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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  May 28, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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where the corpses of madame lavrovskaya live, and this is here, kerch or prozori, grigory, come down immediately, immediately remove this crap from the entrance, lavrovskaya asked you to do something so that people don’t hang around here, you bastard, she asked you to put a lock on the entrance tver,
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and also a slacker, a drunkard, a wrecker, who among us is not a slacker or a drunkard? “we are a serious creative team, i’ll bring you the key to your room, thank you, oh, be careful, of course, and my mother,
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beauty, yes, it’s beautiful, you’re playing with fire again, i really admire how the flaps burn, spirit captivating. grigory. i'm irina lavrovskaya.
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feldman is temporary. i'm thinking of taking a stage name. to your health. usually ballerinas are all retired by the age of 40. and katka, he is still being ostracized. dancing with great success. would you like it right now? knock down on the stage, with pleasure, you know, i just fell in love with the theater at first sight, the magnificent, amazing architecture, the second, the path.
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thank you, i haven’t played like this before, the radiance of my soul, kiss me, then, even bondage, even death, okay, write so that your chest was rising, come on, you have something to rise with, aren’t you afraid that the moscow artist will take your little girl away? i have this scarecrow of a jew, well, a scarecrow, not a scarecrow, with connections, have you seen photographs with kachalov, with vertinsky, great, great, great, take a scarf, throw it around your neck, pull me towards you, and you merge in a long kiss, no grab her. don’t grab it, gentlemen, the audience
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comes here to see oriental passions, and not like a puppy dog ​​to me, they’ve already seen it, what’s incomprehensible here? "sorry, but this is the first time rukaya has seen him, what a kiss, hain, you are the slave of this fat, this dirty sultan, mikola, come here, you have never seen a single man except this scarecrow, mikola, get out of here, scarecrows, but the whole repertoire rests on me, give me, give me driving, so..." the audience shudder, how do you know about the cultivation, there should be no strangers on stage, mrs. vostryakova, come on, leave, this is a general run-through, like a general run-through, like a run-through, this is the first rehearsal, it’s the last, and text, i have 20 sheets of text, don’t worry,
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we have something in store for this case, ivan kazimirovich, here there are new performances every week, in summer entreprizes, otherwise you won’t earn money, what is this... i improved the design, separated the booth from the stage, now ivan kazimirovich moves freely around the stage, that’s all , grisha, let's continue, come on, why did you sparkle in my eyes with your invincible beauty. why are you silent? ivan kasimirovich, now, now, now, where is this? come on, i
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only want you! and i only want you, hona, what’s the matter, you’re standing like under the gun, so she stutters with lust, fron tapapoch, well, let's... "let's go on, let's take time, let's go on, on, on, on, let's go on, only yours , only yours, only yours, yours, la, get me,
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she can’t speak at all, it’s good that you found out now, and not by example”? urgently bring in someone as a replacement, and this is defective, send it back, damn it, there’s a big game on the air today. the ministry of finance has submitted to the government of the russian federation a package of amendments to improve tax system. this package has already been preliminary discussed in the state duma, and now with us are two deputy chairmen of the state
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duma, first deputy alexander zhukov and alexander babakov, deputy chairman, i am glad to say, a regular participant in our program. thank you for taking the time, i understand that you had a very busy day, and alexander dmitrievich, i will start with you, why this project is significant and at what stage of adoption it is, and the government must approve and consider the amendments ministry of finance, and the draft amendments to the law on taxes, well, there is a whole package and... amendments to the budget in the budget code, the state duma during the spring session, that is, actually until the end of july - will consider this package - and it is assumed that already from 1 january next year will be
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in effect and the updated tax system, in fact, this entire package is a tweak to the tax system. last week we held large hearings in the state duma dedicated to this particular adjustment of the tax system, there discussed the main... ideas, which, according to the deputies, representatives of business, large, medium, and small businesses also took part in the hearings, and there was a very detailed broad discussion, based on the results of which recommendations were made to the government, this is how we see today , in many ways, i follow these recommendations, the ministry of finance has submitted draft documents to the government, so do you have a feeling?
