crew at the monument to the border guards of the fatherland in moscow, at the memorial. in every russian region there are service veterans, reserve officers, and honored border guards, whose lot in the nineties, after the collapse of the soviet union , fell to the arrangement of the new border. our
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task in any conditions. regardless of the political situation, protect the state border, ensure security and peace on earth. and today there is a place for heroism, our guys today with honor and dignity and...
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in afghanistan, watch on the first at 0:00 on wednesday night. russia has strengthened control over the quality of agricultural goods imported into the country. food security. today the topic is mikhail mishustin’s meeting with the head of rosselkhoznadzor, sergei dankvert. anna
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kurbatova with details. the agricultural sector is increasing production. russia has turned from an importer of agricultural products, which it was at the beginning of the 2000s, into one of the largest exporter. first, our wheat grain is bought by more than hundreds of countries. the main shipments are to friendly countries in the middle east, africa, asia, and, of course, the eurasian economic union. now the supply of meat is increasing. we rank fourth in the world in its production. however, our farmers can’t do that. prime minister mikhail mishustin spoke about this today with the head of rosselkhoznadzor. in 7 years, agricultural production volumes should increase by 25% compared to the twenty- first year and a half.
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7 million tons, and over 9 years it has grown six times. rapeseed oil, meat, poultry, beef, fish, soybeans, rice, corn, in 2021 they began to buy powdered milk in kanr, in 2022 they tried honey, in 23 pork, and only 10 years ago the chinese, according to rosselkhoznadzor , they only bought pine nuts from us. russia has literally shifted the economic tracks to the east and traffic along them is now intense in both directions. transport. new corridors, which to china, iran, turkey, today supplies have increased significantly, and in general, let's say, the supply of vegetables has increased from almost all countries, including the countries of our eurasian community, from armenia,
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let's say, almost doubled, from other countries, including turkey, including iran, if you just control everything at the border, then it will never be possible to enter normally into the country, so we transferred control to the other side, and here... we moved temporary storage warehouses under control so that there was no possibility of transport downtime at the border. in general, the effectiveness of rosselkhoznadzor’s work, the head reports departments, has increased significantly, thanks to a trace of the digitalization of most processes, information about many products is now available online, and the entire chain from farm to counter is visible, for example, sausage, to identify the raw meat that is included in the recipe, chopped half-smoked sausages, information is displayed on a unique bar code to the cutter, where at the reception in the retail network you can scan it and accept this batch. one click of a button on the screen not only the composition in grams. only meat, spices, bacon data on frozen or chilled
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ingredients were used, where and by whom they were produced, as well as the results of laboratory tests, all information is in a single digital system, and it is processed by artificial intelligence. the volume of production that we have today is impossible without our active involvement in information systems. we have created modules that today allow you to evaluate a lot of questions on falsification. in terms of safety , the effectiveness of the work of the rosselkhoznadzor depends on the effectiveness of the work agro-industrial complex of the country. the work of rosselkhoznadzor has been established in our new regions. it is very important here that producers have access to both the resources and the relevant services provided by rosselkhoznadzor in all constituent entities of the russian federation. how are things going there? we even believe that today it is possible to go to a greater level of digitalization there, because people are ready, that’s why. our new subjects have joined our lives and
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are effectively delivering products. for example, the lugansk republic is actively developing russian market, selling the wheat harvest. farmers sent about 115 thousand tons of grain to the regions this year. local farmers are increasing the production of meat, milk, eggs in just a few months of 2024, they have already supplied the russian regions with the same amount of these products as in the entire last year, about 1,300 tons. by the way, products from the kherson region are coming to crimea. the present and future of russian science
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were discussed today in moscow. the general meeting of wounds was timed to coincide with the tercentenary of the russian academy of sciences. it is celebrated this year. the challenges facing the country require a new approach to research, and in a number of areas our scientists have achieved real breakthroughs, discoveries that are important for the state and millions of citizens. anatoly lasarev. in this small laboratory there is hope for millions of people, every tenth person on earth suffers from... an autoimmune disease. the ailments are different, but their mechanism of action is similar. the immune system suddenly begins to destroy healthy cells of the body, for some reason consider them sick. now in the world they treat like this: suppress the entire system, this gives temporary relief, but does not solve the problem. russian scientists have learned to act differently. our technology is based on the fact that we do not suppress the immune system as a whole, but attack only that small group of cells that are associated with...
