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tv   Glavnii rubezh  1TV  May 29, 2024 12:00am-1:21am MSK

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let's uh we ask our analysts to prepare a list of countries that believe that they are victims of american aggression, for some reason i think that this list will be much longer than in the russian case, then the question immediately arises, and if the united states can do, then why can’t russia consider such a possibility? that's what i'm talking about. i
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thought for a long time why russia did not cut the submarine cables, which would have dealt a very big blow to the western financial system. i tried on think about this topic, i tried to talk about this topic with competent people. and overall, obviously, not only would it be a big blow to the international financial system, but it would be very upsetting.
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a nuclear power plant cannot remain under water for a long time, it is easily detected, it cannot go to depth to create, let’s say, tension for a potential enemy, when russia leased one such boat to india, how much noise was there, although this is not prohibited by any international treaties like us they were very disingenuous that we may not be violating the letter of the law, but we are definitely violating the spirit of nuclear non-proliferation. we see how literally 3 years ago it was decided to create an attack, a group of countries that would jointly put pressure on china, and one of the means of pressure would be the supply of nuclear submarines to australia either from america or from great britain, that is, those people who, speaking in youth language they forbade us to pick our noses, but they themselves opened this pandora’s box, so i think, in the logic of shakhnazarov and what you are asking about, you can... who would be happy to buy them,
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primarily those that operate our non-nuclear submarines, i won’t name these countries, but experts know, and i think this would create colossal tension for france, the united states, and great britain, uh, and somehow opened, at least psychologically, so to speak, a second front, and at the same time it would not be a means of such open escalation, yes, because the arms trade is not only a continuation of foreign policy, but strictly speaking, by foreign trade, yes.
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that they should not bury themselves, but i think our discussion shows that if there is a will, there are resources, there are opportunities, and the sooner this is understood in the nato capitals, the better it will be for everyone, especially for themselves.
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we're leaving for advertising, we'll be back in just a few minutes. i’m looking at the mountains, there’s snow on the mountains, my first combat mission, it’s very hard to fight in the mountains, you can’t smoke out the spirits from the cave, they’re hitting you, 100 km from the state border, we have to to ensure safety, in the hands of half the teeth, ears, hair, but not hands, they rushed for 1,200 minutes, the earth shook so much, we... left a garrison in the liberated keshlak region, they ensured order, went out to populated areas, with a supply of kerosene, grains, flour, they sorted it all out with pleasure. residents of border areas, both soviet and afghan
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sides, were protected. on the day of the border guard, the premiere, the main milestone, not a step back. today is the first one. to the ninetieth anniversary. alexey leonov. the americans are planning to go into outer space. our sunrise must fly earlier. products that are not ready will not fly into space. and you will try. i can't wait until the task. i don't care. you are my partner. the risk of launching sunrise 2 with live people is too great. we are ready to take risks. attention. says moscow, today is march 18, 1965, a man went into outer space, he didn’t understand what was wrong with
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the pressure, and we have two, everything is fine with you, answer, alexey, why are you silent? it's time for the first ones, on sunday at the first one, well, we 'll see who wins, senator, even in
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the west, even in new york, in paris, brussels, london, recognize that the majority of the russian people are suppressing. the majority supports the line of the russian government, and what is happening is, well, almost unprecedented in recent decades of russian unity...