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the government offers a progressive tax scale, that is, for those who receive, well, relatively little money up to... approximately 2000 rubles per month is valid, the government proposes to leave the same rate of 13%, then, starting from this rate with annual income from 2.4 million rubles to 5 million rubles. the proposed rate is 15%. from 5 to 20 million rubles. 18%, from 20 to 50 million rubles.
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and so on, and then a 13% rate was introduced,
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tax collection increased significantly, of course, the tax service began to work completely differently, now its work is structured in such a way that it practically tracks all income, and this is very important, because fairness in the tax system, it lies not only in the fact that those who... earn less pay less, but in the fact that everyone pays taxes, because when someone stops paying taxes, then everyone else speaks , sorry, he doesn’t pay, but why should i pay, that’s exactly right. what we had in the nineties, when a person who paid taxes in full in accordance with the law was looked at as weak-minded, in fact this was so, therefore the principle of fairness is very important that everyone pays taxes, but secondly, it is important not only
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who pays how much, what is important is what this money is used for, this is extremely important. things, because in fact, we had a progressive scale several years ago, we had a flat 13%, and then they introduced 15 for those who receive over 5 million rubles. they said: this money will be used specifically for the treatment of children who require very expensive medications, and what do you think, representatives of business spoke, as i already said, there was not a single one. who would say that this is was done wrong, why? because people know that they don’t just pay taxes, they go somewhere, they go for a specific good purpose, and here it is very important that these additional taxes that will come, as you rightly said, are actually not very helpful high rates, in
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the cis countries the rates are approximately the same, in the west the rates are much higher, in france there are 45. and once again i want to say that it is very important that this money, additionally collected taxes, will be used to support families with children, to improve healthcare, to other social to increase wages for public sector workers and many, many other things,
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and this is not intended for one year, but it is assumed that this is a new system that is being introduced. it will be valid at least until the thirtieth year, without changing in principle, perhaps further, because here we will talk later, the changes concern not only the income tax, but the corporate income tax, but this is like a separate topic, and we too we'll come back to this, but as for income tax, and this is in in principle, it concerns any citizen of our country,
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the taxation of business increases the income tax rate from 20 to 25%, this is also quite a decent figure in comparison with other countries; it encourages many to work legally and openly for the needs of the country. but another very important thing here is that when we talk about the use, that
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is, the expenditure of these resources, it was very important that we must look at the possibilities. regardless of where he lives, to receive social benefits, i think that further steps in the discussion, perhaps, well , the next steps for reform, for certain changes or initiatives, will also concern the issue of... coming or returning to such a unitary form of the budget system, where there would be a unified single tariff schedule, for example, teachers and workers. security, regardless of where this service is provided, this is a very important aspect, when we talk about what business wanted, it supported these initiatives and talked about a very important
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direction, namely the opportunity to invest funds for research and development work by reducing the taxable profit base, that is, when you and i understand that income tax has increased from 20 to 25%, we also know that the state has increased the opportunity. non-taxable income from 1.5% to 2%, if you invest in development, this is very important, one and a half times, well , one and a half, yes, so today we are talking about the fact that this is an important movement forward, of course, probably necessary look at the industries, it would be very important to differentiate because there are industries where it is necessary to offer even greater opportunities to offer, new opportunities for businesses to invest in production, for example, speculative areas, financially. their area could even be more boldly taxed, but i think this will be in the process of discussing the law itself, initiatives will still be discussed, because it is very important to understand what area is
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fundamental for us today, we know that areas related to with the production of fertilizers, with metal, where high margins are considered, and there and a certain increased taxation in relation to others arises, but this is all based on an understanding of justice. more sensible, moving away from a call to business, yes, to creating conditions in which business is comfortable complying with the rule of cooperation with the state and understanding its place in this economic system, so i think this is very important, you know that in the united states, populists really don't like one aspect of the american tax system, namely, that people who live on the salary that they they pay significantly more.