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in the visible near-infrared range
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we shine on a new skin formation, then we take spectra and by spectra and we can within 30 seconds, determine whether a given tissue is normal or pathological? we can diagnose skin cancer with a sensitivity of 95%. and the success of the krasnodar scientists thunder throughout the country, thunder is the name of a new variety of wheat, which was developed by local specialists. the work is not easy, and the result is significant. the wheat genome is much more complex than the human genome, several times larger. thunder, short, semi-dwarf, height. more than 80 cm, small spike, small, but the number of grains per unit area is very large, up to 40,000. phenomenal productivity is just one of the advantages, also increased frost resistance, good flour-grinding qualities. and similar examples of successful work
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there are many scientists under the auspices of the russian academy of sciences. academicians make the country not only stronger, but literally bigger. recent studies of the arctic ocean have shown that a much more... larger part of the underwater shelf than previously thought is connected to russia, which means that the country’s maritime borders should be measured from a point more distant from the continent. this work allowed our russia to grow by hundreds of thousands of additional square kilometers. formally, the general meeting of the academy is dedicated to three hundredth anniversary, but they talked not so much about the merits of the past, but about the problems of the present and the tasks of the future.
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how are national projects implemented and what tasks outlined in them require fresh ideas? this was discussed today at the russia exhibition at vdnkh. topics will be developed at the upcoming meeting of the strategic development council. particular attention to five new national projects that should start working at the end of this year and the beginning of next year. a affordable housing, quality education, safe roads and decent the level of medicine, solving problems that are important for everyone, this is the goal of national projects. today at vdnh, in pavilion 75, all those who solve these problems. deputy prime ministers, ministers, governors
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are at the same table, each talking about problems in their industry, in their region. this is the only way to understand where the weak link is in the system of national projects. this seminar is a kind of brainstorming, today a collection of ideas and proposals, and tomorrow they will be discussed in detail at the presidential council on strategic development. for preparing for the big meeting answered by assistant to the head of state alexey dyumin, he oversees the work of the state council. now the government of the russian federation is engaged in filling out, elaborating these issues, and providing financial support. we - in close cooperation with our colleagues, governors, we know and understand what should... be at the forefront and what things need to be synchronized at the level of the federal center, and what is very important, in the twenty-fifth year, updated national projects will appear, which means they will build a complete development strategy for our country, and launch vladimir putin announced five new national projects during the announcement of his message to the federal
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assembly, these are a long and active life for youth and children, personnel, the data economy and family within the framework of the last project for the regions. where the birth rate is below average , at least 75 billion rubles will be allocated until the thirtieth year, and this is just one of the solutions. rub 700 billion will be allocated for the implementation of the new data economy project. yes, our country is a leader in the implementation of government services in electronic form, but there is something to strive for. the maximum task is to translate all economics to new operating principles, that is, to introduce data-based management. there are many ambitious tasks and challenges that we must overcome. related to the transition to russian solutions, accelerated provision of sovereignty and security, internet infrastructure and the fight against cyber fraud, in this sense, the rapid introduction of digital technologies, the development of digital services, generate new challenges that we must respond to in a timely manner. four out of
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five new national projects will start operating at the beginning of 25 years, as they say in the government, they are now being filled, the youth and children project is almost... formed, it should be launched this year, it will cover almost half of the population of our country. we are talking about an audience ranging from elementary schoolchildren to already quite mature young people, specialists there at the age of 35, and now the question arose about youth children's tourism as a tool of patriotic education, the best way here to get to know your country, the big country and your small homeland, of course a journey, a journey with meaning. there are currently 14 national projects in russia. their term expires this year. the task needs to be updated for the next 6 years. take, for example, the national project demography. this includes support for families with children, assistance in finding employment, care for the older generation, that is. it concerns almost all of us. particular attention to the national healthcare project. hospitals, clinics with modern equipment, online services for doctors and
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patients, medical centers for villages, air ambulance for remote areas, care for everyone. the national project for the modernization of transport infrastructure is responsible for safe and, most importantly, fast movement around the country. great attention is paid to the ongoing maintenance of existing infrastructure. and today here at...