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spending a lot of time, because the capabilities of these people are small. on the other hand, if you watch the hearings in the american congress, this is exactly the kind of public that is regularly present there and regularly assures western leaders that, firstly, the only way to talk with russia is from a position of strength, secondly, if you talk to russia like this, then russia will not be able to answer. and i want to ask you, to what extent, from your point of view
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, should this kind of activity be taken seriously? well, you know, all this public that you just talked about, it’s generally clear to me that these are traitors, because a person who wants defeat for his country, his homeland, no matter how he treats the regime, president putin, but if he wishes defeat for his homeland, he is a traitor. he said, i don’t like the bolsheviks, but russia is sacred to me, he refused to do this,
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although another general krasnov, he went to serve the germans and ended up, with a noose around his neck after the end of the war, these are traitors who should never have mercy, they must be persecuted, persecuted according to our laws, here over the many years of my life in the united states, i have met many representatives of the times... marginalized, i don’t know anyone who would call for reprisals against i don’t know anyone, but except for some of my people, like these russians, i i can’t call them emigrants,
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“well, firstly, you noticed very accurately, i absolutely agree with you, me too, i didn’t live in america for a long time, although i worked there and know america a little, but in general i traveled a lot around the world and, of course, met a lot of different diasporas , but you are right, in general this is an amazing property of our nationality, our traitor, he is so treacherous,
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but you understand, this was brilliantly noticed by our supergiant, our genius, fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, smerdyakovism, it’s called, smerdyakov, this is the image that he brought it out, and brought it out absolutely absolutely, and this must be understood that... this is present in us, in every body there is a microbe, we have such a microbe, it can be, like when everything is in order, it can... in general we have it we may not notice, but in principle we still need to keep an eye on it, this microbe can at some point grow into a very serious, big problem, so, by the way, i agree with you that you still note this story, yes, yes, outwardly it seems that it is worth nothing, in general it means little,
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but you see, in this sense, we must approach any opportunity systematically. especially in the context of hostilities, any opportunity that could somehow, at some point suddenly grow into a problem, we, by the way, all the events that took place in ukraine, because that’s how it was, it seemed like it was like that, well well, it’s okay, there are internal affairs, they have something there, somehow this is all, yanukovych, maidan, yes, how is it, listen, well, look, this has resulted in a conflict that threatens destruction.
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of course, i'm worried about two things, but there is a thing third, it may be the most important, these people are insignificant, while everything is good and stable in russia, and god grant that this continues, and i see no reason for anything else, but we must remember that if these people had at least any possibility, then they
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could cause significant harm, but for now i ’ll tell you only one simple thing: they are preparing lists, lists for thousands of people, hundreds of organizations, and of course, it’s not them, it’s their curators, it’s their patrons in western parliaments and governments who approve these lists omit actions, you said it very correctly, you found the correct wording very accurately, insignificant people, but you know, insignificant people are very dangerous, exactly. insignificant people, extremely dangerous, and hitler was not an insignificant person, there was no greater insignificance, if you look at his biography, it would seem, a half-educated person, a person absolutely devoid of any, any positions, some, nothing at all, some strange creature, he was absolutely insignificant, and that,
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all his surroundings came out, he had a short window of opportunity as a result instability, next? further we know, okay, ruslan, you talked about serious trends, some positive, some, let’s say, not completely, but what is happening on the fronts now, you know, it’s gratifying to say that at the moment we are not only keeping the initiative tightly but the entire front line, in fact, this has been happening since the fall of last year, yes, but now we have significant successes, yes... we actually recaptured those territories from the ukrainian armed forces, which are small territories that they managed to sort of on the central front, during the so-called offensive of last summer, we were bitten off, we managed to eliminate one of the two bridgeheads, when the ukrainians managed to cross the dnieper to gain a foothold
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, and near a place called krynki, there is also a second bridgehead, which is called cossack camps, but.. i think it’s only a matter of time before we crush it; we in the center of the act have always been worried that, strictly speaking, these bridgeheads might at some point allow the ukrainians to transfer reinforcements and develop their own. attack on melitopol, on crimea, but we see that, in general, our military foresaw this threat, they blocked these people there, exterminated them for many months with artillery, drones, counterattacks, this is one of these hotbeds, it... who made a comparison between russian and ukrainian military personnel, frankly, not in favor of russian military personnel, now everything
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has completely changed, now even the new york times compares the two armies and says that the russian army is better armed, better motivated, and most importantly, not. .. they say that russian generals have become better than ukrainian ones. you know, the new york times, like many, so to speak, the main media of the west, have not enjoyed the authority of recognizing people for a long time, especially with the election of trump, they have completely gone crazy, but what is interesting to listen to is that an interview with eric was recently published online prince, famous military figure, american private contractor, tucker carlson. and here is tucker carlson, who is a knowledgeable journalist, erik prince, who is a very interesting person, but it is difficult to suspect him of any sympathy to russia, he said approximately the same thing, but
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with specific numbers: if at the beginning of a special military operation the russians needed about one and a half, or even 2 hours to strike back at ukrainian artillery, now they do it in one and a half minutes, yes, that the russians have learned to do a lot of things that, until some point , only ukrainians did. and he makes a forecast that this summer, it will be like the summer of russian victory, i don’t think that in this way he is trying to please the russian viewer or the russian listener, or trying to sort of pump up some cheap hype in the style of the new york times, but here is the assessment of a person who has gone through fire and water, copper pipes, it is expensive, it is expensive, and even in american intelligence, if you pay attention... to their recent statements, they clearly indicate that the task is not to defeat russia, but the task is to prevent
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the complete defeat of ukraine, which is not bad. it was a great game, we'll see you on air tomorrow. the participation of the ussr kgb border troops in the afghan war was first officially announced only on may 28, 2018. about those who fulfilled their duty in afghanistan and fought international terrorism. these high examples of military valor, honor, and unparalleled courage will never fade. will serve as a moral guide for those who stand and will stand guard over the borders of their homeland.