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they don’t take you out of the company, they invest it in the development of production, and this is extremely important, there is a so-called investment incentive, well, business knows well what it is, maybe tv viewers don’t know everything, but the point is that if you invest, then you have this deducted from your profit, accordingly your taxable profit decreases, there is also the concept of depreciation, that is, you have fixed assets, and the depreciation rate and if it is... more , again, your taxable profit decreases, this gives you the opportunity to develop production more, you invest in advanced technological equipment, especially
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those produced in russia, which means a higher depreciation rate, and you pay less income tax. there is also a certain justice in this, it lies in the fact that the state encourages businesses to invest in the development of production and thereby reduce their taxable profit. the ability of the regions to implement social policy, pay wages to state employees, and so on, means here the government proposes to equalize this
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due to what? does that mean we have? there was a time when the budgets of the regions were heavily unprofitable, they took out loans from commercial banks, which were very expensive, which means the state realized this , replaced these loans with budget loans, and now it is proposed to write off, that is, this debt to the regions, which means that the poorest regions will receive significantly more funds for the implementation of social programs. and for the citizens who live there, accordingly, this is equalization, a more equitable distribution of income between the regions of our country, plus the money that will be additionally accumulated in the federal budget, not in the regional budgets, in the federal budget at the expense of income tax, through subsidies to the regions, which will also be received by those who have the most those in need
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will also go to support them. it is very important to understand that this is all in a package and taxes on citizens, taxes on enterprises, are aimed at equalizing the situation of citizens in different regions of our country and equalizing between rich and poor, thank you, special military operation, what will be done for its participants? well, at the suggestion of the speaker of the state duma, volodin, an idea was voiced that was practically supported. by all participants in the hearings that the income they receive today, well, this is not entirely correct, yes, but still the payments that are made to participants in a special military operation, including for the destruction of military equipment, are different, they may be within such limits , whenever by, if it was in civil life, they would be taxed at a higher rate, the proposal was accepted for discussion, i think that it will be enshrined in the legislative initiative.
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due to the fact that this does not apply to these incomes, participants in a special military operation are not subject to these increased increases. alexander dmich, i know that you know how to count money, you have done this a lot throughout your career, how does this relate to the needs of the budget? of course, the goal is to get additional allocate funds to the budget for social needs. first of all, for the development and support of business, which is also an important thing, that is, due to additional revenues to the budget, well, in fact, any taxes are paid so that the state can redistribute these funds that are paid by citizens or enterprises, direct them to those needs, which, so to speak, are national needs, are certainly in the interests of the people, these are...
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amendments to taxes are made by the government, and at the same time amendments to the budget, that is it will be clear what this additional money will be used for, taking into account the fact that our budget for 3 years is being approved, that is, this gives the prospect, this additional income they provide, as i already said, most likely it will not be until the thirtieth year change, they provide a clear perspective for the state,
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which additional. funds will be received, what they can be used for, how the programs that the president has identified will be implemented, and there are many new programs, there is the youth of russia, there is a program health care is expanding, family programs and so on, and the business, on the other hand, will have a clear, precise idea of ​​what taxes it will pay in the future, and for business this is important, because if you are going to invest something. you should know in advance that suddenly the tax legislation will not change, and we had such examples last year, the government introduced, because additional funds were needed in the budget, one-time ones, there are additional export duties, something else, for for business this is much worse, it’s better for him, let the tax rate be higher, but stable, he will know what the conditions will be, than suddenly
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the government will come and say: listen, come on, give it to him, you have money there now, let’s do more now, but tomorrow i don’t know what will happen. alexander mikhailovich, in the conditions of just-just sanctions, of course, it is especially important. raise small businesses and how these changes will affect them, but it is very important to voice that the topic of the self-employed, which was also raised at the hearings, received its assessment, that is, once the state decided not to change taxation for 10 years, it was clearly stated that since they said it, they promised it, it will be preserved, so the topic is not discussed, that is, taxes will not change. but what you said is correct, because the involvement of small medium-sized businesses in the economy must be accompanied by an understanding of their role in the relationship with the state, and without economic reforms in general, we must understand that these changes are not in themselves, they cannot be taken out of context , they are
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continuation of the logic that our president outlined in his address to the federal assembly, and at the inauguration, he indicated that now there is a new development of the economy, new goals, and many things are being formed today, including these... the possibility of a gradual transition to a large , because there is a simplified taxation system, according to which small medium-sized businesses pay, but then immediately the jump in taxes is much higher, as soon as they cross the 60 million ruble revenue level,
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but the president said that this must be done gradually, and at the same time, declare an amnesty for those who, by splitting up their business , have... a large business, they split it into small ones in order to pay less taxes, means amnestying them, that is, not taking underpaid taxes from them, forgiving them this is, if they register as white, they will gradually turn from small, well, as they really are , medium or large, these are very important things and this also happens simultaneously with an increase in taxes, although for the small medium almost nothing changes there...