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oh, yes, the theater. the reds will come, art will be banned. yes, this is a mule. tell me, are you ranevskaya? yes, i am ranevskaya. i haven’t experienced anything in my own skin. look at this face. exclusively. there are many great directors, but there can only be one great meeting. "i will challenge this anticipation, you are loved, serious, smart man, and you're making faces, marital
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status, what do you say, i have a husband, no, i 'm a lady, without a family, without children, but art is devoted to the grave, you are a brilliant, dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it, ranevskaya, look. after the program time , happy birthday to whom? leva nikolaevich tolston, pechora vodka, a product of the stellar group, veda vodka, a product of the stellar group, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. borbon stersman product of steller group, whiskey mancacher, product of stellar group, gin sheaf,
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product of stellar group, montechoca cognac, product of stellar group, dedicated to the ninetieth birthday of alexei leonov. everything is normal , ready to go into outer space, start, i see the sky, i see the earth, the volga, right below me, time for first, on sunday at first, remove the cover from the camera lens. “i took off the lid, where did it go, and just throw it away, i understood, i’m throwing it away,
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on children’s day, let’s go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that, it’s not for nothing that he took on children’s programs, and children just came to him.” we certainly miss him, we remember him often, so there are irreplaceable ones. sergey suponev, the hero of my childhood, june 1, on
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the first. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first. this is program time and we continue in tbilis this evening with a new rally against the law on foreign agents, a presidential veto, which the deputies today, after a seven-hour discussion , overcame by a majority vote, as predicted. what's next? within 3 days , the law will be returned to the head of state, and if he does not receive it back signed, the document will come into force by the decision of the speaker of parliament.
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prime minister of georgia erakli kabakhidze, he is from the party. will improve the european prospects of his country, and not vice versa, as the eu itself insists on this, as well as the us state debt, which is now threatening sanctions. kabakhidze called this promise frivolous. cluster shells. today, the russian investigative committee named the type of ammunition with which ukrainian formations attacked energodar, the city of sputnik, and the zaporozhye nuclear power plant the day before. two people were injured.
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the kiev military, who are trying to provoke us, intimidate people, cause our armed forces to some kind of return fire. considering the possible consequences for the entire continent, this cannot be called anything other than nuclear terrorism. rafael grossi himself saw the traces of ukrainian attacks when he traveled to zas and reported to the international community. about these attacks, however, he avoided the ukrainian words in every possible way, time after time, avoiding answering the direct question: who is shelling the station, it is clear that impunity only spurred on the kiev regime. over the past two and a bit months, pressure from the armed forces of ukraine on zaporozhye the station has unfortunately increased. we can talk about a noticeable increase in the number
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of unmanned aerial vehicles in the air, most of them are neutralized. interaction improves. based on the results , they believe that cooperation is beneficial; the previous round of negotiations with rosatom magata, rafael grossiv met with vladimir putin. both sides, both the russian and the magat delegation, expressed an opinion on improving relations on
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security issues at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. is expressed in work, in the mission's stay, on the territory of the zaporizhzhya, in systemic interaction, not only with the state corporation rosatom, but with our involved bodies, this is rostechnadzor, these are the rkhbz troops, these are the russian guard and the ministry of foreign affairs. in general, according to alexey likhachev, the state of the zas can be assessed as absolutely safe, if not for the notorious ukrainian shelling, this is the only risk that...
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in the tomsk region, the world's first fourth-generation energy complex is being built there, in fact, a new nuclear energy is being created based on a closed cycle with multiple processing and refabrication of nuclear fuel, a system designed to become literally autonomous. russia boasts the most advanced nuclear technologies, and together we work on a large number of projects around the world, not only in the energy sector. important areas are nuclear medicine, which helps in the fight against...
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the kiev regime, the prerequisites are there, the us president called the americans the main role in the victory over fascism, they say everything was decided by their landing in normandy in the summer of forty-four. about biden did not say anything about the decisive role of the soviet union, nor did he mention britain or canada, an ally in the anti-hitler coalition. the kremlin recalled that the rulers of the west are depriving their people not only of the truth about the past, but also of an understanding of the threats of the present and future. help for stroke patients in the capital has become more prompt and accessible, confirming data was presented today by the deputy mayor of moscow for social development anastasia rakova. the number of operations to remove blood clots in the vessels of the brain has increased
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30 times over 80 years. in 8 years it has grown 30 times. in past almost 2,000 of them were made this year. and thanks to the consolidation of hospitals into a single network, 40 minutes pass from admission to the clinic to surgery. the city also has a prevention and rehabilitation program. a firm gait, clear speech, this time raisa fedorovna recovered quickly, and this was 2 days after suffering the third stroke, she says it all happened suddenly, severe weakness, she couldn’t feel her arms or legs, she managed to call an ambulance, within 30 minutes she was in intensive care. we immediately deliver the patient to the computed tomography machine, so that we find the blood clot that caused it. symptoms, then the patient will be transferred to an mri machine, all this happens in the shortest possible time, no more than 40 minutes, but this is the maximum time. a common cause of stroke is a blood clot; it
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blocks the arteries that supply the brain; neurons die every minute.


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