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well, so far only one comrade, before the start of the second world war, the situation on the southern border of the ussr sharply worsened, okay question. i’ll go, if you cover something, and if rankhan is waiting, as intelligence reported, maybe we’ll capture everything right away, comradely,
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personnel, one must regret whoever the leader takes the order, the leadership of nazi germany hoped to create a springboard in this region for the invasion of soviet transcaucasia. by 1939, iran's attempts to enter the territory had become more frequent. ussr, smugglers and german saboteurs. stand still, hands, weapons on the ground. in 1939 , vadim matrosov began his military service in the transcaucasian border district. after germany attacked the soviet union in august 1941, to reduce the german influence in the region and protection of the southern border, leadership. trossov would go through the entire war,
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become an army general and head of the border troops of the kgb of the ussr. the experience he acquired during the preparation for the entry of soviet troops into iran will help save thousands of lives 40 years later, during the war in afghanistan. the main milestone, no step back. in the seventies of the 20th century, the state border of the soviet union was the longest in the world. border troops of the kgb of the ussr, under the leadership of army general vadim aleksandrovich
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matrosov. they protect her on land and at sea. the ussr border with afghanistan stretched from iran to china, almost 2-5 km along mountain gorges, lakes and rivers, deserts and steppes, along the territory of the turkmen, uzbek and tajik ssr. for more than 200 years, afghanistan was in the zone of interests of the english crown. to protect british colonial india and expansion into neighboring lands, especially in central asia. all this time , great britain was competing with the russian empire for influence over its southern neighbor. in 1919, afghanistan declared complete independence from british influence and became the first the world recognizes soviet russia. after
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the end of the second world war. in 1964, hershah adopted a constitution that proclaimed freedom of speech, the right to education, and medical care. for the first time in the history of the country , women receive the right to uncover their faces and enjoy all the rights of a citizen. progressive changes caused strong opposition from the clergy, part of the military and a significant part of the unenlightened population. on july 17, 1973, taking advantage of the absence of the king in the country, his cousin brother, by the way, the former prime minister of the country, muhammad dawood, carried out a coup d'etat, but this government also had many opponents. in search of allies in the struggle for
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power. daoud concludes an economic assistance agreement with the united states. in april 1978, revolution breaks out in afghanistan. daud is killed, the ussr-backed people's democratic party comes to power. its head, nurmahamad taraki, signs an agreement of friendship and cooperation with the soviet union. help is being provided to afghanistan.
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pakistan and iran, this is a very difficult situation for afghans, is extremely beneficial for western countries. people torn from home and land ended up in accelerated training centers, turning from civilians into militants hired to kill. more than... western intelligence services are promoting the creation of opposition power by islamic committees, and entire regions are under their control. the topic of islamic fundamentalism was started by great britain back in the thirties, but
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they could not try it on. first department officer district headquarters, this topic, we called it the islamization of the central asian republics, it was under this flag, under this name, that our intelligence hid the plans of great britain and the united states, and their plans, and these plans were combined with the transfer of hostilities to the territory of the soviet union. by the end of 1979, the situation on the soviet-afghan border was becoming increasingly difficult. the situation on the border with afghanistan is becoming more complicated; attacks on our border guards by the ban formations have become more frequent; we need to be on alert;
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attempts to break through the border, the leadership of the border troops of the district demanded from us that the bandits, god forbid, go out into the border area. it was a threat for us. ponkov vladimir sergeevich. in afghanistan '79. he started with the rank of captain as the head of fire training for a gran detachment. and at the same time they demanded that we not use weapons. because the afghans could already adequately use weapons and... a civil war is raging in afghanistan. amin is afraid of losing power and turns to the leadership of the ussr for help, but at the same time he is leading secret negotiations with the usa and great britain.