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like vat, for example, because vat is actually an addition to the price of any product, it greatly depends on turnover taxes, but that ’s why the government here has taken a different path, vat doesn’t directly affect it, it shouldn’t lead to inflation, these are all indirect taxes. is there anything i forgot to ask, what do you think is important? is this just the beginning or is there, so to speak, a continuation of the discussion that was going on, then we will discuss it in detail, i am sure that amendments will be introduced by deputies of the state
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duma, and we will still have time to talk in more detail, well, this is the government’s vision, we must also proceed from the fact that the government counts money, income and expenses, and...
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we’re leaving for advertising, we’ll be back in just a few minutes. grand chaps, britain's defense minister, decided to bet on ukraine. we all must provide military support to ukraine. if this is not done, then the unimaginable cost of a russian victory will fall on our own cities and countries. with his incompetence, criminal, he puts forward very dangerous ideas and speaks of the need for... long-range missile strikes against targets deep in
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russian territory. ukraine is one of the few fields in which great britain has its own interests, sometimes even in defiance of the united states of america. welcome to great britain. ukrainian refugees simply began to be evicted onto the streets. britain's task is for all these guys to return home and continue to die there at the front for the interests of the united kingdom. i shook it and threw it away. politically, of course, pr was important to him. his key goal. to become prime minister, the whole company is built on intimidating about the third world war. minister of defense grand shabs, the englishwoman continues to shit. dolls of the heir tutti, tomorrow on the first. on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov. we have to fly for 45 days. and 11 hours before the start, the state commission changes everything completely.
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i would eat on the moon for the rest of my life because my father died there. voskhod 2 landed safely. the heroes enter the kremlin, following the general secretary's car, and then a man comes out of the crowd and starts shooting with two hands dad survived by a complete miracle; one of the bullets whistled past his temple. premiere. at the very edge on friday on the first, on the air
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of the big game, we continue, now to the geopolitical news, in recent days there have been, well, if you like, just a mountain of statements from various western leaders about how...
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not under the auspices of nato, but individual members of nato, and that this, of course, will greatly help ukraine from your point of view, but russia should miss this, because they say, we are just supplying weapons, our military contingents, they will not accept
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direct participation in the battles, therefore you are the aggressor, you must endure this, as they say, president. but that russia is not just saying that there is no need to test russia's strength, you know, in your opening speech you said the word slyly, in my opinion, this is a very key word for understanding the current situation, in this information noise, there is about 80 percent of the cunning attempts
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to put psychological pressure on russia , first of all, of course, on the military-political, political leadership of our country is reality. this means that if we look at history, it is replete with examples when weapons were supplied with restrictions, well, for example, the soviet union supplied elbrus missiles, the well-known scuds to egypt, with a limitation on the ability to strike israel, just as the americans in every possible way limited south vietnam’s ability strikes against north vietnam, the task is not to be allowed.