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the leadership of the ussr made a difficult but necessary decision. december 25, 1979. we monitored the situation, the exchange of information in pogramojsk was worked out very carefully , all the nuances of the development of the situation in a particular area came to us as collections, analytical reports, where
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it was clear that if we did not enter there, the place would not be empty will be, others will definitely join there. border units ensure the safety of passage of units of the fortieth army. general leadership carried out by the task force. ussr ministry of defense, representatives of the general staff, chief of border troops, army general sailors. how is the army crossing the border going? the army command has no complaints against the border guards. great. but do not forget, such movement of units can allow border violators to get lost. orient the border squad to show it.
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ivan mikhailovich korabeinikov has been in afghanistan since 1983, starting with the rank of colonel as a deputy district chief of staff. shelling of border guards began, mining of our roads along the border began, attempts to seize border guards began, it was impossible to respond to these provocations with fire, because it was possible to turn your territory into a theater of military operations, the situation on the soviet-afghan border became.
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repel these aggressions while being on the territory
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of the soviet union, on the territory of the republics, say, tajikistan, turkmenistan, or we will do this while being on the territory of afghanistan. big difference. input command the first combined combat detachments into the territory of afghanistan, given on january 6, 1980. the terrain is difficult and the climate is harsh. in the mountains the temperature drops to -40, in desert areas it rises to +40. mostly volunteers participate. locations are selected taking into account the activity of the mujahideen. leadership, army general sailors takes over. i, in general, crossed the state border in a five-seater. boats across the panzh river, this is
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a stormy river, very stormy, it was dangerous to cross this line, we crossed well with pre-emptively, because, uh, we were washed up on the coastal sandbank, and it worked out well, they took up a firing position, restored communication, and then they began to move us in the same way. combined combat detachment, this operation, it took place in secret, because the border guards were crossing the state border and were intended to be there. officially, there are no soviet border guards in afghanistan, so when crossing the border, they are forced to take off their uniforms. this was an order from the center, meaning from the border troops, so that we would not be exposed. everyone walked around as if without shoulder straps. pyotr
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tikhonovich pereverzev began in afghanistan in 1980 with the rank of captain in the position of chief of logistics of a border detachment. everyone knew each other in the unit. subsequently , they put on shoulder straps in the army uniform, everything was as expected, and began to work for the army men. and we didn’t take off our army uniforms until the end. at the first stage, the main tasks.
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associates to carry out our tasks, naturally, we avoided the issues of extermination of people p
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the main task of armed gangs of formations is to set up the illiterate population against soviet union. after the entry of the fortieth army into afghanistan, propaganda squads of border guards travel along the entire border, trying to explain the essence of what is happening to convince people who mistakenly fell into gangs to surrender to the legitimate authorities, and, as is customary, go to negotiations without weapons. jool qishlog'i aholisi, men sovet chegara qo'shinlari ofitseri, sizlarga qomondonligim nomidan murojaat qilaman. february 13, 1980 a group of soviet border guards stop for negotiations in front of the village of jov. suddenly
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they open fire on the agitators. private sergei melnichenko serves in the maintenance platoon of the crane detachment, is listed as a gunsmith, walkie-talkie, but mainly sergei performs the duties of an uaz driver, carries a reconnaissance officer for the commandant’s office, and a captain. the first one, the first one, this is the third one, was attacked. twenty-year-old private sergei melnichenko was the first border guard to die during the afghan war.
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allow me, comrade army general, yes, well, what do you have? an attack on a propaganda detachment, killed private sergei milnichenko, the first of ours. army general sailors, a commander who not only knows about everything what's happening his death again proves that negotiations with bandits cannot solve the problem, the enemy’s meanness must be punished,
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well, let’s act like a great patriotic one. the future head of the border troops, vadim aleksandrovich matrosov, was sent to moscow in june 1941 to attend a junior lieutenant course at the higher school of the nkvd troops. in the first months of the great patriotic war, as part of the cadet division, vadim matrosov participated in the defense of the capital. at the turn of volokolamsk, mazhaisk, kaluga, maloyaroslavets. in 1942
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, sailors began serving as intelligence officers of the border regiment. the karelian front was the longest and did not have a continuous line, only pockets of confrontation. under these conditions , deep raids by soviet intelligence officers behind enemy lines were an effective way to combat finnish sabotage groups. lieutenant matrosov led the destruction of enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups and personally participated in ten long-range reconnaissance missions. marriage was...
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a unique training system in which he created border troops in the border troops he led the result is maximum and losses are minimal. aleksandrovich was an unquestionable authority in the border troops. boruchenko vladimir afanasyevich, in afghanistan since 1985, began with the rank of colonel as chief of staff of the district. under vadim aleksandrovich, special attention was paid to the boundaries of the border unit and the main attention to the training of commanders. at the beginning of the afghan war
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, border guards defend the border from well -trained bandits on both sides, combined combat detachments from the afghan, no deeper 15 km, together with afghan border guards and militias who, on their own with the bandits, did not... just capture them, hand them over to local authorities. the main task was to eliminate the leaders. one of the most
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influential leaders of the northern part of badakhshan province, abdul vakhop. local residents were terrified of the movement of this leader. the bloody leader of the gang was abdol wahob. the wakhoba gang controls several strategically important gorges. right on the border with soviet tajikistan, terrorizing the entire district. the afghan border commissioner decides to destroy the wahoba gang. soviet border guards provide their afghan militia colleagues with the necessary amount of weapons, ammunition and equipment. an order was given from moscow: to provide assistance, but to fight. get involved,
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the dushmans open fire back, one soldier falls, the other, perhaps they could have won, but they began to retreat, and then the militias ran, not even trying to shoot back, but what are they doing, they will kill them all. allow me, i’m from the sniper room, i can’t say yes, i allow it, this means breaking an order, so lieutenant, just go ahead, the sounds of sniper shots merge with the roar of battle, the afghan militias are saved, but they don’t even know who their savior is. thus, all attempts by the army of the democratic republic of afghanistan to resolve the issue of
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armed formations in the border areas turned out to be even, everything is free. army general sailors instructs to prepare and conduct the first large-scale operation of combined combat detachments in northern badakhshan. in february-march 1980 in the western world, by forces of units of the kharoksky, moscow pyanzh border detachments, as well as afghan border guards of the militia, operation mountain 80 began. a unit of three border detachments with thirty armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, under the cover of eleven mi-8 helicopters, in cooperation with the landing troops, eliminated the well-organized wakhoba gang, armed western weapons, part of
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the soviet border. combined combat teams conduct a series of operations such as spring 80, summer 80 and autumn 80 and dozens of others. along the soviet border the mujahideen have been cleared, strip 150 km long and 10 km deep. vadim aleksandrovich matrosov personally carried out planning of the operation and daily monitoring of its progress. as a result of well -prepared, precisely executed actions in the difficult natural conditions of northern afghanistan, combined combat detachments of border guards defeated about 20 gangs of formations, destroyed more than 2 thousand rebels, and seized more than 1,300
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firearms, mostly foreign-made. western assistance with weapons leads to the fact that bandits intensify their actions and become more attempts to cross the soviet border and shelling of border posts. having weighed all the risks, relying on experience, the head of the border troops of the kgb of the ussr, vadim matrosov, is developing an unprecedented plan, the creation of a buffer zone controlled by border guards. sailors comes to a meeting with the chairman of the ussr kgb, yuri androp. in his office is the minister of defense dmitry stinov, the chief of the general staff
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nikolai okarkov. here are the telegrams from the first secretaries. union republics, residents of border settlements are afraid that fighting between afghan groups can spread to soviet territory, it is necessary to send in border troops to create a buffer zone, as you suggest? we have already prepared the commissioning plan. it was signed by marshal agarkov and me, yuri vladimirovich. vladimir alexandrovich, i am ready to provide you with two motorized rifle divisions to strengthen the security of the state border, and act with them. we have our own motorized maneuver groups, we have air assault units that have proven themselves well, in addition,
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people, of course. motorized maneuver groups are not enough for us, we will also form airborne assault maneuver groups, prepare them, land from the air, and then we will go, ensure control to a depth of 100 km, i am not against it, let it kill its border guards, but not to 100 km, what kind of figure is this, let
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comrade marshal of the soviet union, yuri vladimirovich, provide a 500 km zone, we will beat the enemy on his territory, like with the finns, remember? yuri andropov, like matrosov, served in karelia during the great patriotic war and was responsible for recruiting personnel for the intelligence and sabotage work in the finnish rear, therefore he was well aware of the successes of the sabotage units where vadim
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alexandrovich served. let it be. but so that the mouse doesn’t slip through, it definitely won’t slip through, the size of the buffer zone has been chosen in general.