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strikes with small, short-range weapons , and as for the high-precision and long-range weapons that our president, i think that the americans cannot say this out loud, they allow the ukrainians to strike a number of military infrastructure facilities, such as military airfields, they are trying to prohibit the ukrainians from striking civilian cities, but the ukrainians are interested... in enduring this hardship military operations on the civilian population of russia in order to break our unity, so to speak, therefore, on the one hand, they are conducting behind-the-scenes negotiations with the americans, on the other hand, with the help of their supporters such as the possessed radoslaw sekorski
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they are trying to publicly put pressure on the biden administration and on other decision-making centers, probably in part the uk, those who have a voice, so we are... preparing very carefully, including preparing the appropriate reserves, and you spoke on the program in the past, what have...
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enough, well, everyone’s patience comes to an end, we endured the antics of the ukrainian regime for a long time, when we concluded minsk-1, minsk-2, when we tightened the negotiations, when we began to prepare for some kind of normalization of relations, but then it became clear when completely crazy shelling of donetsk began with huge, with huge human... losses, we realized that the only way was to enter the territory of donbass, recognize these republics, enter to save ours, our citizens,
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and i think that then they won’t be able to do that it worked, that is, they received enormous help, by the way, when we entered, we realized that they were preparing for war very well, hiding behind the minsk agreements, powerful defensive structures were built there, modern western equipment arrived. the president, to be honest, made me very happy in what terms, he said that the buttons will be pressed by western specialists,
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unless the data will be provided by western specialists, and i think that this is what we have, this gives us every reason to destroy all the equipment that stays, even when crossing the border, and maybe in some territories adjacent to ukraine, you know, so i think that... zelensky has one task, he wants to drag as many countries as possible into this conflict, he understands that war is vital for him, otherwise, he simply flies out of his position, because he is already illegitimate by the west as his master, you simply will no longer need him. it seems to me that we have something to answer, i have no doubt about it, but we are trying to understand until the last minute, we are conducting exercises using tactical ones. i don’t rule out that we will carry out some kind of high-power test explosion to show our capabilities, but at worst,
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if these troops or specialists appear there, we won’t be there... we won’t figure out whether you’re a specialist or you’re ukrainian military man, everyone will be destroyed, so i think that today’s frank speech by our supreme commander-in-chief to journalists, before leaving tashkent, should still condemn the hotheads a little, by the way, pay attention, one or two countries only supported the proposal, weapons are used long-range, and against the russian federation.
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and as sergei lavrov said, your hands can itch, at least they itch for me, but this is not necessarily what you need to do, because you want to do those things that hit the enemy harder than they hit you, you don't want to pay an outrageous, exorbitant price, and you want to make sure that if you take a risk, you want to make sure that you do it, because there really is no other way , this is about the question of actions, the question of law, from my point of view, here russia has the right to consider as its opponents and participants in the war, direct participants in the war, all nato countries that have been supplying ukraine with weapons since the moment
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- ukraine with the help these weapons.
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from the serious problems of modern politics, that a whole galaxy of politicians came to the west who did not see real life, she did not see a real war, nor real devastation, unreal suffering of people, she saw all this only in movies in computer games, these are all generations here macron, these are all people who, to some extent, have already been...
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there is no need for subtleties, everything should be clear, clearly very understandable, and the dialogues there are short, so that they can be understood. not only an american citizen, but to be understood by a tanzanian, not i know, an indian, in the jungles of brazil, this is how this genre is built, in any case , mass culture, mass cinema, which the modern western political elite was brought up with, so it seems to me that in this sense, those, i would say , subtleties that are all -they do allow it.
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all this is technology, this is all equipment, such as nuclear submarines, strategic missiles, all kinds of aircraft carriers, all sorts of strategic bombers, this is all equipment that is controlled by people who can make mistakes when the situation is more or less comprehensible and people can agree at some point, that’s one thing, but today you understand that in general... any mistake, any technical failure, even apart from everything that happens in politics, it can simply lead to global catastrophe, but this is technology, it breaks down from time to time
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, that’s where the incredible danger of this situation lies, and i believe that russia has the right to absolutely definitely present some of its demands and present its own.


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