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this was my first combat mission. popkov, valery filippovich. in afghanistan since '82. he started with the rank of lieutenant as a helicopter navigator pilot. well , of course, we had a preparation program, we flew around there, i remember. they all flew to the mountains. and i got stuck here, i’m the commander, i say, i i don’t know where to put my fingers anymore. i say, i still seem to be lost. “everything is fine, i know everything here, there were points there, a bond post and a gulkhana, the commander worked, i was only present and observed, at the age of 19 i was left
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alone, why are you here, and not with your father on the ship? oh, yes, the theater, the reds will come, art will be banned." yes, this is a mule, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything on my own skin, the war passed her by, look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, but there can be only one great meeting, i’ll do it challenge, you will come to me, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you are making faces, marital status? say, i have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, without a family, without children, but i’m a pre-artist to the grave, you are a brilliant, dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it,
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ranevskaya, tomorrow after the program time, happy birthday to whom, leo nikolaevich tolstoy , on children's day, if there were no sima in cities and villages, we would never have known these happy days,
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a concert dedicated to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of composer evgeniy krylaty premiered on june 1 on the first we are ready to risk attention, says moscow, the habit was all molded. uh, closer to the bter, what happens is that this is an important target for the grenade launcher, the shells go to the right or left, hit the trench and people die, that ’s why i taught the officers categorically, it’s impossible, trenches must be dug away from armored personnel carriers, golokosenko alexander nikolaevich, in afghanistan since 1986, he started with the rank
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of captain as chief of staff of a motorized maneuver group. go ahead, look at the steps. for a month, training, shooting, adjusted the instrument guidance, set up a training camp for drivers and armored vehicle gunners. this is a phenomenal case that manifests itself, well, the genes are triggered, i don’t know what to apply. some term that worked, but what worked was exactly what was instilled in us by our parents, our ancestors; the first seven groups will ensure control in the administrative centers of the border zone. the first major transport-landing operation of the air force was to cover the troops - valley 82, the task was to deploy units of the border troops in strategically important points, under the cover of an air group of 18...
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but our pilots find a way out, they fire at the tops of the mountains, provoking avalanches and rockfalls in places where bandits are concentrated. we were walking somewhere at an altitude - probably 8-10 m. lipovoy sergei anatolyevich, in afghanistan since 1984, began with the rank of lieutenant as a helicopter navigator pilot. the lower you press to the ground, the greater the chance that you will not be knocked down.
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surprisingly, no other punishment had the same effect as this warning that you will withdrawn from, uh, service in afghanistan, they begged me not to make such a decision under any circumstances, that’s how high the responsibility was. in 1982, over 240 military operations were carried out, about 8,000 bandits were destroyed and captured. 90 weapons warehouses, 130 caches of almost 300 weapons are destroyed. they are being created on the territory of afghanistan. under the leadership of army general matrosov , border guards who have never fought on foreign soil before, despite brutal clashes with bandits, the most difficult terrain and difficult climate, create a buffer zone along
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the entire border, about 2,500 km. the center of gravity of the armed struggle in northern afghanistan has shifted. from the border to the well-fortified garrisons of border guards in the administrative centers, at the same time the inhabitants of the border areas, both the soviet and the afghan side, were protected, it can quite deservedly be said about vadim aleksandrovich that he fought like suvorovsky and matrosovsky, not in numbers, but in skill. the enemy is experienced, knows the terrain well and is well armed. detailed required. any elaboration, even the smallest operation and the accuracy of the implementation of decisions made, this is the only way we can avoid unnecessary losses, there are no trifles in war, everything, before communication, vadim aleksandrovich matrosov
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created a training system in which each border guard is able to solve a combat mission not only as part of a group, but in alone, this requires special... skills, one of the most important is the ability to analyze and make independent decisions. operational security thinking, it is typical for any border guard, especially for the leader, and the general of the sailors army for he followed this very carefully, by the way, he also came from intelligence, without obtaining the most accurate and reliable data, not a single border leader made any decisions spontaneously or so for eight...
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in the eighty-third year he began with the rank of captain in the position of head of the engineering department of a border detachment , or they used plastic bottles, poured saltpeter powder into them, and so on, or they simply made these bags, or the bags were similar. against border formations, as well as units fortieth army, dushmans use the most modern weapon ammunition supplied to afghanistan with the help of...
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dogs go out onto the road, the fact is that the dog not only spent, it also senses human odors well, but usually the dog must sit right in the place where a mine was installed, but there were dogs with character that could make a circle, run around, play, sometimes we even asked,
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well, please, sit closer, but we have to dig, we will have to dig through everything later, well, the dog makes such a playful bow, them there is such a one bowing. and closes the circle, sits down to supply weapons to the afghan mujahideen detachments for their training as part of the cia's operation cyclone, the united states provided about $20 billion. in 1982 , in the pakistani city of peshawar, with the help of american and british intelligence services , the peshwar seven were created.
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intelligence not only in afghanistan, but in neighboring pakistan and iran. thanks to this, it is possible to reveal the details of the cia's operation cyclone. if we talk about recruitment, well, the study went on for quite a long time. zorin alexander ivanovich. in afghanistan, in 1980, he began with the rank of senior lieutenant as an officer in the intelligence department of the grand detachment. then it was possible to somehow decide whether this person is more or less suitable for some kind of operational source of information. you must find common ground with him. he must be interested in you either ideologically or psychologically. yankauskas. romos yaoozo has been in afghanistan since '82, starting with the rank of senior
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lieutenant as a deputy, the head of the operational group, no matter what the enemy is, you need to look for common ground with him, you need to communicate, you need to talk, but only during the period of dialogue you can understand what he is, ours worked well. intelligence officers and political workers took part in it, who, with a supply of kerosene, with
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a supply of grain, flour, sometimes even lavash, went out to populated areas, took it all apart with pleasure, you understand, and told us thank you, come in, comrades, don’t be afraid, at every one of our garrison, outside, we built medical stations. and at these outpatient medical stations, doctors were treating sick afghans around the clock. we left a garrison in the liberated region of kishlak. they ensured order, ensured the functioning of the people's power, the central government in all these territories that we liberated. to perform the most difficult tasks of maintaining order in the buffer zone. border guards require special technical equipment. vadim aleksandrovich matrosov
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pays great attention to this issue. about everyone designers and engineers will instantly recognize the details. we entered afghanistan at buffets, this is a civilian helicopter, absolutely not covered by any armor or anything, with a bare cockpit. the factories very quickly rebuilt everything the pilots wanted, so they quickly did it. the cabin was completely covered with armor, the vital components of the helicopter were covered with armor, the helicopters were special -purpose electronic reconnaissance, that is , we had operators sitting inside the cabin, they listened to the air and, accordingly, these frequencies, and naturally we detected where coordinates, here are these bandit groups, where the radio station is there is the commander, and where the commander is, there it is... it doesn’t continue,
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the mujahideen need weapons, clashes with bandits are inevitable, border formations engage them in battle, so sergeant, car, let’s listen, tovach mine, listen, so someone is there, judging by the terrain no further than 5 km, so we turn the car at the end of 1985.
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the movement of smugglers along the radar pass in the varduzh gorge causes special concern among the leadership of the border troops. way, through which most of the caravans with weapons from pakistan passed through, they came from pakistan and from iran, but there was such a complete internationalism, the mines were american, italian, english, there the number of mujahideen armed with the best western weapons was about a thousand people, the valley cannot be liberated by separate border formations, a seriously prepared operation is required. the head of the border troops, general of the army sailors, considers it necessary to carry out in the vardush valley outside the zone of responsibility of the border troops, an operation exceptional in its power. a military group and an aviation regiment of the eastern border district are involved in the operation in cooperation with a motorized rifle regiment of the fortieth army.
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the preparation of a strategically complex operation is carried out under leadership.


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